Minutes - 08/24/1965 - Board of TrusteesVILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MIMUTES OF AXWST 24.S065 I ROLL CALL The meeting was catled 4a order at 8:07 P.M, by Village President T A, Mohlwn, All Trustees were present except Trustee Barton II READING OF Ffil.dNES Trustee O'Brien moved - eee -onded by T rusto Hayes That reading of the minutes of Augudt ILO, 1965, be suspended and that the otnute s be accepted and approved ae submitted V-3i,r a vote all if, favor So ordered. III I'll RCINAJOES, RESOLUTIONS, ElA3MATIONSf, REZONINGS; ETC A- Baumnak Reauest for Variation _____'fib IwlWdpp. .110...r President Nbhtwn lead a "_et rer fam 'k- S, E- Dear :6 Chaiamas of the Oak Brook Tian Commission, dated Augusta 17, 1965, which approved the above request. This petition win be an the agenda of the Oak Brook Zoning Board of Appease on September 7, 1965, for a public 'hearing. B. Mrizek, Gordon, BLI! ,, -ChjjMtta and KaZ Petition for Rea�1.. Qomg President MabXma raad a Letter from Mr. S. E. Dana Chairman -E the Oak Brook Plea Comi,sajog, dated August 17, 1965 0 whicdi daaied the above petition and suggested that it be tabled until a later date. Resident Mohlmaa directed that the petitioners be so informed, This petition will be on the amends of the Oak Brook Boning Board of Appeals can September ', I96S, for a public hearing, G Ordinance S -98 Amending lid Limit O>srdiyence S-80 a ..rrsolan.nbtmbs�.. 1pl�wrbd.Imm11 Miativas4 Ie�e Trustee O'Brien roved - sezonded by 'Trustee Hayes That Ordinance S-98, amending Ordinance S -60, esttaeb &isbi,ag toad Limits on certain streets, roads and public ways within the Village of Oak gook., be approved aced adopted by tta e Sri L gage board 8.'24/65 Paige ! III ORDTNAMES a ETC, (Continued) A reating has been scheduled for 7 :30 P.M., Thuraday, September 2nd % 19659 to discuss the proposed amodmnt to the Oak Brook Zoning Ordinance with At -orney Catkins and Yxv ateemhaf. o Trustee HmelL requsetew that Bach trustee tm supplied witb a list of changers %:o s% dy is .advance of said meting. IV REPORT OF OFFICERS A. Building Oe nt RMrt Truntee HamIL reed that ATterney Dowwa boa been in cmtect with the Buller attorneys aed ,p to ®a to ppreenot an a ebte connect at the next regular boead NO�tingo 0/24/65 Pap 3 Y OLD HUSINCSS (Continued) ®, SqUad Car Lassinx- After discussion, It was decided that anL iet Leasing of squad ears be subject to a published annomcament and sealad bids according to the village purchasing; ordina:we. S. Gak 37;* DO ILO at Comnana - D14mk Forest subdivis WRCw Trustee Hewa 1 L moved o seconded by Trustee O Q Sriea � . . That the viW,.ge board accept U.S. Tressury Bills to the ammat of X02009,000.00 as sevurity in lieu of a performance bond fav improvema is in Break Forest (Base Fars) Planned Commisity P Phase 1). These U. Ss Trea=7 Bills are to be deposited it eaorm with the Oak Brook Oeve lopmat Cempany's bank is aeeordame wie an agreement to be approved as to fora) by tke village attoruey. Roll Cat L Votes Ayes Trustees Havey, Hayea4 RawatIq O88rien. Resswan and Prresid+ent Mah1ma. nsyes Absent r Trustee Barton So wderad. Tru -tee 0 Q Dria% moved seconded by Trustee Havey... That the viLlage board approve the f naL plat of the ftse Fare) Kanned C ass ®:qty 4 Phase 2, subject to the acoaptame of the abwe saationed U. S. Treasury Bills. Roll Call Votes Ayes - Tsusteea Havey, Hopes, Nowe11, 0 "Brten, Rearm :end President MhLman. Hayes A None Absent Trustee Barton S® ordered. F. Eire AL&rma ALext Sratem Trustee Reesman reported that there would be a five week delay in the Illinois Belt Telephohe Comiany at &= alert system. V1 NEW BUSYNESS As Traffic Signal at TrineStata. mW Cermak Road President F &Imes read a letter frm W. Ca A. Beieao OdistrIat engineer of the State of Illinois De a�rtsant of Pdbl£, Works and Buildings regarding tr•�aff$e rights at Tri -State Tellway and Cermak Read. this letter was passed on to' Attormay Dwers for his r dations e B e Dupage Cosa) 3 -min Board of A La Hegwiqs on _ �a a an ftoLs e4se )gear imiand Avenue; President Nk&lwa read a notice dated Augaat 16, 1965, frim the DuPage County wing Board of App"La announcing a pablie hearLng regarding the above )sent lamed property on August 25, 19659 at 7:30 P.M.. at the Oleabard Fire Station. C. dG 111i &= a se SID Reg L.Eaewo11 6/24/65 go 4%— Page 4 VI NEW NSINESS D. P*UeL 0aak Brook Terrace Presidert Mahlwan presented as paropo sar 1 from the Vi3.La p of Oak Brook Terrace for p*lice protection of a contract: basic. T, -u3tee Howell morel , seconded by Trustee OQBrfen. e That the above proposal be Pelted. Voice vote - all in favor. Sao ordered, F. torso William Boyd.