HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAFR (Year Ended April 30, 1981) VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Year Ended April 30, 1981 -1- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Year Ended April 30, 1981 TABLE OF CONTENTS Exhibits Combined Financial Supplemental Statements Information Page INTRODUCTORY SECTION Title Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Village Manager and Finance Officer's Letter of Transmittal 6 _ Principal Officials of the Village of Oak Brook 14 Organization Chart 15 FINANCIAL SECTION Auditor's Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 -- Combined Statements--Overview ("Liftable" General Purpose Financial Statements) : Combined Balance Sheet--All Fund Types and Account Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 18 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances--All Governmental Fund Types . . . 2 20 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances--Budget (Budgetary Basis) and Actual--General Corporate, Special Revenue, and Capital Projects Fund Types . . . . . . . . . . 3 21 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings/Fund Balances-- All Proprietary Fund Types and Similar Trust Funds . . . . . . . . 4 22 Combined Statement of Changes in Financial Position--All Proprietary Fund Types and Similar Trust Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 23 Notes to Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . 24 Financial Statements of Individual Funds: General Corporate Fund: _ Balance Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 42 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance--Budget (Budgetary Basis) and Actual. . . . . . . . . . A-2 43 Statement of Expenditures, Compared to Budget (Budgetary Basis). . . . . . . . . . . . A-3 45 -2- TABLE OF CONTENTS--Continued Exhibits Combined Financial Supplemental Statements Information Page Financial Statements of Individual Funds-- Continued: Special Revenue Funds: Combining Balance Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 51 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances. B-2 52 -- Motor Fuel Tax Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance-- Budget (Budgetary Basis) and Actual . . . . B-3 53 Federal Revenue Sharing Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance-- Budget (Budgetary Basis) and Actual . . . . B-4 54 Debt Service Fund: Balance Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1 56 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance-- Budget (Budgetary Basis) and Actual . . . . . C-2 57 Capital Projects Funds: Combining Balance Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1 59 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2 60 Sports Core Capital Projects Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, _ and Changes in Fund Balance-- Budget (Budgetary Basis) and Actual . . . . D-3 61 Enterprise Funds: Combining Balance Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . E-1 63 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings (Deficit). E-2 65 Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position. . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-3 66 -3- TABLE OF CONTENTS--Continued Exhibits Combined Financial Supplemental Statements Information Page Financial Statements of Individual Funds-- Continued: T Enterprise Funds--Continued: Waterworks System Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings--Budget (Budgetary Basis) and Actual. . . . . . . . E-4 67 Statement of Operating Expenses by Department, Compared to Budget (Budgetary Basis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-5 69 Schedule of Property, Plant and Equipment and Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-6 70 Sports Core Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings (Deficit)-- Budget (Budgetary Basis) and Actual E-7 71 Statement of Operating Expenses by Department, Compared to Budget (Budgetary Basis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-8 72 Schedule of Property, Plant and Equipment and Accumulated Depreciation. . . . . . . . E-9 74 Fiduciary Funds: Combining Balance Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . F-1 76 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Balances. . . . . . . . . F-2 77 Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position. . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-3 78 Police Pension Fund: Statement of Revenue, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Balance--Budget (Budgetary Basis) and Actual. . . . . . . . F-4 79 -4- TABLE OF CONTENTS--Continued "- Exhibits Combined Financial Supplemental Statements Information Page Financial Statements of Individual Funds-- Continued: Fiduciary Funds--Continued: Firemen's Pension Fund: Statement of Revenue, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Balance--Budget (Budgetary Basis) and Actual. . . . . . . . F-5 80 General Fixed Assets Account Group: 1 Schedule of General Fixed Assets--By Sources. G-1 82 T Exhibit Page STATISTICAL SECTION General Governmental Expenditures by Function-- `' Last Ten Fiscal Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H-1 84 General Revenues by Source--Last Ten Fiscal Years H-2 85 Property Tax Levies and Collections-- -- Last Three Fiscal Years . . . . . . . . . . . H-3 86 Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property--Last Ten Fiscal Years . . . . . . . . . . H-4 87 Property Tax Rates--All Overlapping Governments--Last Ten Fiscal Years. . . . . . . . . H-5 88 Ratio of Net General Bonded Debt to Assessed Value and Net Bonded Debt per Capita-- Last Five Fiscal Years. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H-6 89 Computation of Legal Debt Margin. . . . . . . . . . . H-7 90 Computation of Overlapping Debt . . . . . . . . . . . H-8 91 Ratio of Annual Debt Service Expenditures for General Bonded Debt to Total General Expenditures--Last Five Fiscal Years. . . . . . . . H-9 92 Revenue Bond Coverage-- Waterworks System Bonds--Last Six Fiscal Years. . . H-10 93 Demographic Statistics--Last Ten Fiscal Years . . . . H-11 94 Property Value, Construction, and Bank Deposits--Last Ten Calendar Years . . . . . . . . . H-12 95 Principal Taxpayers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H-13 96 Insurance in Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H-14 97 Miscellaneous Statistical Data. . . . . . . . . . . . 11-15 98 '- -5- �. OA r v G O 9 � CF COUN ` VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 654-2220 September 22, 1981 President and Board of Trustees Village of Oak Brook Oak Brook, Illinois Gentlemen: The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the Village of Oak Brook for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1981, is submitted herewith. Responsibility for both the accuracy of the presented data and the completeness and fairness of the presentation, including all disclosures, rests with the Village. We believe the data, as presented, is accurate in all material aspects; that it is presented in a manner designed to fairly set forth the financial position and results of operations of the Village as measured by the financial activity of its various funds; and that all disclosures necessary to enable the' reader to gain the maximum understanding of the Village's financial affairs have been in- cluded. In addition to the financial statements required for each fund we have included a group of self-balancing accounts known as the General "- Fixed Assets and General Long Term Debt Account Groups. The General Fixed Assets Group of accounts reflects all fixed assets •- acquired by funds except the enterprise and trust funds. Schedules of property plant and equipment for the two enterprise funds - Water and Sports Core - are also included. The Long Term Debt Account includes the General Obligation Bonds issued in 1977 for the purchase of the Sports Core, and the debts for the Village Hall and Library. The last section of the Annual Report includes statistical data and schedules which contribute to the value of the report as an official reference document. This letter describes the significant aspects of financial opera- tions during the year. It is our hope that this report will materially assist the Board of Trustees, Village Officials and personnel, and our citizens in better understanding the financial activities and transac- tions relating to our Village government. -6- Accounting System and Budgetary Control The Village's accounting records for general governmental opera- tions are accounted for on a modified accrual basis of accounting. The revenues are recorded when available and measureable. Expenditures are recorded when the services or goods are received and the liabilities are incurred. Accounting records for the Village's enterprise funds and pension trust funds are maintained on the accrual basis. In developing and evaluating the Village's accounting system, con- sideration is given to the adequacy of internal accounting controls. Internal accounting controls are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance regarding: (1) the safeguarding of assets against loss from unauthorized use or disposition; (2) the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability for assets. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that: (1) the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived; and (2) the evaluation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management. All internal control evaluations occur within the above framework. We believe that the Village's internal accounting controls adequately safe- guard assets and provide reasonable assurance of proper recording of financial transactions. Budgetary control is maintained at the subfunction level by the en- cumberance of estimated purchase amounts prior to the release of purchase orders to vendors. Open encumbrances are reported as reservations of fund balance at April 30, 1981. The Reporting Entity and Its Services This report includes all of the funds and account groups of the Village. The Village provides a full range of services contemplated by statute or character. This includes public safety (police, fire, bureau of inspection, and ambulance service) , street maintenance, public improve- ments, planning and zoning, general administration services, water, and operation of a free public library and recreation facilities at the Oak Brook Sports Core (including an 18-hole course) . The Oak Brook Park District, the various school and sanitary districts, -- and the counties of DuPage and Cook are not included in the financial statements of this report as they are independent special districts and are not part of the Village of Oak Brook. -7- General Governmental Functions Operating revenue and other financing sources for general govern- mental functions totaled $5,714,517, a decrease of $566,852, or 9% under last year. The amount of revenues from all sources and the increase or decrease over last year are shown in the following tabulation: INCREASE (DECREASE) SOURCE AMOUNT PERCENT OF TOTAL over 1980 Intergovernmental $4,644,790 81.3% $(343,152) Licenses and Permits 195,474 3.4 3,430 Charges for Services 131,836 2.3 (16,661) Fines and Penalties 109,239 1.9 20,561 Interest on Investments 482,251 8.4 135,868 ._ Other Revenues 45,927 .8 (366,898) Other Financing Sources 105,000 1.9 - $5,714,517 100% $(566,852) Intergovernmental Revenue is the major source of revenue for the Village, producing 81.3% of current year revenue. The decrease over last year is primarily due to a decrease of sales tax in the amount of $395,869, a reflection of the recessionary trends experienced this year throughout the nation. The decline in charges for services is primarily due to decreased engineering and review fees, anticipated as our Village reaches its growth maturity. Revenue from investment income increased by $135,868 over last year, reflecting the Federal Reserve's attempts to curb inflation by increasing rates to the highest in history. Other revenue in 1980 included a one time contribution in the amount of $350,000 from benefited properties adjacent to the Oak Brook Shopping Center to offset the costs of roadway improvements. Hence, we see a sub- stantial decrease in miscellaneous revenues for this current fiscal year. - The Village has never levied taxes for general governmental functions. However, the assessed valuation of real property of the Village was $257,726,564, an increase of $44,084,029, or 20.6% over the prior year. Expenditures and other financing uses for general governmental purposes totalled $5,611,943, an increase of 8.3% over last year. (This includes two years of tax abatement as explained below) . Increases in levels of expenditures for major functions of the Village over the prior year are -8- shown in the following tabulation: INCREASE (DECREASE) FUNCTION AMOUNT PERCENT OF TOTAL OVER 1980 Legislative $ 126,202 2.2% $100,329 General Government 779,972 13.9 (47,800) Public Safety 2,944,083 52.5 258,743 Public Works 989,810 17.7 (508,520) Culture and Recreation 131,876 2.3 3,674 Transfer to Capital Projects 40,000 .7 21,860 Tax Abatement of •- Sports Core Tax 600,000 10. 7 600,000 $5,611,943 100% $428,286 In 1980, the Board of Trustees implemented a residential taxpayer benefit by absorbing the cost of once-a-week curbside refuse collection, originally valued at $5.00 per week per resident. In March, 1981 refuse contractors increased rates to $5.50 per week. The total cost of this service totalled $97,850 for the past year and is included in the Legis- lative portion of expenditures. The decrease in General Government Expenditures is primarily due to a decrease in court costs and litigation. -" Public Safety Functions represent the largest portion of expenditures, and increased 9.6% over last year, primarily due to salary increases. The decrease in the Public Works expense is due to the decrease of capital improvements from 1980 - primarily the aforementioned roadway improvements in the shopping center. The 1981 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund expenditure of $40,000 is earmarked for the future purchase of fire equipment. The Village also abated $300,000 of Sports Core tax for both 1980 and 1981. The above-mentioned $600,000 represents the cash transfer of $300,000 in 1980 and the accrual of the 1981 abatement. Included in the $5,611,943 of expenses were capital expenses amounting to $565,885. The fund balance of the General Corporate Fund is $3,914,865 at April 30, 1981, representing an increase of $104,401, or 2. 