Minutes - 09/27/1966 - Board of TrusteesVILLAGE or, (MU Y3ROOK RMTEM OP Lco &Ted 6 ROLL CALL °r" ho nootin(" Nape Called le d to ardor at 8 :00 P.M. by V i ll.oge President ` w A.* Mohl.mane All tra,'ntet, s farm presont. ix ii'EU•T11Y+it3 Oka HIPUTRa Trustee 00BY .an marred - aseconded by T rustao H aiveye e * `AhAt tbO MiIlUt:ev Of tha 1088 .ax' aveteti ne of SopteWbar 1.3,E 1966jr be SDOOPta4 end alaproVed as eaubmitte3d* VOIC -a vote - all in favor. So ordorodo ll1 P.1WtNOIIAL it q Tra %aurar V'an D$ko X16PoK04 thUt $3000040 warth of Uq 8. 11111.16 140uld DSO Mt-UrInt; can Soptember 290 19661, and made the aom;.14e1dttlon that they 'io re--invested for a period of one year* TrUstaeO H&VOT Mov6d - aoaaonded by Trustee HOW6110 * A That tho eabovei txeaavey bills be �y re.- Invaatod for as perdu k-r one 70ar prorld4"ne the rate of interest to at least 5%, Hall Oaxll, Vote z Agee - Trustees Bartonp Hav ®o Naxye�ar Neneexla O'Brien& Rose and �ran. ;�IohlMn0 N ayes M Nave So ordersd4 lit ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS a VA RUTIOWS 8 ETC. A .._Ll'�' 0 E T #Ai � i11 14�1f' �a►�i ,pl +m riaC'1: U6aYk!!� P,rtl3aldent Kohl read Ordinance 3**112 which granted to variation for sign requiremoftts, paemltting the oanstruction of two alga& within tots feet of take aright of way of Spar'i tig Road eapproxl=tal,y 600 feet South of Haarger Read. Truatee Roealamza waved - oecwaded by Trustee Howell*.,, That Ordinance 8 -112 be ae.ppeov ed by the VtlUge board* Roll Oall Vote: A70a - Taruasteaea Barton,, Have 0 iia 7880 Rowell,* 04Hrlen,D %Baalma n and Tres, M*h3A&no Nayes - None So ordered, B, xs —.P. B r Cog_ a Lot,92 Central xanduaekE aasl U, ;& PreaaSdent Xchimn read the Petition of Mro Henry F+oxg reproo 80atIng the le Pa iciegem Campa3snyo dated September 230 1966, r0ques 'ing ar. Mont yard warlatl %n frat 100 Yto to 40 !to Mr. Norian Steenhof agreed to hold Me public hearing one wGGk prior to his se3hedu2aafd meeting due to the fast that there wage no meeting hold In October* Therefore* Frdaarident Moblman requested that notice of this hear1n;% be publlas":aed on October 6th, 1966m referred to the P2an Caamlesioaa for their regular meeting on oate b&p 170 1966s. and to the Zoning Board for a pucbl La hearing an October 25& 1966. 0 ^ i-M Ot e Pape 2 ORDINANCB3s. WSOLUTIONS, rr o=TX0R3p Ma (Clonta.1.At ed) C8 W �± «�ot�1 BC22k- Lo- I a L Frooldent Kohn ra►ad the petition ai Hr,H William to Soatll�10 daatod September 97# 1966, roquestleg a varUtIon rqp a re& yard sst -'bank f 40 tte to 16 ft. trapsldent Nob)Aun rem. quested that notice of this hearin bo published on Ootobor 69 19666 retorted to the Plan 0a� sa on for their regular at- ing on oof absar 17th, 1966a And to thd mfg baar for a publlca hearing on October 254*4a, 1966$ Do Cad Hrtso Deysl �t e � a 983 Prarsldont Xohk=n P*ad the Petition 0 the Oak brook volop- msnt 'Coo dated September 277 1966, roqueating a sonlnS amond. valutp rozonlna and a vpeelal uses raquosted that noblea of this boaring be pubAlabod oo Catobsr 60, 1966¢ r49f6r1V4 Q to the PJAU 00AN A2610n f6V thaw rogular ffmatJoR an Ootol)sr 17thw 196A# and to the saninig bourn for a publlo beaving an Catobot 2$tbo 1.660 president mehIman read the patitiou of th* Oak drank De lop. %ent do. dittgd Saptember 27 1966 r*gPAsstxn8 la tratoyard vablaatiork trom 100 tte to 46 ft-6 Prevident Robimn roquesto# thisat notice of thla hearing be publUbled on October 60 15#66* reforrod to tho l"lan Cftadasion for tb$lrr "Solar aea�tInS on Oataber 17't # 1�Q56, d to the sonlag 'boor for a public badving on Ooti r 25th, 1966.0 ODD 1USUM A OUgggs Tx tee WDrion Moved - ss+aarrded by T $Uoo gar►tan.. o TbAt the Amount of $60040 be forwardad to tho Department of C "o, Wishing; n De 0 o0ol nco With t it letter of March 250 196ba for tho pu0cue of oonduoting a aapoolal oenaaas In tin V111age of Oak Sruok, Holt Call Votes Ayea - Trustees Barton, Bays g Hay®ae Howell, O'Brlon, Pasomon and Pros,, Mohimna NPLY66 • Bone So ordered. D. L11 J 1 s C rae Co 0 0 proaldtent Koblmn ad a notlao or a bsaring berom the 11114016 Coa reae Comstselon on 06taber 118 1966,o rejordIng the Oak Brook Develop nt i0ampany and Wortbmest DtIlItles COMPSM7 Wareud the Oak Dank Utalty Company, Trustee SaPton U113, be notlf "led by Mro Dozen of the Oak Bavok Developmat Coo as to the status of this haaerIP3 and will G ontaot Attar "may Dawere regarding sanse, Go RN Q RELn Hro Tc.