Minutes - 11/10/1959 - Board of Trusteesir 1 All 111U61!_ZFq 11. % 9 November 10th at°`t+0 , rk,*ildont xublian callodQW Oak Brook Village Board 0i order. Roll Wag called mad the October minutes approved aft z4ad. Mr. Mohlman explainedt action on %1v Zoning Ordinance would be continued to November 17th 1959,-to permit the Trustees ample time to read certain proposed amendments to this ordinance, Mr. Oven read the treasurers report and presented the following bills for approval: H,qoper,, Bowers, Caulkine & Carney $259.00 Patty cash 13.26 Total $272.26 -The motion was made by Mrs. Peyton, seconded by Mr. O'Brien and passed by the Board to pay these bills. Mr, O"Brien made the motion,, seconded by Mrs. Peyton and 'passed by the Board to accept the treasurers, report. r * M JUllue Butler made the October Police Report, He also . announced that,anyone Interested In a First Aid Courae Is asked to contact Capt. Hartman of Hinsdale who Is starting a class.' Mr, Moiaman appointed. Mrs, Cece Mohlizan as CommixsLonqr of hoxioui Weeds. Mr. Calhoun made the motion, seconded by Mr. Krueger and pa4zed,by the Bodid;to approve Ws. Mohiman's appolutkont. A 8:23 Mr. O'Brien made the 60tion,to continue this meoting- to 7%30 PM an TueadAy November IM 1959• Vb4 notion was seconded by,Imo. Peyton'a*d passed by the Board, _A as 10 X