Minutes - 09/09/2003 - Board of TrusteesI 0 3 2 5 MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 9, 2003 REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK APPROVED AS WRITTEN ON SEPTEMBER 23, 2003. CALL TO ORDER: CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was called to order by President Quinlan in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Butler Government Center at 7:32 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was given. ROLL CALL: ROLL CALL Village Clerk Linda Gonnella called the roll with the following persons PRESENT: President Kevin M. Quinlan, Trustees John W. Craig, Susan Chase Korin, Elaine Miologos and Asif Yusuf. ABSENT: Trustees Stelios Aktipis and George T. Caleel. IN ATTENDANCE: Richard B. Boehm, Village Manager; Dale L. Durfey, Jr., Village Engineer; Bruce F. Kapff, Director of Information Services & Purchasing; Darrell J. Langlois, Finance Director; Ruth A. Martin, Library Director; Robert Cronholm, Acting Fire Chief and Lexi Payovich, Plan Commission Chairman. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND OPEN FORUM: ANNOUNCE President Quinlan announced the birth of a new grandson of the Village Clerk, Linda Gonnella. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MINUTES Motion by Trustee Craig, seconded by Trustee Korin, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Board of Trustees Meeting of August 26, 2003 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: C. AGENDA All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 1 of 12 September 9, 2003 5. Motion by Trustee Korin, seconded by Trustee Yusuf, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 - Trustees Craig, Korin, Miologos and Yusuf. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 2 - Trustees Aktipis and Caleel. Motion carried. A. APPROVAL OF BILLS - $412,215.75 Significant items included above: 1) Zoll Medical Corporation - Cardiac Defibrillators - $59,912.97 B. APPROVAL OF PAYROLL FOR PAY PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 30, 2003 - $691,180.04 C. CHANGE ORDERS: None D. REFERRALS: None E. AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS OR PROPOSALS OR NEGOTIATE CONTRACTS: None APVL OF BILLS - $412,215.75 PYRL - $691,180.04 F. SUE BOON SUBDIVISION — ACCEPTANCE OF SUBDIVISION SUE BOON SUBDVS - ACPT IMPRV & IMPROVEMENTS AND REDUCTION IN SUBDIVISION SECURITY RDC SECURITY G. REDUCTION IN SUBDIVISION SECURITY — TUSCAN WOODS TUSCAN WOODS - FRMLY YKSHR SUBDIVISION (FORMERLY YORKSHSIRE GLEN SUBDIVISION) GLN - RDC SECRTY H. ORDINANCE 2003 -PP -EXI -S -1051 "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS TO SELL CERTAIN PERSONAL PROPERTY TO DONATE TO SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND OTHER NOT - FOR - PROFIT AGENCIES ITEMS THAT RECEIVE NO BIDS AND TO DISPOSE OF ITEMS THAT HAVE NO VALUE" 6. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: None. 7. BOARD & COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS: A. PALUMBO'S PLAT OF RESUBDIVSION — 407 AND 409 FOX TRAIL LANE — FINAL PLAT VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 2 of 12 September 9, 2003 ORD 03-PP- EXI -S- 1051 AUTH VOB - ADVTS BIDS SELL PERS PROP. RMVD C AGNDA BD /COMM RECOM PALUMBO - PLT OF RESUBDVSN 407 & 409 FOX TRL LN 7. A.Plan Commission Recommendation - Final Plat of Subdivision — At its meeting on August 18, 2003, by a vote of 7 to 0, the Plan Commission recommended approval of an application from Mr. Sebastian Palumbo requesting approval of a final plat of resubdivision for the two lots known as 407 and 409 Fox Trail Lane in the Hunter Trails Subdivision. At the present time, both lots are improved with a single - family home. The applicant, who owns both lots, is seeking resubdivision so that the common property line between the two lots will move approximately six feet west. As a result, lot 407 will decrease in size but still exceed the one -acre minimum lot size in the R -2 District. The Plan Commission recommendation is subject to the applicant satisfactorily addressing the following issue: 1. Address all issues contained in the memorandum dated August 6, 2003 from Village Engineer Durfey including final engineering approval. 2. Since the easternmost utility easement on the lot at 407 Fox Trail will be located on 409 Fox Trail, the applicant shall provide a new six (6') foot wide easement on 407 and vacate six (6') feet of the existing twelve (12) foot easement on 409 Fox Trail. In making this recommendation, the Plan Commission found that the plat of resubdivision meets the applicable standards required for approval of a final plat of subdivision. Motion by Trustee Miologos, seconded by Trustee Craig, that the Village Board concur with the Plan Commission recommendation to approve the requested Final Plat of Subdivision at 407 and 409 Fox Trail Lane and authorize the Village Attorney to draft the necessary resolution for final consideration at the September 23, 2003 meeting of the Village Board. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. B. WARNER - 26 BAYBROOK — VARIATION Zoning Board of Appeals Recommendation - Variation - The Zoning Board of Appeals, by a vote of 6 to 0, has recommended approval of the request from Mr. Ty Warner for a variation to allow the installation of driveway gates on a residential property of less than one acre. In recommending approval of this request, the Zoning Board of Appeals found that the request was consistent with the applicable standards for variations and that the hardship of the property owner is not of their own making and is due to unique circumstance. It was also found that the lot having approximately 250 feet of frontage and the presence of significant landscaping limits the view of the driveway and home from Baybrook Lane. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 01 Page 3 of 12 September 9, 2003 WARNER - 26 BAYBRK -VAR 7. B. In making this recommendation, the Zoning Board attached the following conditions: 1. The gates shall be constructed in conformance with plans prepared by Matocha and Associates, dated July 3, 2003. 2. The offer made by the applicant to remove the gates upon either the sale or moving from the property be accepted and be attached as a deed restriction on the property. 3. The existing dense landscaping be maintained in its current condition. 4. Emergency manual override devices shall be installed. Motion by Trustee Miologos, seconded by Trustee Craig, that the Board of Trustees concur with the Zoning Board of Appeals recommendation to approve the requested variation at 26 Baybrook Lane and authorize the Village Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance for final consideration at the September 23, 2003 meeting of the Village Board. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. C. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK — TEXT AMENDMENT — CHAPTER 6 OF TxTAMNDMNT- CHAP 6 - TG ORD THE ZONING ORDINANCE — STRUCTURE HEIGHT AND SIDE - STRCT HGT & LOAD GARAGES SIDE LOAD GAR Trustee Miologos stated the impetus that stimulated the Village Board to request the review of this ordinance was the desire to increase real estate values and be more in keeping with surrounding or similar communities. The concept of permitting taller homes offers a variety of housing styles and creating an environment which increases home and property values. Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals Recommendations - Text Amendments — The Plan Commission at its meeting on August 27, 2003 voted 7 to 0, and the Zoning Board of Appeals at its meeting on September 2, 2003, voted 6 to 0 to recommend approval of the request from the Village of Oak Brook for text amendments to Sections 13- 6A -3 -D, 13- 6B -3 -D, 13- 6C-3-D, and 13- 6D -3 -D — regarding structure height; and Sections 13 -6B -3- F, 13- 6C -3 -F and 13- 6D -3 -F — regarding side load garages. A Recommendation — Structure Height Based on a thorough analysis of the various structure height scenarios that were developed, the Zoning Board of Appeals concurred with the analysis of the Plan Commission, finding that a hybrid scenario which is predicated on a ladder or graded system would permit increased height in proportion to the size of the lot and was deemed the most appropriate way to permit taller homes. Accordingly, the concept of increasing the maximum height of single- family homes is subject to the following: VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 4 of 12 September 9, 2003 7. C. 1. All structure heights for single - family homes will be measured to the peak of the roof. 2. The structure height provision as defined in Section 13 -3 -10 of the Zoning Ordinance should be modified so that height of homes will be measured using one of the following methods: a. In engineered subdivisions, the height will be measured using recommended first floor elevation that is part of the approved grading plan. b. For lots improved with an existing single - family home, the existing floor elevation and/or foundation elevation can be maintained. c. For any other situation, the Village Engineer shall determine an elevation based on the existing grades and grades of adjacent properties. 3. The maximum structure height for single - family homes will be laddered by zoning district as follows: a. R -1 District — 50 feet b. R -2 District — 45 feet (lots one acre or larger) C. R -2 District (lots less than one acre) and R -3 District - 40 feet d. R -4 District - 35 feet 4. The maximum number of stories for any single- family home shall not be limited to 2.5 stories. 5. The current required front, side and rear yard setbacks shall continue. However, it is recommended that the existing provision which increases the required side yard setback for any home built to a height of 40 feet in the R -1 and R -2 districts shall be eliminated. 6. The maximum height for any home constructed with a continuous flat roof shall be changed to 35 feet in the R -1 and R -2 districts. Homes with a continuous flat roof in the R -3 and R -4 districts would be limited to a maximum height of 30 feet. These heights include the parapet wall. 7. Any lot, which has been granted a variation after the adoption of the amendments which increase the maximum height of single - family homes which seeks approval of a variation to reduce any required yard, should be limited to the current maximum structure height of 30 feet. Any request to increase the structure height will require the approval of a variation by the Village. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 5 of 12 September 9, 2003 • 7. C. 8. Regarding comments from the Fire Department, the Plan Commission and Zoning Board recommend adding the following language: "Where residential building heights exceed 30 feet, the highest occupiable space must have an emergency escape and rescue opening at a maximum elevation of 32 feet above grade." 9. The Zoning Board recognized that the Plan Commission discussed the issue of requiring additional fire suppression and detection devices as part of its deliberation to increase the maximum height of residential structures. It was recommended that the fire suppression/detection device issue be detached from this case and be addressed separately by the Village Board. 10.The Zoning Board concurs with the Plan Commission recommendation that the Village Board refer a case back to them to review the height of accessory structures in residential districts which are now limited to 15 feet. In making this recommendation, the Zoning Board of Appeals concurred with the Plan Commission findings that the Village as the petitioner has satisfied the applicable standards required for a text amendment and: 1. The request to increase the structure height of single - family homes is based on a substantial analysis of how other similar communities regulate height. 2. The maximum structure height of a single - family home presently allowed in Oak Brook is significantly less than what is permitted in other similar communities. 3. The Plan Commission concurs with the concept that by permitting taller homes, it will have a positive impact in Oak Brook regarding keeping the community current, offering a variety of housing styles and creating an environment which increases home and property values. 4. The proposed structure heights are deemed reasonable and in line with the survey information from other similar communities. The Plan Commission considered the input provided by a number of residents and local architects who support the concept of permitting taller homes. 5. Although Oak Brook has very large homes, the 30 -foot height restriction limits the type of roof structure that can be built and often results in the use of flat roofs for all or a significant portion of the home. 6. The fact that Oak Brook already requires larger lot sizes and side yard setbacks mitigates the potential impact of allowing taller residential structures. 7. The recommendation to allow the tallest homes on R -1 and R -2 zoned VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 6 of 12 September 9, 2003 t� 7. C. properties is consistent with the current Village policy to permit 40 -foot high homes on the R -1 and R -2 zoned parcels. 8. The recommendation to no longer limit residential structures to 2.5 stories is based on principal that the design of homes should be controlled by structure height, not number of stories. The current setbacks are adequate to support increased structures heights. 9. The recommendation to increase the maximum height of homes with continuous flat roofs to 35 feet for R -1 and R -2 properties and 30 feet in the R -3 and R -4 properties is deemed reasonable. B. Recommendation — Side Load Garages With respect to side load garages, at the present time, there is no specific ordinance standard requiring a larger side yard to accommodate the turning movements associated with a side load garage. Accordingly, the proposed text amendment establishes a minimum side yard setback (on one side yard) of at least 23 feet in order to accommodate a side load garage. For further clarification, the Zoning Board recommended that the width of the pavement opposite of the garage door must be a minimum of 23 feet. In making this recommendation, both the Zoning Board and Plan Commission find that the Village as the petitioner has satisfied all applicable standards required for a text amendment finding that: 1. The amendment for side load garages is consistent with accepted engineering standards. 2. The amendment will protect the public health, safety and welfare of the residents. 3. The amendment will not have a negative impact on the community. During the course of the five public meetings held on this issue, a number of residents and other interested parties provided comments in support of the proposal to increase the maximum height of single - family homes in the Village. Comments were solicited through a special mailing to all homeowners associations and through an announcement placed on the Village's web page. Through this entire process no one spoke in opposition to the above referenced amendments. Trustee Korin asked for clarification on measuring height based on number of stories versus structure height. Village Manager Boehm responded referring to ambiguities in counting stories and the belief that measuring structure height was a fairer and less ambiguous method. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 7 of 12 September 9, 2003 7. C. Discussion ensued relative to clause 7 and the concern that the requirements specified become burdensome to residents. Lexi Payovich, Chairman of the Plan Commission explained the rationale the Plan Commission used to include the requirements. Motion by Trustee Miologos, seconded by Trustee Craig, that the Board of Trustees concur with the recommendations of the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals to approve the text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance deleting clause # 7 stating "Any lot, which has been granted a variation after the adoption of the amendments which increase the maximum height of single - family homes which seeks approval of a variation to reduce any required yard should be limited to the current maximum structure height of 30 feet. Any request to increase the structure height will require the approval of a variation by the Village," and authorize the Village Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance for final consideration at the September 23, 2003 meeting of the Board of Trustees. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. President Quinlan commended Lexi Payovich, Chairman of the Plan Commission and Champ Davis, Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals for their efforts and those of their boards in this process. 8. ACTIVE AGENDA (Items for Final Action): A. CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS: None B. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS: 1) ORDINANCE 2003- ZO -V -S -1052, "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIATION FROM THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 13- 6B -3F(2) OF TITLE 13 ( "ZONING REGULATIONS ") OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK RELATIVE TO SIDE YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS - TRILLA — 59 BAYBROOK T ANF" At the last Village Board meeting, the Board accepted the positive recommendation made by the Zoning Board of Appeals with reference to this variation and directed the Village Attorney to prepare the ordinance implementing same. This would allow the construction of a new single - family dwelling at 59 Baybrook Lane with a side yard setback of thirty two feet eight inches (32'8 ") along Oak Brook Hills Road and the west side yard setback of sixteen feet six inches (16'6 "). VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 8 of 12 September 9, 2003 01_� ACTIVE AGENDA CNFRM APPTS ORD /RES ORD 03 ZO -V -S -1052 - VAR - SEC 13-613- 3F(2) - ZNG REG - S1DE YARD SET13K Motion by Trustee Miologos, seconded by Trustee Craig , that the Village Board pass, and the President approve, Ordinance 2003 -ZO -V- S -1052, as submitted herewith, authorizing the variation for the Trilla property at 59 Baybrook Lane. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 - Trustees Craig, Korin, Miologos and Yusuf. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 2 - Trustees Aktipis and Caleel. Motion carried. C. AWARD OF CONTRACTS: AWARD CT 1) BANKING SERVICES — 1 YEAR EXTENSION BNKC sERVICs EXT As a result of a competitive request for proposal process, in 1999 American National Bank was awarded a contract for all Village banking services with the exception of third party safekeeping of Village investments, which was awarded to Oak Brook Bank. The services provided by American National Bank include all checking accounts, credit card processing, "sweep" accounts, and various on -line banking functions. For the Village Board's information, all banking services relating to the Police and Firefighters' Pension Funds are handled by the respective pension fund board. Subsequent to the awarding of the initial contract, American National Bank was acquired by Bank One. Staff has been very satisfied with the level of service provided by both banks during the first four years of the relationship. The initial agreement was for three years, with the Village holding the sole option of two additional years subject to satisfactory fee negotiations. Last year at this time staff recommended approval of only the first additional year since although Bank One agreed to hold the pricing at the 1999 rate there was a change in the officer assigned to our account and staff wanted to be assured that the level of service would continue to meet our expectations. Once again Bank One has agreed to hold the fees at the 1999 rate and we have continued to be satisfied with the level of service on our account. Thus, staff is recommending approval of the second option year. At the expiration of this agreement it will have been five years since the last time we solicited competitive proposals for this service. Thus, it is staff intent to issue an RFP for banking service at this time next year. Motion by Trustee Yusuf, seconded by Trustee Korin, that the Village Board approve a one -year extension of the banking services agreement with Bank One through September 30, 2004. ROLL CALL VOTE: VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes ra Page 9 of 12 September 9, 2003 Ayes: 4 - Trustees Craig, Korin, Miologos and Yusuf. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 2 - Trustees Aktipis and Caleel. Motion carried. 