R-1715 - 03/27/2018 - TRANSPORTATION - ResolutionsRESOLUT10N2018 CNTRCT LST ML TRANS R-1715 A RESOLUT:ON APPROV:NG AND AUTHORIZINGTHEAWARDANDEXECUT10N OF AN ENTERPRiSE TRANSPORTAT:ONSERViCESAGREEMENTFORLASTMILE TRANSPORTAT10NSERViCES BY AND BETWEEN THE V:LLAGEOFOAKBROOKANDCHAR10T VVHEREAS,theV lage,the Oak Brook Chamberof Commerce,RTA,andseveralpropertyowners near 22nd street and York Road,desretoprovideLastM e TransportalonServices(“Servlces in Order to enhance the attraction and retention oftoptalenttotheOakBrookbusinesscommunityland WHEREAS,theV lage conducted the Request for ProposalprocessfortheServices,pursuantto whichtheV lage received threeproposalsiand VVHEREAS,Chanot,SanFrancisco,CA(C a 1 iS the proposerw h the bestovera valuefor Servlcesiand 1/VHEREAS,theV lage and Chariot desire to enterinto andexecuteanEnterpriseTransportation Services Agreement greemear),which AgreementisattachedtothisResolulonasExhibltA: and llVHEREAS,the President and Board ofTrustees havedeterminedthatitisinthebestinterest ofthe V age to enterintoanAgreementwlhCha" ot NOVV THEREFORE,BEIT RESOLVED BYTHEPRESIDENTANDBOARDOFTRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BR00K,DUPAGEANDCOOKCOUNTIES,ILLNOISas fo ows secuOn l: Recna s The fOregoing rectalsareherebyincorporatedinto,andmadeapart of,this Resolution as the findings ofthepresidentandBoardofTrusteesofthe V lageofOak Brook Secion 2: Approval ofthe Aoreement ThePresidentandBoardofTrusteeshereby approve theAgreementbyandbe eenthe V lage andChariotin substantia y the sameformattachedto this Resolution as Exhibit A,andinannalfOrmacceptabletothe V lage Attorney Seclon 3: Authonzalon andExeculonoftheAoreementThe V lage Managershabe, and hereby is,authorized toexecutetheAgreementonbehalfofthe V lage afterreceiptoftheinal Agreementby V lage Attorney Section 41EffectiveDateThisResolution sha bein fu force andeffectuponpassage and approvalin themannerprovidedby law ISIGNATURE PAGE APPROVED THIS 27thdayofMarch2018 Gopal G.Lalma!ani VillagePresident PASSED THiS 27thdayofMarch2018 rusteesi Baar,Manzo,Saived, Tiesenga Resolution 201 8-CNTRCT-LST-ML-TRANS-R-1 7 1 5 Award of Enterprise Transportation Services Agreement Page 2 ot 2 Lz 'Absent: Trustees: Cuevas, Yusuf Ayes:Village EXHIBITA AGREEMENT