Annual UPS System Maintenance AgreementVILLAGE OF OAK BR00KSERVICE SIIPPORT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 瑞帥 鶉 鴨 鵠 剛7531 Brushヨ 田口Road,Burr RIdge,断 ols 60527(“(b"racraノ'IN CONSIDERAT10N OF thc recitals and the mutual covenants and agreements set fonh in the Agreclllent,and pmuantto the vinage's statutory powers,the parties agrec as fbllows: Single Phase UPS 24x7 on-\ite Service Support and SECTIoN 4. REPRESENTATIONS oFPreventative Maintenance Plane renewal for unit serial cor.lrnlcton rn" co"Gffiffi and certifiesnumber F810K04392 as indbated in the attuched lefrcr that the Services shall be performed in a workman like manner dated November 7, 2018 with the highest standard; of professional practice, care, andAnd; gH:::"Jff":*,?'"":ff#"ffff:";Tr3"fffit? Performance. The representations and certifications expressed Three Phase UPS 24x7 On..Sile Service Support Plan shall be in addition to any other representations and renewal for unit serial numbers 8J461P0007 and certifications expressed in this Agreement or expressed or 8J461P0008 as indicated in the ottached letter daud implied by law, which are hereby reserved unto the vittag". November 7,2018 SECTION 1. SCOPE OF SER\rICES. The Village retains the Contactor to perform, and the Contractor agrees to perform, all necessary services to perform the work in connection with the project identified below (.,Senices,,), which Services the Contactor shall provide pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement: of, or the incorporation into, the Services, of patented or copyrighted equipmen! materials, supplies, tools, appliances, devices, processes, or inventions. All claim or right to claim additional compensation by reason of the payment of any such tax, contribution, premium, costs, royalties, or fees is hereby waived and released by Contractor. The Contractor further r€presents that it is financially solvent, has the necessary financial resources, and is sufficiently experienced and competent to perform and complete the Services in a manner consistent with the standards of professional practice by recognized Contactors providing services of a similar trature. The Contractor shall provide all personnel necessary to complete the Services. A. Indemnification. The Contractor proposes and agrees that the Contactor sffil indsmni$ and save harmless the Village against all damages, liability, claims, losses, and expenses (including attorneys' fee) that may arise, or be alleged to have arisen, out ofor in connection with the Contractor's performance of, or failure to perform, the Services or any part thereof, or any failure to meet the representations and certifications set forth in Section 4 ofthis Agreement. B. Insurance. The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the Contractor shall, and has a duty to, maintain adequate insurance, in an amount, and in a form and from companies, acceptable to the Village. The Contractor,s maintenance of adequate insurance shall not be construed in ““ ″麟 解 61ttθ 7“″解 ″R卿 轟 翌 米 }NDEMNInCA■0ヽ NsURANCn (ツ “ θ∥"′Z閉 り.SECTION 2. AGREEMENT TERM.The telШ of the agrecmentis Dece凛 う″r,2″θ―Aわ κ″う″3o2″9.ル ″ ““ ″ sθ 詢た′ "“ ″らι′FE■θ″392 И″4SECTION3. COMPENSATION. A. Asreement Amount. The total amount billed by the Contractor for the Services under this Agreement shall not exceed $12,239.88, including reimbursable expenses, without the prior express written authorization of the Village Manager. B. Taxes. Benefits. and Rovalties. Each palm.ent by the Village to the Contractor includes all applicable federal, state, and Village taxes of every kind and nature applicable to the Services as well as all taxes, contributions, and premiums for unemploynent insurance, old age or retirement benefits, pensions, annuities, or similar. benefits and all costs, royalties, and