Minutes - 08/23/1983 - Board of Trusteesf s`
6 Y iLt.A09 Of OAK 54M
August 23, 1943
i °hr R08111"r Meetins, of the Board of T'ruateen nras ,galled to prder at 700 F.M. by
Clerk Lakoi4ll in the Samuel R. pent, 8(mrd Room of clre VjjtARe Co @.
1. ROI.f, CALL:
PR1 REt��': `fruntoon Walter C. Tmrle
Robert 9. Listeck!
Arthur W. PhItip
Joseph N. Rush
ABSENT: Trustees Ronald P. Maher
William R. Watson
Proaldvilt Wence F. Carne
Truster Rush moved, meronded by Trustee L %stecki ...
To appoint Trustee Philip to nerve as President Pro -Tom for this wating.
VOICE VOTE: All present. In favor.
So ordered.
Trustee TmrIe, moved, secondad by Trustee Rush ...
That the Minutes of the committee -of- the -Whale Meeting of August R. 1983
be approved as submitted and waive reading of same.
VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor.
So ordered.
Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Rush ...
That the,Minutes of the RaAular Feting of August 9, 1983 be approved
no submitted and waive reading of mama.
VOICE VOTE: All present, In favor.
So ordered.
No hus Laeas
A. .Lnvme€�t ss:
Truatee Ricoh moved, seconded by Trustee imrto ...
To approve and ratify the f"lloMltts Investment From the Corporate Fund;
One fadeiral"l,y secured cartifieste of deposit in rile awtint of $300,00.00
ro mature tit Standard ##dotal Osvinrgs and loan on February lb, 1984 at +�
rate of 9.82. (177 days),
R61 X CALL "VOTKi Aysas Tr4;0 a Imrie¢ LIntackl, Phfllp and h;so►-
Ways$ pono
Aboent i Trustees Mnheir and Watsat) and Pr+eaideflt CoifWa
So ordered.
Trustee Nualf wv4d, seconded by Trustee 14WIC ...
T41 Opprovs;r end rat l ty tltn f ul, M ing investment froa the 0orpairatei Fund6
Y v f
. VII.GC OF OAK U001 Mtav4Mta
Aalsttfat< 23• 13185
tlsaa tedoraal ly a'avc'urvd certificate of deport -t to the aamount oaf $300,000,00
to mature at St,sndasrd Federal Savin89 and Loan on Febraaatry lb, 1904 art. as
rat@ of 9.82. (177 dayaa).
ROLL (.'AM, V079t Ayon: I'rusteas Im'rie, Linteckl, Philip and Rush
N4ya: Maas
Abbent,: Tr: atom Maher and Wataton and President Carne.
So ordered.
Treaeatarc- Rains %oved, i4evanded by Troateae Torlo . „.
'ro approve and ratify the f'ol lovin8 invastment from the Reserve fc Capital
One federally augured certificate or dapogit in thu +amolInt of $138,000.00
to reatcare at Paathwaay Ftnaancsi,all Savings and Loam on December 29, 1983 at a
rate of 9.75%. (128 d.aya).
ROM, CAi.I'. VOTF: Ayes; Truaateco I'mrie, Liaatecki, Philip and hush
Nays: None
Abornt: Tcnstoeq Maher and Waataon and President. Cerne
So ordered.
A. Retzonmudatlan — Acceptance of Did — Fires Fiamper/Wntsr Tower -
feel is
Two (2) bids were received on July 20, 1983.
Trustee l.iaatecki tanved, sarondcd by Trustee Rush ...
To award the contract for the 1750 GPM Fire Pumper /Water Tcstaftaa; to the lowest
cpualif led biddgr meeting spec if teat ions. Peter Pi.rach and Sons Company,
Ks "Weha, Vlaceiiiiin, represented by Michael J. Dalton Co., in the total
ammint of $211,562.02.
ROLL CALL Mgt Ayes., Trustees Imr1aa, Ustec;ki, Philip and Rush
Nayst None
Absent:: Trustees Ma ber and Watoon and Arealdent Carne
So ordered.
13. A r_aaapernt for Waal ar Servi,ra � Vi.l,da a of Hinadaala end Vil.l. ae of Qak Bracvk
M9{vf �'Da.NY vMrewM.wwnnwmw.N.an•umsp.
