R-1728 - 06/12/2018 - IGA - Resolutions REGDLUT|DN201O-PC-|SA-ALK8-WUTA|O-R-172O ARESOLUTION APPROVING ANAMENDED MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT FOR THE NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE ALARM SYSTEM WHEREAS, Article VII, Section 10 of the 1970 Illinois Constitution authorizes units of local government tocontract or otherwise associate among 1h8nlSe|vaa in any manner not prohibited bylaw Orordinance; and WHEREAS, Article V||, Section 10 of the 1870 Illinois Constitution and the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, 5 |LCS22O/1. et seq.. authorizes units oflocal government to exercise any power orpowers, privileges orauthority which may be exercised by the unit of local government individually tobeexercised and enjoyed joinUyvv|thanyother|noa|gowarnrnent orbody |nthe State; and WHEREAS, the Northern U|iDOia Police Alarm System (TV0P43') is an intergovernmental organization established via an intergovernmental service and mutual aid agreement ("8/0rAS Agreement') entered into by law enforcement agencies serving the northern Illinois and ChicegO|andregion ("P8rticipating/\yencies'); and WHEREAS, through the N|PAGAgreerDSOt. the Participating Agencies have agreed to provide one another with mutual aid in the event of an emergency situation within the primary law enforcement jurisdiction of a Participating Agency that threatens or causes loss of |iha and property and exceeds the stand-alone physical and organizational capabilities of that Participating Agenoy; anU WHEREAS, on February 11, 1997, the Village Board of Trustees adopted Resolution No. 97-AG-N|PAS'E1-R-687 approving the N|PA3 Agreement whereby the Village's police department became a Participating Agency in N|PA8 subject to the terms and conditions of the N|PA8 Agreement; and WHEREAS, an N|PAS has now expanded toover 100 Participating Agencies, the needs OfN|P,4Ghave evolved and grown in complexity beyond the constraints of the NIPAS Agreement asitincurrently constituted; and VVHEF<EAS, in order to adequately continue tO meet those needs and Sen/o its growing number OfParticipating Agenoies. N|PA8 has requested that its Participating Agencies agree to amend the NI PAS Agreement by entering into an amended NIPAS Agreement("Amended NIPAS Agreement'); and WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees has determined that it is in the bast interests of the Village and its residents toenter into the Amended N|PA8Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED bythe Village Board of Trustees ofthe Village of Oak Brook, DuP8ge and Cook Counties, |||inn|o, as follows: btI�U{ON 1: RECITALS, The foregoing recitals are incorporated into, and made part of, this Resolution. Resolution uo10-Po-IaA+LM*vuTA|o' r-1728|sAw/Northom|Lpnom,A*nm System Page xvrx SECTION=� 2 . The Village Board of Trustees hereby approves the Amended N|PAb /\gre9mont in substantially the form attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A. SECTION 3: The Village Board OfTrustees hereby authorizes and directs - of the DepartmentPo|ioDepartment to execute and the Village Clerk to attest, on behalf of the Village, the Amended N|PAGAgreement approved inSection 2nfthis Resolution. SECTION 4: EFFECTIVE DATE. This F<ean|ubon shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval according tolaw, APPROVED this 12thday OfJune, Village President PASSED this 12thday ofJune, 2018. AYES: Trustees Baur, Cuevas, Maozo, Saiyed, Tieaenga, Yusuf NAYS: ABSENT Al 411�1��il Charlotte K. Pruss Village Clerk Resolution 2018-PD-MUTAID-IGA- R-1728 IGA w/Northern IL Police Alarm System Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT A AMENDED NIPAS AGREEMENT Northern Illinois Police Alarm System $yST1:10 llftplS POfI�� Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan The undersigned Participating Law Enforcement Section 1 of the NIPAS Bylaws, by a majority of the Agencies agree pursuant to the Constitution of the Original Participating Agencies present at the special State of Illinois, 1970,Article V11, Section 10,the Inter- meeting of Original Participating Agencies called, pur- governmental Cooperation Act(5 ILCS 220/1 et seq.), suant to Article X1, Section 4 of the NIPAS Bylaws, at 65 ILCS 5/1-4-6, 65 ILCS 5/11-1-2.1, and 745 ILCS least 60 days after the last of the following two events 10/7-101 et seq., as follows: to occur:(i)the passage and approval of an ordinance or resolution approving participation in NIPAS and the Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan, in the Section 1 manner provided by law, by the corporate authorities Purpose of Amended of at least three-fourths of the Participating Agencies; Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan and (ii) the execution of this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan by the heads of the corporate This Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan is authorities and the commanding officers of at least made in recognition of the fact that natural occur- three-fourths of the Original Participating Agencies. rences, or man-made occurrences, may result in situations which are beyond the ability of individual Emergency Situation: A situation occurring within a law enforcement agencies to manage and respond to Stricken Jurisdiction that requires the Stricken