% Baaer of Wight and Coe presented a plan ter the V82t0=%1on mark at Swift and Wwdaar nrfCvssa Tmateo OaBrien moved a+ 8480atd9$ by Trustee B47eao.. That the vIllage board appraave the "T" desISM as s uba,ttted bT Mv. -4aaAsr rcr the IntGrUSQUOU of bnitt and Windsor Drives - Job Nov 205130 voice Vote -.all In favor. Bo orftftdo i Pago 3 VAI A. .rc or Vroli Pa rralt Proaldent NoRman read the request of Mr. D. Walter Paterson of 8 Chatham Lane, YOVIt Woods, for permission to install a 410110 Trautea HOW01.1 ataVod m Seconded by Trustee Hayea.�. That the building inspector be authorised to grant this Permit providing thorro are no cross sections ulth tits ex:leti,ng water supply or sani,ta" serer s ateja and provi.dIng the Wage COWUY 110alth Dep4artmont has given their written approval for eaM6. Yoloo Vote - all in favor,, So ordered, R., Thas Au tizt tor, za Rs aest„to smsta:, 1 Xcars�r, E„ ea„o r a Moro wpb Vrae:ldeni, Vtohlrojon road drop rregjAest of mr, paul W, Meede'r of t ho Asaatin C:smpanyo, datod w apternber 20,, 19660 for pAv4isalan to Anulf.411 a tOMP0$'aVY a 160txiOAX pr.►wer ayatona at Fenn cont role, 1004 '. rustoo Aart;on moved -, Seooaa;dod by Trustee Rosaman.. That teimporary pert -da. be granted for a PGV10d not to exceed one Yoar, Voice voto - all In favero So ordered. 04 �1. k,.Br ntsk 01 via Asaoo4.��;�.o ,��D�r�O�d�.nQ Prooldomt Mohlman read ra letter front the Oak Brook Civ$o A.ssoolationo 02ted Se,; tembov 3100 19660 regarding a proposed dog ordInence, for the village* Aftor dlsousBlon, it was sananimouall doolded that Trustee Savoy and Rtt;ornay Bowera study thin ratter further and make their rsoomrrLondartian to tho board at a. later ftte, President MohLraen :,sad a le'tt&r from Maio B. C. Tay' for of the CnTr►terr ORIth EdIsen Company, dated September 27, 1966s are® ques -Ing appro,7al t4 oozp2at-e blasting of bedrock across Salt Crook about 250 feet South of the East -Wost Tollway in order to install a 30 3nah pipeline for underground electri- cal cables, Trustee Mow ©3.1 moved[ m sacarnded by Trustee O'Brien... That too vIllage boards approve tbin request and grant said YOML It. Hall call Votes Ayes m Trusteas Barton, Ravey, Hayea a Bo °06118 O' BviOno Dios sman and P r, ee. Kohl%an. 9'ay ®s - none So mrdered, E. T3� iU-'X'grn $:Dtbds$die Estates Chief - 4vda$neki advised that the State had installed a "No U -Tore sign for southbound traffic on York Read south of the E/W Tollwaye ', 9nrk1n fat B$ds Mra Sarver reported that advort$aisag for bin's for the construction of a parking lot on village property would be published In the October 6th,o 2966 Oak Bz0ok and Hinsdale Doi ngs -f Or 090n ng on Oc t ob o x, 25the 1966, 9/27/66 ,x ` Pap 4 V'11 SUTPHEN AERIAL PLATN OM TRUCK Trustee Rmsmsn reported that he was momentarily expecting f1=1 amoval Iran tho Illinois Rating Bureau for the now Sutphen Aerial Towsr Fire Truok. Trustee Hossman moved - necoXlded by Trustee Hovoll... That in the evout that this approval is reeelved Wars the nost replan bear meat ng* the vLXUSO treasuror ba autho:rizedl to ru►ke payment to the Statphon rlre Equipwat Compeny for the balanov of '507 ►d,Qd0. Roil. Call Votet Ages - Trusboes BerbvAt Haveya Haysso Howollp Hossfan and Prose 1Mohlmns Absent - Truntee Q' Brlsm Hager w Hone So ordterad* Will ADJ'OUBMIM Trttdtee Hosawan moved - s000ndlod by Trostoo Howello.4 That this MeAtIng be ad jourbOd. Voice vots - all 1h .favor6 So ordered, 'Dais meeting adjourned at 9 z 25 P.M. e. 4L.-k Lo late Ty® pvtoo'k Village Clark 9/27/66