Outdoor Warning Siren System Maintenance AgreementVILLAGE OF OAK BROOK
This AGREEMENT is dated as of the m, "rIAp=- ,2019 ("Agreement"),and is by and berween the VILLAGE oF
OAK BROOK, 1200 Oak Brook noaO, Oalt nroof, imnois 00523 an Illinois municipal corporation ("Vittage'), and FULTON
.S/flEN,SEiVICES, 160 N. Garden Avenue, Roselle, Illinois 60172 ("Consultanf').
IN CONSIDERATION OF the recitals and the mutual covenants and agreements set forth in the Agreement, and pursuant to the
Village's statutory powers, the parties agree as follows:
retains the Consultant to perform, and the Consultant agrees to
perform, all necessary services to perform the work in
connection with the project identified below (",Serurces"),
which Services the Consultant shall provide pursuant to the
terms and conditions of this Agreement:
Perform the Annual Mointenance for the Outdoor lltarning
Siren System as more fully described in the atlached
proposal daled May 6, 2019.
Consultant shall perform the Services on an annual basis for
the calendar year of January 1,20'19 through December 31,
2019 ("Time of Performance'),
A, Agreement Amount. The total amount
billed by the Consultant for the Services under this Agreement
shall not exceed $301.61 including reimbursable expenses,
without the prior express written authorization of the Village
B. Taxes. Benefits. and Royalties. Each
payment by the Village to the Consultant includes all
applicable federal, state, and Village taxes of every kind and
nature applicable to the Services as well as all taxes,
contributions, and premiums for unemployment insurance, old
age or retirement benefits, pensions, annuities, or similar
benefits and all costs, royalties, and fees arising from the use
of, or the incorporation into, the Services, of patented or
copyrighted equipment, materials, supplies, tools, appliances,
devices, processes, or inventions. All claim or right to claim
additional compensation by reason of the payment of any such
tax, contribution, premium, costs, royalties, or fees is hereby
waived and released by Consultant.
CONSULTANT. The Consultant represents and certifies that
the Services shall be performed in accordance with the
standards of professional practice, care, and diligence
practiced by recognized consultants in performing services of
a similar nature in existence at the Time of Performance. The
representations and certifications expressed shall be in
addition to any other representations and certifications
expressed in this Agreement, or expressed or implied by law,
which are hereby reserved unto the Village.
The Consultant further represents that it is financially solvent,
has the necessary financial resources, and is sufficiently
experienced and competent to perform and complete the
Services in a manner consistent with the standards of
professional practice by recognized consultants providing
services of a similar nature. The Consultant shall provide all
personnel necessary to complete the Services.
A. Indemnification. The Consultant proposes
and agrees that the Consultant shall indemnifi and save
harmless the Village against all damages, liability, claims,
, losses, and expenses (including attorneys' fee) that may arise,
or be alleged to have arisen, out of or in connection with the
Consultant's performance of, or failure to perform, the
Services or any part thereof, or any failure to meet the
representations and certifications set forth in Section 4 ofthis
B. Insurance. The Consultant acknowledges
and agrees that the Consultant shall, and has a duty to,
maintain adequate insurance, in an amount, and in a form and
from companies, acceptable to the Village. The Consultant's
maintenance of adequate insurance shall not be construed in
any way as a limitation on the Consultant's liability for losses
or damages under this Agreement.
C. No Personal Liability. No elected or
appointed official, or employee of the Village shall be
personally liable, in law or in contract, to the Consultant as the
result of the execution of this Agreement.
A. Relationship of the Parties. The
consultant rt utt u@ providing
and performing the Services. Nothing in, nor done pursuant
to, this Agreement shall be construed to: (l) create the
relationship of principal and agent, employer and employee,
partners, or joint venturers between the Village and
Consultant; or (2) to create any relationship between the
Village and any subcontractor of the Contractor.
B. Conflicts of Interest. The Consultant
represents and certifies that, to the best of its knowledge: (l)
no Village employee or agent is interested in the business of
the Consultant or this Agreement; (2) as of the date of this
Agreement, neither the Consultant nor any person employed
or associated with the Consultant has any interest that would
conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the
obligations under this Agreement; and (3) neither the
Consultant nor any person employed by or associated with the
Consultant shall at any time during the term of this Agreement
obtain or acquire any interest that would conflict in any
manner or degree with the performance of the obligations
under this Agreement.
C. No Collusion. The Consultant represents
and cerlifies that the Consultant is not barred from contracting
with a unit of state or local government as a result of (l) a
delinquency in the payment of any tax administered by the
Illinois Department of Revenue unless the Consultant is
contesting, in accordance with the procedures established by
the appropriate revenue act, its liability for the tax or the
amount of the tax, as set forth in Section ll-42.1-l et seq. of
the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/11-42.1-l et seq.; or
(2) a violation of either Section 33E-3 or Section 33E-4 of
Article 33E of the Criminal Code of 1961,720 ILCS 5/33E-l
et seq. If at any time it shall be found that the Consultant
has, in procuring this Agreement, colluded with any other
person, firm, or corporation, then the Consultant shall be liable
to the Village for all loss or damage that the Village may
suffer, and this Agreement shall, at the Village's option, be
null and void.
D. Termination. Notwithstanding any other
provision hereof, the Village may terminate this Agreement at
any time upon l5 days prior written notice to the Consultant.
In the event that this Agreement is so terminated, the
Consultant shall be paid for Services actually performed and
reimbursable expenses actually incurred, if any, prior to
termination, not exceeding the value of the Services
E. Compliance with Laws and Grants.
Consultant shall give all notices, pay all fees, and take all
other action that may be necessary to ensure that the Services
are provided, performed, and completed in accordance with all
required governmental permits, licenses, or other approvals
and authorizations that may be required in connection with
providing, performing, and completing the Services, and with
all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations,
including without limitation the Fair Labor Standards Act; any
statutes regarding qualification to do business; any statutes
prohibiting discrimination because of, or requiring affirmative
action based on, race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, or
other prohibited classification, including, without limitation,
the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. gg
12101 et seq., and the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS
5/l-l0l et seq. Consultant shall also comply with all
conditions of any federal, state, or local grant received by the
Village or Consultant with respect to this Contract or the
Services. Consultant shall be solely liable for any fines or
civil penalties that are imposed by any governmental or quasi-
governmental agency or body that may arise, or be alleged to
have arisen, out of or in connection with Consultant's, or its
subcontractors, performance of, or failure to perform, the
Services or any part thereof. Every provision of law required
by law to be inserted into this Contract shall be deemed to be
inserted herein.
F. Default. If it should appear at any time that
the Consultant has failed or refused to prosecute, or has
delayed in the prosecution of, the Services with diligence at a
rate that assures completion of the Services in full compliance
with the requirements of this Agreement, or has otherwise
failed, refused, or delayed to perform or satisry the Services or
any other requirement of this Agreement ("Event of
Defoult'), and fails to cure any such Event of Default within
ten business days after the Consultant's receipt of written
notice of such Event of Default from the Village, then the
Village shall have the right, without prejudice to any other
remedies provided by law or equity, to (l) terminate this
Agreement without liability for further payment; or (2)
withhold from any payment or recover from the Consultant,
any and all costs, including attorneys' fees and administrative
expenses, incurred by the Village as the result ofany Event of
Default by the Consultant or as a result of actions taken by the
Village in response to any Event of Default by the Consultant.
G. Assignment. This Agreement may not be
assigned by the Village or by the Consultant without the prior
written consent of the other party.
H. Notice. All notices required or permitted to
be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be
delivered: (l) personally; (2)by a reputable overnight courier;
or by (3) by certified mail, return receipt requested, and
deposited in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid. Unless otherwise
expressly provided in this Agreement, notices shall be deemed
received upon the earlier of: (a) actual receipt; (b) one
business day after deposit with an overnight courier as
evidenced by a receipt of deposit; or (c) three business days
following deposit in the U.S. mail, as evidenced by a retum
receipt. Notices and communications to the Village shall be
addressed to, and delivered at, the following address:
Village of Oak Brook
1200 Oak Brook Road
Oak Brook, Illinois 60523
Attention: Jim Fox, IT Director
Notices and communications to the Consultant shall be
addressed to, and delivered at, the following address:
Fulton Siren Services
160 N. Garden Avenue
Roselle, Illinois 60172
Attention: John E. Vistine
I. Waiver. Neither the Village nor the
Consultant shall be under any obligation to exercise any of the
rights granted to them in this Agreement except as it shall
determine to be in its best interest from time to time. The2
lailure of the Village or the Consultant to exercise al any time
any such rights shall not be deemed or construed as a waiver
ol that right, nor shall the failure void or affect the Village's or
the Consultant's right to enforce such rights or any other
J. Third Paity Eenelicigly. No claim as a
third party beneficiary under this Agreeme,ul by any person,
firnr, or corporation shall be made or be valid against lhe
K. Governing Larvs. This Agreement nnd the
rights o[ Owner and Consultant under this Agreement shall be
interpreted according to the internal laws, but not the conflict
crl laws rules, of the State of Illinois; the venue for any legal
actir:n arising in connection witlr tlris Agreement shall be in
the Circuit Court of DuPage County, lllinois.
