Minutes - 09/24/1968 - Board of Trusteesbar- MIA
The meeting was called to order at 8 :00 P.M. by President Dean.
All trustees were present.
Truckee O'Brien mowed - seconded by Trustee Barton...
That the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of
September 14.0th, 1968 and the special meeting of September 16th,
1968, be suspended and that they be accepted so submitted.
Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered.
Trustee Barton moved - seconded by Trustee Rush...
That the regular agenda be suepeazded to propose a resol.uttoa
comending the agencies of public safety which became involved
in the investigation of the Z!arks kidnaping case.
Voice vote - all in favor. 30 ordered.
5 '
'. Trustee Barton read a proposed resolution.
Trustee Barton moved seconded by Trustee Howell...
7hat Resolution R--81 be unaniummaly approved by the village board.
Voice vote W all in favor. So ordered.
A.O. B.D. Co. Pre- -Apnexation 'Agreement (ClAzton PrroMrt j
Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Novel....
That the pre-annexation agreement involving the property
known as Clayton Property be rejected by the village board.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Mayes, Howell, O'Brien, Ruch
Y' and President Dean.
Mayes -- Trustees Barton and Roseman So ordered.
B. Poshka's bbdivision -- Plat A212rovaL
President Dean read letters dated September 23, 1968, from Z*s.
Margaret Thompson and We. Ruth Test.
Trustee Roseman moved -- seconded by Trustee O'Brien...
That the Poshka Subdivision Plat be approved by the village
board and that the village treasurer and clerk be authorized
to affix their signatures thereon.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes Trustees Hayes, O'Brien, Russmara, hush
and Presi,deot Dean.
Hayes - Trustees Barton and Howell. So ordered.
C. O.B. Investment Co. - Sheraton Oakbrook Special Use Permit
Each trustee was provided with a copy of s Letter from 11r. Ralph
T. McKean, representing the Oak Brook iDeVeLopment Co. dated
September 18th, L968, requesting that the legal desokption
contained in Section 4 of Ordinance 3 -142 be amended co, that the
location of the hotel land Bite be moved 19S feet Westerly.
President Dean re.quented that thin be referred to the Toning
Board of Appeala for a public hearing.
D. Traf f ic Ordinance
Trustee Hayes vequested that this matter be tabled until the
next regul,or meeting.
A. Hinsdale Traffic Study
Each trustee was provided with a copy of the Ogden Avenue
Corridor Study prepared by Barton- Aschman Associates for the
Village of Hinsdale, together with letters from Plan Commir Sinn
Chairman Swain, dated .Tune 3, 1966 and Mrs. Margaret Thomprion,
dated Beptember 24, 1988. After discussion the following
motion was made.
Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Trustee O'Brien...
That the Village of Oak Brook go on record an to taking
exception to certain portions of the 0g an Avenue Corridor
Study prepared by Berton - Ashman Associates for the Village
of Hinsdale: that the Village of Oak Brook would like to
coo Prate with the Village of Hinsdale in solving the
traffic problems involved; and that the Oak Brook Plan
Coamaission be requested to cooperate with the Village of
HibedaLe in this regard.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes w Trustees Barton, Haynes, Howell, O'Brien,
Roseman, Rush and President Dean.
Nayea None So ordered.
B. Stir, ee_t Naime-- ,Change�.�:. 40Lb Placp
Trustee O'Brien moved - Aeconded by Trustee Barton...
That the vilLage attorney be requested to drag an ord nonce
changing the name of 40th Place to Pine !Lilt Lane and that
the proper postal authorities be notified of this change.
Voice Vote - aLk in favor. So ordered.
C. yak k Terrace
Trustee HowelL moved seconded by Trustee O'Brien...
That the Village of Oak Brook opposo the annexation of
Oakbrook Terrace to Oak Drook.
Trustee Barton moved - seconded by Trustee Hayes...
That this motion be tabled.
Roil CalL Vote: Ayao - Uusteea Bartono Hayes, Rass®ae, RUab
and President Dean.
Mayes - Trustees R3well and O'Brien. So ordered.
October S. 1968
7he meeting was called to 7rder at 8 :00 P.M. by President been.
All trustees were present.
Trustee Ros .-mats moved - seconded by Trustee Ruah .. .
