1996 Budget OF 0,4 Ca COUN-0 ' Village of Oak Brook 1996 Municipal Budget December, 1995 vypG�OF OqK eAO G N 4 t1� 9C�COUNt�'`yy` ' V1 LLAGE OF OAK. BROOK ' 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521 -2255 December 13, 1995 PHONE: 708 990-3000 FAX: 708 990-0876 ' Village President and Board of Trustees Village of Oak Brook ' President Bushy and Village Trustees: Presented herewith is the Municipal Budget for the Village of Oak Brook for Fiscal Year 1996 as adopted ' by the Village Board on December 12, 1995. Highlights of the budget are summarized in the Overview and Structure section of the document. Fund level information is provided in the Analysis of Funds section. Specific information concerning each budget program is found on the Program Summary sheets and supporting line item schedules,which are organized by department and division. The 1996 Budget continues the Results Budgeting methodology introduced in 1995. The methodology combines traditional program budgeting and line item control with a management by objectives system. Coupled with the Five-Year Financial Plan, this approach provides the Village with a financial management system which goes well beyond traditional budgeting to function as a directional mechanism for ' accomplishment of the results desired by the Board and the community. The methodology is summarized in the Overview and Structure section of the document. ' The preparation of the annual budget is a major undertaking. The process gets its overall direction from the President and Board of Trustees through the determination of Village Board objectives. Village departments develop goals and objectives for each program and the initial financial budget. Their efforts ' and ideas are essential for a sound and meaningful budget plan. Special recognition is due to Darrell Langlois, Finance Officer, who coordinated the budget process, and to Nancy Pauley, Administrative Assistant in the Financial Services Department, for her assistance in the development of this document. ' Special thanks also go to Dianna Marsteller, Joyce Resh, Margaret Rimbo and Sandy Schmidt for their assistance in assembling the budget document. ' The 1996 Municipal Budget provides the resources necessary to serve the needs of our community in a fiscally responsible manner, consistent with the Five-Year Financial Plan, while maintaining the Village's sound financial condition. Sincerely, S ephen B. Veitch ' Village Manager /sv 1 ' VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1996 MUNICIPAL BUDGET ' CONTENTS Page ' OVERVIEW AND STRUCTURE Budget Organization and Structure S-1 ' Budget Overview S-4 Summary of Budgeted Expenditures S-7 Fund Summary (All Funds) S-8 SUMMARIES Summary of Budgeted Expenditures by Program S-9 ' Summary of Budgeted Expenditures by Category S-13 Budgeted Capital Expenditures S-17 ANALYSIS OF FUNDS General Corporate Fund F-1 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund F-11 ' Motor Fuel Tax Fund F-14 Water Fund F-17 Self-Insurance Fund F-20 ' Police Pension Fund F-23 Firefighters' Pension Fund F-26 Debt Service Fund F-29 Sports Core Fund F-31 ' Subsidiary Fund Summaries: Bath&Tennis Club F-35 ' Food&Beverage F-37 Golf Club F-39 Golf Surcharge F-41 ' Equipment Replacement Fund F-42 Infrastructure Fund F-45 Garage Fund F-48 1 - LEGISLATIVE AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT . 1-1 1101 - Board of Trustees 1-2 ' 1102 -Village Clerk 1-4 1201 - Legal 1-6 1301 -General Management 1-8 1302 - Human Resources 1-10 1303 - Employee Benefits 1-12 1304- Risk Management 1-14 1305 - Emergency Management 1-16 ' 1306-General Services 1-18 1401 - Purchasing and Grants 1-20 1501 - Information Services 1-22 i 1 ' Contents (continued) Page ' 2- FINANCIAL SERVICES 2-1 2101 - Financial Services Management 2-2 2201 -Accounting and Reporting 2-4 2801 -G. O. Bond Debt Service 2-6 2802 -Water Debt Service 2-8 ' 2901 - Police Pension 2-10 2902 - Firefighters' Pension 2-12 3 - PUBLIC WORKS 3-1 3101 - Public Works Management 3-2 3102- Mosquito Control 3-4 ' 3201 - Buildings and Grounds 3-6 3300-Streets-General Salaries 3-8 3301 -Street Maintenance 3-10 ' 3302-Traffic and Lighting Maintenance 3-12 3303-Snow Removal 3-14 3304- Drainage Maintenance 3-16 3305- Forestry 3-18 ' 3306-Safety Pathways 3-20 3401 -Garage Operations 3-22 3501 -Water Operations 3-24 ' 4- ENGINEERING AND CAPITAL PROJECTS 4-1 4101 - Engineering 4-2 4201 - Municipal Building Improvements 4-4 4202 Traffic and Lighting Improvements 4-6 4203 -Jorie Boulevard Project 4-8 ' 4301 -MFT Improvements 4-10 4501 -Water System Improvements 4-12 4601 - Roadway Improvements 4-14 4602 - Stormwater Management Improvements 4-16 4603 - Safety Pathway Improvements 4-18 5 - LIBRARY 5-1 5100- Library -General Salaries 5-2 5101 - Library General Operations 5-4 5201 - Library Technical Services 5-6 5301 - Library Reference and Adult Services 5-8 5401 - Library Youth Services 5-10 ii ' Contents (continued) ' Page 6- POLICE 6-1 6101 - Police Services Management 6-2 ' 6201 - Police Field Services 6-4 6301 - Police General Support 6-6 6302 - Police Investigations 6-8 6303 - Police Communications 6-10 6304- Police Records 6-12 6305 - Police Public Relations/Crime Prevention 6-14 7- FIRE AND CODE ENFORCEMENT 7-1 7101 - Fire Service Management 7-2 ' 7201 -Fire Suppression 7-4 7301 - Emergency Medical Services 7-7 7401 -Code Enforcement 7-9 ' 7402- Planning and Zoning 7-11 8-SPORTS CORE 8-1 8101 - Bath &Tennis General Operations 8-2 8102-Swimming Operations 8-5 8103-Tennis Operations-Outdoor 8-7 ' 8104-Tennis Operations- Indoor 8-9 8201 - Banquets 8-11 8202- Member Events 8-14 ' 8203 -Concessions 8-16 8301 -Golf Club General Operations 8-18 8302-Golf Range Operations 8-21 8303 -Golf Cart Operations 8-23 ' 8304-Golf Course Maintenance 8-25 8305 -Golf Club Lounge Operations 8-28 8401 -Bath &Tennis Club Improvements 8-30 8402 -Clubhouse Improvements 8-32 8403 -Golf Course Improvements 8-34 8404-Golf Improvements-Surcharge 8-36 9-OTHER ACTIVITIES 9-1 9101 - Equipment Replacement 9-2 9301 - Hotel/Motel Tax 9-4 9701 -Community events 9-6 9801 - Recycling Subsidy 9-8 ' 9901 - Interfund Transfers 9-10 iii � Overview and Structure 1 ' VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FISCAL YEAR 1996 ' BUDGET ORGANIZATION AND STRUCTURE The 1996 Municipal Budget has been developed utilizing the approach introduced to ' Oak Brook in 1995. Known as 'Results Budgeting", this approach has been recognized nationally for its success in communicating plans and expectations and linking them to the resources needed to achieve them. It integrates a programmatic approach to planning with traditional line item budgeting and a management by objectives system to comprise a plan for the effective and efficient accomplishment of the results desired by the Village Board and the community. ' Results Budgeting views the annual budget primarily as a management document, not as a financial one. This focus flows through to the content and structure of the budget document. The central concept is simple: An organization will increase the probability of achieving the results it wants if it articulates them in advance and if it organizes responsibility for attaining those results and the resources necessary to attain them in a manner consistent with its own structure. Results Budgeting has a number of components and subsystems, both managerial and ' administrative in nature. The significant components are interrelated and are reflected in the format of the budget document such that a review of the budget structure serves both to explain the format and to describe the system. ' The annual budget cycle actually begins with the Five-Year Financial Plan. This document is an integrated long-range operating budget and capital improvements plan which provides a framework for development of the annual budget and a means of assessing the ' long-range financial impact of current decisions. It is the Village's financial road map and is completely reviewed and restated each year. Relevant portions are included in this budget document; opposite each fund summary, in order to facilitate comparison between the long range projection from the 1996-2000 edition of the Plan and the more current one-year projection depicted in each fund summary. ' The structure of the budget is based on the way in which the financial planning, accounting and organizational systems of the Village are integrated. The structure proceeds from the general to the specific as follows: ' Fund. A separate financial entity with its own revenues and expenditures. The basic unit of the Five-Year Financial Plan and the Annual Audit. Identified by the first two digits ' of the accounting code. Department. The largest organizational unit of the Village. Composed of one or more ' divisions. Supported by one or more funds. Headed by a senior level staff member. Identified by the first digit of the program number, or third digit of the accounting code. ' Division. An operating unit of the Village directed by,a department head or supervisor. Part of a department. Composed of one or more programs. Identified by the second digit of the program number, or fourth digit of the accounting code. ' S-1 Budget Organization and Structure (continued) ' Program. The basic unit of the budget. Part of a division. Directed by a department ' head or supervisor. Basis for the line item budget. Identified by the last two digits of the program number, or the fifth and sixth digits of the accounting code. ' Line Item Budget. The itemized content of the budget which is essential for financial control. Provides resources for each program on an object-of-expenditure basis. ' Identified by the seventh through twelfth digits of the accounting code. In addition to integrating the financial planning, accounting and organizational systems, ' Results Budgeting also integrates the Village's Management by Objectives (MBO) system. This is extremely important because the system of goals and. objectives provides the means for identifying and measuring accomplishment of results and gives direction to the ' formulation of the budget. The importance of integrating the MBO system into the budget cannot be overstated. It is through this step that the desired results, as expressed in goals and objectives, are linked to the resources necessary to achieve them. ' The way in which this is done relates most to the program. Each program represents a "product" produced by the Village; an activity in which the Village engages to provide, ' either directly or indirectly, a public service. (Certain other necessary functions, such as administration of pension and insurance plans, servicing debt or budgeting for unallocated personnel costs, are also set up as programs in the budget structure.) Each program has a "Program Goal" and a measure of effectiveness related to the goal, ' called a "Program Performance Measure". The Program Goal is a long-range statement of what the Village wants to accomplish through the program. The Program Performance ' Measure is a statement of the criteria or technique which will be applied to determine how well the goal is being accomplished over time. Since the reason for the existence of most programs is to provide a service to the public, most of the program performance measures ' involve citizen or on-site surveys. The Program Goal and the Program Performance Measure are stated on the Program Summary page for each program. Supporting most Program Goals are one or more "Program Objectives". Program ' Objectives express specific results to be accomplished during the fiscal year in the furtherance of the Program Goal. Typically, objectives relate to a specific task or project, , or to a change in methods or operations designed to move the program toward achievement of its goal. It is important to note that objectives, which normally change each year, do not represent the totality of what a program is intended to produce. For , example, they do not include most ongoing responsibilities or activities. Often, however, they lead to changes in such activity. Objectives for each program are developed by each department, ideally with broad participation by department personnel. They are reviewed with the Village Manager's office for consistency with program goals and with the Village Board Objectives that are , developed with the Board each year through a parallel process. Each objective has its own measure of accomplishment, a person principally responsible for accomplishing the objective and a target completion date. Once established, program objectives help form , the basis for budget requests. S-2 ' ' Budget Organization and Structure (continued) ' Program objectives are listed on the program summary page for each program. Measures of accomplishment, responsible parties and target completion dates are documented ' separately. The status of objectives is reviewed periodically through the year and level of accomplishment is considered in personnel performance evaluation. ' To summarize, the management by objectives approach utilized by the Village of Oak Brook involves the following elements: ' • Program, The basic unit of the budget. Represents a discrete service or internal support function. ' • Program Goal. Fundamental long-range mission of the program. • Program Performance Measure. Continuing measure of overall program ' performance. • Program Objectives. Specific results to be accomplished in the fiscal year. ' Change oriented. Focused on new initiatives, change items or areas to be emphasized. ' Results Budgeting allows the Village Board and management to evaluate the effectiveness of each service over time through benchmarking and performance measurement. It channels resources and the energy of the Village staff toward particular results. It encourages participation by the Village Board, staff and public in an organized process to determine desired results. In short, Results Budgeting is a means of achieving the mission and vision of the Village of Oak Brook. 1 ' S-3 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK ' FISCAL YEAR 1996 BUDGET OVERVIEW The 1996 Municipal Budget reflects stabilization in operating and capital expenditures preparatory to undertaking major capital projects, without incurring new debt, as anticipated in the 1996-2000 Five-Year Financial Plan. ' The total budget for operating and capital expenditures (excluding non-operating and interfund activities) is $24,262,775, an increase of $141,475, or 0.59erp cent, from the comparable figure in , the 1995 budget(See Page S-7). The key comparison of General Corporate Fund revenues and base operating expenses (budget to budget) indicates that the increase in the net operating General Corporate Fund budget is ' substantially below the budgeted increase in revenues to the Fund (see Page F-10). The unrestricted cash balance in the General Corporate Fund is budgeted to end the year at approximately $10.6 Million, nearly $1 Million above the year-end 1996 projection in the Five-Year Financial Plan. This ' bodes well for the Village's ability to fund the major projects programmed over the next several years. The total expenditure budget, including non-operating and interfund activities, is $27,529,630 on total ' revenues of$30,259,845. The total expenditure budget reflects an increase of 1.61 percent from the 1995 budget. Most of the change is found in the non-operating and interfund activities, particularly in police and fire pension payments and outlays from funds accumulated previously for scheduled replacement of vehicular equipment. Total unrestricted cash balances (i.e., excluding pension funds) are budgeted to ' increase approximately $990,000 over estimated January 1, 1996 balances (see Page S-8). REVENUE ' Itemized budgeted revenues are found on or following each fund summary in the Analysis of Funds section.of the budget document. Highlights are as follows: , • General Sales tax revenues of $11,071,000, based on a revised 1995 estimate of $10,971,000 and the modest growth assumptions made in the Five-Year Financial Plan. ' • State Income Tax revenues of$500,860, nearly 9 percent over the 1995 estimate, reflecting a full year of the 1/10 distribution formula to the Local Government Distributive Fund. ' • Motor Fuel Tax revenues of$220,000, essentially the same level as estimated for 1995. • Utility Tax revenues, of$1,894,000, an increase of 3 percent over the 1995 estimate. ' • Revenue from water sales of $3,132,000, a substantial decrease from the 1995 budget and estimate, due to the reduction and restructuring of the water rate in mid-1995. ' OPERATING EXPENDITURES ' The total 1996 operating budget is $19,304,200. This is an increase of 1.61 percent over the comparable figure from the 1995 budget(see Page S-7). The net change in budgeted staff positions, budget-to-budget, is 1.0 full-time equivalents. Consistent with the Five-Year Financial Plan, the budget for the Library includes two additional part-time positions in order to continue to expand service availability and to expand the Library's hours of operation. An Engineering ' Technician position budgeted in 1995, but not filled, has not been re-budgeted. Finally, the budget S-4 ' ' 1996 Budget Overview(continued) tincludes one entry level Police Officer, to be hired only if an opportunity arises to assign an officer to the DuMeg organization. Pursuant to the loan arrangement, the budget excludes annual dues to DuMeg and ' includes, as revenue to the General Corporate Fund, reimbursement from DuMeg for the difference between the assumed cost of the loaned officer and the estimated "fair share" dues contribution that would normally apply. ' The budget for full-time salaries is based on a 2.5 percent top-of-grade increase, consistent with the change in the applicable consumer price index for the twelve months ended September, 1995. No pay grade adjustments have been budgeted for positions subject to collective bargaining. Should settlements ' be reached during 1996 with Teamsters Local 714 concerning the police officers and firefighters represented by that union, the necessary adjustments, if any, to the affected program budgets will be recommended. ' In addition to the general contingency amount of $200,000, budgeted annually for unforeseen emergencies or other use as expressly authorized by the Board, the Stormwater Management and Safety Pathways capital projects programs (Programs 4602 and 4603) include, as contingency amounts, funds ' which have been contributed for these facilities by developers in order to have those funds available for use at the discretion of the Board. Highlights of the operating program budgets are noted on the Program Summary sheets that accompany each line item schedule. CAPITAL PROJECTS "Capital Projects" expenditures are a subset of capital expenditures (account series 590000). Capital projects are budgeted in several programs so-named and located in Department 4 (Engineering and Capital Projects) and Department 8 (Sports Core). The program summaries for the capital projects programs have been revised from those included with the.proposed budget in an effort to more ' clearly communicate the contents of the subject program budgets. Other capital expenditures are found in 590000 accounts in the operating program budgets. A complete listing of all 590000 budgeted expenditures, by fund and program, is found in the Summaries section. ' The 1996 budget for capital projects totals $4,444,175. This represents a decrease of 7.1 percent from the 1995 budget. The decrease is attributable to reductions in capital project expenditures at the Sports Core due to completion of the lake improvements on the golf course in 1995. ' Highlights of the 1996 capital projects budgets include continued implementation of the Roadway Maintenance Plan, completion of the 22nd Street/York Road intersection improvement, continued work on several significant additions to the Safety Pathway system, design of a new Library and completion of the expansion and remodeling of Fire Station 2. The specific capital projects budgeted in 1995 are listed on the Program Summary sheets for the relevant ' budget programs. ' COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE The budget reflects a significant investment in computer hardware and software pursuant to Phase I ' ("Base Implementation") of the Village's Technology Plan. These resources are found in Program 1501, Information Services, which has been relocated from Financial Services (Department 2) to Legislative and General Management (Department 1) as a reflection of the organization-wide nature of technology and telecommunications applications today. ' S-5 1996 Budget Overview (continued) ' OAK BROOK SPORTS CORE , The budget for the Sports Core reflects our continued effort to achieve and maintain a sound financial ' position for this unique asset and operation. Several key decisions have been made by the Village Board over the past twelve months to support that effort: • Daily member food service has been abandoned in order to allow the banquet operation to begin ' to re-build its market. • The Board has authorized the sale of the Tennis Dome, which will remove a substantial financial ' burden from the Bath &Tennis Club operation. • The Board has determined to support use of the Bath & Tennis Club by local civic and non-profit ' groups through appropriation of General Corporate Fund resources to cover overhead expenses. • Significant increases in minimum charges and clubhouse rental fees for banquet events have , been approved. These decisions have had and promise to have significant effect on the financial picture. The quality and reputation of the Bath & Tennis Club have been vastly improved. The Golf Club has continued to be ' successful. Even so, in order to ensure long-term viability, several things must happen. The number of members of the Bath & Tennis Club must continue to increase. The food & beverage operation must become self-supporting. The Golf Club must continue to improve and maintain its success. From a policy ' perspective, the Village must consider how best to fund the general administration and upkeep of the Sports Core property. The financial picture for the Sports Core, as reflected in the fund summary on Page F-32, appears healthy, ' but is made so as a result of the sale of right-of-way needed by DuPage County for its Oak Brook Road improvement project. Those dollars, coupled with the proceeds from sale of other surplus real estate in the Westchester Park area, anticipated in subsequent years, are needed to build an appropriate capital , reserve and to fund ongoing maintenance and improvements to the Sports Core property. Net of that revenue, the 1996 Sports Core budget projects that the entire Sports Core will opera on a self- supporting basis (before capital expenditures), but there is little margin for error. ' Finally, the Program Objectives in the Board of Trustees program (1101) reflect proposed reconsideration of the Sports Core Financial Management policy. Specifically, the recommendation is that the Board re- , visit the current policy of funding the general administration and upkeep of the Sports Core property with revenues from the Bath &Tennis Club and Golf Club enterprises. The pages that follow contain a series of tabular summaries of the 1996 Municipal Budget. Beginning with the overall summary, various exhibits present the budget by fund, program and ' account group (including an itemized presentation of budgeted capital expenditures) before moving into individual fund summaries, which are presented opposite the appropriate Five-Year Financial Plan summary page and are accompanied by revenue schedules and schedules of , expenditures from each fund presented by program and category. Details on each budget program follow Analysis of Funds section and proceed in organization structure order. Each Program Summary identifies the ongoing Program Goal and Program ' Performance Measure, and summarizes the 1996 Program Objectives and highlights of the Program Budget. The Program Summaries for capital projects programs list the projects budgeted in 1996 as well as resources budgeted for completion of projects begun in 1995. , S-6 ' VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES FISCAL YEAR 1996 1995 1996 Increase % Increase Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Legislative and General Management(Less Employee Benefits 1,843,830 2,026,375 and Computer Hardware and Software) Financial Services(Less G.O. Debt Service and Pension Programs) 599,985 634,900 Public Works(Less Garage Operations) 5,646,485 5,440,635 Engineering 334,020 343,865 Library 379,835 412,800 Police 3,771,800 3,809,600 Fire and Code Enforcement 3,401,735 3,400,300 Sports Core(Less Capital Projects) 2,695,565 2,760,105 Other Activities(Less Interfund Transfers and Equipment Replacement) 325,920 475,620 v Total Operating Activities 18,999,175 19,304,200 305,025 1.61°x6 Capital Projects(Less MFT Improvements-Transfer) 4,236,900 4,263,550 Capital Projects-Sports Core 548,850 180,625 Computer Hardware and Software 336,375 514,400 Total Capital Projects and Computer Hardware and Software 5,122,125 4,958,575 (163,550) -3.19% TOTAL OPERATING AND CAPITAL 24,121,300 24,262,775 141,475 0.59% Employee Benefits 850,500 812,405 Debt Service 15,910 0 MFT Improvements(Transfer to Infrastructure Fund) 0 650,000 Police and Firefighters'Pension Programs 758,500 901,895 Garage Operations 322,295 303,230 Equipment Replacement 389,900 599,325 Interfund Transfers 635,950 0 Total Non-Operating and Interfund Activities 2,973,055 3,266,855 293,800 9.88°x6 Total Budget 27,094,355 27,529,630 435,275 1.61°x6 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK FUND SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 1996 1996 1996 Estimated Estimated Budgeted Change In Estimated Fund Cash 1-1-96 Revenues Expenditures Cash Cash 12-31-96 General Corporate $ 9,899,114 $14,082,935 $13,391,050 $ 691,885 $ 10,590,999 Hotel/Motel Tax 256,826 268,760 318,090 (49,330) 207,496 Motor Fuel Tax 685,067 237,300 650,000 (412,700) 272,367 Water 3,396,173 5,129,390 4,612,955 516,435 3,912,608 Self-Insurance 384,849 848,175 812,405 35,770 420,619 Police Pension* 14,002,112 1,335,955 433,475 902,480 14,904,592 Firefighters' Pension* 13,403,813 1,303,400 468,420 834,980 14,238,793 Sports Core 61,389 3,458,945 2,940,730 518,215 579,604 Equipment Replacement 1,557,394 467,285 599,325 (132,040) 1,425,354 Infrastructure 1,357,258 2,794,600 2,999,950 (205,350) 1,151,908 00 Garage 70,680 333,100 303,230 29,870 100,550 Total $ 45,074,675 $30,259,845 $27,529,630 $2,730,215 $ 47,804,890 *Cash is restricted in these funds Summaries VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM FISCAL YEARS 1995 and 1996 1995 1995 1996 Increase/ % Budget Estimate Budget (Decrease) Change Legislative and General Management 1101 Board of Trustees 368,020 148,585 314,355 (53,665) 1102 Village Clerk 99,435 78,300 98,645 (790) 1201 Legal 130,075 111,250 148,385 18,310 1301 General Management 277,070 249,005 256,000 (21,070) 1302 Human Resources 82,755 55,610 117,065 34,310 1303 Employee Benefits 850,500 747,185 812,405 (38,095) 1304 Risk Management 416,345 428,195 480,475 64,130 1305 Emergency Management 20,765 17,925 36,830 16,065 1306 General Services 164,275 165,845 238,895 74,620 1401 Purchasing and Grants 124,205 121,630 72,000 (52,205) �n 1501 Information Services 497,260 100,125 778,125 280,865 �o Total Legislative and General Management 3,030,705 2,223,655 3,353,180 322,475 10.6% Financial Services 2101 Financial Services Management 100,530 97,300 106,920 6,390 2201 Accounting and Reporting 233,315 219,395 247,355 14,040 2801 G.O. Bond Debt Service 15,910 30,200 (15,910) 2802 Water Debt Service 266,140 266,150 280,625 14,485 2901 Police Pension 374,310 342,775 433,475 59,165 2902 Firefighters' Pension 384,190 390,500 468,420 84,230 Total Financial Services 1,374,395 1,346,320 1,536,795 162,400 11.8% VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM FISCAL YEARS 1995 and 1996 1995 1995 1996 Increase/ % Budget Estimate Budget (Decrease) Change Public Works 3101 Public Works Management 221,295 201,280 215,070 (6,225) 3102 Mosquito Control 47,720 47,720 41,800 (5,920) 3201 Buildings and Grounds 267,000 244,145 271,595 4,595 3300 Streets-General Salaries 455,295 449,270 470,780 15,485 3301 Street Maintenance 159,815 152,960 149,430 (10,385) 3302 Traffic and Lighting Maintenance 183,160 105,700 99,405 (83,755) 3303 Snow Removal 136,850 118,755 128,025 (8,825) 3304 Drainage Maintenance 62,090 48,900 57,160 (4,930) 3305 Forestry 170,045 138,400 242,100 72,055 3306 Safety Pathways 60,405 40,740 57,540 (2,865) c 3401 Garage Operations 322,295 286,600 303,230 (19,065) 3501 Water Operations 3,882,810 3,810,810 3,707,730 (175,080) Total Public Works 5,968,780 5,645,280 5,743,865 (224,915) -3.8% Engineering 4101 Engineering 334,020 269,310 343,865 9,845 4201 Municipal Building Improvements 600,650 327,900 433,000 (167,650) 4202 Traffic and Lighting Improvements 37,000 32,100 24,000 (13,000) 4203 Jorie Boulevard Project 182,500 600 182,000 (500) 4301 MFT Improvements 650,000 650,000 4501 Water System Improvements 592,000 50,800 624,600 32,600 4601 Roadway Improvements 2,289,000 1,861,300 2,418,900 129,900 4602 Stormwater Management Improvements 286,000 78,250 287,000 1,000 4603 Safety Pathway Improvements 249,750 50,275 294,050 44,300 Total Engineering 4,570,920 2,670,535 5,257,415 686,495 15.0% VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM FISCAL YEARS 1995 and 1996 1995 1995 1996 Increase/ % Budget Estimate Budget (Decrease) Change Library 5100 Library-General Salaries 227,650 187,100 249,230 21,580 5101 Library General Operations 87,915 76,205 72,060 (15,855) 5201 Library Technical Services 5,400 5,400 11,250 5,850 5301 Library Reference and Adult Services 45,270 45,300 62,200 16,930 5401 Library Youth Services 13,600 13,600 18,060 4,460 Total Library 379,835 327,605 412,800 32,965 8.7% Police 6101 Police Services Management 267,705 264,085 274,765 7,060 i' 6201 Police Field Services 2,312,745 2,240,875 2,323,540 10,795 6301 Police General Support 158,090 160,420 151,540 (6,550) 6302 Police Investigations 461,215 475,540 458,655 (2,560) 6303 Police Communications 336,450 311,985 355,255 18,805 6304 Police Records 167,445 160,785 157,855 (9,590) 6305 Police Public Relations/Crime Prevention 68,150 67,480 87,990 19,840 Total Police 3,771,800 3,681,170 3,809,600 37,800 1.0% Fire and Code Enforcement 7101 Fire Service Management 153,405 140,295 161,720 8,315 7201 Fire Suppression 2,115,935 2,051,175 2,105,465 (10,470) 7301 Emergency Medical Services 646,730 631,935 650,210 3,480 7401 Code Enforcement 318,100 293,070 342,185 24,085 7402 Planning&Zoning 167,565 187,660 140,720 (26,845) Total Fire and Code Enforcement 3,401,735 3,304,135 3,400,300 (1,435) 0.0% VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM FISCAL YEARS 1995 and 1996 1995 1995 1996 Increase/ % Budget Estimate Budget (Decrease) Change Sports Core 8101 Bath&Tennis General Operations 332,840 319,800 370,055 37,215 8102 Swimming Operations 123,280 133,205 138,885 15,605 8103 Tennis Operations-Outdoor 108,800 99,580 96,225 (12,575) 8104 Tennis Operations-Indoor 188,900 170,955 104,800 (84,100) 8201 Banquets 584,390 710,195 470,440 (113,950) 8202 Member Events 68,315 68,315 8203 Concessions 84,415 84,415 8301 Golf Club General Operations 553,265 521,660 555,520 2,255 8302 Golf Range Operations 85,530 74,195 86,650 1,120 8303 Golf Cart Operations 71,255 65,540 78,570 7,315 8304 Golf Course Maintenance 548,235 523,720 600,265 52,030 N 8305 Golf Club Lounge Operations 99,070 90,855 105,965 6,895 8401 Bath&Tennis Club Improvements 77,600 17,000 10,000 (67,600) 8402 Clubhouse Improvements 93,000 32,295 55,000 (38,000) 8403 Golf Course Improvements 30,000 20,000 20,000 (10,000) 8404 Golf Improvements-Surcharge 348,250 264,950 95,625 (252,625) Total Sports Core 3,244,415 3,043,950 2,940,730 (303,685) -9.4% Other Activities 9101 Equipment Replacement 389,900 120,015 599,325 209,425 9301 Hotel/Motel Tax 315,000 172,545 318,090 3,090 9701 Community Events 123,000 123,000 9801 Recycling Subsidy 10,920 8,700 34,530 23,610 9901 Interfund Transfers 635,950 810,950 (635,950) Total Other Activities 1,351,770 1,112,210 1,074,945 (276,825) -20.5% Total Programs 27,094,355 23,354,860 27,529,630 435,275 1.6% VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials& Operation& Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 510000 520000 530000 580000 590000 Expenditures Legislative and General Management 1101 Board of Trustees 56,670 23,125 234,560 314,355 1102 Village Clerk 68,545 20,240 6,860 3,000 98,645 1201 Legal 114,825 3,800 29,760 148,385 1301 General Management 246,480 3,750 5,770 256,000 1302 Human Resources 42,315 5,150 69,600 117,065 1303 Employee Benefits 809,405 3,000 812,405 1304 Risk Management 14,675 465,800 480,475 1305 Emergency Management 31,100 2,630 3,100 36,830 1306 General Services 39,895 37,900 128,100 33,000 238,895 cn 1401 Purchasing and Grants 68,670 2,650 680 72,000 w 1501 Information Services 134,990 22,355 106,380 514,400 778,125 Total Legislative and General Management 1,627,570 121,600 1,053,610 550,400 3,353,180 Financial Services 2101 Financial Services Management 95,685 975 10,260 106,920 2201 Accounting and Reporting 217,145 12,805 11,405 6,000 247,355 2802 Water Debt Service 125 280,500 280,625 2901 Police Pension 1,200 1,350 430,925 433,475 2902 Firefighters' Pension 1,000 2,000 465,420 468,420 Total Financial Services 315,030 17,130 918,135 280,500 6,000 1,536,795 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials& Operation & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 510000 520000 530000 580000 590000 Expenditures Public Works 3101 Public Works Management 198,380 9,520 7,170 215,070 3102 Mosquito Control 41,800 41,800 3201 Buildings and Grounds 122,720 10,640 111,735 26,500 271,595 3300 Streets-General Salaries 470,780 470,780 3301 Street Maintenance 2,660 138,770 8,000 149,430 3302 Traffic and Lighting Maintenance 99,405 99,405 3303 Snow Removal 40,250 39,900 47,875 128,025 3304 Drainage Maintenance 57,160 57,160 3305 Forestry 35,400 150 122,550 84,000 242,100 rn 3306 Safety Pathways 57,540 57,540 3401 Municipal Garage Operations 83,490 73,440 104,900 17,400 24,000 303,230 3501 Water Operations 345,480 7,210 3,012,540 215,600 126,900 3,707,730 Total Public Works 1,296,500 143,520 3,801,445 233,000 269,400 5,743,865 Engineering 4101 Engineering 269,965 13,460 54,740 5,700 343,865 4201 Municipal Building Improvements 139,150 293,850 433,000 4202 Traffic and Lighting Improvements 24,000 24,000 4203 Jorie Boulevard Project 500 181,500 182,000 4301 MFT Improvements 650,000 650,000 4501 Water System Improvements 89,600 535,000 624,600 4601 Roadway Improvements 491,500 1,927,400 2,418,900 4602 Stormwater Management Improvements 177,000 110,000 287,000 4603 Safety Pathway Improvements 234,650 59,400 294,050 Total Engineering 269,965 13,460 1,187,140 650,000 3,136,850 5,257,415 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials& Operation& Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 510000 520000 530000 580000 590000 Expenditures Library 5100 Library-General Salaries 249,230 249,230 5101 Library General Operations 5,875 16,400 39,285 10,500 72,060 5201 Library Technical Services 4,525 6,725 11,250 5301 Library Reference and Adult Services 18,500 5,500 38,200 62,200 5401 Library Youth Services 520 1,040 16,500 18,060 Total Library 255,105 39,945 52,550 65,200 412,800 Police 6101 Police Services Management 236,535 14,880 23,350 274,765 6201 Police Field Services 2,035,565 19,155 230,520 38,300 2,323,540 6301 Police General Support 129,645 11,235 7,430 3,230 151,540 6302 Police Investigations 426,590 9,380 18,585 4,100 458,655 6303 Police Communications 340,025 700 8,530 6,000 355,255 6304 Police Records 140,250 5,250 5,655 6,700 157,855 6305 Police Public Relations/Crime Prevention 62,390 3,000 600 22,000 87,990 Total Police 3,371,000 63,600 294,670 80,330 3,809,600 Fire and Code Enforcement 7101 Fire Service Management 140,195 1,100 7,925 12,500 161,720 7201 Fire Suppression 1,824,645 15,400 188,270 77,150 2,105,465 7301 Emergency Medical Services 447,985 7,400 187,825 7,000 650,210 7401 Code Enforcement 294,285 6,575 39,525 1,800 342,185 7402 Planning&Zoning 107,695 2,025 31,000 140,720 Total Fire and Code Enforcement 2,814,805 32,500 454,545 98,450 3,400,300 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials & Operation & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 