Minutes - 10/11/2012 - Hotel Convention and Visitors Committee vG�OF OAt MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 11, 2012 REGULAR MEETING OF THE
The Regular Meeting of the Oak Brook Hotel, Convention & Visitors Committee of the Village
of Oak Brook was held in the Upper Level Conference Room of the Butler Government Center
and officially called to order by Chairman Norm Canfield at 10:00 a.m.
Chairman Norm Canfield called the roll with the following persons:
PRESENT: Norm Canfield, Iftikharul Abbasy, Martin Schooley, Tracy Mulqueen, Dick Turner,
Linda Hunt and Mort Kouklan.
ABSENT: Chuck Fleming
IN ATTENDANCE: David Niemeyer, Village Manager, Donna Bettin, Executive Secretary,
Sharon Dangles, Finance Director, Mike Hullihan, Engineer/Public Works
Director, Skip Strittmatter, DuPage Convention& Visitors Bureau, Krystal
Glispie, Hyatt Lodge, Shelly Encher, Chamber of Commerce.
A. August 9, 2012 Meeting. D. Turner motioned to approve the August 9, 2012 meeting
minutes. M. Schooley seconded. VOICE VOTE. Motion carried.
A. 2013 Marketing—Requests for Proposal
Manager Niemeyer explained that the Village did requests for proposals for marketing Oak
Brook Hotels marketing campaign. Two proposals were received. One from Point B
Communications and one from Words and Pictures. It was determined that the Committee will
hold a special meeting in November to meet and interview both firms. Each firm will be given
approximately one-half hour to present their proposals.
B. Streetscape Committee Update
Manager Niemeyer explained that the Village hired a consultant to develop a pedestrian access
improvement plan to improve access from the Oakbrook Center mall to the hotels. The hotels
has had an initial look at the plan and the Village has submitted plans to mall management for
their comments and approval. Once feedback is received, next steps would be to have a revised
study done based on all comments received. A larger meeting will then be held with all possible
stakeholders, (hotels, mall, and outlying businesses).
A. 2013 Budget
Manager Niemeyer explained that the Village is at the point where we need to have a
recommendation from the Hotel Committee on the 2013 budget. This recommendation will go to
the Village Board sometime in November. He explained the current proposed budget for 2013 is
pretty much in line with the 2012 budget with one significant reduction in the I% fund from last
year to this year, that being the cost to create the Chamber video. In the 2%portion, monies have
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been included for the pedestrian access study and the 22nd Street beautification from Salt Creek to
Spring Rd. Unfortunately, there has been a delay from construction purposes until next year. It's
a matter of getting IDOT approval. It is unlikely that we see any work done this fall; it looks like
the majority of the work, if not all will be done next spring. Included in the fund are the monies
for the Village's 20% share of the grant and the Village has $50K design monies for another
grant application that was submitted for Salt Creek to I-294. The Village recently submitted an
application for this grant and we are not sure if it will be awarded to the Village. There is money
in 2013 and 2014 for that project. If we do not receive that grant, we will have to revisit the
budget. Other than those items there are not any other significant changes in the budget.
Discussion ensued.
M. Kouklan motioned to accept the proposed 2013 budget as presented to the Committee. M.
Schooley seconded. VOICE VOTE. Motion carried.
Skip Stritmatter reported on the Ryder Cup and all the logistics involved with the event that the
DCVB were responsible for. DCVB also received some revenue from the 6000 + on line
bookings for room nights. They were able to do three TV interviews and eighteen press
interviews. It was a tremendous opportunity to showcase DuPage County. Oakbrook Center was
a major partner in this endeavor. DCVB distributed all kinds of marketing tools at this event.
Discussion ensued.
DCVB will begin to promote the Fall/Winter campaign, "Celebrate the Season". They just
produced their new meeting planner's guide that goes in 35000 Midwest Meetings magazines
with an additional 5000 that gets mailed to DCVB clients and contacts. They are working
diligently with social media and conducts tweet-chat every third Thursday. They are currently
working on a new website which will be media driven. DCVB recently purchased new software
that will enable them to better prepare and compile report information for their clients. Skip
continued to explain the upcoming events for the remainder of 2012 and beginning of 2013.
Skip explained that the DCVB does not have a secure revenue source. As such, the DCVB Board
has decided to make a fundamental change in the way DCVB operates. As of January 1, 2013
only those hotels that are in communities that financially support the DCVB with their 20% or
25%will get leads from the DCVB. Last year they raised the fees for hotels in non-participating
municipals. They are also grandfathering in their long-term returning municipalities.
Tracy Mulqueen introduced Shelly Encher as the Chambers new Business Developer she is also
the Meeting Services Specialist for the Experience Oak Brook project. She explained what
Shelly's role is with the Chamber. Tracy also talked about the Chamber building fairs and
meeting planner events that were and will continue to be held. She also explained the video that
the Chamber created which will also be placed on websites and social media for viewing.
Discussion ensued regarding bringing more international events to the Oak Brook area.
Manager Niemeyer spoke to the Committee on the return of Polo to Oak Brook. He explained
that this year's matches were put together in a 2 to 3 month timeframe. Next year there will be
more time for promotion and marketing of the Polo matches and perhaps some partnerships with
Oak Brook hotels.
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Tracy Mulqueen explained that the Chamber's new Economic Development Director, Valentina
Tomov will start on Monday.
Discussion ensued on the old Drake Hotel.
Krystal Glispie explained the 4th Quarter marketing initiatives are currently going on. The
meeting planner promotion will be going on again as well for the fourth quarter.
Motion by M. Kouklan, seconded by L. Hunt to adjourn the Meeting of the Hotel Convention and
Visitors Committee at 11:04 am.
David J. Niemeyer
Village Manager
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