Minutes - 10/11/1960 - Board of Trustees• �' � r
Va - OT-O M I
The Oak Brook Village Board of Trustees met October 11th
at 8 PM. Poll was called and everyone present. Mrs. Peyton moved,
Mr. Calhoun aeconded to approve, as read, the minutes of Octo ex��th
IA C-(VQLq fk
and Septemb,ar 13th 1960. M3(r
President Mohlman read the Ordinance amending the
Scavenger Ordinance, which shall be called G -16, a copy of which is
10 attached hereto and by reference becomes a part of these minutes.
Mrs. Peyton moved, Mr. Carleyt- seconded to adopt this ordinance. Roll
Call vote. Motion carried unanim"usly.
Mr. Kolar moved, Mrs. Peyton seconded granting Countryside
Refuse Disposal and Elmhurst Trucking Co. the two licensee tc operate
as Scavengers within the Village until June 30, 1961. The Pee for
the balance of the year being 4375.00. Roll call vote. Motion
carried umadmously.
Mr. Kolar read the Misdemeanor Ordinance which shall be
- known as 0 -17, a acpy of which is attached hereto and by reference
becomes a part of these minutes. Mr. Kolar moved, Mr. O'Brien seconded
adopting this ordinance. Roll call vote, motion carried unanimously.
The President read a Resolution providing for additional
construction regulations, a copy of whioh Is attached hereto and by
R-I refere�ice becomes a part of these minutes. Mr. Carley moved, Mr.
Calhoun seconded to $j& #* tbAs Resolution. Roll call vote, motion
carried unanimously, The clerk was Instructed to keep on file 3 copies
of the Na'Eflonal Klect2 coal Cods and 3 copies of the Illinois State
Plumbing Code,
Asir. Krueger mowed, Mr. Kolar seconded, tabling all annexa-
tions until the Village has more to offer the petitioners. Motion
Mrs. Peyton moved, Mr. Krueger mecordeu to accept and
approve the Treasurers report. Motion carried. Mrs. Peyton moved,
Mr. Carley seconde4 payment of the bills included in Voucher #5.
Fullers Service Station
Aug.. #94.27 - Sept. - $69.07
Petty Cash
standard oil Co. Sept.
Harner Phut& Service
Motorola Finance Corp.
DuPage Lithograph
6. oo
Press Publications
Ill. Bell Telephone
FA5- 2220 - #1.04 - FA3- 2711-441.93
John Allen
- 5 a 06
Rol.1 call vote, motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Calhoim moved, Mr. O'Brier. seconded the President's
appointment of Mrs. Sara Peyton as an honorary policewomene Motion
between the Village
and the County of
Attozmey Bowers read the agreement regarding the housing
of prisoners. Mr. Kolar moved, Mrs. Peyton seconded the adoption
of this agreement. Motion carried. The clerk was Instructed to
write a letter to the States attorney's office authorizing the
Sheriff's Department to obtain any emergency medical attention necessar
for villa6a prisoners houaed in the County Jail and that the Village
Mould be assume the cost. This motion was made byrArs. Peyton and
seconded by Pte°. Calhoun. Ro,.l wall votes motion carried unanimously.
Per. Krueger moved, Mr. O'Brien seconded to approve Public
ServI ce Company's permit A -42$ PL 455231-4C. Motion carried.
'Ihe motion to appoint Norman Steerhof to the Zoning Bcmrd
of ,appeals made by President Mohlman was made by Mr. O'Brien, seconded
by Mrs. Peyton and passed by the Board. Mr. Staenhof replaces Mrs,
Lucile Armstrong.
�,� T m
yr4. G ` «� moved, MrS- seconded the appointment
160--11-(00 P. cl
of Raymond VanDyke to replace Rlcbard Buis on the plan Commission.
Moticr. carried.
Mr. Kolar moved, Pars. Peyton seconded to kmve the
Village Attorney prepare an ordinance l.icenaiug various occupations
that will possibly be carried on within the Village. Notion carried.
Mr. Calhoun moved, V.r. Carley seconded to place on file
the Blue Bird Bus Petition, Motion carried.