510000 520000 530000 580000 590000 Expenditures Sports Core 8101 Bath&Tennis General Operations 218,415 26,100 91,290 34,250 370,055 8102 Swimming Operations 81,690 9,025 31,870 16,300 138,885 8103 Tennis Operations-Outdoor .68,380 14,350 13,495 96,225 8104 Tennis Operations-indoor 49,750 500 20,875 9,075 24,600 104,800 8201 Banquets 182,620 185,750 82,070 20,000 470,440 8202 Member Events 28,705 23,210 16,400 68,315 8203 Concessions 40,195 36,920 7,300 84,415 8301 Golf Club General Operations 266,280 167,365 80,875 41,000 555,520 8302 Golf Range Operations 75,585 8,865 2,200 86,650 `i 8303 Golf Cart Operations 19,805 560 58,205 78,570 0 8304 Golf Course Maintenance 293,385 98,685 42,550 5,300 160,345 600,265 8305 Golf Club Lounge Operations 32,035 72,930 1,000 105,965 8401 Bath&Tennis Club Improvements 10,000 10,000 8402 Bath &Tennis Clubhouse Improvements 55,000 55,000 8403 Golf Course Improvements 20,000 20,000 8404 Golf Improvements-Surcharge 80,625 15,000 95,625 Total Sports Core 1,356,845 644,260 448,130 129,250 362,245 2,940,730 Other Activities 9101 Equipment Replacement 599,325 599,325 9301 Hotel/Motel Tax 318,090 318,090 9701 Community Events 123,000 123,000 9801 Recycling Subsidy 34,530 34,530 Total Other Activities 475,620 599,325 1,074,945 Total All Programs 11,306,820 1,076,015 8,685,845 1,292,750 5,168,200 27,529,630 ' VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGETED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ' FISCAL YEAR 1996 (590000 Accounts) ' Program _ Number 01 GENERAL CORPORATE FUND Amount ' Legislative and General Management 1102 Village Clerk ' Workstation for Records Clerk 3,000 1306 General Services ' Replace Copier 33,000 1501 Information Services ' Phase I Technology Plan Implementation 514,400 Total Legislative and General Management 550,400 ' Financial Services 2201 Accounting and Reporting ' Dividers/Partitions for Work Areas 6,000 Total Financial Services 6,000 ' Public Works 3201 Buildings and Grounds ' Board Room Audio System 10,000 Police Department Cell Fixtures 10,000 Village Hall Interior Door Refinishing 3,500 ' Village Hall Atrium Seating Replacement 3,000 3301 Street Maintenance ' Sod Cutter 3,000 Power Rake 2,500 Air Hammers (2) 2,500 3305 Forestry Leaf Machine (2) 84,000 ' Total Public Works 118,500 Engineering and Capital Projects ' 4101 Engineering Workstations& Partitions(2) 5,700 S-17 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK ' BUDGETED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FISCAL YEAR 1996 (590000 Accounts) , Program Number Amount ' 4201 Municipal Building Improvements See Program 4201 293,850 4202 Traffic and Lighting Improvements ' See Program 4202 24,000 4203 Jorie Boulevard , See Program 4203 181,500 Total Engineering and Capital Projects 505,050 ' Library 5101 Library General Operations Patron Workstations 6,000 Outside Book Return Drop Box 2,500 , Library Books 2,000 5301 Library Reference and Adult Services ' Library Books 35,000 Audio Books, Compact Disks, and Audio Cassettes 3,200 5401 Library Youth Services ' Library Books 15,000 Audio Cassettes, Games, Puppets and Kits 1,500 Total Library 65,200 ' Police ' 6201 Police Field Services In-Car Video Equipment 6,500 , M.D.T. Unit 5,600 15 Portable Radios 16,000 2 Radar Units 3,200 ' 3 Light Bars 3,000 Decals& Changeover 4,000 6301 Police General Support ' Storage Cabinets 3,230 6302 Police Investigations ' Time Lapse Video Recorder 2,100 Evidence Lockers 2,000 S-18 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGETED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ' FISCAL YEAR 1996 (590000 Accounts) ' Program Number Amount 6303 Police Communications Duplex Radio System Equipment 6,000 6304 Police Records Telephone Equipment 1,200 ' Secure Speed File System 5,500 6305 Public Relations/Crime Prevention ' Reverse 911 System 22,000 Total Police 80,330 ' Fire and Code Enforcement 7101 Fire Service Management ' Replace Copier 12,500 7201 Fire Suppression ' 2-Way Radio System 3,500 Opticom Phase Selector 1,600 Fire Hose 2,800 ' Technical Rescue Equipment 20,000 PPU Ventilation Fan 1,750 Visar Radio 4,000 Fire Hose Replacement 4,500 Replace Jackets 2,500 Station 2 Radio Replacement 4,000 Replace Scuba Oxygen Tanks 15,000 ' Replace Diving Equipment 7,500 Hazmat Equipment 10,000 ' 7301 Emergency Medical Services Replace Radio 2,500 Replace Stretcher 2,000 ' Replace Blood Pressure Monitor 2,500 7401 Code Enforcement ' Visar Radios 1,800 Total Fire and Code Enforcement 98,450 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1,423,930 S-19 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK ' BUDGETED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FISCAL YEAR 1996 (590000 Accounts) ' Program Number Amount ' 08-WATER FUND Public Works ' 3501 Water Operations Air Blower 1,100 ' Generator 1,500 Well#5 Doors/Windows 4,300 Well#6 Puli/Inspection 40,000 Water Meters 80,000 ' Total Public Works 126,900 Engineering and Capital Proiects ' 4501 Water Systems Improvements ' See Program 4501 535,000 TOTAL WATER FUND 661,900 , 14-SPORTS CORE FUND Sports Core ' 8102 Swimming Operations Pool Furniture 15,000 ' Paddle Boat 1,300 8104 Tennis Operations-Indoor ' Principal Payments on Tennis Dome Note 24,600 8201 Banquets ' 2 Alto-Shams 10,000 Replace Convection Oven 10,000 8301 Golf Club General Operations ' Television 1,000 Ice Chest 2,000 Clubhouse Carpeting 8,000 ' Computer Hardware (Phase I of Technology Plan) 30,000 S-20 , 1 ' VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGETED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ' FISCAL YEAR 1996 (590000 Accounts) ' Program Number Amount 8304 Golf Course Maintenance 2 Utility Vehicles 21,500 ' Maintenance Building Heating and Insulation 25,000 Chemical Room and Rinsate Pad 37,500 Principal Payments on Maintenance Facility Note 76,345 ' 8401 Bath &Tennis Club Improvements See Program 8401 10,000 ' 8402 Clubhouse Improvements ' See Program 8402 55,000 8403 Golf Course Improvements See Program 8403 20,000 8404 Golf Improvements-Surcharge See Program 8404 15,000 ' TOTAL SPORTS CORE FUND 362,245 ' 15-GENERAL CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Other Activities ' 9101 Equipment Replacement See Program 9101 599,325 ' TOTAL GENERAL CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 599,325 16-INFRASTRUCTURE FUND ' Ennineerinci and Capital Proiects ' 4601 Roadway Improvements See Program 4601 1,927,400 ' 4602 Stormwater Management Improvements See Program 4602 110,000 4603 Safety Pathway Improvements See Program 4603 59,400 TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 2,096,800 S-21 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK ' BUDGETED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FISCAL YEAR 1996 (590000 Accounts) Program ' Number Amount 17-GARAGE FUND ' Public Works 3401 Garage Operations ' Pipe Threading Machine 3,000 Overhead Grease/Oil Dispenser 6,000 Sandblasting Cabinet and Gun 5,000 , UST Remediation 10,000 TOTAL GARAGE FUND 24,000 t TOTAL-ALL FUNDS 5,168,200 t S-22 ' Analysis of Funds Village of Oak Brook 1996-2000 Five-Year Financial Plan GENERAL CORPORATE FUND Summary 1995 Budget 1995 Estimate 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Unrestricted Cash Available,January 1, 1995 $8,092,014 Estimated Income $12,749,345 $13,379,400 $13,499,300 $14,153,500 $14,329,800 $14,457,800 $14,610,900 Less Estimated Operating Expenses Operating Budget 10,502,515 10,045,200 10,455,900 11,138,700 11,815,800 12,554,900 13,210,500 Exceptional Charges 1,163,345 1,163,100 958,200 1,011,000 1,058,200 1,099,000 1,151,700 Ki I Estimated Net Operating Income 1,083,485 2,171,100 2,085,200 2,003,800 1,455,800 803,900 248,700 Add Beginning of Year Cash Balance 8,092,014 8,092,014 8,848,014 9,631,914 9,551,414 7,688,314 6,898,614 Estimated Available Funds 9,175,499 10,263,114 10,933,214 11,635,714 11,007,214 8,492,214 7,147,314 Interfund Loan (435,000) (535,000) 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Loan Repayment 0 0 50,000 350,000 360,000 0 0 Adjusted Cash Available 8,740,499 9,728,114 10,983,214 11,985,714 11,367,214 8,492,214 7,147,314 Less Capital Improvement Program 1,531,275 880,100 1,351,300 2,434,300 3,678,900 1,593,600 212,900 Unrestricted Cash Available at Year-End $7,209,224 $8,848,014 $9,631,914 $9,551,414 $7,688,314 $6,898,614 $6,934,41 *Based on"Alternative C-1" r rr rr rr rr it rr �r rr r rr �r rr r� rr r rr �r VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1996 FUND SUMMARY NAME OF FUND: General Corporate Fund FUND NUMBER: 01 PRINCIPAL REVENUE SOURCE(S): Sales Tax, State Shared Revenues, Fines, Licenses, and Fees DEPARTMENT(S)SUPPORTED BY FUND: 1-Legislative and General Management, 2-17inancial Services 3-Public Works, 4-Engineering and Capital Projects, 5-Library 6-Police, 7-Fire and Code Enforcement, 9-Other Activities Budget Estimated Budget 1995 1995 1996 Estimated Unrestricted Cash, Beginning of Year $ 8,092,014 $ 8,092,014 $ 9,899,114 N Estimated Revenues See Schedule $12,749,345 $13,910,605 $14,082,935 Total Estimated Revenues $12,749,345 $13,910,605 $14,082,935 Estimated Cash Available $20,841,359 $22,002,619 $23,982,049 Estimated Expenditures Personnel $ 8,426,615 $ 8,098,225 $ 8,709,400 Materials& Supplies 316,975 244,485 347,755 Operation &Contractual 2,791,950 2,305,575 2,909,965 Miscellaneous 635,950 810,950 0 Capital 1,460,645 644,270 1,423,930 Total Estimated Expenditures $13,632,135 $12,103,505 $13,391,050 Estimated Unrestricted Cash at Year-End $ 7,209,224 $ 9,899,114 $10,590,999 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK GENERAL CORPORATE FUND REVENUES FISCAL YEAR 1996 1995 1995 1996 Budget Estimate Budget Foreign Fire Insurance $ 35,695 $ 35,695 $ 35,695 State Income Tax 445,970 460,080 500,860 Photo Processing Tax 14,995 15,650 16,100 Use Tax 59,065 62,365 64,250 Charitable Games Tax 2,200 2,345 2,200 General Sales Tax 10,200,000 10,971,000 11,071,000 York Township Road and Bridge Tax 136,000 132,000 136,000 Replacement Tax 114,275 127,080 152,020 i w Total Intergovernmental Revenue $ 11,008,200 $ 11,806,215 $ 11,978,125 Liquor Licenses $ 62,500 $ 63,265 $ 70,000 Tobacco Licenses 1,750 1,000 1,000 Garbage Licenses 1,500 1,500 1,500 Vending Machine Licenses 13,265 13,000 13,300 Building Permits 125,000 250,000 200,000 Plumbing Permits 7,500 7,500 9,000 Electrical Permits 30,000 50,000 60,000 Elevator Inspections 33,000 33,750 32,000 Taxi Licenses 2,100 2,750 2,750 Miscellaneous Licenses & Permits 20,000 25,000 25,000 Total Licenses and Permits $ 296,615 $ 447,765 $ 414,550 r rr r rr rr rr r Ir Ir r r r r r r Ir r r VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK GENERAL CORPORATE FUND REVENUES FISCAL YEAR 1996 1995 1995 1996 Budget Estimate Budget Interest $ 305,050 $ 485,960 $ 483,000 Administrative Services-Water Fund 284,000 284,000 215,600 Administrative Services-Sports Core Fund 24,000 0 0 Administrative Services-Garage Fund 16,500 16,500 17,400 Interfund Loan Repayment 0 0 75,000 Transfer from Debt Service Fund 15,910 30,200 0 Court Fines 189,500 140,000 140,000 Village Fines 70,000 75,000 75,000 J1, Training Reimbursement-Fire 5,000 5,355 5,000 Training Reimbursement-Police 10,000 370 12,000 Court Appearance Reimbursement 125 75 0 Fingerprinting 4,500 8,000 7,000 Miscellaneous 5,000 2,000 5,000 Bad Debts (2,480) (2,800) (2,800) DUMEG Reimbursement 0 0 35,800 BATTLE Program 41,000 47,370 46,370 Proceeds from Sale of Property 0 0 60,000 Total Miscellaneous $ 968,105 $ 1,092,030 $ 1,174,370 Franchise Fees $ 162,000 $ 175,900 $ 164,600 Sale of Recyclables 0 34,530 24,000 Zoning/Subdivision Appl. Fees 5,000 12,500 10,000 Plan Review Fees 13,000 12,500 13,000 Engineering Plan Review& Inspection 4,000 19,000 5,000 Subdivision Review& Inspection 3,000 1,000 2,000 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK GENERAL CORPORATE FUND REVENUES FISCAL YEAR 1996 1995 1995 1996 Budget Estimate Budget Ambulance Fees 162,000 179,125 164,000 Toll Road Fire Service 5,000 22,000 24,000 Library Services 3,600 5,500 4,250 Library Fines 7,000 4,000 5,000 Special Services-EMS 3,000 1,000 1,000 Special Services-Fire 1,000 1,500 1,500 Special Services-Police 20,100 7,500 10,000 Field Services-Police 375 375 375 v, Misc. Support Services-Police 6,000 6,500 6,500 Annual Alarm Permit Fees 400 465 465 False Alarms-Fire 7,200 5,000 6,000 False Alarms-Police 57,500 62,000 60,000 Alarm Application Fees-Police 16,250 14,200 14,200 Total Fees $ 476,425 $ 564,595 $ 515,890 Total Revenue $ 12,749,345 $ 13,910,605 $ 14,082,935 � � l� � r r r 1. � � � �■ � � � � � � VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY GENERAL CORPORATE FUND FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials Operational & & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 5100 5200 5300 5800 5900 Expenditures Legislative and General Management 1101 Board of Trustees 56,670 23,125 234,560 314,355 1102 Village Clerk 68,545 20,240 6,860 3,000 98,645 1201 Legal 114,825 3,800 29,760 148,385 1301 General Management 246,480 3,750 5,770 256,000 1302 Human Resources 42,315 5,150 69,600 117,065 1304 Risk Management 14,675 465,800 480,475 1305 Emergency Management 31,100 2,630 3,100 36,830 1306 General Services 39,895 37,900 128,100 33,000 238,895 1401 Purchasing and Grants 68,670 2,650 680 72,000 1501 Information Services 134,990 22,355 106,380 514,400 778,125 Total Legislative and General Management 818,165 121,600 1,050,610 550,400 2,540,775 Financial Services 2101 Financial Services Management 95,685 975 10,260 106,920 2201 Accounting and Reporting 217,145 12,805 11,405 6,000 247,355 Total Financial Services 312,830 13,780 21,665 6,000 354,275 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY GENERAL CORPORATE FUND FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials Operational & & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 5100 5200 5300 5800 5900 Expenditures Public Works 3101 Public Works Management 198,380 9,520 7,170 215,070 3102 Mosquito Control 41,800 41,800 3201 Buildings and Grounds 122,720 10,640 111,735 26,500 271,595 3300 Streets- General Salaries 470,780 470,780 3301 Street Maintenance 2,660 138,770 8,000 149,430 V 3302 Traffic and Lighting Maintenance 99,405 99,405 3303 Snow Removal 40,250 39,900 47,875 128,025 3304 Drainage Maintenance 57,160 57,160 3305 Forestry 35,400 150 122,550 84,000 242,100 3306 Safety Pathways 57,540 57,540 Total Public Works 867,530 62,870 684,005 118,500 1,732,905 Engineering 4101 Engineering 269,965 13,460 54,740 5,700 343,865 4201 Municipal Building Improvements 139,150 293,850 433,000 4202 Traffic and Lighting Improvements 24,000 24,000 4203 Jorie Boulevard Project 500 181,500 182,000 Total Engineering 269,965 13,460 194,390 505,050 982,865 r r rr rr rr rr r� r� rr rr r �r �r rr rr rr rr rr rr VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY GENERAL CORPORATE FUND FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials Operational & & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 5100 5200 5300 5800 5900 Expenditures Library 5100 Library-General Salaries 249,230 249,230 5101 Library General Operations 5,875 16,400 39,285 10,500 72,060 5201 Library Technical Services 4,525 6,725 11,250 5301 Library Reference and Adult Services 18,500 5,500 38,200 62,200 5401 Library Youth Services 520 1,040 16,500 18,060 co Total Library 255,105 39,945 52,550 65,200 412,800 Police 6101 Police Services Management 236,535 14,880 23,350 274,765 6201 Police Field Services 2,035,565 19,155 230,520 38,300 2,323,540 6301 Police General Support 129,645 11,235 7,430 3,230 151,540 6302 Police Investigations 426,590 9,380 18,585 4,100 458,655 6303 Police Communications 340,025 700 8,530 6,000 355,255 6304 Police Records 140,250 5,250 5,655 6,700 157,855 6305 Police Public Relations/Crime Prevention 62,390 3,000 600 22,000 87,990 Total Police 3,371,000 63,600 294,670 80,330 3,809,600 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY GENERAL CORPORATE FUND FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials Operational & & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 5100 5200 5300 5800 5900 Expenditures Fire and Code Enforcement 7101 Fire Service Management 140,195 1,100 7,925 12,500 161,720 7201 Fire Suppression 1,824,645 15,400 188,270 77,150 2,105,465 7301 Emergency Medical Services 447,985 7,400 187,825 7,000 650,210 7401 Code Enforcement 294,285 6,575 39,525 1,800 342,185 hd 7402 Planning &Zoning 107,695 2,025 31,000 140,720 Total Fire & Code Enforcement 2,814,805 32,500 454,545 98,450 3,400,300 Other Activities 9701 Community Events 123,000 123,000 9801 Recycling Subsidy 34,530 34,530 Total Other Activities 157,530 157,530 Total General Fund 8,709,400 347,755 2,909,965 1,423,930 13,391,050 rr rr rr rr +�r rr r rr �r r r r rr r rr rr �r rr rr VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK GENERAL CORPORATE FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN NET REVENUES AND NET OPERATING EXPENDITURES 1996 Budget vs. 1995 1996 1995 Budget Budget Budget $ % Total Revenues $12,749,345 $14,082,935 Less Reconciling Items: Interfund Loan Repayment 75,000 Net Revenues $12,749,345 $14,007,935 $1,258,590 9.87% Total Expenditures $13,632,135 $13,391,050 0 Less Reconciling Items: Capital Outlay 1,460,645 1,423,930 Transfers Out and Interfund Loans 635,950 One-Time Operating Items (>$15,000) Municipal Bldg. Improv. Professional Services 178,000 139,150 Comprehensive Plan Consultant 62,935 30,000 Computer Consultant 67,200 83,700 Provision for Regional Traffic Studies 20,000 On-Site Disaster Assistance Program 20,000 Net Operating Budget $11,227,405 $11,674,270 $446,865 3.98% Village of Oak Brook 1996-2000 Five-Year Financial Plan HOTEL/MOTEL TAX FUND Summary 1995 Budget 1995 Estimate 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Unrestricted Cash Available,January 1, 1995 $167,296 Estimated Income $243,500 $246,500 $248,400 $255,800 $263,400 $271,300 $279,400 Less Estimated Operating Expenses Operating Budget 315,000 219,300 346,500 327,100 263,400 271,300 279,400 r, Exceptional Charges 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r Estimated Net Operating Income (71,500) 27,200 (98,100) (71,300) 0 0 0 Add Beginning of Year Cash Balance 167,296 167,296 194,496 96,396 25,096 25,096 25,096 Estimated Available Funds 95,796 194,496 96,396 25,096 25,096 25,096 25,096 Interfund Loan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Loan Repayment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adjusted Cash Available 95,796 194,496 96,396 25,096 25,096 25,096 25,096 Less Capital Improvement Program 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Estimated Unrestricted Cash Balance at Year-End $95,796 $194,496 $96,396 $25,096 $25,096 $25,096 $25,096 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1996 FUND SUMMARY NAME OF FUND: Hotel/Motel Tax Fund FUND NUMBER: 03 PRINCIPAL REVENUE SOURCE(S): Hotel/Motel Tax DEPARTMENT(S) SUPPORTED BY FUND: 9-Other Activities Budget Estimated Budget 1995 1995 1996 Estimated Unrestricted Cash, Beginning of Year $167,296 $167,296 $256,826 tid i N Estimated Revenues Interest $ 3,500 $ 8,200 $ 7,270 Hotel/Motel Tax 240,000 253,875 261,490 Total Estimated Revenues $243,500 $262,075 $268,760 Estimated Cash Available $410,796 $429,371 $525,586 Estimated Expenditures Operation &Contractual $315,000 $172,545 $318,090 Total Estimated Expenditures $315,000 $172,545 $318,090 Estimated Unrestricted Cash at Year-End $ 95,796 $256,826 $207,496 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY HOTEUMOTEL FUND FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials Operational g & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 5100 5200 5300 5800 5900 Expenditures Other Activities 9301 Hotel/Motel Tax 318,090 318,090 Total Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 318,090 318,090 �i r W � r rr rr rr rr rr rr rr r■ rr rr r rr r rr rr rr rr Village of Oak Brook 1996-2000 Five-Year Financial Plan MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND Summary 1995 Budget 1995 Estimate 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Unrestricted Cash Available,January 1, 1995 $437,167 Estimated Income $226,400 $234,100 $226,400 $221,500 $232,600 $224,200 $215,400 Less Estimated Operating Expenses Ki Operating Budget 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Exeep(ional Charges 0 0 650,000 0 0 800,000 0 Estimated Net Operating Income 226,400 234,100 (423,600) 221,500 232,600 (575,800) 215,400 Add Beginning of Year Cash Balance 437,167 437,167 671,267 247,667 469,167 701,767 125,967 Estimated Available Funds 663,567 671,267 247,667 469,167 701,767 125,967 341,367 Interfund Loan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Loan Repayment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adjusted Cash Available 663,567 671,267 247,667 469,167 701,767 125,967 341,367 Less Capital Improvement Program 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Estimated Unrestricted Cash Balance at Year-End $663,567 $671,267 $247,667 $469,167 $701,767 $125,967 $341,367 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1996 FUND SUMMARY NAME OF FUND: Motor Fuel Tax Fund FUND NUMBER: 05 PRINCIPAL REVENUE SOURCE(S): Motor Fuel Tax DEPARTMENT(S) SUPPORTED BY FUND: 4-Enginering and Captial Projects Budget Estimated Budget 1995 1995 1996 Estimated Unrestricted Cash, Beginning of Year $437,167 $437,167 $685,067 tid i Estimated Revenues Motor Fuel Tax Allotments $209,100 $220,000 $220,000 Interest 17,300 27,900 17,300 Total Estimated Revenues $226,400 $247,900 $237,300 Estimated Cash Available $663,567 $685,067 $922,367 Estimated Expenditures Miscellaneous $ 0 $ 0 $650,000 Total Estimated Expenditures $ 0 $ 0 $650,000 Estimated Unrestricted Cash at Year-End $663,567 $685,067 $272,367 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials Operational & & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 5100 5200 5300 5800 5900 Expenditures Other Activities 4301 MFT Improvements 650,000 650,000 Total Motor Fuel Tax Fund 650,000 650,000 r o Village of Oak Brook 1996-2000 Five-Year Financial Plan WATER FUND Summary 1995 Budget 1995 Estimate 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Unrestricted Cash Available,January 1, 1995 $1,908,928 Estimated Income $4,536,665 $4,206,200 $3,524,100 $3,445,900 $4,332,300 $4,310,800 $4,787,100 Less Estimated Operating Expenses Operating Budget 736,490 676,000 747,300 790,400 817,500 857,800 891,300 Exceptional Charges 3,365,460 3,365,400 3,274,100 3,097,100 3,206,800 3,319,000 3,433,800 Estimated Net Operating Income 434,715 164,800 (497,300) (441,600) 308,000 134,000 462,000 Add Beginning of Year Cash Balance 1,908,928 1,908,928 3,262,328 3,709,528 2,696,928 2,409,928 1,958,928 Estimated Available Funds 2,343,643 2,073,728 2,765,028 3,267,928 3,004,928 2,543,928 2,420,928 Add DuPage Water Commission Rebate 571,485 1,129,000 600,000 0 0 0 0 Add Transfer from Bond Reserve Accounts 266,000 266,000 994,500 0 0 0 0 Adjusted Cash Available 3,181,128 3,468,728 4,359,528 3,267,928 3,004,928 2,543,928 2,420,928 Less Capital Improvement Program 639,000 206,400 650,000 571,000 595,000 585,000 540,000 Estimated Unrestricted Cash Balance at Year-End $2,542,128 $3,262,328 $3,709,528 $2,696,928 $2,409,928 $1,958,928 $1,880,928 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1996 FUND SUMMARY NAME OF FUND: Water Fund FUND NUMBER: 08 PRINCIPAL REVENUE SOURCE(S): Water Sales DEPARTMENT(S)SUPPORTED BY FUND: 2-Financial Services, 3-Public Works, 4-Engineering and Capital Projects Budget Estimated Budget 1995 1995 1996 Estimated Unrestricted Cash, Beginning of Year $1,908,928 $1,908,928 $ 3,396,173 Estimated Revenues Water Sales $4,125,000 $3,784,500 $ 3,132,000 Unmetered Sales 9,350 10,975 7,500 Water Tap-On Charges 110,700 86,475 57,740 w Fire Service Charge 102,000 102,000 102,000 Meter Fees 4,800 9,510 2,000 Special Services 13,615 13,615 13,900 Interest 122,000 163,930 183,750 DWC Rebate 571,485 1,129,880 600,000 Transfer from Bond Reserves 266,000 266,000 994,500 Miscellaneous 49,200 48,120 36,000 Total Estimated Revenues $5,374,150 $5,615,005 $ 5,129,390 Estimated Cash Available $7,283,078 $7,523,933 $ 8,525,563 Estimated Expenditures Personnel $ 336,575 $ 315,665 $ 345,480 Materials& Supplies 9,385 9,830 7,210 Operation&Contractual 3,285,490 3,121,025 3,102,265 Miscellaneous 550,000 550,000 496,100 Capital 559,500 131,240 661,900 Total Estimated Expenditures $4,740,950 $4,127,760 $ 4,612,955 Estimated Unrestricted Cash at Year-End $2,542,128 $3,396,173 $ 3,912,608 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY WATER FUND FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials Operational & & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 5100 5200 5300 5800 5900 Expenditures Financial Services 2802 Water Debt Service 125 280,500 280,625 Total Water Debt Service 125 280,500 280,625 id Public Works 3501 Water Operations 345,480 7,210 3,012,540 215,600 126,900 3,707,730 Total Water Operations 345,480 7,210 3,012,540 215,600 126,900 3,707,730 Engineering and Capital Projects 4501 Water System Improvements 89,600 535,000 624,600 Total Water System Improvements 89,600 535,000 624,600 Total Water Fund 345,480 7,210 3,102,265 496,100 661,900 4,612,955 Village of Oak Brook 1996-2000 Five-Year Financial Plan SELF-INSURANCE FUND Summary 1995 Budget 1995 Estimate 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Unrestricted Cash Available,January 1, 1995 $328,484 Estimated Income $877,280 $807,100 $854,800 $939,300 $1,031,600 $1,133,600 $1,246,200 Less Estimated Operating Expenses Operating Budget 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NExceptional Charges 850,500 802,300 871,700 947,500 1,030,500 1,121,300 1,220,800 0 Estimated Net Operating Income 26,780 4,800 (16,900) (8,200) 1,100 12,300 25,400 Add Beginning of Year Cash Balance 328,484 328,484 333,284 316,384 308,184 309,284 321,584 Estimated Available Funds 355,264 333,284 316,384 308,184 309,284 321,584 346,984 Inlerfund Loan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Loan Repayment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adjusted Cash Available 355,264 333,284 316,384 308,184 309,284 321,584 346,984 Less Capital Improvement Program 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Estimated Unrestricted Cash Balance at Year-End $355,264 $333,294 $316,384 $308,184 $309,284 $321,584 $346,984 w �w w w w■ w w w w w w ■w ww w w �w w w w VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1996 FUND SUMMARY NAME OF FUND: Self-Insurance Fund FUND NUMBER: 09 PRINCIPAL REVENUE SOURCE(S): Village, Park District, Retiree, and COBRA Contributions DEPARTMENT(S)SUPPORTED BY FUND: 1-Legislative and General Management Budget Estimated Budget 1995 1995 1996 Estimated Unrestricted Cash, Beginning of Year $ 328,484 $ 328,484 $ 384,849 Estimated Revenues Village Contributions $ 753,930 $ 688,380 $ 703,775 ^, Park District Contributions 32,700 28,130 36,800 ~' Retiree Contributions 74,000 67,600 82,625 COBRA Contributions 10,650 2,270 6,975 Interest 6,000 17,170 18,000 Total Estimated Revenues $ 877,280 $ 803,550 $ 848,175 Estimated Cash Available $1,205,764 $1,132,034 $ 1,233,024 Estimated Expenditures Personnel $ 850,500 $ 747,185 $ 809,405 Operation &Contractual 0 0 3,000 Total Estimated Expenditures $ 850,500 $ 747,185 $ 812,405 Estimated Unrestricted Cash at Year-End $ 355,264 $ 384,849 $ 420,619 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY SELF-INSURANCE FUND FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials Operational & & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 5100 5200 5300 5800 5900 Expenditures Legislative and General Management 1303 Employee Benefits 809,405 3,000 812,405 Total Self Insurance Fund 809,405 3,000 812,405 N N Village of Oak Brook 1996-2000 Five-Year Financial Plan POLICE PENSION FUND Summary 1995 Budget 1995 Estimate 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Restricted Cash Available,January 1, 1995 $12,859,602 Estimated income $1,171,445 $1,350,300 $1,314,500 $1,391,900 $1,472,800 $1,557,000 $1,645,100 Less Estimated Operating Expenses Operating Budget 58,660 45,300 63,600 69,400 75,100 79,500 84,000 'Exceptional Charges 315,650 298,700 361,400 399,000 437,000 475,000 513,400 w Estimated Net Operating Income 797,135 1,006,300 889,500 924,500 960,700 1,002,500 1,047,700 Add Beginning of Year Cash Balance 12,859,602 12,859,602 13,865,902 14,755,402 15,679,902 16,640,602 17,643,102 Estimated Available Funds 13,656,737 13,865,902 14,755,402 15,679,902 16,640,602 17,643,102 18,690,802 Interfund Loan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Loan Repayment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adjusted Cash Available 13,656,737 13,865,902 14,755,402 15,679,902 16,640,602 17,643,102 18,690,802 Less Capital Improvement Program 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Estimated Restricted Cash Balance at Year-End $13,656,737 $13,865,902 $14,755,402 $15,679,902 $16,640,602 $17,643,102 $18,690,802 a as a� a a a a a a a ■a a■ a� a� ■� as a� a a VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1996 FUND SUMMARY NAME OF FUND: Police Pension Fund FUND NUMBER: 10 PRINCIPAL REVENUE SOURCE(S): Village and Employee Contributions, Interest DEPARTMENT(S)SUPPORTED BY FUND: 2-Financial Services Budget Estimated Budget 1995 1995 1996 Estimated Restricted Cash, Beginning of Year $12,859,602 $12,859,602 $14,002,112 Estimated Revenues Village Contributions $ 291,555 $ 305,595 $ 319,115 N Employee Contributions 167,990 170,090 176,740 Interest 711,900 1,009,600 840,100 Total Estimated Revenues $ 1,171,445 $ 1,485,285 $ 1,335,955 Estimated Cash Available $14,031,047 $14,344,887 $15,338,067 Estimated Expenditures Personnel $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,200 Materials&Supplies 2,500 1,350 1,350 Operation &Contractual 370,810 340,425 430,925 Total Estimated Expenditures $ 374,310 $ 342,775 $ 433,475 Estimated Restricted Cash at Year-End $13,656,737 $14,002,112 $14,904,592 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY POLICE PENSION FUND FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials Operational & & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 5100 5200 5300 5800 5900 Expenditures Financial Services 2901 Police Pension 1,200 1,350 430,925 433,475 Total Police Pension Fund 1,200 1,350 430,925 433,475 Ki N Ul r■ ri r� r� r� r i■r ■r r �r rr r■� r� r rr r■■ r■ r r Village of Oak Brook 1996-2000 Five-Year Financial Plan FIREFIGHTERS'PENSION FUND Summary 1995 Budget 1995 Estimate 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Restricted Cash Available,January 1, 1995 $12,354,708 Estimated Income $1,229,230 $1,292,500 $1,299,600 $1,375,700 $1,454,400 $1,536,600 $1,622,100 Less Estimated Operating Expenses Operating Budget 50,990 49,400 54,100 57,400 60,100 65,700 68,800 Exceptional Charges 333,200 341,400 411,800 459,000 502,400 545,300 586,500 tid stimated Net Operating Income 845,040 901,700 833,700 859,300 891,900 925,600 966,800 Add Beginning of Year Cash Balance 12,354,708 12,354,708 13,256,408 14,090,108 14,949,408 15,841,308 16,766,908 Estimated Available Funds 13,199,748 13,256,408 14,090,108 14,949,408 15,841,308 16,766,908 17,733,708 Interfund Loan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Loan Repayment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adjusted Cash Available 13,199,748 13,256,408 14,090,108 14,949,408 15,841,308 16,766,908 17,733,708 Less Capital Improvement Program 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Estimated Restricted Cash Balance at Year-End $13,199,748 $13,256,408 $14,090,108 $14,949,408 $15,841,308 $16,766,908 $17,733,708 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1996 FUND SUMMARY NAME OF FUND: Firefighters'Pension Fund FUND NUMBER: 11 PRINCIPAL REVENUE SOURCE(S): Village and Employee Contributions, Interest DEPARTMENT(S)SUPPORTED BY FUND: 2-Financial Services Budget Estimated Budget 1995 1995 1996 Estimated Restricted Cash, Beginning of Year $12,354,708 $12,354,708 $13,403,813 Estimated Revenues Village Contributions $ 283,400 $ 284,910 $ 296,330 Employee Contributions 133,530 131,195 135,820 Interest 812,300 1,023,500 871,250 Total Estimated Revenues $ 1,229,230 $ 1,439,605 $ 1,303,400 Estimated Cash Available $13,583,938 $13,794,313 $14,707,213 Estimated Expenditures Personnel $ 1,600 $ 1,400 $ 1,000 Materials&Supplies 2,000 1,860 2,000 Operation &Contractual 380,590 387,240 465,420 Total Estimated Expenditures $ 384,190 $ 390,500 $ 468,420 Estimated Restricted Cash at Year-End $13,199,748 $13,403,813 $14,238,793 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials Operational g & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 5100 5200 5300 5800 5900 Expenditures Financial Services 2902 Firefighters' Pension 1,000 2,000 465,420 468,420 Total Firefighters' Pension Fund 1,000 2,000 465,420 468,420 tia N co Village of Oak Brook 1996-2000 Five-Year Financial Plan DEBT SERVICE FUND Summary 1995 Budget 1995 Estimate 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Restricted Cash Available,January 1, 1995 $22,675 Estimated Income $0 $7,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Less Estimated Operating Expenses Operating Budget 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Exceptional Charges 15,910 30,175 0 0 0 0 0 10 Estimated Net Operating Income (15,910) (22,675) 0 0 0 0 0 Add Beginning of Year Cash Balance • 22,675 22,675 0 0 0 0 0 Estimated Available Funds 6,765 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Loan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Loan Repayment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adjusted Cash Available 6,765 0 0 0 0 0 0 Less Capital Improvement Program 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Estimated Restricted Cash Balance at Year-End $6,765 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1996 FUND SUMMARY NAME OF FUND: Debt Service Fund FUND NUMBER: 12 PRINCIPAL REVENUE SOURCE(S): Real Estate Tax, Personal Property Replacement Tax DEPARTMENT(S) SUPPORTED BY FUND: 2-Financial Services Budget Estimated Budget 1995 1995 1996 Estimated Restricted Cash, Beginning of Year $ 22,675 $ 22,675 $ 0 Estimated Revenues Real Estate Tax $ 0 $ 5,410 $ 0 Personal Property Replacement Tax 0 1,940 0 c Interest 0 175 0 Total Estimated Revenues $ 0 $ 7,525 $ 0 Estimated Cash Available $ 22,675 $ 30,200 $ 0 Estimated Expenditures Miscellaneous $ 15,910 $ 30,200 $ 0 Total Estimated Expenditures $ 15,910 $ 30,200 $ 0 Estimated Restricted Cash at Year-End $ 6,765 $ 0 $ 0 Village of Oak Brook 1995-99 Five-Year Financial Plan SPORTS CORE FUND Summary 1995 Budget 1995 Estimate 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Cash Available,January 1, 1995 $146,834 Estimated Income $2,871,650 $2,412,400 $3,099,600 $3,209,000 $3,371,200 $3,749,400 $3,126,800 Less Estimated Operating Expenses Operating Budget 2,484,095 2,445,400 2,460,100 2,483,100 2,531,300 2,592,600 2,686,800 Exceptional Charges 139,320 115,300 115,300 68,100 33,700 79,300 124,900 wEstimated Net Operating Income 248,235 (148,300) 524,200 657,800 806,200 1,077,500 315,100 r Add Beginning of Year Cash Balance 146,834 146,834 61,134 227,334 462,634 828,834 1,022,334 Estimated Available Funds 395,069 (1,466) 585,334 885,134 1,268,834 1,906,334 1,337,434 Interf ind Loan 435,000 535,000 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Loan Repayment 0 0 50,000 350,000 360,000 0 0 Adjusted Cash Available 830,069 533,534 535,334 535,134 908,834 1,906,334 1,337,434 Less Capital Improvement Program 621,000 472,400 308,000 72,500 80,000 884,000 152,000 Estimated Cash Balance at Year-End 209,069 61,134 227,334 462,634 828,834 1,022,334 1,1,85,434 Memo: Golf Surcharge Balance (9,992) 15,558 12,458 25,858 34,358 102,858 171,358 Net Estimated Cash Balance $219,061 $45,576 $214,876 $436,776 $794,476 $919,476 $1,014,076 as a� a as a a a as as as as as as a a as a as ai VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1996 FUND SUMMARY NAME OF FUND: Sports Core Fund FUND NUMBER: 14 PRINCIPAL REVENUE SOURCE(S): Memberships, User Fees, and Food and Beverage Sales DEPARTMENT(S)SUPPORTED BY FUND: 8-Sports Core Budget Estimated Budget 1995 1995 1996 Estimated Cash, Beginning of Year $ 146,834 $ 146,834 $ 61,389 Estimated Revenues Bath and Tennis Club $ 794,065 $ 811,590 $ 1,119,000 Food and Beverage 691,500 485,870 598,360 w Golf Club 1,578,585 1,442,545 1,673,585 n' Golf Surcharge 242,500 218,500 68,000 Total Estimated Revenues $3,306,650 $2,958,505 $ 3,458,945 Estimated Cash Available $3,453,484 $3,105,339 $ 3,520,334 Estimated Expenditures Personnel $1,407,730 $1,436,565 $ 