R-1721 - 05/08/2018 - CONTRACTS - ResolutionsRESOLUT10N 2018‐TC‐SGNL‐CNTRCT‐RN1/VL‐R‐1721 A RESOLUT:ON APPROViNG THE CONTRACT RENEWAL FOR TRAFFiC CONTROL AND STREET L:GHT:NC SYSTEM MAINTENANCE SERViCES BY AND BETWEEN THE V:LLAGE OF OAK BR00K AND MEADE,lNC WHEREAS,the V∥lage des res to procure serv ces for the maintenance of the trafrc control and street ilghting systems used at signa∥zed trafFic intersections within the V∥lage (''TCSL Maわ rerance Se~icesつ i and 1/VHEREAS,the V∥lage soHcned bids fOrthe TCSL Maintenance Servicesi and VVHEREAS, Meade, lnc ('議 eadeり waS the lowest responsive and responslble bidder for the TCSL Maintenance Servicesi and 1/VHEREAS,Meade was awarded a one―year contractfor TCSL Maintenance Services on Apnl,11, 2017i and WHEREAS,Seclon 24 ofthe contract uued・ contract Term',states that the V∥age has the sole option to renew the contract forthree additional one‐yeartermsi and WHEREAS,the V∥lage desires to renew the contractfor Meade to perform the TCSL Maintenance Services for an additional one‐year period in an est mated amount oF S70,3541 and llVHEREAS,the President and Board of Trustees have determined thatitis in the bestinterest of the V∥lage to renew the contractforthe TCSL Maintenance Servicesi NOW THEREFORE,BEIT RESOLVED BY THE PRESlDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BR00K,DU PAGE AND C00K COUNTIES,ILLlNOIS as fo∥ows secuOn l: Rectals The foregoing rectals are hereby ncorporated nto,and made a part of, this Resolution as the nndings ofthe president and Board of Trustees ofthe V∥lage of Oak Brook Sec∥on 2: Renewal of Contract The President and Board of Trustees hereby approve the one―year contract renewal by and between the V∥lage and Meade to complete the TCSL Maintenance Services Section 3: Effect ve Date This Resolution sha∥be in fu∥force and effect upon passage and approvalin the manner provided by law iSIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOllVSI Resolution 20 1 8-TC-SGNL-CNTRCT-RNWL-R-17 21 Approving the Contract Renewal for Traffic Control Maintenance Services APPROVED THIS 8th day of May, 2018 PASSED THIS 8th day of May, 2018 Trustees; Baar, Cuevas, Manzo, Saiyed, Tiesenga, Yusuf Village President Ayes: Nays: Absent: None AT丁 巨S丁: