HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAFR (Year Ended April 30, 1987) low ... low Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois For the Year Ended April 30, 1987 ,.. PGS pF 04K e 9� ti. O W C. v`2p �COUNt� ' E&M Ernst &Whinney w w + VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Year Ended April 30, 1987 r 4. Prepared by: w Finance Department Terry C. Klein Finance Officer L L c L Introductory L VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCI&REPORT Year Ended April 30, 1987 Page INTRODUCTORY SECTION Table of Contents 1 Organization Chart 5 Officers and Officials 6 Letter of Transmittal 7 FINANCIAL SECTION Accountants' Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Combined Statements--Overview ("Liftable" General Purpose Financial Statements): Combined Balance Sheet--All Fund Types and Account Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances--All Governmental Fund Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances--Budget and Actual (Non-GAAP Basis) General Fund, Certain Special Revenue Funds and Debt Service Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Retained Earnings/Fund Balances--All Proprietary Fund Types and Pension Trust Funds . . . . . . 21 Combined Statement of Changes in Financial Position--All Proprietary Fund Types and Pension Trust Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Notes to Financial Statements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Combining, Individual Fund, and Account Group Financial Statements and Schedules: Governmental Funds: General Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Statment of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance--Budget and Actual (Non-GAAP Basis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Schedule of Expenditures--Budget and Actual-- (Non-GAAP Basis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 -1- TABLE OF CONTENTS--Continued .r. Page r Combining, Individual Fund, and Account Group Financial Statements and Schedules--Continued: Governmental Funds--Continued: Special Revenue Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Combining Balance Sheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances--Budget and Actual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Capital Projects Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Combining Balance Sheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Proprietary Funds Enterprise -Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Combining Balance Sheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings (Deficit) . . . . . . 60 Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Waterworks Systems Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings--Budget and Actual (Non-GAAP Basis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Schedule of Property, Plant, and Equipment and Accumulated Depreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 -2- TABLE OF CONTENTS--Continued Page Combining, Individual Fund, and Account Group Financial Statements and Schedules--Continued: Proprietary Funds--Continued: Enterprise Funds--Continued: Sports Core Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Deficit--Budget and Actual (Non-GAAP Basis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Schedule of Property, Plant, and Equipment and Accumulated Depreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Fiduciary Funds--Pension Trust Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Combining Balance Sheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Combining Statements of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Balances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position . . . 73 Policemen's Pension Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Balance--Budget and Actual . . . . . . . . . . 74 Firemen's Pension Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Balance--Budget and Actual . . . . . . . . . . 75 General Fixed Assets Account Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Schedule of General Fixed Assets--By Sources . . . . . . . 77 Schedule of General Fixed Assets--By Function and Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Schedule of Changes in General Fixed Assets-- By Function and Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 -3- Y r TABLE OF CONTENTS--Continued Table Page STATISTICAL SECTION (Unaudited) General Governmental Expenditures by Function-- Last Ten Fiscal Years. 1 81 General Revenues by Source--Last Ten Fiscal Years. 2 82 Special Assessment Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 83 _ Property Tax Levies and Collections--Last Seven Fiscal Years . . . . . . . . Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property--Last Ten Fiscal Years. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 85 Property Tax Rates--All Overlapping Governments-- Last Ten Fiscal Years. . . . . . . . 6 86 Ratio of Net General Bonded Debt to Assessed Value and Net B9nded Debt Per Capita--Last Nine Fiscal Years. 7 87 Computation of Legal Debt Margin . . . . . . . . . . 8 88 Computation of Overlapping Debt. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 89 Ratio of Annual Debt Service Expenditures for General Bonded Debt to Total General Expenditures--Last Seven Fiscal Years. . . . . . . . . 10 90 Revenue Bond Coverage--Waterworks System Bonds-- Last Ten Fiscal Years. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 91 Demographic Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 92 Property Value, Construction, and Bank Deposits-- Last Ten Calendar Years. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 93 Principal Taxpayers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 94 Insurance in Effect. . 15 95 Miscellaneous Statistical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 96 -4- I VILLAGE of OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS ORGANIZATIONAL CHART I ELECTED OFFICIALS I1-President 6-Trustees 1-Clerk !t Treasurer Advisory Boards&Commissions Village Manager Plan Zoning Board Electrical Fire&Police Library Asst.to Village Legal Department ICommission of Appeals Commission Commission Commission Manager Staff Service Engineering Admmistratrve Services Finance Plan Review& Desion Administration Customer Payroll Water Accounts Inspection Service Insurance B Ilmg Payable Operating Departments Sports Core Public Works Fire Service 'Police Service Library I Open Golf Pool Club- Tennis Municipal Operation& Operation& Rescue.Extinguishment, Volunteer Bureau of Staff/Aux.Service Investigation Patrol,Traffic, Fields Course house Garage Maintenance Drainage, Maintenance Emergency Medical Service Inspections Communication, Evidence, Juvenile Public Traffic Control&Lighting Water Service,Training Maint.& Records,Supply& Detention information and Public Land System Investigation Maintenance Court Uaison li I I VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS OFFICERS AND OFFICIALS Year Ended April 30, 1987 President Wence F. Cerne Clerk Marianne Lakosil Trustees Garry J. Bartecki Karen M. Bushy Walter C. Imrie Ronald P. Maher Joseph H. Rush H. Richard Winters — Village Manager Stephen Berley -6- OF Oqk 99 P �0 � f Z: O a! � G O 4 `? 9CE `vim 00UNtr' V I LLAG E OF OAK BROOK 1 2 0 0 O A K BROOK R O A N OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521 -2255 October 30, 1987 President and Board of Trustees Village of Oak Brook Oak Brook, Illinois 60521 Gentlemen: The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the Village of Oak Brook for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1987 is submitted herewith. Respon- sibility for both the accuracy of the presented data and the complete- ness and fairness of the presentation, including all disclosures, rests with the Village. I believe the data, as presented, is accurate in all material aspects; that it is presented in a manner designed to fairly set forth the financial position and results of operations of the Village as measured by the financial activity of its various funds; and that all disclosures necessary to enable the reader to gain the maximum understanding of the Village's financial affairs have been included. In addition to the financial statements required for each fund, a group of self-balancing accounts known as the General Fixed Assets and Gen- eral Long-term Debt Account Groups are included in this report. The General Fixed Assets Account Group reflects all fixed assets acquired by funds except the Enterprise Funds. Schedules of property, plant, and equipment for the two Enterprise Funds, Waterworks System and Sports Core, are also included in this report. The Long-term Debt Account includes the General Obligation Recreation _ Bonds issued in 1977 for the purchase of the Sports Core, and the accrued employee vacation liability as required by the provisions of Statement No. 4 issued by the National Council on Governmental Accounting. The last section of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report includes statistical data and schedules which contribute to the value of the report as an official document. -7- This letter describes the significant aspects of financial operations -- during the year. It is my hope that this report will significantly assist. the Board of Trustees, Village officials and personnel, and our citizens in better understanding the financial activities and trans- actions relating to our Village government. Accounting System and Budgetary Control The Village's accounting records for general governmental operations are accounted for on a modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recorded when available and measurable. Expenditures are recorded when services or goods are received and liabilities are incurred. Accounting records for the Village's Enterprise Funds and Pension Trust Funds are maintained on an accrual basis. The Village places a great deal of emphasis upon internal accounting controls as they affect the overall accounting system of the Village. In developing and evaluating the Village's accounting system, considera- tion is given to the adequacy of internal accounting controls. Inter- nal accounting controls are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance regarding: (1) the safeguarding of assets against -� loss from unauthorized use or disposition; and (2) the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability for assets. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that: (1) the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived; and (2) the evaluation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management. All internal control evaluations occur within the above framework. We believe that the Village's internal accounting controls adequately safeguard assets and provide reasonable assurance of proper recording of financial transactions. Budgetary control is maintained through a system of monthly revenue and expenditure/expense vs. budget accounting reports which are provided to all Trustees and department heads. All disbursements receive prior approval of the Board of Trustees. Expenditures in any fund are restricted to the total appropriation budget, which is not changed without supplemental ordinance approval. Amounts budgeted by account within each fund can be changed by Board action. Budgetary control is maintained at the subfunction level by the encumbrance of estimated purchase amounts prior to the release of purchase orders to vendors. Open encumbrances at April 30, 1987 are reported as reservations of fund balance. The Reporting Entity and Its Services This report includes all of the funds and account groups of the Village. The Village provides a full range of services contemplated by statute or charter. This includes public safety (police, fire, bureau or inspection, and emergency medical service), street maintenance, public improvements, planning and zoning, general administration services, water, and operation of a free public library and recreation facilities at the Oak Brook Sports Core, including an 18-hole golf course. -8- The Oak Brook Park District, the various school and sanitary districts, and the counties of Du Page and Cook are not included in the financial statements of this report as they are independent special districts and are not part of the Village of Oak Brook. During 1983, the National Council on Governmental Accounting ("NCGA") Statement No. 3 "Defining the Governmental Reporting Entity" became effective. This statement concluded that the basis--but not the only--criterion for including a governmental department, agency, institution, commission, public authority, or other governmental organization in a governmental unit's reporting entity for general purpose financial reports is the exercise of oversight responsibility over such agencies by the governmental unit's elected officials. The Village has reviewed NCGA Statement No. 3 and has determined that no change in the reporting entities included in its general purpose financial reports is required in order to comply with the provisions of the Statement. General Governmental Functions ' Operating revenues for general governmental functions as reported in _ the General Fund totaled $7,954,459, an increase of $1,049,834 (15.2%) over last year. The amount of revenues from all sources and the increase or decrease over last year are shown in the following tabulation: Percent Increase of (Decrease) Source Amount Total Over 1986 Intergovernmental $6,608,313 83.1% $ 906,162 Licenses and permits 279,693 3.5 31,350 Charges for services 215,853 2.7 (2,254) Fines and penalties 146,691 1.8 (15,957) Interest on investments 364,873 4.6 (18,125) Other revenues 339,036 4.3 148,658 17.954,459 100.0% 11,049.834 Intergovernmental revenue is the major source of revenue for the Village, producing 83.1% of current year revenues. The increase over last year is primarily due to increased collections of sales taxes due to a general economic upturn which affected the .nearby Oak Brook Mall. The increase in licenses and permits is due to increased construction in the Village. Revenues from investment income decreased by $18,125 from last year, reflecting a decline in interest rates from the previous year. -9- The Village has never levied taxes for general governmental functions. - However, the assessed valuation of real property of the Village was ` $445,776,000, an increase of $48,865,000, or 12.3% over the prior year. Expenditures for general governmental purposes as reported in the general fund totaled $7,183,344, an increase of $924,990 (14.8%) from last year. Changes in levels of expenditures for major functions of the Village over the prior year are shown in the following tabulation: Percent Increase of (Decrease) Function Amount Total Over 1986 Legislative $ 254,617 3.5% $ (2,336) General government 911,668 12.7 187,315 Public safety 4,450,380 62.0 402,517 Public works 1,384,901 19.3 332,981 Culture and recreation 181,778 2.5 4,513 ' ��183,�44 100.0% 24 The increase in general government expenditures is due to increases in r all our departments, especially in the area of personal services, which increased $79,000. Public safety expenditures, which represent our largest portion of expenditures, increased 9.9% over last year, primarily due to increases in personel services of $285,000 and increases in capital expenditures of $129,000. The Village also abated $300,000 of the 1985 Sports Core tax levy as a result of prior years' accumulated surpluses in the General Fund. In 1983, the Village adopted the provisions of Statement No. 4 issued by the NCGA regarding recognition of liabilities for compensated absences. Accumulated unpaid vacation pay is accrued when incurred in the propriety funds. For governmental funds, the current portion of the liability is reported in the individual fund, and the remainder is reported in the General Long-term Debt Account Group. Debt Administration The ratio of net bonded debt to assessed valuation and the amount of the debt per capita are useful indicators of the Village's debt position. This information for the Village at April 30, 1987 as compared to April 30, 1986 is a follows: April 30 April 30 1987 1986 ... Net bonded debt total $5,933,331 $6,662,364 Ratio of net bonded debt to _ assessed valuation 1.331% 1.679% Net bonded debt per capita $ 742 $ 833 -10- General obligation recreation bonds were issued for the purchase of the Sports Core in 1977. At that time, the Village also initiated a tax levy for purposes of retiring the principal and interest payments of the bonds. Collections in fiscal year 1986/87 totaled $618,592, or approximately 99% of the total tax levy. Because of the favorable fund balance in the General Fund, the Village abated the tax levy to be collected in fiscal 1987/88 by $300,000. Reduced tax levy rates as the result of the abatements are indicated below: Tax Fiscal Year Year .