7%, over last year. -9- Debt Administration The ratio of net bonded debt to assessed valuation and the amount of bonded debt per capita are useful indicators of the Village's debt position. This information for the Village at April 30, 1981 as com- pared to April 30, 1980 is as follows: April 30, 1981 April 30, 1980 Net Bonded Debt $9,490,212 $10,221,744 Ratio of Net Bonded Debt _ to Assessed Valuation 3.682% 4.784% Net Bonded Debt Per Capita $ 1,429 $ 1,936 General obligation bonds were issued for the purchase of the Sports Core in 1977. At that time the Village also initiated a tax levy for purposes of retiring the principal and interest payments of the bonds. Collections in fiscal year 1980/81 totalled $479,949, or approximately 99% of the total tax levy. Due to the favorable fund balance in the general corporate fund, the Village will abate the 1980 levy to be collected in 1981/82 by $300,000 - the same amount of the abatement for the 1979 levy. Reduced tax levy rates as the result of the abatements are indicated below: 1980 - $.201 per $100 of assessed valuation 1979 - $.226 per $100 of assessed valuation 1978 - $.35 per $100 of assessed valuation The general obligation bonds are due to be retired in December, 1994. In addition, the Village has outstanding revenue bonds for the Water- works System Fund. Schedules of maturities of both bonds issued are located in the financial statement of the report. T The Village's bonds have the following ratings: Moody's Investors Service General Obligation Bonds A a 1973 Water Works Revenue Bonds A 1976 Water Works Revenue Bonds A Cash Management It is the policy of the Village of Oak Brook to invest idle cash and -" increase investment income by the efficient use of savings accounts, cer- tificates of deposit, repurchase agreements, and the Illinois Public Treasurer's -10- Investment Pool. At April 30, 1981, the Village's cash resources for all funds exclusive of Trust funds were distributed as follows: Savings Accounts 2.1% Repurchase Agreements 9.1% Certificates of Deposit 88.8% _ The average yield on investments maturing during the year was 14.4% and the amount of interest received was $1,039,591. This was $222,653 more than interest earned in fiscal year 79/80. Capital Projects Funds The proceeds of the general obligation bond issue are accounted for in the Capital Projects Fund until improvement projects are completed. At the end of the fiscal year completed projects are transferred to general fixed assets. During fiscal year 1980/81 projects financed by general obli- gation bonds and related interest on investment were completed at a cost of $426,970. The fund also accounted for a transfer made from the General Corporate Fund in 1980-81 in anticipation of the purchase of fire equipment within '- the next three years. The Capital Projects Fund balances on hand at April 30, 1981 were = represented primarily by investments totalling $95,610. = General Fixed Assets The general fixed assets of the Village are those fixed assets used in the performance of general governmental functions and exclude the fixed assets of the Enterprise Fund. As of April 30, 1981, the general fixed assets of the Village amounted to $8,669,522. This amount represents the original cost of the assets and is considerably less than their present value. Depreciation of general fixed assets is not recognized in the Village's accounting system. Waterworks System Fund The Village's water utility showed only a modest increase in water sales as customers attempted to conserve water, Connection charges decreased -- by 23%, indicating a slow down in new housing and commercial starts. Com- parative data for the past two fiscal years are presented in the following tabulation: -11- 1981 1980 -- Water Sales $1,102,711 $ 985,117 Water Connection Charges 168,868 220,275 Total operating revenue 1,407,702 1,368,851 Total operating expenses 475,741 374,346 Income available for debt service 859,289 771,019 Average annual debt service 494,738 497,531 Coverage (income available for debt service divided by average annual debt service) 1.74 1.55 During the year, $250,000 of regularly maturing revenue bonds were retired in the Waterworks System Fund. Sports Core Fund The 1981 financial statements reflect the opening of the 18-hole golf course in July, 1980. Revenues and contributed capital from the Capital Projects Fund totalled $886,045. Operating expenditures excluding depreciation totalled $769,855. Major department activity is summarized as follows: Revenues and Contributed Capital Department Amount % of Total T Golf Course $418,625 47.3% Bath and Tennis Club 176,606 20.0 Open Fields 28,622 3.2 -' Food and Beverage 237,021 26.7 Administration 25,171 2.8 Total $886,045 100.0% "- Operating Expenses Department Amount % of Total Golf Course $275,473 35.8% Bath and Tennis Club 279,606 36.3 Open Fields 43,855 5.7 Food and Beverage 119,039 15.5 Administration 51,882 6. 7 Total $769,855 100.0% -12- Independent Audit Statutes require an annual audit to be made of the books of account, financial records, and transactions of all administrative departments of the Village by independent certified public accountants selected by the Board of Trustees. This requirement has been complied with and the auditor's opinion has been included in this report. Certificate Of Conformance The Municipal Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (MFOA) awarded a Certificate of Conformance in Financial Reporting to the Village of Oak Brook for its comprehensive annual finan- cial report for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1979. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Conformance, a governmental unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehen- sive annual financial report, whose contents conform to program standards. Such reports must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Conformance is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current report conforms to Certificate of Conformance — Program requirements, and we are submitting it to MFOA to determine its eligibility for a certificate. Acknowledgements The preparation of this report on a timely basis could not be accom- plished without the efficient and dedicated services of the entire staff of the Village of Oak Brook. We wish to express our appreciation to those persons who have made possible the publication of this report, and to thank the members of the Board of Trustees for their interest and support in planning and conducting the financial operations of the Village in a responsible and progressive manner. 41R,eectfully submitted, eth G. Carmigna Village Manager Kathleen A. Gregory Finance Officer -13- PRESIDENT Wence F. Cerne 4 CLERK Marianne Lakosil TRUSTEES George Congreve Walter C. Imrie Arthur W. Philip Barbara F. Reynolds Joseph H. Rush William R. Watson VILLAGE MANAGER Kenneth G. Carmignani VILLAGE TREASURER Kathleen A. Gregory -14- FINANCIAL SECTION Ernst &Whinney 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 312/368-1800 President, Board of Trustees and Village Manager Village of Oak Brook Oak Brook, Illinois We have examined the combined financial statements of the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois as of and for year ended April 30, 1981, as listed as combined financial statements in the Table of Contents. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the combined financial statements referred to above pre- sent fairly the financial position of the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois at April 30, 1981, and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. The information presented hereinafter as listed as supplementary informa- tion in the Table of Contents, is for purposes of additional analysis and is not required for a fair presentation of the financial position and results of operations of the Village. Such information has been sub- jected to the auditing procedures applied in our examination of the com- bined financial statements, and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the combined financial statements taken as a whole. � w Chicago, Illinois June 26, 1981 -17- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK COMBINED BALANCE SHEET--ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS April 30, 1981 -' Governmental Fund Types General Special Debt Corporate Revenue Service ASSETS Cash $ 590 $ 1 $ 34 Investments, at cost or amortized cost 3,279,688 81,103 35410797 Receivables (net, where applicable , of allowances for uncollectibles): Sales taxes 1, 117,625 Property taxes--Note B 544,146 State income taxes 123,153 Customers: Billed water sales Estimated unbilled water sales Allotments 5,071 Accrued interest 69,471 17,061 Other 3,096 1,202,345 5,071 561,207 Due from other funds--Notes D and G 12,794 300,000 Prepaid expenses Inventory of supplies, at cost 15,266 Unamortized bond discount Restricted assets: Cash and investments, at cost or _ amortized cost 115,628 Fixed assets (net of allowances for depreciation and amortization)--Note C Amounts to be provided from future tax levies and other sources Amount available in Debt Service Fund TOTAL ASSETS $4,626,311 $86,175 $1,216,038 See notes to financial statements. -18- Exhibit 1 Fiduciary Account Groups _ Proprietary Fund Type General General Total Capital Fund Type Trust and Fixed Long-Term (Memorandum Projects Enterprise Agency Assets Debt Only) $ 9 $ 872 $ 75 $ 1,581 95,610 1,5485,612 3,888,287 9,248,097 1, 117,625 544,146 12,153 34,710 34,710 149,311 149,311 5,071 2,708 8,278 90,495 188,013 25,458 28,554 2,708 217,757 902495 2,079,583 84,533 397,327 49,072 49,072 15,266 67,973 67,973 476,272 591,900 17,242,541 $8,669,522 25,912,063 8849931 $9,518,440 10,403,371 109,788 109,788 $98,327 $19,603,099 $4,948,321 $8,669,522 $9,628,228 $48,876,021 -18- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK _ COMBINED BALANCE SHEET--ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS--Continued Governmental Fund Types _ General Special Debt Corporate Revenue Service _® LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Accounts payable $ 154,118 $ 4,743 Contracts payable 11,643 Accrued payroll 35,565 Customer deposits Due to other funds--Notes D and G 384,533 _ Due to other agencies 9,959 Principal and interest payable from current tax levy--Note B $1,106,250 Payable from restricted assets: Current portion of revenue bonds--Note D Construction performance bonds 115,628 Revenue bonds--Note D Payable from future revenues and other sources: _ General obligation recreation bonds--Note D Notes--Note D TOTAL LIABILITIES 711,446 4,743 1,106,250 FUND EQUITY Contributed capital Investment in general fixed assets Retained earnings: Reserved for revenue bond retirement Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved Fund balance: ` Reserved for encumbrances 75,179 Reserved for debt service 109,788 Funded obligations for employees retirement: -- Statutory Excess Unfunded actuarial deficiency for prior service costs of employee retirement-- Note F Unreserved 3,839,686 81,432 _ TOTAL RETAINED EARNINGS AND FUND BALANCE 3,914,865 81,432 109,788 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 3,914,865 81,432 109,788 COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES--Note H TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $4,626,311 $86,175 $1,216,038 See notes to financial statements. -19- Exhibit 1-Cont. w Fiduciary Account Groups _ Proprietary Fund Type General General Total Capital Fund Type Trust and Fixed Long-Term (Memorandum Projects Enterprise Agency Assets Debt Only) $ 2,159 $ 105,537 $ 266,557 22,000 33,643 7,522 43,087 147,746 147,746 12,794 397,327 9,959 1,106,250 -' 275,000 275,000 115,628 5,000,000 5,000,000 $9,150,000 9,150,000 478,228 478,228 2,159 5,570,599 9,628,228 17,023,425 10,696,027 10,6969027 $8,669,522 8,669,522 201,272 201,272 _. 304,265 304,265 2,830,936 2,830,936 - 2,580 77,759 109,788 $ 367,000 367,000 3,696,390 3,696,390 8842931 884,931 93,588 4,014,706 96,168 31336,473 4,948,321 - - 12,487,047 96,168 14,032,500 4,948,321 8,669,522 - 31,852,596 $98327 $192603,099 $429481321 $8,669,522 $9,628,228 $48,876,021 -19- Exhibit 2 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES--ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES Year Ended April 30, 1981 Total General Special Debt Capital (Memorandum Corporate Revenue Service Projects Only) Revenues: Intergovernmental $4,529,067 $115, 723 $4,644,790 Property taxes--Note B $673,830 673,830 Licenses and permits 195,474 195,474 Service charges 131,836 131,836 -- Fines and penalties 109,239 1091239 Interest on investments 4713,058 11,193 413,241 $257,733 7813,225 Miscellaneous 45,927 45,927 TOTAL REVENUES 531482,601 126,916 715,071 257,733 6$ 82,321 Expenditures: Legislative 126,202 126,202 General government 7795,972 779,972 Public safety 2,944,083 2,944,083 Public works 942,159 47,651 9891810 Culture and recreation 98,784 333,092 131,876 Service and maintenance 309000 30,000 Administration 7,050 7,050 Interest on purchase agreement 105,668 105,668 Miscellaneous 660 660 Debt service--Note B: Principal retirement 450,000 4502000 Interest 433,825 433,825 Capital outlay 284,252 284,252 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,891,200 803,743 884,485 4261970 6,283,398 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 591,401 46, 173 (169,414)(169,237) 298,923 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in 153,000 1392,054 2923,054 Operating transfers out (40)000) (48,000) (99)054) (187,054) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 113,000 (48,000) (99)054) 1391054 105,000 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES 7043*401 (1,827)(2683,468) (303, 183) 403,923 Fund balance (deficit) at April 30, 1980 3,810,464 83,259 (221)744) 258,471 3,930,450 Residual equity transfers in (out)--Note D (600)000) 600,000 (132,120) (132,120) FUND BALANCE AT APRIL 303, 1981 $3,914,865 $ 81,432 $109,788 .