Minutes - 12/09/1975 - Board of TrusteesI. CALL MEETING TO ORDER A. Roll Call The regular meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Trustee Cerne. All trustees vrere present except President Ho %-;e -k 1. Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Brown... To appoint Trustee Cerne President Pro -Tem in this absence of President Howell. Voice vote - all in favor So ordered. II. READING OF MINUTES Trustee Philip moved - seconded by Trustee Rush... That the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of November 25, 1975 be suspended and that they be accepted as submitted. Voice vote - all in favor So ordered. Trustee Philip moved - seconded by Trustee Glaves... That clarification to the minutes of November 25, 1.075 be made to V.E, relative to Cost of Living Increase, deleating "earning below $20,000 ", and substitute "excluding Management ". Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Congreve, Glaves, Philip, and Rush Nayes: None Absent: President Howell So ordered. III. ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, VARIATIONS, PLATS, ETC. A. Ordinance G -178 Amendinq Zoning Ordinance -Sins Discussion held relative to the proposed Ordinance amending Section X, B, 6, e, f AND g AND SECTION XIV, B, 123 OF ORDINANCE NO. G -60, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK. Trustee Glaves moved - seconded by Trustee Brown... To approve Ordinance G -178 as read by title, subject to the following additions to Section 2: "e ", ninth line, after cumulative: "No sign shall be erected above the height of the structure, excluding within that height limitation, any penthouse or roof structure as described in Section V, of Ordinance G, Paragraph K, or 35 feet above grade, whichever is less 'T', first line, after permitted: "for each building ". Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Congreve, Glaves, Philip, and i;USh. Nayes: None Absent: President Howell So ordered. B. Ordinance - Amending Zoning Ordinance -Signs No comments C. Pesolution -189 -Illinois Dept. or Transportation Trustee Congreve moved _. seconded by Trustee Philip... To approve Resolution 189 as presented. Roll call vote: Ayes: True -e es Dro4,ln , Cerne, Cor.Q reve, 611 av s , ,"�; ; 1 _{ p, u,;J ru: Naves . None Absent: President Howell So nrdey,E:d C�. �jt sDl iJt 1 �`n 190-Appreciation - Gov.. Pani el L. I,,�al 1<er Trustee Gl avr- -s read in its ep-C i recy c p 'G ,OS 'd r- SOI 1. i �'�; ��ti' ` , L . c? 1 �C►'f' a ;n i then.. T � 1 i , ?0 1 S U..'�3 4 . of T r ou- i s p o r to t 1 071 fotit L ; e. x e C'i' rel atl ne -to (,om "' l e ti 0r, of first r, of co?; 1;rt cti or, Ur 2"j),i -, Ro, d, and Illinois Toll High,,ay. LLAGE OF OAK Bf OQ71 MINUTES OF DECEMBER 9, 1975 I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER A. Roll Call The regular meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Trustee Cerne. All trustees vrere present except President Ho %-;e -k 1. Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Brown... To appoint Trustee Cerne President Pro -Tem in this absence of President Howell. Voice vote - all in favor So ordered. II. READING OF MINUTES Trustee Philip moved - seconded by Trustee Rush... That the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of November 25, 1975 be suspended and that they be accepted as submitted. Voice vote - all in favor So ordered. Trustee Philip moved - seconded by Trustee Glaves... That clarification to the minutes of November 25, 1.075 be made to V.E, relative to Cost of Living Increase, deleating "earning below $20,000 ", and substitute "excluding Management ". Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Congreve, Glaves, Philip, and Rush Nayes: None Absent: President Howell So ordered. III. ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, VARIATIONS, PLATS, ETC. A. Ordinance G -178 Amendinq Zoning Ordinance -Sins Discussion held relative to the proposed Ordinance amending Section X, B, 6, e, f AND g AND SECTION XIV, B, 123 OF ORDINANCE NO. G -60, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK. Trustee Glaves moved - seconded by Trustee Brown... To approve Ordinance G -178 as read by title, subject to the following additions to Section 2: "e ", ninth line, after cumulative: "No sign shall be erected above the height of the structure, excluding within that height limitation, any penthouse or roof structure as described in Section V, of Ordinance G, Paragraph K, or 35 feet above grade, whichever is less 'T', first line, after permitted: "for each building ". Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Congreve, Glaves, Philip, and i;USh. Nayes: None Absent: President Howell So ordered. B. Ordinance - Amending Zoning Ordinance -Signs No comments C. Pesolution -189 -Illinois Dept. or Transportation Trustee Congreve moved _. seconded by Trustee Philip... To approve Resolution 189 as presented. Roll call vote: Ayes: True -e es Dro4,ln , Cerne, Cor.Q reve, 611 av s , ,"�; ; 1 _{ p, u,;J ru: Naves . None Absent: President Howell So nrdey,E:d C�. �jt sDl iJt 1 �`n 190-Appreciation - Gov.. Pani el L. I,,�al 1<er Trustee Gl avr- -s read in its ep-C i recy c p 'G ,OS 'd r- SOI 1. i �'�; ��ti' ` , L . c? 1 �C►'f' a ;n i then.. T � 1 i , ?0 1 S U..'�3 4 . of T r ou- i s p o r to t 1 071 fotit L ; e. x e C'i' rel atl ne -to (,om "' l e ti 0r, of first r, of co?; 1;rt cti or, Ur 2"j),i -, Ro, d, and Illinois Toll High,,ay. °age 2 inutes of December 9, 1975 III. ORDI'IANCES, RESOLUTIONS, VARIATIONS, PLATS, EiC. (continued) D. Resolution 190 - Appreciation -Gov. Daniel L. Walker Trustee Glaves moved - seconded by Trustee Rush... To approve Resolution 190 as presented. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Congreve, Glaves, Philip, and `ush Nayes: None Absent: President Howell So ordered. IV. FINANCIAL A. Treasurer's Report Treasurer's Cash and Investment Report for the month of November reflected the following: RawAmmn Rn1nnrn Corporate Fund $2242584.69 $13,6735105.67 MFT Fund 83812.94 82,410.93 Revenue Sharing Fund 11,309.81 1292121.38 Water Fund 553,188.58 738,794.12 Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Glaves... That the Treasurer's Cash and Investment Report for the month of November as submitted be approved. Poll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Congreve, Glaves, Philip, and Rush Nayes: None Absent: President Howell So ordered. B. Payout #1 - Richter Construction Co. - Library Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Philip :.. That Payout #1 to F. J. Richter Construction Co. in the amount of $10,710.00 as presented be approved. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Congreve, Glaves, Philip, and Rush Nayes: None Absent: President Howell So ordered. C. Approval of Bills Accounts Payable, dated December 9, 1975 from the funds are as follows: Corporate Fund $213,786.34 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 13,188.49 Revenue Sharing Fund 65793.74 Water System Funds 215051.61 Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Brown... That the Accounts Payable as submitted in the amount of $254,820.18 be approved for payment. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Congreve, Glaves, Philip, and Rush Nayes: None Absent: President Howell So ordered. D. Investments Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Glaves... To approve and ratify the following i nvestment : One federally secured repurchase agreement to ma-,,'Iure in the Oak Brook hank on December 4, 1975 at the rate of 5.49 %, in the amount of $100,000.00. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Congreve, Glaves, Philip, and RuSh, I� 'a yes -j: gone Absent: President Howell So ordered. �gc J 1•� °��utes of December 9 1975 IV. FIW CIAL (conti . ) E. ��utterfi el d Fire Protection District Payment as per Disconnection Agreeme it Trus '-ee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Brown moved... r To approve the payment of $18,490.00 to the Butterfield Fire Protection District, subject to remainder of money being collected from the property owners. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Congreve, Glaves, Philip, and Rush Nayes: None Absent: President Howell So ordered, V. OLD BUSINESS A. 31st Street (Oak Brook Road) Ped,strian Crossing Trustee Brown reviewed the matterof an overpass over Oak Brook Road. Trustee Brown moved - seconded by Tr-u -stee Rush... To refer this back to the Plan Commission for alternatives. Voice vote - all in favor So ordered. B. Electrical Service - Li brag Bui 1 ding Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Rush... To approve a change order to the library Contract with F. J. Richter Construction Company in the amount of $4,890.00. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Congreve, Glaves, Philip, and Rush Nayes: None Absent: President Howell So ordered. C. Recommendation - Janitorial Services Trustee Cerne moved - seconded by Trustee Glaves... To accept the bid of Building Service Systems in accordance with specifications, in the amount of $21,998.00. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Congreve, Glaves, Philip, and Rush Nayes: None Absent: President Howell So ordered. VI. NEW BUSINESS Law Suit - Widening of 31st Street (Oak Brook Road) Attorney Bianucci reviewed the status of the suit filed relative to the widening of 31st Street (Oak Brook Road). Trustee Rush moved - seconded by Trustee Brown... To have the Village Attorney --petition the Supreme Courtfor leave to appeal the decision of the Appeals Court in the case of Brook Forest Community Association and the Village of Oak Brook vs. the County of Du Page. Roll call vote: Ayes: Trustees Brown, Cerne, Glaves, and Rush Nayes: Trustees Congreve and Philip Absent: President Howell So ordered. A. Cancellation, - Board meeting December 23, 1975 Trustee Glaves moved - seconded by Trustee Rush... To cancel the regularly scheduled Board meeting of December 23, 1975 and the Comp ii ttee of the Whole meeting of December 22, 1975. Committee of Whole meeting rescheduled for January 6, 1976. Voice vote - all in favor So ordered. VII. ADJ0UR I'll I'll ENT Time 8:45 P.H. Trustee Congreve moved - seconded by Trustee Brol,;n... That this meeting be adjourned. Voice vote - „11 in favor So c1r�,er, Pccpecwful1v suhmitteci, Lcakcs11