., i9�watertri'tccnotcrn � Pi'ca aar.,,,....« - ��t ],C rte"°
PropoR ec! 48reawnt 4up+ereadea the previous agreementa of April 20# 1982 and
VRavaabarr It 1974 ar. th correctionaa and amendmanta as authorfx*4 at that Regular
looting of April l7, 19S`l.
Trustee Im le wcav+ect, Rrcotaded by Trust.ev+ i.fal.oaa:ki
r .
To Morava the Agra rat for Wot,eir Service i,n the forts ouhm4�red and authorize
tho P'rootd#At and Mark tee 094ocutro sa Ld Igreima llt;.
ROIJ. CAM, V(Y'%a Aupal Trusteen Imr1e, Llawkl, Philip and Rush
Bays t 10000 r
Aboont z Trust ava #Ohqr and Watoon Atd Prootdont (lame
So ordered,
t;. r I'r "sr 8Ub I+r t� -
frow oe laatrty @d' 04160 600 by "fra.Estee Rush ...
tit1,l1� l�fla�s,tss+ 'V 20
nul"ta t 230 too)
VILLAGN OF OAK BROOK Minuta I «3,. August 23. 1983
St 3 �-
To approve the final plat of Ofter'a Subdivision waiving the requirements for
street lig,hta, curb and Sutter, sidewalks and ahouldors and storm newer and
direct that Attorney to prepare the required resolution.
ROLL (:ALL VOT93 Ayess Truaarees lmrie, Listocki. Philip and Rush
Nay*: None
Absent: Trustees Maher and Watson and President Carpe
So ordered.
D. Recvmmendntion - A,ccetance of Bid Painting of Traffic 81 nal Posts,
Mash and Control, Cabinets:
Two bids were received on August 12. 1983.
Trustee lmrie moved, seconded by Trustee L iatecki ...
To award the contract for the cleaning and painting of Traffic Signal Posts,
Mast Arms and Control Cabinetry at the .specified six (6) fnt6reections to
S. Meltzer & Suns in the total amount of $12,983.00.
ROLL. CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees lmrie. Liatecki, Philip and Rush
Mays: None
Absent: Trustees Maher and Watson and President Cexne
So ordered.
E. 1913 Paving Project d83 -1106 Babson Brothers Oak Brook A reeament 2100 York Road):
Proposed agreement relates to a ten (10') foot widening of- Clearwater Drive
near Baboon Bros. truck dock area.
Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Rush ...
To approve the ASreement for Improvement of Clearwater Drive as submitted
and authorize the President and Clerk to execute said agreement.
ROIL CALL VOTE: Ayres: Trustees 1mr1e. Liatecki, Philip and Rush
Nays: Bone
Absent: Trustees Maher and Watson and President Cerny
So ordered.
A. Modification of Traffic Signals - 22nd Strout and York Road:
An discussed at the Regular Meeting of April 26. 1983, proposals were solicited
to modify the traffic signals to allow for better traffic flow.
Trustee Imris PKwed, seconded by Trustee Rush ...
To accept the proponal for the traffic signal modification at 22nd Stireaet /York
Road from Pinner Electric Company in the total amount of $2.4 73.00.
901,1. CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees lmrie, Listacki, Philip and Rush
Noya: N,)"s
Absent: Trustees Maher and Watson and President Carna
So ordered.
i;. 8a�'s To rooler-y - ten on
of 'f or r Parki a I" J
Jf t _ _ �_ d Ilea d t,esf�l�d :
An 11eermlCLed at th, Reptolaer Heeting tit ,July 23, 19010 temporary porking oo
Northern l I l itrtrtn Gees Company (141 Oaa) stroperty ndjaore of td, roub v(� t properly
oxplres Ss�pte*mbet I , 19 3. F e
Tr(oatee l.istackt wvedt seconded by Trustee Philip ..
VILI AN Of OAK 8100K Hinotesr
. August. 33, Its)
VILLAGE OF OAK BR0X)X Hinu o* VW4• 109L Aulluat 23, 1983
9-01941) 1p
• To grant on chtonoton of tiow to October l,° 1983 for the temporary porkJnX of
vehicles on "I G40 proporty.
ROLL VAL1, VOTFz Ayots, Trootaeu 144tackj and Philip
Nayv: Trumtoon 1mrie and Ruph
Absent; Triistees Maher and Watson and President Cerne
motto" failed.
H. 1983 -to
..L)rjjSct 183 -1801 Change Order 01 & #2
1) Trwitea larie movod, tieconded by Trustee Listacki, ...
To approve Change Order #1 with Moto Construction Compony, Inc. for the
conatr4ction of an asphalt Pedestrian/Bicycle Path between 22nd Street
and the north Windsor Drive cul-de-sac. and the nouthenat corner of
04k Brook Road and .brio Boulevard In the amount of 03.071.00
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trisateam 7mrio, Listacki, Philip and Rush
Noy*; None
Ahwentt Truetoes Maher and Watson and President Carne
$o ordered.
2) Trustee Imris so-, d, seconded by Trustee Rush ...
To approve Change Order #2 with Mole Constructton Company, Inc. for the
construction of a Pedestrian /Bicycle Path in the right of way on Oak Brook
Road cost from Meyers Road for Approximately 300 fast to the amount of
$2,900.00. 4 %
BOLL CALL VOTE: Ayes; Trustees [mrie, Llateckl, Philip and Rush
Nays: None
Absent: Trustees Maher and Watson and Preafdent Carne
So ordered.
1. Report of Activitlest
1. finance & Llbrarys Trustee Ruah - No report.
2. Paroonucl: Trust,ec Maher -
Trustee Inirle movod. ascondad by Trustee Rush
To amend the Salary Adminlatracton Plan by modifying the current special
datntl rate for Patrolman/Firofighters from $15.00/hour to 017,00/hour with
a minimim of $35.00 for any detail.
ROLL CALL VOT19#0 Ayesl '1rimcovs4 1mrip, 13fjtv(+f, 11billp and Rush
way"$ None
00#ft: Tr4weas "ahar and Watson and Prosida►it Corns;
So ordered.
3. ptlkr r 00f Troffics Triintgo Ustecki - Police Departmot received
i#9'Y_(M'ntt0(1 4W@rd from the Am@ria4m Autombile Asa*cfatlon4
4. Public VorW Trustee (mrta - Repair of Wall 01 completod. paving of
V(;;&1 o _6t,a too i4trooto horn begun. No shortage of wator, even when
pumping 6 million gallons Ivor dAY.
5. fteyr
.ka �` trp,,j Truotee PhItip - 1AWn 00nditiong good Dift golf course but
poor a# polo (101do.
6, Tfoottwe Vata,,,t - No report.
WMAGN Of OAr� $11tM Ifintotest A.4" August 21, 1"1
u Krc `t Fa
w 9
August 23. 1903
A. National Tolich, Football
C eN Jahul
uiscuaalft on tournament to be hold on October 8 & 9 and the request from the
aosociatipa to handle their own beer and food concession with the intent of
raising additional funds for the March of Dimas chai-ity, with the Village
receiving, 10 percent of the grope concession rocaip +Ms. 11tio request weal
denied with sugSoetions $$Vern to the ,association to seek other means of
Increasing the gross receipts.
S. Robin Rood Ranch .. Soorm Somrs
Discussion of polfcy related to repairing private lawn sprinklers disrupted by
the construction activity related to the now storm sorer installation.
Trustee Philip moved, seconded by Trustee Listecki ...
On this project whore temporary easements are being reequeeted, that the repair
of any sprinkler system damaged on either temporary or permanent casements,
that the storm sower contractor be responsible for repairing any sprinkler
systems damaged and that this be included in the bid specifications.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Imrie, Untescki and Philip
Nays: Trustees Rush
Absent: Trustees Maher and Watson and President Cerne
So ordered.
C. 02an Forum:
No one appeared.
D. Referral:
With no objections, the following application was referred to the Zoning Board
of Appeals meeting of September 6, 1983:
1) Cowkpute7r Sciences Corp. - Parking 6 Loading Variations (815 Commerce Drive)
Tro:st:ea Mush moved@ seconded by Trus;e+es Imrie ...
To ,adjourn this meeting. TIME: 9tI0 P.M.
V �
war, la"Il AA A
Via►nge Clark
CA rh-
VILWX Ot OAK Nieref'es I3, 1963
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