� 1986 1987 $.1366 per $100 of assessed valuation 1985 1986 $.1566 per $100 of assessed valuation 1984 1985 $.1524 per $100 of assessed valuation _ 1983 1984 $.1704 per $100 of assessed valuation 1982 1983 $.1645 per $100 of assessed valuation 1981 1982 $.0944 per $100 of assessed valuation 1980 1981 $.2010 per $100 of assessed valuation 1979 1980 $.2265 per $100 of assessed valuation 1978 1979 $.3495 per $100 of assessed valuation 1977 1978 $.4535 per $100 of assessed valuation The general obligation bonds are due to be retired in December 1984. _ In addition, the Village has outstanding revenue bonds for the Water- works System Fund. Schedules of maturities of both bond issues are located in the notes to financial statements of the report. The Village's bonds have the following ratings: Moody's Investors Service General Obligation Bond Aa 1973 Water Works Revenue Bonds A 1976 Water Works Revenue Bonds A Cash Management It is the policy of the Village of Oak Brook to invest idle cash and increase investment income by the efficient use of savings accounts, certificates of deposit, repurchase agreements, and the Illinois Public Treasurer's Investment Pool. At April 30, 1987, the Village's invest- ments for all funds exclusive of the Pension Trust Funds were dis- tributed as follows: Treasurer's Investment Pool 3.1% Repurchase agreements 26.9 Certificates of deposit and other time deposits 69.8 For the year ended April 30, 1987, the Village received $1,431,000 in interest income. "' -11- i Capital Projects Funds The proceeds of the general obligation bond issue are accounted for in the Sports Core Construction Fund until improvement projects are completed. At the end of the fiscal year, completed projects are transferred to fixed assets of the Sports Core Enterprise Fund. Motor Fuel Tax Fund The Motor Fuel Tax Fund was established to account for the revenue received from the State of Illinois for the local share of the motor fuel tax collections. The State collects the tax on each gallon of fuel sold within the State of Illinois and returns a percentage back to each municipality based on population. Motor Fuel Tax revenue from the State for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1987 was $122,499. The funds in the Motor Fuel Tax Fund have been traditionally used by the Village to finance street reconstruction and resurfacing projects, and roadway deicer salt. Federal Revenue Sharing Fund The Federal Revenue Sharing Fund was established to account for revenue received from the Federal Government in accordance with the Federal Revenue Sharing Program. The Village has had a policy of utilizing _ these funds for capital outlays; specifically, the Village bike path system and the acquisition of library materials. The policy was adhered to in the fiscal year ended April 30, 1987 with $21,606 expended through transfer to the General Fund for capital improvements. Special Service Area No. 1 Fund In September 1981, this Special Service Area was created for the replacement of gas lights with electric lights in the York Woods subdivision, pursuant to the request made by the York Woods Homeowners _ Association. Funding of the project was shared between the Village at 30% and the residents within the Special Service Area at 70%. The residential portion of the funding will be collected via a tax levy through 1988. Pensions Employees of the Village of Oak Brook are covered by one of three pension plans. They are: (1) the Policemen's Pension Fund of the _ Village of Oak Brook, covering the Village's uniformed personnel in the Police Department; (2) the Firemen's Pension Fund of the Village of Oak Brook, covering the Village's uniformed personnel in the Fire Depart- ment; and (3) the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, which covers all the remaining Village employees who work in excess of 1,000 hours per year on a regular basis. The employees covered by the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund are also covered by Social Security. -12- General Fixed Assets The general fixed assets of the Village are those fixed assets used in the performance of general governmental functions and exclude the fixed assets of the Enterprise Funds. As of April 30, 1987, the general fixed assets of the Village amounted to $12,396,448. This amount represents the original cost of the assets and is considerably less than their present value. Depreciation of general fixed assets is properly not recognized in the Village's governmental fund types. Waterworks System Fund The Village's water utility continues to show increases in water sales, although also showing slight declines in net income, and debt service coverage as we continue the program of increasing rates about 52 annually. Comparative data for the past two fiscal years are presented in the following tabulation: 1987 1986 Water sales $1,837,066 $1,724,591 Water tap on charges 151,124 261,448 _ Total operating revenues 2,188,632 2,181,683 Total operating expenses 1,141,062 1,033,632 Amount available for debt service 1,668,605 1,779,639 _ Annual debt service 566,450 559,950 Coverage (amount available for debt service divided by annual debt service) 2.95 3.18 During the year, $375,000 of regularly maturing revenue bonds were retired in the Waterworks System Fund. Since fiscal year 1976/77, our debt coverage as defined above has increased from 2.07 to 2.95. Sports Core Fund The 1987 financial statements reflect the sixth year of operation of the 18-hole golf course and expanded operations of the Bath and Tennis Club. Operating revenues and interest income totaled $1,608,048. Operating expenditures, excluding depreciation, totaled $1,460,197. Major department activity is summarized as follows: Revenues and Interest Income Percent of Description Amount Total Golf course $ 833,831 51.92 Bath and Tennis Club (including special events) 695,334 43.2 Open fields 63,481 3.9 Interest income 15,402 1.0 $1.608.04 100.02 �' -13- Operating Expenses Percent of Description Amount Total — Golf course $ 633,003 43.3% Bath and Tennis Club 637,561 43. 7 Open fields 32,517 2.2 Administration 157,116 10.8 $1.460.197 100.0% Independent Audit Statutes require an annual audit to be made of the books of account, financial records, and transactions of all administrative departments of the Village by independent certified public accountants selected by the Board of Trustees. This requirement has been complied with and the auditor's opinion has been included in this report. Certificate of Achievement The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada ("GFOA") awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the Village of Oak Brook for its comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1985. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, a governmental unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive annual financial report, whose contents conform to _ program standards. Such reports must satify both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current report conforms to Certificate of Achievement Program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another certificate. _ Acknowledgments The preparation of this report could not be accomplished without the efficient and dedicated services of the entire staff of the Village of Oak Brook. We wish to express our appreciation to those persons who have made possible the publication of this report, and to thank the President and members of the Board of Trustees for their interest and support in planning and conducting the financial operations of the Village in a responsible and progressive manner. _. Terry C. Klein Finance Officer -14- 4 i L L L L t.. General Purpose Financial Statements L t r Ernst &VWhinney 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 -- 312/368-1800 The President, Board of Trustees, _ and Village Manager Village of Oak Brook, Illinois We have examined the general purpose financial statements of the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois and its combining, individual fund and account group financial statements as of and for the year ended April 30, 1987, as listed in the table of contents. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circum- stances. The general purpose financial statements of the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois and its combining, individual fund and account group statements as of and for the year ended April 30, 1986, were "- examined by other auditors who report, dated November 1, 1986, expressed an unqualified opinion on those statements. In our opinion, the general purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois at April 30, 1987, the results of its operations and the changes in financial position of its proprietary fund types and pension trust funds for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Also, in our opinion, the combining, individual fund and account group financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the individual funds and account groups of the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois at April 30, 1987, and the results of operations of such funds and the changes in finan- cial position of individual proprietary and pension trust funds for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting — principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. -15- Our examination was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole and on the combining, individual fund and account group financial statements. The accompanying statistical information listed in the table of contents is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the general purpose, combining, individual fund and account group financial statements of the Village of Oak Brook, Illinois. Such information has not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the examination of the general purpose, combining, individual fund and account group financial statements and, accordingly, we express no opinion on it. TV'- Chicago, Chicago, Illinois September 4, 1987 , -16- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET--ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS April 30, 1987 Governmental Fund Types Special Debt Capital General Revenue Service Projects ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS Cash $ 17,863 Investments 6,116,292 $114,402 $ 563,784 $102,064 Receivables (net, where applicable, of allowances for uncollectibles): Sales taxes 1,288,794 _ Property taxes 5,615 609,352 State income taxes 24,504 Water customers Allotments 9,633 '— Accrued interest 97,195 Other 87,822 Due from other funds 20,287 111,879 Inventory of supplies 43,339 Unamortized bond discount Other assets _ Restricted assets--investments Fixed assets (net, where applicable, of accumulated depreciation) Amount available in Debt Service Fund '— Amount to be provided for retirement of general long-term debt TOTAL ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS 7.696,096 12 $1,173,136 See accompanying notes to financial statements. -17- Fiduciary Proprietary Fund Type Account Groups Totals Fund Type Pension General General Long- (Memorandum Only) Enterprise Trust Fixed Assets Term Debt 1987 1986 $ 97,248 $ 19,563 $ 134,674 $ 65,143 ._ 2,261,243 11,548,862 20,706,647 17,479,172 _ 1,288,794 1,224,353 614,967 621,363 24,504 17,590 252,580 252,580 192,440 '- 9,633 9,068 60,651 213,538 371,384 414,560 42,758 19,575 150,155 63,525 65,821 197,987 102,563 20,670 64,009 53,277 35•,098 35,098 40,268 3,753 3,753 10,275 4,025,584 4,025,584 3,922,318 16,477,403 $12,396,448 28,873,851 28,398,352 $ 416,672 416,672 287,636 6,011,859 6,011,859 6,732,109 23,276,988 $11,867,359 t12,396,4AB $6,428,531 t63,18ZL51 $59,634,012 i -17- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET--ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS--Continued - April 30, 1987 Governmental Fund Types Special Debt Capital General Revenue Service Projects LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY — Accounts payable $ 328,781 Accrued payroll and vacation 398,951 _ Customer deposits 4,500 Due to other funds 152,700 $ 4,260 $ 2,364 Deferred revenue: Property tax receivables 5,615 602,900 Other 51,445 Current interest payable 151,200 Construction performance bonds 590,160 -- Revenue bonds payable General obligation bonds payable TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,526,537 9,875 756,464 _ Fund equity: Contributed capital Investment in general fixed assets Retained earnings: Reserved under revenue bond ordinance _ Reserved for Lake Michigan Water Project Unreserved Fund balances: '- Reserved for encumbrances 313,821 Reserved for inventory 43,339 Reserved for debt service 416,672 Reserved for employees ' retirement Unreserved: _ Designated for subsequent year's expenditures $140,898 Undesignated 5,812,399 119,775 73,045 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 6,169,559 119,775 416,672 213,943 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 7.696,096 12 1.173.136 21 4 See accompanying notes to financial statements. _ -18- _ Fiduciary Proprietary Fund Type Account Groups Totals Fund Type Pension General General Long- (Memorandum Only) Enterprise Trust Fixed Assets Term Debt 1987 1986 $ 216,811 $ 15,363 $ 560,955 $ 488,188 37,568 $ 78,531 515,050 460,067 202,315 206,815 216,883 38,663 197,987 102,563 608,515 621,363 51,445 151,200 164,100 590,160 366,675 3,300,000 3,300,000 3,675,000 6,350,000 6,350,000 6,950,000 3,795,357 15,363 6,428,531 12,532,127 13,044,839 11,025,590 11,025,590 11,025,590 $12,396,448 12,396,448 11,756,070 3,690,082 3,690,082 3,636,082 362,502 362,502 286,218 4,403,457 4,403,457 3,485,846 313,821 43,339 36,171 416,672 287,636 10,190,749 10,190,749 8,046,222 140,898 56,633 1,661,247 7,666,466 7,972,705 19,481,631 11,851,996 12,396,448 50,650,024 46,589,173 $23,276,988 $11,867,359 tl2,396,44B t6,428,531 t63,182,151 59,634,012 -18- i IVILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES--ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES Year Ended April 30, 1987 1 Totals Special Debt Capital (Memorandum Only) General Revenue Service Projects 1987 1986 Revenues: Intergovernmental $6,608,313 $153,760 $123,654 $6,885,727 $5,952,519 1 Property taxes 6,063 592,279 598,342 570,623 Licenses and permits 279,693 279,693 248,343 Service charges 215,853 215,853 218,107 I Fines and penalties 146,691 146,691 162,648 Interest on investments 364,873 9,924 29,317 $ 3,210 407,324 430,964 Miscellaneous 339,036 339,036 190,378 TOTAL REVENUES 7,954,459 169,747 745,250 3,210 8,872,666 7,773,582 Expenditures.• Current: I Legislative 254,617 254,617 256,953 General government 911,668 911,668 724,353 Public safety 4,450,380 4,450,380 4,047,863 Public works 1,384,901 1,384,901 1,051,920 Culture and recreation 181,778 181,778 177,265 Debt service: Principal retirement 600,000 600,000 600,000 Interest and fees 316,214 316,214 342,064 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,183,344 916,214 _ 8,099,558 7,200,418 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF IREVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 771,115 169,747 (170,964) 3,210 773,108 573,164 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in 291,606 300,000 107,500 699,106 610,000 Operating transfers out (392,500) (131,606) (524,106) (460,727) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) (100,894) (131,606) 300,000 107,500 175,000 149,273 EXCESS OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES 670,221 38,141 129,036 110,710 948,108 722,437 Fund balances at May 1, 1986 5,499,338 81,634 287,636 103,233 5,971,841 5,249,404 FUND BALANCES AT APRIL 30, 1987 $6,169,559 112_,= JAIJL12 JjLj,_943 t6,919,949 $5.971,841 I See accompanying notes to financial statements. I 1 -19- 1 i IVILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES--BUDGET AND ACTUAL (NON-GAAP BASIS) GENERAL FUND, CERTAIN SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS AND DEBT SERVICE FUND IYear Ended April 30, 1987 General Fund Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Fund Total (Memorandum Only) Actual-- Variance Actual-- Variance Actual-- Variance ctual-- Variance Budgetary Favorable Budgetary Favorable Budgetary Favorable �udgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Revenues: Intergovernmental $6,608,313 $ 6,123,930 $ 484,383 $153,760 $156,000 $(2,240) $123,654 $ 79,000 $ 44,654 $6,885,727 $ 6,358,930 $ 526,797 I Property taxes 592,279 548,200 44,079 592,279 548,200 44,079 Licenses and permits 279,693 231,700 47,993 279,693 231,700 47,993 Service charges 215,853 183,405 32,448 215,853 183,405 32,448 Fines and penalties 146,691 137,600 9,091 146,691 137,600 9,091 Interest on investments 364,873 352,742 12,131 9,924 7,100 2,824 29,317 10,500 18,817 404,114 370,342 33,772 Miscellaneous 339,036 129,300 209,736 339,036 129,300 209,736 TOTAL REVENUES 7,954,459 7,158,677 795,782 163,684 163,100 584 745,250 637,700 107,550 8,863,393 7,959,477 903,916 IExpenditures: Current: I Legislative 254,617 255,546 929 254,617 255,546 929 General government 929,668 998,216 68,548 929,668 998,216 68,548 Public safety 4,542,454 4,747,669 205,215 . 