fees arising from the use any way as a limi61i61 on the Contractor's liability for losses or damages under this Agreement. C. No Personal Liabilitv. No elected or appointed offrcial or employee of the Village shall be personally liable, in law or in contract, to the Contractor as the result of the execution of this Agreement. SECTION 6. GENERAL PROVISIONS. A. Relationship of the parties. Contractor shall be paid for Services actually performed and reimbursable expenses actually incurred, if any, prior to termination, not exceeding the value of the Services completed. E. Compliance with Laws and Grants. Contractor shall give all notices, pay all fees, and take all other action that may be necessary to ensure that the Seryices are provided, performed, and completed in accordance with all required govemmental permits, licenses, or other approvals and authorizations that may be required in connection with providing, performing, and completing the Services, and with all applicable statutes, ordinances, nrles, and regulations, including without limi161i6o the Fair Labor Standards Act; the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act 820 ILCS l30ll et seq.; any statutes regarding qualification to do business; any statutes prohibiting discrimination because of, or requiring affirmative action based on, race, creed, color, national origrn, age, sex, or other prohibited classification, including, without limitation, dhe Americens with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. gg l2l0l et seq., arrd the Illinois Human fughts Act 775 ILCS5/l-l0l et seq. Contractor shall also comply with all conditions ofany federal, state, or local grant received by the Village or Contactor with respect to this Contact or the Services. Contractor shall be solely liable for any fines or civil penalties that are imposed by any governmental or quas! governmental agency or body that may arise, or be alleged to have arisen, out of or in connection with Contractols, or its subcontractors, performance of, or failure to perform, the Services or any part thereof. Every provision oflaw required by law to be inserted into this Contract shall be deemed to be inserted herein. F. Default. If it should appear at any time that the Contractor has failed or refused to prosecute, or has delayed in the prosecution of, the Services with diligence at a rate that assures completion of the Services in full compliance with the requirements of this Agreement, or has otherwise failed, refused, or delayed to perform or satisry the Services or any other requirement of this Agreement ('Event of Default\, and fails to cure any such Event of Default within ten business days after the Contractor's receipt of written notice of such Event of Default from the Village, then the Village shall have the right, without prejudice to any other remedies provided by law or equity, to (l) tenninate this Agreement without liability for further palment; or (2) withhold from any payment or recover from the Contractor, any and all costs, including attomeys' fees and administrzliys expenses, incurred by the Village as the result of any Event of Default by the Contractor or as a result of actions taken by the Village in response to any Event of Default by the Contractor. G. Assisnment. This Agreement may not be assigned by the Village or by the Contractor without the prior wriffen consent of the other party. The Contractor shall act as an independent contactor in providing and performing the Services. Nothing in, nor done pursuant to, this Agreement shall be constued to: (l) create the relationship of principal and agent, employer and employee, partners, or joint venturers between the Village and Contractor; or (2) to create any relationship between the Village and any subcontactor of the Conhactor. B. Conflicts of Interest. The