Minutes - 09/09/1986 - Board of Trustees`l m r VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING September 9, 1986 MEETING CALL: - The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by President Cerne in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Village Commons at 7:30 P.M. _ - I. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: President Wence F. Cerne Trustees Karen M. Bushy Walter C. Imrie Ronald P. Maher - Arthur W. Philip H. Richard Winters ABSENT: Trustee Joseph H. Rush H. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Trustee Philip moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... That the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 26, 1986 be approved as Y presented and waive reading of same. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. III. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. RESOLUTION NO. R-419 RESOLUTION OF APRECIATION - ANTHONY A. ANTONIOU (23 Baybrook Lane): President Cerne read in its entirety a proposed resolution commending Anthony A. Antoniou for his service to the Village as a member of the Plan Commission from 1980 to 1986. Trustee Philip moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... Tb pass and approve Resolution No. R-419 as presented. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. B. RESOLUTION NO. R -420 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION - JOHN B. KELLY, JR. (121 Timberview Drive): President Cerne read in its entirety a proposed resolution commending John B. Kelly, Jr. for his service to the Village as a member of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners fran May, 1985 to May, 1986. Trustee Imrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To pass and approve Resolution No. R-420 as presented. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. C. RESOLUTION NO. R-421 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION - LEONARD LOJEWSKI (3004 Lincoln Road): President Cerne read in its entirety a proposed resolution commending Leonard Lo3ewski for his service to the Village as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals from June, 1985 to October, 1985. Trustee Winters moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... To pass and approve Resolution No. R-421 as presented. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -1- September 9, 1986 vh k- 1{ VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -2- September 9, 1986 D. ORDINANCE NO. 6-386 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 9 -13(a) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAR BROOK RELATIVE TO THE DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS OR AIR RIFLES; SHOOTING WITH BOW AND ARROW: Proposed ordinance places restrictions on shooting with bow and arrow. Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Winters... To pass and approve Ordinance No. G-386 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Lnrie, Maher, Philip and Winters. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Rush So ordered. E. ORDINANCE NO. 6-387 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 7 -2 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK RELATIVE TO LIBRARY FEES AND CHARGES: Proposed ordinance increases the non - resident family, student and senior citizen library card fees. Trustee Lmrie moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To pass and approve Ordinance No. G -387 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Lmrie, Maher, Philip and Winters. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Rush So ordered. F. ORDINANCE NO. G-388 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING G -177, THE TRAFFIC CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS, AS AMENDED, AND PROVIDING FOR REGULATION OF TRAFFIC AT THE INTERSECTION OF HUNT CLUB DRIVE AND OAK BROOK ROAD (31st STREET): As directed at the Committee -of- the -Whole Meeting of September 8, 1986. Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Winters... To pass and approve Ordinance No. G-388 as amended to add "Monday through Friday" after the time in Section 2 (6 ) and (7) . ROLL CALL VOTE': Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Lmrie, Maher, Philip and Winters. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Rush So orderFA IV. FINANCIAL: A. ADoroval of Bills: Warrant Register By Fund dated September 3, 1986 presented to reflect payment from the following funds: General Fund $277,492.42 Water Fund 85, 948.90 Snorts Core Fund 141,724.30 Trustee Imrie :roved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To approve payment of Warrant Register By Fund in the total amount of _ $505,165.62 and authorize the Village President to affix his signature thereon. President Cerne abstained from voting on the bill from Pepsi Cola due to corporate ownership by his employer of Pepsi Cola General Bottlers, Inc. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -2- September 9, 1985 W L VIA OF OAK BROOK Minutes -3- � September 9, 1986 Trustee Winters abstained from voting on the bills from Illinois Bell due to employment by same. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Lmrie, Maher and Philip. Nays: None -e Absent: Trustee Rush s - - Abstain: Trustee Winters and President Cerne. So ordered. B. Sports Core Administration Building Parking Lot - Project #1102 (700 Oak Brook Road) - Change Order #1: Extra cost due to unstable soil. Trustee Maher moved, seconded by Trustee Imrie... To authorize payment of Change Order #1 to Robert R. Anderson Company in the amount of $10,773.00. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Philip and Winters. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Rush So ordered. V. OLD BUSINESS: A. Fire Station Consolidation (1212 Oak Brook Road): Authorization to solicit proposals granted at the Regular Meeting of May 13, 1986, and four (4) proposals were received. Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Philip... To accept the proposal fran Pence Schwartz and Associates to do the preliminary design study for consolidation of Fire Station 1 and 2 in the total amount of $2,600.00, and waive the bidding requirement due to the unique professional service. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Philip and Winters. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Rush So ordered. B. Report of Activities: 1. Finance & Library: Trustee Imrie - No report. 2. Personnel: Trustee Winters - Personnel Rules /Salary Administration Plan reviewed semi- annually; benefits to be discussed at an upcoming Regular Meting of the Board. 3. Public Safety: Trustee Bushy - Detectives John Logue and James Romani commended for their police work by the FBI. Sergeant promotion exam to be held September 27, 1986 at 8:00 A.M. 4. Public Works & Traffic: Trustee Rush - No report. S. Sports Core: Trustee Maner - Bath & Tennis closing party was successful. Parking lot to be finished soon. Oak Brook Day revenue does not cover expenses. 6. Zoning & Planning: Trustee Philip - Requested Staff to prepare review of fence ordinance. VI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Liquor License Request - Parents Without Partners: Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Imrie... VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -3- September 9, 1986 -r^ %- VIL it OF OAK BROOK Minutes -4- • September 9, 1986 To concur with President Cerne, Local Liquor Control Commissioner, and authorize the issuance of a one -day Class D Liquor License to The Parents Without Partners, Inc., Chapter #185, to be used in conjunction with a Dinner/Dance benefit to be held at the McDonald's Lodge, 2715 Jorie Boulevard, on September 20, 1986. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor except Trustee Philip voting nay. So ordered. B. Liquor License Request - Elmhurst Symphony Association: Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Imrie... To concur with President Cerne, Local Liquor Control Commissioner, and authorize the issuance of a one -day Class D Liquor License to The Elmhurst Symphony Association, Inc., to be used in conjunction with a fund raising concert to be held at McDonald's Lodge, 2715 Jorie Boulevard, on September 28, 1986 between 4:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor except Trustee Philip voting nay. So ordered. C. Water Service Request - Midwest Medical Building (1 S 224 Summit Avenue, Oakbrook Terrace): Request for water service to serve a three (3) story, 51,000 square foot office building, on a 2.405 acre parcel on the West side of Summit Avenue, approximately 200 feet South of 14th Street. The parcel is outside both the Village limits and the certificated area of the Oak Brook Utility Company, but within the Oak Brook service area. Trustee Philip moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To authorize the Village President and Clerk to execute the Agreement with the owners of Midwest M-edical Building for water service to the subject property. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Philip and Winters. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Rush So ordered. D. Wirth - Accessory Structure Variations (3222 York Road): On September 2, 1986, the Zoning Board of Appeals recommended denial of the request for a variation to permit the construction of a detached garage approximately 53 feet in front of the existing house and a variation to allow the detached garage to have a structure height nine (9') feet above the permitted fifteen (15') feet. Trustee Philip moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... To concur with the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals and deny the request to allow a detached accessory structure (garage) to be twenty -four (24') feet in height. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Philio and Winters. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Rush So ordered. Trustee Philip moved, seconded by Trustee Bushy... Due to the unique circumstances related to topography of the lot, that a variation be granted to allow the garage to be located approximately -- -fifty -three (53') feet in front of the house, bur- in back of the front yard line. Discussion followed. VILLACE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -4- September 9, 1986 tiv+ L VILLA ' OF OAK BROOK Minutes -5- September 9, 1986 Trustee Winters moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... To table this matter for further review. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. E. Referrals: - _ With no objections, President Cerne made the following referrals: 1. Gateway Subdivision - Flood Plain Special Use -- Refer to Plan Commission Meeting of September 15, 1986 and Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting of October 7, 1986. 2. Dressler - Graue Certificate of Appropriateness -- Refer to Plan Commission Meeting of September 15, 1986. F. Bath & Tennis Club (800 Oak Brook Road) - Hours of Business: Discussion was held on the advisability of keeping the Bath & Tennis Club open for lunch business beyond the September 19, 1986 closing date. Review is to be made on the number of days that have been booked for other engagements. VII. ADJOURNMENT: _ Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... - To adjourn at 10:00 P.M. to Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Trustees Bushy, Imrie, Maher, Philip and Winters. Nays: None Absent: Trustee Rush So ordered. The meeting reconvened at 10:15 P.M. with Trustee Philip absent. Discussion continued on the matter of the Bath & Tennis Club staying open for business on a year -round basis, and due to the number of bookings, amongst other things, it did not appear to be feasible at this time. It was the consensus of opinion that the Core Staff of Manager, Assistant Manager and two (2) cooks are to be maintained on a year -round basis in order to maintain a quality operation. Trustee Bushy moved, seconded by Trustee Maher... To adjourn this meeting. TIME: 10:35 P.M. VOICE VOTE: All present, in favor. So ordered. ATTEST: Marianne Lakosil, CMC Village Clerk Approved VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes -5- September 9, 1986