Minutes - 09/23/1969 - Board of Trusteesr • P i V08 - -60T- M Y� VILLAGE OF MR MWK 111WTW OF September 23, 1969 Y R0LL CALL The meeting was eaLLed to order at 5:00 P.M. by President Dean. All trustees were prevent, IT READING OF MINUTES Trustee O' Brten moved •- seconded by Trustee Rush-,- That the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 9th. 1969, be suspended and that they be accepted as submitted. Voice vote • all in favor- So ordered. I I i ORDINAAIES , RESOLUTIONS, VARIATIONS, PLATS, ETC. A. Lot Sizes Outside _ of Villa& - ordinance Amendment Administrator Urhausen reported on the plan commission's action in regard to this amendment and advised that further information would be available for the board's October an- eting. B O H, D.Co� =- Reaaning West and East of SprIM Road .� .�.....e,,...�.,. President Dean stated that the p180 commission had requested tabling of this Petition until further information could be compiled by the general Ol.anning consultant. T- rustee Howell moved - seconded by Trustee Hayes , That the plan commission request be honored and that the matter be deferred untiL such time as a recommendation Is received from the plan commission but not later than the October 28th meeting - RoLL Call Vote: Ayes Trustees Congreve, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien, Roseman, Rush and President Dean, Noyes None So ordered,. C Glidden Subdivision No. L - Butterfield fie Mayers Each trustee was provided with a copy of the proposed Glidden Subdivision No. L, together with a letter from Plan Commission Chairman Swain, dated September 18th, 1969, advising that his commission has approved same. Trustee Roseman moved seconded by Trustee Hayes That the village board approve this subdivision and that the Village Treaaure.r and CLerk be authorized to affix their signatures thereon Roll Call Vote: Ayes Trustees Congreve, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien, Roseman, Rueb and President Dean. Drapes None So ordered- t A.. 'w 9 -as -69 r Page a III ORDlNANMS, RESOU MONS, RTC. (Contimmd) D. Pro_ po Ordinance Amendin Traffic Ordiggl2a gja - S e Crd 0 L 0e; Each trustee was provided with a copy of, 4 Oroposed ordinance ame�ading Ordinance G -93 to impose a speed 'Limit of 25 MR on Commerce Drive and Enterprise Drives. Trustee Mayes moved - seconded by Trustee Howell.. That Ordinance G-108 be passed and approved by the village board, ' Roll Uall Vote: Ayes - Trustees Congreve, Hayes, HoweLL. O'Arieg, Rossmaea, Rush and President Dean. Nayea - Nbae So ordered. j.Y OLD BUSIIESS A. et from Fire Chief l a Decision - Sheraton Oakbrook Motor lotel Administrator Urhausen reported that representatives of the Sheratons met with village representatives on 8eptecinr lltb, 1969, and that as a result of that meeting all parties rwwbed a mutually aatisfactory conclusion on the appeal items. Attorney Joseph SpitaLii, representing ttae Sheraton Oakbrook moved to dismiss the appeaL on the ground of mootness and ViLlege Attorney Un*arzagt concurred. Truct~ee Howell moved - seconded by Trustee Ufa.o. That the village board recognize that the parties involved have agreed to dismiss the appeal and that same is tam moot, RoL1 Calf. Vote: Ayes - Trustees Congreve, Hayes, Rowell, O'Brien, Rossmaro, Rush and President Dean Hayes None So ordered. B , xton DumD Trustee Howell and Atrterne a Bowers and Kitsoe presented a proposed decree together Uth a map showing the varldus planned grades and uses for the Sexton damp property. Trustee Howell moved -» seconded by Trustee Rosaman... That the village board approve the proposed decree and authorize the attorneys to consent: to its entry. R:oLI Call Vote: Ayes W Trustees Gongreve, UAyes, Howell, 0'Brien, Rossmaa. Rush and President Dean. mayse w None 3o ordered Trustee Howell, moved - seconded by Trustee Rusb. That the village board approve the recom andat:ion of Attorney Borers and ask that he recoumnd to the court that lire Orville P. Meyer be appointed as the engineer to perform perfodfe inspections of said premises.. ROLL Cali. 