G-1143 - 01/08/2019 - VILLAGE CODE - OrdinancesORDINANCE 2019-TA―COM―G-1143 AN ORD:NANCE AMEND:NG TITLE 2 0F THE V:LLAGE OF OAK BR00K MUNiCIPAL CODE ttO ESttABLISH THE TECHNOLOGY ADViSORY COMM:丁 TEE WHEREAS,the Village of Oak Brook,Ⅲinois(''Vilrageり is an∥linois municipal corporation organized and existing pursuantto the l∥inois Municipal Code,651LCS 5/1-1-1,er se9.メ and WHEREAS,theヽ /i∥age uses technology on a daly basis to de∥ver valuable services to its residents and customersi and WHEREAS,the Village desires to create a Technology Advisory Conlmittee to provide advice to the Village President and Board of ttrustees on questions and issues referred to the comrnlttee concerning technology,inforrnation technology,and related rnattersi and WHEREAS,the Vi∥age President and Board of Trustees wish to establish the Technology Advisory Conlmittee as a formal conlmittee ofthe Vi∥age and to setforth its structure and general powers within this Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE I丁 ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF 丁RUSttEES OFttHE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK,DUPAGE AND COOK COUN丁 IES,ILLINOIS, as fo∥ows: Section l: Rectta:s.The foregoing reclals are hereby incorporated into,and made a part of,this Ordinance as the findings of the President and Board of ttrustees of the V∥lage of Oak Brook Section 2: Amendmentto丁 ∥le 2 ofthe Village of Oak Brook Municipal Code 丁忙le 2 ofthe Village of Oak Brook Municipal Code is amended to add a new chapter,Chapter 13,as follows(addttiOns underlined): Tit:e2 BOARDS AND COMM:SS:ONS Chanter 13 TECHNOLOGY ADVISORY COMM1lTEE 2‐13¨1:COMM:TTEE ESttABL:SHED: The■echnoloov‐dvLon′℃o■11■1■eeも ∥erebv℃stabliShed.The technoloov advisorv committee shall be advisorv ln nature to the villace oresident and board oftrustees 2¨13‐21 PURPOSE: The■ech■oloov‐dvisorv℃ommitee'sっ ufoOSeSllallめe■o_‐ to■hewillace■)resi 生 Develooment of mformation technoloov―related ooals and a villace technoloov strateovi 里 infOrmaJOn technoloov―rebted oolides forthe宙 |lacei C Technoloovlssues lmpactinq a_resident or customers ab∥lv tO do business with orreceive D Pfooosals fΩ i new technoloov and inforrnation technoloov service主 塁 k皿 園Lh上 血国國ШШ重Ш量虹山山m駆 ШШttЦ F Strateolc I雨 ormtton technoloqv QlannШ g matters二 lncludino an annual re宙 ew of anv technoloov or inforrnation technoloov plan,as neededi Q OhefiSSues rderred to he tchnoloQv advi board oftrustees. 2‐13‐3: MEMBERSH:P: A. Aoooinimentit the■echnoloov‐dvisorv‐omrnlllΩ Q三 立ェJ=α 】Itti」dL■壼≧エユL』蟹I」btts aooointedtv■heハ ′∥looe■)resident●nd℃onlrinedめ 、ιtthe bOard of trustees,Each membel shJl巧 e‐at tesident"f■he―villaoe■hatt temcnstrates thro堅■l a001iCathn_mate日 」塁a backofound■n■ndsoecinc¨ィelevantkno、川edoeっ ftechnologM aШ 生!nlormtton tctthnΩ lg型 亡 The℃ommitteesha∥1め esuooo■ed力 vJnewill■oe manacer or his desionee.and a liaison from the board oftrustees. L T。■ηl■Ⅳhen■nemb(】「sI〕reJnlia∥vね oつ ointed■o■he■e十he‐ommllteeメsκ rea■on_■″oイ 2)■γソ∥Эers、1lollseⅣ SIJCCeSSOfた ‐ooointed‐nd℃on■r:ned…‐nd■hreeイ 3う ■■e圧 止xェ 旦玉立ェ上L剣 劇幽に三生Iee」 =主 」【髪ェ lerlms_‐r■Jntll■heirsuccessof ls aooointd and conf]圧 ШQ上 二』■ェニヒェELgLaLsttbs堅 釧墾】■ memher aooointinenlssha∥JDeJJη reeイ 3)wears.Ю r untiltheir successoris apoointed and conirmed ⊆ oornrnltee at∥」ccessofィ nenllЭ ershallte●ooointed in accordance wlh Section 2-13-3(A) to serve the remainder ofthe vacalno members term. 2Ⅲ13‐4: OFF:CERSl AI■ls■rst輛 eelinc_■he■echnoloov‐dvisoⅣ‐o■1lη ltee¬slnall_e!ect a memberto seⅣe as ls chnirn∩ 'son_■ ηemher■o嗜 en′e‐s■lssecretaⅣ…■nd■■ηember W∥h ttho nssistanco ofthe villace manacer or his desionee.he secretarv sha∥keeD a reCOrd of n∥rorommondalinns nrおceed計てKIIIXiaCJonsJakenJov」heJechJoov advisorv committee.if ihn chnirners∩n is abζ ちntt trom‐1‐neeino…■hewicethairDerSOn sha∥ assume the role of thoJηemher■hal■s油 oldino■he」DlmCe in Que輛 on.or until a successor officer is elected bv the commltee2 2¨13‐5: MEETINGS: The technoloov ad宙 soⅣ commntee shall meet as often asis necessaⅣ to carⅣ outtts oblioa∥ons. 2‐13‐6:AUTHOR:Tγ:The technQ堕 ― 「v conlmltee」■211 be a commltee of the coroorate authorities and sha∥ serve stncJv as a recommendino bodv to the villace oresldent and board of trustees.丁 he committee■lavexDenJ 2‐13‐7: RULES: The technoloov advlsorv comrnltee sha∥be subiectto the(DDen Alleetinos Act.the Freedom of lnforination■ct¨●nd●nvlules forthe conduct of meetinos adoDted bV the coroorate authoritiea= Section 4: Conflict. A∥ ordinances and parts of ordinances ln conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5i Severabilitv lf any part,subsection,or clause ofthis Ordinance sha∥be deemed to be unconstitutional or othen″ise inva∥d, the remaining sections, subsections and clauses sha∥not be afFected thereby Section 6: Effective Date. 丁his Ordinance sha∥be in fu∥force and effect fo∥owing its passage and approvalas required bylaw,and the provisions oftheヽ ノi∥age of Oak Brook Municipal Code amended herein sha∥be reprinted with the changes. ISIGNAttURE PAGE FOLLOWSl3 APPROVEDttHiS 8th Day of PASSED ttH:S 8th Day of January ,2019 丁rustees Baar,Cuevas,Manzo,Salyed,丁 lesenga,Yusuf Village President Ayes: Nays: Absent: Al:;ラ クι′レtメ z多 J4/レ ン炎 `/`夕 ♭ιだ去グk′ Charlotte K Pruss Village Clerk 4815-4575-1414