Minutes - 11/29/2005 - Board of Trustees2. 3. MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 29, 2005 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK APPROVED AS WRITTEN ON JANUARY 24, 2006. CALL TO ORDER The Special Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was called to order by President Quinlan in the Upper Level Conference Room of the Butler Government Center at 3:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was given. Mel0 re- , M 0 Deputy Village Clerk Carol Harty called the roll with the following persons PRESENT: President Kevin M. Quinlan, Trustees Kathryn F. Manofsky, Robert G. Sanford and Asif Yusuf. ABSENT: Trustee Stelios Aktipis and Jeffrey J. Kennedy IN ATTENDANCE: Richard Boehm, Village Manager; Jeffrey Moline, Assistant Village Manager; Dale L. Durfey, Jr., Village Engineer; Robert L. Kallien, Jr., Director of Community Development; Bruce F. Kapff, Director of Information Services & Purchasing; Margaret G. Klinkow, Library Director; Darrell Langlois, Finance Director; Michael J. Meranda, Director of Public Works; Trey VanDyke, Golf Club Manager; Nelson Patras, Interim Bath & Tennis Club Manager and Sharon Dangles, Accounting Manager. Trustee John W. Craig arrived at 3:03 p.m. DEPARTMENT BUDGET INFORMATION OVERVIEW President Quinlan stated the intent of the meeting was to provide an opportunity for all, but particularly the new, Trustees to learn the budget process. President Quinlan left the meeting indicating he had other business and that he has had the opportunity to discuss the budget with each of the people involved in the process. He suggested that Board members ask questions. Village Manager Boehm explained that he had asked each department head to provide a highlight of their department, the structure of their department and some of their main initiatives for the 2006 Budget and the Five -Year Plan. He added that many of the increases found in the department budgets are largely due to personnel increases and health insurance increases. He also reported that the budget reflects returning to the normal level of Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund. He commented that those categories have a significant impact on the bottom line of department budgets. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 1 of 9 November 295 2005 3. Manager Boehm explained that overall department directors were asked to stay within a 3% increase outside of the stated areas. He reiterated that there was a great deal of discussion leading up to the preparation of the Budget document the Trustees received. He added that during these discussions there were a number of department requests that were not included in the budget presented because of constraints on Village revenues. Manager Boehm reiterated that staff was asked to educate the Board in explaining the department's responsibilities and their initiatives for the year. President Quinlan left the meeting at 3:05 p.m. He reminded the Board that they needed to elect a chairman in his absence. He suggested turning the meeting over to Trustee Yusuf since he is the Finance Department liaison. Motion by Trustee Manofsky, seconded by Trustee Sanford to name Trustee Yusuf temporary chairman. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Director of Community Development Kallien, explained that the Community Development Department is divided into two separate programs: administration and code enforcement. He stated that within these two functions there are five full -time staff and two part-time inspectors. Administration is responsible for planning and zoning matters, providing staff for the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals and coordinates the effort of the revitalization of the commercial corridor. The primary functions of the code enforcement staff is to receive, review and issue building permits for the Village. In addition, it conducts all of the building inspections and occasionally becomes involved in property maintenance. He specified that a main initiative for the year was the implementation of a demo Iition/construction management program whereby the Village will attempt to mitigate the impact of construction on neighbors. He added that the Community Development Department collects an extensive amount of fees which basically funds all of their programs. He reported that major objectives for the year included assistance in the selection of the consultants for the commercial revitalization project. He reminded the Board that an ongoing objective is the continual review of the zoning ordinance to update it. In the future, the department would like to do a comprehensive update which would be an extensive and laborious project. Finally, there is a project to build a database so that there is better information for the economic development program. In relation to code enforcement, a goal is to maintain the building codes and do some reasonable amendments with the ultimate goal of adopting the 2006 International Building Codes. He added that his staff was always considering methods to improve the communication process with applicants. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 2 of 9 November 29, 2005 3. Trustee Craig asked for clarification of the staffing of the department. Director Kallien reiterated that there are five full -time staff and two part-time inspectors. Trustee Sanford indicated that during this process he was attempting to learn what the departments do rather than specific budget issues. He asked what Director Kallien felt the Village should be doing in terms of priorities over the next few years. Director Kallien indicated that the department needed to be forward thinking rather than maintain a reactive stance to deal with situations as they surfaced. He added that, as a byproduct, the Village might need to adjust Village codes so that the code is reflective of forward thinking. Trustee Manofsky asked whether he has knowledge of why companies may choose other communities in which to locate. Director Kallien responded that the Village does not have the A class space available. He indicated that the older buildings do not have the draw that other communities do, although our tax structure and codes are far