Minutes - 10/16/1965 - Board of Trustees0.���l. r I ROLL CALL The MP V.; *L. eting vas called to order at CoOO A.N. by Village President Tq A. Hoh1man. All Trustees were present, I'I FIRWOUSE ADDITION FOi HIGHWAY DEPARTMW VEHICLES The recommadatione of the viLLage architect and the build *ag comittee ware presented and discussed Trustee Howlt moved - secoeded by Trustee Haveyv, , That the firehouse addition buitding contract be awarded to A. H. Viren & Sone, Inca 3108 Oak Park Avenues Berwyn, Minolst in, the amount *C136,500.00, and that the yy president and cleft be authorized to sign said contract. Roll Call Vote: Ayes m Trustees 3artong Haveys Hayes, Howell,t 0 93tieer: and President MbIMRa Mayes - Trustee Roseman So ordered. III BRWK DMMWP ENT COMPANY - REQUEST FOR RESO$$ITION Trustea 0 ° Brien soared - seconded by Trustee Barton... That the matter be held in abeyance until further information is received. Voice vote m all in favor. So ordered. VI ADJOURRMW 7� q�,, Trustee Hayes Im d m seconded by Tmetee Barton... That thia meeting be adjourned. Voice vote =-' all in favor. So ordered, Thia meeting adjourned at S 8 SS A.M. Respeatfully subadttedg aaies'ralftce B rric!k valoge Clerk r �