Minutes - 12/13/1960 - Board of TrusteesThe December 13th 1960 meeting of the Oak Broom Board of Trustees was called to order by the President at ® PM. Roll was called and everyone present except Mr. Krueger. The November minutes were approved as read. Mr. O'Brien moored, Mr. Calhoun seconded referring the Butler Company letter requesting a Special Use Permit ( Ginger Creek) 0 to the Zoning BoarO of Appeals. Motion carried. Mr. Roseman moved, Mr. O'Brien seconded the approval oil Ginger Creek Sub Division Plat. The voting: Mr. Carley - yes, Mr. O'Brien - yea, Mr. Calhoun - yes, Mr. Roseman - yes, Mr. Kolar - no, Mr. Mohiman - yes. ,dyes - 5, Nays - 1. Motion carried. Mr. Kolar moved, Mr. Calhoun seconded adopting the Ordinance Amending reference becomes a pert of these minutes. The voting: Carley - yes, O'Brien - yea, Calhoun - yes, Rossman - yes, Kolar - yes, Mohlman - yes, Ayes - 69 Nays - 0, motion carried. Mr. Kolar moved, Mr. Carley seconded to adopt an Ordinance Creating &-19 an Electrical Insr --^•tion Department, which shall be known as G-18, a copy of which is hereby A� *•ached and by reference becomes a pert of these minutes. Motion carried w animously. an Ordinance, changing the Class A Liquor Licenses from 4 to 6, which S,aq shall be known as 8-24, �a copy of -ohich is attached hereto and by reference becomes a pert of these minutes. The voting: Carley - yes, O'Brien - yea, Calhoun - yes, Rossman - yes, Kolar - yes, Mohlman - yes, Ayes - 69 Nays - 0, motion carried. Mr. Kolar moved, Mr. Carley seconded to adopt an Ordinance Creating &-19 an Electrical Insr --^•tion Department, which shall be known as G-18, a copy of which is hereby A� *•ached and by reference becomes a pert of these minutes. Motion carried w animously. P/ QL cab .- 6$T•AA tV � Mr. Kolar moved, Mr. O'Brien seconded adopting the ordinance, which L � shall be known as G-19, Establishing Salaries for the President and .wall Board Members, a copy of which is hereby attached and by reference becomes a part of these minutes. Notion carried unanimously. Mr. O'Brien moved, Kira Kolar seconded to hold. the Ordinance creating the offieae of Village Collector in abeyance. Nation carried. Xr. Kolar moved, Mr. Carley seconded - to table the Ordinance presc.,. ^. by the Elmhurst Press, a copy of x hich is attached. Motion carried. Mr. Kolar moved, Mr. Carley seconded asking the attorney to prepare an ordinance establishing a police reserve division. Motion carried. Mr. O'Brien moved, Mr. Calhoun seconded to accept Treasurers report. Mr. O'Brien moved, Mr. Calhoun seconded payment of the monthly bills presented by Mr. Gwen on Voucher #7, totaling $749.20. License for Squad. Care 4.00 Harner Photo Service# 137.35 Officer Litteau 8.00 E. V. Price Co. 5.25 Petty Cash 35.87 Douglas Chevrolet 6306 J. W. butler 3.41 J. F. Dunn Distributors 20,00 Feder-! Lab, Inc. 93.40 Salt Creek Cities Serv.5r -er 55.39* -0 Schweidlers 4.86 76.99 --wa% H & J Rely! aing Service 29.00 Standard Oil 34.01 A. G. melee Co. 48.42 Motorola Finance 23.96 Aotive Seal & Stamp Works 6.50 I11. Bell Telephone 13.64 E: 7, Price Cc 86.08 The vatings Carley year O'Brien yes, Calhoun -e fires, Rossman - yes, Yolar - yes, Mohlman yes. Ayes 6, Nays - o. Motion carried 1 C a par* of these minutes, a copy is hereby attached & by referenoe becomes Mr. Kolar read a letter /from the police committee recommending Sgt, G. Neal Fallaw as the now Chief of Police. Mr, Kolar moved Mr, Carley seconded Lhat these recommendations be adopted.. A roll call vote was innanimous. Niution carried. Mr. Kolar moved, Mr. Carley seconded that Mr, 1Mchlmen send a letter to Set, Fallaw informing him of his new status with our department, that David Owl, will oontlnue in his position until Sgt. Fallawl Full, time employment and that Sgt, Fallaw appear at the January Board meeting. Motion carried. advancin David Mr, gclar moved, Mr. Carley seconded AWQ U. Ott from the rank of lieutenant to captain. Motion carried, Mr. 9e1aro moved., Mr. Carley seconded Capt. Ott be put on the village payroll ( the alk .ry sta-�ed in the budget) from Janua.r;; 10 1961 to April 30, 1961, Roll call vote was unanimous. Motion carried. 