L` 興 重上L Ifany con量 k丸 e対 sts between this
Contract aFid any exhlbit attached heiFetO,the terrns
OfthiS COntract ohall prevail:
M. No Disclosure oF Co■■de■∥,I Informatio■ bv the
Consllt,nt. The Consultant acknowicdgcs that it shan, in
perforlnin3 1le Scrviccs for thc Vlllagc under thお Agrccmcnt
havc access, or be directly or indircctly exPoscdi to
Confldential lnfonnatlon. 1■e Consultant shall hold
cOnndentialtlH Conndential lnfonnation and shan not disciose
or use such(〕orlFldential lnfOmation without the cxpress prlor
written consent of the Vllage. The Consultant shall use
reasonable lTleasures at lettt as strict as those the Consultani
tlses to protect its own conidential inforrllation. Such
measures shall include, without Hmttation, requiring
employccs and subcontractors of the Consultant to exccute a
non‐disclosure agreement before obtaining acccss to
cOnndential lnibrmatlon.
Charlotte Pruss, Village Clerk Riccirdo f', Cine>i, Village Manager
″li563377 vi
160 N Carden Ave
Roselle,IL 60172
May 6,2019
Jim Fox
lnformation Technology Manager
Village of Oak Brook
1200 Oak Brook Rd.
Oak Brook, IL 60523
RE: 2019 Annual Siren Maintenance Contract - 2nd Request
Dear Mr. Fox:
Enclosed is your contract proposal to perform maintenance for the Village of Oak Brook Warning Siren
System on an annual basis for the period of January 1,2019 through December 31,2019. During this
period we will visit each one of your sirens to perform the general maintenance, which is outlined for you
in the maintenance contract. As you know, it is important to maintain your sirens to ensure they continue to
perform during those times of severe weather when they are needed most. Any minor repairs needed on a
siren will be performed immediately while on site to keep your costs down, however additional repair
charges will apply. Major repairs found will require preapproval and you would be contacted before any
major repairs were performed. Please call me with any questions you may have,
After acceptance, sign and return the enclosed contract at your earliest convenience via mail, or scan and
email to ivistine@fultonsirenservices.com. Thank you for your prompt attention and continued support.
John E. Vistine
President / Owner
Fulton Siren Services
Division of J&D lngenuities LLC
j v i st ine (a) ful ton s irenserv ic e s. com
胤::。NS(RE卜 JSeR∨Ice s
160 N Garden Ave
Roselle,IL 60172
Village of Oak Brook
2019 Outdoor Warning Siren System Annual Maintenance Contract
This is a contract proposal to perform annual maintenance for your Outdoor Warning Siren System. This includes
the following on an annual basis for the calendar year of January 1,2019 through December 31,2019. We will
perform the following:
o Clcan and check contactors in control cabincts.
o Verify no moisture problcms in control cabinets.
. Test Data Radio RF powcr, frcqucncy, and audio levels.
. Test RTU heater circurt and thcrmostat.
r Test RTU banery and charger. *Change banery if over five years old or foils load test
r Chcck and vcrify encode and decodc signals on radio systcm.
t Tcst cach command signal for propcr timing and function.
. Tcst each RTU channcl for proper status change reporting.
o Check and tcst siren batteries and fill with distilled watcr ifnecessary. *Change batteries ifoverfive years old orfails load test
o Chcck and tcst siren charging systcm and all motor controls.
o Chcck antcnna, antcnna cable and connectors.
r Chcck and tcst grounding systcm and provide ground rod reading:
o Tcst sircn hcad hcater circuit and thcrmostat.
. Inspcct all rclay contacts and conncctions.
o Chcck for any apparent brcakage, wcar and tcar or vandalism and report same to owncr.
. Inspcct siren cquipment for loosencss or any condition that may compromisc the rcliability and uscful life ofthe cquipment.
r Perform inspcction ofsurge protections systcm and notify the owner ofdeficiencies.
o Growl tcst pcrformcd aftcr complction ofpreventive maintenance.
This contract includes all labor, equipment and material for general maintenance. *Any defective parts or
components found will be repaired or replaced at an additional charge lo the owner with an additional labor
charge to perform the repair. This is in addition to the basic contract amount approved, if major repairs are
necessary we will contact the owner for approval.
Maintenance Amount: $301.61
One (l) RTU Siren Controller
PLEASE! Do not send payment now, this is not a bill. You will be invoiced after maintenance is completed.