superior. Trustee Sanford asked whether the Village codes were restrictive. Director Kallien responded that he felt the building codes were quite up to date and good, however, he felt the Zoning and Sign codes need to be revised. Director Kallien concluded indicating that the department was staffed to deal with a stable amount of construction in the Village, but if there is a large increase in construction he felt that they would need help. ENGINEERING Village Engineer Durfey explained that the Engineering Department started in 1970 and the position of Village Engineer was created by ordinance and requires a State license in engineering. The duties of the Engineer include the responsibility for engineering design and supervision of construction of many public improvements including street paving, bicycle /pedestrian pathways, storm sewers and to some extent sanitary sewers, traffic control and water system improvements. He added that the department was a service provider and the staff that provided that service was the Village Engineer, an Engineer I which is the permit engineer, an Engineer II which requires a P.E. license is mostly involved in design and subdivision inspection and a Secretary. Engineer Durfey explained that their time was divided into six basic task categories: administration which is about 10 %, Oak Brook projects which is about 21%, developments which is about 8 %, permits which is about 20 %, general citizen inquiries which is about 8% and miscellaneous approximately 20 %. The department's next major initiative is the GIS (Geographic Information System) which starts out with mapping and utility atlases but expands into data management and record VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 3 of 9 November 295 2005 3. keeping management. He added that it would be used by every department in the Village because 90% of the data that the Village maintains relates to a geographic location. He described the GIS system and how it could be used by the Village. Trustee Manofsky asked about the budgeting for GIS. Engineer Durfey responded that they had budgeted for a plotter to replace a very old one and software. Trustee Manofsky asked if the monies budgeted for 2005 had been spent. Engineer Durfey explained that each year they add a figure to replace an old printer when it is no longer functional. The printer is still functioning, so the funds were not spent, but the new budget includes the same amount of money for the eventuality of the demise of the printer in 2006. Discussion ensued relative to this type of budgeting in that departments generally under spend each year and if a budgeted item can be postponed, the money is not spent and it is re- budgeted for the following year. Trustee Sanford asked how much time the department spends facilitating changes in the Village and the inventory of public data. Engineer Durfey indicated that he did not have a breakdown of that nature. PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Director Meranda explained that the Public Works Department has five divisions: an administrative division comprised of the Director, the General Foreman and a Secretary; four operating divisions including water, streets, vehicle maintenance and buildings and grounds. He described the water division as one working foreman; a water production operator which monitors and takes care of the water system as far as pumps, housekeeping, IEPA sampling; a JULIE utility locator which is a position that is mandated; a customer service employee who responds to customer complaints and installs water meters and a three man distribution crew responsible for all excavations that go on throughout the Village namely water main breaks. He added that the Village had record water consumption this summer along with a record lack of rain which created additional water main breaks. The lack of rain caused drying and shrinkage of the ground which results in water main breaks in the old cast iron mains. The water division also becomes involved in snow removal when necessary. The streets division is one working foreman and seven maintenance workers who take care of pavement repairs, utility repairs, tree plantings, street sweeping, right -of -way litter control, snow and ice control, safety pathway maintenance, pavement overlays, small tree and limb removal (the heavy work is contracted), pavement striping, storm sewer repair and routine maintenance, swale cleaning and in -house housekeeping. The vehicle maintenance division has one head mechanic and one mechanic who maintain 81 pieces of rolling stock. The last division is buildings and grounds which is a division of one person who takes care of all of the routine HVAC equipment maintenance for all of the buildings, light electrical and plumbing repairs and snow removal if he is needed. The administrative division oversees day to day operations, budgeting, IEPA permitting, safety training, customer service, program scheduling, special projects, inventory control, contracts administration VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 4 of 9 November 29, 2005 I and plan reviews. An initiative for the upcoming year was to investigate whether the mosquito abatement program, which is currently contracted, could be done in- house. Another initiative is to consider revamping the building and grounds division since, with the expansion of the Butler Government Center and the new Library, there is a need to expand through contract, new employee, etc. to improve that situation. An additional initiative is to look into expanding the emergency generator. The current generator only services the computer server room, communications and the EOC. Trustee Manofsky asked whether the budget for the Beautification Project included the consultant fees and if there had been any contact pursuing the use of university students for a beautification plan. Manager Boehm responded affirmatively, but the consultant fee had been left in for the eventuality that the Village does not get a response from the universities. Trustee Manofsky suggested that the Village was way behind in tree replacement. Director Meranda responded that this is not the case. He indicated that wherever a tree was removed, either by disease