Agen- effectively in terms of manpower and equipment re- cy to perform Law Enforcement Services that would sources on hand at a given time. Each Participating exceed the stand-alone physical and organizational Agency has and does express its intent to assist other capabilities of the Stricken Agency. Participating Agencies by assigning some of its man- Law Enforcement Services:The serving and protect- power and equipment resources to a Stricken Agency ing of the lives, persons, and property of all citizens as resources and situations allow. The specific intent within a Primary Law Enforcement Jurisdiction,includ- of this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan is to ing, without limitation, the investigation of all crimes permit each Participating Agency to more fully safe- occurring or alleged or suspected to have occurred guard the lives, persons, and property of all citizens within its Primary Law Enforcement Jurisdiction. within its respective Primary Law Enforcement Juris- diction. Mutual Aid: Response and assistance by the Aiding Agencies in the event of an Emergency Situation. Section 2 Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan: A definite and pre- Definitions arranged written agreement and plan whereby the provision of Mutual Aid is agreed upon in accordance For the purpose of this Amended Mutual Aid Agree- with the Police Alarm Assignments as developed by ment and Plan, the following terms are defined as the commanding officers of the Participating Agen- follows: cies. Aiding Agency:A Participating Agency furnishing po- WAS Bylaws:Those bylaws establishing the NIPAS lice equipment and manpower to a Stricken Agency. Board, as required pursuant to Section 3.G of the Original Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan, and the Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan: An rules by which the NIPAS Board shall operate adopted amended Mutual Aid Agreement Plan which shall by the Participating Agencies on March 23, 1988, and go into effect and supersede the Original Mutual Aid subsequently amended by the Participating Agencies Agreement and Plan pursuant to the procedures set on March 21, 1991,April 17, 1992, May 11, 1994, May forth in Section 5 of this Amended Mutual Aid Agree- 20, 1998, and May 20, 2009. ment and Plan. NIPAS Board: The Board of Officers of NIPAS, the Amended NIPAS Bylaws: Amended NIPAS Bylaws, governing board of NIPAS, established pursuant to which shall go into effect and supersede the NIPAS Section 3.G of the Original Mutual Aid Agreement and Bylaws upon their adoption, pursuant to Article XV, Plan. Page 1 Northern Illinois Police Alarm System (NIPAS): An cy to enter into and subsequently alter and amend,on organization of Northern Illinois law enforcement the advice of the commanding officer of the Partici- agencies participating in the Original Mutual Aid pating Agency, this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement Agreement and Plan and this Amended Mutual Aid and Plan as follows: Agreement and Plan. Original Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan: That Mu- A. Whenever an Emergency Situation is of such tual Aid Agreement and Plan pursuant to which NI- magnitude and consequence that it is deemed PAS and the Participating Agencies operate and are advisable by the senior officer present of the governed, which shall be in effect until the Amended Stricken Agency, or his or her designee, to re- Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan goes into effect and quest Mutual Aid from the Aiding Agencies, the supersedes the Original Mutual Aid Agreement and senior officer present of the Stricken Agency, or Plan pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section his or her designee, may do so in accordance 5 of this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan, with the following: Original Participating Agencies: Those Participating 1. immediately determine what resources are Agencies whose corporate authorities had approved required according to the Police Alarm As- participation in NIPAS and whose head of corporate signments. authorities and commanding officers had executed the Original Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan prior to 2. Immediately determine if the required equip- May 1, 2018. ment and personnel can be committed in response to the request from the Stricken Participating Agency:A law enforcement agency ded- Agency. icated to performing Law Enforcement Services for its Primary Law Enforcement Jurisdiction that commits 3. Dispatch immediately the personnel and itself to participate in NIPAS pursuant to the terms of equipment required to the Stricken Agency this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan. in accordance with the Police Alarm Assign- Police Alarm Assignments: A pre-determined listing ments. of manpower and equipment that will respond to aid B. The rendering of Mutual Aid under the terms of a Stricken Agency. this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan Primary Law Enforcement Jurisdiction: A geographi- shall not be mandatory in accordance with the cally, politically,or contractually defined area for which Police Alarm Assignments if local conditions pro- a Participating Agency is primarily responsible for per- hibit response. In that event it is