Minutes - 12/12/1961 - Board of Trusteesti fit.— ►:t.--!o 1 E of onrc auocaK Minutes of pecember 12, 1961 VOB-Bolwml The aeetiAg ,was called to order at 8:00 Phi Ny the Village President, T. A. t hlmano Roll call was taken- all Trustees beLas present, except Messrs. Calh-Dun and Dakimlowo 71 "ADIM OF MMUTES °o Owen moved, and' Mr. Carley seconded the following motion: That tha ceJ.Dute s of the November 14, 1961, meeting be approved as oubmftted Voice vote majority carried T11 ORDINANCES and RESOLUTIONS So ordered n Numbs in Ordinance °a Carley moved, and Mr. O'Brien iseconded t:te following motion: That the ordinance establishing an official numbering system for the Village of Usk gook, Illinois be adopted as read ® with the provision that the zeros be placed on the amberi system map in the correct order, and the Ginger Creek 01at be &ttached to the ordiftance. Roll call vote: ayes - 5 Nays a G absent m 2 So ordered '. Owen moved, and Mr. Roseman neconded the following motion: That the Buildin Inspector be directed t® furnish the postmasters of Hinsdale and Elmhurst with ® copy of the Oak Brt ok Numbering System map `Voice Grote - all in fevor So ordered. ®zoni Y.rkf n °r rt (S43§ .. President 911oh1man pre jented the reports of the Plan Go ssion and the 7Anning Bo rd of Appeals relative to the request for the rezoning of property located at the :northeast corner of 22nd S%%,-reet and Midwest Road (known as the Larkin Property) Ita ORMUCES AND SOLUTIONS (Continued) - F. Rezoning-- J.arkio., Pro,�y (continuW) from R -2 to M. It was also pointed out that at the Dec - ber meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on subject re- zoning, no cne appeared to object tc the requested romp zoning, Whereas E . and Mrs. H. Henke appeared and stated they owned adjoining property, and in their opinion rezoning to M -fig w4s highiy desirable. Mr. tlossman -T,oved and Mr. O'Brien seconded the followi.nq metiont That the Board c f Trustees amend the atoning ordinance o r the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois, by reclassifyring certain px:.perty (known as the Larkin Property) f>< = "R-2. aingle family residence district" to "M,Manufactur- tng district." Roll call vote: ayes - 4 Nays -0 abstain --1 absent-2 So ordered. C. Packard atrument C� , .7 c. Assessment Plat P. rlNNI ��r�1rw/Y Mr. Rosssman moved, and Mr. Oven seconded the followin ^-T, motion: That the Boar' of Trustees authorize the Village President and Village Clerk to sign and approve the Plat for Packard Instrument Company, Inc., after it has been signed and approved by the Plan Commission Roll call vote: ayes - 5 nays - C abet ;nt _2 So ordered. D. Eastman Kodak C�ompa % Assess meat Plat Mr. Owen moved, and Mr. Ros ssman seconded the following motion: That the Board of Trustees authorize the Village President and the Village Clerk to sign and approve th . Eastman Kodak Company Assessment Plat after it has been signed and approved by the Plan commission. Roll call vote: ayes -5 hays -0 absent -2 So ordered E. Ordinance Prohibiting Dogs in Stores (S -37) Mr. Owen moved and Mr. O'Brien seconded, the following motion: That the ordinance , prohibiting dogs in retail stores within the Village of Oak Brook be adopted as read. Roll call vote: ayes -5 says -0 absent -2 So ordered • . is �a �� • • 3 III ORDINANCES and RESOLUTIONS (continued) O e Prohibit iw Ss� i { Stores (S-512 ) Mr, Carley moved, and Mr, Ross man seconded the following motion That the ordinance prohibiting asokinS in public elevators and certain retail 'stores within the Village of teak Brook be adopted as read POLI Call vote: ayes 5 nays O absent - 2 %. ordered ! ✓u ~'t e , 4 t ,,A' w C" /; re old O. Oak Brook Coati Comp .e • eowmoe +u�e�o��enoa�va+rnu+urao W. Dempsey, President of the cob company from Elmhurst and Mr. Duane Sea3avey requested the Board iase &ua five licenses to operate cabs in Oak Brook (4 for the Shopping Center and 1 at the Drake-Oakbrook), They farther indicated their desire to have an exclusive franchise and would operate under another name in the Oak Brook area. Mr. Oen requested the Elmhurst Cab Company to submit a written request to the Board, and the Boas wruld them determine ( 1) if they will Lamm an exclusive, and (2) to