Minutes - 10/25/1966 - Board of TrusteesVXTIL AGR OF OAK AROOK NUTES OF October ROU CAL, The meeting was caL)ed to order at 8:05 P. M. by viltage prosidont T. A. Muhtman. ALL trustees %are present. ax READING OF MNtrrEs `xraztee O'Brien "loved seconded by Trustee Haavey.. . That the mi,outea of the rreguLar Meting of October LL, 1966, bay accepted and approved as submitted. Voice vote - aXL in (aver. So ordered. La OFEL LNG Ole PARKING for BIERS ViLlage engineer Danner oxpLained that Page pa d woo insdvertantty omitted ftom the spc��:�'.�'tention booklet and rea etntetd that thia tachoicality be waived as it has no bearing on the leg aLi,ty of the bids. Tr,xstee Barton moved a^,-e ended by Trustee. Havey.. . That the technicaLity of omitting Page 6 erca the specification booklet he waived. Voice vote - eLl in favor. So orrder44. The foLLowi,ng bias were opened and pecsed on to the vitinge +ongine4r for tabulation. Arrow :;koaad Coni,..rtactiod Co. U,MAS Advanca Construction tea. .. 931LL5.80 R. W. Dunteman Co. ILR$,905.45 George W. Hartong $2C, 084. LO MtiniiipaL paving Company ti $3W,230.60 After deducting he costs from sidewalks* backfUting and aeadings Mr. Barner advised the low bidder was the R. W. tkinteeman Co. in the &&aunt of $14,875.70 and the next; Loweet bidder was George Reitang in the aammnt of $15,460.60. Tknotee Howell scovead d secondeed by Trustee Heyete... That the parking Lot contract be awarded to R. W. Durrtaman Ca. for the aoaount of $14,875.70. This awmat excludes thae coat Of sidewalks, baekUlling and seeding. ROLL Ca LL vote: Apaes Trustees Urton, Hovey, Reyea, Hovetl p 012vient Roaawn and P rebident Nobtana. Nayeea -- None So ordered. IV FINMCIAL A. Surglue __FFstoda Tmustee O'Brien caved -- seconded by Trustee Barton... That t4 a village attorney be inat eted to prepare an amend m at to Ordinance Sa9L to Inar Ltade the 666e�-aL Fedemra t Savingg & Y eaft Asaoci ation. Voice vote w all in favor. So ordered. ` /l'..'Fr': . -7•r ^. `Y'i:• c „t3��i” }1'}r: ':'t,•, t•: S'. ti7sr - - - - i:r n� . ^.F: •,,'•i - :I��: it .,. - - iln .4 At ' _ , ` �t . . -w f.T3�•tl�,_ t •r _ - Q�__ l - _ �x �- � .'R7irl.�: i t� , C' 1;'.! l `�. -��. •' 1 .- •.�tl:. r a ' �, ,. 7'+ • ,:5' ". �f < ,' 'Iir,YY , �_ ,T. �� ry��„5. .,��� _ .r "..I.+.ii . _ ,i_ �":, ' fi:n, " ft ^.- '.rI, r.l.p. ,,�nt i F. , - � rlli�l t,�`'- `� V- _. {ma 2 RZ TWO;, _ l y .aL,�;':•': '',.` -.. .- : , - � t ' �i .' ,i _. ' .•,_, :; .r.! Ar n„aincan, Ordi Perrin g Funds 1965 -:66 President MohlFav:n read an ordinance tranaferring certain rappzopriatians suade: by the aannuut appropriation ordinance for the fiscal, yenr 1965 -66,. '4 Trustee: 0 Brief, moved secondtd by Trusteit Hp yes... That Ordionnee S -10, tvaapsf'arring certain appropriationa made by ' the annual apt:rropriRtion ordinance for the fiaoal year 1965•.46 be approved and adopted by the v 1, loge bQaro . 