Minutes - 09/26/1967 - Board of TrusteesVILLAGE OF OAK BROOM MINMES or September 26� ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 8 :00 P.M. by President Dean. All trustees were present. II READING OF MINUTES 1 nistee O'Brien moved seconded by Trustee Hayes... That the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of September Uth, 1967, be suspended and that they he accepted as submitted. Voice Grote - all in favor. So ordered. II ORDINANCES, RESO,LU I IONS, VARIATIONS, ANENDE+XY1 -S A PIATS A. HartigenzwendeLl Variation Ordinance S -145. President Dean Teed an ordinance gxaa=ti.ng a variation for Lot 61 in Ginger Creek Subiol- vision. Trustee Howell moi�rad - seconded by W astee Rush... That Ordinance S-145 be opproved jind adopted by the village board .subject to the following Norrection ge l., Section 1, Litre 5 Insert "scot to exeeed 3J feet in height" between the words "wall" and "on43. Foil. Call. Vote; Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hayes, Howell, Rossman, Rusts and President Deana. Mayes - Tmistee O'Brien So ordered. B. Amendment to Ordinance G --37 - §Suare Foote a Requirements President Deah rend a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance G -37. After discussion, the following motion was made. Trustee Rossman moored seconders by Trustee Barton... That the vi,l.tage attorney be i®Ftructed to draft an ordinance whieb would require a - abuLated List of the sure footage of each Lot to be attached to the final plat when submitted for approval. RoLl Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton; Hayes, Howet-1, O'Brien, Rossman, Rush and President Dean. Naye s None Sea ordered. G. PaLice Department OrdLnaece G-76 Trustee Roseman moved seconded by Trustee Barton... That this matter by reviewed aiyain at an executive sedsion lose to further fa.:ts being revaaL . ROLL CaLt Vote: Ayes d Trustees Barton and Rossmen. Hayes Trustees Heyea, Howett, O °arien and Rush. Motion not carried. President Dean read the proposed ordinance repeating Ordinance G -4; re- establisbring and re- organizing the police department, creating the offices therein, establ.iabing methods of appointment and prescribing duties of the officers. . I � 9-as -67 • Page 2 III ORDIUNCES c RESOWTIONS, ETC. (Continued) C. Po Department Ordinance 0---76 'Conti Trustee Barton moved • seconded by Trustee Roge n... That Ordinance G-76 be p ,ssed and opproved by the v i to ge board subject to the foliowing corractionaa. Wage 2, Section 5 Line 2 • '11he ward "six" be changed to "five." page 2, Section 5 Line 8 ftlete "together with the Chief of Po live. 11 Page 2, m m Insert sa new Section 5 creating a police ciptain, re-number Section 5 to Section 6 and re - numbar each succeeding section accordingly, Page 4, Section 2 Line 4 Delete "the same as police patrolmen" after the word "be," and insert "alai designated by her superior officers."' page: 4. Sectioea LO- Line S Delete "and the Police Chief Aatl receive *aa and for compensation for bi.a office the same salary as hereto - fore received by the Chief of Police." and add "except police patrolaa wk who have heretofore been designated sao deek officers @halt Continue to receive the salaries heratofora pro- vided in the sa Lary +a;ct edule for de ask officers until a new sehedul A Is a4opted . at after the word "Tucastee s , Se a Ll Cott Vote: Ayes -.Trustees Barton, hoes seines and RU3h . Mayes m Trustees Hayes, Howell. O'Brian 'and Fr sident Dean. Motion not carried. Trustee Hsayes moved -- seCanded by Trustee Rowell... That Ordinance G-76 be paansed and approved bV the village board subject to the following ng corr ct ions . Page 4, Section 7 a Liae 4 4 Delete "the some as polices petrolnes" after the word "beg" and insert "as designated by bar euperi ®r officers." Page 4, Section 10 -Line 8 m Detente "and the Poti.cae Chief shalt raacoive as and for compensation for hia office the some notary as hereto- fore retelved by the Chief of Police." and add "except police pstroLwen who have heretofore been designated as desk officers shalt continue to reeeive the salaries beretofore pro- vided in the saaLary eebed¢sla for desk officers until a new •ched►ule is ndopted after the w a &d Ill'i rstees, ". RotL GalL Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Heyee, Howells 0111rien, Ro ssmaaa, Rush and 'President Dean waaye as None So o dared . 9/9-6/67 wage 3 qp IV F3�3AA�IA't. A. U. S.. Treasury BiLLL- AMtaval of Re..-Investment of ,$301000.O0 1. 1 IIbY4 .OWI ►bi! Trustee O'Brien moored - seconded by Trustee Hayes... That the village treasurer and clerk be authorized to re-invest the amount of $30,000.00 in U. S. Treasury Bills for a period of one year. Roil CaLZ. Vote: Ayes Trustees Baartong Hayes, Howell, O'Brien,, R.ossman, Rush and President Dean. Noyes - None So ordered. B. Motor Fuel. Tax Fund v Aperoya.. f Ac.