$ 96,168 $4,202,253 See notes to financial statements. -20- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES--BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL--GENERAL CORPORATE, SPECIAL REVENUE, AND CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND TYPES Year Ended April 30, 1981 - General Corporate Fund Adjustment to Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Revenues: Intergovernmental $4,529,067 $(74,437) $4,454,630 $4,729,556 $(274,926) Licenses and permits 195,474 195,474 177,855 17,619 Service charges 131,836 131,836 268,450 (136,614) Fines and penalties 109,239 11,933 121,172 77,000 44,172 Interest on investments 471,058 22,262 493,320 230,000 263,320 Miscellaneous 45,927 45,927 30,100 15,827 TOTAL REVENUES 5,482,601 (40,242) 5,442,359 5,512,961 (70,602) Expenditures: Legislative 126,202 16 126,218 143,416 17,198 General government 779,972 251 780,223 842,658 62,435 Public safety 2,944,083 (10,467) 2,933,616 3,408,909 475,293 Public works 942,159 (2,067) 940,092 1,327,638 387,546 Culture and recreation 98,784 (221) 98,563 111,333 12,770 Service and maintenance Administration Interest on purchase agreement Capital outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,891,200 (12,488) 4,878,712 5,833,954 955,242 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 591,401 (27,754) 563,647 (320,993) 884,640 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in 153,000 153,000 142,950 10,050 Operating transfers out (40,000) (40,000) (40,000) - TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 113,000 113,000 102,950 10,050 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES 704,401 (27,754) 676,647 (218,043) 894,690 - Fund balance at April 30, 1980 3,810,464 3,810,464 3,810,464 - Residual equity tranfers in (out) (600,000) 3001000 (300,000) (330,000) 30,000 FUND BALANCE AT APRIL 30, 1981 $3,914,865 $272,246 $4,187,111 $3,262,421 $ 924,690 See notes to financial statements. - Note--Budgets are prepared on the cash basis (see summary of significant accounting policies). For purposes of this statement, actual GAAP amounts have been adjusted to eliminate the effect of any accruals. - -21- Exhibit 3 Special Revenue Fund Types Capital Projects Fund Types Adjustment Adjustment to to Budgetary Actual on Variance Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) $115,723 $116 $115,839 $ 98,000 $17,839 $257,733 $223,829 $481,562 $434,388 $ 47,174 11,193 11,193 4,500 6,693 126,916 116 127,032 102,500 24,532 257,,733 223,829 481,562 434,388 47,174 47,651 47,651 52,250 4,599 33,092 33,092 36,391 3,299 30,000 30,000 - (30,000) 7,050 7,050 2,915 (4,135) 105,668 52,833 158,501 174,351 15,850 284,252 39,688 323,940 331,194 7,254 ' 80,743 80,743 88,641 7,898 426,970 92,521 519,491 508,460 (11,031) 46,173 116 46,289 13,859 32,430 (169,237) 131,308 (37,929) (74,072) 36,143 139,054 139,054 40,000 99,054 (48,000) (48,000) (37,950) (10,050) (48,000) (48,000) (37,950) (10,050) 139,054 139,054 40,000 99,054 (1,827) 116 (1,711) (24,091) 22,380 (30,183) 131,308 101,125 (34,072) 135,197 83,259 83,259 83,259 - 258,471 258,471 258,471 - (132,120) (132,120) (135,839) 3,719 811432 J1168$ 165485$ 9,1682$ 2,3809$ 6,16813�L j30822$ 7,4768$ 8,560 13$ 8,916 -21- Exhibit 4 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK _ COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS/FUND BALANCES--ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES AND SIMILAR TRUST FUNDS Year Ended April 30, 1981 Proprietary Fiduciary Total Fund Type Fund Type (Memorandum Enterprise Pension Trust Only) Operating revenues: Charges for services $2,098,522 $2,098,522 Interest $ 334,130 3343,130 Contributions: Village 472,939 472,939 Employee 1283,811 128,811 Gifts 100 100 Miscellaneous 39,593 39,593 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 2,138,115 935,980 3,074,095 Operating expenses: Operation of facilities 1, 193,714 1, 193,714 General and administrative 86,885 1,372 88,257 Depreciation and amortization 3523,662 352,662 Benefit payments 48,072 48,072 Refunds 39364 39364 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,633,261 52,808 1,686,069 OPERATING INCOME 50410854 883, 172 1,388,026 Nonoperating revenues (expenses): Interest 256,707 2561,707 Interest on bonds (289,425) (2893,425) Amortization of bond discount (5,788) (5,788) Fiscal agents' fees (451) (451) Construction reimbursements 24,800 24,800 (141157) (14)157) INCOME BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS 490,697 883,172 1,373,869 Operating transfers in (out) (1059000) (1053,000) NET INCOME 385,697 883,172 13%268,869 Retained earnings/fund balance at April 30, 1980 2,950, 776 33% 180,218 6,130,994 Unfunded actuarial deficiency for prior service costs 884,931 8841,931 RETAINED EARNINGS/FUND BALANCE AT APRIL 30, 1981 $3,336,473 $4,948,321 $8,284,794 See notes to financial statements. '� -22- Exhibit 5 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK COMBINED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION— ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES AND SIMILAR TRUST FUNDS Year Ended April 30, 1981 Proprietary Fiduciary Total Fund Types Fund Types (Memorandum Enterprise Pension Trust Only) Sources of working capital: _ Operations: Net income $ 385,697 $ 883, 172 $1,268,869 Add back items not requiring working capital: Depreciation and amortization 352,662 352,662 Amortization of bond discount 5,788 5,788 TOTAL PROVIDED BY OPERATIONS 744, 147 8833, 172 1,6273P319 Contributed capital 416,372 4161372 Investments maturing 1,075,000 1,075,000 TOTAL SOURCES OF WORKING CAPITAL 1,160,519 1,958,172 3,118,691 Uses of working capital: Acquisition of fixed assets 505,313 505,313 — Reduction in bonds payable 275,000 2751000 Net increase in restricted assets 15,688 15,688 Purchase of investments 1,960,000 1,960,000 TOTAL USES OF WORKING CAPITAL 7963,001 1,960,000 2,756,001 NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL $ 364,518 $ (1,828) $ 362,690 Elements of net increase (decrease) in working capital: _ Cash $ 412 $ (38) $ 374 Investments 453,695 (571162) 396,533 Receivables 22,884 433,671 66,555 Due from other funds 11,701 11,701 Prepaid expenses 491$072 4931072 Accounts payable 173,151 1710151 Contracts payable (12)000) (12)000) — Accrued payroll (766) (766) Deposits (140)542) (140)542) Due to other funds (388) (388) - Current portion of bonds payable (25)000) (25,000) NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL $ 364,518 $ (1,828) $ 3622690 See notes to financial statements. -23- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS April 30, 1981 NOTE A--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The Village of Oak Brook was incorporated February 21, 1958. The Village operates under a Board of Trustees-Manager form of government and pro- vides the following services as authorized by its charter: public safety (police and fire), highways and streets, recreation (golf course and bath and tennis club) , water, public improvements, plannning and zoning, and general administrative services. The boundaries of the Village include portions of Du Page and Cook Counties. The accounting policies of Village of Oak Brook conform to generally accepted. accounting principles as applicable to governments. The follow- ing is a summary of the more significant policies: Fund Accounting The accounts of the Village are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a sepa- rate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The various funds are grouped, in the financial statements in this report, into six generic fund types and three broad fund categories as follows: GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS General Corporate Fund--The General Corporate Fund is the gen- eral operating fund of the Village. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds--Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. -24- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE A--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--Continued Debt Service Funds--Debt Service Funds are used to account for The accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general obligation long-term debt principal, interest, and related costs. Capital Projects Funds--Capital Projects Funds are used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition — or construction of major capital items (other than those financed by proprietary funds). PROPRIETARY FUNDS Enterprise Funds--Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations (a) that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises—where the intent of the governing body is that the costs (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primar- ily through user charges; or (b) where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred, and/or net income is appropriate for capi- tal maintenance, public policy, management control, account- ability, or other purposes. FIDUCIARY FUNDS Trust Funds--Trust Funds are used to account for assets held by the Village in a trustee capacity. These include the Police and Firemen's Pension Trust Funds. These funds are accounted for in essentially the same manner as proprietary funds. Fixed Assets and Long-Term Liabilities The accounting and reporting treatment applied to the fixed assets and long-term liabilities associated with a fund are determined by its measurement focus. All governmental funds are accounted for on a spending or "financial flow" measure- ment focus. This means that only current assets and current liabilities are generally included on their balance sheets. Their reported fund balance (net current assets) is considered a measure of "available spendable resources". Governmental -25- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE A--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--Continued fund operating statements present increases (revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. Accordingly, they are _ said to present a summary of sources and uses of "available spendable resources" during a period. Fixed assets used in governmental fund type operations (gen- eral fixed assets) are accounted for in the General Fixed Assets Account Group, rather than in governmental funds. Pub- lic domain ("infrastructure") general fixed assets consisting of certain improvements other than buildings, including roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and sidewalks, drainage systems, and lighting systems, are capitalized along with other general fixed assets. No depreciation has been provided on general fixed assets. All fixed assets are valued at historical cost or estimated historical cost if actual historical cost is not available. Donated fixed assets are valued at their estimated fair value on the date donated. Long-term liabilities expected to be financed from govern- mental funds are accounted for in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group, not in the governmental funds. The two account groups are not "funds". They are concerned only with the measurement of financial position. They are not involved with measurement of results of operations. Because of their spending measurement focus, expenditure �- recognition for governmental fund types is limited to exclude amounts represented by noncurrent liabilities. Since they do not affect net current assets, such long-term amounts are not recognized as governmental fund type expenditures or fund liabilities. They are instead reported as liabilities in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group. -26- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE A--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--Continued All proprietary funds and Pension Trust Funds are accounted for on a cost of services or "capital maintenance" measure- ment focus. This means that all assets and all liabilities (whether current or noncurrent) associated "with their activity are included on their balance sheets. Their reported fund equity (net total assets) is segregated into contributed capital and retained earnings components. Proprietary fund type operating statements present increases (revenues) and decreases (expenses) in net total assets. ._ Depreciation of all exhaustible fixed assets used by proprie- tary funds is charged as an expense against their operations. Accumulated depreciation is reported on proprietary fund bal- ance sheets. Depreciation has been provided over the esti- mated useful lives using the straight-line method. The estimated useful lives are as follows: Buildings 40 years Improvements 10-20 years Equipment 5-10 years Basis of Accounting Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the tim- ing of the measurements made, regardless of the measurement focus applied. All governmental funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. Taxpayer-assessed income and sales taxes are con- sidered "measurable" when in the hands of intermediary col- lecting governments and are recognized as revenue at that time. Expenditures are recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting when the related fund liability is incurred. -27- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE A--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--Continued All proprietary funds and Pension Trust Funds are accounted for using the accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they are earned, and their expenses are recog- nized when they are incurred. Unbilled Waterworks System Fund utility service receivables are recorded at year-end. Budgets and Budgetary Accounting The Village follows these procedures in establishing the bud- getary data reflected in the financial statements: 1. Prior to March 1, a proposed operating budget for the fiscal year commencing the following May 1 is prepared ,- by the department heads, reviewed by the Village Manager and Village Treasurer and submitted to the Board of Trustees for their review. The operating budget includes proposed expenditures for all funds of the Village. 2. Public hearings are conducted to obtain taxpayer comments. 