Removal of Asbestos Containing Popcorn Ceiling Oak Brook BT ClubVlLLAGE OF OAK BR00K CONTRACT FOR THE Fun Name ofContractor:lSIPAll Arolind Companyぐ `CO■ 'rac,o「 ') Principa1 0鮨 ●I Addre88:370 55th Street,Clarendon Hin,,IllinOis 60514 Contact Peroo■:M●Tcln Swie2o,8ki,President Telephone Number:773,986‐3725 TO:Village ofOak Brookぐ 綺JJage") 1200 0ak BrOok Road R議 認計」駐税"h Pubhc w∝ k8DI∝"r Conl;rutor warrants and reBresents lhat Conlractor has carcfully ewmined tlu Worh Site dcscribed below and lw reviewed' ond undarstoad dll d,ocumenls inclu&d, .refored to, or mentiancd in this bound set of docuntents. 1. ll9ork A. 0ontrapt and Work. Contractor acknowledges, and agrees, that Contractor ehall, at ita eole cost and expenge, provide, perform, and complete, in the manner specifled and described, and upon the terme and cqnditioae eet fort\, in this Contract' all of the following, :Lll of which is herein referred to as the "Work": I. Labor. Eouipment. Materials. and Suuplieg. Provide, perform, and complete, in the mannet specfied and deecribed in thie Contract, all neceasary wor},, labor, services, trunBportation, equipment, materiala, eupplieg, inforuation, da[a, and other means and iteme neooBeary for the Eemoval of Asbestos Containing Popcorn Ceiling al, the Oak Brook Bath & Tennie Club ae specified in Exhibit A attached hereto, at, ihe Oak Brook Bath & Tennis Club, 800 Oak Brook Boad, Oak Brook, Illinois 60523 ("Worlt 8ile"); 2. Perr.rite. The Village will furnish all pormite, licenoes, and other govetnmental approvala and authorizations necessary in connection therewith; Inslrrance. Procure and furnish insurance ceriificates specified in thie Contt'act; Taxee. Pay all applicable federal, state, and loeal taxeer 5. Miscellaneoqs. Do all other thinge required ofContractor by thie Contract; and 6. Qualiw. Provide, perform, and complete all of the foregoiog in a prtper and workmanlike manner, coneietent with the standards of recognized professional firms in performing Work of a eimilar nature, in full compliance with, and as required by or puruuant, to this Contract, and with ihe greateet econouty, efficiency, and e:ryedition sonsietont therewith, with only new, undamaged, and first quality equipment, materials, and supplies. B.Performance StandardB.Contractor acknowledges and agleee that all Work ehall be fully provrded, perforned, and completed in amrdanoe with the Statement of Work datod January 29,2019, attached 'hereto as Exhibit A. C. Reeoonsibiliw &g-DssreCe_aJt-bg. Contractor proposes, and agrees, that Contractor ehaD be responsible and liable for, and ehall promptly and without charge to Village repair or replace, any daroagp done to, and any lose or injury suflered by, the Villege, the Work, the Work Site, or other property or personi ag a result of the Work. 3. 4. ら D, Ingoection/IegtioclRoiection. Village ehall have the rigbt tn inapect all or any part of the Work and to reie4t aU or any part of the Wo* that is, in Village's judgment, tlefective or damaged or that in any way fails to ooaf,orm strictly to the reguirements of this Contract aa(l tbe Village, s,ithout lioiting its other rights or renedies, may require correctioa or replacement at C,otrtractor's co6t, perhrm or have performed all Work necosgary to completo or corttsct all or any part of the Work that is defective, damaged, or nonconforming and charge Contractor with any excess cost incurred thereby, or cancel all or any part of any order or thia ContrAet, Wor! so &jected may be teturned or held at Contractor's o$snse and risl. il. Coatract Price Contractor scknowledges and agrees that Contractor shall take in full payment for all Work and other matters set forth under Section I above, including overhead and plofrl kre8, contributiong, and premiums; and mmpensation to all suboontractor8 and suppliers, the compenaEtion 8et forth below. A SCHEDULEOFPBICES For providing, perhrming' and completing all Work, the total Contract Price of $6,E60.00 TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE (in writing): Five Thoueand Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars Only B. BASIS TOB DETERMINING PRICES It ie expressly understood and aBreed that: 1. All prices statod in the Schedule of Prices are 6rm and ehall not be subiect to escalstion or change; 2. The Village is not subject to state or local aales, use, and excise taxes' that no such taxes ale included in the Schedule of Prices' and that all claim or right to claim any additional compeneation by reason ol' the payment of any euch tax is hereby waived and releasad; 3. All other applicable federal, state. and local laxea of every kind and nature applicable to the Work are included in the Schedule of Prices. C. TIME OT'PAYMENT It is expreosly underttood and agreed that all psymBnts shall be nade upon completion of ihe work and final approval by the Village, All payments may b€ subject to d€duction or. aetoff by reaeon of any failure of Contractor to perform under this Contract. Each payment shall include Contractoy's certification of thg value of, and partial or frnal waivsrs of lien covering, all lVorL for which payment is then requested and Contractor's cortification thqt 8ll prior payments have been pmperly applied to the payment or reimbursement of the coota with respect to which they were paid. 3. Coniraci Time Contt'actor acknowledges and agreea tbat Contractor ehall commence the WorL within I5 dayc (weatlrr'r per?rlitaing) following the Village's acceptanco of thie Contract provided Contractor shall have furniehed to the Village all bonds and all insurance certficates specifed in this Corrtract ("Corrt nencement Dcte"). Contr4ctor further acknowledges and agrees that CoDtractor shsll perform the Work diligently aod continuourly and shall complete tbe Work not iater than Morch 81, 2010 ("Time ol Perfonnance"). The Village may nodit the Time of Performance at any time upon 16 days prior written notice to the Contractor. Delays caueed by the Village ehall extend the Time of Performance; provided, however', that Contractor sball be responsible for co$pletion of all Work within the Time of Performance, notwithstanding any strike or other wor} atoppage by employees ofeither Contractor or ofthe Village. 4. Financial Asturanoe A. heuEnse. Contractor acknowledgee and agreee that Oontractor ehall prcvide certilicates of inEuiance evidencing t.he minimum ioeuranco coveragso and limita set forth in Exhibit B within 10 days hllowing the Village'B acceptance of thie Contract. Such policies rlall be in form, and from companies, acceptable to the Village. The insurance coverages aod limite ret forth Exhibit B ohall be deemed to be minimum covetagBs and limits and shall not be construed in any way ao a limitation on Contractol'8 duty to carry aalequate insurance or on Conttactor's liabitity for loesee or damages under this Contract. The minimum irtsurance coverages and limits that shall be maintained at all time8 while providing, performing, or completing the Wort are ae set forth in Exhibit B. B. lndemnification. Contractor acknowledgoa rnd agreee that Contractor shall indemnify and eave haruless the Yillage its ofEcers, offrcials, employeas and volunteers, against all damagos, liability, claims, losres, and expenses (including attorneys' fee) that may arise, or be alleged to have atiB€n, out of or in connection with CoDtlactor''B perforrnance of, or failure to perforr, the Work or any part thereof, or any frilure to meei the fir*r"rTlrt:T* and wananties Bot forth in "-t) D. Pjrnaltigs. Contractol acknowledges and agreea that Contractor ehall be solely liable fot any fines or civil oenalties that are imposed by any governmental or ouaai-sov€rnmental agency or body that lnay ariae, or be ,tt"""d to have arieen, out of or in connection with Con-tractor'e performance ol or failure to perform, the Work or any part thereof. 6. Firo Prooogal All prices and other term6 stated in this Contract are firo and shall not be subieci to withdraQal, escalation, or cbange, 6. Contraotor'BBerrrcaentttiors arrdWarraaties ln order to induce the Village to accept this Contract Contractor hereby represents and warrants as followsr A. The Work. The Work, anil all of ite comporents' shall strictly conlorm to the requircments of thie Contract, including, without limitation, the pelformance standardg eet forth in Subsection 18 of this Contract; and shall be fit, sufiicient, and suitable for the purposes emrssged in. or reaaonably inferred from, this Contract ani the warrantier expreesed herein ehall be in addition io ady oth€r warranties expreased or implied by law' whicli are heruby reserveil unto the Village' B. Compliance with Laws The Work' and all of ite "orporfrGJEll b" p-vided, performed' and completed in "o-pti""o with, and Contractor agreoE to be bound bv, all'applicable federal, state, and local laws' orders' ^i"., ""i regulatione, aa they may be modified or arnsnded from time to time, including without limitstion' if aoolicable, the Prevailing Wage Act' 820 ILCS lBUirbl d geg.; any other prevailing wage laws; any at"t"t"" *q"i"i"g ireferenco to laborers of specfied "1"."u"; arry-.t"tuiei pmhibiting diecrimination becauee oi, oi t"qritlog afirmative sction based on' race' creed' *to", nrtionui origin' age, sex, or other prohibitsd cl"asifi""tion: and any etatutes regarding safety or -th-ei"ii"*.un.u of the foork. Further, Contractor shall iave a written sexual harassment pohcy in cornpliance with Section 2-105 of the Illinois Human Righls Act during the course of the work' C. Not Barred. Contractor ie not barred by law 1"o. "onliiting *ith the Village or witb any ot'her unit of state or local government as a result of (i) a delinouencv in the paymenl' of any tax adminietered by ihe ttiinoi" O"p"ttment of Revenue unless Contractor rs "o"r""t-g, i; accordance with the procedures establi8hid by the sppropriate Revenue Act, itS liability iii tf," tut oithe amount of tax' as set fonh in 65 ILCS 6/11-42.1-l; ot (ii) a violation of eit'her Seclion 338-B or Section g3E-l ofi\rticle 33 ofthe Criminal Code of 196l' ?20ILCS 6/33E- 1 q! g!q. D. Qualified. Contractor hae the requioite experience, ability, capital, hcilities, plant, organization, and sta$ to enable Contracior ta perform the Work succeesfully and prornptly and to conmence qnd complete the Work within the Contract Prica and Contract 'l'ime get forih above. 7. Acknowledceruents In Bubmitting this Contract, Cortrador acknowledges and agress that: A. Reliance. The Village ie relying on all rearranties, representations, and stat€ments made by Contractor in this ContracJ. B. Acceolance. If this Contract ig accepted, Contractor shall be bound by each and evet, torn, conditi<.rn, or provieion contained iD this Contract. C. Bege&cg. Each of the rights and remodies reserved to the Village in thig Contr.ct thall b€ cumulative and additional to any other or further reoedies provided in law or equity or in this Contract. D. 'l'ime. Time is of the eaaerrce in tbe performance of all terms and provisions of thia Contract and, ercept where stated otherwise references in ihis Conttact to daye shall be construed to refer to calendar daye and time. E. No '['aiver. No examination, inspection, inveotigation, te8t, mea8ur€ment, review, detcrmination' deeieion, eertificate, or approval by the Village, whether before or aftel the Village's acceptance of thie Contract; nor any information or data supplied by the ViIIage, whether before or after the Village'e acceptance of thie Contract; nor any order by the Village for the palmont of money; nor any paynent for, or use, pooseasio4, -or,""upitn"" ol, the whole or any parl of the WorL- -ba the Village; nor an1' extension of time granted by the Villagc; nor any delay by the Village in exercieing any ri€it under tiis Contracl.; nor any other act or omi8sion of the Village shall constitute or be deemed to be an accoPtance of any defective, damaged, or nonconforming Work, nor op""it" to waive or otherwise diminish the efrect of any representation or warraDty mad€ by Cqntfactor; ot of any requirement or prcvbion of thiE Contract; or of nny remedy. porver, or right ofthe Village. F. Severabilitv. lt ie hereby expressed to b') the intent of the pa ies to this Contraci that ehould any provision, coYonant, agteement, or portion of this bontract or iB application lo any Person or property be held invalitl by a court of competent jurisdictioq tbe remaining provisions of this Contract anil the validity, eoforceabitity, arrd gpplication to any Petgon or propgtty shall rrot ba impaired tbereby, but the remaining provisions shall be int€rpretcd, applied, and enforcod eo as to achieve. aa near aa may be, ihe purpose aDd intont3 of Chia Contract to the grcatest oxtent permitted by applicable law. G. Amen4ments and Modifications. No amendment or modification to this Contract ehall be effective until it ie reduced to writing and approved and executed by the eot?orste authoritiee of the parties in accordance with all applicable statutory procedures. H. Agsignlpent. Neither this Contract, nor any interset herein, shall be aasigned or subcontracted, in whole or in part, by Contractor except upon the prior written consent of the Village. I. Governins Law: Venue. This Contract. ehall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the internal laws, but not the conllicte of laws rules, of the State of lllinoie. Venue for any action arising out of or due to this Contract ghall be in the Circuit Court for DuPage County, Illinois. J. C;ertified Pavrolle. Contractor shall, in accordance with Section 5 of the lllinois Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS f30i5, gubmit to the Village, on a monthly basis, a certified payroll, if applicable. The certified payroll shall consiet of a complete copy of those records required to be made and kep[ by the Prevailing Wage Act. The certified payroll shall be accompanied by a statement signed by the Contractor or subcontractor which certifieE that: (l) such records are true and accurate; (2) the hourly rate paid is not les8, if applicable, than the general prevailing rate of hourly wages required by the Prevailing Wage Act; and (3) Contractor or subcontractor ie aware thai, hling a certified payroll that he or she knows to be false is a Class B misdemeanor. A general contractor rnay rely upon tho certification of a lower tier subcorrtracLor, provided that the general contractor does not knowingly roly upon a subcontractor's false certification. Upon two bueiness days'notice, Contraetor and eaeh eubcontractor shall make available for inspection the records reguired to be made and kept by the Act: (i) to the \rillage, its officers and agente, and to the Director of the Illinois Department of l,abor and his or hers deputies and agent8; and (li)at all rea80nablo hOurs at a 10cation within this State, ∝■鷺8 i識 胤11罵 盤:::r:肥 inttlaⅧ協gll職 」計'計 空:eL恩 lFt。「:h: 糧犠甘°1為 ユt電 ]徹 露m:鳳 ittr鳳 電摯庶 8:∬器 ;nF∬∫懺計編鵠慨 盟 ボ棚 燎鷲「°l11継 h腑 tttt田 塩 府 t計 鷲 撫錯捜rぷ dilyt慧 柵 aげ 。」lss:識 寝 X翼 露∬a織 譜11轟 』】冨l鳳 鮮器」鵬 1:鵠 慶憔ll∬1乱 鶉 I山 ep∝bttman∝ご L.Exhibite and Other Agl・ eements.r any contict e対 813 between this Agreement and any exhibit attached hereto or any other Agreement between the partiee relattng to this transaction, the tem8 0f this Agreement shall prevail. M、No Disclosurc of COnidential lnformation bv the Consultant. The Consultant acknowledges that it shall,in performing the Ser宙 ces for the Village under tlis Agreement, have access, or be directly or indirectly exposed,to COnfidential lnfOュ Щatlont The Consultant shall hold cOnfldential all Conndential information and shau not ぬ3dOSe Or use suOh Confldential information without the expre88 priOr w五 tten consent of the Vinage. The consultant ehall use reasonable measure3 at least as strict as thOge the Consultant uses to protect its own ∞nfidential infOrmation.Such measures shall include,without limitation,requlring employees and subcontractor8 of the Consultant to oxecute a non‐disc108ure agreement befiDre obtaining access to Confldential lnformatlon.t4 鷺:ツ 蹴l彎 Iξ t∴… A`「.Itに Vil.:`ム (1=()「 けAI《 V;監 00ド 、 ■,, 111(11り 、‐1,,:11,■ `・ 1‐11`:′り1シ lIム :tし il:lrr';r Al.TES 13,I Bγ ‐ EprBrrス rs,陽 物 Arr οF WORK D4「ED ttυ Ltty2■2θ I砂6 1・ AJ“I.AROllNl)CO卜 lPANY ヽ1l155:|:ド・ l RIIll:'!` fiヽ .1:`、t)(,ヽ 11111ヽ ∥fllヽ |● :り よ`:ヽ 1 1111ハ|_、二」 :ン 、・′ lrtr,ti・ ■'29、2019 : ′イ | , t '、 lA"ヽ l、1ミ :ぃ く:(1,,",l、.tll) .1'イ lヽ 11:バ `r、 ,`t l〕::trt i、d`・ :、:1::I、11()1,111 : it.:: ■ヽ(■'` ・ VILLACE OF OAX BR00K 300 0AK BR00K RD.IN OAK BR00KIL `・ 、ぃヽ■LIAGE O「OAK BROoK :l il l)そ 、1 、`、1 、、1:;′ ■`.:11:li":|・ 'Illt.,.lii(rl(.!ll rri rri!i[,trt,.i.,r]1r1,r,,:.r.t,,.i.r,.,.i.1.r '.tr.i '' t trcr'rl ';,lliii lsl 'rll 'rr ,ril;ri r r,rtrl,,r, , !ir::. t!1! . J!. r,.. ntr.f arlr\dtlr{trlcr'tu}lliilt((l triil:r.,r}itrrr.t(,riiL!,..,i!ri!l\ i,.rrltl Frtri*rJ of P orftf t'i-''t (..J t' ir . (: ilrr \{lf,rtr'.!r,r'i 1,. l,r'rr,irr(''.1 1'11 '.r:l',i'r lri t |til .ir.,l ,,r.:.r,.,r!: .,:ri ,.?,1,i ,rrrt'r!i., l).rratt.,:r,.: ,lrr l,r,'F r t rr"rll l,< I -'.1 ,:1 .(ii: ,,1[) {i} () f \n/ { r t r, lr ,{Il Ar,rrrnrl uill ptrf,rrrn ,olrr.tvrl (rl rtr|r'rllr urllx,trill,: f}rrp( uio r:r.rlirrg frolt tlrt. r:ltth lrltrsc 1114,,,1",1 ",800OA.I( BfiOOf RD. IN OAK BROOK IL (;,,,.r rrf rlrr, ,rtrarr ,r rrr, iuctutte s: r $r't ltP (rf regttlit(trl ilrr'.t.; I (]o$t.rrrrilrr.rr.l i lrr .1.('r,ilttllr]drtr: tffltU(.{i rrl trlrr,"lr,s ,r!,rl(,li,rls rr,r IIV\.|rr,rll)*ri.,r+ artd ;rhsrir slrr rrin* r [16r1rrrt:rl\rrrrkrrillirrrhrnrtlrs:rk.r.1rrl.rr((l.r:iJ- rrlrir!rrr.tlilrr iit.l.lrrrtrletrrt.(alhrly(.r{lrrr + [11'11r'11t iif.rltllt(rr. 6ltit 1.1:. ,'f t).,t]r'r.tt] r'r rl.lr:: t]rr. h.rlls a1'; ,rl rlsl . hllrlrrru.r, . lll:P,'t Vitt''llrllr rrtl \ri'l qrpr ,tl1 .111 .11 ;tr11l. rh.,'r,.rur.rrrtrrrr rrr r .ll';rfiq.;lictl r)r rI t. 1' t,t, ,,l lr,1 !'qlq111'r rnr.,rlrr,rrl.t1r rl. irl, rlrr t1 r,rir .rir..r r .l .lrr'*rorrL'irri-rr;li lr.!rr.,frl,rl rr:arrr[,.r,.r1 .u,:r trirJr,.1.i1icr rP,t.il)rrlirorl(!Slr.1 rr.rrurrlrrrr.trr. t i:'1t.,rtf1-ptl.t alrilt. r.i'(l:l .rl( lr r1131-* tilttht 11,,1f.111t1 tl l;,r.rrlllrlt,;:r-.r1..',,.r 1rl.Sl;(t riir|,.,rrrlIrlr. lrrjt.ttl: .:[:it1 ls:l lrt trrtl.l'. !trl1'-!rt I,rlr,,trr')r\ \l..riqtr.tr.lr r]lr?il i. rr.*ilitr.ri '..r..,r:'iri:(:trit i,?f,)f.,( r1 ,r;l -r;i, t ;-:. \l U',,,.;1.',i:li, , i',.ai {i.\l :!.r,'! r' ,r.1. .,r1 "1, ,i ,i l, , . l: }'\ , i.rrl:-. . .i1 r),r.. it ....,t, ,, :, t...t.1,,1,.r , ll;l'lrlr,i ,1..,,. i, r,i ,r, it,,i ',: r, ..., i : ,i :. ,.., .1rr!.. r.,r ..rij,, ,, :i ll i.r(,tri,.ll rr.;t'l -,'r,, .1,:.,r :,;..,:t I .:r,.,,..:..i',, i, , :,1, , . r:1, ;, ,,,r.:... li.r 盤山堅山≧山蜃堅H」卜(∥|()へ |く |ヽ ROく )ヽ R:〕17ヾ ()ヽK :`it F)(:К :l 聾担堕 1 ヽ 11ヽ ,`::' ll.1′11. `.` '11■: l・ ; |: 1,L,01,11'1'■|●)Jい |,I、,「、1lP,ぃ 1、1,“t JI:い 1liい て , ′,・:`Ⅲ:`1`,11■:、1、.、_:!1'111``i l'サ ' |:・ ll, 1 ■ .1' 1 ,: . |、‐ :: '1'I` '1、1 1,':l,`:,, 1 ´ '・ 1' , ・ ・ 11・ 1,111:'1 , 11:`1,: 、 . ` ``;■ ' :!. `: 'i tj ri: Sq . I lor:'ji tlr -l も`,l.: EXIIBrr B rrNsIIRAⅣcE REQIIIREMEⅣrs, Certificates of Insurance shall be presented to the Village upon execution of this contract and vendor shall not commence work until it provides and receives acceptance of insurance certificates from the Village as requrred by this exhibit. Each contractor performrng any work pursuant to a contract with the Village of Oak Brook and each permittee working under a permit as required pursuant to the provisions of Title I of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of Oak Brook (hereinafter referred to as "Insured") shall be required to carry such insurance as specified herein. Such contractor and permittee shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract or permit insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work under the contract or permit, either by the contractor, permittee, or their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A contractor or permittee shall maintain insurance with limits no less than: A. General Liability - $2,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injurv, personal injury and property damage; B. Automobile Liability (if applicable) - $1,000,000 combined single )imit per accident for bodily injury and property damage; C. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability - Worker's Compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the State of Illinois and Employer's Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident. Any deductibles or self-insured retention must be declared to and approved by the Village. At the option of the Village, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductible or self-insured retention as respects the Village, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Insured shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim admirustration and defense expenses to the extent of such deductible or self-insured retention. The policies shall contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverage - (l)The Village, its offrcers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds as respects: liabiJity arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Insured; premises owned, occupied or used by the Insured. The coverage shall contain no special [mitations on the scope of protection afforded to the Village, its officers, offrcials, employees, volunteers, or agents. (2)The Insured's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the Village, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers and agents. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the Village, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers or agents shall be in excess of the Insured's insurance and shall not contribute with it. (3)Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the Village, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers or agents. (4)The Insured's insurance shall apply separately to each covered party against whom claim is made or suit is brought except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liabfity Coverage The policy shall waive all rights of subrogation against the Village, its officers, offrcials, employees, D. E. volunteers and agents for losses arising from work performed by the insured for the Village. Each insurance policy shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail has been given to the Village. Each rnsurance policy shall name the Village, its officers, ofEcials and employees, volunteers and agents as additional Insureds. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Best's rating of no less than A:VII. Each Insured shali furnish the Village with certificates of insurance and with origrnal endorsements effecting coverage required by this provision. The certificate and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf, The certificates and endorsements are to be on forms approved by the Village and shall be subject to approval by the Village Attorney before work commences. The Village reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. Each insured shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein.8