'dote: Ayes a Trustees Congreve, Hayes, Howell, O °Brut Roseman, Raub and President Bean. Nayes - None So oard"eda Trustee O'Brien moved a seconded by Trustee ReweLl.. That Attorney Ri,.tsos statement to the amount of $839.SO be approved for payment, Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Con eve, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien, Rdssaaan, lbisb ae�d P,esideaat Dean. Mayes Bone So ordered, 9/23/69 r Iftiahk pw or TV 010 MJS1NY.SS (Continued) Page s C. General Planning & Resource Consults to - Phase I Reoort Each trustee was provided with a copy of Phase I - Background Studies of a comprehensive comet inity plan prepared by the General Planning and Resource ConsuLtant:s, Inc. Trustee Howe Ll moved - seconded by 'Crustee Rush . That this mutter be tabled until the next regular board meeting. Voice vote - all in favor, So ordered, D" Q County Notice #2105 -- Ha yelake Village +wawor+.a....s rrrr+.�r+ Each trustee was provided with a copy of a letter fror. Plan Commission Chairman Swain, dated September 17Th, 1969, rec nd- ing that the village board go on record as being opposed to the mast recent proposal of the Franciscan Fathers to increase the floor area ratio on the above tract from .1 to -3. Administrator Urhausen advised that he will sepreseat the village at the DuPage County Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on September 250, 1969 E DaPa a County Notice 02106 But:terf ie Ld & Ardmore By notice of the DuPage County Board this petition has been withdrawal. F. 'DuPage CounIX Notice #2097 - Roosevelt and Church /Addison Due to the feat that this area is outside of the planning limits ad the village, Administrator Urbausen did not attend said meeting, However, he advised that he would keep the board advised as to its outcome F NEW BUSINESS A Food Fa.c3.titiee Macee emenrtc Corgi Liggor License Application r usrr w m ■r. n r i.+—r.rrrwo.w.r . nrw.. ach trVstee wee provided with an executed application for a iquor License to replace the existing license (No. 5) issued to the VILLAGE RESTAURANT CORPo tAT %011 1D /B /A Stan Mtkita' Village Ina, It was the unanimous opinion of the board that this application be approved and upon the advice of Attorney Unverzogt, tee forfeited license will be requested before a new license is issued - B Oak Brock Keith Line CbmstinityHorse Show Each t~rusree was provided with a letter from Mrs. Marianne Lakcsil. it -orse Show Secretary, doted September 17th, 1969, requesting that the village waive a solicitor' P license fee for the sale of horse shots tickets in door -to -door solicita- tion Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trueteo Hayes. - 7''nat the Oak Brook Kelt:h Lime Community Horse Shnwr be regarded Eae o recognized area approved benefit and that a solicitor's license be waived tor this particular project Roll Call Vote: Avea Wuntees Congreve, Hayes, Howell. O'Brien, Roesman, fish and President Dean.. Nayes bone So ordered. Trustee Roseman moved r seconded by Trustee Ruah. That a Class B lieenee to dispense aLcholie beverages at the Oak Brook Community Horse Show be issued and that the usual fee be waived Roll Call Vote; Ayes - Trustees Coolgeeve, Hayes, Howett, O'Brien, Rosman, Rush and President Dean, Wayes - None So ordered. 9/23/69 "Page .4, ":J4, V NEW BUSINESS (Continued) C. Roadw9Z IWroyeftnt - Windsor Drive and YSrk,Road Each trurtee was provided with 8-memorandum from Moah'istratar', Urhausen, dated September 23r'd 1969 regardin roalwa request from ALs the York Woods Community soclation"for a sy- improve. Ment at the entrance I:o York Woods. Trustee Hayes m-ved - seconded by Trustee HoweU, That the vilkese board approve an. expenditure not to exceed $300-00 as their .hare of work necessary to improve the York Woods entrance and that their responsibility is 1Wted to the insertion of an inlet into the Present culvert. ROU CaLl Vote: Ayes - Trustees CongreAre, Hayes, Howell, OrBrient- Rossman, Rush and President Dean. Nayes - Done So ordered. D. Yorkshire Woods - Road Improvements o Marlyn M. Armstrong of Yorkshire Woods reported that the road Improvements made in his c0=030ity were not astisfactor- and requested that furtber improvements of this type not be pLanned,. V1 ADJOURMENT President Dean adjourned this meeting at 9:21 P.M. Lorraine E. Prieek Village Clerk