Minutes - 02/27/2018 - Board of TrusteesVItLAGE Or ⅣIINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 27,2018 SPECIAL ⅣIEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK APPROVED AS WRITTEN ON MARCH 27,2018 ○今IB 多 1. CALL TO ORDER The Spccialヽ 4ccting of Fcbruary 27,2018 ofthe Villagc Board of Trustees was called to order by Presidcnt Gopal Lallnalani in thc Uppcr Level Conference Room of the Butlcr Govenllncnt Ccntcr at 6:17p.In. 2. ROLL CALL Villagc Clerk Charlotte Pruss called the roll with thc following persons: PII]SENT:Trustees John Baar,Phil Cuevas,Ⅳloin Saiyed,Edward Tiesenga,AsifYusut President Gopal Lalinalani ABSENT: Trustcc Ⅳ〔ichacl Ⅳlanzo IN ATTENDANCE:Villagcヽ 4anager Rick Gincx,Village Attorlley Greg Jones, Development Scrvices IDircctor tony Budzikowski 3. ADJOURN TO CLOSED IⅥEETING―TO CONSIDER LITIGATIttN,WHEN AN ACTION AGAINST,AFFECTING OR ON BEHALF OF THE VILLAGE HAS BEEN FILED, THREATENED OR IS IMヽ lINENT, PURSUANT T0 2(C)(11)OF THE ILLINOIS OPENヽ 4EETINGS ACT,RESPECTIVELY Ⅳlotion by Trustee Yusut seCOnded by Trustee Baar,to adjourn to closed meeting at 6:18p.m. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5-Trustees Baar,Cuevas,Salyed,Tiesenga,Yusuf Nays: 0-None Abstain:0-None Absent: 1-Trustee Manzo Ⅳlotion carried. 7ン タs′θθユイ′θttα θ′』Иレれzο θ′′θrθ ググタ″′4g′乃θ `′ οsθ グ′2θ θ′′″gα ′6・ 2イ α′7. И″οr′cノ Dο “J′Jε た二αれz′′ο′ `′`あ Sθ グ“θθ′J′gα ′6「イ2ρ .″.4. RECONVENE―Thc closed mccting was attourned and rcconvcncd to opcn mccting at 7:01p.In. 5. ADJOURNMENT Ⅳlotion by Trustee Tiesenga,seconded by Yusut tO adjOurn the Specialldeeting ofthe Board of Trustees at 7:01 pm.VOICE VOTE:Ⅳlotion carried. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES Pagc l of2 SPECIAL BOT MEETING OF FEBRUARY 27,2018 ATTEST: Charlotte K. Pruss, Village Clerk VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES Page 2 of2 SPECIAL BOT MEETING OF FEBRUARY 27,2018