Minutes - 11/28/1967 - Board of TrusteesP4 VO8-- A4et. VILLAGF. of OAx BR004, KINUTE . of November 20, 1967 I ROLL CAM The meeting was called to order at , 9 :00 P.M. by P toldent Dnsan. All trustees core present. II iMADINQ OP NT,'TVV HS Trustee O'Brien moved by Trustee 8ssy ®e... That the reading of the rAIru; ®® of the regular raseting of November 14th, 1967, oe sucrarAed and that they be accepted as submitted, Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered. III ORDINANCgS, RESOLUTIONS. VARIATIONS, AMNDNj5NTS1 FLATU A. 2 a -- eo e President Dean read n proposed revolution urging the Stmte of I].linole, Division of Righueays, to oonstruat are aaseev Tromp for eouthbound traffie an York Road thmt will permit same to move dirt z `:1y to the westbound laane$ of Roosevelt Road. Trustee Barton moved - seconded by Trustee Rueh... That Resolution R-80 btu paseed and mpp. oved by the board of trustees and that the City of Elmhurst bo requested to hid Irii thle Improvement, Roll Call Vote: Ayos d Trimteas Barton. Hayes, tiowol.l, O'Brien, Aosemaan, Ruch and President Dew. "ayes .. None So ordered. B" k Sro®k 2=12=201.2m t! -- ems t Eeoh trustee use provided with a oopy t:f the Oak Brook Develop- ment C vmpaany Assessmont Plat Nei. S for property located oe tueon the Polaroid Company and ITT Corporation. The Oats Brook Plan Commission had previously approved We plat at their matting on November 20tho 1967. Trustee R06amn moved seconded by Truat©e O'Brien... That the Oalc Brook Devolopmont Company AcusaLmont Plat No. 5 be approved by the board of truetoes and that the village clerk and tr acurer be aauthoTizedl to affix their aigna+turee thereon, voice vote - all In favor. So ordered . Iv OLD BUSIMM A. Z Trustee 8aYes rKuested that this iteM be tabled due to the fact that all replies have not been received fror& various community associations. b� Page 2 t�'PW BUS I�1 ?,33 A. TZ111r12 JAShl P -J20d S v President Dean rood s petition from various prcperty omiery Z In the Central Industrial Plaza rr4usating the Village of Oak ae6ok to aooeut the responalbility for aaIntaining the traffic signal located at the intersection of 22nd Street and 6ntarprise Drive. After discussion, the followIM motion tras made. Trustee Howell moved o®eon4ed by Trustee O'Brien... The the ville.r4s bo&24 reject: the al%ove petition, Roll Call Voter Ayes M Trustees Hayes, Howell, O'Brien, Roseman, Rush and Prosident Dean. Nayes r None Abstainer - Trustee BArton So orderod. Trustee O'Brien moved - asoonded by Trustee HOWell... That each employs of the village be given a turkey at Christmes time to show appreciation on behalf of the village, and that this expenditure does not sroead 6200.00. Roll Call Votot ayes - Truat:ees Barton, Aayca„ Howell# OtBrion, Romeman4 [lush and President Dean. NAyee - None So ordered. G. President D6^0 road an announcement of a publla hearing of the Northemetern .Planning Comisaion to be head on November 290 1967. It *86 WMAIm4w417 d.eolde4 than copies of their suggested plan and hearing prooeftm, be requested for eaoia member or the board. D. 7dM atth BMAE21 EI , s Raoh trustee ms provided with a copy of the 7oaonth budget figures as oomptled by Auditor Dolan. Tyustes HoWell rugUented that the tors **nth report chow a oompamb'ae budget j%14 app r*pkiaation rlg=v. R. C1111 RMOMAS President Dean r000mmeAded that Mr, AUatin, J. Oorooran. Jr. of 1801 Oak Brook Roa9, Oak Bro0c, be appointed Civil Defense Director of Oak proA1[, Trustee Rmmll, move! - aseanded by Trustee Rayon... That the weeldeut's reoommondation of appointing Mrf Austin J. aoreoraan. Jr. Civil Derenss DIrootor of teak Brook be approved. toy the villep 'board. Voices vote - all in favor. So ordetred. Trustees Rush requested that a oom at:tes be Appointed to cot up etar4arda to be +seed in doading rooroational land to prooelrty oanore. President loan will arat ,Ago tf meat VIth the park and sohool ,'boards In this reg&rd. ADJOURRMNT President Dean adjourned this meeting at 9x00 P.N. peottvt],1,►�submttpA M Line E, Fri® ®k Tillage Clark