PD and Golf Keyless Entry ProjectVILLAGE OF OAK BROOK PROFESSIONAL SERVlCES AGREEMENT ThisAGREEMENTisdatedasoftheldldayofEctrrvqr/,2019("Agrcemenr'),andisbyandbetweentheVILLACEOF OAK BROOK, 1200 Oak Brook Rord, Ork Brook, lllinois,60523 an tllinois municipal corporation ("yltlage"\, and MALKO COMMUNICATION SERVICES, 5,101 Fargo Avenue, Skokic, lllinois 60077("Consultul'), IN CONSIDERATION OF lhe recitsls and th€ mutual covenanls and agrecmcnts sct forlh in the Agreemcnt, and pursuant to the Village's statutory powers, the parties agree as follows: SECTION l SCOPE Of SERVICES. The Village retains the Consullanl to perform, and the Consultant agrees to perform, all necessary services to perform the work in connectioD with the project identified below (",.tdivices"), which Services the Consultant shall provide pursuant to the terms and conditions ofthis Agreemcnt: Tlne and M..terid lo Suppl!, l|slall, o,td Ptogrum (l) Delex Egress Device ol lhe Pollce Deporfienl at more lully tlescribed in lhe attoche.l ptoposal lDM32tREl/l, dated lanuary 23,2019, and (l) I Doot Gatherhry Panel a, tlrc Golf Clabhouse, os morc full! dcsctihcd ln lhe oflached Proposal #DMiJ1, dutcd lonairy 25, 2019 sEcrloN2. ro4,8_eEBEqEW.E. rhe Consultant shall pcrform the Services as mutually agrced upon by the Village and Consultant ( "frnrs oJf Petomance"). SECTION3, COMPENSATION. A. Affcornanl Amounl. The tolal amounl billed by the Consultant for the Services under this Agreement shall not exceEd S?,245.00, including reimbursable expenses. withoul the prior express written authorization of ihe village Manager, B. T!trs*-Eg!.9!!!@qxd!iE Each payment by the Village to the Consultant includes all applicable federal, state, and Village taxes of every kind and nature applicable to the Services as well as all taxes, contributions, and premiums for unemployment insurance, old age or retirement benefits, pensions, annuities, or similar benefits and all costs, royalties, and fees arising fiom the use of, or the incorporation into, the ServicEs, of patented or copyrighted equipment, malerials, supplies, tools, appliances, devices, processes, or inventions. All claim or right to claim additional compensation by reason ofthe payment ofany such tax, contribution, premium, costs, royalties, or fees is hereby waived and released by Consultant. SECT10N 4 CONSULTANT. 1'he Consultant repr€sents and c€nifies that the Services shall be performed in accordance with the standards of professional practice, carc, and diligence practiced by recognized consultants in performing services of n similar nature in existence at the Time of Performance. The representations and certifications expressed shall be in addition lo any other representations and cenifications expressed in this Agreement, or exprcssed or implied by law, which are hereby reserved unto the Village. The Consultant furth€r reprcsents that it is financially solvenl, has the necessary Iinancial resources, and is sufliciently experienced and competent to perform and complete the Services in a manner consistent with the standards of professional praclice by recognized consultants providing scrvices ofa similar nature. The Consultanl shall provide all personnel necessary to complete the Services, SECTION5. INDEMNIFICATION: INSURANCD: LIABILITY. A. lndcmllillcatlo!, The Consultant proposes and agrees that the Consultant shall indemni$ and save harmless the Village against all damages, liability, claims, l6sses, and expenses (including attomeys'fee) thal may arise, or be alleged to havc arisen, out of or in connection with the Consultant's performance of, or failure to perform. the Services or any pan thereol or any failure to meet the represcntations aDd certifications set forlh in Section 4 ofthis Agrcemcnt. B. lnrurrocc. The Consultant acknowledges and agrees that the Consuhant shall, and has a duty to, maintain adequate insurance, in an amount, and in a form and from companies, acceptable to the Village. The Consultant's mainlenance of adequate insurance shall not be construed i0 any way as a limitation on the Consultant's liability for losses or damages under this Agreement. C. No Personrl LiEbilitv. No elecled or appointed official or employee of the Village shall be personally liable, in law or in contmct, to th€ Consultent as the result ofthe execution ofthis Agreement, SECTION 6. GENERAL PROVISIONS. A. R€hlionship of the Psrlics. The Consultant !hall act as an indepen&nt contnctor in providing and performing the