Contractor represents and certifies that, to the best of its knowledge: (l) no Village employee or ag€nt is interested in the business of the Contractor or this Agreement; (2) as of the date of this Agreement, neitler the Contractor nor any person employed or associated with the Contractor has any interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the obligations under this Agreement; and (3) neither the Contactor nor any person employed by or associated with the Contractor shall at any time during the term of this Agreement obtain or acquire any interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the obligations under this Agre€ment. C. No Collusion. The Contractor represents and certifies that the Contractor is not barred from contracting with a unit of state or local government as a result of (l) a delinquency in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue unless the Contractor is contesting, in accordance with the procedures established by the appropriate revenue act, its liability for the tax or the amount of the 0ax, as set forth in Section ll42.l-l et seq. of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/l142.1-l et seq.; or (2) a violation of either Section 33E-3 or Section 33E4 of Article 33E of the Criminal Code of 1961,720ILCS 5/33E-l et seq. If at any time it shall be found that the Contractor has, in procuring this Agreement, colluded with any other person, firm, or corporation, then the Contractor shall be liable to the Village for all loss or damage that the Village may suffer, and this Agreement shall, at the Village's option, be null and void. D. Termination. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, the Village may terminate this Agreement at any time upon 15 days prior written notice to the Contractor.ln the event that this Agreement is so terminated, the2 E. N9IE All noticcs rcquircd or pamitbd to be giveo udcr this Agrocmerr shsll bc ia witing and sbsll be dcliverGd: (l) percooa[V; (2) by a rWutrblc ovcrnight courior; or by (3) by catifiod mait, rctnn rcccipt rcqucotc( and dcpodtod in $! U.S. Mril, pootage prcplid. Uolcss oth€rf,,isc cxprccslypmvidd h this furcccot, noticcc rbdl h d.cecd reccivcd upon the carlicr of: (a) sctd rcccipr; (b) oochnirc day aftcr dcposit with rn orcnrigbt courier as cvidloc€d by a roocipt of dcpooiq or (c) thrc brsincss dayr following dcposit h thc U.S. mail as a,idcoccd by a rctum rcccbt Noticcs od mmmrmicalions to tho Village shall bc d&cssod to, ad dcliwrcd aT rhe followiogaddr6E: Vilhgc of Oalc Brook l2CIOakBrcokRoad Oak Brooh lllinoir 60523 Attcntioa: Jim Fox, IT Director Noticcs aod cmmunicatioru to thc e,ontsator ghoU bc ad&csod to, and dcliraelcd al rhc following ddnss: SEPS,INC. 7531 Brrsb Hill Rod Bun Riftc, n[Dois 60527 Ansrtion: MilceHowlcy I. lVdvcr. Neithcr tbc Villagc oor rlre Contnctor eball bc uadcr any obligatioo o oxapirc roy of tbc rigbls grsrrcd to 6cE in this Agrcocot exccpt ar it cbau dctcrminc ro bc iD its bcsl iotErcrt from timc to tiEc. Tbc fiilrrc of tbc Villagc or thc Coouactc ro cxerci* tt 8oy timc any such rifhu shatl oot bc dccocd or coosuucd rs a *rirq of that right, nor sball thc failrrc roid or nffect the Villagc's or thc Couurctor's rigbt to coforpc nrcb rigbA or any olhcr rights. J. Tbftd Prrtv Bac0clerv. No claim as r fiird puty beoeficirry undcr &is Ag@t by my pcltos, firm, or colpontion rhall be madc or be rnlid rg!iD![ thc Vilhgc. K Cpmllhtr: ErilHtr If any tGrD s provirion in this Agrlercnt coof,icu with aay t€m or provisim of rn at&,hmcot or cxhibit to Ofu Agrccrrcnt, ttlr tcrnr rnd povisioru of this Agrooo€ot shlt conml. L. Govcrohr Llrr. Thir Agcemcot aod lho rights of Oumcr rnd Cofactor nrdcr thb ngrccmoot rhal bc iotlrprctd accading to thc intcrllt lsue bttt not thc conllict of lawr ruloe, of thc Stra of ltlhoir; tbc rmuc for