or damage, they have been replaced one on one. He added that the trees that had been stripped when 31" Street was widened, are County property and that the County has planted a great many trees but he could not say if it was one for one. Trustee Manofsky asked what "Other Services" included. Director Meranda responded that it was for the costs involved in getting rid of the leaves from the leaf pick -up program. Trustee Manofsky asked why each department had an "Other Services" category which has a significant amount budgeted. Finance Director Langlois responded that it was very difficult to include every category for one time items or odd departmental items. Trustees asked that Director Langlois add specific categories to minimize the use of "Other Services" category. Discussion ensued relative to equipment replacement and the philosophy of budgeting each year for specific replacement, but delaying it if possible and budget it again the following year. Trustee Craig asked what mileage criteria were used for replacement. Director Meranda indicated that the issue was more related to rust than to mileage. Trustee Manofsky and Trustee Craig asked how gasoline usage was monitored and who had access. Director Meranda explained the process and how it could not be abused. Director Meranda indicated that there were approximately 500 old street lights that VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 5 of 9 November 29, 2005 3. needed to be reviewed for structural integrity. Discussion ensued regarding replacing with LED bulbs. Director Meranda indicated that it had been looked at but that at the time it was not cost effective. He added that over time it might be a good idea to start replacing the lights with LED on a piecemeal basis. A major incentive for this type of lighting is the cost savings on energy, but that did not apply since the Village does not pay for the cost of energy for traffic lights. Trustee Manofsky asked if there was something that Public Works needed that should be looked at for the future. Manager Boehm responded that a larger Public Works Facility was a possible consideration but that the real need was for an additional person to help with the expanded buildings and grounds. Trustee Manofsky asked if all of the enlarged space was being used. Manager Boehm responded that the vast majority was in use, but there was a small amount of extra space if needed. The meeting recessed at 4:15 p.m. IS /PURCHASING Information Services /Purchasing Director Kapff explained that he was the Director to two departments which work together as a team. Functionally within the IS Department he has one Information Systems Specialist who handles network and website issues, maintains the server and overall security issues. There are two Information Services Technicians one of which primarily works with PC's and user support and the handles technical issues and is involved in projects such as the telephone system review and more detailed projects, but the group works as a cross - functional team. Under the Purchasing Department there is a Purchasing and Information Services Clerk who handles requisitions, purchase orders, contract preparation, requests for qualifications, bid packets and verifications. Director Kapff indicated that a major initiative within the Purchasing Department was to add a module to the financial package that would make the process more efficient by having all of the approval process electronically. He added that the replacement of the financial package has been deferred for several years and probably again this year because of budgetary constraints. Director Kapff explained that it had been decided that the IS Department would place all computer related projects such as software, hardware, peripherals, anything related to computer systems in the IS budget for control, coordination and consistency of hardware /software. He felt that the system worked well, but the budget always has a large number because it was a compendium of all departments' requirements. He explained that the process was to put all the requests together as a wish list but that each year because of budget constraints the list is reduced considerably. When the final budget is approved, the list is reviewed, prioritized and those projects that are not included are put together again for the next year. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 6 of 9 November 29, 2005 3. Director Kapff reported that initiatives for the upcoming year would be adding a card access system throughout the rest of the Butler Government Center. He added that the GIS project has been dropped from the 2006 budget because it would require an additional person in the Engineering Department. Another initiative is a redesign of the website to enhance its appearance. It is somewhat an industry standard to refresh a website every three years. He commented that the Library was looking to add WI -FI as a patron service. Trustee Sanford inquired of a Village wide WI -FI. Director Kapff responded that WI -FI had difficulty penetrating trees and other towns that have tried it have been unsuccessful but that there was a new technology that is promising. He added that there was a problem as to whether it was legal for municipalities to get into this business and it would require a lot of equipment hanging off of telephone poles and fiber optic cables. He suggested that there were possibilities. Trustee Craig ran across an item about physical exams under a pension category and asked why so much money was spent on physical exams. Finance Director Langlois responded that they were required exams for physical disability pensions. SPORTS CORE Golf Club Manager VanDyke and Interim Bath & Tennis Club Manager Patras attended the meeting together as the Sports Core is a single fund. Manager Van Dyke reminded the Board that a few years ago the previous Board asked to see a separation of the Golf Club from the Bath & Tennis Club and Open Fields. The operations were commingled in many areas such as Food & Beverage. He explained that the Golf Club Food & Beverage operation was handled by the Bath & Tennis Club but that within the operation, the gas, electricity, heating and air conditioning, etc. were part of the