-- "WeLcom Serrice" i � aai s/f\ \Y■! /� YY ®NYYOI+a /OY IIIwR \iYRY�I�IdOYa� We, William Boyd presented *V81CM* Seartvicoa-'° Oak Brook hostess We. M. A. Kly to the village board and requested village cooperation in the operation of her service Fe Yorkshire Wnds a Street Lance alrr\a■I ,mw■Yr YYIwa�+Y1 b President Mahlaasn read a raquest fat ®m Mrs. Walter Clay,, social chairman of the Yorkshire Woods Pxopeaty Owners Association, dated August 20, 1965, regarding the clooLng of, as street. T'rn atee Haaveg moved 9 seconded by Trustee HoarelL.. o That the reaqueat of this aa:sseciaatiom to block off Park ATe[ nue the might of Septconber 18, 1965. between the hours of SM P.M. and 12:30 A.M., be granted. Voice vote m all t a favor. So ordered. 0. Pr iysate We l l as YaIRY■Y��CR OCd �R■�� Mr. Norman Steenhhof presented a request on babaLf of W. Robert Rods for permission to install as well, an his property at lot 118 in York Woods. The viltaage attorney was requested to study this request and present his recomnandations to the village beard. 13. ILUmA s Comarce Commission - Waast Tome Bus C PMa�i\I.>m\ Msuiadr o IRS Iy�ri!■i■fr■IRI \IY(/fR/■ RMtir�Mi1■■O/w Village Attorney Sewers stated that the vitt age: of Oak Brook recaived Document Loo 49518 from the Illinois Cc xmrce CanLesion stating that the West Tcun s Bas company wilt take over the >raaxataes of the Leyden Motor Coa ab Company. Trustee Roseman moved seconded by Trustee 09brien a . That the above ant Nod 498 ".8 from ties Illinois Cemefte Comission be plaacea on file. Voice vote a aL L in favor. So ordered. $s Village office Furniture President MALman announced that Trustee Howell, through the courtesy of his company, had arranged to present the village office with several items of roars it me o and thanked W. Hmn l L on behalf of the V3.11age, Truaavee Hewa tt moved aecoasaded by Trustee Hayes... isnAOt this meeting x± aijovrnedo Voice vote: all in faavcar. So ordered. Weis aaaee:t£ng ad journsd at 16 &53 Pot[, HeaspectfuLly submitted, Lorrat" 8■ Frisk Villoge Clark 8/24/165 VILLAGE OF OA.K. BROOK OAK. BROOK FLOAD HINSDALE, ILLINOIS PAnuLrr 3-3211 AUGUST 3, 1965 BUILDING ACID USE PERMITS ISSUFM DURING JULY, 1965 Monthly report of the OakBrook Building and Zoniag Department covering building and use pet-mite for the month of July, 1965, for b►iildings to be erected in the Village of OakBrook . No. of me c' Mae Permits V_ alue Dwellings 7 1273 000.22 Remodel Dwellings 2,�,, Garages and Sheds Business Buildings 2 X701.494.00 Add. to Business Buildings Churches Add. to Churches Add. to Seminaries Schools Add. to Schvcls Private Swimming Pools Separate Electrical Permits 1 Separra.-e Sewage Disposal Syst,,m & Repairs Separate Wells 250.00 'Iew Sewer & Water Connections Signs Zoning Permits Xiscelleneous Permits TOTAL 14 _ A ,a444.00 c' + pDV r' g'. 2 OF OAK BROOK '#a 1K M00;A, iLOAD hINSDALRde ILLINOIS Mavwr $•3$11 Number of Inspections made by Building Department Month of July, 1965 Footings and Foundations 7 Framing 4 Plumbing 13 Electrical 11 Final b Total Inspections 41 Number of phone calla received concerning buildings, zoning, etc. 130 a VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK OAK BROOK ELOAD HINSDALE, ILLINOIS PAcuLTT 3 -3311 =a AM r &RDUA SEI - J=z..r If{ oMRYiK Permit No. 432 - Lot 70, York Woods Mr. Nicholas Kitsos, 1601 S. 19th St., Maywood, Illinois Permit No. 439 - Lot 75, York Woods Mr. B. Antoniolli, Berwyn, Illinois Permit No. 440 - Lot 26, York Woods Mr. and Mrs. L. Tibensky, 10311 Kipling, Westchester, Illinois Permit No, 442 - Lot 18, York Woods Mr, and Mrs. R. Fayles, 3028 Dohie Lane, South Fort Mitchell, -K,sntucky Permit No. 445 - Lot 64, Ginger Creek Mr. and :Ira. R. Winter, 807 61st Street, Downers Grove, xllinois Permit No. 448 - Lot 187, York Woods Mr. and Mrs. F. Gagliano, 334 W. St. Charles Road, Villa Park, Illinois Permit No. 450 - Lot 6, Franzese Subdivision Antonio Franzese, 602 N. Brainard Avenue, LaGrange Park, Illinois