2) UNIT 913 REPLACEMENT — FIRE DEPARTMENT On April 8, 2003, the Village Board rejected the purchase of a 2003 Ford pick -up truck at the State purchase price of $20,751.00. The Village has $24,000 budgeted for the replacement of Unit 913, a pick -up truck, utilized by the Oak Brook Fire Department. Board members had requested that the Village Manager investigate what other funding options may be available for the purchase of the vehicle. Several dealers in the area were contacted and stated they could either provide us with a low interest purchase option or a reduced purchase price. The lowest purchase price quoted at that time was $20,697 for a 2003 4x4 extended cab pick -up. Staff recently received a quote from Terry's Automotive Group for a 2004 4x4 extended cab pick -up for $20,518. Based on the fact that this is a newer model and is $233 under the 2003 State purchase price, staff recommends that the Village Board approve this purchase. The Village will realize a budget savings of $3,482 with this purchase. At the Village Board meeting of August 26, 2003, the Board continued this matter to the meeting of September 9, 2003. The Fire Department General Fund Budget will be reduced by $20,000 to further accommodate this purchase. Trustee Yusuf indicated that the current vehicle needed to be replaced because of ongoing repair costs and that staff was able to find a replacement at a cost lower than the State bid cost. Motion by Trustee Yusuf, seconded by Trustee Korin, to approve the purchase of a 2004 4x4 extended cab pick -up truck to replace the Fire Department Unit 913 from Terry's Automotive Group at the purchase price of $20,518.00. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 - Trustees Craig, Korin, Miologos and Yusuf. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 2 - Trustees Aktipis and Caleel. Motion carried. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 10 of 12 September 9, 2003 lj_�3 FD UNIT 913 RPLCMNT 8. C. 2) Trustees Korin and Miologos thanked the Fire Department for finding a way to reduce their budget to accommodate this purchase. Village Manager Boehm explained the process used to accomplish the reduction. 3) 2003 WATER MAIN & DRAINAGE PROJECT 03 wTR MN & DRNG PROJ Four sealed bids were received on August 20, 2003. Twelve bid packages were sent out for this project. The numeric low bidder, Western Utility Contractors, does not have the required experience. Therefore, the second low bidder, Dominic Fiordirosa, is recommended for contract award as they have substantial experience doing this type of work and have worked for the Village in the past. Work to be performed consists of replacing water main on Cheval Drive, installing storm sewer on Spring Road, installing under drain on Meadowood, and installing stone on both sides of Ginger Creek under the bridge. Work is scheduled to be completed by December 24, 2003. Motion by Trustee Miologos, seconded by Trustee Korin, to award a contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, subject to staff review, Dominic Fiodirosa Construction Co., Inc., 1090 Rock Road, #5, East Dundee, Illinois 60118 for the 2003 Water Main and Drainage Project based on the unit prices listed on the bid tabulation, for an estimated total contract price of $89,000.00. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 - Trustees Craig, Korin, Miologos and Yusuf. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 2 - Trustees Aktipis and Caleel. Motion carried. 9. INFORMATION & UPDATES: INFO & UPDATES A. VILLAGE PRESIDENT: Village President Quinlan reported on the action the Board took on the issue of a County Board discussion of a storage facility on the border of an Oak Brook community. He also announced the Polo event on September 14 and the opening of Bloomingdale's Home Store on September 13. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 11 of 12 September 9, 2003 t*�> VLLG PRES 9. B. VILLAGE MANAGER: Village Manager Boehm reported on the Spring Road and 31St Street correction of sight lines and the monitoring of mosquitoes. C. VILLAGE CLERK: None. 10. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION: Motion by Trustee Craig, seconded by Trustee Korin, to adjourn the meeting at 8:13 p.m. to a Closed Meeting: 1) To discuss minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for the purpose of approval by the body of the minutes, or for semi - annual review of the minutes as required by the Open Meetings Act 2) To consider litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the Village has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal 3) Selection of a person to fill a public office, including a vacancy in a public office, when the public body is given the power to appoint under law or ordinance. 4) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives 5) To set a price for the sale or lease of property owned by the public body ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 - Trustees Craig, Korin, Miologos and Yusuf. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 2 - Trustees Aktipis and Caleel. Motion carried. 11. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Trustee Craig, seconded by Trustee Korin, to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. ATTEST: 'A Linda gK. Gonnella, CMC��,�/ Village Clerk w ,( VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 12 of 12 September 9, 2003 VLLG MGR VLLG CLK CLSD SESSION ADJRN