the responsi- forming Law Enforcement Services. bility of the Aiding Agency to immediately notify the Stricken Agency of the circumstances that Specialized Teams: A subsidiary team of NIPAS es- prevent the provision of Mutual Aid in response to tablished by the NIPAS Board, consisting of Partici- the Emergency Situation. pating Agencies electing to participate pursuant to a separate agreement, and dedicated to performing a C. The senior officer present of the Stricken Agency, specialized set of Law Enforcement Services for the or his or her designee, shall assume full respon- sole benefit of the Participating Agencies electing to sibility and command for operations at the scene. participate in the Specialized Team and not for the The senior officer present of the Stricken Agency, benefit of all of NIPAS or all of the Participating Agen- or his or her designee, will assign personnel and cies. equipment, of the Aiding Agencies, to positions Stricken Agency:The Participating Agency that is pri- when and where he or she deems necessary, marily responsible for performing Law Enforcement Services for a Stricken Jurisdiction. D. Requests for Mutual Aid under this Amended Mu- tual Aid Agreement and Plan will be initiated only Stricken Jurisdiction: The Primary Law Enforcement in the event of an Emergency Situation in which Jurisdiction in which an Emergency Situation occurs the demands for Law Enforcement Services on that is of such magnitude that it cannot be adequately the Stricken Agency exceed the stand-alone managed or responded to by the Participating Agen- physical and organizational capabilities of the cy primarily responsible for performing the Law En- Stricken Agency. Aiding Agencies will be released forcement Services for that Primary Law Enforcement and returned to duty in their own Primary Law En- Jurisdiction. forcement Jurisdiction as soon as the Emergency Situation is resolved to the point which permits the Stricken Agency to satisfactorily handle it with Section 3 its own resources or, as pursuant to subsection B Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and Pian above, when an Aiding Agency so decides. The corporate authorities of each Participating Agen- E. All Law Enforcement Services performed under cy are authorized on behalf of that Participating Agen- this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan Page 2 shall be rendered without reimbursement of any shall be no less than$2,000,000 or a project/ party from the other(s). Requests for indemnifi- contract specific aggregate of$1,000,000. cation for unusual or burdensome costs incurred in the performance of Mutual Aid may be submit- 2. Business Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 ted by the Aiding Agency to the Stricken Agency. combined single limit per accident for bodily Indemnification of such costs shall be at the dis- injury and property damage. cretion of the corporate authorities of the Stricken 3. Workers' Compensation and Employers' Lia- Agency, bility: Workers' Compensation coverage with statutory limits and Employers' Liability limits F. Each Participating Agency assumes the respon- of$500,000 per accident. sibility for members of its police force acting pur- suant to this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and 4. Each Agency shall bear the responsibility for Plan, both as to indemnification of said members its own insurance even in the event of inade- of the Participating Agency's police force as pro- quate, nonexistent or exhausted coverage. vided for by 65 ILCS 5/1-4-6 in the case of munic- ipal Participating Agencies or 55 ILCS 5/5-1002 I. The commanding officers of the Participating in the case of county Participating Agencies, or Agencies shall maintain a governing board, the any other Statute of the State of Illinois or law or NIPAS Board, and establish an operational plan bylaw of the Participating Agencies, as the case for giving and receiving Mutual Aid under this may be, and as to personal benefits to said mem- Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan. Said bers of the Participating Agency's police force, plan shall be reviewed, updated and tested at reg- all to the same extent as they are protected, in- ular intervals. sured, indemnified and otherwise provided for by the Statutes of the State of Illinois or the laws or J. Each Participating Agency agrees to pay dues bylaws of the Participating Agencies when those or fees, as determined by the NIPAS Board in members of the Primary Agency's police force are its sole and absolute discretion, in exchange for acting solely within the Participating Agency's Pri- the Participating Agency's participation in NIPAS. mary Law Enforcement Jurisdiction. Payments of such dues or fees, if any, are due at G. Defense and Indemnification of NIPAS. the commencement of participation in NIPAS and thereafter upon request from the NIPAS Board. 