R-1714 - 03/27/2018 - ICMA - ResolutionsRESOLUT10N 2018JCMA―CNTRCT‐RHS‐AMND―R‐1714 A RESOLUT10N APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE V:LLAGE AND:CMA‐RC TO PROV:DE ADDIT10NAL VILLAGE EMPLOYEES AN RHS ACCOUNT PLAN OPT:ON WHEREAS,in 2012,the V∥age entered a contract wth lCMA‐RC(``COntractり to prOv de the VⅢage s deined employee groups wnh a re“ree heaLh savings(RHS)acCOunt plan oplon a∥ow ng certain employees to defer a percentage oftheir salaries to be used towards health expenses that may be incurred dunng reurement('`Pia″Oρ tro″り;and WHEREAS,a group of V∥age employees has requested thatthe V∥lage amend its Contract wlh lCMA‐RC to alow an addl onal group of employees to partcipatein the Plan Oplon(`贅 mendme″fり l and WHEREAS,the Amendment w∥l not have any inancia∥mpact on the V∥lage because a∥costs for the Plan Opton w∥ be pald for entre y by the V∥lage employees that choose to participate in the Plan Opt oni and llVHEREAS,the President and Board of Trustees have determined that ttis in the bestinterest of the V∥lage to approve the Amendment NO1/V THEREFORE,BEIT RESOLVED BY THE PRESlDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE V LLAGE OF OAK BR00K,DU PACE AND COOK COUNTIES,lLLINOIS as fo∥owsi Seclon l: Reclals The foregoing recna s are hereby incorporated into,and made a parlof, this Resolution as the findings ofthe President and Board of Trustees ofthe V∥lage of Oak Brook Secton 2: Approval of Amendment The President and Board of Trustees hereby approve the Amendmentin substant a∥y the same form as attached as Exhibit A and in a finalform approved by the V∥lage Attorney Provided that as to this group of added employees,the V∥lage may,at its discret on, terminate their partlcipation in this program and so amend the Contract at any time Section 3: Authorization and Execution ofAmendment The V∥age Manageris autho「ized to execute the Amendment upon final approval by the V∥lage Attorney Section 4: Effective Date This Resolution sha∥be in fu∥force and effect upon passage and approvalin the manner provided by law ISlGNATURE PAGE FOLLOVVS] Resolution 20 1 8-ICMA-CNTRCT-RHS-AMND-R-'l 71 4 Authorizing Amendment to Contract With ICMA re: RHS Account Plan Option Page 2 of 3 APPROVED THIS 27th day of March,2018 PASSED TH!S27th day of March,2018 Trustees Baar,Cuevas,Manzo,Salyed,丁 lesenga,Yusuf GopalG. Lalmalani Nays: None Charlotte K.Pruss Village C!erk Ayes: ReSolulon 2018‐iCMA―CNTRCT―RHS―AMND―R-1714 Authonzing Amendmentto Contract With!CMA re:RHS Account P!an Oplon Page 3 of3 EXHIBIT A AMENDMENT 4826-9707-2223 v I