3. Prior to April 1, the budget, which is ten percent s greater than the proposed operating budget, is legally enacted through passage of an ordinance. All appropria- tions lapse at year-end. 4. Any revisions that alter the total expenditures of any fund must be approved by the Board of Trustees. During the current fiscal year no revisions were made. 5. All budgets are prepared on the cash basis. Budgetary comparisons presented in this report are on this non- GAAP basis. -28- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE A--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--Continued Encumbrances Encumbrance accounting, under which purchase orders, con- tracts, and other commitments for the expenditure of monies are recorded in order to reserve that portion of the appli- cable appropriation, is employed as an extension of formal budgetary integration in the General Fund, Enterprise Funds, and Capital Projects Funds. Encumbrances outstanding at year-end are reported as reservations of fund balances since they do not constitute expenditures or liabilities. Investments Investments are stated at cost or amortized cost, which approximates market. Inventory Inventory is valued at actual cost. Inventory in the General Fund consists of expendable supplies held for consumption. The cost is recorded as an expenditure at the time individual inventory items are utilized. Unpaid Vacation and Sick Pay Vacation pay is computed and earned on a calendar year basis with no accumulation of vacation leave permitted. Accord- ingly, vacation leave is accounted for as disbursed and is included with salaries and wages. Employees are not allowed a given number of sick days a year; any sick leave is at the discretion of the department heads. At April 30, 1981 there were no material accumulations of unpaid vacation and sick pay. Total Columns on Combined Statements--Overview Total columns on the Combined Statements--Overview are cap- tioned Memorandum Only to indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in this these columns do not present financial position, results of opera- tions, or changes in financial position in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data comparable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations s. have not been made in the aggregation of this data. -29- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE B--PROPERTY TAXES Property taxes attach as an enforceable lien on property as of January 1. Taxes are levied on March 1 (Du Page County) and are payable in two installments on June 1 and September 1. Taxes are billed and collected by county officials. Village property tax revenues are recognized when levied to the extent that they result in current receivables. The Village levies taxes solely for the payment of principal and interest �. on general obligation long-term debt. NOTE C--FIXED ASSETS CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS `— A summary of changes in general fixed assets follows: Balance Balance Apr.30-1980 Additions Deductions Apr.30-1981 Land $ 188,741 $ 188,741 Buildings and improvements 4,591,892 $ 2,362 4,594,254 Furniture and fixtures 230,808 1,307 232, 115 Roadway improvement 1,773,689 416,000 2,189,689 Automotive equipment 540,681 77,341 $46,398 571,624 T Other equipment 719,590 34,581 7549171 Library books 116,353 22,575 138,928 -- TOTAL $8,161 ,754 $554,166 $46,398 $8,669,522 -30- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued A NOTE C--FIXED ASSETS--Continued PROPRIETARY FUND TYPE PROPERTY, PLANT, AND EQUIPMENT A summary of proprietary fund type property, plant, and equipment by fund at April 30, 1981 follows: Enterprise Waterworks Sports System Core Fund Fund Total Land and improvements $ 2,819 $ 9,567,657 $ 9,570,476 Buildings 615,544 615,544 Waterworks system structures and equipment 7,687,382 7,687,382 Improvements other than buildings 228,096 2281096 Tennis courts and pools 153,702 153,702 '^ Equipment 891130 119,104 208,234 Construction in progress 81 ,481 81,481 TOTAL 7,860,812 10,684,103 18,544,915 Less allowances for depreciation and T amortization 1 ,050,498 251 ,876 1,302,374 NET $6,810$ 14 $10,432,227 $17,242,541 NOTE D--LONG-TERM DEBT -- GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT ACCOUNT GROUP A summary of transactions for the year ended April 30, 1981 follows : Notes Payable General Village Obligation Hall Library Bonds Total Balance, April 30, 1980 $689,111 $31,889 $9,600,000 $10,321,000 Retirements 210,883 31,889 242,772 Transfers to Debt Service Fund 450,000 450,000 Balance, April 30, 1981 $478,228 $ - $9,150,000 $ 9,628,228 -31- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE D--LONG-TERM DEBT--Continued The Village executed a 5 1/2/% loan in the amount of $1,412, 134 to finance the construction of the Village Hall. The loan is to be paid in 84 consec- utive monthly installments of principal and interest in the amount of $20,293 each. The installments commenced on June 1, 1976, with the final installment due on May 1, 1983. Payments are made by the General Corporate Fund. In fiscal 1976, the Village executed an agreement with a bank providing for a line of credit of $170,649 to be used to finance the Oak Brook Library renovation. The entire amount of the line of credit was drawn by the Vil- lage. Payments of principal and interest were to be made in 60 consecutive '- installments with the final installment made on January 1, 1981. A special election on June 21, 1977 authorized and approved the issuance of $10,270,000 General Obligation Recreation Bonds - Sports Core. The bonds were sold and delivered as of September 1, 1977 for $10,270,408 and are due serially December 1, 1979 to December 1, 1994 at rates from 4. 30% to 4.90%. The Village levies taxes for retirement of the bonds which is accounted for by the Debt Service Fund. At April 30, 1981 the Village has accrued for property tax revenues which will be used to retire the bonds, therefore, the expenditure and related liability for the principal and -� interest payment due December 1, 1981 has been recognized in the Debt Ser- vice Fund, and the debt principal amount of $450,000 has been removed from the General Long-Term Debt Account Group. In addition, $600,000 has been -- transferred from the General Corporate Fund to the Debt Service Fund (accounted for as a residual equity transfer) representing (1) a payment of $300,000 from the General Corporate Fund due to an abatement of the 1979 Debt Service Fund tax levy for the same amount in anticipation of payment by the General Corporate Fund, and (2) an accrual of $300,000 for payment of a 1980 tax levy abatement also to be paid by the General Corporate Fund. WATERWORKS REVENUE BONDS A summary of transactions for the year ended April 30, 1981 follows: Waterworks Revenue Bonds 1973 Series 1976 Series Total Balance, April 30, 1980 $2,875,000 $2,650,000 $5,525,000 Retirements 1255,000 1253,000 2501000 Balance, April 30, 1981 $22750,000 $2,5252000 $522752000 The Waterworks Revenue Bonds were issued to fund the acquisition and expansion of the Village's water and sewer system. -32- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE D--LONG-TERM DEBT--Continued The 1973 Series is due serially from May 1, 1982 to May 1, 1996, with interest at 4% to 6%. The 1976 Series is due serially from May 1, 1982 to May 1, 1992, with interest at 4.40% to 5. 75%. Both series are payable from water revenues. DEBT REQUIREMENTS TO MATURITY--BONDS Waterworks Revenue Bonds General Obligation Series 1973 Series 1976 Recreation Bonds Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Maturing as follows, year ending April 30: 1982 $ 125,000 $ 135,100 $ 150,000 $140,450 $ 450,000 $ 444,850 1983 125,000 128,725 175,000 132,800 500,000 422,800 1984 125,000 122,225 200,000 123,875 5003,000 401,300 1985 150,000 1152,725 200,000 112,875 600,000 379,800 ... 1986 150,000 108,075 200,000, 1013,875 600,000 354,000 1987 150,000 100,575 2253,000 90,875 6001000 3283-200 1988 175,000 933,075 225,000 78,500 700,000 302,400 1989 175,000 84,325 250,000 663,125 70011000 2702200 1990 2003%000 75,400 275,000 51, 750 700,000 2383,000 1991 200,000 65,200 3001000 35,938 800,000 2052800 1992 200,000 5410800 325,000 18,687 800,000 1673,400 1993 2253P000 443400 - - 850,000 129,000 1994 2253,000 32,700 - - 900,000 88,200 1995 2503,000 212,000 - - 9003,000 44,100 1996 275,000 11,000 - - - - $2,750,000 $1,192,325 $2,525,000 $953,750 $9,600,000 $3,776,050 NOTE E--WATERWORKS SYSTEM FUND The ordinances authorizing the issuance of Waterworks Revenue Bonds Series 1973 and 1976 require that separate accounts be maintained in the fund desig- nated as (balances in the accounts at April 30, 1981 are shown in parentheses) : (a) Operation and maintenance account ($52,677) (b) Bond and interest account ($1) (c) Bond reserve account ($476,271) (d) Depreciation, improvement and extension account ($164,617) (e) Surplus revenue account ($1,084,943) -33- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE E--WATERWORKS SYSTEM FUND--Continued .- On the first business day of each month all monies held in the fund are to be transferred to the designated accounts as follows: To the operation and maintenance account, an amount sufficient to w pay the reasonable expense of operation and maintenance for the next succeeding month. To the bond and interest account, an amount equal to 1/5th of the interest and 1/10th of the principal becoming due on the next payment date. To the bond reserve account, $4,500 each month until all bonds of this fund have been paid for or provision made for their payment. To the depreciation, improvement and extension account, $8,250 each month (or a greater amount, as designated by the Board) until a maximum of $400,000 is on deposit in said account. To the surplus revenue account, all surplus funds remaining after providing for all of the deposits herein above listed. Funds accumulated in the bond reserve account shall be used only for the payment of interest or principal whenever there exists a deficiency in the bond and interest account. However, whenever the balance in said account is equal to the maximum principal and interest requirements of all outstanding bonds at the discretion of the President and Board of Trustees, the surplus may be transferred to the depreciation, improvement and extension account or the surplus revenue account. This account has been classified as restricted assets on the balance sheet at April 30, 1981, as well as the bond and interest account. Funds accumulated in the depreciation, improvement and extension account shall be used to pay for any extraordinary maintenance, repairs and nec- essary replacements, or if not so needed, for improvement or extension of the system. Funds accumulated in the surplus revenue account shall be held and used for the following purposes: (a) for making up any deficiency in the accounts above, (b) for making principal or interest payments on any junior lien bonds, or (c) for any lawful corporate purpose. -34- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE F--RETIREMENT COMMITMENTS Village employees are covered under three separate retirement plans. Full-time Village police and firemen are covered by separate pension trust funds established by state law. Other full-time Village employees are covered by the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (state-wide pro- gram). Part-time employees (under 600 hours a year) are covered by the United States Social Security system. POLICE PENSION FUND Funded Obligation According to the governing act, the Board of Trustees of the Police Pen- sion Fund is required to establish and maintain a minimum reserve balance of $10,000 for each policeman and each beneficiary. At April 30, 1981, the minimum reserve balance (statutory requirement) of $360,000 had been provided and in addition, the Board had exceeded the minimum by $1,656,261 for a total funded obligation of $2,016,261. Village and -- employee contributions for the year ended April 30, ,1981 were $202,701 and $69,016, respectively. Actuarial Deficiency According to the governing act, the Board of Trustees of the Police Pen- sion Fund is required to establish and maintain a reserve not to exceed the total actuarial requirements of the fund. In municipalities having less than the actuarial requirements of the fund, the Board shall desig- nate the proportionate amount needed annually to insure the accumulation of such actuarial reserve over a 40-year period ending in 2006. The total actuarial requirements at April 30, 1980 (the date of the latest computation) amounted to $2,651,440 including the actuarial reserve deficiency of $1,046,763 for prior service costs as determined by the State Department of Insurance. The actuarial reserve deficiency at April 30, 1981 has been adjusted by the amount due from other funds at April 30, 1981 and the net transactions of the fund for the year ended April 30, 1981. However, the current normal costs and the resultant liability for the year ended April 30, 1981 are not reflected as an increase in the actuarial reserve deficiency because the date of the State Department of Insurance determination was as of April 30, 1980. fs -35- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE F--RETIREMENT COMMITMENTS--Continued FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND Funded Obligation According to the governing act, the Board of Trustees of the Firemen's Pension Fund is required to establish and maintain a minimum reserve balance of $1,000 for each 1,000 inhabitants. Under this provision the minimum requirement is $7,000. At April 30, 1981 the Board had exceeded this minimum by $2,040,129 for a total funded obligation of $2,047,129. Village and employee contributions for the year ended April 30, 1981 were $270,238 and $59,795, respectively. Actuarial Deficiency '- According to the governing act, the Board of Trustees of the Firemen's Pension Fund is required to designate the proportionate amount needed annually to amortize the actuarial reserve deficiency, as determined by the State Department of Insurance over a 40-year period ending in 2007. At April 30, 1980 (the date of the latest computation) the actuarial requirements of the fund amounted to $2,296,881 including an actuarial reserve deficiency of $720,257 for prior service costs, as determined by the State Department of Insurance. The actuarial reserve deficiency at April 30, 1981 has been adjusted by the amount due from other funds at April 30, 1981 and the net transactions of the fund for the year ended April 30, 1981. However, the current normal costs and the resultant liability for the year ended April 30, 1981 are not reflected as an increase in the actuarial reserve deficiency because the date of the State Department of Insurance determination was as of April 30, 1980. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND As the Village does not have a property tax levy, no separate fund accountability is maintained for Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund purposes. Expenditures for this purpose are included in the Corporate, Waterworks System, and Sports Core Funds. The Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund's actuary estimates that as of -" December 31, 1980 the present value of total IMRF pension obligations to be borne by the Village of Oak Brook was $612,455. The Village had accu- mulated reserve assets to be used toward this obligation of $194, 128 on the same date. Therefore, the estimated present value of future contri- butions to be made by the Village on behalf of present employees was $418,327. This pension obligation includes, in addition to future normal T cost of $167,762, the amount of unfunded prior service cost, computed to be $250,565. -36- Exhibit H-3 Current Year Percent of Total Percent of Abatement and Total Tax Tax Collections Outstanding Delinquent Forfeiture Collections and Writeoffs Delinquent Taxes to Writeoffs and Writeoffs to Tax Levy Taxes Tax Levy $1,409 $481,374 99.48% $29,385 6.07% 7,279 737,668 98.55 26,859 3.59 2,846 827,809 98.10 16,029 1.90 -86- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE F--RETIREMENT COMMITMENTS--Continued The annual Village contribution rate fixed by the IMRF Board of Trustees provides for full funding of prior service costs, including interest as determined actuarially over a future period of not more than 40 years, as well as the normal retirement cost, term cost of death and disability benefits and the cost of administration of the fund. Total contributions for the year ended April 30, 1981 were $88,449 and $73,086, respectively, for the Village and involved employees. NOTE G--INTERFUND RECEIVABLES AND PAYABLES Balances at April 30, 1981 by fund were: Interfund Interfund Fund Receivables Payables Corporate $ 12,794 $384,533 Debt Service 300,000 Waterworks System 12,743 Sports Core 51 Police Pension 39,802 Fire Pension 44,731 $397,327 $397,327 NOTE H--CONTINGENCIES Effective January 1, 1979, the Village entered into a contractual agree- ment with 14 other municipalities to form the Intergovernment Risk Management Agency (IRMA), which through its risk-sharing provisions, pro- vides the Village with its insurance coverage for liability, property damage and workmen's compensation insurance. As a self-insurance admin- istrator, IRMA enables risk-sharing with other municipalities which in turn share their risks with the Village. At December 31, 1980, IRMA has assets of $4,278,489, reserves for losses of $1,772,565 and a fund deficit of $741,906. Should a claim be paid by IRMA for which these reserves proved inadequate, the Village would be responsible for paying a portion of such deficiency. However, at April 30, 1981, management knows of no claim, asserted or unasserted, which if asserted and paid would .- have a materially adverse effect on the financial position of the various funds of the Village of Oak Brook at April 30, 1981. -37- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE H--CONTINGENCIES--Continued The Village participates in one federally assisted grant program, the Federal Revenue Sharing Program. This program is subject to a financial and compliance audit once every three years. The audit requirement for years 1980, 1981, and 1982 has been satisfied and the Village is in com- pliance with all expenditures allowed. The Village also participates in the Illinois Motor Fuel Tax program. A compliance audit has been com- pleted as of December 31, 1980 with all expenditures being allowed by the grantors. NOTE I--ENTERPRISE FUNDS Segment information for the year ended April 30, 1981 is as follows: Waterworks Sports System Core Type of service Water service. Recreation Operating revenues $1,407,702 $ 753,925 Depreciation and amortization 2161496 136,166 Operating income (loss) 680,462 (152,096) Operating transfers out 1051000 - Sales tax revenues - 12,303 Net income (loss) 537,793 (1523,096) Current capital: Contributions - 284,252 Transfers - 132,120 Property, plant, and equipment: Additions 177,231 328,082 Deletions - - Net working capital 1, 182,264 63,450 Total assets 83,866,783 10,736,316 Bonds outstanding 5,275,000 - Total equity 3,5361823 10,4953,677 -38- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE J--EXCESSES OF EXPENDITURES OVER APPROPRIATIONS Expenditures exceeded authorized appropriations for the following funds at April 30, 1981: Total Total Fund Expenditures Appropriations Excess Waterworks System $1,022,904 $ 762,635 $260,269 Sports Core 906,021 7392652 166,369 TOTAL $1,928,925 $1,502,287 $426,638 w The above excesses are due primarily to depreciation, for which no appropriation is made. NOTE I:--SPORTS CORE DEFICIT FUND BALANCE .- The Sports Core Fund (a proprietary fund) deficit fund balance is due primarily to depreciation expense. ' -39- FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF INDIVIDUAL FUNDS .r -40- Exhibit A-1 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK GENERAL CORPORATE FUND BALANCE SHEET -- April 30, 1981 ._ ASSETS Cash $ 590 Investments, at cost: Savings account 316 Certificates of deposit 33,234,713 Repurchase agreements 44,659 3,279,688 Receivables: -- Accrued interest 69,471 Sales taxes 13,11710625 State income taxes 12, 153 Other 3,096 1,202,345 Restricted assets, investments, at cost 115,628 Due from other funds 121794 Inventory of supplies 15,266 TOTAL ASSETS $43,626,311 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 154, 118 Accrued payroll 35,565 Contracts payable 11,643 Due to other funds 3843,533 Due to other agencies 9,959 Payable from restricted assets: Construction performance bonds 115,628 TOTAL LIABILITIES 711,446 Fund balance: Reserved for encumbrances 75, 179 Unreserved 3,839,686 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 3,914,865 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $42626,311 See notes to financial statements. -42- Exhibit A-2 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK GENERAL CORPORATE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL Year Ended April 30, 1981 Adjustment ._ to Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Revenues: Intergovernmental: Municipal sales tax $4,301,208 $(72,625) $4,228,583 $4,543,000 $(314,417) Illinois state -- income tax 94,542 (15,812) 9210730 92,000 730 York Township road and bridge tax X110,367 `►110,367 849000 263,367 State grants and reimbursements 10,100 10, 100 - 10,100 Foreign fire _ insurance tax 129850 121,850 10,556 2,294 4,5291,067 (74,437) 43,454,630 4,729,556 (2743,926) Service charges ` 131,836 1313,836 2683,450 (1361614) Licenses and permits X19521474 `ti195,474 177,855 17,619 Fines and penalties X10931239 11,933 121, 172 77,000 443, 172 Interest on investments 471 ,058 22,262 493,320 230,000 263,320 Miscellaneous 459927 45,927 30,100 15,827 -- TOTAL REVENUES 5,4823,601 (403,242) 5,442,359 5,5123,961 (703,602) Expenditures: Legislative 126,202 16 126,218 14330416 17,198 General government 779,972 251 7803,223 842,658 62,435 Public safety 21,944,083 (10,467) 2,933,616 3,4083,909 475,293 Public works 942,159 (2,067) 9409092 1,327,638 387,546 Culture and recreation 9831784 (221) 989563 111,333 12,770 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,8910200 (12,488) 4,878,712 5,833,954 955,242 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 5913,401 (27,754) 563,647 (320,993) 884,640 -43- Exhibit A-2-Cont. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK GENERAL CORPORATE FUND STATE14ENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL--Continued Adjustment to Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Other financing sources (uses) : Operating transfers in $ 153,000 $ 153,000 $ 142, 950 $ 10,050 Operating transfers -- out (40)000) (40,000) (40,000) - TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 113,000 $ - 113,000 102,950 10,050 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES _ OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES 704,401 (27,754) 676,647 (218,043) 894,690 Fund balance at April 30, 1980 331810,464 - 3318,10,464 3,810,464 - Residual equity transfers in (out) (600)000) 300,000 (300)000) (330)000) (30)000) FUND BALANCE AT APRIL 30, 1981 $3,914,865 $2721..246 $4,187,111 $3,262,421 $ 924,690 See notes to financial statements. Note--Budgets are prepared on the cash basis (see summary of significant accounting policies). For purposes of this statement, actual GAAP amounts have been adjusted to eliminate the effect of any accruals. -44- Exhibit A-3 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK GENERAL CORPORATE FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES, COMPARED TO BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS) Year Ended April 30, 1981 Adjustment to Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) '- Legislative: Board of Trustees: Personal services $ 5,255 $ 125 $ 5,380 $ 9,064 $ 3,684 -- Contractual services 1023,034 102,034 114,345 12,311 Fixed charges 1,899 1, 899 2,253 354 Commodities 150346 1,346 1,650 304 110,534 125 110,659 1273,312 163,653 Plan Commission: Personal services 3,076 (67) 3,009 2,640 (369) Contractual services 151 151 918 767 Fixed charges 349 349 358 9 Commodities 317 317 286 (31) 3,893 (67) 3,826 4,202 376 - Board of Fire and Police: Contractual services 53,932 5, 932 4,345 (11,587) Fixed charges 125 125 110 (15) Commodities - - 110 110 63,057 - 6,057 4,565 (1,492) Zoning Board of Appeals: Personal services 3,051 (42) 3,009 2,640 (369) Contractual services 2,496 2,496 3,806 1,310 Fixed charges - - 374 374 Commodities 171 171 187 16 59718 (42) 5,676 71,007 11,331 TOTAL LEGISLATIVE $ 126,202 $ 16 $ 126,218 $ 1432086 $ 16,868 General Government: Legal: Personal services $ 44,649 $ (69) $ 44,580 $ 47,806 $ 3,226 Contractual services 2,251 23,251 4,070 1,819 Fixed charges 283,711 28,711 27,035 (13,676) _ Commodities 1,686 1,686 23,695 1,009 Capital outlay (167) (167) 24 191 77,130 (69) 77,061 81,630 4,569 -45- Exhibit A-3-Cont. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK GENERAL CORPORATE FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES, COMPARED TO BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS)--Continued Adjustment to Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) General Government-- ^ Continued: Village Manager's Office: Personal services $ 85,581 $ 79 $ 85,660 $ 93,070 $ 7,410 Contractual services 3,003 3,003 5,489 2,486 -- Fixed charges 1631774 16,774 17,535 761 Commodities 4,535 4,535 3,201 (13,334) Capital outlay 9,018 9,018 440 (8,578) 1183,911 79 118,990 119,735 745 Elections: Personal services - - 275 275 L Contractual services 60 60 1,303 13,243 Fixed charges - - 55 55 L Commodities - - 110 110 60 60 1, 743 1,683 Finance and Accounting: - 1�3 Personal services 52,471 1,260 53,731 69,002 153,271 .,! Contractual services 38,826 38,826 36,784 (2,042) Fixed charges 25,501 25,501 28,722 3,221 Commodities 2,598 2,598 2,096 (502) ," Capital outlay 318 318 2,310 1,992 11931-714-- _ 1,260 120,974 138,914 17,940 Engineering: Personal services 79,187 (879) 783-308 891,540 11,232 Contractual services 13,686 13,686 21,137 73,451 Fixed char-es 15,665 15,665 18,417 2, 752 Commodities 3,653 3,653 3,960 307 Capital outlay - - 110 110 1123,191 (879) 11131312 133,164 211852 Village Hall: Personal services 22,510 (140) 22,370 19,356 (33,014) Contractual services 61$ 28 619328 56$ 44 (4,984) Fixed charges 11,729 11,729 132,065 1,336 Commodities 11,248 1110248 10,450 (798) Capital outlay 1, 631 1,631 385 (1,246) Payment of installment debt obligation 243,520 243,520 267,872 24,352 351,966 (140) 351,826 3671472 15,646 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 779,972 $ 251 $ 7802223 $ 842,658 $ 62,435 -46- Exhibit A-3-Cont. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK GENERAL CORPORATE FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES, COMPARED TO BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS)--Continued Adjustment to Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Public Safety: Police Service: Personal services $ 990,911 $ (4,375) $ 986,536 $1, 146,310 $159,774 Contractual services 39,282 39,282 463,757 7,475 Fixed charges 326,794 (652) 326, 142 389,365 63,223 Commodities 72,082 72,082 59,656 (123,426) Capital outlay 673,519 67,519 86,071 183,552 1,4963,588 (5)027) 1,491,561 11,72811159 236,598 Fire Service: - Personal services 788,917 (4,011) 784,906 856,708 71,802 Contractual services 22,285 22,285 36,674 14,389 Fixed charges 337, 778 (700) 337,078 383,633 46,555 Commodities 39,835 393,835 39,121 (714) Capital outlay 36,584 36,584 123,403 863,819 1,225,399 (4)711) 1,220,688 1,4393,539 2183,851 Emergency Medical Service: Personal services 25,254 25,254 409585 15,331 Contractual services 1,662 1,662 13,474 (188) Fixed charges 14,039 14,039 13,930 (109) Commodities 2,536 2,536 4,180 1,644 Capital outlay 5,122 5,122 2,200 (2)922) 48,613 - 48,613 62,369 13,756 - Bureau of Inspection: Personal services 1151, 173 (729) 114,444 121,921 7,477 Contractual services 19,325 19,325 17,722 (1,603) Fixed charges 24,481 24,481 23,485 (996) Commodities 6,830 61830 63-749 (81) Capital outlay 7,674 7,674 8,965 1,291 _ 1733P483 (729) 1723P754 1781842 6,088 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $2,944,083 $(10,467) $2,933,616 $3,408,909 $475,293 -47- Exhibit A-3-Cont. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK GENERAL CORPORATE FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES, COMPARED TO BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS)--Continued - Adjustment to Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Public Works: Administration: Personal services $ 47,883 $ (461) $ 47,422 $ 50,889 $ 3,467 Contractual services 27,974 27,974 27,568 (406) Fixed charges 13,603 13,603 19,060 5,457 Commodities 33,516 3,516 21,673 (843) 92,976 (461) 929515 100, 190 7,675 Street Maintenance: Personal services 127,955 (13,305) 126,650 144,701 18,051 Contractual services 14,623 149623 41,319 26,696 Fixed charges 529442 52,442 60,983 8,541 Commodities 71,229 71,229 59,703 (119526) Capital outlay 15585 1,585 2,640 15055 267,834 (11305) 266,529 309,346 42,817 Street Light and Traffic Control: Contractual services 341110 34,110 53,790 19,680 Fixed charges 15,826 15,826 28,280 12,454 Commodities 10, 110 109110 129870 29760 Capital outlay 700 700 770 70 60,746 - 60, 746 95,710 34, 964 Capital Improvements: Contractual services 13,762 13,762 34, 100 20,338 Capital outlay 411,365 411,365 698,500 287,135 4259127 - 425, 127 732,600 307,473 Municipal Garage: Personal services 40,309 (301) 40,008 40,880 872 Contractual services 21,924 21,924 33,660 11,736 Fixed charges 8,370 8$ 70 8,019 (351) Commodities 23,567 23,567 7,233 (16$ 34) Capital outlay 1,306 1,306 - (1)306) 951)476 (301) 95,175 89,792 (5)383) - TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 9421159 $ (2,067) $ 940,092 $193272638 $387,546 - -48- Exhibit A-3-Cont. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK GENERAL CORPORATE FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES, COMPARED TO BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS)--Continued Adjustment to Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Health and Welfare: Pest control $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training — TOTAL HEALTH AND WELFARE $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Culture and Recreation: — Library: Personal services $ 48,192 $ (221) $ 47,971 $ 54, 194 $ 6,223 Contractual services 73,668 7,668 8,934 131266 Fixed charges 11$ 35 113,535 13,764 23,229 — Commodities 8,159 8,159 7,007 (1,152) Capital outlay 23,230 23,230 27,434 4,204 TOTAL CULTURE — AND RECREATION $ 98,784 $ (221) $ 981563 $ 111 ,333 $ 12,770 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $4,891,200 $(12)488) $4,878,712 $5,833,624 $954,912 See notes to financial statements. Note--Budgets are prepared on the cash basis (see summary of significant accounting policies). For purposes of this statement, actual GAAP amounts have been adjusted to eliminate the effect of any accruals. -49- SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Motor Fuel Tax Fund--to account for maintenance of Village-owned streets , including winter salting, repavement, and electricity for street lights. Financing is provided by the Village's share of state motor fuel tax allotments. State law requires these allotments to be used to maintain streets. Federal Revenue Sharing Fund--to account for debt repayment of Village Library renovation and construction of the Village Bikepath System. _ Financing is provided by the Village's share of federal revenue sharing funds. -50- Exhibit B-1 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET April 30, 1981 Motor Federal _ Fuel Revenue Tax Sharing Total ASSETS Cash $ - $ 1 $ 1 Investments, at cost: Savings account 34 50 84 Repurchase agreements 80,442 577 813,019 80,476 627 81, 103 Allotments receivable 5,071 - 5,071 TOTAL ASSETS $85,547 $628 $86,175 -" LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 4,697 $ 46 $ 4,743 Fund balance: Unreserved--undesignated 801850 582 81 ,432 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $85,547 $628 $86,175 See notes to financial statements. -51- Exhibit B-2 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year Ended April 30, 1981 Motor Federal Fuel Revenue Tax Sharing Total Revenues: Intergovernmental revenue $66,996 $48,727 $115,723 Interest on investments 8,498 23,695 11,193 TOTAL REVENUES 75,494 51,422 126,916 Expenditures: Public works 47,651 - 47,651 Culture and recreation - 331092 33,092 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 47,651 33,092 80,743 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 27,843 18,330 46,173 Other financing uses: Operating transfers in (out) - (48)000) (48,000) �- EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES 27,843 (29,670) (1,827) Fund balances at April 30, 1980 53,00.7 30,252 83,259 FUND BALANCES AT APRIL 30, 1981 $80,850 $ 582 $ 81,432 See notes to financial statements. -52- Exhibit B-3 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL Year Ended April 30, 1981 Adjustment to Budgetary Actual on Variance - Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Revenues: - Intergovernmental: Allotments from State of Illinois $66,996 $116 $67,112 $58,000 $ 9,112 Interest on investments 83,498 8,498 3,000 53,498 TOTAL REVENUES 75,494 116 75,610 61,000 14,610 Expenditures--public works: Chemicals 21,644 21,644 31, 680 10,036 Street signal lighting 26,007 26,007 20,570 (53,437) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 47,651 - 47,651 52,250 43,599 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 27,843 116 27,959 8,750 19,209 Fund balance at April 30, 1980 53,007 53,007 53,007 - FUND BALANCE AT APRIL 303, 1981 $80,850 $116 $802966 $61,757 $19,209 See notes to financial statements. Note--Budgets are prepared on the cash basis (see summary of significant accounting policies). For purposes of this statement, actual GAAP amounts have been adjusted to eliminate the effect of any accruals. -53- Exhibit B-4 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL Year Ended April 30, 1981 Adjustment to Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Revenues: -- Intergovernmental: Entitlements from Federal Government $48,727 $ - $48,727 $40,000 $ 8,727 _ Interest on investments 2,695 2,695 1,500 1,195 TOTAL REVENUES 51,422 - 51,422 41,500 9,922 _ Expenditures--culture and recreation: Payments on note: Principal 31,898 31,898 -35,078 33, 180 '- Interest 821 821 928 107 Other 373 373 385 12 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 33,092 - 33,092 36,391 3,299 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 183,330 - 18,330 5, 109 13,221 Other financing uses: Operating transfers in (out) (483,000) - (48,000) (37,950) (10,050) (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES (29,670) - (29,670) (32,841) 33% 171 Fund balance at April 30, 1980 30,252 - 30,252 30,252 - FUND BALANCE AT APRIL 30, 1981 $ 582 $ - $ 582 $(2,589) $ 3,171 See notes to financial statements. _ Note--Budgets are prepared on the cash basis (see summary of significant accounting policies). For purposes of this statement, actual GAAP amounts have been adjusted to eliminate the effect of any accruals. -54- DEBT SERVICE FUND To account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, the _ general obligation recreation (Sports Core) bonds partially through the levying of real estate taxes. — -55- Exhibit C-1 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK DEBT SERVICE FUND BALANCE SHEET April 30, 1981 ASSETS Cash $ 34 Investments, at cost or amortized cost 3543,797 '- Receivables (net, where applicable, of allowances for uncollectibles) : Property taxes 544, 146 Accrued interest 17,061 561, 207 Due from other funds 300,000 TOTAL ASSETS $1,216,038 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Principal and interest payable from current tax levy $1, 106,250 FUND EQUITY Fund balance--reserved for debt service 109,788 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $1,216,038 See notes to financial statements. -56- CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Sports Core Fund--to account for the financing and construction of the Sports Core golf course and improvements to the Bath and Tennis Club. Construction of the golf course was completed during fiscal 1981. Financing was provided by general obligation recreation bond proceeds ($10,720,000) and related investment income. Additional Bath and Tennis Club improvements are expected to commence in the fall of 1981 and will be financed by monies earned on investments and Sports Core revenues. Equipment Replacement Fund--to account for the financing and purchase of additional equipment in the future. Financing will be provided by Cor- porate Fund revenues. -58- Exhibit D-1 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET April 30, 1981 Sports Equipment Core Replacement Total ASSETS -" Cash $ 9 $ 9 Investments, at cost: Certificates of deposit 54,344 54$ 44 Repurchase agreements 1,266 $40,000 41 ,266 55,610 40,000 9531610 Accrued interest receivable 2,708 25708 TOTAL ASSETS $58,327 $40,000 $98,327 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 2, 159 $ 2, 159 Fund balances: Reserved for encumbrances 2,580 2,580 Unreserved 533-588 $40,000 93,588 TOTAL FUND BALANCES 563,168 40,000 96,168 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES $58,327 $40,000 $98,327 See notes to financial statements. -59- Exhibit D-2 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year Ended April 30, 1981 Sports Equipment Core Replacement Total Revenues: Interest on investments $257,733 $ - $257,733 Expenditures: Service and maintenance 30,000 30,000 Administration 79050 79050 Interest on purchase agreement 105,668 105,668 Capital outlay 284,252 284,252 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 426,970 - 426,970 (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (169,237) - (169)237) Other financing sources: Operating transfers in 99,054 40,000 1393,054 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES (703, 183) 40,000 (3031183) Fund balances at April 30, 1980 258,471 - 258,471 Residual equity transfer in (out) .(132,120) - (132)120) FUND BALANCES AT APRIL 303, 1981 $_ 561168 $40,000 $ 96,168 See notes to financial statements. — -60- Exhibit D-3 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SPORTS CORE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL Year Ended April 30, 1981 Adjustment to Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Revenues: Interest on investments $257,733 $223,829 $481,562 $434,388 $ 47,174 Expenditures: Service and maintenance 303,000 301P000 - (309000) Administration 73%050 79050 2,915 (43,135) Interest on purchase agreement 1051,668 52,833 158,501 174$ 51 15,850 Capital outlay 284,252 39,688 323,940 331,194 73,254 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4263,970 92,521 519,491 5081460 (11)031) (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (169,237) 1313,308 (37,929) (74,072) 36, 143 Other financing sources: Operating transfers in 99,054 - 99,054 - 99,054 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES (70, 183) 131,308 61, 125 (74)072) 1353, 197 Fund balance at April 30, 1980 258,471 - 258,471 258,471 - Residual equity transfer in (out) (132,120) - (132,120)(135,839) 3,719 - FUND BALANCE AT APRIL 30, 1981 $ 56,168 $131,308 $187,476 $ 48,560 $138,916 See notes to financial statements. Note--Budgets are prepared on the cash basis (see summary of significant accounting policies). For purposes of this statement, actual GAAP amounts have been adjusted to eliminate the effect of any accruals. -61- ENTERPRISE FUNDS Waterworks System Fund--to account for the provision of water services to the residents of the Village and some residents of surrounding communi- ties. All activities necessary to provide such services are accounted for in this fund. Sports Core Fund--to account for the operations and maintenance of the Sports Core, including the golf course and bath and tennis club. -62- Exhibit E-1 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK ENTERPRISE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET April 30, 1981 Waterworks Sports System Core Total ASSETS Cash $ 8 $ 864 $ 872 Investments, at cost: Savings accounts 112,461 - 1129461 Certificates of deposit 97231557 153,208 1,125,765 Repurchase agreements 2173,211 93,175 3103,386 1,3023,229 246,383 1$ 48,612 Receivables: Customers: Billed water sales 34,710 - 34, 710 Estimated unbilled water sales 149,311 - 1493,311 Accrued interest 2, 941 5,337 8,278 Other 23,025 2,433 251458 209,987 7,770 217,757 Prepaid expenses - 4931072 49,072 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 1,512,224 304,089 1,816,313 Unamortized bond discount 67,973 - 67,973 Restricted assets; cash and investments, at cost: Bond interest account 1 - 1 Bond reserve account 476,271 - 476,271 Property, plant, and equipment 7,860,812 10,6849103 18,544,915 Less allowances for depreciation and amortization (1)050,498) (251,876) (1,302,374) NET PROPERTY, PLANT, AND EQUIPMENT 6,8103,314 10,432,227 17,242,541 TOTAL ASSETS $8,866,783 $10,736,316 $19,603,099 See notes to financial statements. -63- Exhibit E-1-Cont. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK ENTERPRISE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET--Continued Waterworks Sports System Core Total LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 23, 939 $ 81$ 98 $ 105,537 Contracts payable 16,000 63,000 223,000 Accrued payroll 1, 144 6$ 78 7$ 22 Deposits 1,134 1461V612 147,746 -- Due to other funds 121,743 51 12, 794 Current portion of bonds payable 275,000 - 2755000 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 3293,960 2403,639 570,599 Bonds payable: Revenue bonds of 1973 2,625,000 - 21,625,000 Revenue bonds of 1976 2,375,000 - 2,375,000 TOTAL LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 5,000,000 - 5,000,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES 5$ 29,960 2403P639 5,5703,599 Fund equity: Contributed capital - 10,696,027,1 10,696,027 Retained earnings (deficit): Reserved per revenue bond indentures 2011,272 - 201, 272 Reserved for encumbrances 2853,721 18$ 44 304,265 Unreserved 3,049,830 (218)894) 2,830,936 TOTAL RETAINED EARNINGS (DEFICIT) 3,536,823 (200,350) 313363,473 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 3,536,823 10,495,677 14,032,500 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $8,866,783 $10,736,316 $19,603,099 See notes to financial statements. -64- Exhibit E-2 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK ENTERPRISE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS (DEFICIT) Year Ended April 30, 1981 Waterworks Sports System Core Total Operating revenues: Charges for services 1$1,3881364 $ 710,158 $2,098,522 Miscellaneous 19,338 20,255 39,593 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES, 1,407,702 7303P413 2,138,115 Operating expenses: Operation of facilities 475,741 717,973 1,193,714 General and administrative 35,003 51,882 86,885 Depreciation and amortization 216,496 136,166 3521662 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 7271240 906,021 1,633,261 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) 6809462 (175,608) 504,854 Nonoperating revenues (expenses): Interest 233,195 23,512 25631707 Interest on bonds (2891425) (289,425) Amortization of bond discount (5,788) (5,788) Fiscal agents' fees (451) (451) Construction reimbursements 24,800 24,800 (3710669) 23,512 (14,157) INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS 642,793 (1529096) 490,697 Operating transfers in (out) (105,000) - (105,000) NET INCOME (LOSS) 537,793 (152)096) 385,697 Retained earnings (deficit) at April 30, 1980 2,999,030 (4811254) 2,950,776 RETAINED EARNINGS (DEFICIT) AT APRIL 30, 1981 $3,5362823 $(200,350) $3,336,473 See notes to financial statements. -65- Exhibit E-3 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK ENTERPRISE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Year Ended April 30, 1981 Waterworks Sports System Core Total Sources of working capital: Operations: Net income (loss) $537,793 $(152,096) $ 385,697 Add back items not requiring working capital: Depreciation and amortization 216,496 136,166 352,662 Amortization of bond discount 5,788 - 5,788 TOTAL PROVIDED (USED) BY OPERATIONS 760,077 (159930) 7449147 Contributed capital 416,372 416,372 TOTAL SOURCES OF WORKING CAPITAL 760,077 4009442 1, 160,519 Uses of working capital: Acquisition of fixed assets 177,231 328,082 505,313 Reduction in bonds payable 275,000 275,000 Net increase in restricted assets 15,688 15,688 TOTAL USES OF WORKING CAPITAL 467,919 328,082 796,001 NET INCREASE IN WORKING CAPITAL $292,158 $ 72,360 $ 364,518 Elements of net increase in working capital: Cash $ (1) $ 413 $ 412 Investments 226,048 227,647 4535,695 Receivables 15,525 73o359 221,884 Prepaid expenses 493*072 49,072 Accounts payable 79,933 (62,782) 17, 151 Contracts payable (69000) (61000) (129000) Accrued payroll 23%300 (3,066) (766) Deposits (310) (140)232) (140,542) Due to other funds (337) (51) (388) Current portion of bonds payable (25,000) (25)000) NET INCREASE IN WORKING CAPITAL $292,158 $ 72,360 $ 364,518 See notes to financial statements. -66- Exhibit E-4 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK WATERWORKS SYSTEM FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS--BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL Year Ended April 30, 1981 Adjustment to Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Operating revenues: Charges for services: Water sales $1,096,814 $(22,858) $1,073,956 $1,009,291 $ 64,665 Unmetered water 5,897 5,897 9,000 (3,103) Water tap on charges 168,868 1681,868 201,600 (32,732) Fire service charges 100,115 100,115 883,000 123,115 Water meter sales 165670 161670 15,500 1,170 1,388,364 (22,858) 1,3650506 1,323,391 42,115 Miscellaneous 19,338 19,338 10,000 93-338 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 19407,702 (22)858) 1,3843,844 1,33331391 51,453 Operating expenses: Operation of facilities: - Source of supply 34,068 (18) 34,050 42,617 89567 Power and pumping 302$ 36 (28) 302$ 08 229,192 (731316) Purification 153% 135 (18) 15, 117 17,582 2,465 Transmission and distribution 124,002 (271) 123,731 119,436 (4,295) 475,741 (335) 475,406 408,827 (661-579) - General and administrative 35,003 35,003 35,000 (3) Depreciation and amortization 2163-496 (216,496) - - - TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 7273,240 (216)831) 510,409 4431827 (66,582) OPERATING INCOME 680,462 193,973 874,435 889,564 (15,129) See notes to financial statements. -67- Exhibit E-4-Cont. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK WATERWORKS SYSTEM FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS--BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL--Continued Adjustment to Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Nonoperating revenues -' (expenses) : Interest $ 233,195 $ 8,598 $ 241,793 $ 125,000 $116,793 Interest on bonds (289)425) (289)425) (318,368) 28,943 Amortization of bond discount (53,788) 5,788 - - - Fiscal agents' fees (451) (451) (440) (11) Construction reimbursements 24,800 (600) 24,200 11,400 12,800 (37)669) 139786 (231883) (182,408) 158,525 INCOME BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS 642,793 207,759 8503,552 707,156 143,396 Operating transfers in (out) (105,000) - (1051000) (105,000) - NET INCOME 537,793 207,759 745,552 602,156 143,396 Retained earnings at April 30, 1980 2,999,030 - 23,999,030 259992030 - RETAINED EARNINGS AT APRIL 30, 1981 $3,536,823 $207,759 $3,744,582 $3,601,186 $143,396 See notes to financial statements. Note--Budgets are prepared on the cash basis (see summary of significant accounting policies). For purposes of this statement, actual GAAP amounts have been adjusted to eliminate the effect of any accruals and depreciation expense. -68- Exhibit E-5 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK WATERWORKS SYSTEM FUND STATEMENT OF OPERATING EXPENSES BY DEPARTMENT, COMPARED TO BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS) Year Ended April 30, 1981 Adjustment to Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Operating expenses: Operation of facilities: !' Source of Supply: Personal services $ 4,836 $ (18) $ 4,818 $ 7,197 $ 2,379 Contractual services 14,932 14,932 13,376 (1)556) Fixed charges 7,324 7,324 133%024 5,700 Commodities 631976 610976 9,020 2,044 34,068 (18) 343,050 42,617 8,567 _ Power and Pumping: Personal services 71,061 (28) 7,033 11,912 43,879 Contractual services 289,381 289$ 81 212,300 (77,081) Fixed charges 1,342 1,342 2, 120 778 Commodities 41752 43,752 2,860 (1)892) 302,536 (28) 3023,508 229,192 (73)316) Purification: Personal services 4,413 (18) 4,395 4,887 492 Contractual services 11604 1,604 1,705 101 Fixed charges 895 895 19008 113 Commodities 8,223 8,223 9,982 1,759 15, 135 (18) 15, 117 17,582 2,465 Transmission and Distribution: Personal services 643,664 (271) 64,393 73,801 9,408 Contractual services 12,484 1231484 123,740 256 Fixed charges 30,279 30,279 19,475 (10,804) Commodities 16,575 16,575 13,420 (3)155) 124,002 (271) 123,731 119,436 (4,295) TOTAL OPERATION OF FACILITIES 475,741 (335) 475,406 408,827 (66)579) General and administrative: _ Reimbursement of Corporate Fund 35,000 35,000 35,000 - Miscellaneous 3 3 - (3) Depreciation 2161)496 (216,496) - - - TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $727,240 $(2162831) $510,409 $443,827 $(66,582) See notes to financial statements. Note--Budgets are prepared on the cash basis (see summary of significant accounting policies). For purposes of this statement, actual GAAP amounts have been adjusted to eliminate the effect of any accruals and depreciation. -69- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK WATERWORKS SYSTEM FUND SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT AND ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION Year Ended April 30, 1981 Property, Plant and Equipment Balance Additions and Balance Apr.30-1980 Transfers Apr.30-1981 Waterworks property, plant and equipment: - Land and land rights $ 2,819 $ - $ 2,819 Service of supply plant-- wells and springs 314,753 - 314,753 Structure and improvements 68,232 - 683,232 Electrical pumping equipment 118,745 - 1181,745 Total water treatment equipment 5,325 - 53,325 _ Distribution, reservoirs, mains and standpipes 6,690,560 93,527 6,784,087 Meters and meter installation 2441,603 24,776 269,379 Hydrants 1243,257 2,604 1263,861 Miscellaneous tools and equipment: Office furniture and equipment 33,449 - 33,449 Transportation equipment 29,339 8,824 38,163 Tools, shop and garage equipment 2,852 - 2,852 _ Laboratory equipment 13,070 - 1,070 Miscellaneous equipment 31,047 1, 146 32, 193 Intangible plant--organization 11,403 - 111403 Construction in progress 35,127 46,354 811481 $7,683,581 $177,231 $7,860,812 See notes to financial statements. -70- Exhibit E-6 Rate of Depreciation or Allowances for Depreciation and Amortization Net Asset Amortization Balance Additions and Balance Value (Years) Apr.30-1980 Transfers Apr.30-1981 Apr.30-1981 - $ - $ - $ - $ 21,819 40 49,740 710869 57,609 257, 144 40 1111725 111706 13,431 54,801 40 20,906 21969 23,875 94,870 10 3,727 533 4,260 11065 40 5909075 169,602 7593,677 69024,410 15 84,979 17,968 102,947 166,432 40 20,819 310172 23,991 102,870 10 2,398 345 23,743 706 6 13,651 6,362 209013 18,150 5 23,852 - 21,852 - 5 1,070 - 11070 - 5 20,657 5,970 263,627 5,566 5 11,403 - 1111403 - - - - - 81,481 $8343,002 $216,496 $1,050,498 $6,810,314 -70- Exhibit E-8-Cont. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SPORTS CORE FUND STATEMENT OF OPERATING EXPENSES BY DEPARTMENT, COMPARED TO BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS)--Continued Adjustment to Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Operating expenses--Continued: _ General and administration: Personal services $ 30,978 $ (391) $ 30,587 $ 28,380 $ (2,207) Contractual services 10,970 10,970 8,217 (2,753) Fixed charges 71735 73%735 7,667 (68) Commodities 2,199 23,199 1,101 (1,098) 513,882 (391) 513,491 45,365 (6, 126) Depreciation 136,166 (136,166) - - - TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $906,021 $(138,139) $767,882 $736,912 $(30,970) See notes to financial statements. Note--Budgets are prepared on the cash basis (see summary of significant accounting policies). For purposes of this statement, actual GAAP amounts have been adjusted to eliminate the effect of any accruals. -73- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SPORTS CORE FUND SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT AND ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Year Ended April 30, 1981 Property, Plant and Equipment Balance Additions and Balance Apr.30-1980 Transfers Apr.30-1981 Land and land rights $ 8,244,900 $ - $ 8,244,900 Golf course land improvements 3103,000 8215,757 1, 131,757 Other land improvements 1913,000 - 191,000 Clubhouse--bath and tennis 327,646 - 327,646 Pools 92,000 - 923000 Golf equipment - 473,528 473,528 Tennis courts 610702 - 611,702 Clubhouse--golf - 287)-898 / 287,898 _ Other improvements 80,149 1473,947 - 228,096 Clubhouse equipment 67,027 49549 - 71,576 Construction in progress 9813,597 (981,597) - $10,356,021 $328,082 $10,684,103 See notes to financial statements. -74- Exhibit E-9 Rate of Allowance for Depreciation Net Asset Depreciation Balance Additions and Balance Value (Years) Apr.30-1980 Transfers Apr.30-1981 Apr.30-1981 - $ - $ - $ - $ 8,244,900 10 - 729087 723,087 19059,670 20 233,875 910550 3331425 157,575 40 209346 8, 191 28,537 299, 109 20 11,500 4,600 169100 75,900 5 - 49753 43,753 42,775 15 101166 4,113 14,279 4711423 40 - 33,599 3,599 284,299 10 19,922 15,413 353,335 19210761 5 291,901 139860 431,761 279815 $115,710 $136,166 $2511876 $10,432,227 -74- FIDUCIARY FUNDS PENSION TRUST FUNDS Police and Firemen's Pension Funds--to account for the accumulation of resources to be used for retirement annuity payments. at appropriate amounts and times in the future. Resources are contributed by employees at rates fixed by law and by the Village at amounts determined by an annual actuarial study. -75- Exhibit F-1 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FIDUCIARY FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET April 30, 1981 Pension Trust Funds Police Firemen's Pension Pension Total ASSETS Cash $ 46 $ 29 $ 75 Investments, at amortized cost: — Certificates of deposit 280,000 98Q-1000 1,260,000 Government and agency securities 'j1,611,86792,253 2,564,120 Savings accounts 35,390 28,777 64,167 _. 1,927,257 1,961,030 3,888,287 Accrued interest receivable 49,156 41,339 90,495 — Due from other funds 39,802 44,731 843,533 Amounts to be provided from other sources to fund actuarial deficiency for prior service costs 635,179 249,752 884,931 TOTAL ASSETS $2,651 ,440 $2,296,881 $4,948,321 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Fund balances: Funded obligations for employees retirement : Statutory $ 360,000 $ 7,000 $ 367,000 _ Excess 1,656,261 2,040,129 3,696,390 Unfunded actuarial deficiency for prior service costs of employees retirement 635,179 249,752 884,931 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES $2,651 ,440 $2,296,881 $4,948,321 See notes to financial statements. -76- Exhibit F-2 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FIDUCIARY FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES April 30, 1981 Pension Trust Funds Police Firemen's Pension Pension Total Operating revenues: Contributions: Employees $ 69,016 $ 59,795 $ 128,811 Village 202,701 270,238 472,939 271,717 330,033 601,750 _ Interest on investments 170,713 163,417 334,130 Gifts 100 100 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 442$ 30 493,450 9352980 Operating expenses: Benefit payments 27,426 20,646 48,072 Refunds 1,857 1$ 07 3,364 Administration 580 792 1,372 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 29,863 221945 52,808 NET INCOME 412,667 470,505 883,172 Fund balances at April 30, 1980 1,603,594 1,576,624 3,180,218 Unfunded actuarial deficiency for prior service costs of employees retirement 635,179 249,752 884,931 FUND BALANCES AT APRIL 30, 1981 $2,651 ,440 $2,296,881 $4,948,321 See notes to financial statements. -77- Exhibit F-3 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FIDUCIARY FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Year Ended April 30, 1981 Pension Trust Funds Police Firemen's Pension Pension Total Sources of working capital: Operations--net income $412,667 $ 470,505 $ 883,172 Investments maturing 180,000 895,000 1 ,075,000 TOTAL SOURCES OF WORKING CAPITAL 5923,667 1,365,505 13,958,172 Uses of working capital-- purchase of investments 565,000 1,395,000 1,960,000 NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL $ 27,667 $ (29,495) $ (1 ,828) _ Elements of net increase (decrease) in working capital: Cash $ (8) $ (30) $ (38) Investments 3,226 (60,388) (57,162) Receivables 17,478 26,193 43,671 Due from other funds 61971 4,730 11,701 NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL $. 