Minutes - 11/26/1996 - Board of Trustees�W,w. Jt 777 ilia= =772TILF777- 77" At 77 _j -177 77 7, VMIAGE Of OAK MOM hfimfts I Of 10 2fN 1996 lq=m- C" VFT1110 '-� �I'R 'T Mw-- MCM M RL AVIMIMAnOW FAT XUXS I 0 0 i '§ .,Y.,. ::' '+'7 I It is ted dse pom WCVdlCF tw occmu d iD dw vkA resaft in Golf CbWb wvcnucs bemg Sl 000 . I The Food and is cumm*- per' to pwduce a Iris of S125,OW as ®ate to de bw*:lcf XJL VUJ AGE OF OAK BROM Ali- 4 of 10 November x,1996 «; L y Vli': 'Y k. a,nA. A,f } .:�.. � ♦ �' .n'H �L.3, -i':.: d �, R,: ;�: i � A .'iY # F,W': i li VHI AGE OF OAK BROOK Afimifts 5 of 10 14 26,1996 1 1 �rt �T 4 •7 AU 77 viv Ali 74 LVINNIMIXT. 1.14 fit" act-Irlial VRI AGE (* OAK MMK Afinks 6 o 10 '-- cmiba 26, 1'996 I M-i C� 1,41m as 91W the sign shop that has qp or t -r,. vdmc sinafler sign plasm cunbe Stt U b? -ide S C X16 i abuts the date of the hewing and the of the V► r 0[ ih= tie vua.wcE of ovc BROOK Afinuom 70110 26, 1996 MLIC RMINC rI CATION SIQIS 'i p,��wn a _,� s ����^nx+,?aaa""9h a�wxrtr ^; •rz_ - �. ,n -` .-ao ,: _ M .. .. _ _ r ,.-n -� �,a-,• 9 0 �4 � 4 ,k, +� � '!' is •'1 V * �. - � �. � . Y 7 r. t. 1 . 7 Om Mo6m bro- Trustee Saviam smoWW by Trustee I T, dw due to a lack of -me P es by de , ' - of Bowd of Trustee �mbet:�. to decline r kkiatim of Q 1�'t�C:E vom tom. $ of 10 Novcmkw 26, 1996 mw E -ILL ItA 7777713177.077 X-77 114:17. -t7 Af !nL IF 77-7 -ML ATTEFf: 9 K. CMMWbL CNIC Vdbgc Ck:vk blDt 1126 .......... VILIAGE OF OAK BROOK Affimufts to of 10 =beg 26v 1996 1 4