Minutes - 09/11/2013 - Police Pension Fund Board VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE POLICE PENSION FUND-Minutes September 11, 2013 UNOFFICIAL UNTIL APPROVED AS WRITTEN OR AS AMENDED BY BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE POLICE PENSION FUND ON October 23 2013 1. CALL TO ORDER: The Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Oak Brook Police Pension Fund was called to order by Vice President Alan Feldman at 1:30 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the Samuel E. Dean Board Room of the Butler Government Center, 1200 Oak Brook Road, Oak Brook, Illinois. 2. ROLL CALL: The roll was called with the following persons PRESENT: President Vel Torlo, Vice President Alan Feldman, Trustee Benjamin Kadolph ABSENT: Trustee Hitesh Patel, Secretary Edward Caspers IN ATTENDANCE: Village Manager David Niemeyer, Finance Director Sharon Dangles and Village Trustee Don Adler (all arrived after Roll Call) 3. NEW BUSINESS: a. Discussion regarding Pension Board and Village actuarial services Discussion ensued regarding the advantages/disadvantages of using one actuary for both pension boards and the Village, but with different mortality tables, scenarios. It was suggested that using one actuary would result in cost savings, no duplication of efforts and that the actuarial firm needs to be appropriately qualified. It was expressed that using one actuary in the past has not been advantageous to the Pension Board because that person had been unresponsive and also the Pension Board would like to maintain independence and integrity of the study. 4. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by President Torlo, seconded by Vice President Feldman, to adjourn the Board of Trustees of the Police Pension Fund meeting at 3:15 p.m. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. ATTEST: Ben' In Kadolph, Trustee Bo rd of Trustees of the Police Pension Fund BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE POLICE PENSION FUND Minutes Page 1 of 1 September 11,2013