Mr. Kolar moved, Mr. Calhoun seconded to ad jour the
meeting at 10,00 PM. Notion carried.
P- I
tUe by the fi=t Md Bmrd of fra:
*The foa for audh Uawm s$al1 be F►vo Hundred and Ne/'%Oahe
®OC) D*1larr* Fes° ya" az�d the liamme period shall be frm Ju3,T I
of OR& der Mti.I JMe 30 of the following pwa All fmw *all, be
d to OW M146 Clwk priw to the isma ace of eAd lioenes. Tba
fee for a lioeme iasaaed after July i of any g.vm year $hall be
Fdvrated on a sas "hly his for the nosber<► of mantras rmaigdr4 in
the fish yew so above sstabli shoe'
®Revocstios of a liewies by &Axon of the Promident &W U.. Hoard
of 'Mess shall not entitle the licensee to a rerun of a3l or W
part of than liomse fo e.0
Section 2. This amandi Ag ordinan.9 shad be in full fore and effect
from ar.a after ire pasoage, apprewal and puo icaticrm as is by tratute in oeanh
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tUe by the fi=t Md Bmrd of fra:
*The foa for audh Uawm s$al1 be F►vo Hundred and Ne/'%Oahe
®OC) D*1larr* Fes° ya" az�d the liamme period shall be frm Ju3,T I
of OR& der Mti.I JMe 30 of the following pwa All fmw *all, be
d to OW M146 Clwk priw to the isma ace of eAd lioenes. Tba
fee for a lioeme iasaaed after July i of any g.vm year $hall be
Fdvrated on a sas "hly his for the nosber<► of mantras rmaigdr4 in
the fish yew so above sstabli shoe'
®Revocstios of a liewies by &Axon of the Promident &W U.. Hoard
of 'Mess shall not entitle the licensee to a rerun of a3l or W
part of than liomse fo e.0
Section 2. This amandi Ag ordinan.9 shad be in full fore and effect
from ar.a after ire pasoage, apprewal and puo icaticrm as is by tratute in oeanh
I -
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Cr— 149 Vc
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Pied and ,apx4mad by the Proaiant and the Board of Trutam of th a
ViUsp rid Oakbmk this dkir of A. Do W600
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83 If OR AINM by the President and Ord of Trustees of the Village
of Oakbrook, Du Paga County, Ulitnoisa
Sack. Vi e• . All persons *o,, rat havia g &V
visible moms of suppnrt, Uve without a asM a rpl. t; all. persaw Mbi.tu &34
idle, loitering or wwWeb"iM or staying about ste"e, residmo&a# hatALUp
fairies, shops or railroad depots or lodging in outhousene ehedffi, bms or
Ak in the open air, and not givia g a good account of thdmaeelvea8 &U pe"aw
wandering abroad and begging or who go from door to door or place fihawelves
in the streets or other public places to beg or receive al= shall be deemed
vagrants and vagabonds, and shall be deand guilty of a windemsenor.
Section 22o Imimmt Publications or Stion. Aary
pwoon who obal.l appear in a public place in a Bite of zmdity$ or in MW JU,.
deft or lwfftl dress, or shall wke any indecent ezposure of his or tear person,,
or be guilty of any lewd or indeoenxt act or behavior, or exhibit, sell or offer
to sell any indecent or 1wW book, picture or other thing, or w:ibit or perform
my indocwt, iamaaorel or Lewd play or representa„iou shaall be deewd guilty of a
Section Crue..1M to Animals. AW person who shall inhumanely or
crual„71.y boat, injure or otherwLso abuse any animal: shah be deemed guilty of
a asi.sda wanor.
Section 4. Cruolt,Z to Chi3dron. fever shall crus]7 or inbmawly
whip, injure, Seat or mist.*oat his own child or atop - child, or apprentice or
other ebild under his care or control, shall be domed guilty of a mUdemanwo
Section. Des on or Exposure of Childreno Any parentm
or other p®rron having the cuoLody of a c "ild, or upon Shona by law or ream,
the care or maintenance of such child devolves, who shall in this Village deeart
or eVoag sue. child or neJeat suitably and to the extent of his or her af.lity
:_ ;
a -;N -t'a
fi - �Crr.pi Id
9 4.o provide for its aunts, ahoall be deemed guilty of a misdmeaner.