4,542,454 4,747,669 205,215 Public works 1,582,375 2,240,952 658,577 50 50 1,582,375 2,241,002 658,627 Culture and recreation 188,051 199,880 11,829 188,051 199,880 11,829 J Debt service: Principal retirement 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 - Interest and fees 316,214 329,200 12,986 316,214 329,200 12,986 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,497,165 8,442,263 945,098 50 50 916,214 929,200 12,986 8,413,379 9,371,513 958,134 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF IREVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 457,294 (1,283,586) 1,740,880 163,684 163,050 634 (170,964) (291,500) 120,536 450,014 (1,412,036) 1,862,050 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in 291,606 361,800 (70,194) 300,000 325,000 (25,000) 591,606 686,800 (95,194) Operating transfers out (392,500) (392,500) (131,606) (194,600) 62,994 (524,106) (587,100) 62,994 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) (100,894) (30,700) (70,194) (131,606) (194,600) 62,994 300,000 325,000 (25,000) 67,500 99,700 (32,200) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES 356,400 x(1.314.286) 1.670.686 32,078 ( Q) $ 129,036 517,514 517,514 (1.312.336) 1.829.850 IFund balances at May 1, 1986 5,499,338 91,957 287,636 i5,878,931 FU10 BALANCES AT APRIL 30, 1987 5.855.738 12J 41 2 44� I II -20- I VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS/FUND BALANCES--ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES AND PENSION TRUST FUNDS Year Ended April 30, 1987 Fiduciary Proprietary Fund Type Totals Fund Type Pension (Memorandum Only) Enterprise Trust 1987 1986 Operating revenues: Charges for services $3,751,332 $ 3,751,332 $ 3,850,633 Interest on investments $ 999,552 999,552 945,505 Contributions: Employees 206,546 206,546 183,973 Village 394,027 394,027 383,602 Miscellaneous 29,946 29,946 56,754 ' TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 3,781,278 1,600,125 5,381,403 5,420,467 Operating expenses: Operation of facilities 2,188,614 2,188,614 2,220,066 General and administrative 177,638 3,779 181,417 146,909 Depreciation 460,422 460,422 470,722 Benefit payments 171,876 171,876 96,086 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 2,826,674 175,655 3,002,329 2,933,783 OPERATING INCOME 954,604 1,424,470 2,379,074 2,486,684 Nonoperating revenues (expenses) : Interest on investments 383,366 383,366 402,042 Interest on bonds (191,450) (191,450) (209,950) Amortization of bond discount (5,170) (5,170) (5,170) Fiscal agents ' fees (3,384) (3,384) (918) Construction r reimbursements 6,700 6,700 7,600 Other revenue 78,229 78,229 268,291 268,291 193,604 INCOME BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS 1,222,895 1,424,470 2,647,365 2,680,288 Operating transfers in 10,000 10,000 10,727 Operating transfers out (185,000) (185,000) (160,000) NET INCOME 1,047,895 1,424,470 2,472,365 2,531,015 Retained earnings/fund balances at May 1, 1986 7,408,146 10,427,526 17,835,672 15,304,657 RETAINED EARNINGS/ FUND BALANCES AT APRIL 30, 1987 $8.456.041 $11.851.996 $20.308,037 $17,835,672 See accompanying notes to financial statements. -21- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS COMBINED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION--ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES AND PENSION TRUST FUNDS Year Ended April 30, 1987 Fiduciary Proprietary Fund Type Totals Fund Type Pension (Memorandum Only) Enterprise Trust 1987 1986 Sources of working capital: Operations: Net income $1,047,895 $1,424,470 $2,472,365 $2,531,015 _ Items not requiring working capital: Depreciation 460,422 460,422 470,722 Amortization of bond discount 5,170 5,170 5,170 TOTAL PROVIDED BY OPERATIONS 1,513,487 1,424,470 2,937,957 3,006,907 TOTAL SOURCES OF WORKING CAPITAL 1,513,487 1,424,470 2,937,957 3,006,907 Uses of working capital: Acquisition of fixed assets 295,543 295,543 59,003 Reduction in bonds payable 375,000 375,000 350,000 _ Net increase in pension investments 1,376,109 1,376,109 1 ,444,052 TOTAL USES OF WORKING CAPITAL 670,543 1,376,109 2,046,652 1,853,055 NET INCREASE IN WORKING CAPITAL $ 842.944 $ 48.361 j__891,305 $1.153.852 i Elements of net increase (decrease) in working capital: Cash $ 47,331 $ 18,887 $ 66,218 $ 42,677 Investments 802,645 802,645 1,198,121 Receivables 35,088 39,645 74,733 (52,053) Other assets (5,275) (5,275) 695 Inventory 3,564 3,564 (2,956) Accounts payable (11,302) (15,363) (26,665) (21,558) Accrued payroll and vacation liability (14,604) (14,604) 3,790 Customer deposits 10,068 10,068 (14,928) Due to other funds (24,571) 5,192 (19,379) 64 NET INCREASE IN WORKING CAPITAL $ 842,944 $ 48.361 J 891.305 11,153,852 See accompanying notes to financial statements. -22- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS ` NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year Ended April 30, 1987 a NOTE A--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The Village of Oak Brook, Illinois ("Village") was incorporated February 21, 1958. The Village operates under a Board of Trustees- Manager form of government and provides the following services as authorized by its charter: public safety (police and fire), highways and streets, recreation (golf course and Bath and Tennis Club), water, public improvements, planning and zoning, and general administrative services. The accompanying financial statements of the Village have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles as prescribed in pronouncements of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board ("GASB"). •- Reporting Entity: The financial statements of the Village, in Conformance with National Council on Governmental Accounting ("NCGA") Statement 3, as recognized by GASB Statement 1, include all funds and accounts groups of the Village and of agencies, boards and commissions over which the Village's Board of Trustees exercise oversight responsi- bility. Oversight responsibility was defined to include the following considerations: selection of governing authority, designation of management, ability to significantly influence operations, accounta- bility for fiscal matters, the scope of an organization's public service, and/or special financial relationships. Based on the foregoing criteria, the financial statements of the following organization is included in the accompanying financial statements: Oak Brook Public Library--The Library provides services to Village residents and the Village provides most of the Library's operating funds. The following organizations are not part of the Village and are excluded in the accompanying financial statements: Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency ("IRMA")--IRMA is a voluntary cooperative agency consisting of 40 Illinois municipal governmental units. Its purpose is to manage and fund first- party property losses and third-party liability claims of its member municipalities. The Village does not exercise any signi- ficant control over the activities of IRMA. The Village accounts for this joint venture using the cost method. -23- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS — NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE A--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--Continued Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative ("IPBC")--IPBC is a voluntary cooperative agency established by 22 Illinois municipal governmental units to administer some or all of the personnel benefit programs offered by its members. The Village does not exercise any significant control over the activities of IPBC. The Village accounts for this joint venture using the cost method. Basis of Presentation--Fund Accounting: The accounts of the Village are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts �- that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenue and expenditures or expenses, as appropriate. Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the _ purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The various funds are grouped, in the financial statements in this report, into six generic fund types and three broad fund categories as follows: Governmental Fund Types: Governmental Funds are those through which most governmental functions of the Village are financed. The Village's expendable financial resources (except those accounted for in proprietary .. funds) are accounted for through governmental funds. The measur- ement focus is upon determination of changes in financial posi- tion, rather than upon net income determination. The following _ are the Village's governmental fund types: General Fund--The General Fund is the general operating fund of the Village. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds--Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than major capital projects) that are legally restricted to _ expenditures for specified purposes. -24- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE A--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--Continued Debt Service Fund--The Debt Service Fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general obligation long-term debt principal, interest and WIT related costs. The Village's only Debt Service Fund is for the Sports Core general obligation recreation bonds. Capital Project Funds--Capital Project Funds are used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital items (other than those financed by proprietary funds). Proprietary Fund Type: +- Proprietary Funds are used to account for the Village's ongoing activities which are similar to those often found in the private sector. The measurement focus is upon determination of net income: Enterprise Funds--Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations (a) that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises--where the intent of the governing body is that the costs (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges; or (b) where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred, and/or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, management control, accountability, or other purposes. Fiduciary Fund Type: Fiduciary Funds are used to account for assets held by the Village in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governmental units, and/or other funds. Trust Funds--Trust Funds are used to account for assets held by the Village in a trustee capacity. These include the Policemen's and Firemen's Pension Trust Funds. These funds are accounted for in essentially the same manner as proprietary funds. e -25- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS _ NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE A--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--Continued Account Groups: Account groups are used to establish accounting control and accountability for the Village's general fixed assets and general long-term debt. The following are the Village's account groups: General Fixed Assets Account Group--This account group is established to account for all fixed assets of the Village, _ other than those accounted for in the proprietary funds and trust funds. General Long-Term Debt Account Group--This account group is established to account for all long-term debt of the Village except that accounted for in the proprietary funds. Basis of Accounting: Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements, regardless of the measurement focus applied. All governmental funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measureable and available as net current assets. Shared revenues remitted from the state government, such as the state motor fuel tax allotments, state income taxes, and state sales taxes are accrued applying the susceptible to accrual concept based upon the month they " are collected by the state. In applying the susceptible to accrual concept to intergovernmental -- revenues, the legal and contractual requirements of the numerous individual programs are used as guidance. There are, however, essentially two types of these revenues. In one type, monies must be expended on the specific purpose or project before any amounts will be paid to the Village; therefore, revenues are recognized based upon the expenditure recorded. In the other type, monies are virtually unrestricted as to purpose of expenditure and are usually revocable ` only for failure to comply with prescribed compliance requirements. These resources are reflected as revenues at the time of receipt or earlier if the susceptible to accrual criteria are met. -- -26- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS ti NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE A--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--Continued License and permit fees, charges for services (other than enterprise funds), and miscellaneous revenues (except investment earnings) are s recorded as revenues when received in cash because they are generally not measurable until actually received. Investment earnings are recorded as earned since they are measurable and available. With the exception of interest on long-term debt, expenditures are generally recognized under the modified accrual accounting concept when the related fund liability is incurred. All proprietary funds and pension trust funds are accounted for using the accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when ,., they are earned, and their expenses are recognized when they are incurred. Unbilled Waterworks System Fund utility service receivables are recorded at year-end by taking the cycle billings sent to customers after year-end and prorating the amount of days applicable to each fiscal year. Budgetary Accounting: The Village follows these procedures in estab- lishing the budgetary data reflected in the financial statements: 1. Prior to March 1, a proposed operating budget for the fiscal year commencing the following May 1 is prepared by the department heads, reviewed by the Village Manager and Village Treasurer, and submitted to the Board of Trustees for their review. The operating budget includes proposed expenditures for the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds except the Special Service Area No. 1 Fund, Debt Service Fund, Enterprise Funds and Pension Trust Funds. 