1,356,845 Materials& Supplies 576,620 639,095 644,260 Operation &Contractual 453,570 427,945 448,130 Miscellaneous 66,515 51,740 129,250 Capital 739,980 488,605 362,245 Total Estimated Expenditures $3,244,415 $3,043,950 $ 2,940,730 Estimated Cash at Year-End $ 209,069 $ 61,389 $ 579,604 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY SPORTS CORE FUND FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials Operational & & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 5100 5200 5300 5800 5900 Expenditures Bath and Tennis Operations 8101 Bath &Tennis General Operations 218,415 26,100 91,290 34,250 370,055 8102 Swimming Operations 81,690 9,025 31,870 16,300 138,885 8103 Tennis Operations- Outdoor 68,380 14,350 13,495 96,225 8104 Tennis Operations-Indoor 49,750 500 20,875 9,075 24,600 104,800 tid w Total Bath and Tennis Operations 418,235 49,975 157,530 43,325 40,900 709,965 Food and Beverage 8201 Banquets 182,620 185,750 82,070 20,000 470,440 8202 Member Events 28,705 23,210 16,400 68,315 8303 Concessions 40,195 36,920 7,300 84,415 Total Food and Beverage Operations 251,520 245,880 105,770 20,000 623,170 Golf Club 8301 Golf Club General Operations 266,280 167,365 80,875 41,000 555,520 8302 Golf Range Operations 75,585 8,865 2,200 86,650 8303 Golf Cart Operations 19,805 560 58,205 78,570 8304 Golf Course Maintenance 293,385 98,685 42,550 5,300 160,345 600,265 8305 Golf Course Lounge Operations 32,035 72,930 1,000 105,965 Total Golf Club 687,090 348,405 184,830 5,300 201,345 1,426,970 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY SPORTS CORE FUND FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials Operational & & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 5100 5200 5300 5800 5900 Expenditures Capital Projects 8401 Bath &Tennis Club Improvements 10,000 10,000 8402 Clubhouse Improvements 55,000 55,000 8403 Golf Course Improvements 20,000 20,000 8404 Golf Improvements- Surcharge 80,625 15,000 95,625 tid Total Capital Projects 80,625 100,000 180,625 r Total Sports Core Fund 1,356,845 644,260 448,130 129,250 362,245 2,940,730 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1996 SUBSIDIARY FUND INCOME STATEMENT-FOR PRESENTATION ONLY NAME OF FUND: Sports Core Fund-Bath and Tennis Club FUND NUMBER: 14 PRINCIPAL REVENUE SOURCE(S): Memberships and User Fees DEPARTMENT(S)SUPPORTED BY FUND: 8-Sports Core Budget Estimated Budget 1995 1995 1996 Estimated Revenues See Schedule $ 794,065 $ 811,590 $ 1,119,000 Total Estimated Revenues $ 794,065 $ 811,590 $ 1,119,000 wEstimated Expenditures Personnel $ 462,575 $ 448,365 $ 418,235 Materials& Supplies 48,400 55,505 49,975 Operation & Contractual 168,325 153,065 157,530 Miscellaneous 27,265 23,120 43,325 Capital 124,855 60,485 50,900 Total Estimated Expenditures $ 831,420 $ 740,540 $ 719,965 Estimated Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures $ (37,355) $ 71,050 $ 399,035 rr rr �r r� rr rr r r r■ r■ r r � r r � �r r■ r VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SPORTS CORE FUND BATH AND TENNIS OPERATIONS REVENUES FISCAL YEAR 1996 1995 1995 1996 Budget Estimate Budget B&T Family Resident $111,320 $ 85,125 $ 92,950 B&T Individual Resident 11,440 7,800 8,125 B&T Family Non-Resident 112,390 50,325 54,900 B&T Individual Non-Resident 14,630 10,925 11,875 B&T Junior Resident 4,455 6,625 7,375 B&T Junior Non-Resident 1,900 3,150 3,300 B&T Senior Resident 3,960 3,375 3,600 B&T Senior Non-Resident 5,060 4,025 4,025 B&T Discount (3,720) (340) (1,000) Total Memberships $261,435 $171,010 $ 185,150 tid w Locker Rental $ 600 $ 450 $ 600 Guest Fees 11,000 9,730 10,000 Swim Lessons 6,000 7,465 8,250 Swim Team Fees 4,000 7,250 8,000 Outdoor Tennis Lessons and Programs 40,000 28,635 31,500 Indoor Tennis Lessons and Programs 93,500 55,500 33,200 Winter Court Time 66,030 32,000 21,500 Polo Club Rental 13,000 13,000 14,300 Open Field Rental 10,000 7,500 10,000 Total Fees $244,130 $161,530 $ 137,350 Interest $ 3,000 $ 350 $ 1,000 Interfund Loan 260,000 460,000 0 Late Payment Penalty 1,500 1,200 1,500 Rental Income 12,000 12,000 6,500 Miscellaneous 1,000 0 500 Proceeds from Sale of Property 0 0 785,000 Beverage Sales 5,000 1,500 0 Pro Shop Sales 6,000 4,000 2,000 Total Miscellaneous $288,500 $479,050 $ 796,500 Total Revenue $794,065 $811,590 $1,119,000 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1996 SUBSIDIARY FUND INCOME STATEMENT-FOR PRESENTATION ONLY NAME OF FUND: Sports Core Fund-Food and Beverage FUND NUMBER: 14 PRINCIPAL REVENUE SOURCE(S): Food and Beverage Sales DEPARTMENT(S) SUPPORTED BY FUND: 8-Sports Core Budget Estimated Budget 1995 1995 1996 Estimated Revenues See Schedule $ 691,500 $ 485,870 $ 598,360 Total Estimated Revenues $ 691,500 $ 485,870 $ 598,360 i Estimated Expenditures Personnel $ 287,115 $ 341,265 $ 251,520 Materials& Supplies 183,530 254,825 245,880 Operation &Contractual 103,745 103,435 105,770 Miscellaneous 10,000 10,670 0 Capital 93,000 32,295 75,000 Total Estimated Expenditures $ 677,390 $ 742,490 $ 678,170 Estimated Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures $ 14,110 $ (256,620) $ (79,810) VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SPORTS CORE FUND FOOD AND BEVERAGE REVENUES FISCAL YEAR 1996 1995 1995 1996 Budget Estimate Budget Food Sales $ 24,400 $ 8,625 $ 9,500 Food Sales-Polo 3,850 5,200 7,500 Banquets 424,500 264,000 315,000 Member Events 16,000 16,000 21,600 Oak Brook Day & Fourth of July 800 65 0 BBQ Hut 15,000 29,000 29,000 Open Field Catering 15,000 15,000 16,500 Total Food Sales $499,550 $337,890 $399,100 Beverage/Liquor Sales $ 6,000 $ 3,725 $ 4,100 00 Beverage/Liquor Sales-Polo 3,850 3,485 3,850 Banquets 162,500 104,000 120,000 Member Events 1,600 3,000 3,000 Oak Brook Day &Fourth of July 1,000 0 0 BBQ Hut 3,600 18,250 18,250 Total Beverage Sales $178,550 $132,460 $149,200 Social Memberships $ 9,900 $ 5,520 $ 6,060 Rental Income 0 0 34,000 Miscellaneous 3,500 10,000 10,000 Total Miscellaneous $ 13,400 $ 15,520 $ 50,060 Total Revenue $691,500 $485,870 $598,360 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1996 SUBSIDIARY FUND INCOME STATEMENT-FOR PRESENTATION ONLY NAME OF FUND: Sports Core Fund-Golf Club FUND NUMBER: 14 PRINCIPAL REVENUE SOURCE(S): Memberships and User Fees DEPARTMENT(S)SUPPORTED BY FUND: 8-Sports Core Budget Estimated Budget 1995 1995 1996 Estimated Revenues See Schedule $1,578,585 $1,442,545 $ 1,673,585 w `O Total Estimated Revenues $1,578,585 $1,442,545 $ 1,673,585 Estimated Expenditures Personnel $ 658,040 $ 646,935 $ 687,090 Materials& Supplies 344,690 328,765 348,405 Operation & Contractual 181,500 171,445 184,830 Miscellaneous 24,000 12,000 5,300 Capital 179,125 136,825 221,345 Total Estimated Expenditures $1,387,355 $1,295,970 $ 1,446,970 Estimated Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures $ 191,230 $ 146,575 $ 226,615 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SPORTS CORE FUND GOLF CLUB REVENUES FISCAL YEAR 1996 1995 1995 1996 Budget Estimate Budget Unlimited Resident $ 91,200 $ 96,000 $ 100,100 Junior Resident 3,150 2,925 3,575 Senior Resident 12,375 14,475 16,755 Unlimited Non-Resident 63,000 59,625 64,575 Unlimited Corporate Resident 38,250 31,200 33,150 Golf Discount (900) (480) (500) Total Memberships $ 207,075 $ 203,745 $ 217,655 Green Fees Non-Resident $ 591,500 $ 503,000 $ 646,625 Green Fees Resident 68,500 70,650 74,975 Golf Lessons 63,000 52,000 63,000 Driving Range Fees 85,000 71,000 85,000 o Butler Range Rental 15,450 15,450 15,900 Equipment Rental 3,500 3,500 3,500 Power Cart Rental 209,500 202,500 214,500 Hand Cart Rental 11,500 10,500 11,500 Total Fees $1,047,950 $ 928,600 $ 1,115,000 Pro Shop Sales $ 168,000 $ 168,000 $ 176,400 Handicap Sales 6,000 6,700 6,000 Pro Shop Services 2,000 1,000 2,000 Food Sales 61,530 48,500 64,600 Beverage Sales 75,600 80,000 84,000 Candy/Cigarette Sales 6,930 5,500 6,930 Total Sales $ 320,060 $ 309,700 $ 339,930 Interest $ 4,000 $ 600 $ 1,500 Cash Over/Short (500) (100) (500) Total Miscellaneous $ 3,500 $ 500 $ 1,000 Total Revenue $ 1,578,585 $1,442,545 $ 1,673,585 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1996 SUBSIDIARY FUND INCOME STATEMENT-FOR PRESENTATION ONLY NAME OF FUND: Sports Core Fund-Golf Surcharge FUND NUMBER: 14 PRINCIPAL REVENUE SOURCE(S): Golf Surcharge DEPARTMENT(S) SUPPORTED BY FUND: 8-Sports Core Budget Estimated Budget 1995 1995 1996 Estimated Revenues Golf Surcharge $ 67,500 $ 67,500 $ 67,500 Interest 0 1,000 500 Interfund Loan 175,000 150,000 0 Total Estimated Revenues $ 242,500 $ 218,500 $ 68,000 Estimated Expenditures Miscellaneous $ 5,250 $ 5,950 $ 80,625 Capital 343,000 259,000 15,000 Total Estimated Expenditures $ 348,250 $ 264,950 $ 95,625 Estimated Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures $ (105,750) $ (46,450) $ (27,625) Village of Oak Brook 1996-2000 Five-Year Financial Plan EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Summary 1995 Budget 1995 Estimate 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Unrestricted Cash Available,January 1, 1995 $1,102,909 Estimated Income $548,300 $566,100 $461,700 $483,700 $501,600 $525,000 $548,000 Less Estimated Operating Expenses Operating Budget 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Exceptional Charges 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n� Estimated Net Operating Income 548,300 566,100 461,700 483,700 501,600 525,000 548,000 Add Beginning of Year Cash Balance 1,102,909 1,102,909 1,421,309 1,409,009 1,410,209 1,706,609 1,813,809 Estimated Available Funds 1,651,209 1,669,009 1,883,009 1,892,709 1,911,809 2,231,609 2,361,809 Interfund Loan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Loan Repayment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adjusted Cash Available 1,651,209 1,669,009 1,883,009 1,892,709 1,911,809 2,231,609 2,361,809 Less Capital Improvement Program 389,900 247,700 474,000 482,500 205,200 417,800 296,000 Estimated Unrestricted Cash Balance at Year-End $1,261,309 $1,421,309 $1,409,009 $1,410,209 $1,706,609 $1,813,809 $2,065,809 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1996 FUND SUMMARY NAME OF FUND: Equipment Replacement Fund FUND NUMBER: 15 • PRINCIPAL REVENUE SOURCE(S): User Department Charges DEPARTMENT(S)SUPPORTED BY FUND: 9-Other Activities Budget Estimated Budget 1995 1995 1996 Estimated Unrestricted Cash, Beginning of Year $ 1,102,909 $ 1,102,909 $ 1,557,394 Estimated Revenues Charges For Services $ 506,100 $ 506,100 $ 396,220 ►� Interest 42,200 68,400 71,065 Total Estimated Revenues $ 548,300 $ 574,500 $ 467,285 Estimated Cash Available $ 1,651,209 $ 1,677,409 $ 2,024,679 Estimated Expenditures Capital $ 389,900 $ 120,015 $ 599,325 Total Estimated Expenditures $ 389,900 $ 120,015 $ 599,325 Estimated Unrestricted Cash at Year-End $ 1,261,309 $ 1,557,394 $ 1,425,354 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY GENERAL CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials Operational & & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 5100 5200 5300 5800 5900 Expenditures Other Activities 9101 Equipment Replacement 599,325 599,325 Total Equipment Replacement Fund 599,325 599,325 r Village of Oak Brook 1996-2000 Five-Year Financial Plan INFRASTRUCTURE FUND Summary 1995 Budget 1995 Estimate 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Unrestricted Cash Available,January 1, 1995 $1,237,258 Estimated Income $2,308,805 $2,216,100 $2,749,200 $1,685,300 $1,698,200 $2,514,300 $1,782,700 Less Estimated Operating Expenses Operating Budget 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Exceptional Charges 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tid Estimated Net Operating Income 2,308,805 2,216,100 2,749,200 1,685,300 1,698,200 2,514,300 1,782,700 Add Beginning of Year Cash Balance 1,237,258 1,237,258 1,196,458 1,096,558 637,058 235,758 721,258 Estimated Available funds 3,546,063 3,453,358 3,945,658 2,781,858 2,335,258 2,750,058 2,503,958 Interfund Loan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Loan Repayment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adjusted Cash Available 3,546,063 3,453,358 3,945,658 2,781,858 2,335,258 2,750,058 2,503,958 Less Capital Improvement Program 2,824,750 2,256,900 2,849,100 2,144,800 2,099,500 2,028,800 1,396,000 Estimated Unrestricted Cash Balance at Year-End $721,313 $1,196,458 $1,096,558 $637,058 $235,758 $721,258 $1,107,958 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1996 FUND SUMMARY NAME OF FUND: Infrastructure Fund FUND NUMBER: 16 PRINCIPAL REVENUE SOURCE(S): Utility Tax DEPARTMENT(S)SUPPORTED BY FUND: 4-Engineering and Capital Projects Budget Estimated Budget 1995 1995 1996 Estimated Unrestricted Cash, Beginning of Year $ 1,237,258 $ 1,237,258 $ 1,357,258 Estimated Revenues Transfers In $ 200,950 $ 200,950 $ 650,000 Utility Tax 1,894,000 1,839,000 1,894,000 Grants 172,175 3,875 193,275 Interest 41,680 66,000 57,325 Total Estimated Revenues $ 2,308,805 $ 2,109,825 $ 2,794,600 Estimated Cash Available $ 3,546,063 $ 3,347,083 $ 4,151,858 Estimated Expenditures Operation &Contractual $ 843,750 $ 315,825 $ 903,150 Capital 1,981,000 1,674,000 2,096,800 Total Estimated Expenditures $ 2,824,750 $ 1,989,825 $ 2,999,950 Estimated Unrestricted Cash at Year-End $ 721,313 $ 1,357,258 $ 1,151,908 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY INFRASTRUCTURE FUND FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials Operational & & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 5100 5200 5300 5800 5900 Expenditures Engineering and Capital Projects 4601 Roadway Improvements 491,500 1,927,400 2,418,900 4602 Stormwater Management Improvements 177,000 110,000 287,000 4603 Safety Pathway Improvements 234,650 59,400 294,050 Total Infrastructure Fund 903,150 2,096,800 2,999,950 tid V Village of Oak Brook 1996-2000 Five-Year Financial Plan GARAGE FUND Summary 1995 Budget 1995 Estimate 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Unrestricted Cash Available,January 1, 1995 $0 Estimated Income $357,340 $357,200 $357,800 $359,300 $360,900 $360,100 $360,800 Less Estimated Operating Expenses Operating Budget 282,275 286,900 292,800 303,200 312,700 323,300 336,200 Exceptional Charges 20,020 20,000 20,600 21,200 22,000 22,700 '23,500 Estimated Net Operating Income 55,045 50,300 44,400 34,900 26,200 14,100 1,100 Add Beginning of Year Cash Balance 0 0 30,300 61,700 91,600 75,800 89,900 Estimated Available Funds 55,045 50,300 74,700 96,600 117,800 89,900 91,000 Interfund Loan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interfbnd Loan Repayment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adjusted Cash Available 55,045 50,300 74,700 96,600 117,800 89,900 91,000 Less Capital Improvement Program 20,000 20,000 13,000 5,000 42,000 0 0 Estimated Unrestricted Cash Balance at Year-End $35,045 $30,300 $61,700 $91,600 $75,800 $89,900 $91,000 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 1996 FUND SUMMARY NAME OF FUND: Garage Fund FUND NUMBER: 17 PRINCIPAL REVENUE SOURCE(S): User Department Charges DEPARTMENT(S)SUPPORTED BY FUND: 3-Public Works Budget Estimated Budget 1995 1995 1996 Estimated Unrestricted Cash, Beginning of Year $ 0 $ 0 $ 70,680 hd Estimated Revenues Charges for Services $356,340 $356,340 $332,100 Interest 1,000 940 1,000 Total Estimated Revenues $357,340 $357,280 $333,100 Estimated Cash Available $357,340 $357,280 $403,780 Estimated Expenditures Personnel $ 82,700 $ 66,210 $ 83,490 Materials& Supplies 89,675 66,500 73,440 Operation &Contractual 105,320 109,760 104,900 Miscellaneous 16,500 16,500 17,400 Capital 28,100 27,630 24,000 Total Estimated Expenditures $322,295 $286,600 $303,230 Estimated Unrestricted Cash at Year-End $ 35,045 $ 70,680 $100,550 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY GARAGEFUND FISCAL YEAR 1996 Materials Operational & & Total Personnel Supplies Contractual Miscellaneous Capital Budget 5100 5200 5300 5800 5900 Expenditures Public Works 3401 Municipal Garage Operations 83,490 73,440 104,900 17,400 24,000 303,230 Total Garage Fund 83,490 73,440 104,900 17,400 24,000 303,230 hd to 0 Department 1 : Legislative and General Management VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Legislative and General Management DEPARTMENT NUMBER: (1) SUPPORTED BY(FUNDS): General Corporate (01) Self-Insurance (09) COMPONENTS OF DEPARTMENT: DIVISIONS (ACCT. NO.) PROGRAMS (ACCT. NO.) Legislative Support (1) Board of Trustees (01) Village Clerk (02) i Legal (2) Legal (01) General Management (3) General Management (01) Human Resources (02) Employee Benefits (03) Risk Management (04) Emergency Management (05) General Services (06) Purchasing and Grants (4) Purchasing and Grants (01) Information Services (5) Information Services (01) TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUDGET: $ 3,353,180 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM BOARD OF TRUSTEES PROGRAM NO. 1101 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $314,355 DEPARTMENT Legislative and General Management NO. 1 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Legislative Support NO. 1 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Board of Trustees NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides budgetary support for the Village President and Board of Trustees, Village boards and commissions and various intergovernmental, legislative and ceremonial activities. PROGRAM GOAL To facilitate the efficient and effective functioning of the Village Board and of advisory boards and commissions. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE N A survey of Village Board members indicates a 90%level of satisfaction with the timeliness and quality of support services. A survey of board and commission members Indicates the same. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue efforts to define and articulate Village Board policies. 2. Through the Illinois Municipal League and DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference, and directly continue lobbying efforts to reduce and eliminate unfunded mandates. 3. Actively monitor planning, development and usage of the Mayslake property by the DuPage County Forest Preserve District and its licensees in order to maximize benefit to the Oak Brook community and minimize negative impacts. 4. Enhance communication with Village residents and businesses. 5. Revisit the Sports Core Financial Management policy to determine the proper means of funding the general upkeep and administration of the Sports Core property. 6. Implement delayed broadcast of Village Board meetings over the local cable television system. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget excludes expenses related to Community Events in 1996,which are reflected in Program 9701. Budget reflects a$200,000 contingency(unchanged from 1995)and anticipated costs of expanded communication efforts. = = = = = = m VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 1 - L.EGISLATIVE AND GENERAL MGMT. DIVISION 1 - LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT PROGRAM 01 - BOARD OF TRUSTEES ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET __ NUMBER DESCRIPTION _ 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 33, 670 30, 410 34, 715 510026 MERIT BONUS 0 0 250 511010 PENSION 1. M. R. F. 11890 1,860 1, 840 511035 F. I. C. A. 2, 575 2j475 2, 675 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 2, 600 2, 400 2, 340 511050 TRAVEL EXPENSE 150 50 50 511060 TRAINING 5, 000 3, 000 5, 000 511070 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 91800 9, 300 91800 TOTAL PERSONNEL 55, 685 49, 495 56, 670 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 8, 650 6, 200 21, 425 520040 SUBSCRIPTIONS 865 100 100 520090 FOOD 200 150 200 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 400 200 200 520600 GENERAL EOUIPMENT 720 450 11100 r 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 400 50 100 I W TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 11, 235 7, 150 23, 125 530380 RENTALS 80 65 60 530460 RECEPTION/ENTERTAINMENT 11, 170 11, 000 11, 500 530545 AWARDS DINNER/SERVICE AWARDS 12,000 12, 000 12, 000 530548 4TH OF JULY/OAK BROOK DAY 58, 000 65, 525 0 530650 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 10, 000 400 4, 000 530700 OTHER SERVICES 7, 050 2, 000 7, 000 530730 CONTINGENCY 200,000 O 200, 000 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 299, 100 90, 990 234, 560 590000 NEW EOUINMENT 2, 000 950 0 TOTAL CAP I 1 AI_ 2,000 950 0 TOTAL PROCRAM 360, 020 148, 585 314, 355 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM VILLAGE CLERK PROGRAM NO. 1102 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $98,645 DEPARTMENT Legislative and General Management NO. 1 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Legislative Support NO. 1 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Village Clerk NO.02 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program supports the operation of the office of the Village Clerk, including all licensing activities, maintenance of official Village records, and voter registration. PROGRAM GOAL To provide efficient and effective records management for the Village. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A survey of Village Board members and department heads indicates a 90%level of satisfaction with services provided by the Clerk's office. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue the comprehensive review and update of the Oak Brook Code. 2. Continue microfilming of archival records. 3. Begin implementation of document imaging for current Village records. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. m = = = m = = = VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 1 - LEGISLATIVE AND GENERAL MGMT. DIVISION 1 LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT PROGRAM 02 - VIII_AGE CLERK ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _NUMDER D[-SCRIPTION1995 1995 1996_ 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 43, 475 43, 115 48, 895 510026 MERIT BONUS 250 250 250 511010 PENSION 1. M. R. F. 3,315 3, 125 3, 490 511035 F. I. C. A. 3, 345 3, 005 3, 740 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 8, 350 8, 100 8, 275 511050 TRAVEL EXPENSE 100 90 110 511060 TRAINING 4, 100 2, 400 3, 450 511070 DUES & MFMBERSHIPS 200 300 335 TOTAL PERSONNEL. 63, 135 60, 385 68, 545 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 7, 000 51500 11, 000 520040 SUPSCRIPIIONS 0 0 200 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 500 500 750 520275 MICROFILMING 10, 100 6, 000 (3, 000 520600 GENERAL EQUIPMENT 1,200 800 40 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 200 0 250 i TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 19, 000 12, 800 20, 240 530200 MAINTENANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT 200 100 110 530290 COPIER COSTS 0 0 700 530365 MAINTENANCE COMPUTERS 11000 0 0 . 530380 A ENTALS 100 15 50 530462 ADVERTISING 4, 000 51000 6, 000 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 5, 300 5, 1 15 6, 860 590000 NEW EQUIVMENT 12, 000 0 0 590100 EQUIPMENT RFPLACEMENT 0 0 3, 000 TOTAL CAPITAL 12, 000 0 3, 000 TOTAL PROGiiAM 99,435 78, 300 98, 645 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM LEGAL PROGRAM NO. 1201 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $148,385 DEPARTMENT Legislative and General Management NO. 1 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Legal NO.2 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Legal NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides professional legal services to the Village organization. PROGRAM GOAL r To provide efficient and effective legal services to the Village Board, Village Manager and all Village departments. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A survey of recipients of legal services indicates a 90%level of satisfaction with the services provided. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue the comprehensive review and update of the Oak Brook Code. 2. Evaluate feasibility and benefits of implementing in-house adjudication of appropriate ordinance violations. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget includes provision for a taw school intern to assist in the code review project. No other significant changes. r = r m = = = = = = = = = m = = = = = VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROCRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : O1 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 1 - LEGISLATIVE AND GENERAL MGMT. DIVISION 2 - LEGAL PROGRAM 01 - LEGAL ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _-NUMBER PFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 15, 820 15, 190 16, 220 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 71,230 64,885 71, 750 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 0 0 400 510025 INTERNS 0 0 7, 500 510026 MERIT BONUS 250 250 250 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 7, 530 6, 950 7, 855 511035 F. I. C. A. 6,660 6, 145 7, 095 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 2, 875 2, 820 2, 975 511050 TRAVEL. EXPENSE 25 25 30 511060 TRAINING 800 70 300 511070 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 400 450 450 TOTAL PERSONNEL. 105, 590 96, 785 114, 825 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 400 0 400 520040 SUBSCRIPT IONS 2, 000 2, 000 2, 000 r, 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 200 190 200 520275 MICROFILMING 0 0 700 v 520600 GENERAL FQUIPMENI 500 145 500 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 31100 2, 335 3, 800 530200 MAINTENANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 95 200 530380 RENTALS 85 35 60 530475 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 9, 500 530555 LITIGATION COSTS 19, 500 12, 000 20, 000 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 19, 585 12, 130 29, 760 590000 NEW EQUIPMENT 11800 0 0 TOTAL CAPIIAL 11800 0 0 TOTAL PROGRAM 130, 075 111, 250 148, 385 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM GENERAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM NO. 1301 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $256,000 DEPARTMENT Legislative and General Management NO. 1 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION General Management NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM General Management. NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides general management of the Village, including supervision of all departments and operations and implementation of the policies and objectives of the Village Board. r PROGRAM GOAL 00 To provide professional general management to the Village and implement effectively the policies and objectives of the Village Board. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE The Village President and Board of Trustees are satisfied with the quality of general management. 90°x6 of Village Board and program objectives, Village-wide, are achieved. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue economic development efforts, concentrating on business retention, enhancement of the sales tax base, and improving transportation access. 2. Implement the performance auditing program. 3. Complete development of business and sales tax databases. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 1 - LEGISLATIVE AND GENERAL MGMT. DIVISION 3 - GENERAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 01 - GENERAL MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TII1F 183,860 176, 655 178, 720 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 8,025 4, 570 5, 545 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 5,875 2, 500 51080 510025 INTERNS 8, 100 2, 710 4, 680 510026 MERIT BONUS 500 500 750 511010 PENSION 1. M. R. F. 17, 150 16, 145 16, 790 511035 F. 1. C. A. 15,785 14,280 111890 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 15, 175 14,235 16, 575 511050 TRAVEL EXPENSE 200 100 100 511060 TRAINING 5,990 4, 200 4, 200 511070 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 2, 100 2, 100 2, 150 TOTAL PERSONNEL 262, 760 237,995 246, 480 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 150 50 50 520040 SUBSCRIPTIONS 920 600 600 520090 FOOD 350 200 350 �j 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 11000 11000 11000 520600 GENERAL FOUIPMENT 1,200 11000 1, 250 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 3,000 500 500 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 6,620 3,350 3o750 530200 MAINTENANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT BO 150 50 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 2,450 2, 450 600 530380 RENTALS 160 60 120 530700 OTI4ER SERVICES 5,000 51000 31000 TOTAL OPERAIION & CONTRACTUAL 7,690 7, 660 5, 770 TOTAL PROGRAM 277,070 249,005 256, 000 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM HUMAN RESOURCES PROGRAM NO. 1302 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $117,065 DEPARTMENT Legislative and General Management NO. 1 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION General Management NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Human Resources NO.02 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program coordinates the Village's human resources activities including general personnel management, staff development and training; assistance to department heads in the recruitment process, administration of compensation plans, and coordination of employer benefit plans. PROGRAM GOAL To support the operations of each of the Village's departments by providing effective human resources services, maintaining competitive and equitable compensation rprograms, and providing training and development opportunities for employees. 0 PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE The Village's human resources function is administered and managed in full compliance with applicable law, and a survey of Village departments indicates an 85°x6 level of satisfaction with human resources services. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Adopt and publish a revised and restated personnel manual (replacing Appendix D of the Oak Brook Code.) 2. Review and focus staff training programs. 3. Evaluate the usefulness and effectiveness of the current Employee Assistance Program. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget includes cost of labor counsel and fire and police testing processes anticipated in 1996. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: I - LEGISLATIVE AND GENERAL MGMT. DIVISION 3 - GENERAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 02 - HUMAN RESOURCES ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATEDi BUDGET __NUMBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 31,920 28, 590 28, 130 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 11500 11000 2, 000 510026 MERIT BONUS O O 500 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 2,935 2, 475 2, 385 511035 F. I. C. A. 2, 600 2, 190 2, 150 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 3,275 2, 840 3, 825 511042 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS 1, 650 1, 650 1, 650 511060 TRAINING 11000 500 1, 500 511070 DUES & MFMBERSHIPS 175 165 175 TOTAL PERSONNEL 45,055 39, 410 42, 315 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 2, 000 200 2, 000 520040 SUBSCRIPTIONS 650 400 600 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 3, 550 100 2, 550 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 6,200 700 5, 150 r 530462 ADVERTISING 2, 500 2, 500 3, 500 530475 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 15,000 10,000 35,000 530560 BOARD OF POLICE & FIRE COMM. 14,000 3,000 31, 100 TOTAL OPFRAIION & CONTRACTUAL 31, 500 15, 500 69, 600 TOTAL PROGRAM 82,755 55, 610 117, 065 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PROGRAM NO. 1303 FUND Self-Insurance NO.09 PROGRAM BUDGET $812,405 DEPARTMENT Legislative and General Management NO. 1 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION General Management NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) N/A THIS PROGRAM Employee Benefits NO.03 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides medical, dental optical and life insurance benefits to Village employees through self-insured medical and dental plans; third-party insured optical plan and group term life and A D&D insurance. These plans are also made available to employees of the Oak Brook Park District, retired Village employees and separated employees pursuant to COBRA. �j PROGRAM GOAL ra To provide competitive insurance benefits to employees and their dependents in a timely and cost-effective manner. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Market analysis indicates that benefits are comparable to those offered by competing employers. A survey of plan participants indicates an 80%level of satisfaction with administration of the program. Costs are maintained at or below the estimated insurance inflation/utilization rate. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Implement revisions to health and dental insurance benefits and cost allocation as approved by the Village Board. 2. Implement a Section 125 Plan to allow employees to tax shelter eligible unreimbursed expenses and any amounts contributed toward the cost of insurance coverage. 3. Complete a selection process for benefits consulting services. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects cost savings from favorable reinsurance rates received in 1995 and favorable trend in claims. m = m = = VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 09 - SELF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT: i - LEGISLATIVE AND GENERAL MGMT. DIVISION 3 - GENERAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 03 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET MBER DFS;CRIPTILIN 1995 1295 1996 511105 AGREGATE PREMIUM 7, 580 8,200 91590 511115 SPECIFIC PR[MIUP1 168, 670 153.895 156, 795 511125 PPO PREMIUM 5, 250 6, 670 8, 730 511135 LIFE INSURANCE 25, 435 23, 510 25# 345 511145 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE 20, 775 17, 510 17, 860 511150 CONVERSION FEE 1, 260 1,220 1, 290 511155 HEALTH CLAIMS 534, 370 471, 510 518, 660 511165 DENTAL_ CLAIMS 87, 160 64,670 71, 135 TOTAL PERSONNEL 850, 500 747, 185 809, 405 530700 OTHER sFuvICES O 0 3, 000 TOTAL OPERAIION & CONTRACTUAL 0 0 3, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 850, 500 747, 185 812, 405 r I r W VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM NO. 1304 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $480,475 DEPARTMENT Legislative and General Management NO. 1 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION General Management NO.3 (If not included In Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Risk Management NO.04 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program coordinates the Village's loss prevention activities, and provides funding for general liability, property and casualty, and worker's compensation insurance. PROGRAM GOAL To control the Village's exposure to losses by means of a comprehensive risk management program that fosters a safety awareness through loss prevention activities and programs. r I PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Current year claims frequency(exclusive of externally caused accidents)is less than the prior year's frequency for all departments; current year loss experience(in constant dollars)is less than the per capita average of IRMA members and the Village's safety program evaluation is in IRMA's"Superior"category. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Reduce claim frequency and loss experience in all departments through an active loss prevention program. 2. Re-evaluate effectiveness of safety incentive programs and institute changes to make them more effective. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects increases in IRMA assessment due to increased Village revenues and a higher experience modifier(rolling 3-year basis). m = = = m = = m VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 1 - LEGISLATIVE AND GENERAL MGMT. DIVISION 3 - GENERAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 04 RISK MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _"U BER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 , 996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 14, 120 12, 005 10, 925 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 1,220 1, 040 925 511035 F. I. C. A. 11000 920 835 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 675 450 1, 490 511060 TRAININO 500 200 500 TOTAL PERSONNEL 17, 595 14, 615 14, 675 530000 LIABILITY INSURANCE 386, 950 403, 970 454, 000 530547 SAFETY INCENTIVE 11,800 9, 610 11, 800 TOTAL OPF.RA1 ION & CONTRACTUAL 399,750 413, 580 465, 800 TOTAL PROGRAM 416, 345 428, 195 480, 475 r r In VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM NO. 1305 FUND General Corporate NO. 01 PROGRAM BUDGET $36,830 DEPARTMENT Legislative and General Management NO. 1 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION General Management NO.3 (If not included In Program Budget) THIS PROGRAM Emergency Management NO. 05 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Emergency Management program is responsible for ensuring that the Village is prepared to provide an effective response during periods of emergency and for the development, maintenance and implementation of the Village's Emergency Operating Plan. PROGRAM GOAL ,-• To provide effective planning for emergency response and effective coordination of Village operations during periods of emergency. 1 PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE The Emergency Operating Plan is updated and practiced on a regular basis. State reporting requirements are met, and the Village maintains its County and State Emergency Management certification. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Complete participation in the DuPage County Emergency Management On-Site Assistance Program. 2. Update the Emergency Operating Plan(EOP) based on the On-Site Assistance Program preliminary exercises and full scale exercise. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects anticipated costs of participating in the County On-Site Assistance Program. m = = = = = = m VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND O1 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 1 - LEGISLATIVE AND GENERAL MGMT. DIVISION 3 - GENERAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 05 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET ._WMBER DFSC.RIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 9, 930 11.800 14, 500 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 720 700 1. 000 510021 SALARIES OVFR TIME TRAINING 0 0 12, 000 510030 PAID-ON-CALL FIREFIGHTERS 0 0 840 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 0 0 465 511035 F. I. C. A. 760 900 1, 530 511060 TRAINING 450 350 650 511070 DUES & MFMBERSHIPS 100 100 115 TOTAL PERSONNEL. 11. 960 13, 850 31, 100 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 300 300 1, 200 520040 SURSCRIPIIONS 55 55 265 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 100 100 75 520270 PHOTOGRAPHY SUPPLIES O 0 120 520500 MISCELLANEOUS 150 100 250 520600 GENERAL FOUIPMENT 1, 700 1, 700 620 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 100 50 100 1 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2, 405 2, 305 2, 630 V 530020 TELEPHONE 2,000 1,300 10100 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 200 200 450 530320 'MAINTENANCE PORTABLE RADIOS 200 150 200 530360 MAINTENANCE BASE RADIO 500 120 350 530700 OTHER SF14VICES 0 0 11000 TOTAL OPFRAT ION & CONTRACTUAL 2, 900 1, 770 3, 100 590000 NEW EQUIPMENT 3, 500 0 0 TOTAL CAP I1 AI_ 3, 500 0 0 TOTAL PROGRAM 20, 765 17,925 36, 830 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM GENERAL SERVICES PROGRAM NO. 1306 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $238,895 DEPARTMENT Legislative and General Management NO. 1 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION General Management NO.3 (If not Included in Program Budget) THIS PROGRAM General Services NO.06 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides central support to all Village departments, including mail, reception, telecommunications, and printing and copying services. �j PROGRAM GOAL o~o To enhance employee productivity by providing general support services in an efficient and effective manner. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A user survey indicates an 80% level of satisfaction with the quality of services. A citizen survey indicates an 85%level of satisfaction with reception and switchboard courtesy and helpfulness. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Complete the specification and bidding process for replacement of the Village Hall administration area high volume copier. 2. Evaluate economics and operational benefits of acquiring a telephone system. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget includes provision for telecommunications costs associated with technology, additional postage expense and replacement of the high-volume copier. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: i - LEGISLATIVE AND GENERAL MGMT. DIVISION 3 - GENERAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 06 GENERAL SERVICES ~ACCOUNT r BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _DUMBER DESCRIPTION _ 1995 1995_ 1996 510000 SALARIES FUI L-TIME 20,710 20, 130 21, 750 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 8,025 6, 765 5, 545 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 2, 575 1, 655 1# 925 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 2, 485 2, 420 2, 475 511035 F. I. C. A. 2,395 2, 185 1, 975 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 2, 700 1, 870 5, 950 511050 TRAVEL. EXPENSE 50 25 50 511060 TRAINING 930 930 225 TOTAL PERSONNEL. 39,870 35, 980 39,895 520010 POSTAGE 27, 785 29, 000 34, 750 520070 DRUGS & MFDICAL 0 0 150 520100 CLEANING/SUPPLIES O 0 50 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 350 750 11000 520600 GENERAL EQUIPMENT 650 650 1. 800 520700 COMPUIER SUPPLIES 350 100 150 ~ TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 29, 135 30, 500 37.900 rr 530020 TELEPHONE 75-000 85, 500 110, 500 530200 MAINTENANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT 270 365 700 530290 COPIER COSTS 12,000 13, 500 16, 900 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 87,270 99, 365 128, 100 590000 NEW EOUIFIME14T 81000 0 0 590100 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT O 0 33, 000 TOTAL CAF'I1 AL 8, 000 O 33, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 164,275 165, 845 238, 895 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM PURCHASING AND GRANTS PROGRAM NO. 1401 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $72,000 DEPARTMENT Legislative and General Management NO. 1 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Purchasing and Grants NO.4 (If not Included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Purchasing and Grants NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides central management of the Village's purchasing activities in order to implement purchasing policies and procedures established pursuant to applicable law. The program also provides central coordination of the Village's grant procurement activities. ,.. PROGRAM GOAL To operate an efficient and an effective central purchasing process which is both responsive to the needs of Village departments and carried out under appropriate internal controls, and to identify and secure appropriate State and Federal grants for the Village. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Purchasing policy and internal control criteria are satisfied and goals and services procured through the central purchasing process are delivered on time, according to specifications and at a cost consistent with the budget. A survey of users indicates an 85%level of satisfaction with the process and its results. Quantifiable savings attributable to centralized, coordinated and joint purchasing equal at least 50%of program costs each year. Appropriate grants for which the Village is eligible are identified and secured. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue to take advantage of joint and cooperative purchasing opportunities. 2. Enhance the Village's purchasing program through further automation, use of requirements contracts and use of procurement procedures consistent with national standards. 3. Continue to identify and pursue state and federal grants for programs and projects which are beneficial to the Village. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects reallocation of 50°x6 of the Purchasing Director to Information Services(Program 1501). No other significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 199: DATE: 11-07-95 FUND 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 1 - LEGISLATIVE AND GENERAL MGMT. DIVISION : 4 - PURCHASING AND GRANTS PROGRAM : 01 - PURCHASING AND GRANTS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER OFRCRIPTION 1995 1995 1995 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 89,185 89,455 47,885 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 350 100 300 511010 PENSION I .M.R.F. 7,715 7,740 4,080 511035 F.I .C.A. 5,450 5,845 3,585 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 11 ,500 11 ,330 8,925 511042 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS 0 0 500 511050 TRAVEL EXPENSE 100 100 100 511060 TRAINING 4,250 1 ,850 2,850 511070 DUES 4 MEMBERSHIPS 310 350 345 TOTAL_ PERSONNEL 119,870 117,700 50,670 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 1 ,150 850 500 520040 SUBSCRIPTIONS 845 795 450 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 400 350 350 520275 MICROFILMING 0 0 1 ,050 520500 GENERAL EQUIPMENT O 255 0 F. 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 1 ,280 800 200 i TOTAL MATERIALS 4 SUPPLIES 3,675 3.,080 2,550 530200 MAINTENANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT 130 70 80 530355 MAINTENANCE COMPUTERS .530 700 500 TOTAL OPERATION A CONTRACTUAL 550 770 580 TOTAL PROGRAM 124,205 121 ,630 72,000 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM INFORMATION SERVICES PROGRAM NO. 1501 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $778,125 DEPARTMENT Legislative and General Management NO. 1 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Information Services NO. 5 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Information Services NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides information support and services for Village automation activities. Such activities include selection, installation and maintenance of hardware and software, coordination of user training, system administration and generation of operational and managerial reports. PROGRAM GOAL To provide support and service to Village departments which meets the needs of the users. h N PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A survey of users indicates an 85%level of satisfaction with the quality and timeliness of support and services. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Implement scheduled phases of the Technology Plan as authorized by the Village Board. 2. Actively pursue implementation of the Community Fiber Optic Network. 3. Update and expand the Technology Plan to encompass all aspects of data and communication technology. 4. Establish a centralized function providing a full-range of Information Services to all Village departments. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Program relocated from Financial Services. Budget reflects reallocation of 50%of the Purchasing Director from Program 1401 and Phase I implementation of the Technology Plan. VILLAGE OF OAK I4ROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 1 - LEGISLATIVE .AND GENERAL MGMT. DIVISION 5 - INFORMATION SERVICES PROGRAM 01 - INFORMATION SERVICES ACCOUNT - BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _DUMBER DF'SCRIPTION _ 1995 1995^ 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 40, 000 0 80, 060 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 4, 500 0 0 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 3, 850 0 6, 7130 511035 F. I. C. A. 3, 400 0 6, 125 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 5, 750 0 8, 925 511050 TRAVEL. EXPENSE 0 0 100 511060 TRAINING 11800 0 32, 900 511070 . DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 0 0 100 TOTAL PERSONNEL. 59, 300 0 134, 990 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 0 0 500 520040 SUBSCRIPTIONS 150 0 625 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 100 0 500 520600 GENERAL FOUIPMENT 0 0 12, 000 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 4, 000 4, 365 8, 730 F.., TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 4, 250 4,365 22, 355 1 N 530365 MAINTENANCE COMPUTERS 9, 635 3, 810 9, 540 W 530475 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 96, 840 530700 OTHER SFRVICES 87, 700 32, 950 0 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 97, 335 36, 760 106, 380 590000 NEW EOUINMENT 336, 375 59, 000 123, 800 590100 EGIIIPMENT RFPLACEMENT O 0 112, 600 590500 SOFTWARF 0 0 278, 000 TOTAL CAPIIAL 336, 375 59, 000 514, 400 TOTAL PROGRAM 497, 260 100, 125 778, 125 Department 2: Financial Services VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Financial Services DEPARTMENT NUMBER: (2) SUPPORTED BY(FUNDS): General Corporate (01) Debt Service (12) Water (08) Police Pension (10) Fire Pension (11) COMPONENTS OF DEPARTMENT: N DIVISIONS (ACCT. NO) PROGRAMS (ACCT. NO.) i ~ Administration (1) Financial Services Management (01) Accounting and Reporting (2) Accounting and Reporting (01) Debt Service (8) G.O. Bond Debt Service (01) Water Debt Service (02) Pensions (9) Police Pension (01) Firefighters' Pension (02) TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUDGET: $ 1,536,795 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM FINANCIAL SERVICES PROGRAM NO.2101 MANAGEMENT FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $106,920 DEPARTMENT Financial Services NO. 2 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Administration NO. 1 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Financial Services Management NO. 01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program supports the management of the Financial Services area and is responsible for directing the accounting and reporting, information services, investment program, and budget for all Village operations. j' PROGRAM GOAL 4 To efficiently and effectively manage the financial affairs and information services of the Village. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE All program performance measures and 90%of objectives are achieved in the Financial Services Department. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Based on the 1996-2000 Five-Year Financial Plan, develop plans based on various sales tax revenue scenarios(flat and declining)in order to better prepare for economic or legislative changes detrimental to Oak Brook. 2. Research applicability of formal"benchmarking"to Village operations. 3. Consider submission of the 1997 Budget to the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation awards program. 4. Evaluate alternative investment pools for short-term investments. 5. Evaluate and, if appropriate, initiate audits of utility tax, hotel/motel tax and franchise fees. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PR0(:RAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 2 - F-INANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION 1 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 01 - FINANCIAL SERVICES MGMT. ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET -NUMBER DF)CRIPTIFIN 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 66, 825 67, 035 72, 140 510026 MERIT BONUS O 0 125 511010 PENSION 1. M. R. F. 5, 780 51800 6, 120 511035 F. I. C. A. 51115 5, 130 5, 530 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 7, 050 6. 605 7, 120 511050 TRAVEL EXPENSE 100 50 11100 511060 TRAINING 2, 500 750 2, 500 511070 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 700 690 1, 050 TOTAL PERSONNEL 88,070 86,060 95, 685 520000 PRINTING/VUIJLICATION 1, 400 1, 200 400 520040 SUBSCRIpIIONS 260 250 275 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 100 75 100 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 500 O 200 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2, 260 1, 525 975 N 530380 RENTALS O 15 60 W 530480 AUDITING 7,200 7,200 7. 200 530700 OTHER SERVICES 31000 2, 500 3. 000 TOTAL OPF.RAIION & CONTRACTUAL 10, 200 9, 715 10, 260 h6 TOTAL PROGRAM �v 100, 530 97, 300 106, 920 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING PROGRAM NO. 2201 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $247,355 DEPARTMENT Financial Services NO. 2 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Accounting and Reporting NO.2 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Accounting and Reporting NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program is responsible for all revenue collections,expenditures, payroll, billing, accounting for all Village operations,as well as internal and external financial reporting. PROGRAM GOAL To accurately collect, record, classify, and report on the financial affairs of the Village. N PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE All cash received is deposited within two(2) business days, reports are compiled within the established schedule and the external Village audit is completed within the time frame established by the budget calendar. A survey of users indicates a 90% level of satisfaction with the accuracy and timeliness of financial reports. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Plan and prepare for a financial system conversion as of January, 1997. 2. Complete the RFP for banking services toward implementation as of January, 1997. 3. Participate in the evaluation and selection of new accounting software. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects reclassification of one position to FLSA exempt status and increased overtime expense related to computer system conversion. No other significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK nunOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 2 - FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION 2 - ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING PROGRAM 01 -- ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING ~ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET .NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SA[ ARIES FU[.L-TIME 136,065 135, 130 145, 880 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 0 0 3, 500 510020 SAI ARIES OVERTIME 91000 6, 000 10, 000 510026 MERIT BONUS 0 0 1, 375 511010 PENSION 1. M. R. F. 12, 375 11, 690 13, 620 511035 F. 1. C. A. 11, 000 10, 000 12, 300 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 17, 100 15, 790 15, 470 511050 TRAVEL EXPENSE 100 50 100 511060 TRAINING 5, 523 5, 025 14, 900 TOTAL PERSONNEL 191, 165 184, 485 217, 145 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 4, 700 4, 275 4, 505 520090 FOOD 250 175 200 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 1, 450 1, 710 1,850 520275 MICROFILMING 4,000 4, 750 3, 000 N 520600 GENERAL [-OOIPMFNT 500 460 2, 800 [ 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 700 0 450 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 11, 600 11, 370 12, 805 530200 MAINTENANCE. OFFICE EQUIPMENT 250 240 605 530700 OTHER SrRVICES 15, 800 13,800 10, 800 TOTAL OPFRAI ION & CONTRACTUAL 16, 050 14, 040 11, 405 590000 NEW EQUIPMENT 14, 500 91500 6, 000 TOTAL CAPITAL_ 14, 500 9, 500 6, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 233, 315 219,395 247, 355 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM G.O. BOND DEBT SERVICE PROGRAM NO. 2801 FUND Debt Service NO. 12 PROGRAM BUDGET $0 DEPARTMENT Financial Services NO. 2 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Debt Service NO. 8 (If not included in Program Budget) N/A THIS PROGRAM G.O. Bond Debt Service NO. 01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program is responsible for the payment of principal and interest on the Village's General Obligation Bonds that were issued to purchase the Sports Core. PROGRAM GOAL To make timely payments on the Village's General Obligation Bonds in accordance with the bond amortization schedule. N 1 PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Accuracy and timeliness of payments is confirmed by the Village's annual audit. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES N/A SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Debt Service Fund has been closed. VILLAGE OF OAK Ak00K PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 12 - I)EBT SERVICE DEPARTMENT: 2 - FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION 8 - I)E13T SERVICES PROGRAM 01 G. O. BONI) DEOT SERVICE ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET .._.t4oBER DFRCRIPTION _ 1995 1995 1996 581000 TRANSFERS OUT 15, 910 30, 200 0 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 15. 910 30, 200 0 TOTAL PROGRAM 15, 910 30,200 0 N I V VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM WATER DEBT SERVICE PROGRAM NO. 2802 FUND Water NO.0$ PROGRAM BUDGET $280,625 DEPARTMENT Financial Services NO. 2 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Debt Service NO.8 (If not included in Program Budget) N/A THIS PROGRAM Water Debt Service NO.02 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program is responsible for the payment of principal and interest on the Village's Water Revenue Bonds. PROGRAM GOAL To make timely payments in accordance with the respective amortization schedules. N 00 PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Accuracy and timeliness of payments is confirmed by the Village's annual audit. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES N/A SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Final payment on Water Revenue Bonds to be made in 1996. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 08 - WATER DEPARTMENT: 2 - FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION 8 - DEBT SERVICES PROGRAM 02 - WATER DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 19951996 530660 BOND COLLECTION FEE 140 150 125 TOTAL OPERATION L CONTRACTUAL 140 150 125 582000 BONDS 1973 SERIES 250, 000 250, 000 275, 000 582100 INTEREST 1973 SERIES 16, 000 16, 000 51500 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 266, 000 266,000 280, 500 TOTAL PROGRAM 266, 140 266, 150 280, 625 N I �O VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM POLICE PENSION PROGRAM NO. 2901 FUND Police Pension NO. 10 PROGRAM BUDGET $433,475 DEPARTMENT Financial Services NO. 2 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Pensions NO.9 (If not included in Program Budget) N/A THIS PROGRAM Police Pension NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program is responsible for the financing of the Village's pension obligation and payment of pension benefits for sworn Police personnel in accordance with State of Illinois law. PROGRAM GOAL N To adequately fund the Village's pension obligation in accordance with sound actuarial practices and to make timely payments to pension beneficiaries. I PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Funding requirements are met based on an independent actuarial study and benefit payments are made prior to the end of each month. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Update the actuarial study of the Police Pension Fund. 2. Revise the Police Pension Fund's investment policy to be in conformance with Illinois Department of Insurance guidelines. 3. Evaluate offering direct deposit of Police Pension benefit payments. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects growth in the number of pension beneficiaries and provision for participation in the Illinois Department of Insurance Performance and Investment Monitoring Program. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 10 - POLICE PENSION DEPARTMENT: 2 - FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION 9 - PENSIONS PROGRAM 01 - POLICE PENSION r ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NU BER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1993 1996 511042 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS 10000 11000 1, 200 TOTAL PERSONNEI 10000 11000 1, 200 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 500 350 350 520500 MISCELLANEOUS 2, 000 11000 11000 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2, 500 1,350 1, 350 530465 LICENSES & FEES 50 650 650 530480 AUDITINC 1, 260 1, 260 1, 260 530680 PENSION BENEFIT EXPENSE 305,650 297, 165 359, 715 530685 PENSION REFUNDS 10, 000 0 10, 000 530700 OTHER St=RVICES 53, 850 41,350 59, 300 TOTAL OPERAIION & CONTRACTUAL 370, 810 340, 425 430, 925 N r h' TOTAL PROGRAM 374, 310 342, 775 433, 475 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK- PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM FIREFIGHTERS'PENSION PROGRAM NO. 2902 FUND Firefighters'Pension NO. 11 PROGRAM BUDGET $468,420 DEPARTMENT Financial Services NO.2 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Pensions NO. 9 (If not included in Program Budget) N/A THIS PROGRAM Firefighters' Pension NO.02 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program is responsible for the financing of the Village's pension obligation and for the payment of all pension benefits for sworn Fire personnel in accordance with State of Illinois law. N PROGRAM GOAL To adequately fund the Village's pension obligation in accordance with sound actuarial practices and to make timely payments to pension beneficiaries. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Funding requirements are met based on an independent actuarial study, and benefit payments are made prior to the end of each month. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Update the actuarial study of the Firefighters' Pension Fund. 2. Prepare an investment policy for the Firefighters'Pension Fund in conformance with Illinois Department of Insurance guidelines. 3. Evaluate offering direct deposit of Firefighters' Pension benefit payments. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects growth in the number of pension beneficiaries and provision for participation in the Illinois Department of Insurance Performance and Investment Monitoring Program. VILLAGE OF OAF: BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-07-95 FUND 11 - FIREFIGHTERS PENSION DEPARTMENT: 2 - FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISION : 9 - PENSIONS PROGRAM : 02 - FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DFSrRIPTInN 1995 1995 1996. 511042 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS 1 ,600 1 ,400 1 ,000 TOTAL PERSONNEL 1 ,600 1 ,400 1 ,000 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION O 16.0 300 520500 MISCELLANEOUS 2,000 1 ,700 1 ,700 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,000 1 ,860 2,000 530465 LICENSES A FEES 0 300 300 530460 AUDITING 1 ,26-0 1 ,2��0 1 ,260 530680 PENSION BENEFIT EXPENSE 32B,200 341 ,370 406,810 530605 PENSION REFUNDS 5,000 O 5,000 530700 OTHER SERVICES 46,130 44,310 52,050 N F TOTAL OPERATION 4 CONTRACTUAL 300,590 387,240 465,420 W TOTAL PROGRAM 384,190 390,500 466,420 Department 3: Public Works rr r r r� ■r r� r rr r r r rr �r �r rr rr r r rr VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Public Works DEPARTMENT NUMBER: (3) SUPPORTED BY(FUNDS): General Corporate (01) Garage (17) Water (08) COMPONENTS OF DEPARTMENT: DIVISIONS(ACCT. NO.) PROGRAMS (ACCT. NO.) Administration (1) Public Works Management (01) ,! Mosquito Control (02) Buildings and Grounds (2) Buildings and Grounds (01) Streets (3) Streets-General Salaries (00) Street Maintenance (01) Traffic and Lighting Maintenance (02) Snow Removal (03) Drainage Maintenance (04) Forestry (05) Safety Pathways (06) Garage (4) Garage Operations (01) Water (5) Water Operations (01) TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUDGET: $ 5,743,865 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM PUBLIC WORKS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM NO.3101 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $215,070 DEPARTMENT Public Works NO.3 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Administration NO. 1 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Public Works Management NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Public Works Management is responsible for planning, scheduling, coordinating and evaluating the activities of four divisions within the Public Works Department: Buildings and Grounds, Streets, Garage, and Water. w PROGRAM GOAL N To manage the resources of the Public Works Department to meet the goals and objectives of the Department. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE All program performance measures and 90%of objectives are accomplished in the Public Works Department. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue to explore, and implement where feasible, mutual aid and sharing of public works capital equipment with other municipalities. 2. Implement training on PW Operations Center computer. 3. Continue departmental management training program. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET F•OR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 3 - PURL IC WORKS DIVISION 1 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 01 - PUBLIC WORKS MANAGEMENT -~ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NVIMDER DFSCRTPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 147, 430 144,330 153, 505 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 4, 000 0 0 510026 MERIT BONUS 0 500 11000 511010 PENSION 1. M. R. F. 13, 100 10, 790 13, 080 511035 F. I. C. A. 11, 585 9, 540 11, 820 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 17, 250 17, 490 16, 575 511042 PHYSICAL. EXAMINATIONS 640 640 0 511060 TRAINING 4, 400 1, 270 1, 040 511070 DUFS & MFMBERSHIPS 210 145 180 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 11580 11080 1, 180 TOTAL PERSONNEI 200, 195 185, 785 198, 380 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 950 950 11000 520070 DRUGS & ML'-D1CAl_ 150 150 150 520090 FOOD 0 100 100 520100 CLEANINC/SUPPLIES 4, 840 4, 900 6, 300 W 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 11000 900 950 W 520600 GENERAL UGUIPMENT 3, 510 2, 785 820 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 850 850 200 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 11, 300 10,635 9, 520 530320 MAINTENANCE PORTABLE RADIOS 0 0 200 530340 MAINTENANCE MOBILE RADIOS 600 100 100 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 2, 350 2, 350 4, 250 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 1, 250 1, 250 1, 600 530380 REN'FAI_S 11000 260 120 530700 OTHER SERVICES 900 900 900 TOTAL OPERAIION & CONTRACTUAL 6, 100 4, 860 7, 170 590000 NEW EourPMENT 3, 700 0 0 TOTAL CAF'I I AL-. 3, 700 0 0 TOTAL PROGRAM 221, 295 201, 280 215, 070 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM MOSQUITO CONTROL PROGRAM NO. 3102 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $41,800 DEPARTMENT Public Works NO.3 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Administration NO. 1 (If not included in Program Budget) N/A THIS PROGRAM Mosquito Control NO. 02 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides budgetary support for the Village's mosquito control program,which includes a variety of measures to control mosquito larvae as well as adult mosquito infestation. PROGRAM GOAL To enhance the residential and business environment of Oak Brook and safeguard public health by providing efficient and effective control of mosquito infestations. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A survey of citizens and businesses indicates an 80%level of satisfaction with the effectiveness of mosquito control efforts. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Restructure contractual services for mosquito management. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects anticipated savings through restructuring the service contract. r = = = = m = = = r = = = m = = m = m VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 3 - PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION 1 - ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 02 - MOSQUITO CONTROL ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _-NUMBER DFSCRIr TION 1995 1995 1996 530505 MOSQUITO CONTROL 47, 720 47, 720 418800 TOTAL OPFRAIION & CONTRACTUAL 47, 720 47, 720 41, 800 TOTAL PROGRAM 47,720 47, 720 41, 800 W I V, VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS PROGRAM NO. 3201 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $271,595 DEPARTMENT Public Works NO. I ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Buildings and Grounds NO. 2 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Buildings and Grounds NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides for the maintenance and operation of the Village Hall,fire stations, Public Works Building and Library, as well as associated property. PROGRAM GOAL To maintain Village buildings and associated property in an efficient and effective manner. w i PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A user survey indicates an 80% level of satisfaction with the quality of building cleaning and maintenance. Equipment is maintained according to manufacturer's recommendations and 80%of work orders are completed within three(3)working days. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Refurbish and reorganize the Dean Board Room in order to enhance flexibility for various types of meetings and presentations, and to prepare for television equipment, if approved. 2. Study options and expand Village Commons parking in conjunction with necessary maintenance of paved areas and ultimate decisions regarding buildings. 3. Manage the Fire Station 2 remodeling project to completion. 4. Continue to evaluate the quality and cost-effectiveness of the contract janitorial service. 5. Review and finalize preventative maintenance program for Village buildings and facilities. 6. Complete an evaluation of the long range electrical/mechanical/HVAC needs of the Village Hall building. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. rr ar rr ry rr r �r rr r■i ur �r rr r �r r r �r r� r� VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROC:RA14 BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND ; 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 3 - PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION 2 - BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS PROGRAM 01 - BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 88, 180 70, 400 90, 445 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 500 1,600 11800 510026 MERIT BONUS 0 0 500 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 7, 820 6, 100 7, 815 511035 F. I. C. A. 6, 920 5, 510 7, 060 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 10, 950 8,820 11, 900 511060 TRAINING 11800 1, 120 10500 511070 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 100 85 100 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 2, 310 1,840 1, 600 TOTAL PERSONNEL. 118, 580 95, 475 122, 720 520040 SUBSCRIPTIONS 50 75 80 520060 CHEMICALS 31000 31085 3, 210 520070 DRUGS & MFDICAL 500 400 400 520080 TOOLS & 14ARDWARE 11000 900 900 520100 CLEANING/SUPPLIES 2, 560 3, 190 1, 400 520600 GENERAL FQUIPMENT 8. 110 7, 960 4, 650 I V TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 15, 220 15, 610 10, 640 530060 ELECTRIC 26, 460 31, 900 33, 500 530080 LAUNDRY & CL.EANING 28, 960 25, 740 26, 650 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 15, 100 17,250 12, 800 530340 MAINTENANCE MOBILE RADIOS 100 100 50 530370 MAINTENANCE PLANTS O 0 3, 240 530372 MAINTENANCE BUILDINGS 12, 860 12, 750 10, 700 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 2, 370 2,370 1, 500 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 3, 920 3, 920 4, 885 530380 RENTALS 3, 320 3, 320 500 530520 LANDSCAPING 15, 680 12, 960 12# 700 530700 OTHER SERVICES 2, 730 3,000 5, 210 TOTAL OPFRAIION & CONTRACTUAL 1111500 113,310 111, 735 590100 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 14, 000 12, 420 20, 000 590300 STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS 7, 700 7,330 6, 500 TOTAL CAPITAL 21, 700 19, 750 26, 500 TOTAL PROGRAM 267, 000 244, 145 271, 595 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM STREETS-GENERAL SALARIES PROGRAM NO. 3300 FUND General Corporate NO.PA PROGRAM BUDGET $470,780 DEPARTMENT Public Works NO.3 DIVISION Streets NO. 3 THIS PROGRAM Streets-General Salaries NO.00 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides personnel support for all Street Division operations. PROGRAM GOAL See specific programs. w 00 PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE N/A. CURRENT,YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES N/A SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No new personnel. No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROCRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 3 - PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION 3 - STREETS PROGRAM 00 - STREETS - GENERAL SALARIES ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _.-tfoBER DESCRIPTION _ 1995 1999 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 322, 700 319, 725 338, 545 510010 SAI.ARIES PART-TIME 14,625 14, 200 15, 000 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 7, 500 7, 500 7, 800 510026 MERIT BONUS 0 0 2, 000 511010 PENSION 1. M. R. F. 28, 570 28, 305 29, 505 511035 F. I. C. A. 26,380 26, 120 27, 795 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 45, 650 44, 820 42, 775 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 9, 870 8, 600 7, 360 TOTAL PERSONNEL. 455,295 449, 270 470, 780 TOTAL PROGRAM 455, 295 449,270 470, 780 W 1 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM NO. 3301 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $149,430 DEPARTMENT Public Works NO. 3 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Streets NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) $217,970 THIS PROGRAM Street Maintenance NO. 01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides budgetary support within the Street Division for maintenance and repair of the Village's 55 miles of streets, street cleaning (weekly for commercial and W every four weeks for residential),maintenance of rural section street shoulders and maintenance of parkways on certain arterial streets. 0 PROGRAM GOAL To maintain Village streets to provide for the efficient and safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and to provide an aesthetically pleasing appearance. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A citizen survey indicates an 80%level of satisfaction with pavement maintenance services and with the appearance of arterial street parkways and boulevards. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Implement short and long term corrective action plans for severe joint failures/cracking on full-depth asphalt Village streets. 2. Modify right-of-way maintenance procedures and contract to reflect changes in roadway jurisdiction concerning York Road and 22nd Street. 3. Implement contractual street sweeping program with other governmental units and private road owners. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : O1 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 3 - NUBL.IC WORKS DIVISION 3 - STREETS PROGRAM 01 - STREET MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 520080 TOOLS & HARDWARE 2, 770 2, 510 2, 610 520090 FOOD 150 50 50 520600 GENERAL FOUIPMENl 1, 250 11190 0 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 4, 170 3, 750 2, 660 530160 MAINTENANCE ROADS & PATHS 31, 810 29, 400 30, 575 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 940 700 700 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 18, 760 18, 760 28, 000 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 21, 560 21, 560 20, 345 530380 RENTALS 10000 11000 850 530522 LANDSCAPE CONTRACT 58, 040 55, 500 58, 300 TOTAL OPERAI"ION & CONTRACTUAL 132, 110 126,920 138, 770 590000 NEW EQUIPMENT 51500 4,255 5, 500 590100 EQUIPMF_NI REPLACEMENT 18, 035 18,035 2, 500 W TOTAL CAP I I AL 23, 535 22,290 81000 r r TOTAL PROGRAM 159, 815 152,960 149, 430 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM TRAFFIC AND LIGHTING PROGRAM NO. 3302 MAINTENANCE FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $99,405 DEPARTMENT Public Works NO.3 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Streets NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) $39,545 THIS PROGRAM Traffic and Lighting Maintenance NO.02 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides for the resources to operate and maintain fifteen (15) signalized intersections, 452 street lights, pavement markings and numerous regulatory,warning and street name signs throughout the Village. W ,r PROGRAM GOAL r_' To maintain existing Village traffic control equipment, street lights and pavement markings for the efficient and safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A citizen survey indicates an 80% level of satisfaction with traffic control operations. Street light outages are rectified within three(3)working days. On-site surveys indicate that 98%of pavement markings and signs are legible and installed per Village ordinance. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Consider offering a Village-approved upgraded residential street marker design on an optional, private cost basis. 2. A computerized street light/signage data base is designed with all street lights and Village-wide signage entered. 3. The in-house street light maintenance program instituted in 1995 is evaluated and further recommendations are submitted to the Village Manager. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects results of restructuring contractual arrangements in 1995 and removal of the bucket truck budgeted in 1995 but not purchased. rr rr rr rr r rr rr r rr r �r r� rr rr ar r �r rr rr VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: I1-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 3 - PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION 3 - STREETS PROGRAM 02 - TRAFFIC AND LIGHTING MAINT. ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION _ 1995 1995 1996 530060 ELECTRIC 21t900 22j750 23, 900 530090 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHT 57, 500 55, 800 40, 440 530165 MAINTENANCE ST. SIGNS/STRIPING 5, 600 5,600 5, 880 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 9, 380 9, 380 13, 300 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 10, 780 10, 780 9, 765 530380 RENTALS 0 0 6, 120 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 105, 160 104, 310 99, 405 590000 NEW EOUIPMENT 75,000 0 0 590100 EoUIPMENI REPLACEMENT 3, 000 1,390 O TOTAL CAPITAL 78, 000 1,390 0 TOTAL PROGRAM 193, 160 105, 700 99, 405 W I W VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM SNOW REMOVAL PROGRAM NO. 3303 FUND General Corporate NO. 01 PROGRAM BUDGET $128,025 DEPARTMENT Public Works NO. 3 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Streets NO. 3 (If not included in Program Budget) $46,135 THIS PROGRAM Snow Removal NO.03 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides for the equipment, materials and personnel over-time expenses associated with snow and ice removal. PROGRAM GOAL To mitigate vehicular and pedestrian hazards caused by the accumulation of snow and ice on all Village maintained streets and parking facilities owned by the Village. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Snow removal and deicing operations are conducted in accordance with departmental plans and procedures, and a citizen survey indicates an 80%level of satisfaction with snow and ice removal services. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue regular evaluation of snow and ice removal operations. 2. Modify snow removal plan to reflect changes in roadway jurisdiction concerning York Road and 22nd Street. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. rr rr rr rr r rr �r rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr r rr i VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 3 - PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION 3 - STREETS PROGRAM 03 - SNOW REMOVAL ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 32,950 26,650 33, 280 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 2, 705 2, 305 2, 820 511035 F. I. C. A. 2, 395 2, 040 21550 511060 TRAINING 1,600 60 11600 TOTAL PERSONNEL. 39, 650 31,055 40, 250 520060 CHEMICALS 45, 600 36, 400 38, 700 520090 FOOD 1, 200 900 1, 200 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 46, 000 37, 300 39, 900 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 23, 450 23, 450 22, 100 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 26, 950 26,950 16, 275 530700 OTHER SERVICES 0 0 9, 500 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 50, 400 50, 400 47, 875 W TOTAL PROGRAM 136, 850 118, 755 128, 025 r v+ VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM NO. 33.04 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $57,160 DEPARTMENT Public Works NO.3 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Streets NO. 3 (If not included in Program Budget) $53,670 THIS PROGRAM Drainage Maintenance NO. 04 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides continued maintenance of the Village's storm drainage system through cleaning and repairing inlets, manholes, storm sewer lines and roadside swales. PROGRAM GOAL To maintain integrity of the Village's storm drainage system so that it will function consistent with its designed capability. W PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE a+ A citizen survey indicates an 80% level of satisfaction with the adequacy,operation and maintenance of storm drainage facilities. CURRENT.YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Complete the Village-wide inspection and inventory of open drainage ways to identify problems and necessary improvements. 2. Implement contractual curb-inlet cleaning. 3. Continue conversion of curb inlet grates to a bicycle-safe design(year 3 or 4). SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. m = = m VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 3 - PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION 3 - STREETS PROGRAM 04 - DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET ___NUU11BER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 520600 GENERAL FOUIPMENT 11150 920 0 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1, 150 920 0 530150 MAINTENANCE STORM SEWER 32, 800 25, 100 25, 500 530280 MAINTENANCE OTf1ER EQUIPMENT 2, 400 2, 400 2, 500 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 9, 380 9,380 16, 650 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 10, 780 10,780 12, 210 530520 LANDSCAPING 580 320 300 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 55, 940 47,980 57, 160 590300 STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS 51000 0 O TOTAL CAPITAL 51000 0 0 TOTAL PROGRAM 62, 090 48, 900 57, 160 W 1 r V VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM FORESTRY PROGRAM NO.3305 FUND General Corporate NO.Q1 PROGRAM BUDGET $242,100 DEPARTMENT Public Works NO.3 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Streets NO. 3 (If not included in Program Budget) $85,210 THIS PROGRAM Forestry NO.95 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides for the maintenance of a healthy and vigorous parkway tree population, eradication of Dutch elm diseased trees and noxious weeds and the pickup and disposal of leaves which cannot be reused on private property. PROGRAM GOAL W To maintain the quality and quantity of the urban forest on Village property. I 00 PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A citizen survey indicates an 80% level of satisfaction with the quality of parkway tree maintenance services and leaf removal. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue implementation of the forestry program. 2. Implement expanded leaf removal program in all areas of the Village that desire service. 3. Promote expansion of median landscaping on major streets. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects expansion of the leaf removal program to Village-wide. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 3 - PUBL.IC WORKS DIVISION 3 - STREETS PROGRAM 05 - FORESTRY ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION _ 1995 1995 1996 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 10,000 10, 000 15, 750 510230 LABORERS 0 0 13, 440 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 870 870 2, 475 511035 F. I. C. A. 765 765 2o235 511060 TRAINING 11500 500 1, 500 TOTAL PERSONNEL. 13, 135 12, 135 35, 400 520090 FOOD 150 150 150 520600 GENERAL FOUIPMENT 200 160 0 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 350 310 150 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 14, 070 14, 070 20, 100 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 16, 170 16, 170 14, 650 530524 TREE SERVICES 65, 040 37, 900 4e, 300 530700 OTHER SERVICES 33, 280 32,815 39, 500 W TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 128, 560 100, 955 122, 550 �D 590000 NEW EQUIPMENT 28, 000 25- 000 84, 000 TOTAL CAPITAL 28, 000 25,000 84, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 170, 045 138, 400 242, 100 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM SAFETY PATHWAYS PROGRAM NO.3306 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $57,540 DEPARTMENT Public Works NO.3 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Streets NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) $28,250 THIS PROGRAM Safety Pathways NO.06 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides continued maintenance of the Village's network of approximately 11 miles of bicycle/pedestrian pathways. PROGRAM GOAL To maintain the existing network of pathways in a safe and serviceable condition for the movement of pedestrians and cyclists. w i c PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A citizen survey indicates an 80%level of satisfaction with the quality of the safety pathway network. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue the program to place asphalt on those areas of pathway system where stone presently exists, consistent with advisory committee recommendations. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 3 - PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION 3 STREETS PROGRAM 06 - SAFETY PATHWAYS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET __OBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 530160 MAINTENANCE ROADS & PATHS 30, 165 10, 500 38# 200 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 14, 070 14, 070 11,200 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 16, 170 16, 170 8, 140 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 60, 405 40, 740 57, 540 TOTAL PROGRAM 60, 405 40, 740 57, 540 W 1 tV r VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM GARAGE OPERATIONS PROGRAM NO. 3401 FUND Garage NO. 17 PROGRAM BUDGET $303,230 DEPARTMENT Public Works NO. 3 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Garage NO. 4 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Garage Operations NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides vehicle maintenance services to all departments through routine and demand repairs, preventative maintenance services, and coordination of contractual repairs. PROGRAM GOAL To maintain Village vehicles and equipment in good repair at a cost competitive with comparable private services and at a level of responsiveness not available through private r� services. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A user survey indicates a 75% level of satisfaction with vehicle maintenance services. An external cost analysis indicates that work is being performed at or below the cost of comparable private maintenance service. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue to cross-train selected Village employees in all mechanical aspects of garage operations. 2. Review and evaluate the existing fleet maintenance system. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 17 GARAGE DEPARTMENT: 3 - PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION 4 GARAGE PROGRAM 01 - MUNICIPAL GARAGE OPERATIONS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED^ BUDGET NUMBER DFSC.RIPTION A 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-IIMF 49, 325 49,210 50, 560 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 91000 0 91000 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 4,350 1, 450 4, 450 510026 MERIT BONUS 0 0 500 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 4, 650 3, 890 4, 705 511035 F. I. C. A. 4, 795 3, 440 4, 935 511040 HFALTH INSURANCE 5, 750 5,680 5, 950 511060 TRAINING 3, 660 1, 400 2, 300 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1, 170 1, 140 11090 TOTAL PERSONNEL 82, 700 66, 210 83, 490 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 75 0 0 520020 GAS & O I L 80, 000 58,000 60, 900 520040 SURSCRIPITONS 575 125 1, 725 520080 TOOLS & HARDWARE 4. 360 4, 300 4, 300 W 520100 CLEANINC/SUPPLIES 11930 1, 550 1, 610 N 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 160 100 130 W 520600 GENERAL I•QUIPME"NT 2, 500 2,350 4, 700 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 75 75 75 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 89, 675 66, 500 73, 440 530040 NATURAL GAS 6, 400 11, 1300 7, 690 530100 MAINTENANCE VEHICLES 89, 000 88, 800 89, 000 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 1, 400 2, 110 1, 400 530340 MAINTENANCE MOBILE RADIOS 600 260 600 530360 MAINTENANCE BASE RADIO 0 O 100 530372 MAINTENANCE BUILDINGS 800 800 0 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 3, 520 3, 520 3, 410 530380 RENTALS 300 100 200 530700 OTHER SERVICFS 3, 300 2, 370 2, 500 TOTAL OPFRAIION & CONTRACTUAL 105,320 109, 760 104, 900 581000 TRANSFER; OUT 16, 500 16, 500 17, 400 TOTAL MISCCI I_ANEOUS 16, 500 16, 500 17, 400 590000 NEW EOUIFIMFNT 6, 900 6,905 14, 000 590100 EQUIPMENT RFPLACEMENT 21, 200 20, 725 10, 000 TOTAL CAP I l AI. 2B, 100 27, 630 24, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 322, 295) 206, 600 303, 230 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM WATER OPERATIONS PROGRAM NO. 3501 FUND Water NO. 08 PROGRAM BUDGET $3,707,730 DEPARTMENT Public Works NO. 3 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Water NO. 5 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Water Operations NO. 01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides personnel support and all resources necessary to maintain and operate the Village's water system comprised of pressure adjusting stations, reservoirs and pump stations, deep and shallow wells, 77 miles of water mains and appurtenances and a customer base of over 5,200 accounts. PROGRAM GOAL w To maintain and operate the Village's water system in accordance with [EPA regulations and accepted industry practices in order to provide a safe and adequate supply of potable water for all customers. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE 90%of all water purchased/pumped is metered for sale and 92%of all water purchased/pumped is accounted for. A minimum of 30 pounds of pressure is maintained at all times. A survey of customers indicates a 90% level of satisfaction with system pressure and water quality. Water quality and system operation meets all IEPA standards. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Implement operational steps to improve water pressure in the western portion of the Village. 2. Implement water utility cross-connection regulations and facilitate customer compliance in appropriate ways. 3. Continue the water meter replacement program. 4. Continue the distribution valve exercising program. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects completion of the one-time contribution to the Equipment Replacement Fund for vehicle depreciation and a$.11/1000 gallon reduction in the DuPage Water Commission consumption rate. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : OLS - WATER DEPARTMENT: 3 - PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION 5 - WAIER PROGRAM 01 - WAIER OPERATIONS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NULlBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 208, 550 203, 600 220, 770 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME B, 500 290 4, 320 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 39, 700 39, 700 41, 685 510026 MERIT BONUS 0 0 1, 500 511010 PENSION J. M. R. F. 21, 475 21,070 22, 360 511035 F. I. C. A. 19, 645 18, 640 20, 525 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 27, 850 26, 830 27, 475 511060 TRAINING 4, 350 100 11900 511070 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 85 85 85 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 6, 420 5, 350 4, 860 TOTAL PERSONNEL 336, 575 315,665 345, 480 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 2, 000 2,000 2, 100 520010 POSTAGE 250 250 250 520060 CHEMICAI.S 920 850 500 W 520080 TOOLS & HARDWARE 11900 11850 11900 I 520090 FOOD 960 960 960 N 520100 CLEANING/SUPPLIES BO 50 50 In 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 350 1,200 1, 200 520600 GENERAL I-PUIPMF.NT 2, 175 1,920 0 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 750 750 250 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 9, 385 9, 830 7, 210 530000 LIABILITY INSURANCE 42, 500 40, 515 51, 700 530020 TELEPHONE 2, 500 2, 790 2, 930 530060 ELECTRIC 72, 000 (32,350 86, 470 530142 MAINTENANCE WATER MAINS 86, 200 64, 100 74, 200 530144 MAINTENANCE HYDRANTS & VALVES 21, 080 16, 550 17, 590 530146 MAINTENANCE WELLS 10, 900 6, 900 7, 000 530148 MAINTENANCE STORAGE TANKS 15, 000 16, 950 15, 300 530320 MAINTENANCE PORTABLE RADIOS 250 50 50 530340 MAINTENANCE MOBILE RADIOS 0 0 200 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 32, 400 32, 400 34, 200 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 126, 300 126, 300 35, 850 530380 RENTALS 480 480 440 530475 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 32, 200 7, 200 6, 000 530480 AUDITING 4, 680 4,680 4, 680 530522 LANDSCAPE CONTRACT 15, 190 15, 190 15, 840 530570 PURIFICAI ION 81300 6,800 7, 140 530580 WATER MFIER SERVICE 24, 350 17, 820 16, 750 530585 DUPAGE WATER COMMISSION O&M 1, 821, 600 1,806, 300 1, 778, 000 530590 DUPAGE WATER COMMISSION 067, 420 860, 400 858, 200 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 00 WAIER DEPARTMENT: 3 - PUIII.IC WORKS DIVISION 5 WAIER PROGRAM 01 - WAIER OPERATIONS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 TOTAL OPFRAI ION & CONTRACTUAL 3, 183, 350 3, 107, 775 3, 012, 540 581000 TRANSFERS OUT 284, 000 284, 000 215, 600 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 284, 000 284, 000 215, 600 590000 NEW EQUIPMENT 13, 500 1, 150 0 590100 EQUIPMENI REPLACEMENT 16, 000 15,950 2, 600 590300 STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS 10, 000 46, 440 44, 300 590430 WATER MEI ERS 30, 000 30, 000 80,000 TOTAL CAP I 1 Al_ 69, 500 93, 540 126, 900 TOTAL PROGRAM 3, 002, B10 3, B10, B10 3, 707, 730 W I N a+ I I I Department 4: Engineering and Capital Projects VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Engineering and Capital Projects DEPARTMENT NUMBER: (4) SUPPORTED BY(FUNDS): General Corporate (01) Motor Fuel Tax (05) Water (08) Infrastructure (16) COMPONENTS OF DEPARTMENT: DIVISIONS (ACCT. NO.) PROGRAMS (ACCT. NO.) r �. Engineering (1) Engineering (01) Capital Projects-Corporate (2) Municipal Building Improvements (01) Traffic and Lighting Improvements (02) Jorie Boulevard Project (03) Capital Projects- MFT (3) MFT Improvements (01) Capital Projects-Water (5) Water System Improvements (01) Capital Projects-Infrastructure (6) Roadway Improvements (01) Stormwater Management Improvements(02) Safety Pathway Improvements (03) TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUDGET: $5,257,415 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM ENGINEERING PROGRAM NO.4101 FUND General Corporate NO. 01 PROGRAM BUDGET $343,865 DEPARTMENT Engineering and Capital Projects NO.4 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Engineering NO.1 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Engineering NO. 01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides professional engineering services to the Village and management and administration of the Engineering Department. Engineering services include the design and inspection of Village capital improvement projects, review and inspection of land developments,the review and inspection of permits, and analysis of other engineering issues. This program also provides technical support to various advisory boards and commissions. PROGRAM GOAL To provide the Village with high-quality and cost effective professional engineering services. N PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Services are provided on time and in-house services are provided at a cost below comparable outside services. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Consider expansion of the 10-year planning approach used in the Roadway Maintenance Plan to other capital infrastructure areas. 2. Complete the 22nd Street/York Road intersection reconstruction project. 3. Complete design and construction of grant funded bikeway projects per project schedules. 4. Plan and construct water distribution improvements as approved by the Village Board, concentrating on improving east to west circulation and looping of dead-end mains. 5. Continue efforts to secure flood plain map revisions. 6. Determine policy and, if appropriate, begin implementation of a multi-year program for burial of overhead power lines pursuant to the franchise agreement with Commonwealth Edison. 7. Update the ten-year Roadway Maintenance Plan. 8. Re-evaluate the existing mix of in-house and contractual design and inspection services and determine the most cost-effective approach for a five-year time horizon. 9. Continue implementation of the AutoCAD system. 10. Resolve operating issues surrounding the Old Oak Brook Dam. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Additional staff position (budgeted in 1995 but not filled)has not been re-budgeted. Budget reflects provision for participation in regional traffic studies and design, as necessary,and for the biennial inspection of Village-owned bridges. No other significant changes. rr r rr r r� ■r err rr rr rr rr r� r� �r �■r rr �r r■i rr VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 4 - ENGINEERING AND CAPITAL PROJ. DIVISION 1 - ENGINEERING PROGRAM 01 - ENGINEERING ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 210, 720 191, 000 201, 235 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 7, 500 7, 500 8, 000 510026 MERIT BONUS 0 0 1, 500 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 113,875 17, 200 17, 850 511035 F. I. C. A. 16,090 15, 200 16, 125 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 25,375 18, 425 t91050 511050 TRAVEL EXPENSE 25 25 25 511060 TRAINING 3, 835 2,800 5,215 511070 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 875 550 865 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 100 100 100 TOTAL PERSONNEL. 283,395 252, 800 269,965 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 1, 785 1,300 310 520040 SUBSCRIPTIONS 925 800 1, 100 520080 TOOLS & HARDWARE 500 250 300 520090 FOOD 150 110 150 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 500 780 600 W 520275 MICROFILMING 10, 000 0 10, 000 520600 GENERAL FOUIPMENT 500 500 600 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 900 300 400 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 15, 260 4,040 13, 460 530020 TE=LEPHONE 2, 500 2, 200 2, 220 530100 MAINTENANCE VEHICLES 240 0 0 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 1, 050 800 1,225 530375 VE14ICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 4,990 4, 990 2, 700 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 2, 000 2,000 2, 110 530380 RENTALS 80 80 60 530460 RECEPTION/ENTERTAINMENT 100 0 100 530475 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10, 100 100 9, 600 530490 ENGINEERING 4,000 500 35, 500 530550 PHOTOGRAPHY & BLUEPRINTING 1,225 1, 100 11225 TOTAL OPFRAI ION & CONTRACTUAL 26, 365 11, 770 54, 740 590000 NEW EQUIPMENT 5, 000 O 5, 700 590100 EQUIPMENI RFPLACEMENT 4,000 700 0 TOTAL CAPITAL 91000 700 5, 700 TOTAL PROGRAM 334,020 269, 310 343, 865 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM MUNICIPAL BUILDING PROGRAM NO.4201 IMPROVEMENTS FUND General Corporate NO. 01 PROGRAM BUDGET $433,000 DEPARTMENT Engineering and Capital Projects NO. 4 DIVISION Capital Projects-Corporate NO. 2 THIS PROGRAM Municipal Building Improvements NO. 01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides funds for major capital projects relating to the Village's general government buildings(Village Hall, Public Works Building, Library and fire stations)and costs associated with design and supervision of construction. PROGRAM GOAL To provide general government building facilities which meet the needs of Village departments and the community through efficient and effective completion of budgeted capital r projects. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Projects are accomplished according to schedule and within budget. A user survey indicates an 80% level of satisfaction with construction progress and results. PROJECTS/EXPENDITURES-1996 Project Budget New Projects Continuing Projects New Library(design)-$120,000 Fire Station 2 Expansion/Remodeling-$150,000 Board Room Modifications-$25,000 Public Works HVAC Replacement -$35,000 1996 Village Hall Carpet Replacement-$25,000 Public Works Retaining Wall-$12,500 Village Hall Electrical/HVAC Evaluation-$15,000 Village Commons Remodeling (undesignated)-$10,000 Fire Station 2 Carpeting-$10,000 Conversion of Tennis Dome Site-$5,000 EOC Security Shutters-$13,000 Library Outside Railing-$5,000 Library Foundation Waterproofing- $7,500 m m = = m = r = = = = = m = = m VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 4 - ENGINEERING AND CAPITAL PROD. DIVISION 2 - CAPITAL PROJECTS- CORPORATE PROGRAM 01 - MUNICIPAL BUILDING IMPROV. ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _NUU19BER DESCRIPTION _ 1995 1995 1996 530475 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 178,000 45,800 139, 150 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 170,000 45, 800 139, 150 590100 EOUIPMEN7 REPLACEMENT 60,000 0 35, 000 590300 STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS 362, 650 282, 100 258, 850 TOTAL CAPITAL 422, 650 282, 100 293, B50 TOTAL PROGRAM 600, 650 327,900 433, 000 01I VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM TRAFFIC AND STREET LIGHTING PROGRAM NO.4202 IMPROVEMENTS FUND General Corporate NO.Q PROGRAM BUDGET $24,000 DEPARTMENT Engineering and Capital Projects NO.4 DIVISION Capital Projects-Corporate NO. 2 THIS PROGRAM Traffic and Street Lighting NO. 02 Improvements PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides funds for various traffic signal and street lighting projects to be constructed by private contractors and to retain consultants to prepare plans, specifications, and bid documents for these projects as necessary. PROGRAM GOAL To facilitate the safe and efficient movement of traffic through efficient and effective completion of budgeted capital projects. rn PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Projects are accomplished according to schedule and within budget. A survey of citizens in each project area indicates an 80%level of satisfaction with notification, construction progress and results. PROJECTSIEXPENDITURES-1996 Project Budget New Projects Continuing Projects None Thermoplastic Striping-$12,000 Traffic Signal Painting-$12,000 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: I1-06-95 FUND 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 4 - ENGINEERING AND CAPITAL PROD. DIVISION 2 - CAPITAL PROJECTS- CORPORATE PROGRAM 02 - TRAFFIC AND LIGHTING IMPROVE. ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 590300 STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS 27,000 27,000 12, 000 590405 PAVING IMPROVEMENTS 10,000 51100 12, 000 TOTAL CAPITAL 37, 000 32, 100 24, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 37, 000 32, 100 24, 000 I V VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM JORIE BOULEVARD PROJECT PROGRAM NO.4203 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $182,000 DEPARTMENT Engineering and Capital Projects NO.4 DIVISION Capital Projects-Corporate NO. 2 THIS PROGRAM Jorie Boulevard Project NO.03 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides a mechanism for budgeting the Village's share of the 1992 project to reconstruct Jorie Boulevard from Oak Brook Road to 22nd Street. PROGRAM GOAL N/A PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE N/A PROJECTS/EXPENDITURES-1996 Project Budget New*Projects Continuing Projects None Jorie Boulevard Reconstruction(final payment)-$182,000 _ VILLAGE OPRK BROOK M M PRAM INET 199�� M IMATE W 0 N M FUND : 01 - GENERAL CfIRPORATE DEPARTMENT: 4 - ENGINEERING AND CAPITAL PROJ. DIVISION : 2 - CAPITAL PROJECTS-CORPORATE PROGRAM : 03 - JORIE BOULEVARD PROJECT ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBFR nFGCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 530490 ENGINEERING 1 ,000 600 500 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 1 ,000 600 500 590405 PAVING IMPROVEMENTS 181 ,500 0 181 ,500 TOTAL CAPITAL 181 ,500 0 181 ,500 TOTAL PROGRAM 182,500 100 182,000 1 �O VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM MFT IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM NO.4301 FUND MFT NO.Q5 PROGRAM BUDGET $650,000 DEPARTMENT Engineering and Capital Projects NO-4 DIVISION Capital Projects-MFT NO. 3 THIS PROGRAM MFT Improvements NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program,funded by the Village's share of the State tax on gasoline, provides partial funding for Village street construction and major maintenance projects constructed by private contractors. Projects are funded through periodic transfers from the MFT Fund to the Infrastructure Fund. PROGRAM GOAL To restore and rehabilitate Village roadways requiring more than routine maintenance. i o PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Projects are accomplished according to schedule,within budget and consistent with Village financial policy and MFT construction and accounting standards. A survey of citizens in each project area indicates an 80% level of satisfaction with notification, construction progress and results. PROJECTS/EXPENDITURES-1996 Project Budget New Projects Transfer to Infrastructure Fund (1996 Paving Project)-$650,000 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 05 - MOTOR FUEL TAX DEPARTMENT: 4 - F.NGINEERING AND CAPITAL PROD. DIVISION 3 - CAPITAL PROJECT-MOTOR FUEL TAX PROGRAM 01 - MFT IMPROVEMENTS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _NUMBER DF3CRIPTION ^� _ 1995 1995 1996 581000 TRANSFERS OUT 0 0 650, 000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 650, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 0 0 650, 000 1 r r VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM NO.4501 FUND Water NO.08 PROGRAM BUDGET $624,600 DEPARTMENT Engineering and Capital Projects NO.4 DIVISION Capital Projects-Water NO. 5 THIS PROGRAM Water System Improvements NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides funds for major capital improvements to the Village's water system to be constructed by private contractors and to retain consultants to prepare plans, specifications, and bid documents for these projects. PROGRAM GOAL To construct improvements to the water system necessary to provide an adequate and continuous supply of potable water and to rehabilitate less-than-optimum segments of the I system. N PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Projects are accomplished according to schedule and within budget. A survey of citizens in each project area indicates an 80% level of satisfaction with notification, construction progress and results. PROJECTS/EXPENDITURES-1996 Project Budget New Projects Continuing Projects 1996 Distribution Improvements-$460,000 1995 Distribution Improvements-$34,600 Reservoir A and B High Service Pumps-$75,000 Hillside Emergency Interconnection-$35,000 Miscellaneous Professional Services-$20,000 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 08 - WA1 E R DEPARTMENT: 4 - ENCINEERING AND CAPITAL PROJ. DIVISION 5 - CAPITAL PROJECTS-WATER PROGRAM 01 - WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 530475 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10,000 0 10, 000 530490 ENGINEERING 92, 000 13, 100 79, 600 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 102.000 13, 100 89, 600 590440 WATER DISTRIBUTION 460,000 37, 700 465, 000 590450 WATER PUMPING & STORAGE 30, 000 0 70, 000 TOTAL CAPITAL 490, 000 37, 700 535, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 592,000 50, 800 624, 600 I r w VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM NO.4601 FUND Infrastructure NO. 16 PROGRAM BUDGET $2,418,900 DEPARTMENT Engineering and Capital Projects NO-4 DIVISION Capital Projects- Infrastructure NO.6 THIS PROGRAM Roadway Improvements NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides funds for Village street construction and major maintenance projects to be constructed by private contractors and to retain consultants to prepare plans, specifications, and bid documents for these projects. PROGRAM GOAL To restore and rehabilitate Village roadways requiring more than routine maintenance. i r PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Projects are accomplished according to schedule and within budget. A survey of citizens in each project area indicates an 80%level of satisfaction with notification, construction progress and results. PROJECTS/EXPENDITURES-196 Project Budget New Projects Continuing Projects Utility Tax Audit-$20,000 1995 Paving Project- $57,000 1997 Paving Project(design)-$60,000 1995 Pavement Rejuvenation-$6,500 1996 Pavement Rejuvenation-$69,000 1996 Paving Project-$1,453,000 1996 Crack Sealing Project-$51,000 22nd Street/York Road Intersection Project*-$702,400 *Includes provision for right-of-way acquisition VILLAGE OF OAK DunOK PROVRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-07-95 FUND : 16 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND DEPARTMENT: 4 - ENGINEERING AND CAPITAL PROD. DIVISION 6 - CAPITAL PROJECT-INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM 01 - ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _ NUMBER DL-SCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 530475 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 13, 000 11, 500 37, 500 530490 ENG I NEEIt I NG 404, 000 253, 800 454, 000 TOTAL OPERAIION & CONTRACTUAL 417, 000 265, 300 491, 500 590405 PAVING I M13ROVEI.IENTS 1, 072, 000 1, 596, 000 1, 927, 400 TOTAL CAPITAL 1, 872, 000 1, 596, 000 1, 927, 400 TOTAL_ PROCRAM 2, 289, 000 1, 861, 300 2, 418, 900 I VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM NO.4602 IMPROVEMENTS FUND Infrastructure NO. 16 PROGRAM BUDGET $287,000 DEPARTMENT Engineering and Capital Projects NO. 4 DIVISION Capital Projects- Infrastructure NO. 6 THIS PROGRAM Stormwater Management NO. 02 Improvements PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides funds for various drainage projects to be constructed by private contractors and to retain consultants to prepare plans, specifications and bid documents for these projects. PROGRAM GOAL To restore or establish acceptable drainage on public and private property consistent with Village Board policy. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Projects are accomplished according to schedule and within budget. A survey of citizens in each project area indicates an 80% level of satisfaction with notification, construction progress and results. PROJECTS/EXPENDITURES-1996 Project Budget New Projects Continuing Projects 1996 Drainage Project-$100,000 1995 Drainage Project-$10,000 Contingency Account for Drainage Projects-$175,000 Miscellaneous Professional Services-$2,000 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-07-95 FUND : 16 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND DEPARTMENT: 4 - ENGINEERING AND CAPITAL PROJ. DIVISION 6 - CAPITAL PROJECT-INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM 02 - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT IMPROV. -ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 530475 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11000 0 11000 530490 ENGINEERING 11000 250 11000 530730 CONTINGENCY 175,000 0 175, 000 TOTAL IJPFRAIION & CONTRACTUAL 177, 000 250 177, 000 590420 DRAINAOF IMPROVEMENTS 109, 000 78, 000 110, 000 TOTAL CAPITAL. 109, 000 78, 000 110, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 286, 000 78, 250 287, 000 I r v VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM SAFETY PATHWAY PROGRAM NO.4603 IMPROVEMENTS FUND Infrastructure NO.16 PROGRAM BUDGET $294,050 DEPARTMENT Engineering and Capital Projects NO.4 DIVISION Capital Projects- Infrastructure NO.6 THIS PROGRAM Safety Pathway Improvements NO.03 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides funds for various pathway projects to be constructed by private contractors and to also retain consultants to prepare plans,specifications and bid documents for these projects. PROGRAM GOAL To construct and maintain a safety pathway system which meets the needs of the community through efficient and effective completion of budgeted capital projects. 00 PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Projects are accomplished on-time and within budget. A survey of citizens in each project area indicates an 80%level of satisfaction with notification,construction progress and results. PROJECTSIEXPENDITURES-1996 Project Budget New Projects Continuing Projects Butterfield Road/Midwest Road Sidewalks-$18,600 York Road/Harger Road Path-$85,000 York Road Path-$71,300 31st Street Path-$54,100 Regional Bike Trail-$39,100 Contingency(developer contributions)-$25,950 VILLAGE OF OAK PROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-07-95 FUND 16 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND DEPARTMENT: 4 - FNGINEERING AND CAPITAL PROD. DIVISION 6 - CAPITAL PROJECT-INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM 07 - SAFETY PATHWAY IMPROVEMENTS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET .,. NUMBER DF SCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 530475 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 3, 500 530490 ENG I NEER)NG 223,800 50,275 205, 200 530730 CON,rINGFNCY 25, 950 0 25, 950 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 249, 750 50, 275 234, 650 590405 PAVING IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 59, 400 TOTAL CAP I1 AI_ 0 0 59, 400 TOTAL PROGRAM 249, 750 50, 275 294, 050 4- I r �o Department 5: Library VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Library DEPARTMENT NUMBER: (5) SUPPORTED BY (FUNDS): General Corporate (01) COMPONENTS OF DEPARTMENT: DIVISIONS (ACCT. NO.) PROGRAMS(ACCT. NO.) Administration (1) Library-General Salaries (00) Library General Operations (01) L Technical Services (2) Library Technical Services (01) Reference and Adult Services (3) Library Reference and Adult Services (01) Youth Services (4) Library Youth Services (01) TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUDGET: $412,800 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM LIBRARY-GENERAL SALARIES PROGRAM NO.5100 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $249,230 DEPARTMENT Library NO.5 DIVISION Administration NO. 1 THIS PROGRAM Library-General Salaries NO.00 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides personnel support for all Library programs including General Operations, Technical Services, Reference and Adult Services and Youth Services. PROGRAM GOAL See Specific Programs. ►� PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE N/A CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES N/A. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Consistent with the 1996-2000 Five-Year Financial Plan,the budget includes two additional part-time positions and increased hours for an existing position in order to expand Library hours and continue to upgrade Library services. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 5 - L.IBRARY DIVISION 1 - ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 00 - LIBRARY - GENERAL SALARIES ACCOUNT ^4 BUDGET ESTIMATED^ BUDGET NUMBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995_ 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 116,260 96,200 116, 930 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 68,040 58,000 85, 000 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 12,735 10,000 13, 500 511035 F. I. C. A. 13, 915 11, 400 15, 450 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 16, 700 11, 500 17, 850 511042 PI4YSICAL EXAMINATIONS 0 O 500 TOTAL PERSONNEL 227, 650 187, 100 249, 230 TOTAL PROGRAM 227,650 187, 100 249, 230 In I w VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM LIBRARY GENERAL OPERATIONS PROGRAM NO. 5101 FUND General Corporate NO.41 PROGRAM BUDGET $72,060 DEPARTMENT Library NO. 5 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Administration NO. 1 (If not included in Program Budget) $112,155 THIS PROGRAM Library General Operations NO. 01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides for the general operation of the library including supervision of all library divisions,salary administration for employees, supervision of the budget and implementation of all library policies and objectives. PROGRAM GOAL To provide professional library services and high quality collections for the use of Oak Brook residents and business people. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE The Library regularly ranks at or above the 75th percentile in standards established by the Illinois Library Association (Avenues to Excellence),and a survey of users indicates an 80% level of satisfaction with collections and services. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Complete space planning and concept design for a new Oak Brook Public Library Building and conduct an advisory referendum. 2. Establish a relationship with each homeowner association to inform and build support for the library services desired by the community. 3. Establish advisory groups in various Library constituencies(e.g.,seniors, business,young families,etc.)to assist in developing resources and building consensus. 4. Determine direction regarding renewal of participation in the DLS Automation Cluster(MAGIC)for the next contract term. 5. Optimize use of the existing Library building through extended hours and various no cost or nominal cost interim improvements. 6. Continue to enhance staff development and training. 7. Explore long-term alternative funding mechanisms for the Library. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects completion of consultant study. No other significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 5 - LIBRARY DIVISION : 1 - LIBRARY PROGRAM 01 - LIBRARY GENERAL OPERATIONS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 511050 TRAVEL EXPENSE 720 650 720 511060 TRAINING 3, 080 2,300 4, 385 511070 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 540 575 770 TOTAL PERSONNEL. 4, 340 3, 525 5, 875 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 910 8.90 2, 500 520040 SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,010 2,050 3, 000 520080 TOOLS & HARDWARE 250 50 250 520090 FOOD 0 0 250 520270 PHOTOGRAPHY SUPPLIES 0 0 350 520275 MICROFILMING 1,650 1, 400 11000 520600 GENERAL FOUIPMENT 5, 950 2,600 7, 050 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 1,600 1, 200 2, 000 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 12, 370 8, 190 16, 400 Ln 530040 NATURAL GAS 51000 3, 000 2, 430 530080 LAUNDRY & CLFANINO 5, 400 5, 450 7, 100 530200 MAINTENANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1, 380 1, 380 11550 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 660 660 985 530380 RENTALS 1,250 1, 250 1, 470 530700 OTHER SERVICES 37, 180 36, 000 25, 650 530710 ADVERTISEMENT/PROMOTION 100 50 100 TOTAL OPFRAIION & CONTRACTUAL 50, 970 47, 790 39, 285 590000 NEW EQUIPMENT 18, 735 15, 200 6, 000 590100 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 0 0 2, 500 590350 LIBRARY HOOKS 11500 11500 2, 000 TOTAL CAPITAL 20o235 16, 700 10, 500 TOTAL PROGRAM 07,915 76, 205 72, 060 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM LIBRARY TECHNICAL SERVICES PROGRAM NO.5201 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $11,250 DEPARTMENT Library NO.5 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Technical Services NO.2 (if not included in Program Budget) $24,925 THIS PROGRAM Library Technical Services NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides for acquisition, cataloging and processing of library materials using the Dewey Decimal Classification and alpha-numeric classifications and includes responsibility for the development and maintenance of the database of the Library's collection. PROGRAM GOAL v+ To provide efficient and accurate cataloging and database services and to maintain accurate records relating to the Library's collections. o, PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A survey of the library's public service departments indicates an 85°x6 level of satisfaction with the timeliness and accuracy of cataloging and processing. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Reorganize the Technical Services area to facilitate the materials handling process established in 1995. 2. Implement a bibliographic utility for cataloging. 3. Further upgrade the quality and turnaround time for cataloging and processing materials. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects costs of bibliographic utility. No other significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 5 - L.IBRARY DIVISION 2 - TECHNICAL SERVICES PROGRAM 01 - LIBRARY TECHNICAL SERVICES ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 5, 400 5, 400 4, 525 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5, 400 5, 400 4, 525 530290 COPIER COSTS 0 0 1, 225 530700 OTHER SERVICES 0 0 51500 TOTAL OPFRAIION & CONTRACTUAL 0 O 6, 725 TOTAL PROGRAM 5, 400 5, 400 11, 250 V VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM LIBRARY REFERENCE AND ADULT PROGRAM NO. 5301 SERVICES FUND General Corporate NO. 01 PROGRAM BUDGET $62,200 DEPARTMENT Library NO. 5 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Reference and Adult Services NO. 3 (If not included in Program Budget) $62,305 THIS PROGRAM Library Reference and Adult Services NO. 01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides collections, professional assistance in reader's advisory and reference,and informational and recreational programs for adults. PROGRAM GOAL U" To provide balanced collections consistent with the Library mission statement, professional assistance in using library resources and reader's advisory, and other programs 00 which meet the needs of Library users. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Fill rates are 70%for book and periodicals collections and 55%for audio collections. A survey of users indicates an 80% level of satisfaction with reference and adult services. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Establish Internet access at the Library and explore information and research opportunities for reference service applications. 2. Continue to enhance the reference collection. 3. Enhance the general circulating collection focusing on the areas of travel, business, health and medicine,and computer information. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects increased expenditures for materials and on-line access. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 5 - LIBRARY DIVISION 3 - REFERENCE AND ADULT SERVICES PROGRAM 01 - LIBRARY REF. AND ADULT SERV. -.ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _NUP!BER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 520040 SUBSCRIPTIONS 12, 070 12, 500 18, 500 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 12, 070 12, 500 18, 500 530700 OTHER SFRVICES 0 0 51000 530710 ADVERTISEMENT/PROMOTION 500 100 500 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 500 100 5, 500 590350 LIBRARY BOOKS 30,000 30,000 35, 000 590370 NON-PRINT MEDIA 2, 700 2, 700 3, 200 TOTAL CAPITAL 32,700 32, 700 38, 200 TOTAL PROGRAM 45, 270 45,300 62, 200 Ln 1 �O VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM LIBRARY YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM NO.5401 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $18,060 DEPARTMENT Library NO.5 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Youth Services NO.4 (If not Included In Program Budget) $49,845 THIS PROGRAM Library Youth Services NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Youth Services provides collections, professional assistance in reader's advisory and reference, and programs to encourage reading and lifelong learning in young people. PROGRAM GOAL To provide balanced collections, including various media, and professional assistance and education in using the library and its resources for both information gathering and I recreational purposes. r O PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Fill rates are 80°x6 for book and periodical collections and 55%for audio-visual collections. A survey of users indicates an 80°x6 level of satisfaction with youth services. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue to develop the Youth Services collection and services. 2. Develop a master program schedule for Youth Services. 3. Inventory the Youth Services collections. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects increased expenditures for youth-oriented materials. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : O1 — GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 5 — LIBRARY DIVISION 4 — YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM 01 — LIBRARY YOUTH SERVICES ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 520040 SUBSCRIPTIONS 500 500 520 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 500 500 520 530710 ADVERTISEMENT/PROMOTION 600 600 1, 040 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 600 600 1, 040 590350 LIBRARY BOOKS 11, 500 11, 500 15, 000 590370 NON—PRINT MEDIA 11000 11000 11500 TOTAL CAPITAL 12, 500 12, 500 16, 500 TOTAL PROGRAM 13, 600 13, 600 18, 060 Ln I r-+ Department 6: Police VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Police DEPARTMENT NUMBER: (6) SUPPORTED BY(FUNDS): General Corporate (01) COMPONENTS OF DEPARTMENT: DIVISIONS (ACCT. NO.) PROGRAMS (ACCT. NO.I Administration (1) Police Services Management (01) Field Services (2) Police Field Services (01) o i Support Services (3) Police General Support (01) Police Investigations (02) Police Communications (03) Police Records (04) Police Public Relations/ (05) Crime Prevention TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUDGET: $ 3,809,600 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM POLICE SERVICES MANAGEMENT PROGRAM NO.6101 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $274,765 DEPARTMENT Police NO.6 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Administration NO. 1 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Police Services Management NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program is responsible to ensure, through proper planning, organizing, staffing,training, coordination and review, that the mission of the Oak Brook Police Department is carried out. PROGRAM GOAL To manage the resources of the Police Department to enhance the safety and security of the community and to meet the goals and objectives of the Department. N PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE All on-going program performance measures and 90°x6 of objectives are accomplished in the Police Department. A citizen survey indicates that 90%of respondents generally feel safe in their neighborhood and community. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Complete the Law Enforcement Accreditation Process(year 3 of 3). 2. Coordinate and lead the establishment of the regional Rapid Response Tactical Unit. 3. Evaluate and if feasible assign one police officer to DUMEG and fund a replacement officer from DUMEG reimbursement and elimination of annual dues. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects increased effort to microfilm archival records and deletion of DUMEG dues(see Program 6201). No other significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 6 - POLICE. DIVISION 1 -- ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 01 - POLICE SERVICES MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 154, 100 155, 600 161, 805 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 1, 200 600 1, 200 510026 MERIT BONUS 0 0 2, 000 510040 EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY 1, 200 1,200 1, 200 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 2, 515 2,450 2, 720 511020 PENSION POLICE 19, 220 20,990 21, 425 511035 F. I. C. A. 2, 220 2, 075 2, 455 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 17, 250 17,250 17, 850 511042 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS 0 1., 350 0 511060 TRAINING 19, 600 14, 800 23, 080 511070 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 1, 400 1, 400 1, 700 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1, 200 1, 200 10100 TOTAL PERSONNEL 219, 905 218, 915 236, 535 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 500 700 1, 200 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 900 985 400 520275 MICROFILMING 700 700 10, 200 I 520600 GENERAL FOUIPMENT 1, 650 335 3, 080 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 200 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 3, 950 2, 720 14, 880 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 7, 600 7s600 4, 150 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 4, 250 4, 250 51000 530460 RECEPTION/ENTERTAINMENT 200 0 0 530475 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9, 200 81000 5, 000 530700 OTHER SERVICES 22, 600 22, 600 9, 200 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 43, 850 42, 450 23, 350 TOTAL PROGRAM 267, 705 264, 085 274, 765 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM POLICE FIELD SERVICES PROGRAM NO.6201 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $2,323,540 DEPARTMENT Police NO.6 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Field Services NO.2 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Police Field Services NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program protects and serves the residents of the Village of Oak Brook. The Field Services Division enforces all State laws and local ordinances, and also provides continuous non-emergency police services. PROGRAM GOAL To provide effective and efficient response to citizen's requests for police services and focus non-service demand patrol time in areas and activities related to current community priorities. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A citizen survey indicates that 80%of residents are satisfied with response time and the quality of police services rendered. Monthly and annual directed patrol objectives are met. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Increase police visibility at the neighborhood level through various means, including the bike patrol and'walk and talk' programs. 2. Complete the program to upgrade and replace police portable radios. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects attrition of one full-time position, returning to authorized strength, and one new entry level officer(to replace an officer to be assigned to DUMEG, if the opportunity arises). No other significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND O1 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 6 - POLICE DIVISION 2 - FIELD SERVICES PROGRAM 01 - POLICE FIELD SERVICES ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET -NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FUI.L-TIME 1,476.360 1, 430, 675 1, 464o470 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 64,000 66, 000 69, 300 510022 SALARIES SPECIAL DETAIL 20, 100 7, 700 10, 000 510024 COURT TIME 26, 900 27, 890 213, 000 510026 MERIT BONUS 0 0 11,250 510040 EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY 10, 800 10,000 8, 400 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 51810 5o570 6, 165 511020 PENSION POLICE 221,000 222, 505 222, 590 511035 F. I. C. A. 13, 455 13, 020 15, 480 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 167, 600 168,880 164, 100 511042 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS 0 8, 410 8, 410 511050 TRAVEL. EXPENSE 980 1, 835 10800 511060 TRAINING 500 225 6, 600 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 17, 230 181050 19, 000 TOTAL PERSONNEL_ 2,025, 535 1,980, 760 2,035, 565 520070 DRUGS & MEDICAL_ 1, 200 800 11000 1 520080 TOOLS & HARDWARE 2, 470 1, 850 2, 000 520090 FOOD 450 460 500 520600 GENERAL FOUIPMENT 91580 6, 000 15, 655 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 13, 700 91110 19, 155 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 0 O 800 530300 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIP 5, 480 5, 480 5, 800 530320 MAINTENANCE PORTABLE RADIOS 2, 625 2, 285 11000 530340 MAINTENANCE MOBILE RADIOS 2, 530 750 2, 000 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 106, 370 106,370 122, 300 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 90, 590 90, 590 91, 540 530380 RENTALS 13, 815 11, 490 6, 600 530465 LICENSES & FEES 560 340 480 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 221, 970 217, 305 230, 520 590000 NEW EQUIPMENT 22, 075 15, 700 12, 100 590100 EQUIPMENI RFPLACEMENT 29, 465 18, 000 26, 200 TOTAL CAP I1 AL. 51, 540 33, 700 38, 300 TOTAL PROGRAM 2,312, 745 2, 240, 875 2, 323, 540 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM POLICE GENERAL SUPPORT PROGRAM NO.6301 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $151,540 DEPARTMENT Police NO.6 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Support Services NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Police General Support NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides management supervision to the Police Investigations, Communications, Records, and Public Relations/Crime Prevention programs. This program also coordinates all departmental training and provides certain commodities and general services to the Police Department. PROGRAM GOAL To provide direct citizen services and internal support services in an efficient and effective manner. o� PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A survey of users of Support Services indicates an 80%level of satisfaction with the quality of services. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Integrate CALEA standards into the Police Department training program. 2. Increase the level of understanding and sensitivity in the Police Department to the cultural diversity of the Village. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 6 - POLICE DIVISION 3 - SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM 01 POLICE GENERAL SUPPORT ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _,_NUMBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 61, 915 85, 440 64, 150 510021 SALARIES OVERTIME TRAINING 14, 000 51500 100000 510026 MERIT BONUS 0 0 1, 000 510040 EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY 1, 200 1, 200 1, 200 511020 PENSION POLICE 9, 865 10,675 10, 620 511035 F. I. C. A. 0 200 400 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 5, 750 5, 820 4, 675 511042 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS 0 675 0 511060 TRAINING 36, 735 27, 175 37, 150 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 400 445 450 TOTAL PERSONNEL 129, 865 137, 130 129, 645 520040 SUBSCRIPT IONS 2, 350 2, 060 2, 715 520070 DRUGS & MEDICAL 0 10 0 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 5, 100 51900 5, 600 520600 GENERAL EOUIPMENI 1, 600 1, 200 11500 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 500 795 1, 420 1 v TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 9, 550 9, 965 11, 235 530080 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 580 615 630 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 1, 100 1, 300 1, 600 530300 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL EQUIP 500 250 700 530420 AMMUNITION 4, 925 2, 560 4, 500 TOTAL OPERAI ION & CONTRACTUAL 7, 105 4, 725 7, 430 590000 NEW EQUIPMENT 11890 1, 600 0 590100 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 9, 680 7, 000 3, 230 TOTAL CAPITAL 11, 570 8, 600 3, 230 TOTAL PROGRAM 158, 090 160, 420 151, 540 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM POLICE INVESTIGATIONS PROGRAM NO.6302 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $458,655 DEPARTMENT Police NO.6 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Support Services NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Police Investigations NO.02 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides the necessary personnel and equipment to conduct follow-up investigations of criminal cases and related activities. PROGRAM GOAL . To enhance the quality of public safety through the investigation of criminal activity and other necessary investigational support. o` 1 00 PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE At least 65%of assigned cases are solved by the Investigations Unit, and a survey of crime victims indicates an 80%level of satisfaction with investigative services. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Research and recommend a computer-based bar coding system for the use in tracking of evidence. 2. Improve facilities available in the Police Department for storage of evidential materials. 3. Enhance the responsiveness of the Department to residents and the business community through assisting in presentation of crime prevention information to organizations and civic groups. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 6 - POLICE DIVISION 3 SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM 02 - POLICE INVESTIGATIONS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 290, 115 296, 220 292, 305 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 33, 500 43, 000 34, 800 510024 COURT TIME 51000 8, 330 7# 500 510026 MERIT BONUS 0 0 1, 750 510040 EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY 11800 1, 650 1, 200 511020 PENSION POLICE 44, 925 48, 480 47, 505 511035 F. I. C. A. 1, 970 1, 970 2, 450 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 27, 850 26, 410 32j225 511042 PHYSICAL. EXAMINATIONS 0 1, 680 960 511050 TRAVEL EXPENSE 880 520 600 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 4, 880 4, 620 5, 295 TOTAL PERSONNEL 410, 920 432, 880 426, 590 520070 DRUGS & MEDICAL 695 500 695 520090 FOOD 3, 000 2, 800 3, 000 520270 P140TOGRAPHY SUf'PI_IES 3, 500 3, 280 3, 500 p� 520600 GENERAL FOUIPMENT 100 200 2, 185 520700 COMPUIER SUPPLIES 750 675 0 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 8, 045 7, 455 9, 380 530320 MAINTENANCE PORTABLE RADIOS 700 200 500 530340 MAINTENANCE MOBILE RADIOS 700 200 500 530375 VEHICLE_ OPERATION & MAINT. 22, 790 22, 790 5, 400 530378 VEHICLE RE=PLACEMENT CHARGE 10, 910 10, 910 11, 025 530380 RENTALS 2, 150 1, 105 1, 160 TOTAL OPERAI ION & CONTRACTUAL 37, 250 35, 205 18, 585 590000 NEW EOUII'MENT 51000 0 4, 100 TOTAL CAPITAL 5, 000 0 4, 100 TOTAL PROGRAM 461, 215 475, 540 458, 655 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM POLICE COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM NO.6303 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $355,255 DEPARTMENT Police NO.6 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Support Services NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Police Communications NO.03 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides emergency and non-emergency dispatching services for the Police and Fire Departments and for Emergency Medical Services. PROGRAM GOAL To provide effective and efficient dispatch and communication services as the Village's central emergency call-for-service answering point. o. r� PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A citizen survey indicates a 90% level of satisfaction with the quality and timeliness of service delivery and with the courtesy and helpfulness of communications personnel. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Improve police emergency radio communications through installation of a duplex radio system. 2. Evaluate the capabilities and potential of the SCC/NetCAD system relating to police and fire records and other modules and files. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects the full authorized staff for the full year. No other significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROCRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 6 - POLICE DIVISION 3 - SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM 03 -- POLICE COMMUNICATIONS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DF.-gCRIPTION - 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 225, 690 220, 000 249, 595 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 1, 250 2, 360 0 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 91000 4, 200 5, 000 510026 MERIT BONUS O 0 3, 000 511010 PENSION 1. M. R. F. 20, 300 18, 535 21, 820 511035 F. 1. C. A. 18, 050 16, 670 19, 710 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 38, 800 32, 855 38, 100 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 2, 300 2, 455 2, 800 TOTAL PERsnNNEL 315, 390 297, 075 340, 025 520600 GENERAL FOUIPMENT 1, 750 550 700 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 410 0 0 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2, 160 550 700 530360 MAINTENANCE BASE RADIO 31500 11000 3, 500 O� 530380 RENTALS 3, 400 3, 100 5, 030 1 r~- TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 6, 900 4, 900 8, 530 590000 NEW EOUIPMENI 7, 000 7, 100 6, 000 590100 EOUIPMENI REPLACEMENT 5, 000 2, 360 0 TOTAL CAN I1 AL. 12, 000 9, 460 61000 TOTAL PROGRAM 336, 450 311, 9B5 355, 255 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM POLICE RECORDS PROGRAM NO.6304 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $157,855 DEPARTMENT Police NO.6 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Support Services NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Police Records NO.04 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides for the maintenance and retrieval of records as required by law and as needed to support Police Department operations. PROGRAM GOAL To provide required information and data on a timely and accurate basis for use of Police Department and other Village staff and citizens when appropriate. o� 1 N PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A survey of service users indicates an 80% level of satisfaction with the quality and timeliness of records service delivery. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue microfilming of reports and applying for authorization for destruction of documents to the Illinois State Archives. 2. Evaluate and, if permissible, microfilm closed case arrest jackets in order to re-claim storage space. 3. Implement an improved parking ticket system pursuant to the Technology Plan. 4. Install the support query software program for access to the SCC/NetCAD information for use in management, evaluations and manpower allocations. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BR00K PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GFNERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 6 - POIJCE DIVISION 3 - SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM 04 POLICE RECORDS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DF;CRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SAI-ARIES FULL-TIME 87, 730 89, 710 92, 410 510010 SAI ARIES PART-TIME 12, 500 11, 305 14, 525 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 500 250 500 510026 MEI4 I T BONUS 0 0 2, 000 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 7, 525 7, 325 8, 040 511035 F. 1. C. A. 7, 430 7, 270 8, 375 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 13, 650 13j235 13, 100 511050 TRAVEL. EXPENSE 100 70 100 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 11000 1, 060 1, 200 TOTAL PERSONNEL.. 130, 435 130, 225 140, 250 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 31000 4, 750 5, 250 520600 GENERAL FQOIPMENT 450 350 0 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 1, 500 500 0 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 6, 950 5, 600 5, 250 I 530200 MAINTENANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT 5, 710 3, 160 3, 255 W 530290 COPIER COOTS 2, 350 2, 300 2, 400 TOTAL OPERAI ION & CONTRACTUAL 8, 060 5, 460 5, 655 590100 tQUIPMENI REPLACEMENT 22,000 19, 500 6, 700 TOTAL CAP I1 AL 22, 000 19, 500 6, 700 TOTAL PROGRAM 167, 445 160, 785 157, 855 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM POLICE PUBLIC PROGRAM NO.6305 RELATIONS/CRIME PREVENTION FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $87,990 DEPARTMENT Police NO.6 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Support Services NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Police Public Relations/Crime NO.05 Prevention PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program encourages citizen involvement through community action, crime prevention and public relations efforts, stressing interaction with local schools in a cooperative effort of drug and gang intervention through the D.A.R.E. and V.E.G.A. programs. o� I PROGRAM GOAL To enlist the support of the community in accomplishing Police Department goals and objectives. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A citizen survey indicates a 60% level of awareness of Public Relations/Crime Prevention programs. A survey of recipients of programs indicates a 90%level of satisfaction with the quality and usefulness of presentations. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue and expand police community relations programs(e.g., McGruff, D.A.R.E., V.E.G.A.)in order to maintain and enhance awareness among Oak Brook children of real risks and dangers. 2. Improve emergency communications with the community through installation of"Reverse 9-1-1" capability or similar technology. 3. Participate in the East West Corporate Corridor Association(EWCCA), crime alert task force. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects acquisition of"Reverse 9-1-1"technology and increased program volume. m m m ■■ = = m m w m m m m = = m m m VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROG=RAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GFNERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 6 - POLICE DIVISION 3 - SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM 05 - PURLIC RELATIONS/CRIME PREY. ACCOUNT _ BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 44, 480 44, 480 44, 480 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 500 350 4, 500 511020 PENSION POLICE 6,950 7, 095 7# 225 511035 F. I. C. A. 645 600 655 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 5, 200 5, 020 4, 675 511042 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS 0 O 505 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 325 395 350 TOTAL PERSONNEL 58, 100 57,940 62, 390 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 2, 000 11850 2, 000 520600 GENERAL FOUIPMENT 300 O 11000 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 150 90 O TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2, 450 1,940 3, 000 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 7,600 7,600 600 O� �. TOTAL OPFRA1ION & CONTRACTUAL 7, 600 7, 600 600 In 590000 NEW EOU I VMFN f O 0 22, 000 TOTAL CAPIIAL O 0 22, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 68. 150 67, 400 87, 990 Department 7: Fire and Code Enforcement VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Fire and Code Enforcement DEPARTMENT NUMBER: (7) SUPPORTED BY(FUNDS): General Corporate (01) COMPONENTS OF DEPARTMENT: DIVISIONS (ACCT. NO.) PROGRAMS (ACCT. NO.I Administration (1) Fire Service Management (01) Fire Operations (2) Fire Suppression (01) i r Emergency Medical Services (3) Emergency Medical Services (01) Code Enforcement (4) Code Enforcement (01) Planning &Zoning (02) TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUDGET: $ 3,400,300 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM FIRE SERVICE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM NO.7101 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $161,720 DEPARTMENT Fire and Code Enforcement NO.7 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Administration NO. 1 (if not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Fire Service Management NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program is the administrative unit for the Fire Department, providing for the proper direction and coordination of the activities of the Oak Brook Fire Department. PROGRAM GOAL To manage Fire Department operations and resources in a manner that continues to provide"state of the art'fire protection to the Village and to minimize loss of life, personal injury, and property damage due to fire. N PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE All program performance measures and 90%of objectives are achieved in the Fire Department. ISO Class 3 Rating is maintained. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Complete and occupy an expanded and remodeled Fire Station 2. 2. Continue planning for expansion, renovation or replacement of Fire Station 1 as approved by the Village Board. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 7 - FIRE AND CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 1 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 01 FIRE SERVICE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT M BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET __NUMBER DFSCRIPTION _ 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FUt L-l'IMF 100,230 100,000 106, 695 510026 MEft I T BONUS 11000 500 11000 511010 PENSION 1. M. R. F. 2,635 2, 525 2, 750 511030 PENSION FIRE 12, 215 12, 000 13, 370 511035 F. I. C. A. 2,330 2, 100 2, 480 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 11, 500 11,000 10, 625 511042 PHYSICAL. EXAMINATIONS 500 0 500 511060 TRAINING 2, 100 2,000 2, 000 511070 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 525 500 525 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 250 200 250 TOTAL PERSONNEL 133, 285 130, 825 140, 195 520000 PRINTING/PUDLICATION 250 200 200 520040 SUBSCRII'IIONS 100 100 100 520110 GENERAL OFFICE_ SUPPLIES 500 300 400 520275 MICROFILMING 51000 0 O v 520600 GENERAL f•OUIPMENT 500 0 200 W 520700 COMPUIER SUPPLIES 400 200 200 TOTAL MAI ER 1/SLS & SUPPLIES 6, 750 800 11100 530290 COPIER COSTS 1. 000 550 4, 350 530340 MAINTENANCE MOBILE RADIOS 500 250 250 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 5, 470 5, 470 11000 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 2, 400 2, 400 2, 325 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 9, 370 8, 670 7o925 590100 EGOIPMENT RFPLACE-MFNT 4, 000 0 12, 500 TOTAL CAP I 1 N_ 4, 000 0 12, 500 TOTAL PROGRAM 153, 405 140, 295 161, 720 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM FIRE SUPPRESSION PROGRAM NO.7201 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $2,105,465 DEPARTMENT Fire and Code Enforcement NO. 7 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Fire Operations NO. 2 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Fire Suppression NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This Program provides the emergency response and suppression efforts to all fire and fire-related emergencies within the Village,as well as the supplies, equipment, and other necessary support activities required to extinguish fires efficiently and safely. PROGRAM GOAL To minimize loss of life, personal injury, and property damage caused by fire. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE No lives are lost due to fire and any fire-related damage to property is confined to less than 50%of risk. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Finalize specifications and complete purchase of a 1500 GPM pumper to replace Unit 916. 2. Continue and expand(from six to eight)the program to train new personnel to the Firefighter III level. 3. Train two new personnel to levels of Fire Apparatus Engineer and Haz-Mat First Responder. 4. Continue the program to upgrade all self-contained breathing apparatus(SCBA)to conform to applicable standards. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No new personnel. No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 7 - FIRE AND CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 2 - FIRE OPERATIONS PROGRAM 01 - FIRE SUPPRESSION ACCOUNT T BUDGF_t ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DF9CRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME_ 1,257, 525 1,255,000 1,270,390 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 79, 715 80,000 85, 070 510023 HOLIDAY PONDS 21, 710 21, 710 22, 655 510026 MERIT BONUS 10, 500 14, 500 14, 500 510030 PAID-•ON-CALL FIREFIGHTERS 18, 180 12, 500 12, 740 510040 EDUCATIONAL_ INCENTIVE PAY 12, 600 12, 500 11, 700 511030 PENSION FIRE 222, 400 220,000 230, 775 511035 F. I. C. A. 4, 370 4, 500 4, 625 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 138, 670 134, 000 141, 305 511042 PLiYSICAI. EXAMINATIONS 81000 4, 000 5, 200 511050 TRAVEL FXPFNSE 50 50 50 511060 TRAINING 11, 950 10, 000 11, 000 511070 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 1, 225 1, 225 1, 225 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 12, 400 11,000 13, 410 TOTAL PERSONNEI 1, 799, 295 1, 780,985 1,824, 645 v L 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 1, 450 1, 150 700 to 520040 SUBSCRI[JI IONS 100 100 100 520060 CHEMICALS 2, 000 11000 11500 520070 DRUGS & MEDICAL 100 120 225 520080 TOOLS & HARDWARE 2,250 1, 790 2, 150 520090 FOOD 2, 000 2,000 2, 000 520100 CLEANING/SUPPLIES 2, 400 1, 120 1, 200 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 11000 1,300 1, 300 520270 PHOTOGRAPHY SUPPLIES 0 0 500 520290 ELECTRICAL_ SUPPLIES 11000 105 500 520600 GENERAL 1.OUIPMENI 5, 700 31900 4, 825 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 400 300 400 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 18, 400 12,885 15, 400 530040 NATURAL GAS 6, 000 7, 500 5, 400 530080 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 2, 400 11000 11580 530100 MAINTENANCE VEHICLES 4, 050 3,000 2, 700 530200 MAINTENANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT 200 200 200 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 5, 500 7, 000 4, 000 530290 COPIER COSTS 1, 500 1, 500 0 530340 MAINTENANCE MOBILE RADIOS 4, 500 3, 600 4, 000 530372 MAINTENANCE BUILDINGS 0 0 3, 000 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 55, 670 55,670 40, 200 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 121, 930 121, 930 119, 790 530380 RENTALS 500 300 300 530522 LANDSCAr,F CONTRACT 0 0 5, 600 530700 OTHER SERVICES 12, 150 7, 000 11500 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 7 - FIRE AND CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 2 - FIRE OPERATIONS PROGRAM 01 FIRF. SUPPRESSION ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 214, 400 208, 700 188, 270 590000 NEW EGUIPMFNT 44, 840 13, 605 29,650 590100 EOUIPMENI" REPLACEMENT 39, 000 35,000 47, 500 TOTAL CAPITAL 83, 840 48, 605 77, 150 TOTAL PROGRAM 2, 115,935 2, 051, 175 21105, 465 V I O� VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PROGRAM NO.7301 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $650,210 DEPARTMENT Fire and Code Enforcement NO.7 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Emergency Medical Services NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Emergency Medical Services NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This Program provides Advanced Life Support(ALS)emergency medical treatment and transportation services to the sick and injured at the scene of any emergency medical incident within the Village. PROGRAM GOAL To provide patients with"state of the art"emergency medical care and transportation within the scope of the ALS system. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Surveys of patients and hospital personnel indicate a 90%level of satisfaction with emergency medical services. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue the program to upgrade medical equipment. 2. Raise further the average Good Samaritan EMSS test score. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 7 - FIRE AND CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 3 - EMFRGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PROGRAM 01 - EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET __fUMDER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 254, 365 250,000 253, 180 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 11, 975 11, 000 11, 670 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 48, 100 50,000 52, 240 510022 SALARIES SPECIAL DETAIL 6, 255 2, 000 6, 505 510030 PAID-ON-CALL FIREFIGHTERS 6, 200 51800 5, 920 510040 EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY 24, 000 24,000 27, 000 511030 PENSION FIRE 48, 740 48, 500 50, 430 511035 F. I. C. A. 2, 890 2,000 2, 355 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 32, 530 32,000 33, 145 511042 PHYSICAL. EXAMINATIONS 11000 250 500 511050 TRAVEL. EXPENSE 100 100 100 511060 TRAINING 4, 250 4, 000 4, 450 511070 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 115 100 90 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 200 150 200 TOTAL PERSONNEL 440, 720 429, 900 447, 985 v 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 1, 800 11800 11800 co 520040 SURSCRIPIIONS 100 100 100 520070 DRUGS & MFDICAI_ 4, 000 4, 200 4, 500 520080 TOOLS & IIARDWARE 350 200 250 520090 FOOD 200 100 100 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 350 350 400 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 250 200 250 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 7, 050 6, 950 7, 400 530080 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 50 50 50 530200 MAINTENANCE OFFICF EQUIPMENT 200 150 200 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 11000 750 11000 530290 COPIER COSTS 800 500 0 530340 MAINTENANCE MOBILE RADIOS 11500 11000 1, 400 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 10, 500 10, 500 7, 150 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 30, 480 30, 480 30, 025 530380 RENTALS 500 0 500 530700 OTHER SERVICES 141, 930 141, 930 147, 500 TOTAL OPERAIION & CONTRACTUAL 186, 960 185,360 187, 825 590100 EQUIPMENT RFPLACEMENT 12, 000 9, 725 7, 000 TOTAL CAN I 1 Al. 12, 000 9, 725 7, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 646, 730 631, 935 650, 210 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK- PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM NO.7401 FUND General Corporate NO. 01 PROGRAM BUDGET $342,185 DEPARTMENT Fire and Code Enforcement NO.7 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Code Enforcement NO.4 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Code Enforcement NO.El PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This Program is responsible for processing and issuing all building, plumbing, electrical and other construction-related permits,and for on-site inspection of all properties where construction is occurring. This Program also provides semi-annual fire prevention inspections of all commercial buildings in the Village, on-request inspections of residential structures, and enforces other codes of the Village relating to physical improvements and nuisances. PROGRAM GOAL �4 To contribute to the maintenance, enhancement, and safety of the physical environment of the Village through courteous enforcement of Village code; and to reduce fire hazards through regularly scheduled fire inspections based upon occupancy type. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE All building construction activity complies with Village codes and there is documented mitigation,through the reinspection process,of all fire safety violations within the appropriate time-frame for type of violation and building occupancy. A survey of customers and complainants indicates a 90% level of satisfaction with the timeliness,fairness and courtesy of service or response. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue to progress toward the goal of having 100%of commercial buildings in the Village sprinklered. 2. Publicize and expand,as appropriate,the voluntary residential fire inspection program to advise homeowners on hazards found in the home and on the adequacy of their fire detection instruments or systems. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects additional part-time hours for building inspection. No other significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 7 - FIRE AND CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 4 - CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM 01 - CODE ENFORCEMENT ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET -NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 94,350 94,350 103, 825 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 120, 755 1050000 141, 330 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 3, 475 31000 4, 800 510026 MERIT BONUS 500 500 11000 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 9, 130 9, 130 10, 440 511035 F. I. C. A. 17,040 20,000 19, 125 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 9, 973 9, 975 90915 511050 TRAVEL EXPENSE 150 150 200 511060 TRAINING 3, 100 2,900 2, 850 511070 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 365 350 400 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 500 300 400 TOTAL PERSONNEL 259,340 245, 655 294, 285 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 2, 700 2,300 2, 600 520040 SURSCRIPIIONS 150 100 175 520080 TOOLS & HARDWARE 250 200 200 520090 FOOD 250 225 250 v 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 2, 000 2, 000 2, 850 p 520275 MICROFILMING 5, 000 0 0 520500 MISCELLANEOUS 500 500 250 520600 GENERAL FOUIPMENT 850 650 0 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 250 300 250 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 11, 950 6,275 6, 575 530200 MAINTENANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT 300 300 300 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 300 200 300 530290 COPIER COSTS 1,000 900 0 530340 MAINTENANCE MOBILE RADIOS 900 500 500 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & FAINT. 6,670 6,670 4,300 530378 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CHARGE 6, 140 6, 140 7, 275 530700 OTHER SCRVICES 26, 500 26, 430 26, 850 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 41, 810 41, 140 39, 525 590100 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 5,000 0 11800 TOTAL CAPITAL 5,000 0 11800 TOTAL PROGRAM 318, 100 293, 070 342, 185 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM PLANNING AND ZONING PROGRAM NO. 7402 FUND General Corporate NO.Q1 PROGRAM BUDGET $140,720 DEPARTMENT Fire and Code Enforcement NO. 7 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Code Enforcement NO.4 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Planning and Zoning NO.Q2 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This Program is responsible for planning and zoning activities within the Village, including administration and coordination of requests for zoning variations, amendments, special use and proposed developments;staff review and input on all matters coming before the Plan Commission,Zoning Board of Appeals and Village Board; and assisting the Plan Commission,Zoning Board of Appeals and Village Board with the review and updating of the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Control Ordinance. PROGRAM GOAL To maintain and enhance the physical environment of the Village through efficient and effective planning and zoning. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A survey of the Village Board and advisory commissions and petitioner indicates 90% level of satisfaction with the quality of staff support. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Complete revisions to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance based on the Lohan report and as recommended by the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals, as applicable. 2. Evaluate the need for and means of instituting posting of notification signs on sites which are subjects of planning and zoning related meetings and hearing. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 New program created to segregate planning and zoning expenditures from other code enforcement activities. Budget reflects reduction in consulting fees relating to updating the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 7 - FIRE AND CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 4 CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM 02 PLANNING & ZONING - ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION _ 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 75,000 75, 000 78, 070 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 3, 400 4, 500 3P280 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 7, 175 7, 175 7, 060 511035 F. I. C. A. 5, 680 51000 6, 375 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 9,975 9, 975 10, 410 511050 TRAVEL. EXPENSE 150 150 100 511060 TRAINING 0 0 250 511070 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 150 150 150 TOTAL PERSONNEL 101, 530 101, 950 107, 695 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 1, 400 11200 11000 520040 SUBSCRIPTIONS 100 100 75 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 200 200 200 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 250 100 750 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1,950 11600 2# 025 530200 MAINTENANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT 200 200 300 N 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 200 100 200 530290 COPIER COSTS 250 200 0 530380 RENTALS 500 400 500 530700 OTHER SERVICES 62, 935 83, 210 30, 000 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 64,085 84, 110 31, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 167, 565 187, 660 140, 720 w ww w■ w w wiw �w iw ww w w� rw ww iw iw �w �w w �w Department 8: Sports Core VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Sports Core DEPARTMENT NUMBER: (8) SUPPORTED BY(FUNDS): Sports Core (14) COMPONENTS OF DEPARTMENT: DIVISIONS (ACCT. NO.) PROGRAMS (ACCT. NO.) Bath &Tennis Club (1) Bath &Tennis General Operations (01) Swimming Operations (02) Tennis Operations-Outdoor (03) 00 Tennis Operations- Indoor (04) r Food & Beverage (2) Banquets (01) Member Events (02) Concessions (03) Golf Club (3) Golf Club General Operations (01) Golf Range Operations (02) Golf Cart Operations (03) Golf Course Maintenance (04) Golf Club Lounge Operations (05) Capital Projects -Sports Core (4) Bath &Tennis Club Improvements (01) Clubhouse Improvements (02) Golf Course Improvements (03) Golf Improvements-Surcharge (04) TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUDGET: $ 2,940,730 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM BATH&TENNIS GENERAL PROGRAM NO. 8101 OPERATIONS FUND Sports Core NO.14 PROGRAM BUDGET $370,055 DEPARTMENT Sports Core NO.$ ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Bath&Tennis Club NO. 1 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Bath&Tennis General Operations NO. 01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides oversight and general management for all Bath&Tennis Club operations including swimming, indoor and outdoor tennis, polo, open field usage and food and beverage operations. PROGRAM GOAL cc To manage Bath&Tennis Club programs and events in an efficient and effective manner, emphasizing customer service and meeting financial objectives. N PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE All program performance measures and 90%of program objectives are met for Bath&Tennis Club programs. Surveys of members and banquet clients indicate an 85% level of satisfaction with Club programs and operations. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Evaluate the consultant's recommendations from the Cultural/Recreational Facilities Planning Study and develop updated improvement programs for the Bath&Tennis Club and open fields based on each of two scenarios. 2. Explore various marketing strategies to increase membership at the Bath&Tennis Club and increase membership revenue to the level reflected in the 1995-99 Five-Year Financial Plan. 3. Explore opportunities for cooperative programs with the Oak Brook Park District. 4. Develop a general master planting plan for the Sports Core property. 5. Complete the land planning, subdivision and zoning processes relating to sale of surplus Sports Core property. 6. Complete the transfer of property to DuPage County for the 31 st Street improvement project. 7. Complete refresher CPR and emergency response training for Bath&Tennis and Food&Beverage employees. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget includes for platting surplus property in Westchester Park, an increased assessment for insurance coverage, interest on interfund loans outstanding, completion of consultant study and deletion of transfers back to the Corporate Fund. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 14 SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 - SPORTS CORE DIVISION 1 - PATH & IENNIS CLUB PROGRAM 01 - GENERAL OPERATIONS • ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _._NUMBER ^DFSCRIPTION _ 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 137,850 131,625 141, 710 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 35,275 27, 500 28, 300 511010 PENSION 1. M. R. F. 11,925 11,630 14, 400 511035 F. I. C. A. 13, 450 12, 175 13,005 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 17,865 16,200 17, 600 511050 TRAVEL EXPENSE 100 100 100 511060 TRAINING 1, 500 200 300 511100 EMPLOYEE MEALS 3,000 4,200 3, 000 TOTAL PERSONNEI 220,965 203, 630 218, 415 520000 PRINTING/I'UHLICATION 7, 500 8, 400 7, 500 520010 POSTAGE 01000 6, 500 6, 500 520040 SUBSCRIPTIONS 150 100 150 520080 TOOLS & I1ARDWARE 150 150 150 520100 CLEANING/SUPPLIES 250 250 250 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 2, 500 6, 000 3, 500 00 520160 PAPER PRODUCTS 100 100 100 I 520260 TREES & SHRUBS 3,000 3, 000 3,000 �`► 520280 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 100 0 100 520290 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 450 350 350 520400 VISA/MASTER SERVICE CHARGES 11000 3,000 3, 000 520600 GENERAL F Cal/I PMEN1 0 0 1, 500 TOTAL MAIERIALS & SUPPLIES 23, 200 27,850 26, 100 530000 LIABILITY INSURANCE 28, 500 26,800 33, 900 530020 TELEPHONE 31900 7, 200 6, 600 530040 NATURAL OAS 600 11000 620 530060 EL_F_C 1 R I C 5,625 51000 5, 000 530080 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 2, 750 4,000 7, 600 530200 MAINTENANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT 400 400 400 530220 MAINTENANCE PLUMBING 2,000 2, 500 11500 530240 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL 11500 2, 500 1, 500 530260 MAINTENANCE CARPENTRY 2, 500 4,000 2, 500 530370 MAINTENANCE PLANTS 2, 000 240 960 530375 VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT. 0 0 2, 400 530480 AUDITING 11800 11800 11800 530500 PEST CONTROL 100 380 460 530510 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 11000 2,200 2, 400 530520 LANDSCAPING 5, 200 5, 200 6, 800 530700 OTHER SFRVICES 8, 875 8, 875 15, 850 530760 UNCOLLECIIBLE ACCOUNTS 2,000 500 11000 TOTAL OPFRAI ION & CONTRACTUAL 60, 750 72, 595 91, 290 580900 INTEREST EXPENSE 5, 200 13, 000 .34, 250 581000 TRANSFERS OUT 12,000 0 0 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 14 SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 - SPORTS CORE DIVISION 1 - 14ATH & 1LNNIS CLUB PROGRAM 01 - GENERAL OPERATIONS -ACCOUNT - BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 17, 200 13, 000 34, 250 590100 EQUIPMENT RFPLACrMENT 2, 725 2, 725 0 TOTAL CAPITAI. 2, 725 2, 725 0 TOTAL PROGRAM 332, 840 319, 800 370, 055 00 I rr rr ■r rr, rr rr rr ■r rr rr r rr rr rr rr rr rr ■r rr VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM SWIMMING OPERATIONS PROGRAM NO. 8102 FUND Sports Core NO. 14 PROGRAM BUDGET $138,885 DEPARTMENT Sports Core NO.8 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Bath&Tennis Club NO. 1 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Swimming Operations NO.02 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program encompasses the operations of the Bath &Tennis Club swimming pools, including operation and maintenance of the Club's three pools, swimming lessons, competitive swimming and various special swimming programs. PROGRAM GOAL j° To provide safe and high-quality swimming activities for all ages which meet the needs of Club members. u+ PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A survey of members indicates an 85% level of satisfaction with swimming programs. Swimming program financial targets are met. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Evaluate,with the Park District, the needs for new or additional community swimming facilities(indoor and outdoor). 2. Increase general and program participation use of the pool facility over 1995 levels. 3. Increase activity options and level of use in pool and lake area. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROCRAII BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 14 - ,PORTS CORE .DEPARTMENT: 8 - SPORTS CORE DIVISION 1 YATH AND TENNIS CLUB PROGRAM OP SWIMMING OPERATIONS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510050 DIRECTOR/SUPERINTENDENT 11,000 12, 455 12, 000 510060 ASS'T MGR/SWIM COACH 7,000 5, 525 9, 040 510080 LIFEGUARDS 47,880 48, 525 47, 880 510090 LESSON COMMISSIONS 3, 750 8, 650 7, 500 511035 F. I. C. A. 3, 325 5, 750 51770 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 11000 500 500 TOTAL PERSONNEL_ 75,955 81, 405 81, 690 520060 CHEMICAL i 51000 7, 960 6, 000 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 250 210 225 520115 SUPPLIES AND A14ARDS 2, 500 2, 510 2, 800 520120 SUPPLIES 500 730 0 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 8, 250 11, 410 9, 025 530020 TFLEPHONF 675 550 700 00 530060 ELECTRIC 6, 000 0 6, 000 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 51000 20, 700 7, 900 530430 TRANSPORTATION 850 0 850 530440 PRE-OPENING EXPENSE 10, 000 7, 375 15, 420 530465 LICENSES & FEES 650 485 600 530530 FIRST ATI) 11000 355 400 TOTAL OPFRAIION & CONTRACTUAL 24, 175 29, 465 31, 870 590000 NEW EQUIPMENT 9, 400 9, 400 16, 300 590100 EQUIPMENT RI-PLACEMENT 51500 1, 525 0 TOTAL CAPITAL 14, 900 10, 925 16, 300 TOTAL PROGRAM 123,280 133,205 138, S85 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM TENNIS OPERATIONS-OUTDOOR PROGRAM NO.8103 FUND Sports Core NO. 14 PROGRAM BUDGET $96,225 DEPARTMENT Sports Core NO.8 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Bath &Tennis Club NO. 1 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Tennis Operations-Outdoor NO.03 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program encompasses the operation of the Bath&Tennis Club's 12 outdoor tennis courts including private lessons, group instructional programs, organized activities, open court time and tennis pro shop services. PROGRAM GOAL 00 To provide a full range of high-quality outdoor tennis activities which meet the needs of Club members. v PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A survey of members indicates an 85%level of satisfaction with the outdoor tennis program. Tennis program financial targets are met. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Expand participation in group and private lessons tennis programs for juniors, placing special emphasis on etiquette and sportsmanship and use of progress reports for all juniors. 2. Implement a video service as part of the lesson program. 3. Increase enthusiasm for the Club and gain favorable publicity through planning and holding a'Tenathon' event for the benefit of local charity. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK RHO01( PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 14 - SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 - SPORTS CORE DIVISION 1 - IIA1H AND TENNIS CLUB PROGRAM 03 - TENNIS OPERATIONS-OUTDOOR ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DFSCRIPTION _ 1995 1995 1996 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 27j300 30,000 22, 870 510090 LESSON COMMISSIONS 20, 500 9, 240 6# 200 510100 PRO SHOP COMMISSIONS O 0 11800 510170 PROFESSIONAL 18, 650 20, 900 19, 000 510180 ASSISTANT PROFESSIONALS 2, 500 175 10, 125 511010 PENSION 1. M. R. F. 1,615 2, 350 2, 135 511035 F. I. C. A. 5, 085 4, 615 4, 450 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 2, 000 1, 625 11800 TOTAL PERSONNEL 77, 650 68.905 68, 380 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 500 250 300 520115 SUPPLIES AND AWARDS 5, 500 7, 500 7, 500 520120 SUPPLIES 11000 1,680 2,000 520130 NETS & SCREENING 4, 800 4, 140 4, 550 520320 COST OF SALES 1, 500 0 O 520350 BEVERAGE/LIQUOR COST 1, 050 600 O 00 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 14,350 14, 170 14, 350 530020 TELEPHONE 0 0 2, 285 530440 PRE-OPENING EXPENSE 10, 800 10, 190 11, 210 TOTAL OPERAI ION & CONTRACTUAL 10, 800 10, 190 13. 495 590100 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 6,000 6, 315 0 TOTAL CAPITAL 6,000 6, 315 0 TOTAL PROGRAM 108, 800 99, 580 96, 225 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM TENNIS OPERATIONS-INDOOR PROGRAM NO. 8104 FUND Sports Core NO. 14 PROGRAM BUDGET $104,800 DEPARTMENT Sports Core NO.8 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Bath&Tennis Club NO. 1 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Tennis Operations-Indoor NO. 04 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program encompasses the operation of the Bath &Tennis Club's Tennis Dome, including private lessons, group instructional programs and open courttime on the 4 indoor courts. PROGRAM GOAL ITo provide a full range of high-quality indoor tennis activities which meet the needs of Club members and open court time customers. Tennis Dome financial targets are met. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A survey of tennis dome users indicates an 80%level of satisfaction with the facility and the indoor tennis program. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Complete the sale of the Tennis Dome. 2. Operate the Tennis Dome on a prime time self-supporting basis until it is sold. 3. Investigate alternative uses for the area presently occupied by the Tennis Dome. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects cessation of operations in May, 1996. = m = = = = m VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 14 - SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 - SPORTS CORE DIVISION 1 - HATH AND TENNIS CLUB PROGRAM 04 - 1ENNIS OPERATIONS-INDOOR ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET __ VMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510012 SALARIES - PART-TIME WINTER 21, 950 33,880 51510 510090 LESSON COMMISSIONS 24, 575 91800 11, 540 510170 PROFESSIONAL 29, 850 32, 300 18, 050 510180 ASSISTANT PROFESSIONALS O 6, 680 71600 511010 PENSION 1. M. R. F. 2, 385 2, 965 2, 040 511035 F. I. C. A. 5, 845 6, 000 3, 270 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 3,200 2, 800 1, 740 TOTAL PERSONNEL 88, 005 94, 425 49, 750 520070 DRUGS & MEDICAL 0 75 0 520100 CLEANING/SUPPLIES 100 0 0 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 500 200 50 520115 SUPPLIES AND AWARDS 11500 1, 200 0 520272 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 500 600 450 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2, 600 2,075 500 00 I 530020 TELEPHONE 2, 500 3,600 1, 315 530040 NATURAL GAS 11, 700 7,000 5, 560 530060 ELECTRIC 10, 800 15, 300 13, 000 530440 PRE-OPENING EXPENSE 4,600 4, 500 0 530525 DISMANTLE / ERECT EXPENSE 51000 0 0 530700 OTHER SERVICES 30, 000 10, 415 11000 TOTAL OPFRAIION & CONTRACTUAL 64, 600 40, 815 20, 875 580900 INTEREST EXPENSE 10,065 10, 120 9, 075 TOTAL MISCFLI_ANEOUS 10, 065 10, 120 9, 075 590000 NEW EGUIPMENT 23, 630 23, 520 24, 600 TOTAL CAPITAL 23, 630 23, 520 24, 600 TOTAL PROGRAM 188, 900 170, 955 104, 800 F_ VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM BANQUETS PROGRAM NO.8201 FUND Sports Core NO. 14 PROGRAM BUDGET $470,440 DEPARTMENT Sports Core NO.8 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Food&Beverage NO. 2 (If not included In Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Banquets NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides banquet services to the public in a unique and beautiful setting. The program also provides limited off-site catering. PROGRAM GOAL To support the Bath &Tennis Club by providing high-quality banquet and catering services at competitive prices. 00 PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE ~ Banquet and meeting bookings and revenues meet targets, and operations are conducted such that there is net income from Banquets to support other Bath&Tennis Club operations. Clients indicate a 90%level of satisfaction with event planning and quality. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Implement marketing efforts, cost accounting systems and procedures to meet or exceed budget targets for Banquets. 2. Enhance the attractiveness and efficiency of the banquet facility. 3. Increase the contribution to financial results from off-site catering. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 New program created to segregate Banquets from other food service programs. Budget reflects removal of Member Event and Concessions costs in 1996. m = = = m VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 14 - SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 - SPORTS CORE DIVISION : 2 - FOOD AND BEVERAGE PROGRAM 01 - BANQUETS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 26, 425 39, 000 24, 960 510064 CHEF 47, 700 41,000 30, 100 510066 SERVICE/CLUB FOOD 91800 1, 275 0 510068 SERVICE/SPECIAL EVENTS 51, 380 84, 190 57, 120 510070 BARTENDFRS 32, 500 17,345 10, 080 510130 SALARIES RDQ STAFF 16, 700 17, 300 0 510160 SALARIES KITCHEN 57,805 103, 315 35, 840 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 18,695 4,890 6, 785 511035 F. I. C. A. 17, 810 25, 760 12, 095 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 5, 200 4, 790 3, 040 511050 TRAVEL EXPENSE 100 0 100 511060 TRAINING 11000 450 500 511070 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 500 450 500 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1, 500 1, 500 1, 500 TOTAL PERSONNEL. 287, 115 341, 265 182, 620 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 11500 2, 015 2, 500 r+ 520070 DRUGS & MEDICAL 0 300 500 Iv 520100 CLEANINC/SUPPLIES 3,000 3,010 3, 000 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 1, 500 3, 000 11000 520140 KITCHEN LITE NS I LS 11500 51000 11500 520150 CHINA, GLASSWARE & SILVERWARE 2, 500 3, 500 3, 250 520160 PAPER PRODUCTS 2, 500 81000 31000 520250 FLOWERS 4. 000 4, 000 3, 000 520340 FOOD COSI 118, 280 170, 000 126, 000 520350 BEVERAGE/LIOUOR COST 48, 750 56, 000 42, 000 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 183, 530 254, 025 195, 750 530020 TELEPHONE 5, 615 5, 705 5, 700 530040 NATURAL GAS 181000 13, 055 7, 315 530060 ELECTRIC 12,000 0 9, 600 530080 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 20,000 14, 190 10, 060 530082 LINEN 12, 480 22, 000 14, 000 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 5, 000 101000 81000 530380 RENTALS 12, 000 27, 700 16, 000 530390 ALARM SYSTEMS 3, 000 1, 465 1, 185 530400 TENT RENTALS 3, 500 0 0 530460 RECEPTION/ENTERTAINMENT 51000 4, 550 5, 500 530462 ADVERTISING 3, 000 300 750 530465 LICENSES & FEES 11000 750 11000 530500 PEST CON1R01_ 750 700 560 530510 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 2, 400 3, 020 2, 400 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 14 - SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 - SPORTS CORE DIVISION 2 - FOOD AND BEVERAGE PROGRAM 01 - BANQUETS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 TOTAL OPFRAI ION & CONTRACTUAL 103,745 103, 435 82, 070 580900 INTEREST EXPENSE 10, 000 10, 670 O TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 10,000 10, 670 0 590000 NEW EQUIPMENT 0 0 10, 000 590100 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 0 0 10, 000 TOTAL CAPITAL 0 0 20, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 584, 390 710, 195 470, 440 OD I W ' VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM MEMBER EVENTS PROGRAM NO.8202 FUND Sports Core NO. 14 PROGRAM BUDGET $68,315 DEPARTMENT Sports Core NO. 8 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Food &Beverage NO.2 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Member Events NO.02 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides food service for various events scheduled through the year for Sports Core members. PROGRAM GOAL 00 To enhance membership and support the Sports Core by providing high-quality member events and limited club food service at appropriate prices. I r A- PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Member events meet financial targets. Members indicate an 85% level of satisfaction with the quality and frequency of events. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Implement marketing efforts, cost accounting systems and procedures to meet or exceed budget targets for Member Events. 2. Formalize food service arrangements with member activity organizations pursuant to Food &Beverage operating policies. 3. Develop an information base on entertainment services that will enable the Club and its clients to arrange for entertainment directly. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 New program created to segregate Member Events from other food service programs. mm m = m m m m m m m m -m VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 14 — SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 — SPORTS CORE DIVISION 2 — FOOD AND BEVERAGE PROGRAM OP — MEMBER EVENTS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET MNl,1MBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510064 CHEF 0 0 9, 540 510066 SERVICE/CLUB FOOD 0 0 9, 025 510070 BARTENDFRS 0 0 2, 160 510160 SALARIES KITCHEN 0 0 4, 320 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 0 0 810 511035 F. 1. C. A. O 0 1, 915 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 0 0 935 TOTAL PERSONNEL 0 0 28, 705 520000 PRINTING/1'UDLICATION 0 0 250 520100 CLEANING/SUPPLIES O 0 600 520160 PAPER PRODUCTS O 0 1. 000 520250 FLOWERS O 0 11000 520340 FOOD COST 0 0 17, 875 520350 BEVERAGE/LIQUOR COST O 0 2, 485 Oo TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES O 0 23, 210 I 530040 NATURAL GAS O 0 1, 830 530060 ELECTRIC 0 0 2, 400 530080 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 0 0 2, 515 530082 LINEN O 0 3, 000 530380 RENTALS 0 0 3, 120 530390 ALARM SYSTEMS 0 0 295 530460 RECEPTION/ENTERTAINMENT 0 0 2, 500 530500 PEST CONTROL 0 0 140 530510 GARBAGE DISPOSAL O 0 600 TOTAL OPFRAIION & CONTRACTUAL 0 0 16, 400 TOTAL PROGRAM 0 0 68, 315 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM CONCESSIONS PROGRAM NO.8203 FUND Sports Core NO. 14 PROGRAM BUDGET $84.415 DEPARTMENT Sports Core NO.8 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Food&Beverage NO. 2 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Concessions NO.03 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides food service at the Bath &Tennis Club"Barbecue Hut* and swimming pool, and at Sunday polo matches. PROGRAM GOAL To provide high-quality and convenient fast-food service at competitive prices, contributing to member and public enjoyment of the Bath &Tennis Club and Sunday Polo at is Oak Brook. or PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Customers indicate a 85%level of satisfaction with concession menus, facilities and food quality. Concessions financial targets are met. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Implement cost accounting systems and procedures to meet or exceed budget targets for Concessions. 2. Continue and enhance menu rotation and facilities maintenance in order to deliver fast food products more safely and efficiently. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 New program created to segregate Concessions from other food service programs. m = = = = = = = VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 14 - SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 - SPORTS CORE DIVISION 2 - FOOD AND BEVERAGE PROGRAM 03 - CONCESSIONS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET __ NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510064 CIiFF 0 0 7, 155 510070 BARTENDFRS 0 0 8, 135 510130 SALARIES BBQ STAFF 0 0 16, 800 510160 SALARIES KITCHEN 0 0 4, 035 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 0 0 605 511035 F. I. C. A. 0 0 2j765 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 0 O 700 TOTAL PERSONNEL_ 0 0 40, 195 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 0 0 250 520160 PAPER PRODUCTS 0 0 3,000 520340 FOOD COST 0 0 23, 725 520350 BEVERAGE/LIQUOR COST 0 0 9, 945 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 0 0 36, 920 00 1 530020 TELEPHONE 0 0 300 v 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 0 0 2, 000 530380 RENTALS 0 0 51000 TOTAL OPFRAIION & CONTRACTUAL 0 0 7, 300 TOTAL PROGRAM 0 0 84, 415 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM GOLF CLUB GENERAL PROGRAM NO.8301 OPERATIONS FUND Sports Core NO. 14 PROGRAM BUDGET $555,520 DEPARTMENT Sports Core NO. 8 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Golf Club NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Golf Club General Operations NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides oversight and general management for the Oak Brook Golf Club, including golf operations,course maintenance, range and cart operations, pro shop and lounge services. 00 PROGRAM GOAL II. To provide a golf facility and associated services which meet the needs of Club members and customers. 00 PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE All program performance measures and 90%of program objectives are met for Golf Club programs. A surrey of members and customers indicates an 80% level of satisfaction with golf facilities and services and 75%of respondents rate the Oak Brook Golf Club among the 10 best public courses in the western suburbs. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Evaluate the consultant's recommendations from the Cultural/Recreational Facilities Planning Study and develop updated improvement programs for golf course based on each of two scenarios. 2. Review and update the economic feasibility analysis for expansion of the golf course in order to facilitate a final decision concerning the extent of further development to be pursued. 3. Increase customer satisfaction by 5%over the 1995 benchmark. 4. Increase nkt sales in the Pro Shop. 5. Increase customer loyalty through tournament events. 6. Consider and,if feasible,cooperate with Butler National Golf Club on installation of a jointly-owned lighting detection system. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects completion of consultant study and deletion of transfers back to the Corporate Fund. No other significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 14 - SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 - SPORTS CORE DIVISION 3 - 001_F CLUB PROGRAM 01 - GOLF CLUB GENERAL OPERATIONS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _ NUMBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 79, 550 77,225 78, 655 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 10,800 10, 950 11, 770 510100 PRO SHOP COMMISSIONS 2,000 0 0 510180 ASSISTANT PROFESSIONALS 35, 450 36, 770 47, 360 510190 STARTERS 14, 520 10, 750 12, 155 510200 CASHIERS 32,205 32, 390 23, 040 510210 RANGERS 12, 600 13, 520 14, 000 511010 PENSION, 1. M. R. F. 9, 950 9, 850 10, 675 511035 F. I. C. A. 14, 530 13, 890 14, 305 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 9, 240 9o240 7, 400 511050 TRAVEL EXPENSE 100 70 70 511060 TRAINING 11000 0 0 511070 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 1, 175 1, 175 1, 100 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 2, 400 2, 150 2, 150 511090 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 24, 000 40, 225 40, 000 511100 EMPLOYEE MEALS 3,900 3, 600 3, 600 00 TOTAL PERSONNEL. 253, 320 261, 805 266, 280 520000 PRINTING/PUBLICATION 51000 3, 000 3, 000 520010 POSTAGE 1. 050 430 430 520080 TOOLS & HARDWARE 250 40 50 520110 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 1, 200 1, 350 850 520120 SUPPLIES 11500 2, 500 2, 500 520160 PAPER PRODUCTS 950 990 1, 040 520270 PHOTOGRAPHY SUPPLIES 300 515 515 520290 ELECTRICAL_ SUPPLIES 400 180 200 520295 REPAIR/SUPPLIES 900 120 300 520320 COST OF SALES 140, 000 140, 000 141, 120 520321 COST OF SALES - HANDICAP 51800 4, 620 31180 520400 VISA/MASTER SERVICE CHARGES 10, 000 12, 080 12, 080 520700 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 400 100 100 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 167, 750 165, 925 167, 365 530000 LIABILITY INSURANCE 28, 500 27, 525 33, 330 530020 TFLEPHON:- 3, 500 3, 375 3, 375 530040 NATURAL GAS 2, 000 1, 550 960 530060 ELECTRIC 26, 000 22, 825 23, 000 530080 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 5, 690 6, 150 6, 655 530220 MAINTENANCE PLUMBING 400 450 400 530240 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL 11000 11800 500 530260 MAINTENANCE CARPENTRY 1, 200 820 1, 200 530370 MAINTENANCE PLANTS 6:30 700 50 530390 ALARM SYSTEMS 1, 600 1, 575 1, 575 530465 LICENSES & FEES 1, 130 1, 060 1, 060 530480 AUDITING 11800 11800 11800 530500 PEST CONTROL_ 350 350 420 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 14 - SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 - SPORTS CORE DIVISION 3 - GOLF CLUB PROGRAM 01 - GOLF CLUB GENERAL OPERATIONS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DF3CRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 530510 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 3,000 4, 425 6, 550 530700 OTHER SERVICES 8, 875 8,875 0 TOTAL OPFRAIION & CONTRACTUAL 85, 695 83,280 80, 875 581000 TRANSFERS OUT 12, 000 0 0 TOTAL MISCIA.1_ANEOUS 12, 000 0 0 590000 NEW EQUIPMENT 34, 500 10, 650 41, 000 TOTAL CAPIIAL 34, 500 10, 650 41, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 553, 265 521, 660 555, 520 00 i N O r r rr � r r , r r �r r r r ■■■ r r r ■r r r VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM GOLF RANGE OPERATIONS PROGRAM NO.8302 FUND Sports Core NO. 14 PROGRAM BUDGET $86,650 DEPARTMENT Sports Core NO.8 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Golf Club NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Golf Range Operations NO.02 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides golf practice facilities to the general public and professional instruction through private lessons and a variety of group instructional programs. PROGRAM GOAL To provide a high-quality practice facility and an atmosphere conducive to learning and practice. 00 I PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A survey of customers and students indicates an 80% level of satisfaction with facilities and instructional programs. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Explore opportunities for cooperative programs with the Oak Brook Park District. 2. Increase usage of the practice facility by creating event days at the driving range designed to attract greater participation. 3. Continue to increase participation in learning programs. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 14 - SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 - SPORTS CORE DIVISION 3 - GOLF CLUB PROGRAM 02 - GOLF RANGE OPERATIONS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _NUMBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 13, 650 13,300 13, 300 510090 LESSON COMMISSIONS 53, 550 46,800 56, 700 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 2, 180 10980 2, 400 511035 F. I. C. A. 3, 150 2, 805 3, 185 TOTAL PERSONNEL. 72, 530 64, 885 75, 585 520100 CLEANING/SUPPLIES 100 0 60 520120 SUPPLIES 2, 500 11050 1, 530 520170 GOLF BALLS 81000 6,060 7, 275 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 10, 600 7, 110 8, 865 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 400 400 400 530520 LANDSCAPING 2, 000 11800 11800 TOTAL OPE:RAI ION & CONTRACTUAL 2, 400 2, 200 2, 200 00 I N TOTAL PROGRAM 03, 530 74, 195 86, 650 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM GOLF CART OPERATIONS PROGRAM NO.6303 FUND Sports Core NO. 14 PROGRAM BUDGET $78,570 DEPARTMENT Sports Core NO.8 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Golf Club NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Golf Cart Operations NO.03 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides electric golf carts and pull-carts for use on the golf course. PROGRAM GOAL To provide reliable golf cart equipment which meets the needs of users. 00 W PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A survey of users indicates an 80% level of satisfaction with the quality and operation of equipment. On-course breakdowns of electric carts average less than one per day, and the number of carts out-of-service never exceeds three. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue to increase electric carat usage by providing more consistently reliable equipment. 2. Continue to decrease breakdowns and out-of-service frequency. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects a new lease on an expanded cart fleet. No other significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 14 - SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 - SPORTS CORE DIVISION 3 - VOLF CLUB PROGRAM 03 - GOLF CART OPERATIONS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 18, 480 18,265 18, 400 511035 F. I. C. A. 1, 415 1,395 1, 405 TOTAL PERSONNEL 19, 895 19, 660 19, 805 520100 CLEANING/SUPPLIES 260 0 260 520272 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 11000 1,025 300 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1, 260 1,025 560 530060 ELECTRIC 6, 500 4,205 4, 205 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 51500 2, 550 11000 530380 RENTALS 38, 100 38, 100 53, 000 TOTAL OPERAIION & CONTRACTUAL 50, 100 44, 855 58, 205 00 TOTAL PROGRAM 71, 255 65. 540 78, 570 I IV VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM NO.8304 FUND Sports Core NO. 14 PROGRAM BUDGET $600,265 DEPARTMENT Sports Core NO. 8 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Golf Club NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Golf Course Maintenance NO.04 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides management, personnel and supplies to maintain turf grass, trees, shrubs and flowers throughout the golf course. PROGRAM GOAL To provide high-quality maintenance of the golf course which meets the needs of members and customers. 00 ry PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A survey of members and customers indicates an 80%level of satisfaction with golf course maintenance and 75%of respondents rate the Oak Brook Golf Club among the 10 best public courses in the western suburbs. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Update the golf course master planning plan. 2. Continue the golf course tree planting program. 3. Improve drainage on holes 12, 14, 15, 16 and 18. 4. Continue to improve flexibility and playability of selected tee areas. 5. Continue to improve traffic flow and beautify tee/cart path areas. 6. Increase accuracy and efficiency of chemical applications and watering through access to automated golf-specific weather service. 7. Improve safety of chemical storage and handling. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects capital outlay for a chemical room and rinsate pad at the maintenance facility. No other significant changes. i� i■ i � i i �i �i �■ �■i■ �i �i i i ■i i� i� i ii VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 14 - SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 - SPORTS CORE DIVISION 3 - GOLF CLUB PROGRAM 04 - GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510000 SALARIES FULL-TIME 108,960 108,960 119, 270 510020 SALARIES OVERTIME 37,250 34,000 38, 205 510230 LABORERS 76,330 70, 400 76, 370 511010 PENSION I. M. R. F. 19, 500 18, 455 19, 805 511035 F. I. C. A. 17,025 16, 320 17, 890 511040 HEALTH INSURANCE 17,250 17,250 17, 850 511060 TRAINING 2, 480 2, 480 2, 480 511080 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 895 860 715 511100 EMPLOYEE MEALS 800 800 800 TOTAL PERSONNEL. 280, 490 269, 525 293, 385 520020 GAS & OIL. 6, 825 6, 825 6, 925 520040 SURSCRIPIIONS 400 800 2, 060 520080 TOOLS & 14ARDWARE 4,000 2, 945 31000 520100 CLEANING/SUPPLIES 500 200 200 520190 COURSE SUPPLIES 3, 465 3,765 3, 400 pp 520200 PESTICIDES 20,000 25, 500 20, 000 N 520210 FERTILIZER 20s000 19, 400 20, 000 O� 520220 TOP DRESSING 15, 000 7, 900 15, 000 520230 SAND 1, 500 500 11000 520240 SEED SOD & TOP SOIL 15, 000 15, 000 15, 000 520250 FLOWERS 11000 975 11000 520260 TREES & SHRUBS 10,000 10,000 10, 000 520272 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 1, 125 11100 11100 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 98,815 94, 910 98, 685 530020 TELEPHONE 11080 1, 050 1, 050 530040 NATURAL GAS 1,600 1, 400 780 530120 MAINTENANCE IRRIGATION 5,000 5,000 5, 000 530140 MAINTENANCE DRAINAGE 11000 11000 10000 530160 MAINTENANCE ROADS & PATHS 2, 500 2, 500 2. 500 530180 MAINTENANCE GOLF COURSE 11000 11000 3, 000 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 23,000 22, 000 22, 000 530340 MAINTENANCE MOBILE RADIOS 155 145 120 530380 RENTALS 5,000 5,000 5, 000 530390 ALARM SYSTEMS 540 5B5 600 530510 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 1, 430 1, 430 1, 500 TOTAL OPERAIION & CONTRACTUAL 42,305 41. 110 42, 550 580900 INTEREST EXPENSE 12, 000 12, 000 5, 300 TOTAL MISCEI LANEOUS 12, 000 12,000 5, 300 590000 NEW EQUIPMENT 16, 500 13,650 0 590100 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 26, 500 20,900 21, 500 VILLAGE OF OAK RkOOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 14 — SPURTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 — SPORTS CORE DIVISION 3 — 001_F CLUB PROGRAM 04 — GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE= ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET --D.MBER DFSCRTPTION 1995 1995 1996 590300 STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS 71,625 71, 625 138, 845 TOTAL CAP I l At.. 114,625 106s175 160# 345 TOTAL PROGRAM 548, 235 523, 720 600, 265 0 I tV V VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM GOLF CLUB LOUNGE PROGRAM NO.8305 OPERATIONS FUND Sports Core NO. 14 PROGRAM BUDGET $105,965 DEPARTMENT Sports Core NO.8 ATTRIBUTABLE PERSONNEL COSTS DIVISION Golf Club NO.3 (If not included in Program Budget) Included THIS PROGRAM Golf Club Lounge Operations --NO.05 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides limited food and beverage service at the Golf Club Clubhouse and on the course. PROGRAM GOAL 00 To provide an appropriate level of food and beverage service, both on and off the course, which meets the needs of members and customers. N 00 PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A survey of members and customers indicates an 80%level of satisfaction with the quality of food and beverages, and with service. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Continue to increase the profitability of the lounge operation. 2. Expand food offerings to include more salads and fruit items. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No significant changes. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PRnORA14 BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 14 - SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 - SPORTS CORE DIVISION 3 - GOLF CLUB PROGRAM. 05 - GOLF CLUB LOUNGE OPERATIONS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _MBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 510010 SALARIES PART-TIME 29, 545 28,850 29, 760 511035 F. I. C. A. 2,260 2,210 2, 275 TOTAL PERSONNEL 31, 805 31,060 32, 035 520100 CLEANING/SUPPLIES 300 50 50 520160 PAPER PRODUCTS 5, 000 4,800 5,040 520340 FOOD COST 30, 765 31, 525 41,990 520342 CANDY/CIGARETTE COST 5,000 4,620 4,850 520350 BEVERAGE/LIQUOR COST 25,200 18, 800 21, 000 TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 66, 265 59, 795 72, 930 530280 MAINTENANCE OTHER EQUIPMENT 11000 0 11000 TOTAL OPFRAIION & CONTRACTUAL 11000 0 11000 00 TOTAL PROGRAM 99, 070 90, 855 105, 965 1 N �O VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM BATH&TENNIS CLUB PROGRAM NO.8401 IMPROVEMENTS FUND Sports Core NO. 14 PROGRAM BUDGET $10,000 DEPARTMENT Sports Core NO. 8 DIVISION Capital Projects-Sports Core NO-4 THIS PROGRAM Bath&Tennis Club Improvements NO. 01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides funds for major capital improvements and maintenance projects at the Bath&Tennis Club. PROGRAM GOAL To enhance Bath&Tennis Club facilities through completion of major maintenance and capital improvement projects. I PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE LJ o Projects are accomplished according to schedule and within budget. A survey of users indicates an 806/6 level of satisfaction with notification,construction progress and results. PROJECTS/EXPENDITURES -1996 Project Budget New Projects Men's Locker Room Renovation-$10,000 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 14 — SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 — SPORTS CORE DIVISION 4 — CAPITAL PROJECT—SPORTS CORE PROGRAM 01 — PATH & TENNIS CLUB IMPRnVEMENT ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 590300 STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS 77, 600 17, 000 100000 TOTAL CAPITAL 77s600 17, 000 10, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 77,600 17, 000 10, 000 Co I W r VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM CLUBHOUSE IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM NO. 8402 FUND Sports Core NO. 14 PROGRAM BUDGET $55,000 DEPARTMENT Sports Core NO.8 DIVISION Capital Projects-Sports Core NO-4 THIS PROGRAM Clubhouse Improvements NO. 02 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides funds for major capital improvements and maintenance projects at the Bath and Tennis Clubhouse. PROGRAM GOAL To enhance Food and Beverage Operations through completion of major maintenance and capital improvement projects at the Bath and Tennis Clubhouse. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE wProjects are accomplished according to schedule and within budget. A survey of users indicates and 80% level of satisfaction with notification, construction progress and ^' results. PROJECTSIEXPENDITURES-1996 Project Budget New Projects Continuing Projects None Clubhouse Window Replacement-$55,000 MVILLAGE OP PAI: VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM GOLF COURSE IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM NO. 8403 FUND Sports Core NO. 14 PROGRAM BUDGET $20,000 DEPARTMENT Sports Core NO.8 DIVISION Capital Projects-Sports Core NO.4 THIS PROGRAM Golf Course Improvements NO.03 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides funds for major capital improvements and maintenance projects at the Golf Club. PROGRAM GOAL To enhance Golf Club facilities through completion of major maintenance and capital improvement projects. w PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE 4- Projects are accomplished according to schedule and within budget. A survey of users indicates an 80%level of satisfaction with notification,construction progress and results. PROJ ECTSIEXPE NDITU RES-1996 Project Budget New Projects Continuing Projects None Cart Path Paving-$20,000 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 14 — SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 0 — SPORTS CORE DIVISION 4 — CAPITAL PROJECT—SPORTS CORE PROGRAM 03 — COLF COURSE IMPROVEMENTS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET ,_NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 590300 STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS 30,000 20,000 20, 000 TOTAL CAP I1 AL 30, 000 20, 000 20, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 30, 000 20, 000 20, 000 co I W t!i VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM GOLF IMPROVEMENTS- PROGRAM NO.8404 SURCHARGE FUND Sports Core NO. 14 PROGRAM BUDGET $95,625 DEPARTMENT Sports Core NO.8 DIVISION Capital Projects-Sports Core NO.4 THIS PROGRAM Golf Improvements-Surcharge NO.04 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides funds for specified golf course improvements and for restoration of flood damage to the course. Funds are derived from the$1.50 per round surcharge levied on each round played at the Oak Brook Golf Club. PROGRAM GOAL wTo enhance the Oak Brook Golf Club through completion of specified capital improvements and to provide funds for restoration of periodic flood damage. rn PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Projects are accomplished according to schedule and within budget. A survey of users indicates and 80%level of satisfaction with notification, construction progress and results. PROJECTS/EXPENDITURES-1996 Project Budget New Projects Continuing Projects Lightning Detection System(50%share)- $15,000 Interfund Loan Repayment- $75,000 Interest Expense-$5,625 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 14 — SPORTS CORE DEPARTMENT: 8 — SPORTS CORE DIVISION 4 - CAPITAL PROJECT—SPORTS CORE PROGRAM 04 — GOLF IMPROVEMENTS—SURCHARGE ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 580900 INTEREST EXPENSE 5,250 5,950 5, 625 581155 INTERFUND LOAN REPAYMENT 0 O 75, 000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 5, 250 5,950 80, 625 590300 STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS 343, 000 259,000 15, 000 TOTAL. CAP I TAI_ 343, 000 259,000 15, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 348, 250 264, 950 95, 625 Oo I W v Department 9: Other Activities A = = = = = M VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Other Activities DEPARTMENT NUMBER: (9) SUPPORTED BY(FUNDS): Equipment Replacement (15) Hotel/Motel Tax (03) General Corporate (01) COMPONENTS OF DEPARTMENT: DIVISIONS(ACCT. NO.) PROGRAMS (ACCT. NW Equipment Replacement (1) Equipment Replacement (01) Hotel/Motel Tax (3) Hotel/Motel Tax (01) Community Events (7) Community Events (01) Solid Waste (8) Recycling Subsidy (01) Interfund Transfers (9) Interfund Transfers (01) TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUDGET: $ 1,074,945 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROGRAM NO.9101 FUND Equipment Replacement NO. 15 PROGRAM BUDGET $599,325 DEPARTMENT Other Activities NO.9 DIVISION Equipment Replacement NO. 1 THIS PROGRAM Equipment Replacement NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program is the budgetary mechanism for normal scheduled replacement of the Village's motor vehicle fleet including police, fire, public works and administrative vehicles. Revenue to the Equipment Replacement Fund is derived from vehicle user charges assessed to Village departments. PROGRAM GOAL `O To provide replacement vehicles which meet the Village's needs, according to the established replacement schedule. N PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Replacement vehicles meet specifications, and are purchased according to schedule at a cost consistent with the budget. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES N/A CURRENT YEAR REPLACEMENTS TOTAL BUDGET • Police Vehicles $ 70,500 • Fire Pumper 250,000 • Fire Vehicle 16,750 • Public Works Vehicles 112,000 • Engineering Vehicle 19,000 COMPLETION OF PRIOR YEAR REPLACEMENTS • Police Vehicles 131,075 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-07-95 FUND : 15 - CEN'L CAP. EQUIP REPLACEMENT DEPARTMENT: 9 - OTIIER ACTIVITIES DIVISION 1 - FQUIPMENI REPLACEMENT PROGRAM 01 - LOUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET _NUMI,)ER DFSCRIPTIf1N 1995 1995 1996 590100 EGUIPMENI RFPLFCEMENT 389, 900 120, 015 599, 325 TOTAL CAPIIAl_ 389, 900 120, 015 599, 325 TOTAL_ PRnGHAM 389, 900 120, 015 599, 325 �D 1 W VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM HOTEUMOTEL TAX PROGRAM NO.9301 FUND Hotel/Motel Tax NO.03 PROGRAM BUDGET $318,090 DEPARTMENT Other Activities NO.9 DIVISION Hotel/Motel Tax NO.3 THIS PROGRAM Hotel/Motel Tax NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides funds to support the marketing activities of the Oak Brook Hotel, Convention an Visitors Committee. PROGRAM GOAL To increase overnight stays in the four(4)Oak Brook hotels. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Target levels for overnight stays, and other objectives determined by the Committee, are met on an ongoing basis. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Review and revise the Hotel/Motel Tax marketing plan. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects payment for the 1995 and tentative 1996 marketing programs anticipated to be made during 1996. rr rr rr r r r� rr r rr r rr rr rri rr rr it rr r ... r m = = = m = m = i = = m = = m m VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 03 - IIOIEL/MOTEL TAX FUND DEPARTMENT: 9 - OTIIER ACTIVITIES DIVISION 3 - HOTEL/MOTEL TAX PROGRAM 01 HOTEL/MOREL TAX ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 530710 ADVERTISFMENT/PROMOTION 267,000 121,770 267, 330 530720 DUPAGE CONVENTION BUREAU 48, 000 50# 775 50# 760 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 315, 000 172, 545 318, 090 TOTAL PROGRAM 315,000 172, 545 318, 090 �o 1 Ln VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM COMMUNITY EVENTS PROGRAM NO.9701 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $123,000 DEPARTMENT Other Activities NO.9 DIVISION Community Events NO.7 THIS PROGRAM Community Events NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program represents the Village's sponsorship, participation and financial support of various special community events as well as the activities of local civic groups. PROGRAM GOAL To coordinate and facilitate planning and implementation of special events and civic group activities. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE A survey of residents and groups having contact with Village staff indicates an 85% level of satisfaction with the services of the Village in relation to special events. A survey of citizens indicates an 85%level of satisfaction with the events. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Strengthen the sense of community in Oak Brook through community events and other means. 2. If determined to be feasible, participate in planning and holding an Oak Brook International Ethnic Fest in 1996. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 New program created to segregate expenditures related to community events. Budget reflects direct costs of four major events, plus support of civic and not-for-profit groups' events and meetings held at the Bath &Tennis Club. m = = = = = = i = = = m VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 9 - OTHER ACTIVITIES DIVISION 7 - COMMUNITY EVENTS PROGRAM 01 - COMMUNITY EVENTS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1.NUMBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 530541 O. B. FAMILY DAY 0 0 3# 000 530544 B&T CLUBHOUSE RENTAL O 0 30, 000 530546 ETHNIC FEST O 0 20, 000 530549 INDEPENDANCE DAY 0 0 60, 000 530551 OAK BROOK DAY 0 O 10, 000 TOTAL OPERATION & CONTRACTUAL 0 0 123, 000 TOTAL PROGRAM 0 0 123, 000 �o V , VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM RECYCLING SUBSIDY PROGRAM NO.9801 FUND General Corporate NO.01 PROGRAM BUDGET $34,530 DEPARTMENT Other Activities NO.9 DIVISION Solid Waste NO.8 THIS PROGRAM Recycling Subsidy NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides a mechanism for budgeting the Village subsidy for residential solid waste recycling pursuant to the existing solid waste collection agreement. PROGRAM GOAL To encourage residential recycling through extending a subsidy to reduce the cost of recycling service to residents. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Subsidy payments are made on time and in accordance with relevant contracts. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Implement increased subsidy of recycling service based on 1995 revenues. 2. Begin planning for the solid waste program to be effective as of January 1, 1998. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 Budget reflects 300°x6 increase in the single family recycling subsidy made possible by increased revenues from the sale of materials in late 1994 and 1995. r� r r r r i■r r �r r r �r rr r� r �r r� rr �r �r VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND 01 — GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 9 — OTHER ACTIVITIES DIVISION 8 — SOLID WASTE PROGRAM 01 — RECYCLING SUBSIDY ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET DER DESCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 530542 RECYCLING EXPENSE 10o920 8, 700 34, 530 TOTAL OPFRAIION & CONTRACTUAL 10,920 8,700 34, 530 TOTAL PROGRAM 10,920 8,700 34, 530 �o I �o I VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK-PROGRAM SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1996 NAME OF PROGRAM INTERFUND TRANSFERS PROGRAM NO.9901 FUND General Corporate NO.0-1 PROGRAM BUDGET $0 DEPARTMENT Other Activities NO.9 DIVISION Interfund Transfers NO.9 THIS PROGRAM Interfund Transfers NO.01 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program provides a mechanism for budgeting transfers and loans from the General Corporate Fund to other funds. PROGRAM GOAL To facilitate a clear and accurate presentation of program costs where interfund transfers or loans are involved. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE MEASURE Transfers and loans are made in accordance with budget detail,loans are properly documented and all transactions are confirmed via annual audit. CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM OBJECTIVES N/A SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FROM 1995 No transfers or(non-temporary) loans from the General Corporate Fund anticipated in 1996. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROGRAM BUDGET FOR 1996 DATE: 11-06-95 FUND : 01 - GENERAL CORPORATE DEPARTMENT: 9 - OTHER ACTIVITIES DIVISION 9 - INTERFUND TRANSFERS PROGRAM 01 - INTERFUND TRANSFERS ACCOUNT BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET NUMBER DFSCRIPTION 1995 1995 1996 581000 TRANSFERS OUT 200,950 200,950 0 581150 INTERFUND LOAN 435,000 610,000 0 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 635,950 810,950 0 TOTAL PROCRAM 635, 950 810, 950 0 I H