1r. Kolar moved, Mr. Carley aeconded that each policeman should receive a. $25.00 Christmas present. For this, the police committee by authirl zed to spend 0175.00. Roll cail vote was unanimous. Notion ca.rriea. Mr. Kolar monied, Nor. (,arley seconded to table 8-A on the agenda., a new appointment to the Man, Commis on. Motion curried. Mr. IMohlmann read a letter from Sam Dean regarding cleaning up Salt 04 reek. He was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Blackwell, Mr. Kolar moved, Mr. Calhoun seconded to add Journ at 9 t 50 PM. Notion carried. AN ARD1100% MM'm'N l &,' ORDT". 0?CB iidt3 UTINO M� f1 • { SALS of AMP, OLIO LI Q'J0,1 W THIN THE VIIJ M o ,P CY a�RUOK, DL PAZ r-c41NTY� i LLiNri; , PA88�'! +s A,��r AP PRO'J!!I� THE 17th DAY (& JLQM0 A. D. 1958, .w....._ _.____ . AB AWWM • 0 �'A BE IT ORDAIM vy the President aid Boar' of Trustees of the ViU&Zo of Oakbrook, County of Du Page, State of Minors, as follows# Section 1. That Section 10 of an ordinance regulating the eats of alcoholic liquor within the Village of Oakbrook, Du Pago Couetyi�Illinoia, be and tho some is hereby ananded, and as emended, shall read as followes "Seotion 10. Number of idoeases. Lhetil et rArwiise altored or changed by `ord as a* or raw n os o the Board of Trustees of the Village of Oakbrook, the nva ker d Class 1144 licenses issued ol, thin the Village of Oakbrook shall be l,iffAbod to six (6) ime the aw*er of Class "Be licenses shall not be lWtod.l' tic® 2• That this ordtnanoe shall, take affect and ne it full forge from aM after its passage and ptblioation as by statute Us such case made ad provided• Passed ,art apprised by the President ad Board of b- ustdes of the Vi flag# of Oakbrook thisdwy of �%�, A. D. 1960. Attes a C) f a Ayes_...#2,____ a;� d True and correct copise of the above ordi natice weri nested by the ti:nderri rned at tits followi n,i three prominent locatS ons W.thin the Village of Oakbrook: this day of -nee ti. T). I96C'. 777 LLA 1:1 C `! %�?� , It� 'n A 1 t�Pi r �f-i • -� •jGr� =`�,i 1 • A' � . T r 77 ^� T •i k9 If e -18 MWWTIOW MPAMW OD CIVATINO AN ELMMOU COMOSSION FOR THE VILUU OF OARROOMO-e W PAZ CC=,, ILLINOIS gg IT MDAIM by the President and Board of Tmatees of tho 'flap of O*braok, Illinois e ��o Terre is hereby corea toed for the Village of Oafteak an sloot cal impeoctlen department. The INVIO v8 Oond esioner atoll be and to hereby dealpated a ffioio the hwW c: such dot, she .shall be known as the Superintendent of MectKoltye qK 2,, There U hatxtsbv, oreatad for the VIllep of Oahb3mek an el"trical which shad cowdat of five umbers as felloasr The Ouperintandeft of Eleota441y shall be a rides► and Uw oxwofflois Maims of the OwAss oxsg of 91ltae otber four msnbers one a'boll be as sleo^hrics]. contraster, one a jownepm elootrIcianp one a r presentati" of as inspention bureau sa4ntatmd by tho firs mdemitamp If gob a rtq� hive resides in the V#,llapp and it spa such sentative ream In fas VUlages th+sn the thief of the fire departamt# and one a repcmowwDaEive of an eleatrioal aupply co q, If these is no person resWing within the VilUge who is gaalified under arr and of these deeoripdon9 r the ident of the Village ssy appoint an other Bereft to Sill. Vat Position. AU um *w a of the electrical, cam Aslm vhsU be appointed by Ow PrtmLden: � J with the aEd4iad and cotrment of tho Nand of Truaetas. SnUcAl.p The electrioal ow4asion shall ra (1) safe and psractiae2 staadsvda ad speeificatiane for the Instauatiam, alterations and uags of 4aaWLcA eqdynsst aissigned to most the neaasdt+lem and canditions of the p 3*dc� 100411tyll (2) 7easonacle ra-18 and regulatiew VverulAg the icesusrce of V*Mts by the e1datrieel i?apsatien dep % and (3) reasonable fses to be paid tar the in ppecUm by the inspectim departo stit of all elerstri ca egylpmt instdUa far altered veitMx 4 h+e ��r�1s stBAdarOp apeoLfteatimo p � � ® I! v 1 t i ij i I i 1 71 &-mil Ate ; rm 4z -, - z-1fL11z64aew-, wz f erg® AN Vlit DT � NANO FRASU SHINO AND WARM FOR 'M PRMDW AND BOLRD � �..