2. Public hearings are conducted to obtain taxpayer comments. r 3. Prior to August 1, the appropriations ordinance (budget) , which is 10% greater than the proposed operating budget, is legally enacted through passage of an ordinance. All appropriations lapse at year-end. 4. Changes or amendments to the total budgeted expenditures of any fund must be approved by the Board of Trustees. No supplemental appropriations were necessary during the past fiscal year. 5. Expenditures may not legally exceed budgeted appropriations on a fund basis for each legally adopted annual fund. -27- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS _ NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE A--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--Continued Formal budgetary integration is employed as a management control device during the year for all funds. Village budgets are prepared on a basis of accounting consistent with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) , except that encumbrances are treated as budgeted expenditures in the year of purchase or commitment to purchase. No amounts are budgeted or appropriated for depreciation in the Water and Sports Core Funds, rather capital additions are budgeted. Budgetary comparisons presented in this report are on the budgetary basis. Adjustments necessary to convert the results of operations at the end of the year on the GAAP basis to the budget basis are as follows: Governmental Fund Types Special Debt General Revenue Service Excess of revenues and other i financing sources over _ expenditures and other financing uses $670,221 $38,141 $129,036 Decrease due to: Encumbrances: Expenditures in 1987 of amounts encumbered as of April 30, 1986 - - - Encumbered at April 30, _ 1987, but recognized as expenditures for budget purpose (313,821) - - Unbudgeted fund--Special Service Area No.l (6,063) - Excess of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses--budgetary basis _ 400: $32,078: 2 3 Encumbrances: Encumbrance accounting, under which purchase orders , contracts, and other commitments for the expenditure of monies are recorded in order to reserve that portion of the applicable appropria- tion, is employed as an extension of formal budgetary integration in all funds. Encumbrances outstanding in the governmental funds at year-end are reported as reservations of fund balances since they do not constitute expenditures or liabilities. -28- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE A--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--Continued Total (Memorandum Only) Columns: Total columns represent an aggrega- tion of the fund type and account group financial statements. They are presented for information only and do not represent cnsolidated finan- cial information. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. Investments: Investments are stated at cost, which approximates market. Adjustments are made to cost, for any premium or discount, which is amortized over the maturity of the investment. Inventory: Inventory is valued at lower of cost (first-in, first-out) or market (net realizable value). Inventory in the General Fund consists of expendable supplies held for consumption; inventory in the Sports Core Fund consists of similar expendable supplies and also inventory of the pro shop held for resale. The cost is recorded as an expenditure at the time individual inventory items are utilized. Reported General Fund inventories are equally offset by a fund balance reserve which indicates that they do not constitute "available spending resources" even though they are a component of net current assets. Fixed Assets and Long-Term Liabilities: Fixed assets acquired for use in governmental fund type operations are recorded as expenditures in the fund making the expenditure and are capitalized at cost in the General Fixed Assets Account Group. If actual cost cannot be deter- mined, estimated historical cost is used; donated fixed assets are valued at their estimated fair value on the date donated. Public domain ("infrastructure") general fixed assets consisting of certain improvements other than buildings, including roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and sidewalks, drainage systems and lighting systems are capitalized with other general fixed assets. In accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, no depreciation is taken on the general fixed assets. Proprietary fund assets are stated at cost or, if donated, fair market value at the date of donation, in the fund in which they are utilized. _ Depreciation of all exhaustible fixed assets used by proprietary funds is charged as an expense against their operations. Accumulated -29- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued -- NOTE A--SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES--Continued depreciation is reported on the proprietary funds' balance sheets. -• Depreciation has been provided over the estimated useful lives using the straight-line method. Estimated useful lives are as follows: Buildings 40 years Waterworks system 10-40 years Improvements, other khan buildings 10-20 years Tennis courts and pools 15-20 years Equipment 5-10 years Long-term liabilities expected to be financed from governmental funds _ are accounted for in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group. Long- term liabilities of all proprietary funds are accounted for in the respective funds. Vacation pay is computed and earned on a calendar year basis. Vacation earned must be taken before the end of the next calendar year. For _ governmental funds, the current portion of accumulated unpaid vacation benefits is reported in the individual fund, and the remainder is recorded in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group. Accumulated unpaid vacation pay is accrued when incurred in the proprietary fund types. NOTE B--PROPERTY TAXES The Village's property tax is levied each calendar year on all taxable real property located in the Village. The Village levies taxes only for the payment of principal and interest on general obligation long-term debt and for Special Service Area No. 1. Property taxes attach as an enforceable lien on property as of Janu- ary 1. Taxes are levied on March 1 and become due and payable in two installments on June 1 and September 1 during the following fiscal year. Taxes are billed and collected by county officials. -30- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS e. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE B--PROPERTY TAXES--Continued NCGA Interpretation 3 "Revenue Recognition--Property Taxes," states that property taxes should be recognized as revenue in the levy year only when they are due and receivable in the current year or when they are collected or expected to be collected within 60 days after the end of the current year. In accordance with this Interpretation, the Village does not recognize property taxes as revenue in the levy year because the taxes are not due and receivable until the following fiscal year. NOTE C--CASH AND INVESTMENTS At year-end, the carrying amount of the Village's deposits was $134,674, and the bank balance was $176,208. Of the bank balance, $139,935 was covered by federal depository insurance and $36,273 was uninsured and uncollateralized. Chapter 85, Section 902 of the Illinois Revised Statutes authorizes the Village to invest in obligations of the United States Treasury and United States agencies, direct obligations of any bank, commercial paper rated within the three highest classifications set by two standard rating services, or money-market funds investing in obliga- tions of the United States Treasury and United States agencies. The Village's investments are categorized in the following table to give an indication of the level of risk assumed by the Village at April 30, 1987. Category 1 includes investments that are insured or registered or for which securities are held by the Village or its agent in the Village's name. Category 2 includes the uninsured and unregis- tered investments for which the securities are held by the broker's or dealer's trust department or agent in the Village's name. Category 3 -31- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE C--CASH AND INVESTMENTS--Continued includes uninsured and unregistered investments for which the securi- ties are held by the broker or dealer, or by its trust department or agent but not in the Village's name. Category Carrying Market 1 2 3 Amount Value Repurchase agreements $ 4,358,126 $ - $ 4,358,126 $ 4,358,126 Certificates of deposits and other time deposits $9,949,538 2,041,070 11,990,608 11,990,608 U.S. Government securities 4,351,607 4,351,607 4,434,947 U.S. Agency securities 890,000 890,000 931,722 Mortgage-backed securities 2,765,985 2,765,985 2,812,01E 9,949.538 $14.406.788 t 24,356,326 24,527,419 Investment in state treasurer's investment pool 375,905 375,905 j2A,Z32, t24,903,324 NOTE D--FIXED ASSETS Changes in general fixed assets for the year ended April 30, 1987, are presented below: Balance at Balance at April 30 April 30 1986 Additions Retirements 1987 Land $ 281,829 $ 281,829 Buildings and improvements 4,888,475 4,888,475 Furniture and fixtures 261,597 $ 2,070 263,667 Roadway improvements 3,841,369 336,420 4,177,789 Automotive equipment 1,087,715 145,625 $74,574 1,158,766 Other equipment 1,126,082 197,993 1,324,075 Library books 269,003 32,844 301,847 $11.756.070 _$714.952 4 4 12.396.44 -32- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Continued NOTE D--FIXED ASSETS--Continued Proprietary fund type property, plant, and equipment at April 30, 1987, consisted of the following: Waterworks Total System Sports Enterprise Fund Core Fund Fund Land and improvements $ 2,819 $ 9,795,458 $ 9,798,277 Buildings and improvements 806,510 806,510 Waterworks system structure and equipment 8,655,171 8,655,171 Improvements other than buildings 458,348 458,348 Tennis courts and pools 510,684 510,684 Equipment 104,747 171,071 275,818 8,762,737 11,742,071 20,504,808 "- Less allowances for depreciation 2,429,498 1,597,907 4,027,405 16,333,239 $10,144,164 tl6,477,403 NOTE E--LONG-TERM DEBT General Long-Term Debt Account Group: The following is a summary of transactions in the general long-term debt account group for the year ended April 30, 1987: General Obligation Accrued Recreation Vacation Bonds Liability Total Balance at May 1, 1986 $6,950,000 $69,745 $7,019,745 Transfers to Debt Service Fund (600,000) (600,000) Increase in accrued vacation liability 8,786 8,786 Balance at April 30, 1987 $6,350,000 JZ $6,428,531 -33- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE E--LONG-TERM DEBT A special election on June 21, 1977, authorized and approved the issuance of $10,270,000 General Obligation Recreation Bonds--Sports -` Core. Proceeds of these bonds were used to pay the cost of the acquisition of approximately 269 acres of the Butler International Sports Core and to improve and redevelop the existing Village golf _ course. The bonds were sold as of September 1, 1977 for a price of $10,270,408 plus accrued interest of $71,611.50. Principal on the bonds is due serially December 1, 1979 through December 1, 1994. + Interest is payable semiannually on June 1 and December 1, at rates from 4.3% to 4.9%. The Village levies taxes for retirement of the bonds which are accounted for by the Debt Service Fund. Waterworks Revenue Bonds: The following is a summary of transactions for the year ended April 30, -. 1987: Waterworks Revenue Bonds 1973 Series 1976 Series Total Balance at May 1, 1986 $2,075,000 $1,600,000 $3,675,000 Retirements (150,000) (225,000) (375,000) Balance at April 30, 1987 1.925.000 1.375.000 $3,300,000 i The Waterworks Revenue Bonds were issued to fund the acquisition and expansion of the Village's water system. The $3,300,000 Series 1973 bonds were sold as of February 1, 1973. Principal on the bonds is due _ serially May 1, 1976 through May 1, 1996. Semiannual interest is payable on May 1 and November 1 at rates from 4% to 6%. The $3,000,000 1976 Series bond is due serially May 1, 1978 through May 1, 1992. Interest is payable semiannually on May 1 and November 1 at rates of 4.4% to 5. 75%. Both series are payable from water revenues and are accounted for in the Waterworks System Fund. -34- T r� VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS +T NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE E--LONG-TERM DEBT--Continued }* Debt Service Requirement: The annual payments to amortize all long-term debt outstanding, including interest, as of April 30, 1987, are as follows: �� ; General Obligation Waterworks Year Ended Recreation Bonds Revenue Bonds April 30 Principal Interest Principal Interest Total 1988 $ 700,000 $ 302,400 $ 400,0000 $171,575 $ 1,573,975 *� 1989 700,000 270,200 425,000 150,450 1,545,650 1990 700,000 238,000 475,000 127,150 1,540,150 1991 800,000 205,800 500,000 101,138 1,606,938 1992 800,000 167,400 525,000 73,487 1,565,887 1993 850,000 129,000 225,000 44,400 1,248,400 1994 900,000 88,200 225,000 32,700 1,245,900 1995 900,000 44,100 250,000 21,000 1,215,100 4" 1996 275,000 11,000 286,000 6.350.000 $1,445.10 $3,300,00 $11,828,000 NOTE F--REVENUE BOND COVENANTS The ordinance authorizing the issuance of Waterworks Revenue Bonds Series 1973 and 1976 requires that the following separate accounts be maintained in the Waterworks System Fund. On the first business day of ' each month, all monies held in the Fund are to be transferred to the designated accounts as noted below: *+ Accounts Amount Operation and Maintenance An amount sufficient to pay the Account reasonable expense of operation and maintenance for the next month. This account had a balance of $88,786 at April 30, 1987. Bond and Interest Account Amount equal to one-tenth and one �- fifth of the next maturing princi- pal and interest payments, respec- tively. This account had no balance at April 30,1987. -35- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued tea.. �w. NOTE F--REVENUE BOND COVENANTS--Continued t Accounts Amount Bond Reserve Account $4,500 each month until all bonds of this fund have been paid or s payment provided for. This �- account had a balance of $706,500 at April 30, 1987. ` Depreciation, Improvement $8,250 each month (or a greater and Extension Account amount, as designated by the Board) until a maximum of _. $400,000 is on deposit in said account. This account has a *— balance of $400,000 at April 30, 1987. Surplus Revenue Account All surplus funds remaining after providing for all of the deposits L listed above. This account had a balance of $2,583,582 at April 30, 1987. Funds accumulated in the bond reserve account shall be used only for the payment of interest or principal whenever there exists a deficiency in the bond and interest account. However, whenever the balance in said account is equal to the maximum principal and interest require– ments of all outstanding bonds, the surplus may be transferred to the depreciation improvement and extension account or the surplus revenue account at the discretion of the President and Board of Trustees. Since the Village has met their maximum principal and interest require– ments of all outstanding bonds, the surplus was transferred to a r separate Lake Michigan reserve as described below. 