rny legrl actioo uiriry ia conretion witb thi! ASrlcocot ehrtt bo in lhc Cfuuit Corrrl ofDuPagc County,Illimis. M. C●■OEEtant Constutant it shau,h pcrforniag thc Scrvicce for 6c Villogc unda this Agrccotcot, hlve acooct, or bc dirrctly c indiroctly otpoood, to Confdcatid Infornation Ttc Cooqrlbar shdl hold coufidcntial dl Corfidcoti.l Infornetio td shElt oot dirctuc or usc nrch Confidcatid lnformrtion without thc crprcas prior writtcn conccor of thc Villagc. Ttte Comrlrnt elutt urc rcasoubh metsurts st lcad rs stict ss thosc thc Consulteot utcs to prolcct its o*n confidcotid iafonnatioo" Suoh mc.amr lhsll includc, without limibtion, rcquirirgcryloler urd subcontracton of thc Cmsuloot to Grocute s nou-dicclorurc Urlcrcat bcforo ohriting acesrE to Confi&ntisl Inforuation. N∝田do F,Gttx,Village Mm8eF SEPS,INC. #1:560377 v: EXHIBIT A rz′ “ ″′sあ ″N"のめ″島2″砂4 SEPS THE DlFFE費 饉 NCCiN,OWEtt pttOTECT10N November 8,2018 Mr.Jim Fox Vi∥age of Oak Brook lnforrnation Technology 1200 0ak Brook Road Oak Brook:IL 60523 REi Support Plan Renewal Unit Serial Number QS1728151268 Dear M「,Fox: Our records indicate that the support plan on your uninterruptible power systern wi∥expire on December 31:2018. By fon″arding payment forthe enciosed invoicet you willrenew the support plan and ensure that your company achieves maximum upt:me through system reliab∥ity and prompt response from SEPS=lnc. The attached sheets describe the∞verage and seMces that are included 幅th yOuF plan. Payment must be received prio「to the expiration of your curent contractin orderto avoid a lapse in coverage, lf coverage should iapse,your UPS Fnay be subieCttO an inspection and related fees to reinstate your plan, lf you、″ould i:ke rnore information aboutthis renewal or any of our other support plans,please ca∥our service Department at 800‐369‐7377. We appreciate your business and iook forward to being of service to you in the future, Sincerely: Mike Hottey Business Development Manager MH/sc Enclosures SEPStinc. 7531 Brush H∥:Road Burr RId9o,:綱 in●:360527 Phone 16301 986.3899 Fax:0303986.8006 T●1卜 F"●1800:369,7377 VVeb―.80p8‐i●●.●om f:l)e differ.Frlc€ ln powBn pno,t€tluon SrNCLE PH4SE tJPS 24X70Nes′TE SERVrCE Support Plan On-Site Service is recommended for UPS units in crit,cal applications or hardwired installations. A factory-trained technician will rospond on-slte lo repair UPS problems. Coverago includes: . Labor, mileage, tnval and shipping. . All raplscemant pads neaded for the repair work. . Redacemenl bafteies, hcluding lailed and lufi sting upon detetminalbn by SEpS. . 24 hour-a4ay, 7 day-a-woek lelophone technical suppoft hotline. . Nomal response is next day in Zones 1 dnd 2 (best efrods in Zone 3). t A history file maintained on the systen. Erclurlgn!: Repairs or replacements required becau3e oldamage from unr€ssonabte use. damago rrom road hazards, accident fire, flood, lightning or olher casuafty, misus€. negligence, incorrec,t wiring, high temperature, hazadous or caustjc environmenb and any use or instsllation nol in conformity with instructiontfurnbhed (including unauthorized modifications). Ba(orla3 not purohssed throlgh sEps, lnc. nor covgrsd condnuously by a sEpa, lnc. trrvlco plan and sny rclated lgrvlco call! sl? lpecmctlly sxcludod trom covoragg. No cancellatione will be accepted, exc€pt for e canooilation ot this seryice agreemont within th6 f.St thirty day6 olpurdEsei in which.caso. any payrnent torards the purchase price, l€ss a cancallation fee ol om monthra prora on, will be .etunded. However, no rsfunds will be i$ued all6r th6 inlial thirty day p6nod, untasE raquired by ablicablo raw. in y,hich case legally requrred refunds will be pro-ral8d. This rofund provision does not afrry to seivcis previously Bndared. tlre differ-trnce in power protecLron S′ⅣCLE P「ASE tJPS PREVENrryE MA′″TENANCF Support Plan Prsventive Maintenance (PM) visits help to keep UPS systems running smoothty and to avoid sgrvice calls by dlagnosing and corrscting problems before they happen. The Preventive Maintenan@ Support Phn includes all on-Eite labor, mileage, and expenses lo compl€te the PM. Tha UPS may need to be power€d down upon discovery of needed adjustments or repairs. Coverage includes: . Check of unit wifing. . Visual inspoctlon of lntemal subassembly and major components. . Check of mechanical connectbns. . Chec| fan ope/8tbn. . Clean forcign matoriat from unil interbr. . Check operation ol alarm circuits. . Veilication of syslem soffwarc para,meters. . Calibntion of unit to manufaclurcls specitlcations. . Veiftcatbn of bypass/static switch. . Peiormance of battsry and inved$ drbgnoslics. . Veification ol charyer o@ration. t Peiormance of any nec€.ssary field engineeing modilbations (whan purchased in conjunction wilh a full On-Slle Sor/lcY Plan). . Retum of unit to normal opention wilh customer loads. . A history filo maintained on the system. No cancellstionE will be accepted, exoept for a cancellaton of thiB servic€ agreement within the first thity days ot purchase; in which cas€, afly paymool iovrards the purdraso prica, less a caocallatjon f€s of one monh's proration. will bo retund€d. However, no refunds will bo issued at€r the initsl thiiy dsy period, unbs3 required by applicable law, in which case legally required refunds $rifl bo pro-r8tsd. This rstund provision docs nol apply to seMces preMoGly reMer€d. SEPS′inc 7531 Brush H∥:Rd. Bur ttdge′■60527 630086.8899 -。seps‐lncocom Blll to: (oA12」F) VILLACE OF OAK BR00K =NFORnTION TECHNOLOCY■200 0AK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK =L 60523 A―: J工 M FOX 630‐363‐5■74 nnfoICl,/eCX$Or 1,/69?000 DaEe. 11/07118 8y: mtkch Prlnted: Lr/o?,/18 16,55Page, L ot 1 Ship to:{1200) V工 LLAG2 0F OAK BR00K INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1200 0AK BROOK ROAD OAK BR00K IL 6●523 ATTN: J■M P●XOA■2JF RENEWAL 11/07/■8 ■1/07/18 NET ■5 DAYS 82'000-000 3,473.880/8A lYR ON-SrTE lrARR.Alflry W/BAmERY COVERIGS s,/N 3 FE10K0{392 L2/0t/t8-tL/30/L9 7X24 COI/E&AGB rULI, BATTERY COVERhCS SENVICE ZOHE 1 TNCI,T'DES A}$ruAL 5X8 PRET'ENTIVB MATNTE}IANEE sRA101001AF1BS ToEal ‐origina■― 3,473.81 Ord?red 1/EA TH傷 ●lFF経 費 籠 NCCItt pOw組 織 p綴 OT=CT:ON November 8,2018 M『.Jim Fox Vttlage of Oak Brook lnfO日 nat10n Techno:。9y1200 0ak Brook Road Oak Brook,IL 60523 REi Support Plan Renewal Unit Serlal Numbersi BJ461P0007 and BJ461P0008 Dear Mr.Fox: Our records indicate that the support plan on your uninterruptible pOwer systems wl∥expire onDecember 8,2018. 8y fon″arding payment for the enclosed invoice,you wi∥renew the suppOrt plan and ensure that your company achieves maximum up∥me through system reliab∥ity and prompt response from SEPS,lnc. The attached sheets describe the coverage and services that are included with your plan. Payment rnust be received prior to the expiration of your current contractin orderto avoid a lapse in coverage. lf coverage should lapse,your UPS may be subiecttO an lnspection and related fees to「einstate your plan. lf you would llke mo「o inforrnation about this renewal o「any of our other support plans,piease ca∥our Service Department at 800‐369-7377、 VVe appreciate your business and iook forward to being of service to you in the future. Sincerely, Mlke Howiey Business Development Manager M卜 ysc Enclosures 3●PSti", 7531 0rugh Hi::Rcad Burr Ridge,Ii:inoi8 60527 Phone t6301 986.8899 Fax 16301 986.3906 Tol:oFroo r8001 369,7377 VVeb….30,3・ inC.com f,he differ€r'rc€! in po\ fsn prgtec&iofl rHREE PHASE UPS 24X70N‐SrrF SERyrCF $upport Plan On-Site Service is recommended for UPS units in three phase criticalapplications. A factory- trained technician will respond on-site to repair UPS problems. Coverage includes: c Labor, mileage, travel and shipping. All replacement parts needed for the repair wod<, All replacements of lntemal batteies. 24 hour-a-day, 7 day-a-week telephone technical supporl hotline. Normallosponse time of next day. ● ハわおfory″b marinfarined on tte system. E,ctus:o●■RcpaiFS Or replな ments reqり ircd“cattsc ordamagc rFom ullc_mabic●sc,dam●3C hm road hazards,accid●nt,6rc,Л ∝峰 l聰 htnln3 07 01her casua:ty、mLu“,ncJir“C,ln.o「 “ t winn3 hlghに mpemurc,ha7ardotts or caustた c●∥ronmcnts and any ttge or instalhtion ntt in conお rlnity with instructions Fttrnished(inciudin3●■●uthorl“剣m●diications)3atttri●3330t,■rchased thFO●gh sEヽ I“c`●0′ colttiel●ハl:y covered ttnder a SEPS,1,c.3●P,Ort p:■ll ttnd,■v『●:● 'ed se漸 ●●●●:13●●●奮peciflc●■,,■ll●dtd from coverng●.No cancd!atio"面 ∥bc acccptcd,cxcept ror a cancellation ofthヽ scⅣlce agrccment幅 thin thc nrst thiny daぃ ごpurchaぉ :in whth ca.●.any pavrllcnt tow"ds the pttrchatt prtcc,:css a cancellntion fcc oFoFF mOnth's proration.輛 :i bereFundcd Ho、掟ver,0。refund“蒟:i bei“1劇 aner the iniJal thl■y day pcriod,unicss req●lrod by●PPiiCablc:a、峰in which casc tega∥y『●q“ired refunds、vili be pro‐rated lllis refulld provision d●c9not apply to scrvic●prcviOus:y rendc劇 diffet r:rr{j€ irl tr{lwer. {*)f.$[ecl.ti-rrj THREE PHASE UPS″ODtJLEPREVENrryEほ RrN「ENANCE Support Plan PreventⅣe Maintenance(PM)viSIS help tO keep uPS systems running smoothly and to avold service calis by diagnosing and correct:ng problems before they happen, ltis recommended that two preventive rnaintenance visits be perFormed each year. This SuppOrt Plan includes a∥on―site labori mileagel and expenses to complete the PM. 丁heUPS may need to be powered down upon discovery of necessary adiustments orrepars. Coverage also includes: ◆ ◆ ● ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Check of unit wiring. Visual inspection of intemal suDassembly and major components. Check of mechanical connections. Check fan opentlon. Clean forelgn matelalfrom unit intarior. Check opemtlon of alarm circufs. Verilication of systam sofiware parametars. Calibratian of unit to manufacturels spcifcations. Veifrcation of bypas{static switch. Pefiormance of baftery gntemal plants only) and inverter diagnostics. Verification of charger opentbn. Pertormance of any necessary field engineering modiflcations (when purchased with a full On-Site Seruice Plan). Retum of unit to normal opention with customer loads. A ltistory file maintained on the system. No“ncellatlorls哺 |“accopt“.exce口 :凝 ぷ 1麗 1宙『∫盤 腑 ::T総 燕 翔nt“・・ t制 彎 dり S d ttrchase hwhtt case,彎 paymenttowards the puro onth's proration.輛 :l be rerunded.H"唸 ver.no rettnds晰∥be fssued eter the hlialthi威 y day per10d,tnless requlred by epplicable la■眈lnぃ ゎich case legaily requlred rettnds哺∥be pro‐rated Thb refond prOvI曇 。n does not appけ lo seMCes reゾ ousけ rende劇 ■/EA 10■0■/EA 1020 SEPS, lnc. 7531Brush HlllRd. Burr Rldge, lL 60527 630.986.8899 www.seps-lnc.com Blll to: (OA■2JF) VILmGB OP OAK BR00K 工NFORmT10N TECHNOLOCY 1200 0AK BR00K ROAD OAK BR00K 工L 60523 ATTN: JIM FOX 630-368‐5174 S18嶺 Cu8し 1 P.0.∥order●d Ship つate S7 0A■2JF RENEWAL ■■/07/■8 ■1/07/■0Ordered Itan/Descrlplion rMrorc!/rcxilor L/6970l.0 Datcs 11/07118 By: mlkeh Printed: tl/oglta torsz Pagc: 1 of 1 Ship to:(1200) V工 LmeE OF OAK BROOK INFORMAT■ON TECHNOLOCY 1200 0AK BR00K ROAD OAK BR00K IL 6●523 ATTN: JIM FOX NET 15 DAYS 4.383.000/BA 4,383.00 4`333.000/EA 41383.00 3,766.0( 82‐000‐000 lyR ON-SITE !{ARRA}.ITV I{/BATTERY COVBRAGE s/Nr B.r{61P0007 L2/o8lL8-L2/09/re ?X2{ COVBRAGB FULL BITTERY COVER IGB SERVTCE ZONE 1 TNCLUDES A}INUAI 5X8 UPS PREVENTIVE MAT}ITENA}ICE snRx0120xAF1BS 82‐000‐000 lYR ON.STTE }IARRA}TTY I{/BATTERY COVERAGE s/N: B.raSlPooog t2/08/].8-t2/07 /Le ?X2' CO\IERAGB FULL BATTERY EOVBRACE ssRvrcB zotlE 1 INCI,UDSS AIiINUATJ 5X8 U?S PXSVB{?TVB UAINTENANCB sRR10120LLF1BS Total -Orlginal -