27,667 $ (292495) $ (1,828) See notes to financial statements. -78- Exhibit F-4 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK POLICE PENSION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL Year Ended April 30, 1981 Adjustment _ to Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Operating revenues: — Contributions: Employees $ 69,016 $ (2,453) $ 66,563 $ 71,322 $ (4,759) Village 202,701 (4)518) 198,183 234,944 (36,761) 271,717 (65971) 264,746 306,266 (41,520) Interest on investments 170,713 (4)292) 166,421 140,000 263,421 _ Gifts 100 100 100 - TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 4423,530 (11)263) 4311267 446,366 (15,099) — Operating expenses: Benefit payments 27,426 27,426 30,697 31-271 Refunds 1,857 1,857 - (1,857) — Administrative 580 580 611 31 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 29,863 - 29,863 31,308 1,445 NET INCOME 412,667 (11)263) 401,404 415,058 (13)654) Fund balance at April 30, 1980 1,603,594 1,603,594 1,603,594 - Unfunded actuarial deficiency for prior costs of employees retirement 6351,179 635,179 635,179 - FUND BALANCE AT APRIL 30, 1981 $2,651,440 $(11,263) $2,640,177 $2,653,831 $(13,654) See notes to financial statements. — Note--Budgets are prepared on the cash basis (see summary of significant accounting policies). For purposes of this statement, actual GAAP amounts have been adjusted to eliminate the effect of any accruals. -79- Exhibit F-5 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET (BUDGETARY BASIS) AND ACTUAL Year Ended April 30, 1981 Adjustment _ to Budgetary Actual on Variance Basis Budgetary Favorable Actual (See Note) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Operating revenues: Contributions: Employees $ 59,795 $ (858) $ 58,937 $ 59,487 $ (550) Village 270,238 (3,873) 266,365 268,651 (2,286) 3303,033 (4, 731) 325,302 328,138 (29836) Interest on investments 163,417 (16)947) 146,470 100,000 46,470 _ TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 493,450 (219678) 471,772 4283,138 43,634 Operating expenses: Benefit payments 20,646 20,646 22,710 2,064 Refunds 1,507 1,507 - (19507) Administrative 792 792 760 (32) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 22,945 - 22,945 23 470 525 NET INCOME 470,505 (21,678) 448,827 404,668 44,159 Fund balance at April 30, 1980 1,576,624 1,576,624 1,5763,624 - Unfunded actuarial deficiency for prior service costs of employees retirement 2491752 249,752 249,752 - FUND BALANCE AT APRIL 30, 1981 $2,2962881 $(212678) $2,2754203 5222312044 $442159 See notes to financial statements. Note--Budgets are prepared on the cash basis (see summary of significant accounting policies). For purposes of this statement, actual GAAP amounts have been adjusted to eliminate the effect of any accruals. -80- GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNT GROUP _ To account for fixed assets not used in proprietary fund operations or accounted for in Trust Funds. -81- Exhibit G-1 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS--BY SOURCES April 30, 1981 General fixed assets: Land $ 188,741 Buildings and improvements 4,594,254 Furniture and fixtures 232, 115 Roadway improvement 2,189,689 Automotive equipment 571,624 Other equipment 754,171 Library books 138,928 TOTAL GENERAL FIXED ASSETS $8,669,522 Investment in general fixed assets from: General Corporate Fund current revenues $6,222,589 Proceeds of indebtedness 13,5821,783 _ Gifts 518,738 Motor Fuel Tax Fund revenues 2131,661 Federal Revenue Sharing Fund revenues 131,751 TOTAL INVESTMENT IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS $8,669$ 22 See notes to financial statements. -82- STATISTICAL SECTION -83- Exhibit H-4 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK ASSESSED AND ESTIMATED ACTUAL VALUE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY (2) Last Ten Fiscal Years Real Property Personal Property(1) Total Ratio of Total - Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed/Total Fiscal Actual Actual Actual Estimated Year Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value Actual Value 1981 $257,727 $780,990 $ - $ - $257,727 $780,990 33.00% 1980 2130643 647,403 - - 213,643 6473,403 33.00 1979 1843,832 554,551 29,230 87,699 214,062 642,250 33.33 1978 163,202 489,655 22,854 68,569 186,056 558,224 33.33 1977 143,620 430,860 20,767 62,301 164,387 493,161 33.33 1976 1283,005 382,904 20,797 62,210 148,802 445,114 33.43 1975 118,870 3849195 171489 569525 136,359 440,720 30.94 1974 109,890 330,894 13,729 41,339 123,619 372,233 33.21 1973 103,295 285,819 10,784 29,839 1.14,079 315,658 36. 14 1972 921,625 225,914 10,678 26,043 103,303 2513,957 41.00 (1) Personal property tax not assessed as of 1980 due to enactment of the personal property replacement tax by state statute. (2) Dollar amounts in thousands. -87- Exhibit H-5 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROPERTY TAX RATES--ALL OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTS (per $100 assessed valuation) Last Ten Fiscal Years Village Junior Grade High Oak Brook Hinsdale Fiscal of Basic College School School Park Sanitary Year Total Oak Brook Town(1) #502 453 #86 District District 1981 5. 1113 .2010 1.0036 .1904 1.5661 1.9150 . 1558 .0794 1980 5. 8149 .2265 1.0629 .2070 .2. 2248 1. 8620 . 1341 .0976 1979 5.6082 .3495 0.9350 .1953 1.7895 1.9910 .2414 .1065 1978 5. 8798 .4535 0. 9789 .1973 1. 8380 1. 9781 .3103 .1237 1977 5.5792 - 0.9446 .1929 2.0464 1.9431 .3159 .1363 1976 5. 787 - 1.067 .160 2.065 2.002 .333 .160 1975 5.804 - .899 .151 2.114 1.987 .329 .324 1974 6.067 - .952 .157 2. 225 2.051 .317 .365 1973 6.110 - .833 .159 2.270 2.013 .245 .590 1972 5. 895 - .794 .160 2.137 1.982 .260 .562 (1) Includes all county, forest preserve and township rates. -88- Exhibit H-6 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK RATIO OF NET GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO ASSESSED VALUE AND NET BONDED DEBT PER CAPITA Last Five Fiscal Years Ratio of Net Net Debt Bonded Bonded Assessed Gross Service Debt to Debt Fiscal Population Value Bonded Monies Net Bonded Assessed Per Year (in Thousands) (in Thousands) Debt(1) Available Debt Value Capita 1981 6,641(2) $257,727 $ 9,600,000 $109,788 $ 9,490,212 3.682% $1,429 1980 5,281(3) 213,643 10,000,000 (221, 744) 10,221,744 4.784 13,936 1979 5,281 21410062 10,2701000 1163,239 101,153,761 4.743 1,923 1978 5,281 1863,056 10,2701000 82,481 10, 187,519 5.476 1, 929 1977(4) 53%281 164,387 - - - - - (1) Includes only the general obligation recreation bonds. (2) 1980 census. (3) 1975 census. (4) General obligation bonds were issued on September 1, 1977 with the first principal payment due December 1, 1979. -89- Exhibit H-7 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK COMPUTATION OF LEGAL DEBT MARGIN April 30, 1981 Assessed value $257,7271)000 Debt limit 8.625% of assessed value $ 22,228,954 -- Debt applicable to debt limit: General Obligation Recreation Bonds $9,600,000 Heritage/Pullman Bank lease purchase 4781228 TOTAL APPLICABLE DEBT 10,078,228 LEGAL DEBT MARGIN $ 12,150,726 -90- Exhibit H-8 - VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK COMPUTATION OF OVERLAPPING DEBT April 30, 1981 Percentage Amount Applicable to Applicable to Net Debt Village of Village of Jurisdiction Outstanding Oak Brook Oak Brook Village of Oak Brook $10,078,228 100.00% $10,078,228 Du Page County 729949,480 4.74 3,457,805 Sanitary Districts 6,550,000 23. 24 1$ 22,220 Junior College District 1391759000 4.74 6249495 Elementary School Districts 1799339800 19. 57 39509,645 High School Districts 189612,372 12.64 29352,604 TOTAL $21 ,544,997 -91- Exhibit H-9 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK RATIO OF ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO TOTAL GENERAL EXPENDITURES Last Five Fiscal Years Ratio of Total Total Debt Service Fiscal Debt General to Total Year Principal Interest Service Expenditures(1) Expenditures 1981 $450,000 $433,825 $883,825 $4,891,200 18.07% 1980 400,000 4543,650 854,650 5,061,283 16. 89 1979 (2) 270,000 477,410 747,,410 33,372,066 22. 16 1978 (2) - 1977 (2) - (1) Includes General Corporate Fund only. (2) Bonds were issued on September 1, 1977 with the first principal payment due December 1, 1979 which was accrued for in the Debt Service Fund- as of April 30, 1979. -92- Exhibit H-10 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK REVENUE BOND COVERAGE--WATERWORKS SYSTEM BONDS Last Six Fiscal Years Fiscal Year 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 Net income of Waterworks System Fund $ 537,793 $ 557,228 $ 743,542 $505,836 $ 646,795 $357,508 Add: Depreciation 216,496 210,741 1523, 142 106,794 983,818 94,087 Interest expense 289,425 300,925 312,425 322,825 2821712 168,100 Amortization of bond issuance costs 5,789 5,788 9,136 91443 12,639 21862 Amounts available for _ revenue bond debt service $1,049,503 $1,074,682 $1,217,245 $944,898 $1,040,964 $622,557 Revenue bond debt service: Principal $ 250,000 $ 225,000 $ 225,000 $200,000 $ 75,000 $ 50,000 Interest 289,425 300,925 312,425 3223,825 282,712 1681100 $ 5392425 $ 525,925 $ 537,425 $522,825 $ 357,712 $218,100 Coverage 1.95 2.04 2.26 1.81 2.91 2.85 -93- Exhibit H-11 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK _ DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS Last Two Fiscal Years Education Level in Per Years of Capita Medium Formal Unemployment Fiscal Year Population Income Age Education Rate 1981 (1) 6,641 $ - - - - 1980 (2) 4,164 8,997 34 13.3 0.07 (1) The 1980 census indicates a population of 6,641, however, other statistical data will not be available until 1982. (2) Source: 1970 Federal Census. -94- Exhibit H-12 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROPERTY VALUE, CONSTRUCTION, AND BANK DEPOSITS Last Ten Calendar Years Commercial Residential Construction Construction Estimated Number Number Bank Total Calendar of Value of Value Deposits(1) Property Year Units (in Thousands) Units (in Thousands) (in Thousands) Value 1980 6 $143,554 81 $19,446 $433,987,000 $773,257,018 1979 6 18,167 119 17,487 647,403,000 1978 17 29,295 138 16,367 642,250,000 1977 13 10,050 132 14,944 558,224,000 1976 3 11-740 73 7,941 493111619000 1975 5 14,040 39 4$ 79 445, 1149000 1974 4 4,350 27 2,391 440,7203,000 1973 14 44,408 50 4, 146 372,233,000 1972 6 4,542 41 2,751 315,6589000 1971 9 10, 194 51 39250 25119957,000 (1) Source: Polling of all banks in Village of Oak Brook. Data for years prior to 1980 was not available. -95- Exhibit H-13 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PRINCIPAL TAXPAYERS April 30, 1981 Percentage 1980 of Total Assessed Assessed Taxpayer Type of Business Valuation Valuation LaSalle National Bank Oak Brook Shopping Trust No. 49475 Center Property $ 8,304,750 3. 22% Arthur Rubloff & Co. Commerce Plaza 5,414,360 2. 10 Regency Towers Office Buildings 4, 187,800 1. 62 McDonald's Corporation Corporate Headquarters 33,230,490 1.25 Marshall Field & Company Retail Store 3,0551020 1. 19 Manufacturers Life Real Estate Executive Towers 3,014,480 1. 17 _ Oak Brook Hyatt House Hotel 2,745,620 1.07 Eastman Kodak Regional Headquarters 2,6371780 1.02 Marriott Hotel Hotel 295523-260 .99 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Retail Store 2,215,090 .86 $372357,650 14.49% -96- Exhibit H-14 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK _ INSURANCE IN EFFECT Fiscal Year 1981-1982 Name of Company Policy Period Amount of Type of Insurance (Policy Number) From To Coverage Premium Employee benefit St. Paul Insurance $100,000 programs liability Company each (512TD2984) 5-15-81 5-15-92 occurrence $ 154 Excess liability International Surplus Lines $5,000,000 Insurance Company each (XSI 7267) 1-1-81 1-1-82 occurrence 4,048 Boiler and machinery Chubb/Pacific $1,000,000 insurance Indemnity Group each (7826-26-62) 5-15-81 5-15-82 occurrence 208 Treasurer's bond American Motorists Insurance Company (ISM-061-900) 4-13-81 4-13-82 $100,000 73 Volunteer accident Home Insurance insurance Company $17,500 each (HVF-7-14-61) 5-15-81 5-15-82 occurrence 860 Host Liquor Continental Liability Casualty (ROD6925030 $1,000,000 Lloyds, London each BL24008) 11-24-80 11-24-81 occurrence 1,318 Note--The Village entered into a contractual agreement with 14 other munic- ipalities to form the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA), which through its risk-sharing provisions provides the Village with its insurance coverage for liability, property damage, workmen's compensation and surety risks not covered by the Village's Treasurer's Bond. The Village's contri- bution to this cooperative agency for 1981 was $115,675 and was determined by the pro rata share for each municipality's audited revenues and loss experience for the previous year, to be sufficient annually to fund adminis- trative expenses and create sufficient reserves for claim payments and the purchase of excess insurance. The Agency provides loss protection in excess of a deductible of $1,000 per occurrence to be paid by each municipality. The Agency is required to pay up to $250,000 per occurrence for loss or injury within the scope of its self-insurance coverage. The Agency has also purchased catastrophe excess insurance over the amount of its $250,000 obligation and aggregate stop loss insurance. The amount of excess insur- ance is $9,750,000 per occurrence for property exposures, and $4,750,000 for vehicle, general liability and workmen's compensation exposures. The Agency has contracted the services of Gallagher Bassett Insurance Service for the claims administration function. As of April 30, 1981, IRMA members totaled 31 municipalities. -97- Exhibit H-15 — VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL DATA April 30, 1981 Date of incorporation: 2-21-58 Form of government: Seven member Board of Trustees, including President; Village Manager appointed by Board of Trustees Area: 8.5 square miles Miles of streets: 53 miles Number of street lights: 385 Fire protection: Number of stations 2 Number of firemen 33 Number of volunteers 20 Police protection: Number of stations 1 Number of policemen and officers 36 Detention facilities 2 juvenile; 6 adult Education (elementary only) : Attendance centers 2 Number of teachers 42 Number of students 497 Municipal water department: Number of customers 3,875 residential; 324 commercial Total water pumped 1,058,981,000 gallons Average daily consumption 29901,000 gallons Miles of water mains 70 — Building permits issued: 87 Recreation: Oak Brook Sports Core--269 acres including bath and — tennis club and 18-hole golf course Oak Brook Park District--66 acres including indoor and outdoor tennis — DuPage County Forest Preserve--141 acres Culture: Number of libraries 1 Number of volumes 269742 Census data: 1960--324; 1970--4,164; 1975--5,281; 1980--6,641 Employees: 120 full-time 112 part-time -98-