Minutes - 12/22/1964 - Board of Trusteesgae-e T -MIA). V1 LTAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES OF DECEMBER 22 % 1964 0 o.w- .�nwsonr. I ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 8:40 P.M. by Village President T. A. MohLman. ALL Trustees were present. II READING OF MINUTES Trustee O,Br.ien moved - seconded by Trustee Roseman... That reading of the minutes of December 8, 1964, he suspended and that the minutes be accepted and approved as submitted. Voice vote - &IL in favor. So ordered. III ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS A. Rezoning 1. Windsor Subdivision T'ru atee Roseman moved - seconded by lei.:. Owen... That the amendment to the zoning ordinance chanting the Windsor Subdivision property from R -2 to R- te adopted Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Dshmlow, Havey, Hay s, O'Brien, Owen, Rossman -.nd President Mohlman. Hayes -Alone So ordered. IV OLD BUSINESS A. PropQeed Oak Brook Zoning Ordinance Amendement Trustee Owen moved - seconded by Trustee O'Brien... That the Village President request Carl Gardner 8 Associates to furnish seven additional copiea of the last revision of the proposed Zoning Ordinance. Roll Call Vote: Ayer - Trustees, Dahmlow, Havey, Hayes, O'Brien, Owen and Rossman, Neye s None Abstainer: - President Mohlman 3o ordered. President Mohlman appointed the following people, being the present Zoning board of Appeals, to act as a ,special commission to consider a complete comprehensive Zoning Ordinance for the Village of Oaf. Brook: Georta McHanry, William L. Bengston, Gordon Foster, Robert Dane, Charles H. Rhodes, .Allan M. Roysdon and Norman Steenhof_ Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Hayes._ That the VilLAge Board confirm the following appcintments to a special commissior to consider a complete comprehensive. Zoning ordinance for the Pillage of Oak Brook: George McHenry, William L. Bengston., Gordon Foster, Robert bane, Charles M. Rhodes, Allan M. Royedon and Norman Steen'hof. Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered. Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Mayes.. That the proposed zoning ordinance and rap be raferred to the Zoning Commission for public hearing with the suggestion that the hearing be held January 19, 1965, at the Osk Brook Fire Station at 7:30 P.M. Voice Grote -- all in favor. So vrdered. IV OLD SUSI S (Continued) 8.e �.aa o! F re Truck SA.d$ Mack Truck, Inc. did not bid but submitted a lettxr of explanation. Sutphen Fire equipment Co. made three proposals using di'feren4 chassis and promised delivery within 220 working da.s. Following are the bids on each chassis: OeneraL Motors - $600710 International 61:318 Custom 65,246 Il nots FWD of Rosemont submitted the following bid using an PWD special snorkel chassis and promising delivery within 240 working days: $629475. Trustee Oven moved - seconded by Trustee Hovey... That the bids for fircequipmsent ae opened toni,-eit be referred to the Fire Committee for their recommendation. 'voice vote all in favor. So ordered. V NEW BUSIENESS A. Polk a Sint 1. Sergeant Theodore %. Treiber Salters Trustee Hevay moved - seconded by Trustee O *Brian... That $2,900 be transferred from the Appropriation ordinance to the Operating Budget for the salary of Sergeant Theodore L. Treiber for the balance of the fiscal year. Roll Call dote-, Ayes - Trustees Dahmlvw, Hovey, Mayas, O'Brien, Oven, Roseman and Pres. Mots 1man. Keyes - None So ordered. 2. Uma ke Police Ca Trustee 018rian moved - seconded by Trustee Hovey... That the sum of $800 be added to the Police Budget to accommMate the Leasing of an unmarked police car. Rolf. Call Votes Ayes - Trustees Dehmlow, Hovey, ftyem, O'Brien, Owen, Roseman and Pres. MohLman. Mayas - None Se ordered. 3. RadLo,&gLtawnt Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Hayes... That the seam of $150 be added to the Police Budget to accommodate the Cost of Leasing radio equipment for the unmarked police car. Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Dehmlow, Hovey, Ilayes, O*Brfen, Owen, Roseman and Pres. Mohlman. Noyes -alone So ordered. u. Umarked Police Car Bids Trustee Roseman moved - seconded by Trustee O'Brien... That the Police. Chief be instructed to secure competi- tive bids for the leasing of an unmarked police car. Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered. Trustee Hawey left at 10:15 P.M. 121x2 /64 r Nu Human !'Continued) H. MMste e Peter H. nat+low ei00 Estee Dahmlow read his reap.. nation. President Whlman recommended that Mr. Dab:klow delay his resignation to February 28 instead of January 1. Aar. Dehmlow then withdrew his resignation. 1. Re a ,� o, sae °. Il.� obis, . nnin�, ommis�iots The request of the Northeastern Illinois Metr:.toliten Area Plauning v.zmi&sivo for a contribution W&L declined. J. 16th Street ,.�.,, fipr n load President MohLmasn read Mr. Harold O. Yatrraw1h ' -A-- -r of December 16th, 1964, regarding the unpaid balance of $1,600, Trustee Owen moved - seconded by Trustee Roseman... That the President be au'taor$aed to W the balance of $1,600.00 on the 16th Street - Spring Road Improvement contract with Oak Brook :Cerrace, Inc. Roll Call dote. Ayes - Trustees DahmLow, Hayes, 0 0Brien Owen, Roseman and Pres. Moh1man. Nayes p None .Absent 4 Trustee Haaey. So ordered. dL ADJOURNMENT Trustee Owen moved - seconded by Trustee Roseman... That this meeting be adjourned. 'voice vote - all in favor. This meeting adjourned at IL :00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Kathryn L McPherson Secretary Taro Tem 12 /22/64 - - _.. =_.. ' .. - _,.._.J 'r- .. ' _ ,...,._ ,'. �' .0 w.?caty- ±,r.!:i a_L•1ei�.; ^.. .: :fh,.....: • 1 VILLAGE of OAK BRWK ATTENDANCE RECORD Date id �E��LEGOECE6�J�0006 �o00�Gv c Lorraine E. Fr e Qeo ooaod�ooaav�����, DpoG60o000���i�fi���lfl��l �� Igo O ��oo�a�oaaoo�oa�co0000 am�000no�o�a�oo�or� ��. D 06000G��i�G�i�l�lo�1