Serviccs. Nothing in, nor done pu$uant to, this Agrecmenl shall be construed tor (l) create the relationship of principal and agent, employer and employee, panners, or joint venturers between the Village and Consultant; or (2) to creare any relationship between the Village and any subcontractor ofthe Contractor. B. Conflicts of lnterest. The Consultant reprcsents and cerlifics that, to the bcst of its knowledgc: (l) no Villagc employec or agent is interested in the business of the Consultanl or this Agreementi (2) as of the date of this Agreement, neither the Consullant nor any person ernployed or associated with the Consultant has any interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the obligations under this Agreemenl; and (3) neither the Consultant nor any person employed by or associated wilh the Consultant shall at any time during the lerm of this Agreement obtain or acquirc any interest that would connict in any manner or degree with the p€rformance of the obligations under this Agreement. c, No Colluslor. The consultant represents and ce ifies that the Consultant is not barrcd from contracting with a unit of state or local govemment as a result of(l) a delinquency in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Depanment of Revenue unless lhe Consultant is contesting, in accordancc with the procedures established by the appropriate revenue act, ils liability for th€ tax or the amounl oflhe tar, as set fonh in Section ll42.l-l et seq. of the lllinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/l l-42.1-l et !eq., ot (2) a violation of either Section 33E-3 or Section 3384 of Article l3E ofthe Criminal Code of 1961,720 lt.CS 5/338-l et seq. lfat any time il shall be found that lhe Consultant has, in procurint this Agreement, colluded with any olher person, firm, or corporation, then the Consuhant shall be lisblc to the Village for all loss or damagc that the Village may suffer, and this ABr€emenl shall, sl thc Village's option, be null and void. D, @]iE]l!E. Nolwithstanding any olher provision hereof, the Village may termioate this Agreement at any time upon l5 days prior written notice to lhe Consultant. In the event that this Agreement is so terminated, the Consultanl shall be paid for Services aciually p€formed and reimbursable expenses actually incurrsd, if any, prior to lermination, not excceding the value ol the Sfivices completed. E. Comnlirnc€ wilh Lorrs and Grrnts. Consultant shall give all notices, pay all fecs, aDd take all other action that may be necessary to ensure lhat the Services are provided, performed, and completed in accordance with all required govemmental permits. licenses, or other approvals and auihorizalions that may be required in connection with providing, performing, and completing the Services, and with all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations, including without limitation the Fair Labor Standards Act; any statutes regarding qualification to do business; any statules prohibiting discrimination bccaus€ of, or requiring affirmarive action based on, race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, or other prohibited classification, including, without limitation, rhe Americans with Disabiliries Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. $$l2l0l et seq., and the lllinois Human Rights Act, 775 lLcS 5ll.l0l er seq. Consultant shall also comply with all conditions of any federal, stale, or local grant received by the Village or Consulknt \f,ith respect to this Contract or rhe Services. Consultant shall be solely liable for any fines or civil penalties that are imposed by any govEmmental or quasi. govemm€ntal agency or body that may arise, or be alleged to have ariscn, out of or in connection with Consultanfs, or its subcontraciors, performance of, or failure to perform, lhe Scrvices or any pan thereol Every provision of law required by law to be inserted into this Contract shall be deemed to be insened herein. F. Defrull. If it should appear at any rime that the Consuitant has failed or refused io prosecute, or has dclayed in the prosecution of, the Services with diligence at a rate thal assures completion of the Services in full compliance with the requiremenr of this Agreement, or has otherwise failed, refused, or delayed to perfom or satisfy the Services or any othcr requirement of this Agreemcnt ("Evenl of D4salt'\, snd fails to cure any such Event of Delault within ten business days after the Consultant's receipt of wrinen notice of such