5 r During fiscal 1984, the Village began to separately reserve funds for future expenditures which will be necessary to secure Lake Michigan water. At April 30, 1987, $362,502 has been reserved for the Lake f! Michigan water project. This reserve has been approved by the Board of Trustees and is in compliance with the revenue bond ordinance requirements. F Funds accumulated in all but the operation and maintenance account have been classified as restricted assets on the combined balance sheet at April 30, 1987. -36- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE G--RETIREMENT COMMITMENTS Village employees are covered under three separate retirement plans. Full-time Village policemen and firemen are covered by separate pension, trust funds established in accordance with state law. Other full-time employees are covered by the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (state- wide public employees retirement system). Policemen's Pension Fund Funded Obligations: The Policemen's Pension Fund covers substantially all uniformed members of the Village's police department. The plan is a single employer plan administered by a separate Village Police Pension Board. According to the governing act, the Board of Trustees of the Police- men's Pension Fund is required to establish and maintain a reserve not to exceed the total actuarial requirements of the Fund. In municipali- ties having less than the actuarial requirements of the Fund, the Board shall designate the proportionate amount needed annually to ensure the accumulation of such actuarial reserve over a 40-year period ending in 2020. The total actuarial requirements at April 30, 1986 (the date of the latest actuarial valuation) amounted to $5,582,406 as determined by the Illinois State Department of Insurance. The unreserved fund balance of $164,737 has been adjusted by net transactions of the Fund for the year ended April 30, 1987. However, �.. the current normal costs and the resultant liability for the year ended April 30, 1987 are not reflected as an increase in the actuarial requirements because the date of the Illinois State Department of r Insurance determination was as of April 30, 1986. There was no actuarial reserve deficiency at April 30, 1986. The significant actuarial assumptions used in the Illinois State Department of Insurance valuation are as follows: Actuarial cost method Entry age normal cost Investment return 6.5% Mortality rates Based on the 1971 Group Annuity Mortality Table Salary progression assumption 5% -37- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE G--RETIREMENT COMMITMENTS--Continued Contributions: Employer contributions made during the year ended April 30, 1987 were _ $203,271 based upon actuarial requirements determined by the Illinois State Department of Insurance. Firemen's Pension Fund Funded Obligations: The Firemen's Pension Fund covers substantially all uniformed members of the Village's fire department. The plan is a single employer plan administered by a separate Village Firemen's Pension Board. According to the governing act, the Board of Trustees of the Firemen's Pension Fund is required to designate the proportionate amount needed annually to amortize the actuarial reserve deficiency over a 40-year period ending in 2020. At April 30, 1986 (the date of the latest actuarial valuation), the actuarial requirements of the Fund amounted to $4,608,343 as determined by the Illinois State Department of -� Insurance. The unreserved fund balance of $1,496,510 has been adjusted by net _ transactions of the Fund for the year ended April 30, 1987. However, the current normal costs and the resultant liability for the year ended April 30, 1987 are not reflected as an increase in the actuarial requirements because the date of the Illinois State Department of Insurance determination was as of April 30, 1986. There was no actuarial reserve deficiency at April 30, 1986. The significant actuarial assumptions used in the Illinois State Department of Insurance valuation are as follows: Actuarial cost method Entry age normal cost Investment return 6.5% Mortality rates Based on the 1971 Group Annuity Mortality Table Salary progression assumption 5% -38- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued :VOTE G--RETIREMENT COMMITMENTS--Continued Contributions: Employer contributions made during the year ended April 30, 1987 were $190,756 based upon actuarial requirements determined by the Illinois State Department of Insurance. Illinois Municipal Requirement Fund The Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund ("IMRF") covers substantially all Village employees except uniformed members of the Village's police and fire departments and is administered on a statewide basis. The IMRF actuary estimates that as of December 31, 1986 (date of latest computation) the present value of total IMRF pension obligations to be borne by the Village was $1,693,100. The Village has accumulated reserve assets to be used toward this obligation of $575,967 on the same date. Therefore, the estimated present value of future contribu- tions to be made by the Village was $1,117,133. This pension obliga- tion includes in addition to future normal costs of $315,969, the amount of unfunded prior service cost computed to be $801,164. The amount of unfunded prior service costs was computed by using actuarial assumptions approved by the IMRF Board of Trustees. The annual Village contribution rate fixed by the IMRF Board of Trustees provides for full funding of prior service costs, including interest as determined actuarially over a future period of not more than 40 years, as well as the normal retirement costs, term cost of death and disability benefits, and the cost of administration of the Fund. Employers contributions made during the year ended April 30, 1987 were $141,051. -39- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE H--INTERFUND BALANCES i Individual fund interfund receivable and payable balances at April 30, 1987 are as follows: Amounts Payable From Service Water- Area Debt Works Sports -- Amounts General No. 1 Service System Core Payable to Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Total General Fund $4,260 $2,364 $13,663 $ 20,287 Sports Core Construction Fund $25,000 25,000 Equipment Replacement Fund $ 86,879 86,879 Policemen's Pension Fund 34,811 34,811 Firemen's Pension Fund 31,010 31,010 i NOTE I--FUND DEFICITS The following funds had deficits in fund equity at April 30, 1987: Special Service Area No. 1 Fund--The deficit in this Fund of $4,260 exists because the expenditure for street light improve- ments was made in 1982, while related special assessments will .. be received over a six-year period. This deficit will be fully eliminated from future special assessment collections from residents of the Special Service Area. Sports Core Fund--The deficit in this Fund of $952,726 is due primarily to depreciation expense. The deficit will be eliminated in the course of future operations of the Sports Core. -40- a-. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE J--JOINT VENTURES Intergovernmental Risk Mangement Agency: Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency ("IRMA") is a voluntary cooperative agency consisting of 40 Illinois municipal governmental units. Its purpose is to manage and fund first-party property losses and third-party liability claims (including workers' compensation) of its member municipalities. Members have a contractual obligation to fund any deficit of IRMA attributable to a membership year during which they were a member. The Village of Oak Brook joined IRMA on January 1, 1979, and, by contract, will participate in and be a member thereof until December 31, 1987. At April 30, 1987, management knows of no claim, asserted or unasserted, which if asserted and paid, would have a materially adverse effect on the financial position of the various funds of the Village. Each member municipality assumes the first $1,000 of each and every loss or claim. The next $249,000 of any such loss or claim is paid by the IRMA pool. Commercial insurance would then pay to a limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence on a liability claim (with certain sublimits) and up to a limit of $30,000,000 per occurrence (with certain sub- limits) on a first-party property loss (including workers ' compensation up to statutory requirements). In 1985, the IRMA pool was protected by $2,000,000 annual aggregate excess insurance which attached at $5,000,000, and a $250,000 per occurrence stop loss. In 1986, the IRMA pool was protected by $2,000,000 annual aggregate excess insurance which attached at $6,350,000, and a $250,000 per occurrence stop loss. Management consists of a Board of Directors comprised of one representa- tive from each member. In addition, there are two officers, a Risk Manager and a Treasurer. The Village of Oak Brook exercises no control over the activities of the Agency. The latest available financial statements of IRMA, dated December 31, 1986, show the following: Village of Oak Brook IRMA Share (3.85%) Total assets $19,977,551 $769,136 Total liabilities 19,977,551 769,136 Total revenue 8,691,247 334,613 Total expense 8,691,247 334,613 IRMA had no debt outstanding at December 31, 1986. „� -41- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS — NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE J--JOINT VENTURES--Continued Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative: The Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative ("IPBC") is a cooperative entity established by 22 Illinois municipal government units to administer some or all of the personnel benefit programs offered by these members. IPBC acts solely as an administrative agency to receive, process and pay such claims as may come within the benefit program of each member. At April 30, 1987, management knows of no claim, asserted or unasserted, which if asserted and paid would have a materially adverse effect on the financial position of the various funds of the Village. The latest available financial statements of IPBC, dated June 30, 1986, show the following: Village of Oak Brook IPBC Share _ Total assets $3,398,712 Total liabilities 3,398,712 Members ' contributions and interest income 6,727,900 $298,789 Claim payments and insurance premiums 6,352,815 334,613 ., The Village's share of IPBC's assets and liabilities is not known. IPBC had no debt outstanding at June 30, 1986. -42- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued NOTE K--SEGMENT INFORMATION FOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS The Village maintains two enterprise funds which provide water and golf and other recreation services to the community. Segment information for the year ended April 30, 1987, is as follows: Waterworks Sports System Fund Core Fund Operating revenues $ 2,188,632 $ 1,592,646 Depreciation 235,007 225,415 Operating income (loss) 1,047,570 (92,966) Operating transfers in 10,000 Operating transfers out 160,000 25,000 Nonoperating revenues 386,028 82,267 Nonoperating expenses 200,004 Net income (loss) 1,073,594 (25,699) Property, plant and equipment: Additions 42,414 253,129 Deletions Net working capital 2,439,136 (171,300) _ Total assets 12,854,867 10,422,121 Bonds outstanding 3,300,000 Total equity 9,408,767 10,072,864 NOTE L--COMMITMENTS On September 1, 1986, the Village entered into a noncancelable water supply contract with the Du Page Water Commission ("Commission"), which expires on February 24, 2024. Under the contract, the Village has agreed to purchase, beginning in 1992, an amount of Lake Michigan water necessary to meet the potable water requirements of all of its then cur- rent customers served by the Village's waterworks system. On February 10, 1987, the Commission issued $200,000,000 of Water Revenue Bonds, with serial bonds maturing on May 1, 1994 through 2001, and term bonds maturing on May 1, 2007 and May 1, 2014. Interest rates -- are fixed at 6.84%. The Commission will allocate the cost to retire the Water Revenue Bonds to the participating villages based on their usage of Lake Michigan water. The village's share of this debt is not known at this time. The Village has no other material commitments or operating lease agreements. -43- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS--Continued — NOTE M--CONTINGENCIES The Village participates in the Federal Revenue Sharing and Illinois Motor Fuel Tax programs. These programs are subject to program compliance audits by the grantors or their representatives. The audits of these programs for or including the year then ended April 30, 1987 have not yet been conducted. Accordingly, the Village's compliance w with applicable grant requirements will be established at some future date. The amount, if any, of expenditures which may be disallowed by the granting agencies cannot be determined at this time, although the Village expects such amounts, if any, to be immaterial. There are several pending lawsuits in which the Village is involved. Management believes that the potential claims against the Village resulting from such litigation would not materially affect the financial statements of the Village. - - -44- ,� I ry j k �s E t i Puna ujaua I !) I GENERAL FUND To account for the general operating fund of the Village. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. -45- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET AND ACTUAL (NON-GAAP BASIS) Year Ended April 30, 1987 Actual-- Variance Budgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) REVENUES Intergovernmental: Municipal sales tax $6,293,665 $ 5,829,730 $ 463,935 Illinois state income tax 188,242 151,200 37,042 York Township road and bridge tax 102,303 122,500 (20,197) Foreign fire insurance tax 24,103 20,500 3,603 .- 6,608,313 6,123,930 484,383 Licenses and permits 279,693 231,700 47,993 Service charges 215,853 183,405 32,448 Fines and penalties 146,691 137,600 9,091 Interest on investments 364,873 352,742 12,131 Miscellaneous 339,036 129,300 209,736 1,346,146 1,034,747 311,399 TOTAL REVENUES 7,954,459 7,158,677 795,782 EXPENDITURES Legislative 254,617 255,546 929 General government 929,668 998,216 68,548 _ Public safety 4,542,454 4,747,669 205,215 Public works 1,582,375 2,240,952 658,577 Culture and recreation 188,051 199,880 11,829 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,497,165 8,442,263 945,098 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 457,294 (1,283,586) 1,740,880 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in 291,606 361,800 (70,194) Operating transfers out (392,500) (392,500) - TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) (100,894) (30,700) (70,194) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES 356,400 $(1.314.286) $1.670.686 Fund balance at May 1, 1986 5,499,338 FUND BALANCE AT APRIL 30, 1987 $5.855,738 See accompanying notes to financial statements. -46- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES--BUDGET AND ACTUAL (NON-GAAP BASIS) Year Ended April 30, 1987 Actual-- Variance Budgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) LEGISLATIVE Board of Trustees: Personal services $ 7,459 $ 6,700 $ (759) Contractual services 228,362 227,138 (1,224) Fixed charges 2,843 2,529 (314) Commodities 2,226 1,950 (276) 240,890 238,317 (2,573) Plan Commission: Personal services 2,671 2,628 (43) Contractual services 261 250 (11) Fixed charges 342 337 (5) Commodities 52 75 23 3,326 3,290 (36) Board of Fire and Police: Contractual services 5,044 9,390 4,346 Fixed charges 175 200 25 Commodities - 50 50 5,219 9,640 4,421 Zoning Board of Appeals: Personal services 2,671 2,628 (43) Contractual services 2,104 1,305 (799) Fixed charges 342 337 (5) Commodities 65 29 (36) 5,182 4,299 (883) TOTAL LEGISLATIVE 254,617 255,546 929 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Legal: Personal services 46,348 44,200 (2,148) Contractual services 4,406 6,535 2,129 Fixed charges 9,525 20,770 11,245 Commodities 2,331 2,200 (131) Capital outlay - 1,000 1,000 62,610 74,705 12,095 .r -47- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES--BUDGET AND ACTUAL--Continued (NON-GAAP BASIS) Actual-- Variance Budgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) GENERAL GOVERNMENT--Continued: Village Manager's office: Personal services $ 149,962 $ 155,628 $ 5,666 Contractual services 7,612 8,240 628 Fixed charges 30,245 34,434 4,189 Commodities 3,111 3,725 614 Capital outlay 7,222 12,480 5,258 198,152 214,507 16,355 Finance and accounting: Personal services 137,785 128,100 (9,685) Contractual services 48,588 38,825 (9,763) Fixed charges 28,420 32,900 4,480 Commodities 6,244 5,600 (644) Capital outlay 13,462 10,950 (2,512) 234,499 216,375 (18,124) Engineering: Personal services 129,187 127,700 (1,487) Cntractual services 18,308 12,375 (5,933) Fixed charges 31,092 29,900 (1,192) Commodities 3,132 3,125 (7) Capital outlay 20,646 22,650 2,004 202,365 195,750 (6,615) Village hall: Personal services 48,685 51,162 2,477 Contractual services 154,711 201,484 46,773 Fixed charges 14,710 17,023 2,313 Commodities 13,936 27,210 13,274 232,042 296,879 64,837 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 929,668 998,216 68,548 PUBLIC SAFETY Police service: Personal services 1,543,531 1,532,004 (11,527) Contractual services 65,757 76,180 10,423 Fixed charges 454,894 488,879 33,985 Commodities 73,942 92,630 18,688 Capital outlay 179,976 176,790 (3,186) 2,318,100 2,366,483 48,383 -48- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES--BUDGET AND ACTUAL--Continued (NON-GAAP BASIS) Actual-- Variance Budgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) PUBLIC SAFETY--Continued: Fire service: Personal services $1,194,931 $1,132,108 $(62,823) Contractual services 66,038 67,015 977 Fixed charges 387,505 423,830 36,325 Commodities 61,397 81,391 19,994 Capital outlay 75,530 146,530 71,000 1,785,401 1,850,874 65,473 Emergency medical service: Personal services 140,504 188,165 47,661 Contractual services 5,359 8,825 3,466 Fixed charges 24,106 31,982 7,876 Commodities 6,434 7,790 1,356 Capital outlay 36,028 20,900 (15,128) 212,431 257,662 45,231 Bureau of inspection: Personal services 154,406 177,258 22,852 Contractual services 20,410 26,172 5,762 Fixed charges 44,567 57,466 12,899 Commodities 5,892 5,854 (38) Capital outlay 1,247 5,900 4,653 �- 226,522 272,650 46,128 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 4,542,454 4,747,669 205,215 PUBLIC WORKS Administration: Personal services 67,078 65,198 (1,880) Contractual services 39,613 40,217 604 Fixed charges 103,862 121,544 17,682 Commodities 3,803 3,170 (633) Capital outlay 3,952 - (3,952) 218,308 230,129 11,821 Street maintenance: _ Personal services 190,404 191,622 1,218 Contractual services 23,419 28,813 5,394 Fixed charges 24,469 29,041 4,572 Commodities 125,676 116,328 (9,348) Capital outlay 80,776 81,274 498 444,744 447,078 2,334 -49- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES--BUDGET AND ACTUAL--Continued (NON-GAAP BASIS) Actual-- Variance Budgetary Favorable Basis Budget (Unfavorable) PUBLIC WORKS--Continued Street light and traffic control: Personal services $ 19,677 $ 28,680 $ 9,003 Contractual services 121,163 151,059 29,896 Fixed charges 5,394 6,868 1,474 Commodities 9,969 22,730 12,761 156,203 209,337 53,134 Capital improvements: Contractual services 147,313 150,560 3,247 Capital outlay 513,160 1,089,000 575,840 660,473 1,239,560 579,087 Municipal garage: Personal services 65,875 64,647 (1,228) Contractual services 15,067• 26,214 11,147 Fixed charges 8,420 8,387 (33) Commodities 11,682 12,550 868 Capital outlay 1,603 3,050 1,447 102,647 114,848 12,201 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 1,582,375 2,240,952 658,577 CULTURE AND RECREATION Library: Personal services 80,770 84,226 3,456 Contractual services 18,152 15,170 (2,982) 'Fixed charges 37,177 45,829 8,652 Commodities 9,843 11,405 1,562 Capital outlay 42,109 43,250 1,141 TOTAL CULTURE AND RECREATION 188,051 199,880 11,829 TOTAL EXPENDITURES t7,497,16a t8.442,2U $945 See accompanying notes to financial statements. -50- L L L I � I 1 L. 1 I Special Revenue Funds VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET April 30, 1987 and 1986 Federal Special Motor Revenue Service Totals Fuel Tax Sharing Area No. 1 1987 1986 ASSETS Investments $114,402 $114,402 $ 93,665 Receivables, net: Property taxes $5,615 5,615 6,063 Allotments 9,633 9,633 9,068 TOTAL ASSETS 4 Q _ $ 12 t108,796 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY _ Liabilities: Due to other funds $4,260 $ 4,260 $ 21,099 Deferred revenue--property tax receivable 5,615 5,615 6,063 TOTAL LIABILITIES 9,875 9,875 27,162 Fund balances (deficit): Unreserved: Undesignated $124,035 (4,260) 119,775 81,634 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY tl29,650 t108,796 See accompanying notes to financial statements. T -52- — VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Years Ended April 30, 1.987 and 1986 Federal Special Motor Revenue Service Totals Fuel Tax Sharing Area No. 1 1987 1986 Revenues: Intergovernmental $122,499 $31,261 $153,760 $142,511 _ Property taxes $ 6,063 6,063 6,137 Interest on investments 9,173 751 9,924 11,385 TOTAL REVENUES 131,672 32,012 6,063 169,747 160,033 Expenditures--public works - - - - - EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 131,672 32,012 6,063 169,747 160,033 Other financing uses-- operating transfers out (110,000) (21,606) (131,606) (150,000) EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES 21,672 10,406 6,063 38,141 10,033 Fund balances (deficit) at May 1, 1986 102,363 (10,406) (10,323) 81,634 71,601 FUND BALANCES (DEFICIT) AT APRIL 30, 1987124 4 2 ) t119,77a I 1,L14 - See accompanying notes to financial statements. -53- I i 1 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, ' AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES--BUDGET AND ACTUAL Years Ended April 30, 1987 and 1986 Motor Fuel Tax Federal Revenue SharingTotal Actual-- Variance Actual-- Variance Actual-- Variance GAAP Favorable GAAP Favorable GAAP Favorable I Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Revenues: Intergovernmental: I Allotments from State of Illinois $122,499 $120,000 $ 2,499 $122,499 $120,000 $ 2,499 Entitlements from Federal Government $31,261 $36,000 $(4,739) 31,261 36,000 (4,739) Interest on investments 9,173 7,000 2,173 751 100 651 9,924 7,100 2,824 TOTAL REVENUES 131,672 127,000 4,672 32,012 36,100 (4,088) 163,684 163,100 584 Expenditures--public works - - - - 50 50 - 50 50 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 131,672 127,000 4,672 32,012 36,050 (4,038) 163,684 1.63,050 634 Other financing uses--operating transfers out (110,000) (158,600) 48,600 (21,606) (36,000) 14,394 (131,606) (194,600) 622994 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES 21,672 ) JIL272 10,406 $ 501 32,0780 I Fund balances (deficit) at May 1 , 1986 102,363 (10,406) 91,957 FUND BALANCES AT APRIL 30, 1987 124 _ 124 ISee accompanying notes to financial statements. 1' -54- 1 I 6w L L I L I i i �I Capital Projects Funds { CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS To account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by enterprise funds or pension trust funds). The following funds are currently established: SPORTS CORE CONSTRUCTION FUND--to account for the financing and construction of the Sports Core golf course and improvements to the Bath and Tennis Club. Construction of the golf course was completed during fiscal 1981. Financing was provided by general obligation recreation bond proceeds ($10,720,000) and related investment income. EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND--to account for the financing and purchase of additional equipment in the future. Financing will be provided by General Fund revenues. w -55- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS — CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET April 30, 1987 and 1986 Sports Core Equipment Totals Construction Replacement 1987 1986 ASSETS Investments $48,045 $ 54,019 $102,064 $ 98,854 Due from other funds 25,000 86,879 111,879 4,379 TOTAL ASSETS 11gLM 1213,9431 z�� FUND EQUITY Fund balance: -- Unreserved--designated for subsequent years 's expenditures $140,898 $140,898 $ 56,633 Undesignated $73,045 73,045 46,600 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 14Q,3_9E $213,94a1 2 See accompanying notes to financial statements. s -56- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES a Years Ended April 30, 1987 and 1986 Sports Core Equipment Totals Construction Replacement 1987 1986 Revenues--interest on _ investments $ 1,445 $ 1,765 $ 3,210 $ 3,769 ` Expenditures - - - - EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 1,445 1,765 3,210 3,769 1 Other financing sources-- operating transfers in 25,000 82,500 107,500 - EXCESS OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES 26,445 84,265 110,710 3,769 r' Fund balances at May 1, 1986 46,600 56,663 103,263 99,464 FUND BALANCES AT APRIL 30, 1987 73.045IJAD_,M t213,973 JLQ32 =_=} See accompanying notes to financial statements. -57- l.. L i L ti a.. } Enterprise Funds r.. L i ENTERPRISE FUNDS To account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises. The following funds are currently established: WATERWORKS SYSTEM FUND--to account for the provision of water services to the residents of the Village and some residents of surrounding communities and unincorporated areas. All activ- ities necessary to provide such services are accounted for in this fund. SPORTS CORE FUND--to account for the operations and maintenance of the Sports Core, including the golf course and Bath and Tennis Club. -58- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS ENTERPRISE FUNDS - COMBINING BALANCE SHEET April 30, 1987 and 1986 Waterworks Sports Totals System Core 1987 1986 ASSETS Current assets: Cash $ 8,133 $ 89,115 $ 97,248 $ 49,917 _ Investments 2,133,024 128,219 2,261,243 1,611,781 Receivables (net, where applicable, of allowances for uncollectibles): Customers: Billed water sales 138,686 138,686 99,889 Unbilled water sales 113,894 113,894 96,551 Accrued interest 60,651 60,651 86,816 Other 6,558 36,200 42,758 41,645 319,789 36,200 355,989 324,901 Other assets 3,753 3,753 9,028 Inventory 20,670 20,670 17,106 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 2,460,946 277,957 2,738,903 2,012,733 Unamortized bond discount 35,098 35,098 40,268 Restricted assets-- investments 4,025,584 4,025,584 3,922,318 Property, plant and equipment 8,762,737 11,742,071 20,504,808 20,209,265 Less allowance for depreciation (2,429,498) (1,597,907) (4,027,405) (3,566,983) 6,333,239 10,144,164 16,477,403 16,642,282 TOTAL ASSETS tl2,854,861 tlO.422,121 t23,276,988 t22,617,kQ1 -59- Waterworks Sports Totals System Core 1987 1986 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 115,760 $ 101,051 $ 216,811 $ 205,509 Accrued payroll and vacation 15,612 21,956 37,568 22,964 Customer deposits 1,065 201,250 202,315 212,383 Due to other funds 13,663 25,000 38,663 14,092 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 146,100 349,257 495,357 454,948 Long-term liabilities: Revenue bonds outstanding--1973 issue 1,925,000 1,925,000 2,075,000 Revenue bonds outstanding--1976 issue 1,375,000 1,375,000 1,600,000 TOTAL LONG-TERM .,. LIABILITIES 3,300,000 3,300,000 3,675,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES 3,446,100 349,257 3,795,357 4,129,948 Fund equity: Contributed capital 11,025,590 11,025,590 11,025,590 Retained earnings (deficit): Reserved under revenue bond ordinance 3,690,082 3,690,082 3,636,082 Unreserved for Lake Michigan Water Project 362,502 362,502 286,218 Unreserved 5,356,183 (952,726) 4,403,457 3,485,846 TOTAL RETAINED EARNINGS (DEFICIT) 9,408,767 (952,726) 81456,041 7,408,146 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 9,408,767 10,072,864 19,481,631 18,433,736 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $12.854.8670.422.121 $23.276.988 t22,563,684 See accompanying notes to financial statements. -59- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS ENTERPRISE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS (DEFICIT) Years Ended April 30, 1987 and 1986 _ Waterworks Sports Totals System Core 1987 1986 Operating revenues: Charges for services $2,158,686 $1,592,646 $3,751,332 $3,850,633 Miscellaneous 29,946 29,946 56,754 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 2,188,632 1,592,646 3,781,278 3,907,387 Operating expenses: Operation of facilities 885,533 1,303,081 2,188,614 2,220,066 General and administrative 20,522 157,116 177,638 145,012 Depreciation 235,007 225,415 460,422 470,722 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,141,062 1,685,612 2,826,674 2,835,800 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) 1,047,570 (92,966) 954,604 1,071,587 Nonoperating revenues (expenses): Interest on investments 367,964 15,402 383,366 402,042 Interest on bonds (191,450) (191,450) (209,950) Amortization of bond discount (5,170) (5,170) (5,170) Fiscal agents' fees (3,384) (3,384) (918) Construction reimbursements 6,700 6,700 7,600 Other revenue 11,364 66,865 78,229 186,024 82,267 268,291 193,604 INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS 1,233,594 (10,699) 1,222,895 1,265,191 Operating transfers in 10,000 10,000 10,727 Operating transfers out (160,000) (25,000) (185,000) (160,000) NET INCOME (LOSS) 1,073,594 (25,699) 1,047,895 1,115,918 Retained earnings (deficit) at May 1, 1987 8,335,173 (927,027) 7,408,146 6,292,228 RETAINED EARNINGS (DEFICIT) AT APRIL 30, 1987 9.408.767 $ (952.726) 8.456.041 $Z,4U,146 See accompanying notes to financial statements. -60- t S VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS ENTERPRISE FUNDS l COMBINING STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Years Ended April 30, 1987 and 1986 7 Waterworks Sports Totals "? System Core 1987 1986 Sources of working capital: Operations: Net income (loss) $1,073,594 $(25,699) $1,047,895 $1,115,918 Items not requiring working capital: Depreciation 235,007 225,415 460,422 470,722 j Amortization of bond discount 5,170 5,170 5,170 TOTAL PROVIDED BY OPERATIONS 1,313,771 199,716 1,513,487 1,591,810 TOTAL SOURCES OF WORKING CAPITAL 1,313,771 199,716 1,513,487 1,591,810 ..' Uses of working capital: Acquisition of fixed assets 42,414 253,129 295,543 59,003 mm A Reduction in bonds payable 375,000 375,000 350,000 TOTAL USES OF WORKING CAPITAL 417,414 253,129 670,543 409,003 NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL $ 896.357 3) $ 842.944 $1.182.807 Elements of net increase (decrease) in working capital: Cash $ (1,459) $ 48,790 $ 47,331 $ 42,064 Investments 921,651 (119,006) 802,645 1,198,121 Receivables 27,196 7,892 35,088 (21,662) Other assets (78) (5,197) (5,275) 695 .) Inventory 3,564 3,564 (2,956) Accounts payable (46,475) 35,173 (11,302) (21,558) Accrued payroll and vacation liability (4,169) (10,435) (14,604) 3,790 Customer deposits (411) 10,479 10,068 (14,928) Due to other funds 102 (24,673) (24,571) (759) NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL $ 896.3578 ) t 842,944 t1,182,807 See accompanying notes to financial statements. -61- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS WATERWORKS SYSTEM FUND STATMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS--BUDGET AND ACTUAL (NON-GAAP BASIS) ~ Year Ended April 30, 1987 Actual-- Actual-- Variance _. GAAP Budgetary Favorable Basis Adiustments Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Operating revenues: Charges for services: Water sales $1,837,066 $1,837,066 $1,853,442 $(16,376) Unmetered water 10,203 10,203 8,000 2,203 Water tap on charges 151,124 151,124 200,000 (48,876) Fire service charges 134,567 134,567 127,000 7,567 �. Special service charges 1,304 1,304 10,000 (8,696) Water meter sales 24,422 24,422 12,500 11,922 2,158,686 2,158,686 2,210,942 (52,256) Miscellaneous 29,946 29,946 26,250 3,696 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 2,188,632 2,188,632 2,237,192 (48,560) Operating expenses: Operation of facilities: Source of supply: Personal services 4,025 4,025 2,310 (1,715) Contractual services 8,197 $ 755 8,952 9,638 686 Fixed charges 516 516 296 (220) Commodities 3,981 3,981 4,650 669 16,719 755 17,474 16,894 (580) Power and pumping: Personal services 20,515 20,515 17,773 (2,742) _ Contractual services 624,630 624,630 560,300 (64,330) Fixed charges 2,636 2,636 2,279 (357) Commodities 2,135 2,135 5,038 2,903 649,916 649,916 585,390 (64,526) Purification: .., Personal services 2,151 2,151 3,095 944 Contractual services 6,726 6,726 3,050 (3,676) Fixed charges 276 276 396 120 Commodities 17,188 17,188 12,685 (4,503) Capital outlay - 662 662 1,050 388 26,341 662 27,003 20,276 (6,727) See accompanying notes to financial statements . -62- i VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS WATERWORKS SYSTEM FUND STATMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS--BUDGET AND ACTUAL (NON-GAAP BASIS)--Continued Year Ended April 30, 1987 Actual-- Actual-- Variance GAAP Budgetary Favorable Basis Adjustments Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Transmission and distribution: Personal services $ 96,519 $ 96,519 $ 91,594 $ (4,925) -- Contractual services 60,254 60,254 61,690 1,436 Fixed charges 11,906 11,906 11,276 (630) Commodities 23,878 23,878 32,855 8,977 Capital Outlay $ 68,479 68,479 545,800 477,321 192,557 68,479 261,036 743,215 482,179 TOTAL OPERATION OF FACILITIES 885,533" 69,896x 955,429 1,365,775 410,346 General and administrative 20,5221 1,376 21,898 29,428 7,530 Depreciation 235,007 (235,007) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1 ,141,062 (163,735) 977,327 1,395,203 417,876 OPERATING INCOME 1,047,570 163,735 1,211,305 841,989 369,316 Nonoperating revenue (expenses): Interest on investments 367,964 367,964 360,000 7,964 Interest on bonds (191,450) (191,450) (191,450) Amortization of bond discount (5,170) (5,170) (5,170) Fiscal agents' fees (3,384) (3,384) (400) (2,984) Construction reimbursements 6,700 6,700 6,700 Over revenues 11,364 11,364 11,364 186,024 186,024 168,150 17,874 INCOME BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS 1,233,594 163,735 1,397,329 1,010,139 387,190 Operating transfers out (160,000) (160,000) (160,000) NET INCOME 1,073,594 $1.237.329 $--a50132 t387,19Q Retained earnings at May 1, 1986 8,335,173 Retained earnings at April 30, 1987 $9.408.767 See accompanying notes to financial statements. i -63- i VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS WATERWORKS SYSTEM FUND SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT AND ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Year Ended Arpil 30, 1987 I Rate of J Property, Plant and Equipment Depreciation Allowances for Deprecition Additions or Additions Net Asset Balance and Balance Amortization Balance and Balance Value Apr.30-1986 Transfers Apr.30-1987 (Years) Apr.30-1986 Transfers A2r.30-1987 Apr.30-1987 Waterworks property, plant and equipment: Land and land rights $ 2,819 $ 2,819 $ 2,819 Service of supply plant--wells and springs 314,753 314,753 40 $ 96,954 $ 7,870 $I 104,824 209,929 Structure and improvements 68,232 68,232 40 21,960 1,706 23,666 44,566 Electrical pumping equipment 119,123 119,123 40 39,246 2,978 42,224 76,899 Total water treatment equipment 7,487 $ 662 8,149 10 5,576 781 6,357 1,792 Distribution, reservoirs, mains and standpipes 7,531,185 2,084 7,533,269 40 1,687,091 188,306 11,875,397 5,657,872 1 Meters and meter installation 394,950 38,293 433,243 15 204,982 27,606 232,588 200,655 Hydrants 178,402 178,402 40 43,806 4,460 48,266 130,136 Miscellaneous tools and equipment: Office furniture and equipment 11,322 1,375 12,697 10 3,843 1,300 5,143 7,554 Transportation equipment 38,163 38,163 6 38,163 38,163 Tools, shop, and garage equipment 2,852 2,852 5 2,852 2,852 Laboratory equipment 1,070 1,070 5 1,070 1,070 I Miscellanous equipment 38,562 38,562 5 37,545 37,545 1,017 J Intangible plant--organization 11,403 11 ,403 5 11,403 11,403 8.7 0.32342 41� 8.762.737 $?.194.491 2 7 $12.429,498 $6.333.239 See accompanying notes to financial statements. I I, -64- 1 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS SPORTS CORE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN DEFICIT--BUDGET AND ACTUAL (NON-GAAP BASIS) Year Ended April 30, 1987 Actual-- Variance Actual-- Budgetary Favorable GAAP Basis Adjustments Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Operating revenues: Charges for services: Memberships: Golf course $ 522,717 $ 522,717 $ 477,453 $ 45,264 Bath and tennis 295,434 295,434 326,050 (30,616) Open fields 3,747 3,747 2,000 1,747 821,898 821,898 805,503 16,395 Rentals: Golf course 172,860 172,860 157,838 15,022 Bath and tennis 2,940 2,940 5,000 (2,060) Open fields 53,152 53,152 34,499 18,653 228,952 228,952 197,337 31,615 Membership events 13,274 13,274 13,400 (126) Food and beverage sales and service charges: Golf course 138,254 138,254 132,977 5,277 Bath and tennis 383,686 383,686 483,404 (99,718) Open fields 6,582 6,582 1,000 5,582 528,522 528,522 617,381 (88,859) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 1,592,646 1,592,646 1,633,621 (40,975) See accompanying notes to financial statements. -65- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS SPORTS CORE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN DEFICIT--BUDGET AND ACTUAL (NON-GAAP BASIS)--Continued Year Ended April 30, 1987 Actual-- Variance Actual-- Budgetary Favorable GAAP Basis Adjustments Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Operating expenses: Operation of i facilities: Golf course: Personal services $ 117,716 $ 117,716 $ 94,740 $(22,976) Contractual services 330,477 330,477 343,293 12,816 _ Fixed charges 60,152 60,152 59,520 (632) Commodities 46,715 $ 113 46,828 27,975 (18,853) Capital outlay 13,789 13,789 28,000 14,211 555,060 13,902 568,962 553,528 (15,434) i Bath and tennis: Personal services 218,696 218,696 257,421 38,725 Contractual services 102,441 102,441 101,640 (801) Fixed charges 44,382 44,382 54,506 10,124 Commodities 151,862 151,862 167,135 15,273 Capital outlay 87,004 87,004 144,550 57,546 517,381 87,004 604,385 725,252 120,8b7 Open fields: Personal services 992 992 2,000 1,008 Contractual services 26,004 26,004 24,000 (2,004) _ Fixed charges 1,805 1,805 1,445 (360) Commodities 3,716 3,716 (3,716) Capital outlay 8,203 8,203 15,000 6, 797 32,517 8,203 40,720 42,445 1,725 - Food--golf course: Personal i services 21,093 21,093 20,304 (789) Contractual services 287 287 100 (187) _ Fixed charges 1,508 1,508 1,465 (43) Commodities 55,055 55,055 51,745 (3,310) Capital outlay 127 127 350 223 77,943 127 78,070 73,964 (4,106) See accompanying notes to financial statements. i -66- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS SPORTS CORE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN DEFICIT--BUDGET AND ACTUAL (NON-GAAP BASIS)--Continued Year Ended April 30, 1987 Actual-- Variance Actual-- Budgetary Favorable GAAP Basis Adjustments Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Operating expenses-- Continued: Operation of facilities-- Continued: Food--bath and tennis: Personal services $ 41,927 $ 41,927 $ 34,730 $ (7,197) Contractual services 3,056 3,056 2,825 (231) Fixed charges 5,012 5,012 2,983 (2,029) Commodities 28,949 28,949 26,200 (2,749) 78,944 78,944 66,738 (12,206) Beverage-- bath and tennis: Personal services 4,050 4,050 4,019 (31) Fixed charges 289 289 288 (1) Commodities 10,596 10,596 4,850 (5,746) 14,935 14,935 9,157 (5,778) Grill operations: Personal services 8,995 8,995 5,328 (3,667) Contractual services 899 899 770 (129) Fixed charges 643 643 380 (263) Commodities 15,764 15,764 14,295 (1,469) 26,301 26,301 20,773 (5,528) TOTAL OPERATION OF FACILITIES 1,303,081 $109,236 1,412,317 1,491,857 79,540 See accompanying notes to financial statements. -67- - VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS SPORTS CORE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN DEFICIT--BUDGET AND ACTUAL (NON-GAAP BASIS)--Continued Year Ended April 30, 1987 Actual-- Variance Actual-- Budgetary Favorable GAAP Basis Adjustments Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Operating expenses-- Continued: General and administrative: Personal _ services $ 87,372 $ 87,372 $ 81,500 $ (5,872) Contractual services 32,315 32,315 30,850 (1,465) Fixed charges 32,440 32,440 22,413 (10,027) Commodities 4,989 4,989 6,575 1,586 Capital outlay $154,072 154,072 150,000 (4,072) 157,116 154,072 311,188 291,338 (19,850) Depreciation 225,415 (225,415) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,685,612 (37,893) 11723,505 1,783,195 59,690 OPERATING LOSS (92,966) 37,893 (130,859) (149,574) 18,715 Nonoperating revenue: Interest on investments 15,402 15,402 10,000 5,402 Other revenue 66,865 66,865 66,865 82,267 82,267 10,000 72,267 LOSS BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS (10,699) 37,893 (48,592) (139,574) 90,982 Operating transfers in 10,000 10,000 10,000 Operating transfers out (25,000) (25,000) (25,000) NET LOSS (25,699) $ (63,592)$_(154,574 $� Deficit at May 1, 1986 (927,027) DEFICIT AT APRIL 30, 1987 See accompanying notes to financial statements. -68- i IVILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS SPORTS CORE FUND ` SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT AND ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Year Ended April 30, 1987 Rate of Property, Plant and Equipment Depreciation Allowances for Depreciation Additions or Additions Net Asset I Balance and Balance Amortization Balance and Balance Value Apr.30-1986 Transfers Apr.30-1987 (Years) Apr.30-1986 Transfers Apr.30-1987 Apr.30-1987 Land and land rights $ 8,252,585 $ 8,252,585 $ 8,252,585 Golf course land improvements 1,203,338 1,203,338 10 $ 665,265 $120,334 $ 785,599 417,739 Other land improvements 339,535 339,535 20 112,111 16,977 129,088 210,447 1 Clubhouse: Golf 293,897 $ 12,269 306,166 40 39,820 7,500 47,320 258,846 Bath and tennis 375,113 8,663 383,776 40 74,421 9,486 83,907 299,869 Other improvements 296,073 162,275 458,348 10 164,712 37,738 202,450 255,898 Pools 97,781 6,637 104,418 20 39,244 5,055 44,299 60,119 Tennis courts 347,124 59,142 406,266 15 107,510 25,113 132,623 273,643 Clubhouse equipment 108,618 1,647 110,265 5 104,996 329 105,325 4,940 Golf equipment 60,806 60,806 5 60,085 60,085 721 Buildings 114,072 2,496 116,568 40 4,328 2,883 7,211 109,357 I 11,488,942 JZ53,12 11,742,071 $1 ,3Z2,422 1225,415 $1,597,907 $10,144,164 See accompanying notes to financial statements. 1 I I 11 -69- i 1.. r. i L. L i L Y.r Pension Trust Funds I j err I �.o �.r t V PENSION TRUST FUNDS To account for assets held by the Village in a trustee capacity. The following funds are currently established: _ POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND--to account for the accumulation of resources to be used for retirement annuity payments to uniformed police department personnel at appropriate amounts and times in the future. Resources are contributed by employees at rates fixed by law and by the Village at amounts determined by an annual actuarial study. FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND--to account for the accumulation of resources to be used for retirement annuity payments to uniformed fire depart- ment personnel at appropriate amounts and times in the future. Resources are contributed by employees at rates fixed by law and by the Village at amounts determined by an annual actuarial study. A i -70- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS PENSION TRUST FUNDS — COMBINING BALANCE SHEET April ,30, 1987 and 1986 Policemen's Firemen's Totals Pension Pension 1987 1986 ASSETS Cash $ 6,443 $ 13,120 $ 19,563 $ 676 Investments 5,608,290 5,940,572 11,548,862 10,172,753 Receivables: Accrued interest receivable 95,535 118,003 213,538 193,468 Other 10,234 9,341 19,575 Due from other funds 34,811 31,010 65,821 60,629 TOTAL ASSETS $5,755,312 $6.112,046 $11.867.359 10.427.526 LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 8,170 $ 7,193 $ 15,363 TOTAL LIABILITIES 8,170 7,193 15,363 FUND EQUITY Fund balances: Reserved for employees ' retirement 5,582,406 4,608,343 10,190,749 $ 8,046,222 Unreserved- undesignated 164,737 1,496,510 1,661,247 2,381,304 TOTAL FUND EQUITY 5,747,143 6,104,853 11,851,996 10,427,526 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $5.755.313 $6.112.046 $11.867,359 $10,427.526 See accompanying notes to financial statements. -71- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS PENSION TRUST FUNDS ... COMBINING STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Years Ended April 30, 1987 and 1986 Policemen's Firemen's Totals �- Pension Pension 1987 1986 Sources of working capital-- Operations— net income $723,146 $701,324 $1,424,470 $1,415,097 Uses of working capital-- Net increase in pension investments 708,898 667,211 1,376,109 1,444,052 NET INCREASE �- (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL J–JL,2-4-E 48.361 t (28.955) Elements of net increase (decrease) in working capital: Cash $ 6,393 $ 12,494 $ 18,887 $ 613 Receivables 12,747 26,898 39,645 (30,391) Due from other funds 3,278 1,914 5,192 823 Accounts payable (8,170) (7,193) (15,363) NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL I_IL,113 48.361 $ (28.955) See accompanying notes to financial statements. —73— VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET AND ACTUAL Year Ended April 30, 1987 E' Variance Actual-- Favorable -. GAAP Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Operating revenues: Interest on investments $ 510,982 $410,000 $100,982 Contributions: Employees 110,689 130,000 (19,311) Village 203,271 220,000 (16,729) 313,960 350,000 (36,040) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 824,942 760,000 64,942 Operating expenses: General and administrative 1,211 1,450 (239) Benefit payments 100,585 85,000 15,585 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 101,796 86,450 15,346 NET INCOME 723,146 _ 673.550 4 2!z is Fund balance at May 1, 1986 5,023,997 FUND BALANCE AT APRIL 30, 1987 5.747.143 a. -74- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS .s FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET AND ACTUAL Year Ended April 30, 1987 Variance Actual-- Favorable GAAP Basis Budget (Unfavorable) Operating revenues: Interest on investments $ 488,570 $420,000 $68,570 Contributions: Employees 95,857 92,500 3,357 Village 190,756 210,000 (19,244) 286,613 302,500 (15,887) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 775,183 722,500 52,683 Operating expenses: General and administrative 2,568 1,700 868 Benefit payments 71,291 45,300 25,991 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 73,859 47,000 26,859 NET INCOME 701,324 2 24 Fund balance at May 1, 1986 5,403,529 FUND BALANCE AT APRIL 30, 1987 $6,104,853 See accompanying notes to financial statements. s L -75- , f `00 L i i vow Account Group VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS i GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNT GROUP SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS--BY SOURCES April 30, 1987 and 1986 1987 1986 General fixed assets: Land $ 281,829 $ 281,829 Buildings and improvements 4,888,475 4,888,475 Furniture and fixtures 263,667 261,597 Roadway improvements 4,177,789 3,841,369 Automotive equipment 1,158,766 1,087,715 Other equipment 1,324,075 1,126,082 Library books 301,847 269,003 TOTAL GENERAL FIXED ASSETS $12,396.448 tll,756,070 Investment in general fixed assets from: Current revenues $ 9,886,549 $ 9,246,171 Proceeds of indebtedness 1,582,783 1,582,783 Gifts 518,738 518,738 Motor Fuel Tax Fund revenues 246,098 246,098 Federal Revenue Sharing Fund revenues 131,751 131, 751 Special Service Area No. 1 Fund revenues 30,529 30,529 TOTAL INVESTMENT IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS t12,396,4ka $11,756,070 See accompanying notes to financial statements. i -77- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS lr GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNT GROUP SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS--BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY April 30, 1987 Buildings Furniture and amd Roadway Automotive Other Library Function and Activity Land Improvements Fixtures Improvements Equipment Equipment Books Total General government: Counsel and legal $ 3,067 $ 7,294 $ 10,361 Village manager 5,831 $ 16,367 24,611 46,809 Finance and accounting 15,019 108,470 123,489 Engineering $ 6,580 14,557 10,857 55,883 87,877 Village Hall 273,741 $2,729,384 118,338 9,929 4,231 3,135,623 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 280,321 2,729,384 156,812 37,153 200,489 3,404,159 Public safety: Police Department 11,426 19,550 333,684 259,241 623,901 Fire Department 1,181,688 37,562 273,005 532,697 2,024,952 Emergency medical service 813 154,640 87,186 242,639 Inspection bureau 2,611 17,396 19,249 39,256 r TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 1,193,114 60,536 778,725 898,373 2,930,748 IPublic works: Administrative 5,461 41,941 4,848 52,250 Street maintenance 300,947 159,868 460,815 Street improvements 30,363 $4,177,789 5 4,208,157 Municipal garage 763,695 5,386 39,034 808,115 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 794,058 10,847 4,177,789 342,888 203,755 5,529,337 Culture and recreation--Library 12508 171,919 35,472 21,458 $301,847 532,204 TOTAL GENERAL FIXED ASSETS t4,888,475 $263,667 X4.177.789 $1,158,766 1,324,075 1 4 12.396.448 jSee accompanying notes to financial statements. -78- VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNT GROUP SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS-- BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY April 30, 1987 General General Fixed Fixed Assets Assets May 1 April 30 '--� Function and Activity 1986 Additions Retirements 1986 General government: Counsel and legal $ 10,361 $ 10,361 Village manager 45,313 $ 1,496 46,809 Finance and accounting 120,256 3,233 123,489 Engineering 67,229 20,648 87,877 Village Hall 3,135,623 3,135,623 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 3,378,782 25,377 3,404,159 Public safety: Police Department 564,186 134,289 $74;574 623,901 Fire Department 1,963,657 61,295 2,024,952 Emergency medical service 210,182 32,457 242,639 Inspection bureau 38,008 1,248 39,256 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 2,776,033 229,289 74,574 2,930,748 Public works: Administrative 48,298 3,952 52,250 Street maintenance 380,038 80,777 460,815 Street improvements 3,871,732 336,425 4,208,157 Municipal garage 806,511 1,604 808,115 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 5,106,579 422,758 5,529,337 Culture and -- recreation-- Library 494,676 37,528 532,204 TOTAL GENERAL FIXED ASSETS $11.756.070 714.952174,574t12,39_6.448 See accompanying notes to financial statements. -79- , L.. 4 i r.. Statistical Section STATISTICAL SECTION (Unaudited) -80- Table 1 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION (1) Last Ten Fiscal Years Culture Health Fiscal General Public Public and Debt and Total Year Legislative Government Safety Works Recreation Service Welfare Expenditures 1987 $254,617 $911,668 $4,450,380 $1,384,901 $181,778 $916,214 $ - $8,099,558 1986 256,953 724,353 4,047,863 1,051,920 177,265 942,064 - 7,200,418 1985 222,469 726,444 4,032,499 1,378,771 136,526 967,861 - 7,464,570 00 1984 218,095 999,325 3,460,935 11229,691 149,736 891,320 - 6,949,102 1983 193,109 878,409 3,396,808 812,987 113,037 912,849 - 6,307,199 1982 650,781 960,601 3,208,328 1,170,176 105,712 8849488 - 6,980,086 1981 126,202 779,972 2,944,083 989,810 131,876 884,485 - 5,856,428 1980 - 8240226 2,538,696 598,430 105,186 854,650 16,595 4,937,783 1979 - 829,778 21222,086 707,163 100,629 740,930 16,550 4,617,136 1978 - 712,195 1,890,706 551,758 108,004 835,468 15,883 4,114,014 Note 1--Includes expenditures of General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, and Debt Service Fund. Table 2 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS GENERAL REVENUES BY SOURCE (1) Last Ten Fiscal Years Licenses Fines Interest Fiscal Property and Service and on Year Intergovernmental Taxes Permits Charges Penalties Investment Miscellaneous Total 1987 $6,885,727 $598,342 $279,693 $215,853 $146,691 $404,114 $339,036 $8,869,456 1986 5,952,519 570,623 248,343 218,107 162,648 427,195 190,378 7,769,813 1985 5,949,838 691,686 287,217 212,816 204,809 453,655 56,389 7,856,410 N 1984 5,343,246 602,517 326,633 214,758 205,838 387,418 52,928 7,133,338 1983 4,955,919 352,932 212,984 159,897 139,872 472,537 13,314 6,307,455 1982 4,894,684 518,701 238,017 309,682 155,465 619,703 99,191 6,835,443 1981 4,644,790 673,830 195,474 131,836 109,239 523,492 45,927 6,324,588 1980 4,987,942 444,767 192,044 148,497 88,678 395,543 400,565 6,658,036 1979 3,560,387 740,060 215,235 240,561 103,367 246,731 32,646 5,138,987 1978 3,180,197 843,838 195,112 1110512 77,664 80,685 43,604 4,532,612 Note 1--Includes revenues of General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, and Debt Service Fund. 1. J. 1 ! ! 1 1 Table 3 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT COLLECTIONS (1) Last Five Fiscal Years Ratio of Current Current Collections Total Fiscal Assessments Assessments of Amount Outstanding Year Due Collected Due Assessments 1987 $6,000 $6,063 101.05% $ 5,615 1986 6,000 6,137 102.28 11,615 1985 6,000 6,071 101.18 17,615 1984 6,000 6,061 101.02 23,615 1983 6,000 6,066 101.10 29,615 Note 1--Special assessments are levied by the Village on properties in the York Woods subdivision of the Village for street light improve- ments. There were no special assessments prior to 1983. -83- Table 4 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS Last Ten Fiscal Years (1) Total Tax Current Collections Outstanding Year and Delinquent Fiscal Abatement Total Tax Write-Offs Taxes as Year Percent Delinquent and Collections as Percent Outstanding Percent of Tax Ended Total Current Tax of Levy Tax Forfeiture and of Current Delinquent Current Year April 30 Tax Levy Collections Collected Collections Write-Offs Write-Offs Levy Taxes Levy 1985(2)(4) 1987 $621,310 $618,592 99.56% $1,069 $1,880 $621,541 .100.04% $ 838 .13% 1984(2) 1986 568,597 562,842 98.99 3,473 4,924 571,239 100.46 831 .15 1983(2) 1985 591,472 582,336 98.46 4,785 8,431 595,552 100.69 705 .12 1982(2) 1984 523,892 519,179 99.10 3,067 1,375 523,621 99.95 271 .05 1981(3) 1983 277,439 273,157 98.46 1,609 4,800 279,566 100.77 - - 1980(2) 1982 518,030 514,912 99.40 3,789 2,967 521,668 100.70 - - 1979(2) 1981 483,900 479,949 99.18 16 1,409 481,374 99.48 2,526 .52 1978 1980 748,498 729,257 97.43 1,132 7,279 737,668 98.55 10,830 1.45 1977 1979 843,838 823,267 97.56 1,696 2,846 827,869 98.10 16,029 1.90 Note 1--Prior to the 1981 tax levy, the Village levied property taxes for debt service purposes only and commenced such levies for the 1977 tax year. Taxes are collected during the summer months of the year following the year of the levy. Thus, collec- tions are made in the fiscal year two years behind the year of the levy. Note 2--The 1979, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984 and 1985 levies were abated by $300,000. These funds were contributed from excess revenues of the General Fund. Note 3--The 1981 levy was abated by $600,000. These funds were contributed from excess revenues of the General Fund. Note 4--The 1986 levy, to be collected in. the summer of 1987, was $608,701 after a $300,000 abatement to be paid by the General Fund. 1 I 1 1 I ? _1 __1 ) Table 5 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS ASSESSED AND ESTIMATED ACTUAL VALUE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY (2) Last Ten Fiscal Years Ratio of Total Personal Assessed/ Real Property Proyerty(1) Total Total Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Fiscal Actual Actual Actual Actual Year Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value Value 1987 $445,776 $1,350,836 $445,776 $1,350,836 33.00% 1986 396,911 1,202,761 396,911 1,202,761 33.00 1985 373,266 1,131,109 373,266 1,131,109 33.00 1984 347,271 1,052,336 347,271 1,052,336 33.00 *- 1983 318,675 965,680 318,675 965,680 33.00 1982 293,897 890,597 293,897 890,597 33.00 1981 257,727 780,990 257,727 780,990 33.00 1980 213,643 647,403 213,643 647,403 33.00 1979 184,832 554,551 $29,230 $87,699 214,062 642,250 33.33 1978 163,202 489,655 22,854 68,569 186,056 558,224 33.33 Note 1--Personal property tax not assessed as of 1980 due to enactment of the personal property replacement tax by state statute. Note 2--Dollar amounts in thousands. -85- Table 6 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS PROPERTY TAX RATES--ALL OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTS _ (Per $100 Assessed Valuation) Last Ten Fiscal Years i Village Junior Grade High Oak Brook Hinsdale Fiscal of Basic College School School Park Sanitary Year Total Oak Brook Town(l) #502 #53 #86 District District 1987 4.6970 .1366 .9572 .2551 1.2297 1.9233 .1423 .0528 i 1986 5.1729 .1566 1.2444 .2450 1.3314 1.9461 .1918 .0576 1985 4.8476 .1524 1.0265 .2424 1.2050 1.9570 .2035 .0608 1984 4.6286 .1704 .9162 .2426 1.1507 1.9201 .1663 .0623 1983 4.9090 .1645 .9452 .2318 1.4383 1.8883 .1763 .0646 1982 4.6863 .0944 .9425 .2222 1.3649 1.8334 .1598 .0691 i 1981 5.1113 .2010 1.0036 .1904 1.5661 1.9150 .1558 .0794 1980 5.8149 .2265 1.0629 .2070 2.2248 1.8620 .1341 .0976 1979 5.6082 .3495 .9350 .1953 1.7895 1.9910 .2414 .1065 1978 5.8798 .4535 .9789 .1973 1.8380 1.9781 .3103 .1237 Note 1--Includes all county, forest preserve, township and water commission rates. Source: Du Page County Clerk's office, Revenue Division. i -86- _ Table 7 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS RATIO OF NET GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO ASSESSED VALUE AND NET BONDED DEBT PER CAPITA Last Ten Fiscal Years Ratio of Net Net Assessed Debt Bonded Bonded Population Value Gross Service Net Debt to Debt Fiscal (in (in Bonded Monies Bonded Assessed Per -- Year Thousands) Thousands) Debt(1) Available Debt Value Capita 1987 8,000 $445,776 $ 6,350,000 $416,669 $ 5,933,331 1.331% $ 742 1986 8,000 396,911 6,950,000 287,636 6,662,364 1.679 833 1985 7,263(2) 373,266 7,550,000 224,642 7,325,358 1.963 1,009 IT- 1984 7,263(2) 347,271 8,150,000 161,147 7,988,853 2.301 1,100 + 1983 6,641(3) 318,675 8,670,105 120,337 8,549,768 2.683 1,287 1982 6,641(3) 293,897 9,441,158 163,155 9,278,003 3.157 1,397 1981 6,641(3) 257,727 10,078,228 178,051 9,900,177 3.841 1,491 1980 5,281(4) 213,643 10,721,000 (221,744) 10,942,744 5.122 2,072 1979 5,281 214,062 11,402,317 116,239 11,286,078 5.272 2,137 1978 5,281 186,056 11,727,209 82,481 11,644,728 6.259 2,205 Note 1--Includes total gross bonded debt, including all components of the general long-term debt account group, with the exception of accrued vacation pay. Note 2--1983 special census. Note 3--1980 census. Note 4--1975 census. Note 5--General Obligation Recreation Bonds were issued on September 1, 1977 with the first principal payment due December 1, 1979. Note 6--July 1986 annexation of the Oak Brook Club increased population to approximately 8,000. -87- Table 8 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS -- COMPUTATION OF LEGAL DEBT MARGIN April 30, 1987 Assessed value $445.775.748 Debt limit 8.625% of assessed value $ 38,448,158 —� Debt applicable to debt limit--General Obligation Recreation Bonds 6,350,000 y LEGAL DEBT MARGIN $ 32.098.158 k. .=a 4 i i —88— Table 9 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS COMPUTATION OF OVERLAPPING DEBT April 30, 1987 w Percentage Amount Applicable to Applicable to Net Debt Village of Village of Jurisdiction Outstanding Oak Brook Oak Brook Village of Oak Brook $ 6,350,000 100.00% $ 6,350,000 Du Page County 12,360,000 5.49 678,212 Du Page Forest Preserve 69,375,000 5.49 3,806,714 ' Du Page Water Commission 150,000,000 5.70 8,543,972 Sanitary districts 2,625,000 24.79 650,717 Junior college district 6,300,000 5.12 322,339 Elementary school districts 9,414,000 11.53 1,085,401 High school districts 22,906,000 10.00 2,290,880 TOTAL t23,728.235 Source: Du Page County Clerk's office. -89- Table 10 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS RATIO OF ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO TOTAL GENERAL EXPENDITURES Last Eight Fiscal Years Ratio of Total Debt Service Fiscal Debt Total General to Total Year Principal Interest Service Expenditures(1) Expenditures 1987 $600,000 $328,200 $928,000 $7,183,344 12.92% 1986 600,000 354,000 954,000 6,258,354 15.24 1985 600,000 379,800 979,800 6,495,726 15.08 1984 500,000 390,550 890,550 6,056,503 14. 70 1983 500,000 412,050 912,050 5,392,800 16.91 1982 450,000 433,825 883,825 5,963,781 14.82 1981 400,000 454,650 854,650 4,891,200 17.47 r 1980(2) 270,000 477,410 747,410 5,061,283 14.77 Note 1--Includes General Fund only. Note 2--Bonds were issued on September 1, 1977 with the first principal payment due December 1, 1979. -90- Table 11 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS REVENUE BOND COVERAGE--WATERWORKS SYSTEM BONDS Last Ten Fiscal Years .._ Net Revenue Available Fiscal Gross for Debt Debt Service Requirements Year Revenue(1) Expenses(2) Service(3) Principal Interest Total Coverage 1987 $2,574,660 $906,055 $1,668,605 $375,000 $191,450 $566,450 295% 1986 2,581,462 801,823 1,779,639 350,000 209,950 559,950 318 1985 2,621,901 819,550 1,802,351 350,000 228,600 578,600 312 1984 2,248,398 712,692 1,535,706 325,000 246,100 571,100 269 1983 2,002,585 540,260 1,462,325 300,000 261,525 561,525 260 1982 1,814,363 436,134 1,378,229 275,000 275,550 550,550 250 1981 1,665,697 510,744 1,154,953 250,000 289,425 539,425 214 1980 1,557,714 374,346 1,183,368 225,000 300,925 525,925 225 T 1979 1,604,002 386,149 1,217,853 225,000 312,425 537,425 227 1978 1,252,199 306,835 945,364 200,000 322,825 522,825 181 -- Note 1--Represents gross revenue, including operating revenue, interest on investments, reimbursements and other revenue. Note 2--Represents operating expenses, excluding depreciation. Note 3--Represents gross revenue less expenses. -91- Table 12 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS F Education Level in -►. Per Years of - Fiscal Capita Median Formal Unemployment Year Population Income Age Education Rate L; 1984(1) 7,263 $22,737 39 14.5 3.14% 1970(2) 4,164 8,997 34 13.3 .07 Source 1--1983 Special Census and 1980 Federal Census. Source 2--1970 Federal Census. i F� F _G 2 1 r� �fc L .�1 -92- Table 13 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS PROPERTY VALUE, CONSTRUCTION, AND BANK DEPOSITS Last Ten Calendar Years Commercial Residential Estimated Construction Construction Total Number Number Property Calendar of Value (in of Value (in Bank Deposits(1) Value (in Year Units Thousands) Units Thousands) (in Thousands) Thousands ) 1986 4 $52,985 113 $34,263 $1,041,202,000 $1,350,836 1985 1 1,975 124 28,453 929,645,000 1,202,761 1984 3 15,349 105 25,861 841,308,000 1,131,109 1983 5 15,575 98 22,398 754,645,000 1,052,336 1982 2 11,943 55 6,937 657,982,000 965,680 1981 1 798 63 14,618 508,321,000 890,597 1980 6 14,554 81 19,446 433,987,000 780,990 1979 6 18,167 119 17,487 647,403 1978 17 29,295 138 16,367 642,250 1977 13 10,050 132 14,944 558,224 Source--Polling of all banks in Village of Oak Brook. Data for years prior to 1980 was not available. — -93- Table 14 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS PRINCIPAL TAXPAYERS April 30, 1987 Percentage of 1986 Total Assessed Assessed Taxpayer Type of Business Valuation Valuation Urban Investment and Oak Brook Shopping Development Co. Center property $ 17,673,920 3.9% McDonald's Corporation Office Campus 17,133,420 3.8 Oak Brook International Office Office buildings 10,371,020 2.3 La Salle Partners Commerce Plaza 9,800,950 2.2 McDonald's Corporation Corporate office headquarters 9,375,800 2.1 Regency Towers Office buildings 8,687,990 1.9 Drake Hotel and offices 8,233,060 1.8 Marshall Field & Co.-Batus Holdings Retail store 5,758,930 1.3 Manufactures Life Real Estate Executive towers 5,340,440 1.2 Oak Brook Hyatt House Hotel 5,185,250 1.2 Eastman Kodak Regional headquarters 4,773,700 1.1 Marriott Hotel 4,648,950 1.0 John Buck Co. Office building 4,348,970 .9 Chicago Bridge and Iron Corporate office 4,254,850 .9 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Retail store 3,256,660 .7 r $118.843.910 26.3% -94- Table 15 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS INSURANCE IN EFFECT Fiscal Year 1987-1988 �r Name of Company Policy Period Amount of Type of Insurance (Policy Number) From To Coverage Premium Employee benefit St. Paul Insurance 5-15-87 5-15-88 $ 750,000 $ 258 programs liability Company (GL00606862) `r Boiler and machinery Chubb Group of 5-15-87 5-15-88 1,000,000 1,475 insurance Insurance Companies (7829-49-77) Treasurer's bond Kemper Group 4-13-87 4-13-88 100,000 93 Insurance Company 4 (35M-061-900-31) Volunteer accident Home Insurance 5-15-87 5-15-88 20,000 1,155 ^- insurance Company (HVF-7-25-85) Host Liquor Continental 11-24-86 11-24-87 1,000,000 2,733 Liability Casualty (RDD7176568) Lloyds, London (BL25507CA) Note--The Village entered into a contractual agreement with 14 other municipalities to form the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA), which through its risk-sharing provisions provides the Village with its insurance coverage for liability, property damage, workmen's compensation, and surety risks not covered by the Village's Treasurer's Bond. The Village's contribution to this cooperative agency for 1987 was $278,002 and was determined by the pro rata share for each munic- ipality's audited revenues and loss experience for the previous year, to be sufficient annually to fund administrative expenses and create sufficient reserves for claim payments and the purchase of excess insurance. The Agency provides loss protection in excess of a deduct- ible of $1,000 per occurrence to be paid by each municipality. The Agency is required to pay up to $250,000 per occurrence for loss or injury within the scope of its self-insurance coverage. The Agency has _ also purchased excess catastrophe insurance over the amount of its $250,000 obligation and aggregate+stop loss -insurance. The amount of excess insurance is $33,250,000 per occurrence for liability claims and $29,750,000 for property claims. The Agency has contracted the services of Gallagher Bassett Insurance Service for the claims adminis- tration function. As of April 30, 1987, IRMA members totaled 44 municipalities. -95- Table 16 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL DATA �-- April 30, 1987 Date of incorporation February 21, 1958 t Form of government Seven member Board of Trustees, including President; Village Manager appointed by Board of Trustees Area 8.5 square miles Miles of streets 53 miles Number of street lights 445 Fire protection: Number of stations 2 . ,. Number of firemen 35 Number of volunteers 24 Police protection: Number of stations 1 K Number of policemen and officers 38 Detention facilities Juvenile 2 Adult 6 Education (elementary only): Attendance centers 2 Number of teachers 45 Number of students 483 Municipal water department: Number of customers 4,882 Total water pumped Gallons 1,393,915,000 Average daily consumption Gallons 3,098,402 Miles of water mains 77 Building permits issued 117 Recreation: Oak Brook Sports Core-- 269 acres including Bath and Tennis Club and 18-hole golf course Oak Brook Park District-- 66 acres including indoor and outdoor tennis Du Page County Forest _ Preserve--141 acres Culture: Number of libraries 1 Number of volumes 34,500 Census data 1960, 324; 1970, 4,164; 1975, 5,281; 1980, 6,641; 1984, 7,263 m i Employees: 120 full time 248 part time/seasonal -96-