��:n fib n_ ing Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trurtes Howell... That the village Clerk be authorized to open a separate checking account for Motor Fuel Tax Ponds at the First National Bank of Oak Brook. Roll. Call. Vote: Ayes Trustees Barton, Ilayes, Howell, O'Brien, Roseman, Mush and President skean. Noyes None So ordered. C. Agaroval of Fire Department Furniture Bits. Balance Trustee: Rossman moved _, seconded by Trustee Howell... That the amount of $251.309 representing the balance of a statement from Corporate Contract Designers for Fire Department furniture, be approved for payment. Roll. Call Vote: .Awes Trustees Barton, Dyes, RoweLL, O'Brien, Roseman, Rush and President Dean. Noyes - Alone. So ordered. V OLD BUSINESS A. DisplaX of House Numbers President Deana read a memo from Building Inspector Pterson advising the board that are official village numbar tgs been assigned to all known improved property. If them is any question as to the proper official village number ase'ganed to a certain property, this can be determined by eont:cting the village building inspector. B. R H. Townsend - Request for Cab License Trustee Roseman advieed that he had contacted Mr. Townsend and invited hir to be present at this meeting. Mr. Towneend was introduced to the board and gave a brief pr eesents;:ior regarding his proposed service. Further :consideration will be gi•en to this request when more detailed plans are submitted. C. Yorktown Sba�ppingArea President Dean read a letter from Attorney Stevene, Blatt l September 26, 1967, stating that there :ras no sound Legal basis for seserting a claim against the Yorktown Center or the Village of Lombard for the increase in acceleration and volume of surface water runoff expected to flow into Ginger Creek, and suggested moat the village engineer consult wf. -h the engineers s of other interested governmental bodi.ei to determine what Joint action projects should now be taken o- planned for the future. It was unanimously decided that Engineer Barner study this matter further and report to the board. 6 q-X -677 0 V OLD BUSINESS (Continued) Page 4 D. York and 31st Traffic Light Trustee Barton moved - seconded by Trustee O'Brien... That the vlM age engineer be authorized to advertise for bids on the York and 31st Street traffic light proJect. RoLI Calk Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton; Hayes, Howell, O'Brien Rossman, Rush and President Dean. Nayes - None So ordered. V1 NE14 BUSINESS A. Emergency-Ambulance Service President Dean read a Letter from Mr. Arthur Swenson, President of the Board of Education School, District 53, dated September 11, 1967, requesting consideration of a —recommendation that the village provide emergency ambulance service.. It war unaanimourly decided that the Police and Fire Committee meet with the police and fire chiefs to discuss this matter and report their findings. to the village board. B. Official &pointmeent of F' xe Chief .reoirrr.rr.rrmawe r President bean officially appointed Chief Edward F. New the Chief of the Oak Brook Fire Department at the ralaary he is currently receiving by previous apnroval of the board. Trustee Barton moved - seconded by Trustee HowelL... That Presideitt Dean t a appointment of Chief Edward F. New be approved by the viLLagn hoard. Roll Call, Vote: Ages Trustees Barton, Hayes, Howell. O'Brien, Rossman, Rush and President Dean. N ,yas ., None So ordered. C. Itlinoias Fire and Inspection ,Raatins Bureau ru sarrv, is wr .wi Trustee Rossman reported on the status of this bureau's findings, An official report has not as yet been received. D. pprEovaal of Fire Department Salaries 4rbY i P. i.b Trustee Barton moved <- seconded by Trustee Hayes... That the Fire and Police Commission be authorized to advertise for applicants seeking employment with the Village of Oak Brook Fire Department at a beginning salary of $7,000.00 per year. Roll Call. Vote: Ayes Trustees Barton, 'Heyer, € avo.11, O'Brien, Roapman, Rush and President dean. Neges bone So ordereJ. E. Fire and Police Commission Rules ,and RegEtatimp Each trustee was provided with a set of RuleF and Regulations received from the Oak Brook police and Fire Comission Board. Trustee Barton moved - seconded by Trustee Barton... That the Rules and Regulations as submitted by the Oak Brook Police and Dire Commission Board be accepted and approved by the village board. Roll Calll, Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien, Rossman, Rush and Provident Dean. Rayeas m Nona So ordered. .... • Q-?6 -67 � Page 5 V1 rMEW BUSINESS (Continued) P. Bennett C. Creed Buil.din Permit �t aiLding Inspector Pearson, in a memo addressed -to the board dated September 26, 1967, advised that he was momentarily withhoLding the issuance of a building permit for the construction of a warehouse and office building at 100 Kies Drive due to the fact that the plat of survey wap not duty approved by the Plan Commisaion or Village Board. It was estebLiehed, however, that the Zoning Hoard of Appealp and the Village Board did approve a variation for this property oro inance (SA40 7/25767). Trustee Barton moved - seconded by Trustee HvweLL... That the building inspector be authorized to issue a building permit for the construction of warehouse and office buiLdieng at 100 Kiss Drive. Roll. Call Votat Ayes Trustees Barton, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien, Rosewe n, Rush and Preeident Lean. Mayes - Hone So ordered. 0. York Woods Comunity Association • Protective Covenants Enforcement Ea eN trustee was provided with a copy of a letter addre,soed to the board, dated September 25 1967, from bear$,. Steenhof, , Wegner and Larkifi s . W. TArk�no, chairman of the York Woods Architectural Review Committee, verbally requested the board to pass an ordinance which would provide than no building permit'be issued without a written letter of approval from the architectural review board involved. Village. counsel advised that an ordinance of this nature would necessitate inclusion of the village in its entirety. President mean aftised that he wcul-d request the Plan Commissiat to study this matter furths- ° and submit their recommendations to the board. YII 1ADJE7_qUWMA11r 1rxcsident Dean adjourned this meeting at LL;55 P.M. RespectfulLy aubmitted, Lorraine E. Frieek Vitl.age Clerk 9/26/67