whom license/licenses will be granted, President Nbhlman appointed Mr, gossnean and W. Owen to fully investigate the taxi issue and present a report to the Boars -H. Subdivision Regglation.9 cm��s��inm oem® Tabled, pending receipt of a recommendation from the Plan Commission* 1V AMMEXATIONS V FINANCIAL A. Treasurer's Re22rt Village Treasurer, Mr. Van tyke, presented a raport for that month of November, 1961, showing "cash on deposit" at the and of the month of $9,948,41. Said report attached to these mtamtes. Mr. OtBrien mDved o and W. Carley seconded the motion that the Treea er 4 s report be accepted as read. Voice vote: - all in favor So ordered, j 0 1* 1 A-M lavoo& I 4 V $IRMC (`+orltirwed ) B. Approval of Bills Mr. Van Dyke, presented the bills for November, 1961, for approval and payment, bills totaled $7,613.92 a report of which is attached to these minutes, Mr. O'Brien moved and Mr. Owen seconded that the bills be paid as read by the Village Treamarcr. Roll call vote: ages - 5 nays - O absent -- 2 So ordered VI REPORT OF OFFICERS A. Police Deeartment No report givers, as daptain Ott was unable to attend. President Moh1man asked Mr. Carley to check police salaries in various departments, and report to the board at the January meeting. There was considerable discussion regarding the obligation of the Village to furnish oolice protections to the OgCk Brook Center, as previously requested by Mr. Darrow of Draper and Kramer. Mr. Owen advised that his research to date did rsot indicate that this is a normal village function. President Mohlman asked Mr. Owen for a letter of his findings on what is being done by other villages, prior to deciding if Mr. Narrow should be written to clarify theVillage position to furnish (or not furnish) police protection to the Shopping C ,inter . B. Nildin Inspector Mr. Prank Pearson presented the Building Inspector's report for the month of November, 1961, copy of which is attached to these minutes. (Total - $39155.86) V11 UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Edwrard 4 s Restaurant President Mohlman advised that the Tillage had not received any indication from Edward t s Restaurant as to whether or not they wished to avail themselves of the liquor license, and that they were being requested to give a definite conmitment . • e iddb AML 5. ertxg NLV susaNEss A. Resolution - Mr, George Rettig Mr. O'Brien moved ® and Mr. Roseman seconded the motion.... That a Resolution concerning Mr. George Rettig be adopted by this Board, thanking his family for his past civic services, and offering the Board ° s con- - doleaces, and furthermore, the president and Clerk be directed to sign said Resolution. Voice vote - all ayd So ordered. B, ra, .In l u of Vehicle Ts s a.eaio�a asa■mog "e Wilson Connell, President of the Oak Brook Civic Association, presented a suggestion to the Board that the Village consider making an official Oak Brook sticker avail- able to industries to be used on truck& and cars, President Mohlman is to have a sketch p` epared Cat no cost to the Tillage) of a suitable sticker for future consideration. C. Vendigg Machine Ordinance . O'Brien requested Village Attorney Bowers to draft a "vending machine ordinance t' for consideration at the next Board meeting, IX ADJOUUMNT . Carley moved - Mr. Owen seconded - the motion that this mating be ad journed . Voice vote - all ayes The meeting ad Journed at .1C : ®1 PM ATTEST; Agnes F. O'Brien Village Clark So ordered Respectfully submitted, Helen. De Witt, Village Secretary ot a1 Ito U 01 'rX clt e ® c 1 ol ® % 01 r: � nti Q �s a T' o i� w 4-0 C w V JS m M Q �As Ft �t A i� C7 PRO � � v •ay 14 0 8+e U) .� 2 0 Q �s a T' o i� w 4-0 C w V JS m M Q �As Ft �t A i� C7 PRO � � v •ay 14 0 8+e U) .� 2 IMt�M -i O ASLIOC}A`i 933 CURT190 t? 3lcTE �7Vt'NF'Rb iivZC�tJ� :_L:h„l� "JtfSC7;.,A +r 9 43.42 r "h Ah ►v r 5 ri 0 D pe M CA H f ) LIj u 4� S. ft"W % a Mu 11/131 :1 a�a3�t AA- 'sun .1113/61 MAG A ;5 � M33 11/13161 Injo &mom ��Llf sin IIAS /61 MAII i( �MM aH �caA4^i! µ311g �0,4 day, y CN� �Sili� Rd $� I 11115161 am Ali rd9bla agn L, a. � Ms lIkA7161 tee e49 ":I � do", F1 Sul II/W61 wo oftow WA -s Mostm am. any tft 9 2111-6 rN # 't e $ s m i � ice' 11 a. 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