Minutes - 10/22/1968 - Board of Trustees,h, y._ •.�,�,. - �� - - ._ - _„ • -_ _.• `ILq .k'= -•I_:•K, v r. -X'- .s : ;.3 "t� � u'. _ ._ .. . _ _ . -.;. _ "'� �F "'� -` _ �.: �+:j�lt•} ^ „' •i. •I�i.:'_'.,.�•�.",ir. ,..`- ,t'ict .uya )'. 1..- - ,,h,,, +T 1 I ROLL CALL YUDD 001 — MIAI • The meeting was caLLed to order at 8:00 P.M. by President Dean. xY 1: IIX All trustees were preeer►: 4w.ce :pt Tft8tee Barton. READING OF MINUTES Trustee O' 8rien moved -- seconded by Trustee Fsyes , . . That the reading 0 the W,mtea of the regular meeting of October 1lth. 1968, be suspended and that they be accepted as submitted. Voice vote all in faior. So ordedre"d. OrJ)3NANCES. RQSOUIT- ONS, VARIATIONS. PL&TS, RN. A. Traffic Ordinance - 0 -93. Each trustee wear prasernted with the f loos. draft of the p'roporerd ordinance amending Ordinance 0.10 a"d ameaftante there+te. Trustee Hayto reported that thin Ordinance had been rerporod and approved by himnelf', Attorney Unvsreogt, Chief Studolaski and Officer ,Janfk. Trucatee Runh noted two correctiono on Pages 12 and 31. ruate9e Royce moved „ 64conded by ` estes 019rien... 'Thee Ordinance Q -93 be a pro "d and adopted by the villap board cub jesct to the tot ovt.ng c®rredci'i.oae Page l2. s,txth Line** *At word '%@act* " bn *ubatituted for the word "empa "'' Page 31, f if too nt8 Line: The word "on" be substituted for the word "of ", Roll Calk Vote: Ayes -- Truatess ny*@, Howell.-olari.eap, Rc+ssmaa. Ruah mad President, Dean. payee - None Absent- Trustee Barton So ordered. The Village Clank men ,laat'ructed to of aria quote# on the cost of printing this ordinances ter loose'- •,aaf type booklet form for consideration, st the next ae ptor mseatfog. e. 3olei.togs Rsr�,tioS4o4 Ordla�e e;a P+Pmwr11sM1Yi 'trusteed Rocamen waved - secon led by Trustee, RraAh... That this matter bo tabled until the• nett regular meedttng. Voice vote all trr favor. So ordsre:d, C. c+akbrook, o Cent-gr w• ®f f e: C n r i„ Card i teen ,® 0.94 Rach truates. waa provided v!,th a proposed ordinances eu+thortaing a con^ %rant with Oakbrook Terrace, lrwr. tor the reguLattoo of traffic within the Oakbr6ok Shopping Center. Trustee Howell. moved R- seconded by Trustee Roseman.,. That the viAlege board approve and adopt. Ordinonce Q-94 autboriaing a contract, which is attachod to and made part of the record. with Oakbrook Terraces, lat, to permit the oak- Brook. Polite DapartwoM to reguLate traffic io the Oakbrook Shopping Center. Roll Call Vote: Ayes Trustege Hayed i Hgwett, Roan' 00, fteh acrd '?draitdeut Dean. Nadyee, Troeteda 'OORrien. ; Absent -' . Trustee Barton , ` So orderer. 1 ., '1 _• _ ' + `a.... y. .....mar,.. _:- •._.- ....... -. 1, i4 -_• ,,.k L <,ir 10 -� III ORDINANCES, RZS0Wr.0N3, V14C. (Continued) D. 0.B.D,Co. - 725 Enter rise Drive - V& iation Ordinance 5 --1744 Ench trustee was provided with a copy of a proposed ordinance granting a v(ir i atz on to the Oak Brook Development Company tor Lot ! G, Central industri'.ak Plaza ( 725 Enterprise Drive) to perwi.•t a front yard .set -back of fifty -five feet and a set -back of. forty feet for automobile parUln& along Enterprise Drive. Trustee O'Brien moved -- seconded by Trustee Howell.... That Ordinance 5- -1,74 be approved and adopted by the village board„ Roll Call Vote: Ayes Trustees Hayes, Howell, O'Brien, Roseman, Rush and President Dean. Naye a -- fbone Absent- Trustee Bruton So ordered. TV 011) BUST MSS AL Oak Brooh Terrace Efact) rvu4t,ee waM provided with a copy of a circuit e-yurt oulumona No. 63 -22930 Med by the City of Oakbrook Terrace a8gninat khe Vf1.L.age of ;'_.ak Brook. Trustee 640 moved } nttranded by Trusto, Hayes... 