1.114U Cali. Vote: Ayes • Treatees, Dorton, Havey, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien, Roseman and Prep, Mohlaman. Saye a None So ordered. VI POLICE DEPARTMENT SUPPUMI! ARY REPORT A. Patrolman L. C. lt„�ci, r.Relsi IL nation Prl-eiident kohl.man read the report of Chief Siudoioaki. stating that Patrolman Ryden tied realg;,ed From the poLice department as of October 20, L966. Trustee Barton moved • aaaconOed by Truatee Hovey.,,, That the resignation of Patro: mau L„ 0. Ryden be + ,4cepted. Voice vote - all in fanvor. . So ordered,. u.• Qle rk ­Ot atto rfa her ftaointment Chief' Siudra'inaki approved 'the a RRol�atment of lwnciLle Armstrong for -:' clerk-stenographer poeition, effective November 4, 19661 at a salary of $80„00 per week. 't Trustee Barton moved aecouded by Trustee Have - 'nist the appointment of We"i tle Armstrong be approved by the vi ltage boor. d . Voice vote: aLL in favor. So ordered. ,t • V11 FIRE B rL`Ak29q ENy A. VoWnreer Paxroll r. President llaahlraaan presented the fire department volunteer payroll ,y. for the months of JuLy, August and September. Trustee Roscmen moved r seconded by Trustee O'Brien... -. That the fire department volunteer payroll in the amount of $1,0521.00 be approved. R.oLl Call Vote: Ayes •- Trusti es Barton, Havey, Hayes,. Howett, O'Brien, Roa3man and Pres. Mobt.man. Nayes None So ordered. B . Sutc hsn _Aeria.1 Tower rruuste'e Rossman reported on the Illinois 1hapontion and Rating Burceau° findings regarding the Sutphen Aerial. Tower fire truck. He stated that the Sutphen men were handting all the minor details and that the Inter. r national Harvester Company had written advising Pollard Motors. Int. that the ream axle installed as this truck is rated at 28,000 Lba. capacity. chic information was passed on to the Illinois Inspection aaj Raring Bureau and they advised that Formal certification would be forthcoming. Trustee Roseman moved serenaded by Trustee O'Brien... Y�,'� r,; ; •; Thaa_t, the . clerk, bC authorized to mail the $5.760.00 check for the baLance due tho Sutt0hen Fire 8quipm6nt' C *. 6n. the ba'si,e of this verbal approval from the Illinois lospectt'ion and Rating Bureau. Rnll 06U, Vot' s: rim tee's, Barton, Harvey',' 84yeay, Hewellr �:7�7.y:k. � � .;�s��.Y.a:i F .: y -:;� .� •, � 2:,�Ir„ r �6 .'J . �.. - - - - - ---- a x - - -1 � "� ..�''� ovl*i � en, Ro- e set 'and - r P• re�s. a rM8I oa �.hraliod� • n. $q as. 14: So M­ = _ -�.�: 4iw•,;' , -• Y ,'i.rfl �+b���G:,} t - x� ,S :rt ; .,Sv - - - _ - vi: .if' try i`•7 . - r'F ,�• 4nnr dk1. e� .',:n..:�: ;u ;,:�7,,- A.:,i +�e .il:.:.'iFn -.,,- 5,c ,,., �. •,_,., tie .„ _.- , .„ ., :. - 9't „ IF ry ` Z, 7, 'n, age�,, Pi R'S viv FiRE DEPARTMENT tWuedY C Firebousi Addition Trustee Howell reportad thAl In ppeptor Pearson, advised that the firehouse addition is now comptetied in accordance with the cont .fact. Trustee HoweLl moved seconded by Trustee Roaman... That A. R. Viren & Sons* Inc. be paid the baLence o2 ij $lt000.00 prDV44ed a final waiver for the entire contract, price U recetved.' Roll Gall. Vote: Ayes Trasties 'Barton, llsvey, He 'Y'a''a Rdwa, I I O'Brien, Rossman and Pres. Koh1main, Wayea None So ordered. Vill ROAD & BRIDGE DEPAR"ISM A. Its.r Beckner Salary Increase Trustee Hayes recommended a merit wage increaaa for Walter Buckner from $476.00 to $500.00 por month effective November 4til .0 1966. Trustee Rayes moved seconded Oy Tk-us.tee Havey... That Walter Buckner's saLary be i6creased to $500.00 per month effective Wovember 4th, 1.966. RoU Csl� Ilote-v Ayes i­ Truateed �iartqp, Havey, Hayes, Howell, 011. 96simari and Plea. WhIman. Hayes None So ordered. 'a Im. f BUSnzSS A. "Defeat the Rov"ue Amendment" Fetter,. Pr-estftnt ioh.aaiaa® read as lettet',.t, Aftad, `October, ram thi:-1,10ifaai the Revenue Amendmenj!i ".-A 'discussion, it was corpor4ion, Makin for support. ter unsofitously decide that the village,board take no stand on this-issue. B. Oak Brook Davelarment Company Application for Rezoniall ,12 Prersident-Koh1man read a letter, dated October 21, 1966, from Mr. Wayne S. Doren, requesting a rezoning of -property located west lof Route #83 and south of the%ZjAf Tollwayp ipud- directed that thle; ba i' ®rwartxod to the Pl Plai% i% *Askioes and to the z Q01ag Board ©f A0P6 ;a1g1 for a public b'eidtlng. G or Ur Quar, difigLee Trustee Bmrtoh requested the village attorney to invedttgate7. . .. ... 2nd suggest a fuirther awandment to Section 16 of �dlnawse S•7, to cLarify the closing houra mud.sala of liquor. X ADJOURiMUZ T Trustee Hayes moved - seconded by Truxtee Hovey... ThLs weating be adjourned. Voice vote - OIL in favor. So ordpred. This meeting edJourned sat 9:22 P. N. UnpeettuLly submitted,, ga µ 0/2 b 06 a Villa" Clark w i-a �+�%v6P� H�• 00- �.�-bfo .i't`.' , ; i�' r A KILL - OAK t7L OOK F'AR E i.EPAR'rTMM 're Ordinance S-56, the foLLcvying is a list of training :kt;t.P -ndc1I a-id number of hours spent: at fires by offi,cera and salaries payable %* am July 1, 1960 . M1Jaa ..w...a.a.a�P4aM.a,.WF.K.m9ct A_MaOLiVi iY. v.. q. YIY.'/ qll Vi. 0. 1190CYCY6tlliMl l�OYi...IM4..�.r.YYa MY�4.Yf�...tYI.W,.R.r... a . iAa.�M. . Jl.st hvG• ? hr.-,r 110. of.' At .ftras at, fir'... ._...,..w__w.. r.. ««.r. av +•w,«rwr �. • wwrrw r • .. ,... ...Y ... ... , «�. _ .. ­'Lt. Anderman,_ L _ + 2 20.00- . - g... ., Sly.._ _.......�. 16-001 . r.�..y..... ,��.t,•0�... .....» ...» ..,......» ..3Q s0.0 Al I..Dente .w.i_ 9", j '36.00 - a.cl..«r.«. ......_...- ..100.. D�..rRenk varG.7t.- «0....«._.._..,..._ .r•.- ...,% —.0 ...ML....�. ....�..,�....�..►.,w...... _... «. _ ..« ....... a.d�2.. 48, Go.... �._..!.�. 2Q 00 E 1, _.... 1 vno_.._....._9.ao.. 4 oQ 7...." .,,,.9..16.00 1 6 1 12.,00 ± ,.A « "�......w_ .... _ _. 48..00 Y� :L +i.Y➢i p v. .�7'.i'1i�R *t9.,. _..�+wr.rst....ar.�..� . ,v r✓Q wG...w.�....... 82.00 t nko .. � �. _._..._.�._.,.. Q 6 i 1 00 4 ._,:..., : 00.. _6o.p�?o., G . o l o o ... 20,01) 4.00 -------- I � .�...._�.... �...t. � _ .._ 8.0 0 .�,.. 4 � 4„00_._ 24.00... 6 ` 12.00 . �..._. 1.2,00... Gap't ' f 12.00..�;��._- _.._. f 57.00 8 16,00 1 ; 1.00 21.00 f 4 ! 8.00 4 ! 4.00 ! 16.00 .28200- 8 1600 j 1.00._ _._. 45,00 - ►33r�_�.. ! 13 1 2.05 ?4.QO fY - .L. M _1 ®00« Y77.00 4400 14 i 28.004 4.00 _ - 76.00. -- , 44 Q 40.00 8 16.00 56.00 t �4.�....00.,.� 13.00 4 .._..aQ _f _.34000 I zap 3 ; 6.00 I w _ 4100 _ 10.0_0 i-4 - - 13 1Q s B e1r.�er r � 3 ......Z 2 a 0O 9 18,00 5_r_�-- «_. - ---35-00 . TOTAL $1052.,00 he above, information is attested to by me as being correct. war Beer,