That the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of
September 24th, 1968, be suspended and that they be accept-
ed as submitted subject to the following correction:
Page 39 V - D. Scaven ar rates - Insert the following rules
after the aatP_s �. •
L. four 32- gallon can average limit, plus $1.00/1'_nth
for an additional 2 32-gaLion cans. Anything in
excess of 6 cans would be by private agreement.
2. ALL garbage for scavenger pickup to be placed in
coverers containers made of metal or plastic. Not
to emceed 32- gallon capacity.
3. Substantial quantities of papers sagasines, card-
board, etc. to be securely tied In bundles.
4. Containers to be placed where they are readily avail-
able for pickaap. Scavengers are not permitted to enter
a house, barn, garage or other bai lding for the purpase
of pickup of containara.
5. Containers placed at orb ah a t t not be put 'there
earlier than 8:00 P.M. the night prior to piicImp, and
shalt be removed nit later than 6:00 A.M. of the day
following the pickup.
Voice vote - all in f error . go ordered.
:. • 0 ��i�.►, Page $
" V OLD BUSINESS (Continued
D. ScaveRM Rates
Trustees Roseman and Rush reported ;n their meeting with the
Llcenped scavengers and pre .ented the following rate.::
Rear Door Once per week y $3.50 per month
'Nice per week 7.00 per month
Curb Sevvlce Once per week - 2.35 per month
Grass & Leave Pick up at Qirb 6.00 AnnuaLly
Tru: ter Rosawan moved •• seconded by Tru-tee Rush...
That the rases as presented be approved' by the village board.
Ro) L CoLL Vote*. Ayes . Truetees Barton, Hayes, Raszman, Rush
and President Dean.
Mayes Tru .tees Howell and O'Brien. So ordered.
E. Fire H -ydr its
raeh trustee, was provided with a copy of the Tabulation of Bid3
for the f nstal' a-ion of five fire hydra:eta within the village
' inii, t 3.
Tru3tee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Roseman...
That the village engineer recommend that this work be
iawardad to the lowest responsible bidder, the Advance
Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $6,509.20,
with a 90 working -day time Limit, subject to the Fire
Chief's review and approval of the specifications.
Roll. Call Vote: Ayes d Trustees Barton, Hpje a, Howell, O' Brien,
Roseman, Ruch and Y esident Dean.
Neyes None So ordered.
F. Eastern Air Lieges
Attorney Unvermagt reported that a contract between Crawford,
Bane, and Roden and the Village of Oak Brook be executed in
order to proceed with the Eastern Air Lines traffic study.
President Dean appointed Tr°uctee Hayes to handle this matter..
tdr. Harry 0. Owen, Jr. of Harger Road spoke in regard to the
violation of the "Stipulation to Dismiss" No. 68- 1576 -G regard-
ing the use of Harger Road as an access to the Eastern Air
Linea property. He pointed out that this court order was not
being unforced and requested the village to bear the refiponsi
bi 1, ity of its enforcement.
Attorney Unvermagt reported that this matter will be heard
before .Judge Guild on Wednesday, September 25th, 1968.
A. Building Permit: No. L005 - Fee Refund Arov_al
Each trustee was provided with a copy of a letter from Mr.
D. W. White of the Del. E. Webb Corporation, dated September
18th, 1968, requesting a fee refund for ra building permit
which will not be exercised.
Trustee Rosman moved -- seconded by Tnistee Howell...
That the village clerk be authorized to refund the building
permit fee of $885.70 to the Del E. Webb Corporation.
Roll. Call Vote: Ayes - Mrustees Barton, Hayes Howell, O'Brien,
Roseman, Rush and President Dean.
Mayes - None So ordered.
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Page 4
V1 NW BUSINESS (Continued)
Notification had been received from the First NationaL Bank
of Oak Brook stating that U.S. Treasury Bills in the imunt
of $30,000.00 will be mattering on September 30, L966.
Trustee O'Brien moved -• seconded by Trustee Rmtell...
That the vi1Lage treasurer and eLerk be authorized to
r~•eiaveat the proceeds from this sale in U.S. Treasury
Bills at the best rate available.
RoLl Call Notes Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hayes Hpwell, O'Brien,
Rossman, Ruaab and President Dean.
Nayes •• none So ordered.
President Dears adjourned this meeting at 10107 P.M.
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Lorraine C. Friaek
Village Clark
9/24 /63