11hat Attorneys UAvsareogt be Inatructod to woto r eta appearance and fi la an aatravt r to the a;ompl_aiet wh'i.ch was i ttaued agsi naut the Village of Oak Crook. Roll Call Vote: Aye-!w `lruataos Hayes, Nowtil.1:, O'BrIaen, duets a,nd Preotdeat dean. Naayw as - #lone Aboont -- Truatees Bartan and Rosamm, So o, dera4. 0. Saxton Land FU t 1%i s matter w as Laabl ed . tr. Ito�oNtt Zt�`�an�i �e� ;fit :'� °eeai„c4en` i)i:an >i 4ad a LtLtrer from Kr. Wayne, post' of the. Oak Brook Bcvelopwtnt t:aampaany, chat, -A Octo5ar 17th, 1968, >requent ing an t4forranaaL m„nt•f.ng of One° hoard to divcun,A tha, Her or Road ing,rees and Egre<,N maat.t�or'. Prtai.,dent Dean rcquaaat-,d that Ur, Damn bo, advisc4 that the Beard voutd be agreemable, to di,scurelon at a rogular rtatfot. V 1gZW RUS t tLSS A. Pir„ Penni.on ftn Each trki :vrec was provided with ea copy of a letter from M,, Edwar4 A. Skobe:,, Supervisor, Public 'ployes Pension Fund Divi .,ri.ora ofi -Oic, Stoto of 11.1incie Departvent of lneusaanee, doted Octubcr 15. L963, advising ttiaat the village. eontribut ioata to the V treawn Poi i,jon Flaridl nh+7t,04 ha c, ompni.to.d at a rate of 17f% of nnlari o, Trustee.. 011is- esi tnoved .. ., acon(lod by 7 -miltt of. Ro-h ... That thx, vi,ll.aK�, clij -% he aaulnorj?zd to dep2si.t S4,11p from the corporate account f.hto the Firent-,,n Pension Fund covering ci period frets Decernlx�r 1., 1.967 through September, , L96-s. ROLL Cell Vote: Ayes -- Trustees ifayea, Howell, O'Brien, Roseman, Ruch and President Dean. Hayes -- None Absent- Trustee Barton So ordered. 1.0/2.2/68 tnn!•t „Sa9:.,:LC]{," •',K '• _ ' "4',�!RJ•'v: Y'r�f•`� •� "f ,•/!',lM:TV' ^+."1'��: �1�'. il• GPL^ f;' P• L' r "Y'ti{�4^Il••✓fY^^i'E: -i'.7" 7 1tii r•'ra{r '!C3{{Li"• �l "5 'i' %W4•J`v ]r p !. J"'r• . �• - I !'. .. 1;+1 r 'Lr r; b' L 'S` T +• �ri'__ J• 7'• f.]. i.P� l I 9J +, •') : {r: r. ;: , +i ��4� ,. a- '4`7.�� ^;'1��. `� d •f • .' q. , .,, w.a.•,e Page 3 V NEW M]SINESS (continued) B. Paul Francis Letter President Dean read a letter from W. Paul Frar. -ir, Jated October 7, 1968, commending the Oak Brook Fire Department for their rapid response and efficient wanner with which they fought the fire at his home on August 24, 1968. C. Fire House Ki.tcheal Ramode ling Trustee Rossman presented at budgeted proposal to remodel the fire house kitchen. Trustee Rossman moved - secon4ed by Tsrurtee Rowell... That Chief New be authorised to accept the pro Got of Robtrt Fleishman, Builder, for fire house k#,tchen remodeling work at a3 cost of $356.00. Roll, Ca1L Vote: Ayes ti Truatee3 Rayea, Rowelt a''erien, Roseman, Rush and President Dean. Mayes - Dune Absent- Tru stee :arton 90 ordered. D. Pane a-U-9—Annautigap.899921 A requeo , for annexation by W. and Mrs. Sam Pentotto was filed on Monday, October 21st, 1968. President Dean recommended that thin petition be approved due to the fact tbat• tbi.s territory Liao wholly within the village boundarica . Trustee Nowell moved - eaooeded by Trustee Hayes... That this petition be referred to the Plan Commission for their recommendation. Roll Call eotaa Ages w Trustees Hayes, Howall, O'Brien, and Runh. Noyes N President Dean. Absent- Trunte s Darton and Roesman. So ordered. Each trustee c +se rovided with a copy of a letter from District Engineer Sigmund 0. Zi+e jewaki, State of Illinois Department of Worka and BuiLdLngo dated October 16th, 1965, advising that a meeting will be hell on November 14 1968, to discuss the now Standard Specifications And the boa a procedural changes in the atItieation of motor fuel tax funds. Trustee Reyes abd Engineer Berner will attend hie meeting. VI ADJOWtIMM President Dean adjourned this mating at 9&05 P.M. 'pillage Clerk 10/22/68