Section d. Intoxication. Any person who sha l bo in a at-ato of
Intoxication in any hi ghecays street, alloy, thoroughfare or public plat®
in the village, shall be dewd guilty of a miademmmor.
Sect an T Prea2E�ytion under Dsoeptive Noma. Any doctor, druggist
or otber person who shall Wkes sell., tut ups prepare or administer &my pre.
scriptions deooction or medicine under any deceptive or fraudulent nom,
direction or pretence shall be deemed guilty of a visdomemor.
Sect. Faismew Medicine—Labels. Any person who shall sell or
hold for sale wq pt isenous sodicine, substance or mound for m1facul pur.
qp posers or who ahal l mail or deliver the seam to say person unless the container
thereof is marked VoisonR shall he deewd guilty of Fi nisdemaxwra
Ssctic . Obstructing vt�•eats err Sides. dbry perm � shells
without prior authorization by the ]President and Board of Trustaw of the
Village, engage in any games sports ammemmt, business or exhibition upon
the streets or si.dssalks, which shah collect any crew' of persons so as to
interfere with the push of vehicles or of person passing aleang the etreste
or s ld swalksa shall be deemed guilty of a misaQmanpr.
Section ].D. ,so t. Any person *o shall asa ult agothear pwoon
within the Limits of the village mall be deed gui? ty of a si.sdamefter.
Alk Section 119 Assault and Batteno Any person, who shall commit an
aasault and battery upon the person of another within the limits of the village
shall be deemed guilty of a misdommuvre
Section 12. Disorderly Clond uct. Any person *.o shall oe guilty of
disorderly conduct or small make, aids countenance or assist in maldrg any
improper noise, riot, disturbance, breach cf the peace or diversion tending
to a breach of the peace in Yvia streets or elsewhere in this villAges or shy
advise any person to assault or beat the person of another within the limits
of the village, or who shall ^.nllect witF others in bodies or crowds for
unlawful p►rposes or for any purpose, to the amayanc® or disturbance of
citisons or travellers, shall .e deemed guilty of a adade anon®
17 - -
6"tiam P. Indecent Act- 4busive Lmggfte. Any person fto #
commit OW Wecent, lewd or filthy act i.n aW place in tho rill , or shaU
utter &M laut or fUthy words, or use eery threatening or abusive Uwgasp
my other pereens. Undlag to a breach of the vefto, or ghga ] ® aW
obsoae gesture to or about at+W parecn publialy, ehoU be a djMdgft
Section a .. l! Schools. ftomw ahal,l in this rill'
db sturb azq school or other assembly of peep" wt for a larfW. PILIPMes, by
raft Md IndeDWA behavior or otherwise, shall be deewd guilty of a
Beattm 16. Noise upon Streeta. uy pmon who std, wjtbout
Prior authorizatdQn by the ideat and Ord of Trustees of the aillAgee
its or cause, Perldt or alley to be operated mmu axW public etrest in
the rillAge airy Mcreaically operated piano, phmograph or other moil
instrr ets r"io or similar hau,ica : or electrical device or aim inatrmmt
or noise mking device of any character v6attsoaver, for tta pMrpogo d
vertising any goods, Mros, Wrthandise or other articles for sale, bartw
ar MchAMer or for the puepoea of at ctierg attmtiana ar of initift the
Patrmage of any person to MW business j tsoevrer, eh&U be domed ganty
of a mi3dmeanor.
