Minutes - 08/25/1970 - Board of Trusteesn P °95- -7 0
August 25, 1970
The rtgul&L ameting wow ca lam# to order at 8:00 P.M. by
President t3can. All trustees were present.
Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by 'Trustee Rush...
That the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of
August 11th. 1970, be suspended and that they be accepted
ar. submitted.
Voice vats - all in favor. So ordered.
N. Nick Kallens, Lot 10 Central Industrial Plaza
Setback a at ors Ordinance MR
E&ch trustee Brae provided with a copy of a propcoad ordinnce
which Presidents Beata read granting a forty Soot fit yard
setback on Loll: 10 in the Central IndusttrialL plaza.
Estee Rush snowed - seconded by Trustee Hayes...
That Ordinance S -208 be passed and approved by the village
Roll Call Vote t Ayes - Trustees Congreve, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien,,
Roseman, Raaah and President Dean.
Hayes - None So ordered.
9. ftm sed Amendment to Ord. G-60 - Parking 2ttges
Each trustee was provided with a memos fzm Administrator
Drhausen. dated August 20th, 1970, stating that the matter of
enclosed parking standards had been referred back to GPRC for
their re- evaluation by the plan cemmission and that the plan
c=uissian further i ecommended that the matter of surface
parking etandasds go to public hearing.
True -T.00 Rowell moved - seconded by Tr astee Coagr "
That the recommendation of the plan commiggim be acted
upon and that the vi .gage attorney prepare a legal notice
for publication an September 17th, 1970, for a public hearing
before the Oak Look Zoning board on October 6th, 1970, to
cousider the matter of surface parking standards as a pesible
amencbmat to Ordinance G --6c1.
Voice vote - all in favor.
So ordared.
C. pro sed. Amendment to Ordinance G -37 - Flood Plain
ch trustee was provided with a copy of a letter from Plan
Cocniesion Chairean Swain. dated August Lath, l0W?O, roe icg
the incLusion of an nwirdmmt to the Subdivision VAgulat$en
Ordiss*ace, Section IV C 9® regarding flood ptain ate.
Estee Rush eyed - second by Trustee Hayes.,..
That the village attormy prqWra a legal notica for peabli.
estion ore September h^d, 1976, for a public hag.
the Oak Brook Plate des ion ca Saptmbar 21st 19706 to
conai der the tatter of man&ag orainaftee 0-37 In regard
to flood plain am&$.
Voice Vote - all La fevor. S® altered.
Page 2
D. 1969 -70 AvDrvvrLat on Yrc fear Ordinance 8,409
Each trustee was orsvided with e c of a yr sed ordinance.
prepared by Auditor Dolan, tramsfer Mg certain appropriations
made by the Amual Appropriation Ordinance for the f iseal year
1969 -7th.
Trustee O*Drfan moved - soconded by Trustee Rush...
That Ordioanot 8-209 be sed and spur b the village
board subject to the l��iaa of tt it orda nand by the
Pa*oioUeet and Board of Trusteas of the W1149e of Oak BEr
as follows :" to be inserted after the first par rah on the
pressed ordinanes.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes; - Trustees {ice, RgrMt Ali. t O t Brien,
Rases, Rasa ased President team.
Hesges - Hone Be ordered.
A. 22nd and Route 83 - S 1 ftrovemmt
Admtniatrator U hausen reWested that this matter be tablet&
and the president and bird concurred.
a. GPRC Plannim Plate Contract daunt
Each trustee was prmdded with a mmaranftm fry Administ:ra%er
Urbausen, rlatsd A at 209 197O. togather with a suggested
contract woondment by and between the M?sa" of Oak Brook
General plaMIA9 and Resource Consultants, Inc.
Trustee Nowell wed - ceded by Trsute a Rmh...
That Adminfatretor OrFau ' a re tier be approved
and that the president and clerk be authorized to affix
,heir signatureg to the deement entitled n0antract for
Profeimional Planning Asuietance,•4 by and bed the
Village of Oak Brook and General Planning and o
Cosnsu tact s , Ine .
Roll Call vote: Ages m Trusts s Congreve, Ham, X11 1,
B oss�n , Rush Wkd President Dean.
Wages - Trustee U° Brien So ordered.
A. October 9-4 Oak Brook CanmunL Z Horse Sbaw Liquor Mc ue,
A letter was received frse lem. 'Prat Lakoail, Assistant
Secretary of the 1970 G.ek Brook Commmity Horse Shy e$titg
a 48 -&us r liquor iieeese.
Trustee Congrevve eswed d seeded by Trustee O'Brien...
That a 48 -hour Class B liquor License be issued to the 1970
Oak Brook COMMity Horse Shoes and that the 120.00 fee be
Roll CPII vote: Awes a Trustees Congreve, Hayes, Hwell, O'Driean,
Roesmm, Rush and P ry o ident. Dom.
i ogee - Mone So ordered.
VII antor
President Dean adJewmed this ateting at 8 :22 P.M.