Golf Club General Operations. Manager Van Dyke specified another area was the Golf Club Maintenance Operation which actually maintains the entire Sports Core Property. Manager Van Dyke explained that the Golf Club is divided into four operations: General Operations, Golf Learning & Practice, Golf Cart Operations and Maintenance. He indicated that in General Operations there were no major initiatives other than targeting certain days and times of the week for a need to increase play on the Golf Course. He added that 1998 was a peak year for golf in general but since that time golf has decreased steadily. A segment of the golfing population has diminished and there is a need to strategically review the golf tee times and find a way to fill that time. He described the time as weekend afternoons and the population as males 35 to 50. Staff is addressing a family type strategy in having these patrons return. In addition, staff is reviewing the feasibility of corporate outings on weekend afternoons as they hope to increase approximately 2,000 rounds for weekend afternoons. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 7 of 9 November 29, 2005 3. He added that there was a capital expenditure for the upcoming year to replace a 25 year - old HVAC unit. When the golf clubhouse was expanded in 1999 and the 2000 budget cuts were required, it was decided not to replace the original HVAC unit that was installed for the original clubhouse. He suggested that during the last four or five years the HVAC unit has had problems but now needs to be replaced. Manager Van Dyke explained that there were no initiatives in the program for Golf Learning and Practice. Discussion ensued of the practice of negotiated fees with golf pros. He reported that 2005 had been a good year financially for Golf Cart Operations, indicating a profit of approximately $220,000, with no major expenditures expected for next year. One of the Maintenance Operation's thrust for next year is sand trap restoration for approximately forty traps. Within the surcharge fund, it had been expected that during 2005 there would have been work on the ponds surrounding holes four and five, but rather discussions began with an architect to redesign those areas to solve the steel edging problem on the ponds and to look at increasing playability for those two holes. In response to a question regarding Butler National Golf Course renting land on the Sports Core, Manager Van Dyke reiterated the terms that when the Sports Core property was sold to the Village by Paul Butler, the covenants of the land required that the Village provide Butler National Golf Course with a driving range at all times in perpetuity but that Butler National Golf Course paid rent for the usage. Discussion ensued regarding ideas about drawing additional patrons. Interim Bath & Tennis Club Manager Patras explained that the objective for the upcoming year was to create more banquets and weddings using a marketing plan and commercials. He responded to questions regarding pool operation expenditures and indicated that a structural analysis of the pool was needed, a new pool cover and an expansion of the fencing was planned. Discussion ensued relative to setting aside money for capital expenditures for the pool. Ideas were discussed as to how to draw additional patrons to the pool. Manager Patras felt that there had been an increase in participation in the polo program this last year which he attributed to the new individual organizing the polo matches. He felt that a focus for next year would be increasing corporate events. LIBRARY Library Director Klinkow reminded the Board that she had been the Director for about a year and a half and that initially she attempted to analyze what the community needed. She felt that they wanted her to be responsive, innovative and accountable. She indicated there is a community of patrons that were not addressed after voicing their concerns. She spent time discussing the issues with these patrons and listening to their concerns. She VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 8 of 9 November 29, 2005 3 specified changes that have been made based on those conversations. An important change was to bring a sense of warmth to the Library and sense of commonality to a very diverse community She indicated that there has been a lot of positive input on the changes made and felt that staff knows the community and it's needs better and therefore the Library is more responsive to the community A patron satisfaction questionnaire was initiated online and it led staff to know the diversity of Library patrons, their interests and what can be done for them. Director Klinkow described the organization of the Library as Administration that includes circulation for the check -in, check -out process, Technical Services for cataloguing which includes the online patron access catalog, Adult Services and Children Services Each of the sections has goals for the year beyond what staff does already She indicated that within Administration, staff was completing the master plan for landscaping Two additional goals are to upgrade the lighting in several areas of the Library and additional shelving in the young adult children's section based on outside funding She explained that the Library Foundation, who sought funds to aid with the building of the Library, is continuing and has suggested using their funds for projects within the Library An objective for the Technical Services section is to upgrade the Library's database in conjunction with the DuPage Library System computer systems A goal for the Reference and User Services section was to provide wireless fidelity (WI -FI) access Youth Services wishes to continue to increase programming for young adults She reported that there was a young adult group that has been very successful whereby young adults reading to children CONTINUATION OF THE NOVEMBER 29, 2005 MEETING Motion by Trustee Craig, seconded by Trustee Sanford to continue the November 29, 2005 meeting to Monday, December 5, 2005 at 6 00 p m in the Upper Level Conference Room VOICE VOTE Motion Carried ATTEST . Carol L Harty Deputy Village Cleric 6Z/A__- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Page 9 of 9 November 29, 2005