� � ''10'• , of T€ti7$7,°S!►S ,r THE VZILJ► M OF 0AMMM, . Dtr PAU 9MM I�I�I� Mtn• w.rrr...- r.....+ -�.... a n BE IT 01' W-4W by the President and Board of Trustees of the ViLUV r of Oskbrooks, Ma Page Countys Yllinoist Becstion 1. CgMeation of Trustees. That all persew hereinafter elected and qualified to fire office of Trustee of the Village of Oakbr4ok shy receive as and for a ompowation for their serr<viaea art ouch Trrustee the am of Fifteen and No%100ths (015.00) Dollars pear wasting for each =atiag at the Board of Trustees attended by such person, provided, how - dvver, that no Trustee shad, receive compensation for mare than sue meeting ADM AA- AAA~ in each make kW such Trustee shall be allowed two absen& reg" xwetings of the Board of Trustees, for shich compensation shall be paid at the afersdescribed rate. Sections 2. C2Wnsation of President. That any person herolnafter elected and qualified to the office of President of the Village of Oakbrook shall receive as and for compeneatior, for his services as such ?'resident the sum of Two x'hommnd Five Hundred and No /100ths ($2,50000) Dollars per year payable in equal monthly. installments. Passer'_ and approved by this Prear dm t and Board of Tru. -%oes of the village of Oakbrook, Du Page County, Illinois, thi.s� day ofL,CA=. a. resident Att�sfia . Aver Ji��� - - ---- - lays Abstained t W. �� - / ' Y � � (il ' � ; ;',r; _ . , • .:`� � � ; __ �� #fit y � �.,�: �t, ORDINANCE _MR. ..VILLAGE ...OF _gM PRMX WHEREAS the Village of Oak Brook does not have any official publication within Its corporate limit,-; and WHEREAS the Elmhurst Pres-s has general circrlati sn within this municipality, and is delivered to residents of Oak Brook; and WHEREAS the Trustees of the Village of Oak brook deem it expedient aad wise to declare an official newspaper for publication of all legal notices and all required publications of the Village of Oak Brook. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the `tillage of Oak Brook that the Elmhurst Press be and the same is hereby declared the official newspaper for all legal notioes and publications of the Village of Oak Brook. Adopted and approved this clay 9f _J9600 "Villaq; Pres en A tens Village Clerk Ali A 7 1L '49 A* Pro "dwt k -Y;^ IZ ANIL V111W ®t Oak area 801WASOU at Oust of POUGG for Oaft"Ok.0 o ATM*" i *jAW au afflICOU"s for the P"Man _ tae MdT to man ev"ifle res6igns�tlemo ba mew to applealk the PrObICA Wi4b @am SudwLawe Ot 1006 we r1M ravlawfA what w had se error wd VM% we WOUM "UpdRea U w" asm" tMt the am we were Iftkift for &beau ha" Wo fellewlm quaUfleaticas. I UMIedge ®t Ww job final wMag ame tmlaW La Um aA vita 61gaMeant bamle poRae exTerlews. leal stamim to an Important Pyw""Olto beams* In A" up the Police we %*Tim GZP"t the O"Of to be trbre"Up"O t Lwai"Ily an duty ef Ww day 8" a Obeabdad M RAM ad theLr adherance to eatab"@bA vromAwev at, Utat is the ftrat few Y" 8 ®f OroMMUNUOR so w"U be VV Procedwee dAd to SOM" doftelmclasa Ales s %be ww= Will have to two" as m am We to acquire Um e&USIOMI 4POS MMOU salimG that WN am sh"Id have hAab Swa- staid&"& Vv F wd as" Iona stabilltye dwJA be expect" S* pmvam w Outlime of a dorIMISO of sett m reautIm roeraOW ®t mm an PM44 ftr Is" PIMMA4 maw Eb abould be la mi be OGNOU of develeg" a hAO 'M.A&&.wM M.&IS a,.&. doev" of I= with VAWNNWWM Owe-Opw i@in %be OUVOW01M &me UMIedge 3/1 Xf Vj &I'no un ;-,g "arlev Frank No" ar Albert I Vlolilmms Edward O'Brien ......... !, -p i�vl.11a ?arkins io Ha=7 Cwen. Jr. W/00, JkLl� Bo"re A VIPArmps j5 A SR