Event of Default from the Village, then the Village shall have the righr, without prcjudice lo any other remedies provided by law or equily, to (l) terminate this Agreemenl without liability for funher payment: or (2) withhold from any payment or recover from the Consultant, any and all costs, including attomcys' fccs and administrative cxpenscs, incurred by th€ Village ns the rcsult of any Event of Default by the Consultant or as a result of actions t6ken by fte Village in response to any Event of Default by the Consultanl. C. Asghnmenl. fiis Agreement may not be assigned by the Village or by rhe Consuhant without the prior writtcn consent of the other party. H. Notic€. All notices requircd or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deliveredr (l) personally; (2) by a rcputable overnight courier; or by (3) by cenified mail, return receipt requested, and depositcd in the U.S. Mail. postage prepaid. Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, nolices shall be deemed received upon the earlier of: (a) actual receipt; (b) one business day aner deposit wirh an ovemight courier as evidenced by a receipi of deporit; or (c) three business days following dcposit in the U.S. mail, as evidenced by a retum receipt, Notices and communications to the Village shall be addressed lo, and delivered at, the following address: Village ofOak Brook 12@ Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, lllinoh 60523 Anention: Jim Fox, lT Director Notices and communications to the Consultant shall be addressed to, and delivercd at, the following address: Malko Communication Services 5401 Fargo Avenuc Skokic, lllinois 60077 Anenlion: Drew Montgonrery, Project Coordinator I. E4EE, Neither the Village nor the Consultant shall bc under any oblig8lion to exercise any ofthe rights granted to them in this Agreemart except as it shall determine to be in its bcst int€rest from time to time. The failure of thc Village or the Consultant to cxercisc at sny tim€ any such rights shall not bc deemed or construcd as a waiver ofthat right, nor shall the failure void or effect the Village's or the Consultant's right to enforce such rights or any othcr rights. J. Thlrd Parlv Bencllchrr. No elaim as a thhd party bencficirry under this Agreement by any penon, firm, or corporation shall be made or be valid against the Village, ATTEST: ATTEST: ay K. Conlllclr: Exhlbiti, lf any term or provision in this Agnemcnt conflicB with any term or provision of an attachment or exhibit to this Agreemenl, the terms and provisions ofthis Agrecmenr shrll control. L. Govrrtrhrr lrw3. This Agccment and the righB of Owner and Consult rt under th is Agreement shall be interpretcd according to the intemal laws, but not the conflict of laws rules, of the Staie of flinois; the venue for any legal action arising in conneation with this Agrcement shall b€ in the Circu Coun ofDuPage County, lllinois. M. No Dbclo.urc of Copfidcnaill Informolioll br the Corrultrnt, The Contultant acknowlcdges that it shall, in performing thc Servicos for the Villsge under this Agreemcnt, have access, or be directly or indirectly exposed, to Confidenlial lnformation. The Consultant shsll hold confidential all Confidential lnformation and shall not disclose or use such Confidentisl lnfomation withoul the express prior written consent of the Villag€. The Consultant shall use reasonable measurcs tt least as strict as those the Consulhnt uses lo protect its own confidential information. Such measures shall include, withoul limitation, requiring employees and subcontractors of the Consultant to execute I non-disclosure agreement b€fore obtaining access to Confi dential lnformalion. MALKO COMMUNICAT10N SERVICES titr By: ,lts. Charlotte Pruss, Village Clerk EXH:BIT A rPrapυ "′ ″D7772θ R″′′,rrararr J●′,″″り'23,′″′9″″″′″′οs″′ “ D澤 ″J4rrr″rr J.″″rrJ 2,2θ ′〃 PROPOSAL #DMr28REv1 January 13, rorg Dear: Jim We are pleased to submit our proposal for the work described below for the Village of Oak Police Department. 1, 2. Scop,e ol lillor.k 5upply & lnstall (t) Detex Delayed Egress device Supply & install (1) Power Supply lnstall customer supplied cable Training on Egress device is included in this prlce. Total,lnrertment-. 3r,9E5.oo Assumptlonr A. All ele(tri<al, condult, pipe stubs, cores, raceways, chases, sleeves, plywood, dumP5ters, cable supports, etc. are to be provided and installed by others. And is not Part of this price. 