Uctim 17. Hotwes of 113-Fgmg. &W Person who atall in am way
keop or att aim or t: a an irmat a of, or in MW esnner contribute to th@
8'4PPort of OUT t:auxe of ill -fame or assignation locAted in the r4A3, o
shah be doa&ad guilty of a misdemeanor. SVWy oerson fowl in asW home
of ill -Mass ar assignation house eithin t" IjAit.e of U-6 villa,, eWl be
considered an irate w�4±hin Lhe mgoaazink -f this section and cub ao to
orosscuXioc hem .
o 3-
Vj1/16— Ei - Cro
`J 61`1
Section 18. Pos tLn& Bills on Pwlic Prc2rt7►. ky parson lbs shall
affix my t^adbiU. sign, poster, acvertisement on ate► curbstone, flAgatons
ar other past of ary si deetl'<, cr uron any tree, force, laup post, bitching poste
telephone or pow polo, or hydrant within the streets or allap or up= my
village prop ye shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, provided that this
section shall not be wastaued so as to prohibit the posting cf legal no<iesea
.mom® Th o l -bales in Btrests. tr,$ person fto shall throng
d--op,, place or leave is or an any road, street, allay, sided, or mbl.ic plme
its the village aq haaadbiUm, dodgers, -)caters, bmwa, paper: or my stows,
missiles, :Ails, 4ase, szon or metal, trash, garbage; or any other article
Aft o- thing, except grevei, bit s mterial, concrete, or ciM*rs or chaster
compound ei the r for s i.reet improvemnt cr ice and snow removal, shall be gto$ Ity
of a misdemeanor.
Section 2424. Obstructing- Serra„ etc. Amy person sho shall stop or
obstruct the passage of the inter of my street, gut-ter or public sewer,, drain,
c:alvert, aaat w pipe or h7drant laid or .laced in the v-Mage shall be deemed
guilty of a misdameanor.
Section 271. 4efacia� trees or Buflttf r�gs. � person who ehaJU cut,
iWuse, mark or deface any building, Structure or property not his owns er an
;,awe, grans, otu ur or walk in any square, street, or vuubiic oasis, "Il be
deemed am= lty of a mledemwwar.
Sew 22. i.s S~,g eta. AV person sho shall wil:ully or
cam2esely break, d ge, deface or deavroy MW sewer, cesepool, culvert, match
basin, manhole, water pUm or hydrant, laid or p)Aced ice, upon or under any
street, sideeralk, nidbamy, the roughfare, or public place within the village,
ehA-U be dearer' guilty of a mi sdamanor.
:pct inn 23. �Rpn:pLer use of !Vrante. Any perso : who shall, e+iuwut
authority, use, tamer with, turn ox, or otherwise wanilri Ate nay fire hydrant
within the village, alhal.l be deed w°uilty of a Misdemes -nor.
tdon 24. Tt,s°o St,,ies. Any person shall throw any stone
Or oUW 2108119 ups or at any bu!►lding, tree or other public or private
jjs Cr urn or at arW person in any street, even,Ug, alley$ 2Awe publio
Wlla- it. (40
e&f -#w
place or mclemA or =enclosed ground in the village, or aid or abet In the
sass shall be deemed guilty f a mi admusanor.
Section a &s erg gs Any person wbe shall abstract or anger
W dot, street oarner or other public place in the village by laiteriag
or lou4ing in or about the am* smell be derma guilty of a md.a8 rs
Soction 26e Sad from Street. Arq parson ehe ahau ehgi
out or remove ak- sad, gavel, sad or awnh from &" street or otter olio
phase within the village without a. pearat from the President and loam of
Trustees, or from sny prawises not his even without the consent of the Omer,
aW1 ba de wad guilty of s misd anor.
S*cUon 2�. Possession of Bur lar's Tosla. Any person who shRU
have in hiss possesaien any nippers of the description knovm ea burglix's
*sippers, any pici leck, skeletov, -key, key to be uehd sitb a bit ar bitas,
Aw or offer burglar's inalmmat or tool of whatsosver led nd ar d@Sm_jW ,jM,
weasse it be sham that such passeasion is innecent or Par a lawful, purpose,
shall be cited guilty of a sdsdemesnorc
Sacti= 28. Marchsn3l se Stands in Streets. Any person ime, shall-
expose for sale arq fruit, regetables or other comeadities on ttae rise
stile ,, public right—af_;my*, or aydevalke of the oilIage p or in ra►gons or
other Val-10196, ar mall sell the saw vhon so WCpoded, or vho shall erect
a booth or eazabUsh or fix m' sta*id, for the sale of frAte books or
otter marchandi se of amy kind, viii :'h anoombere or obstructs any part of any
street cr sidewalk or road of the village shall be Jeemd guilty of a
mis damear;or.
Section 29, Obeoeane Pictures* Any r®areon who shall. se;71 91 offer
to sell, give a*.y r" offer to gives away, any obscene or indecent book,
peaphlet, p "r, drawLng, lithc;raph, engraving, victuree, photograph,
stereoscopic pictu.•a, ref, cast, or iattws¢!�tt or articiet of indecent
or iamral use ohall '?e did guilty of a miadammmor,
Section 3030. Pro-.action at j x;,avagA.onae "v peon +shad dig
or cause to be dug any =avation in rr adjolMag ajkv highW&Y, tharoughf'am
-5 4
0 = d shall not cause the 8=9 to bs f eanc4d
c-- other other pu place in the village an ha
in during the night tiz - with a subatanti.al fence or barricade at leers. three
feet high, shall, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
:section L1. Warning Light at E navatioms. Any person, shetber a
village officer or amployme or not, who shall make argv excavatim in MI
:dghoay or thoroughfare, and shall not cause poles or timbers raised at lent
three feet above the ground to be so placed as to prevent persons, anissls
or vehicles from falling into the same, and bnmLng red ligb#A or lantww
to be placed or secured thereon during the tdght time shall be deemed guilty
of a s i sdemirior.
%ction 32. Defacing Warkers. Any parson who shall T) urposely breaks
ch"ge, remavee, deface cr otherwise injure any sign, stakes poet or stone,
placed or set to designate the corner or lime of ssy lot, block, laid ep
streeat, or to show the grade of azy stree+at or siderwilk in the village., shall
be deemed g'allty of a mdsdesae$ nor.
Section 33. R!gMdM *zubbe ry. Any person Ohs aba]l out downs
dig up, die or destroy any fruit or ornamental tree or cultivated plants
standiftg or Vowing on the ]and or premieme of another, or pick, destroys
or Garry away there►froa, mW pert, bud, Plower or fruit of ail+ cultivated
tree., plant, vine or bush, wdthout perwdesi.on from the owner or occupant of
said land or premises, or shall wLtoheuL lawful authority cwt downs up t,
damage or destroy any frait or ornavental tree or shrubbery, planted or
growing an any street, highway., public thoroughfares park or ppabUc groundis..
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
Section 34. Spitting on Sidevralk'ar. A.-ty person who strait spit wpme
any public sidewalk or upon the floor of any hall, sasambly room or public
building in the village shall be deemed guilty of a nd.sdemea4ner*
Section 3 . Bering with relop-home Gain Boxes or Coin 2gerated
Vending Machlc:ese Any person who shall insert or attempt to insert. into the
coin box or money i - ceptable -f air telephoro or coin operated eendiug s►sehi_M
my slugs button, wire, book or other igaeraent or substame with the Intsist
tP to obtain the we of said belaphaaao or maehim, shall be damod gasMr of ae
mi ®der.
Section 36. T rr ctioaa Eadnes on Streets. Any persoa- +afro shall iaatulp
drive, or operate any vehicle on or through ally road, streets or all•eY of t t
village wileas the Wheels or tracks thereof ar- equiged with treede Oblob
grill n" damftu the :)avicement, shall be demed Pilty of a idadesmore
section 37. .tense Any person who shall enter into or uPW araay
lots block or tract of ground of another in the village, whether errrcUs od or
ummalosed, and is forbidden sae to & by the a =er or occupants or by his
-gent or servants and thereafter eaters upon such lot, blocs or trsot of
RP groused, or i sv person who is unlamfully uses. the o0c2.osed or uaaencloned Uts
block or tract of ground of another and is notified to depart therefrom by
the owner, or oocupat, or Its agent or secant, and neglects or refuses no
to dot or whoeveev wilfully or mne ceessartly or without right entewa saw lots
blocks op tract of growrad of another vion a printed or written notice for.
bidding or prohibititg traapass in general_ or iu aMr detail has been am--
spicuously posted or exhi' -heed, shall be gullty► of a riadeseasnor.