1. Defense. In the event that NIPAS is named as a party to a lawsuit, claim or action as a K. The NIPAS Board, from time to time as it sees NIP- separate party, either individually or in ad- fit, may establish Specialized Teams within NIP- dition to other Participating Agencies, the AS dedicated to performing specialized sets of Stricken Agency shall be responsible, at its Law Enforcement Services for the sole benefit of the defense of NIPAS in such those Participating Agencies who elect to partici- sole cost, for lawsuit, claim the action. pate in each Specialized Team and may set forth the scope of services or mission, participation 2. Indemnification. To the extent permitted by criteria, rules and regulations, and additional fees law, the indemnification of NIPAS from and or dues for each Specialized Team at its discre- against any liability, damage, cost, includ- tion (collectively, `Additional Requirements"). ing plaintiff's attorney's fees, or expense as- Participating Agencies may elect to participate sessed against NIPAS shall be shared equal- in these Specialized Teams in accordance with ly between each Participating Agency named the Additional Requirements for each Specialized as a party to the lawsuit, claim or action. Team, as set forth by the NIPAS Board. The spe- cialized benefits and additional Mutual Aid offered H. Insurance Requirements. Each Participating by each Specialized Team shall be available only Agency under the terms of this Amended Mutual to those Participating Agencies which have elect- Aid Agreement and Plan shall procure and main- ed to: (i) participate in that particular Specialized tain, at its sole and exclusive expense, insurance Team;and (ii)comply with the Additional Require- coverage which covers itself, its personnel and ments of that particular Specialized Team, as set equipment and liability for its participation in pro- forth by the NIPAS Board. Approval and Execution viding Mutual Aid pursuant to this Amended Mu- of this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan tual Aid Agreement and Plan as follows: by the undersigned law enforcement agency only 1. Commercial General Liability (Including con- grant the undersigned law enforcement agency tractual liability coverage): $1,000,000 com- participation in NIPAS as a whole and access to bined single limit per occurrence for bodily the Mutual Aid from other Participating Agencies injury, and property damage and $1,000,000 in the event of an Emergency Situation, as those per occurrence for personal injury. The gen- terms are defined in Section 2 and pursuant to eral aggregate shall be twice the required oc- the terms set forth in this Amended Mutual Aid currence limit. Minimum General Aggregate Agreement and Plan, and do not grant or guaran- tee to the undersigned law enforcement agency Page 3 participation in a Specialized Team or access to 3. The Approval of participation in NIPAS and the specialized benefits and additional Mutual Aid this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and offered by each Specialized Team. Plan, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 5.A.1 of this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement, by the corporate authorities Section 4 of at least three-fourths of the Original Partic- Termination ipating Agencies; A. Any Participating Agency may withdraw from 4. The Execution of this Amended Mutual Aid participation in NIPAS and this Amended Mutual Agreement and Plan, in accordance with Aid Agreement and Plan by notifying the NIPAS the procedures set forth in Section 5.A.2 of Board in writing ("Termination Notice'}, on or this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement, by the before December 31 of any calendar year,where- heads of the corporate authorities and the upon the participation of the withdrawing Partic- commanding officers of at least three-fourths ipating Agency will terminate effective as of May of the Original Participating Agencies;and 1 of the calendar year following the calendar year 5. The adoption of the Amended NIPAS Bylaws, in which the Termination Notice is received by the pursuant to Article XV,Section 1 of the NIPAS NIPAS Board. Bylaws, by a majority of the Original Partici- B. Any participating agency that fails to meet its ob- pating Agencies present at the special meet- ligations in accordance with this Amended Mu- ing of the Original Participating Agencies tual Aid Agreement and Plan or with the NIPAS called, pursuant to Article XI, Section 4 of the Bylaws may have its participation in NIPAS ter- NIPAS Bylaws, at least 60 days after the last minated by a two-thirds vote of the NIPAS Board to occur of the two events listed in Section pursuant to Article III, Section 8 of the Amended 5.A.3 and Section 5.A.4 of this Amended Mu- NIPAS Bylaws. tual Aid Agreement and Plan. C. Any Participating Agency found responsible for If this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan is any behavior detrimental to law enforcement brought into full force and effect pursuant to this Sec- or whose continued participation would be det- tion 5.A of this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and rimental to NIPAS, may have its participation in Plan, then, as of the Original Participating Agency Ef- NIPAS suspended or terminated by a two-thirds fective Date:(i)the undersigned Original Participating vote of the NIPAS Board pursuant to Article III, Agency shall remain a Participating Agency in NIPAS Section 9 of the Amended NIPAS Bylaws. Before and, if the undersigned Original Participating Agen- any Participating Agency may be suspended or cy has elected to participate in a Specialized Team terminated from participation in NIPAS, the Par- or Specialized Teams, the participation of the under- ticipating Agency will be notified and shall have signed Original Participating Agency in its respective an opportunity to appear before the NIPAS Board. Specialized Team or Specialized Teams shall contin- ue; (ii) the Original Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan shall be terminated; (iii) this Amended Mutual Aid Section 5 Agreement and Plan and the provisions contained Adoption and Effect of Adoption herein shall supersede and control over the Original Mutual Aid Agreement and Pian and any provision A. If the undersigned law enforcement agency is an contained therein;(iv)the NIPAS Bylaws shall no lon- Original Participating Agency, this Amended Mu- ger govern NIPAS; and (v) the Amended NIPAS By- tual Aid Agreement and Plan shall be in full force laws and the provisions contained therein shall gov- and in effect only upon the date of the last of the ern NIPAS and supersede and control over the NIPAS following events to occur ("Original Participat- Bylaws and any provision contained therein. ing Agency Effective Date'): The participation in NIPAS, and in any Specialized 1. The passage and approval of an ordinance Team,of any Original Participating Agency that fails to or resolution approving participation in NIP- complete the Approval and Execution of this Amend- AS and this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement ed Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan in accordance and Plan, in the manner provided by law, by with this Section 5.A on or before the day before the the corporate authorities of the undersigned Original Participating Agency Effective Date will be Original Participating Agency ("Approval's; terminated as of the day after the Original Participat- ing Agency Effective Date. Any Original Participating 2. The execution of this Amended Mutual Aid Agency who has its participation in NIPAS terminated Agreement and Plan by the head of the cor- may seek participation in NIPAS again at any time in porate authorities and the commanding offi- accordance with the procedures set forth in Section cer of the undersigned Original Participating 5.13 of this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan. Agency("Execution'}; Page 4 B. |fthe undersigned law enforcement agency isnot undersigned law enforcement agency isuparty shall an Original Participating Agancy, this Amended be superseded by this Amended Mutual Aid Agree- Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan shall be in full men1and Plan and provisions contained herein and force and ineffect with respect huthe undersigned the Amended N|PAS Bylaws and provisions con- law enforcement agency upon the date of the last un'|awenforoemer8a0*noyupon1hedateofthe|aa1 tainedthoein. ofthe following events 10occur("NewParticipat- ing 4QennyEffectiveDabo'1: 1. The Approval of participation in N|PAS and Section 6 this Amended MutualAid Agreement and General Provisions p|en, inaccordance with the procedures set A. . No Participating forth in Section 5.A.1 ofthis Amended Mutual Agency to this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement Aid Agreement, bythe corporate authorities and Plan while performing under the terms ofthis of the undersigned law enforcement agency; Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and Plan shall 2. The Execution of this Amended Mutual Aid be deemed Vzwaive any governmental immuni- Agnsemeni and P|an, in accordance with 1y ordefense \owhich the Participating Agency the procedures set forth in Section 5.A.2of would otherwise beentitled under statute nrcnm' thiuAmended Mutual Aid Agreement, by the mon law. head of the corporate authorities and the B. Contractual Obligation. The obligations and re- commanding officer of the undersigned law eponuibi|itieo incurred bya Participating Agency enforcement agency;and under this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and 3. The approval by the N|pAS Board of the un' p|on shall remain continuing obligations and re- demignedlaw enforcement agency aaaPar- aponnibi|iti000fsuch party. Nothing contained heminuhaUbedeemed toaffect other KXutua|Aid huipodingAgenoyinN|PASpursuon��oArdo|e III of the Amended N|PASBylaws. agreements that aparty may have executed. C This Amended�Wu' |f �hisAmendod Mutual AidAgreemen1and Plan is � tua| AidAgne*men� and Plan shall be governed bmughtinto full force and eMa�� pumuantiothis Sec- tion 5.13 ofthis Amended Mutual Aid Agreement and by and construed under the |mwu of the State of Plan, Illinois. The exclusive venue for the enforcement then, as �� the New Participating E� � ' of the provisions c� this Amended Mutual Aid �oive Date:� (i) this Mutual Aid' Agreement and Plan or the construction or inter - Amended Plan and provisions contained herein and the pnatation ofihiaAmendod �Wu�va| AidAgnaemen1 Amended N|PAS Bylaws and provisions contained undP|anohaUbeinao�skouou�in1heCmuntyof therein uhaUcontm|the undemignedlaw enforcement . ayanoyaparhoipa1ioninN|FAS; and (ii) anypeCook, Illinois. agreement or bylaws related to N|PAS to which the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amended Mutual Aid Agreement has been duly executed by the following parties: Name of w Enforcement Agency Ilk of 'a Head ofCorporate Authorities V it ATTEST: y /'[/ Clerk // Date iJ Page \. * ,�, u 4_ :•.. ,._ _ s a: