Minutes - 09/13/1960 - Board of Trustees.� The Oak Brook Village Board of Trustees met Tuesday September `3th at 700. 30. Roll wtaa called and all Trustees present. Ths minutes of t*,&O rpecial Meetir* of .August 30th were read and approved with the fallOwing additions "Mr. O'Brien moved and Mr, Kolar seconded that a letter be written to the Police Committee thanking then for their services to the Police Department and to the Village." Notion carried. After the reading of the 'Treasurers report by fir. Owen, M.r. O'Brien moved, Mrs. Peyton seconded to approve and accept the Tr,- -aurers report. HotiGn carried. Mr. O'Brien moved, Mrs. Peyton Motlon carried. seconded payment of the following bille/Y Vouober #4 - Motorola Finance Co. 11.98 L. C. Hamer 1.60 John Allen 23.65 P. F. Pettibone & Co. 4.00 Petty Cash 19.80 Hooper, Bowers, Calkins & Carney Total 0984.70 Mr. Mohlman appointed Paul Litteau a Patrolman at the Village Police Department. Mr. O'Brien moved, Mr. Kolar seconded the appointment be approved. Motion carried unanimously after a roll call vote. Mrs. Peyton moved, Mr. Carley seconded that the appointnert of Bill Washburn, as a Patrolman for the Police $epartment be rejected. Motion carried. Mr. Kolar moved, Mr. Calhoun seconded that a letter be .mitten to Jim Faster. thanking him for hle services to the Police Department but for physical ressone we can no longer use him. In the future, with the approval of his doctor he may reapply for Patrolman. Motion carried. Mr. O'Brien moved, Mr. Calhoun josnded approval of the Police Budget totalling 411,019.56. Roll pall vote - motion carried unanimousty. 'F Oki p.r. O'Brien moved, Mr. Calhoun aeoondad to accept W. Wight' W1 proposal for the Village numbering system. Roll call vote - 5 kge4, 1 Nay - Mr. Kolar. Motion oari-Iod. Mr. Calhoun moved, Kra. Peyton Seconded to authorize the olark to purchase a four drawer, Aire proof filing cabinet, purchasing the lowosx- of three alf'ferent quotations. Motion parried. mr. Calhoun wi ed, Mr. Kolar seaondW to adjourn at 9:45. Motion carried. l