Minutes - 11/10/1960 - Board of Trusteesare a1- S! &0 a4 'Tar V06 -30T -- M 1Pj Tbp Novealx%r 8th meeting of the Oak Brook Bawd of 'trustees was con. tnued until 8PX on Thursday November t Otb. Roll was called and everyone present except Mr, Carley. Yr. Carley arrived at 9x45. The October 11tL ,ai.nuzes and the November 8th minutes were approved aaF corrected. of csr.Fac.t FtR Mr. Roy Rossman took the oathp Truatee replacing Mrs. Peyton. Mr. W E.wien moved, Mr. Calhoun seconded that than Wight. & Co. bill of $100.00 be charged as follow€ , 450.00 to be charged to Roads sand Bridges and 450-00 to the Corporate fund. Motion carried. Lt. Ott gave the October Police Report. qtr. Kolar moved, Kr. O'Brien seconded approving the following to be purchased by the Pollee Department* V. S. Yearley Co. $44,4.45 V • 1�?a 115. +L. Federal ral Lett . Lat. g,0 69.20 4 • L. McCullagh 131.25 D. K. Ctt 93.75 S. L. Healy 00 I'otal q] 739.15 The roil call vote - Ayea -b, ? ;aye � 0. Notion carried, President Ml ohlean appointed, vi.th the E -rd" approval, Mr. Roseman and Mr. Kolar to serve can a committee to help prepare a 11censing ordinance, Mr. Molar moved, Mr. O'Brien: seconded that a committee be appointed to ir.vaotigate wbat is best for the community regal -lid the acquisition C9 "A Cak Froolz Fire Assoclat,ion :aaail +ties by the Village ge of Oat Brook. The voting: Mr. C&r2ey - yes, Mr. OIB&OU yea a W. Oaai `an, -to, Mr. fteaman 4 nag Mr. Krueger - we , M°. Kollar Yost Mr. mchImm - w. Ayes ® 3, Nays @ 4. Kotion fa11e6. 1 1 pi !I°--1 -- GO Mr. Kolar moved, Mr. 0' Prier seconded that a corm ttee be apTairited tc in®ostipste what is best for the community re- garding the acquisition of the Oak Brook Dire k9sociation facilities by the Village of Oak Dmok and that asal.d oomIttee shal report to this Board by December 1-,, 1960. The v+svinge Mr. Carley - yera, Mr. O'Brien - yes, Mr. Calhoun • no, Mr. Ross - no, Mr. Eger .. no, olar ,M . Kola - yes, Mr. NoWmam - no. Ayes - 31, Bays w �, notion fa Lled. Mr. Roseman moved, Mr. Calhoun seconded to accept the princip14 or the offer subject to final acceptance to be based upon the details of the contract presented to us said our meantime studies, by a comittee to be appointed by the Preeident, of what is best for the comv%ilty. The voting: 14r. Carley - not pr. O'Brien - no, mr. calhou Yes, fir. R086man - yeas K'. Krueger - ;roe, Kr. Molar - po - KY, Nahlasm - yes. Ares • 410 Nays - 3. Notion carried. Tte cowl Ltee , appointed by Kr. Nehlaan and approved by the Soaed, includes Xr. Roseman, Mr. Krueger arm Mr. O'Brien. Xr, Caw %m moved to adjourn at 10125. The motion waa$ by Mr. O'Brien and passed by the Board.