Section 38. Use of Firearm bZ Miners Prohibited._ toy minor
under the age of eighteen yew, who shall soot or discharge axW fireana
within the village,, shall be guilty, of a zdadmeanor unless ouch miner is
Aft acrcampanied by and under the direct control and supervision of an adult persons
qu section 394 Oerat- 3gg Go bR!gL Dsyic®. faoeeer, in of roost,
saloon, i =, tavern, shed, boAh or building, or anclosure, or In any part,
thereof, operates, keepa, ommb rents or uses my clock, jokey, tapep or slat
machine, or any other device upon which money is stained or hasoadeedp or irate,
whims mcney is paid or played upon chance, or upon the result, of the aetica
of which money or other valuable thing is staked, bet, hazarded; vm or leash
shall, be guilty of ae misdemo r.
section 40. Bookmaking and Fool Selling. Any person who hues
any reaam, shoed, te3nementp tent, booth, or buildings or any part tbu"fa or
who occupies any place upon alp public or private grounds within tbo Est
with aW book, instruawt or device for they purpose of recording or regist wing
.. 7 �.
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bats or wages►, or of selling pools, or any person who r000rds or ragistwe
bets or wages or calls pools apoa the result of &W trial or content of
ski,Us 3pead or power of andurawe of mean or beaasts or aeon the resaiA of
mq political noadnati.on, mppainntmwt or elactiws sh&U be guilty of a
mi +ademanor.
Section 41 a ?!E:,tZ. Any pewson scar is guilty of &mT xdLedsmemor
as defined herein$ sbo re no other ;-eaAlty is provideds shell be fined east
loss than IN..Ye3 and No/100the (05.00) Dollm nor more than Tw Hundred and
Ala+ /100tbe (62DO.00) Doliers fcw each offsvaGo
P"sed wd approved by the President and board of Trustatig of the
Vi!Uge of Oakbrook this 44-Jay of C��Q A. D. 1960.
—A- ;_
• 4 aof
- 8 .
JWtXM 1 ek 6 cc.
W-11SMEAS# the rlwidmt ad Board of Trustees of the Village of Oakbrook.,
Du Pam Comtyj, 12.lizeisp dma it advisable to Wevide for additioma raguUtionz
regulating the constriction of rev dential, comwreizi, LndasudAi a-.A all of
t7pts of buildl-tZs- and
MMITAS,* in the adeption of additiorml buildim_ code reguUtions all
or certain partions of the foUawirg publiostims wM bo adopted by referomae,,
to-wits Matiowl Faactrical Code, 1$59 .3aticim., oopyr-e.ted by the '1114atio-nal
Fire ProteeUan Associat4=1 and -11111nois State P11=bing Code, adopted as an
Ad'v'isor y Code of M. -nimm ftandards of dood Plit-bing '21racace July 11, 1959, by
the 1111=is Depaevme--vit of PublU Ileal"Ith., Division of S=itary RV.gine W—rg.,
both of whim said publIcati=9 �A-v* bium previously in p=ptaiat formj
%M-MLSit the Statutes of the -State of M�mis provide that in s=h
ease$ the ord(4 pdolications my be adopted b7 refemnce,, providod at 1e
thme oopiov have bom w- file at tie efPlze of the Tiliale Merk at least
tbirt7 (30) daye prior U thAr adoption b7 ref s-rems;
-N" -
't, mm"Rmn't as 1T mzox-m b7 tho Premident, and Board of Trustees
of the V-111age of Oakbrook Du Page Co=t7, MU-noiss, that Ux" ccmita of the
afox,,asaid Natio-nal El"trical Code mid ttkm afar said T-11inols State PlwWkng
Code be placed an file at the office of the Villas Clerk in uha general office
builang of thm Oakbr*4*. Division of t -,sAButler GompajW* Calbrooks Mincis, U
remin = file fOr UllirtY 00) 4-MyS so that the as mW be adapted in total or
In part by r,-,fer4meo '-,q the said President and %ard of `rusteas.
ftozed and appro"d by the Przeldent aad Board of Trjo-toes of the
Vi .a of Oakbrook, Du Page Comtys JUinollz.. this 11th dal of Oatdbar., A. D.
19 ,40.