Minutes - 10/24/1967 - Board of Trustees• w -a� -b� • ITILLAG 3 OF OAK II'r2OU HINUTES 0,0 October 24$ 1967 • V0 T- #4 1 A) BOLL CALL The meeting was called �..o order at 8:00 P,M t by President Dean. All trustaas were present. l l - 21011IG OF ITINUTM Trustee O tBrIen moved - seconded by Trustee Bsarton. v e Thab the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of October 10th, 1967t, t, be suspandod and that they be accepted as submitted Veil, a vote m all In favor. So ordered. l S 091D1NTANCES, BFSOLU"iIONS, VARIATIONS, AHENDMENTS o -'W28 2ns r. President Dean ream a Z *nolutlon expressing gratitude to Mra Arthur Pm Swanson,, Oak Brooks Patrolmen Hiehard Nialsen® glmhursta Patrolman William Kolleek, Flnsdel.es Patrolman Edward 7. Gald21k,o Oak rlrook a and Patrolman Benjamin Fe Savagllo, Oak Brook* who were Inst aental in the apprehenslan of two burglary suspects in a private residence within the Village of Oak Brook. Trustee Barton moved - se eondrxd by Trustee How€ ll * . , That Resolutlon H -78 be adapted by tho village board Roil Call Vote: ayes — Trustees Barton s, Hayes, Haacel,t ¢ O m Brjen. Rossman.. Rush and President Dean Nayea m None So ordered. President Dean presented each of the above with a copy of Paid ordinance. B. Ordinance Ade;Dt Chi de o B Code _ "a Gam` no President Dean read an ordinances amend ng Ordinance G-11 and adopting certain portions of the Chleago Bu lding Codev Volume 14, woo Trustee Rcssman moved secorAed by Trustee Howe llo 0 That Ordinanoo G -78 bo passed arA approved by the vl 'llage board Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton$ Hayes0 Howell, O'Brien, Roseman, Rush and President Dean, Mayes - None So ordered, c. 2a_kAr_2a1,D_43_vq1=2n Saoh tramtaa was provided, with copies of cormspa.dence frm Mr. Bill Does of the Oak Brook Development Company dated October 200 19679 frOM Attornoy Borers dated October 190 1967: and from Plan 0=11esion Chairman Swain dated October 249 1967, After discussion the following motions were made. Trustee Howell moved .. seconded by Trustee Rush... That the provislons of the sonIng ordInance be adhered to as Indicated by the village attorney and that the plat be retvwned for a pllanoa x1n, t111's ordinance before It Is submitted for approval. a ft 0 to- C74-67 0 page 2 III 01WI 1A`IC3S , R SOLUTY ©'.'7S , VARIATIONS, WMENDMENTS „ FLATS (Contirmed ) C. 04AC Srook Developm n C st ®B o ®k o U it Con nue Trustee 'tartan moved ® seconded by Trutee, Roeswn.. t That the matter be tabled! unt1l, Saturday,, October Vthg 1967, Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hayes, Howell* O t Brien* Hosemana Rush and President Dean. Nayes - i3ans So ordered. D. Anker Co t ,LqR.9ment AgMay Each trustee was providers with ea copy of the An'ker Corporation Assessment Plate together with correspondene;o doted October 12, 1967, from Mr. Halp�a To McKean of the Oak Brook Development Co., Trustee Rosman Moved m s000nded by Trustee Hayes,., ThL,t the village :- ,pprove this plat and authorize the village treasurer and el+erk to affix their sigmtures to same. Roll Call Votes Ayes - Trustees Barton,, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien, Roseman, Rush and President Dean* Mayes - ,70ne So ordered. Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Hayes... That the village treasurer and clerk be authorized to affix their sIgnatures on the Danby Subdivision Unit 5 pleat. Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Ha"s, O'Brleng Roseman and President Dean. Mayes - Trustees Barton, Hornell arA Bush. So ordered, IV PIUANCIAL A. A, S tatff e t Trustee Heye,a moved - see©nded by Trustee O'Brien... That the Superior Meek Top Co. Involee No. 7381* dated September 30, 1967, in the amount of 133 *955.50, covering the 196? $treat maintemnoe contract, be approved for payment. Fell Call Nate: ages - Tzustees Barton,, Nh, es, Hoasell, o''BrienO Roseman, Rush and president Dean. Hayes . Nor's So ordered, B. ! grey ®k &S � T?nastee O"Drier: r-ap€9rted that the village was in rooeipt of a letter from the Oak Broo?k Utility Company. dated October 5. 1967, which advised that a recent survey 11as established that there are ac tua ly 154 fire hydrants within the village and that effective with September billing the village would be so charged. Trustee O'Brien moved -- seconded by Trustee Hayes... That the charge for the Month of Sep'somber In the amount of 5,269.50 be approved for payment, Roll. Call Vote: Ayes e. Trustess Barton, Hayes,, Horven. OlBrien. Roseman, fish and President Dean. Tlayes - Mone So ordered.. 10/24/6?' OLD IMSI SS Aft 1� Page 3 A. Voodside E=tatea U Turn - Ordinance Q -06 'trustee Hayes requested .toe village attorney to drag an ordinance prohibiting "U" turns upon the etreet known as Woodside Estates Entrance Way. Attorney Bowers presented such an ordinance. Trustee Hayez moved seconded by Trustee O'Brien... That the village board adopt Ordinance S-146 prohibiting any motor vehicle to make a "U" turn upon the pubLic way known as Woodside Eststee Entrance. Roll. Call -Vote: Ayes - Trustees Hayee, J'Brien, Rossman, Rush and President Dean. Noyes - Trustee Howell Abstainer - Trustee Barton So ordered. Meszrs. Weber and Armstrong of Yorkshire Woods objected to this action and were assured by President Dean that their particular probLem involving Yorkshire Woods would be resolved. B. oak Br•ot k L!iklrtt,, a� env S pitarX i?istricts Trustee Barton repotted on his committee's progresp concerning the various utilities affecting the village. Trurtee Barton moored - secoKe d by Trustee Howell... That the village board authorize Wight Consulting Engineers to update its engineer's report and .feasibility study on sanitary sewe- and water facilities wits 4 the vilLage of Oak Brook at a rust not to exceed $2,100.00. Roll Call 'Vote; Ayes Trustees Barton, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien, Roseman, Rush and Preei.dent Dean. Cayes None So ordered. President Dean reported that Trustee Rossman represented the 'village at a meeting held on Friday, October 200 , 1967, in Wheaton, coAceruinag the proposed county sewage treatment system. Trustee Hassnan referred to The Trib article, dated October 23, 1967, and requested that the county offici.aLs be invited to meet with the village board, Hr. Edward Otto, President of the Oak Brook Civic Association, advised the board that K. John 0, Murri p, countq public works superintendent, will speak to this aspociation on Friday, November 3rd, 1967, whereupon President Dean rQuested that every viL Lagr board member make sd effort to be preseht at this meeting. C. Emergency Ambutance Service President Dean read ao Letter from Trustee Barton, Opted October 16, 1967, stating that he and Trustee Rossmen stets with Chief Siudninski and Chief New regarding ambuiauce service. In said Letter disadvantages were listed ar l , accordingly, no recommendation w &s made for any changes. The vil -go board unaniMoUsLy concurred with this committee's Position in the matter. D. Vacation and Sick Leave PoLx.c� President Dean read a letter from Trustee Barton, dated October 16th, 1967, outlining a proposed uniform sick leave and vacation policy as recommended by Trustees Barton and Rossuna. Trustee HoweL% commented on the excellent JOb this coMmittee performed in this regard Trustee H.oweli moved - seconded by Trustee O'Brien... That the village boord adopt the policies stated in said letter with the exception of deleting paragraph 6 can Page 20 the maximum Paid vacation allowed being, three weekA. Roll Cali Vote: Ages - Trustees Barton, Hayes, Howel.L, O'Brien, Rossman, Rusk and President Veen. %yes None So ordered. 10J14/67 a a g V OLD NUS SS (Contin ed) o —10 Page 4 E. Protective Covenants EnfGrcement President Dean read a letter from Plan Commission Chei.rman Swain, dated October 6, 1967, ctatkg that his commission did not feed. it would be a legitimate expenditure of general ra4tenue funds to police covenants which rho not effect elk the taxpayern of the village. Mr. Nlynard Larkins of the York Woods Architectural Review Board staked his position in this matter and requested the vi lLage beard to table this matter for ca two-week period. The AM, board unanimously agreed to secept the plan commission's recommendation regarding the Worcement of private covenants; however, there was additional discussion reprding the creation of s public avclhitectural review beard. Trustee Barton moved - ¢Lconded by Trustee Hayes_ rbat the possible adoption of an ordinance to create a pubs i.c architectural review board for the Vi.linge of Oak brook he referred to the Plan Commission for their recommendation. RML call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hayes, HoweLL, O'Brien, Rush and President Dean. Wyes - Trustee Rossman So ordered. F. .6th Street 202 vT - Oak Sroo :Terrace ` ustee Hayes referred to a letter received from W. George R. Dobson, Alderman of the City of Gakbro k ierraace, dated October 17, 1967, reguesti4g the tJi. Loge of Oak Brook to consider making 16th Sheets from Anterey to Route #83, one way, eastbound. Trustee Hayes moved - seconded by Trustee O'Brien... That the village attorney be instructed to ` prepare an ordinance making 16th Street, from Mbntcerey to Ebute #83, one say, eastbound. ROIL Cull Vote: dyes - Trustees Barton, Hayes, Howeli., O'Brien, Rossmano Rush and President Dean. Noyes - None So ordered. V1 NEW BUSINESS A. Mue1Ler1e yj br+ o1- Subdivision President' Dean rend a Letter flom Mr. George R. Mhatter, dated October 16th, x.967, -equesting a ravansideratiou on a condition regardinj the preliminory plat of MuelLerlp Oakbrook Subdivision. After d ' •cussi,on, the fntlowing &otion eras made. Trustee Bowe L a moved! - seconders by Trustee O'Brien,.. That the village board grant approval to permit welts and septic systems on the property known as MuetLer l s Oakbrook Subdiviaian subject to the approval of the county health department. Roll Cs LL Vote: Ayes Trustees Barton, Hayes, Howelt, O'Brian, "assman t Rush-and President Dean. Neyes - None So ordered. B. The Amer cap Red Caoas President Dean read ra letter from Mr. Charles S. Motchklae, C'nsirm4n, Disaster Service, DUP&ge ounQ Region, AMerican Red Camas, requesting the village to sign a "Statement of Understanding. is Trustee Marton moved - aecoaded bk Trustee Rossman... That she vi lLage stark be authorized to Wert the name "Oak Brook", on Page S of the "Statemett of Understanding. " and thst the Preei,deat be suthorimad to sign saw. Vci.ca vote - OU in favor. So offered. Lq/14/67 � �VI. NEW 3USI SS (aonti ) rage 0. Stream Control, - Dams President Dean read a Letter from Plan Commission ChairmaYa Swain, dated September 27, 1967, regarding control over streams in Oak Brook. After ditcuesion, it was unanimously decided that- Attorney Sowers study this matter and report to the board, D. DuPage county Zoning Board of AppsaLs Hearing - Butterfield & Midwest President Dean read an announcement from the DuPage County Zoning Bonr°d of Appeals atating that a public hearing will be held in the Villa Park Village Hall, on October 26, 196.7, regarding property located on the southwest corner of Butterfield Read and Midwest Road. No action was taken by this board. E. Illy State Tol€ €iighwal Commission A 2licati.on President Dean read a nol ice received from the State of Illinois Department of Aeronautics, stating that on or after November 2. 1967, the Department of Aeronautics intends to enter an order to grant approval of a restricted landing area.-heliport on %Llway property. No action was takgn by this board. F. Butler Compepy Ijggor 1.i+�epeg� .4pPlicatiun - stable club President Dean YepGrted the receipt of an application for a retailer's license for the sale of alcoholic liquors in the tillage of Oak Brook from Mr. Paul Bawler. After discuspion, the foLlowi.n,g motion was made. Trustee Rossma€a moved seconded by Estee O'Brien... That the village attorney ba instructed to prepare an ordinance amending the present liquor ordinance to increase the number of license& by one to ac°commodAtethe Interasti.onat Sports tors„ EtolL CatL Vote: Ages - Trustees Barton, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien, Rossmen, Rusin and President Dean. Noyes 9 None So ordered. G. Re-Appointment of Mr. John Police Pension d President Dean recommenlled the re- apgairatment of Mr. John Blank to the Police Pension Fund Board. Trustee Hayes moved w seconded by sstee Barton... That the village bus-rd approve President Dean ° s a eemmendeteion and than Mr. Joan Blank be re- appointed to the Oak Brook Police Pension Fund Board rearoactive from June 213, 1 '67. aoll. Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hayest Harnett, O'Brien. Rossman, Rush and President Dean. Noyes - None So ordered. H. Polic-e-Pepartment—Report Trustee Barton reported that Of�gi eers Kampf and Savagli,o will be attending. training classes at ct:amDaig€�, tjj nods from November 6th through December Ls; acid t-hal: Chief Siudzinaki wiLL Also attend classeas from Nove Leber 13th through November 17th, L967 VT I ADJOURNMENT President Deana adjourned idlis ¢aeeting at 10:27 P.M. 1,0/24/67 `; A ELI spectf��l ig� su � ittad Lorraine E. Fricak Village Clark