8. All work to be done during the normal workday' C. All power is to be supplied and installed by others D. Electric Strikes are to be provided by others E. computeB, Servers, racks, cabinets are not Part of this Price unless noted above F. Communication closets is not part of this price unless noted above G, Backbone cabling (copper high palr count, fiber, coax) are not Part of thls price H. All head end equipment is existing, and asJumptions are that there is adequate space for all new devices to hook up to unless noted above l. Labor is Euaranteed to be as specifled, and the above work to be performed ih accordance with drawings and specifi(ations submltted for above work and in a substantial workmanlike manner' www.rnc5-llc.coltl ?,il 5401 far00 Avt:. Skokic, lL 600ii Phottc: (847) 620-0600 l:ax: (847) 02ti ii049 J. lf as-builds are required, the most cunent (lncluding all fi€ld condition changes) disc on Auto Cad 2ooo will be furnlshed by customer with no charge at the time of proposal ac(eptance. K. Telecommunications grounding bus bar(s) in MDF/lDF's by others, L. All ceble is being provided by the Village of Oak Erook M. Malko is not responsible for any existing equipment this is not worklng before or after new devises are installed. N, Late payments may be subJect to Interest. O. Progress Billing will be agreed upon in advance of Po creation and wlll mirror proiect milestones. Payment lerms to be as oudined in biddirrg documents, sale! tax is not included. Any alteration or devlatlon from above 5peclfications involving extra costs, wlll be exe(uted only upon written orders, and will become an extra (harge over and above the €stlmate, All aSreements contlngent upon strikes, ac(ldents or d€layr bayond our control. Proposal is good for lo days for date quoted sincerely, Drew Montgomery Proiect Coordinator Malko Communication Services, LLc ACCEPTANCE OFPROPOSAL#OM328B[Vl s are satislactory and are hereby accept€d. Payment will be made as outlined above, θO″rJI「o4『10■SFRrraFS=[` PROPOSAT #DMlt4 January 25, zotg Dear: Jim We are pleased to submlt our proposal for the work described below for the Village of Oak colf Course, ,l. 2. Scope of l4lork lnstall (i) 8 Door Data Cathering Panel 5upply & install (1) Card Reader Supply & install (r) Door Contart Termlnate cable to Ele(tric Strike (Strike by others) Programmin& training, cable instlllation and terminations are included in thls prlce Total lnveslment. -. .S4,160,00 Assumptlons All electrical, conduit, plpe stubs, cores, raceways, chases, sleeves, plywood, dumpsters, cable supports, etc. are to be provided and installed by others. And is not part of this Price. All work to be done during the normal workday. All power ls to be supplied and installed by others. Electric Strikes are to be provided by others Computers, Servers, racks, cablnets are not part of thls pr{ce unless noted above Communi<ation closets is not pad of this price unless noted above Backbone cabling (copper high palr count, fiber, coax) are not part of this prlce All head end equlpment is existing and assumpflons are that there is adequate space for allnew devlces to hook up to unless noted above Labor is guaranteed to be as spe(ified, and the above work to be performed in accordan(e with drawlngs and spe(ificatlons submltted for above work and in a substantial workmanlike manner, B. c. 0. E. I G, H. t. www.m(s-llc,corll ),il 540,l Far(0 Ave. Skokir:, ll ii00i / Plrone: (847) (;26.6000 Faxr (847) 026-t;g4g J, lf as-builds are required, the most cunent (includlng all field condition (hanges) dlsc on Auto Cad 2ooo wlll be furnished by customer wlth no charge at the time of proposal a(ceptance. K. Telecommunlcations grounding bus ba(s) in MDF/lDF'! by others. L. All cable is belng provlded by the Village of Oak Brook M. Malko ls not responsible for any existing equlpment this is not working before or after new devlses are installed. N. Late payments may be subiect to interest. O. Progress Billing will be agreed upon in advance o{ PO creation and will mlrror project mllestones. Paym€ntlcdls to-b! ll-oll[ned]n bldding do.clJmcntr, Sales tar 15 not lncluded. Any alteration or drvlation lrom above 3peclfi(ltloni lnvolvlnS rrtra (os$, wlll be €xecut€d only upon wrltten ordars, and wlllbecoma anrItra (herge ov!rand ebova the estlmat€, AllrgreemcnB contlng€nt upon rtllkes, accldr s or dalayS beyond our control. Proposal ls good for 3o days for date quoted Sin(erely, orew Montgomery Proiect Coordinator Malko Communlc.tlon Servlces, LLC ACCEPTANCE OFPROPOSAL#DM334 The above You are au Signature: