Minutes - 10/25/1994 - Board of Trustees9. 1 1. MEETING CALL: MEETING CALL The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by President Bushy in the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Villaqe Commons at 7:33 p.m.. Pledge of Allegiance was given. 2. ROLL CALL: ROLL CALL The Clerk called the roll with the following persons PRESENT: President Bushy, Trustees Bartecki, Calzaretta, Kenny, McInerney ind Payovicho. rustee Shum -ie arrived at 7:37 p.m. ABSENT: None. IN ATTENDANCE: Stephen B. Veitch, Village Manager; Vince Long, Assistant to Village Manager; Bruce F. Kapff, Purchasing Director /Grants Coordinator; Dale L. Durfey, Jr., Village Engineer; Darrell J. Langlois, Finance Officer/ Treasurer, James Fleming, Chief of Police; Robert Nielsen, Fire Chief /Building Commissioner; Tom Hawk, Director of Code Enforcement; Michael* J. Meranda, Superintendent of Public Works; Bonnie Sartore, Bath & Tennis Club Manager; Trey VanDyke, Golf Club Manager; and Ruth A. Martin, Librarian. 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS & OPEN FORUM: No one appeared. ANNOUNCEMENTS & OPEN FORUPf 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MINUTES Motion by Trustee McInerney, seconded by Trustee Calzaretta, to approve the minutes of the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting of October 10, 1994 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. Motion by Trustee McInerney, seconded by Trustee Kenny, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 11, 1994 as presented and waive the fuel reading thereof. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. 5. OMNIBUS AGENDA: Motion by Trustee McInerney, seconded by Trustee Kenny, to approve the Omnibus Agenda. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 - Trustees Bartecki, Calzaretta, Kenny, McInerney and Payovich. Days: 0 - None. Absent: 1 - Trustee Shumate. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF - A. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Approved Omnibus Vote. BILLS: $657,234.82 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 1 October 25, 1994 N.... k--e Vd&BoT-M;&J I* APPROVATI, OF — PAYROLL B. APPROVAL OF PAYROLL: Approved Omnibus Vote. $201,659.64 C PAYOUTS: PAYOUTS: 1. DU PAGE WATER COMMISSION - PAYOUT #69 - FIXED COTS D14C - FIXED AND O & M - 8256.149.85: Approved Omnibus Vote. COSTS 2. SARI CONTRACTORS -- PAYOUT #3 - 1993 12�1�QE PROJECT - 1993 DRAINAGE 811.054.95: Approved Omnibus Vote. PROJECT 3. R. W. DUNTEMAN - PAYOUT #6 - 1994 PAVING/WATgR MAIN 1994 PAVING/ PROJECT.- $253.163.35: Approved Omnibus Vote. 14ATER MAIN 4. JAMES J �y77i !ltlV. - If /"9 i �1.i 0 �B'47w�1 Approved Omnibus Vote. Approved Ornnibd a PAVING 5. JAMES PAVINGf rnnibus Vote. 6. JAMES J BOULEM Me. 7. PITOME1 T- TATEP. MODEL UPGRAD UPGRADE 6. FIRST Ct WAT R F D. REQUEST FC �y77i !ltlV. - If /"9 i �1.i 0 �B'47w�1 Approved Omnibus Vote. Approved Ornnibd a 1995 PAVING PROJECT 1994 PAVING/ rnnibus WATER MAIN PROs ECT JOFIE BLVD. Me. INSPECTION T- TATEP. MODEL UPGRADE E. BID AUTHORIZATION - ENGINE DIAGNOSTIC ANALYZER - PUBLIC WORKS: Approved Omnibus Vote. F. BID AUTHORIZATION - EMPLOYEE UNIFORM SERVICE - PUBLIC WORKS: Approved Omnibus Vote. 6. ITEMS REMOVED FROM OMNIBUS AQEN A: None. 7. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Deferred to later on the Agenda for Trustee Shumate's presentation. 8. DEPARTMENTAL REP _QRTS QUARTERLY REPORTS: A. Ambulance H. Planning & Zoning B. Engineering Department I. Police Department C. Finance Department J. Public Works VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 2 October 25, 1994 0 INTEREST & FEES ON 1973 WATER REVENUE BOND OBHCVC — 1994 FALL HOLIDAY SHOPPING CAMPAIGN BID AUTH.- ENGINE DIAG- NOSTIC ANALYZER BID RUTH. —P.W. UNIFORM SERV. QUARTERLY REPORTS 7. 40 Y aa,® mar. MW -q D. Fire Department K. Purchasing /Grants E. Inspection Bureau L. Recycling (1st, 2nd & 3rd Qu ters) F. Legal Department M. Risk Management G. Library N. Sports Core - Bath & Tennis and Golf F. Trustee Shumate noted the Oak Brook Polo and Equestrian Club, from the 1993 polo season, has been in arrears of their rental fee for the use of the Sports Core fields totalling $21,000. The Village has been unable to collect the rental fee and, therefore, has proceeded in litigation. M. Assistant to Village Manager Long noted the increase in General Liability claims was due to errant golf balls from the Golf Course hitting cars. The tee area has been repositioned to alleiriate any further hazards. All Departmental Quarterly Reports were discussed and accepted. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Motion by Trustee Shumate, seconded by Trustee McInerney. . to pass Ordinance 94 -ZO -0! S -786 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. ROLL CALL MOTE: Ayes: 6 - Trustees Bartecki, Callzaretta, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich and Shumate. Mays: 0 - Gone. Absent: 0 - !None. Motioni carried. Motion by Trustee Shumate, seconded by Trustee McInerney, to pass Resolution 94-SD -8-634 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. DOLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 - Trustees Bartecki, Calaaretta, Kenny, McInerney, Payovir' and Shumate. (Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried. UINFINI9jHED BUSINESS: A. ADOPTION OF 1995-99 FIVE -YEAR FINANCIAL PLAIN: Trustee Bartecki noted the Village Board reviewed the Plan at their September 12, 1994 and October 10, 1994 Committee-of-the-Whole VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 3 October 25, 1994 ORD . 94 -ZO -V- S -786 LOT AREA VARIATION (3001 -3003 Lincoln - -Kral) RES. 94 -SD- R -634 PRE. & FINAL PLAT - LARK. RESUBDIUISION (3001 -3003 Lincoln -Kral) 1995 -99 FIVE- YEAR '_FINANCIAL PLAN %Jo - -BOT -- is to d42a meetings. The Plan was placed on file Septa -tnber 27, 1994 for public review and comments were accepted. Modifications were made to the Plan as recommended at the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting of October 10, 1994. The Plan provides to the Village Board, staff and community a long -range plan projection of financial conditions and proposed Village expenditures. Motion by Trustee Bartecki, seconded by Trustee Kenny, to adopt the 1995 -99 Five -Year Financial Man as modified based on the October 10, 1994 Committee-of-the-Whole meeting. VOICE VOTE: Motion carved. B. AWARD OF CONTRACT - ADA COMPLIANCE REMODELING: CONTRACT - Funds in the amount of $259, ADA COP:�'LIANCE ®00 were budgeted in the Corporate Fund for REMODELING both engineering and construction of Americans with Disabilities Act improvements. The budget figure is based on the original construction estimate prepared by Interplan of $243,000 in January, 1994. Since the project will last approximately five months, some of the expanses will be rebudgeted for 1995. Motion by Trustee Payovich, seconded by Trustee McInerney, to award a contract to International Contractors, Inc., Elmhurst, Illinois, the lowest responsible bidder, at a lump sum cost of $251,250, subject to staff review. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 - Trustees Calzaretta, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich and Shumate. Nays: 1 - Trustee Bartecki. Absent: 0 - None, Motion carried. C. AWARD OF CONTRACT - ADA CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONTRACT - SERVIC ADA CONSTRUC- ! Motion by Trustee Payovich, seconded by Trustee Calzaretta, to award a TION MANAGE- MENT contract to Interplan Practice, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, subject to staff review, at a not -to- exceed cost of $13,120, plus reimbursables and waive the competitive bid process due to professional services. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 - Trustees Calzaretta, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich and Shumate. Nays: 1 - Trustee Bartecki. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. RECOMMENDATION - NESTER (45 Woodland drive ) SIDE YARD SIDE YARD VARIATION: VARIATION The required hearing for the requested Side Yard Variation was held by (46 Woodland Drive - Hester) the Zoning Board of Appeals on October 4, 1994. Subsequent to this VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 4 October 25, 1994 7A. hearing, a recommendation for approval was passed by a vote of 6 to 0. Motion by Trustee Shumate, seconded by Trustee Bartecki, to authorize the Village ,attorney to draft the r4 ry ordinance for action at the November 6, 1994 meeting. Trustee Shumate amended the mofion to authorize the Village Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance for action at the November 6, 1994 meeting to include the foik"Ang proms: C. Motion by Trustee Calzaretta, seconded by Trustee McInerney, to microfilm the Villages resolutions, ordkmnces and minutes for preservation, retain the original records for one year after filming and allow the Oak Brook Historical Society to retain any of said documents for historical preservation. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. Motion by Trustee t3artecki, secended by Trustee Calzaretta, to waive the competitive bid process due to professional services and approve the proposal from Friedman, Eisenstein, Raerner & Schwartz (FERS) to perform the required annual audit of the Village for 1994, 1995, and 1896. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 - Trustees Bartecki, Calzaretta, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich and Shumate. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 5 October 25, 1994 14 DISPOSAL OF VILLAGE RECORDS PROPOSAL - AP NNUAL AUDIT OF 1994, 1995 and 1996 0 E. a r., Motion by Trustee McInerney, seconded by Trustee Bartecki, to authorize the Village President and Clerk to execute a Consent to an Assignment by Ameritech Information Systems, Inc. to McDonald's Corporation of Ameritech's rights and obligations under a License Agreement approved by the Board in Jane, 1988. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes No October 25, 1994 ORD. 94 -SC- S -787 ISSUANCE OF REFUNDING NOTE (Sports Core) ORD. 94- PP -EXI S -788 SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY ASSIGNMENT BY AMERITECH TO MC DONALD'S - LICENSE AGREEMENT G. I �qw ORD . 94-- Af, -EX1- S -789 MC DONALD'S TO INSTALL FIBER OPTIC CABLE ;. Trustee Shumate reqtmsted staff to pursue a channel on the basic tier service CABLE TV ` •. Motion Trustee ► r:' seconded by Trustee :: f..r'<' to adjourn the .-,Ang at 8:53 p.m. VOICE VOTE: Motion canied. A 4 ! EST. bt =1 025 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 7 0 61701; ADJOUREMENT