Enterprise Consignment Agreement2CONSIGNMENT ACREEMEI{T
THIS AGREEMENI is entercd into by ond between Enrcrprise Flcet Monagemcnq lnc. s Missouri
corporslion (hercinoftcr rcferred to as "Enterprise") ond Vlllrge of Olk Brook (hercinafier rcfered to 0s
'CUSTOMER") on this 4th day of December, 2018 (hereinofrer refened to as thc "Exccurion Ddc").
A. Enrcrprise is in the busincss of selling previous lcased and rental vehicles ot wholcsde;
B. The CUSTOMER is in the busincss o[ governm€nt
C. The CUSTOMER ad Enterprise wish lo entcr into an agre€ment whereby Entcrprise will
sell ot wholesale, CUSTOMER's vehicles set fonh on Exhibit A. ottochcd hereto snd ircorpomted hercin,
as supplemented from tirne to ti.rr (collcsrively. 0re "Vehiclcs").
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in considerotion of the mulusl promis€s and covenants hercimfter
set fonh, th€ parties ltre€ as follows:
Rilhr to Sell: E erpris€ shdl have the non-exclusive right to scu ony Vehicles consignod lo
Enterprise by r CUSTOMER within the G€ographic Tcnitory.
Porr,er of Attornev: CUSTOMER appoinb Enterprise &s iB rrue and lawful ottorncy-in-foct lo
sign Vehicle titles on bchalf ofCUSTOMER for ransfer of srme and hereby grant it power in sny
ond oll mattels pcnaining ro lhe uansfer of Veticle tilles end my papeas n€cessuy thereto on
bchalf of CUSTOMER. The righB, powers ard outhorities of soid attorncy-in-fsct grontcd ir lhis
imuumcnt shall commence ond b€ in full force ond effect on th€ Exccutior Dsie, ond such rights,
powcrs and lulhority shall remoin in full forcc gnd elfcct fier€lfier u il terminoted ss set forth
A$igtelts: vehicle ossignmenG mry bG issued to Entcrprise by phon€, fex, or €lecuonicelly.
Scrvicc Fce: For cach Vchicle sold, re CUSTOMER shall pay Enterprisc a fce of $350('Servicc
Fee") plus towing st prcvoiling rates,
SgICS-EqS9IE: Enterprise shdl use relsonable effons sell each Vehicle. CUSTOMER msy, d ils
discrction, ploce o Minimum Bid or Bid lo bc Appmv.d (BTBA) on any Vchicle by providing
prior written notilication to Enlcrpris€.
(o) No l8ter rhBn two (2) business doys aftet Oe collecliol of funds for the srle ofo Vehiclc,
Enlerprise will remir to dle CUSTOMER sLouot cquol ao lhe vehicle s{le price minus
any sellcr fccs, auction fees, Service Fecs, lowing costs, titlc servicc fers, cnhrnceme
fees ond ony erpenscs incuned by EnrrPrise while sctling Vehicle.
(b) Enrcrprise's obligodons pursuanl ao Section 6(a) shall not apply to Vchicle sales
involving mistakes or inadvcilrnces in thc slles process u,herc Enterprisc reasonably
belicves thst foirness to the buyer or seller justifres the cmcellotion or revffsal o[ ihe sale.
If Entcrprise h&s llrcady tEmitled plyment to CUSTOMER Pursuo ao S€clion 6(s) prior
to the sslc being reversed or concelled, CUSTOMER agre€s to reimburse Enterprise said
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7paymenl in full. Entcrprise will then rcJist the Vehicle and pay CUSTOMER in
accordance with this S€ctiol 5. Examples of mistakes or inqdvertences include, but ore
not limited, to V€hicles sold using inmcurate or incomplete vehicle or title descriptions
sfld bids ente]rd e[oneo$ly.
Iodcmnincrrion and Hold Harml*s: Enterprise ond CUSTOMER ogree to indcmni$, defend urd
hold eoch olh€r ord is parent, cmployees and agents hormless lo the extent lny loss, domlgc, or
Iiobiliry oriscs ftom rhe negligence or willful misconducl of the other, its sg€tls or employc€s, lnd
for is bresch of any lerm of this Agrecmenu The panies' obliguions urder this section shsll
survive terminaliot of this Agrecmeot.
Lie$,Jdrme$-Ii$e!-aglDe&S: CUSTOMER shall defend, indcmnify nnd hold Enterprise
its pue , cmployces and ugens hormless from ard against any and all claims, cxpenses
(including reasonable attomey's fccs), suiu lod demands arising out o( based rpon, or rcsulting
fmm sny judgmcots, liens or ciutions $ot werc placed on the Vehicle, defects in $e Vehicle's
title, or mechanic&l or design defects in the Vehicle,
ollom€ter Enterpris€ assumes no responsibility for the conectness of the odonr€tcr rcading on any
Vchicle srd the CUSTOMER shall defend, idemaify ond hold Enterpris€ iB parcn! €mployecs
ond ogenls hormlcss from ud ogrinst any ond oll cloims, cxpenscs (including r€osonable
attomey's fccs), suils and demands arising out of, based upon or rcsulting from inuccuracy of the
odometer rcoding on any Vehhle or ony odornctcr stsl€ment prcpercd in connection vith rhe sale
of ony Vehicle, unless such inoccuacy is coused by an employce, Enacrpris., of ollicer of
Bqlkuptsy; Subject to applicable lo$, in th€ evcnt of thc filing by CUSTOMER ofa petitim in
bmkuflcy or 0n involuntlqr assignmcnt of its osscB for thc b€oc0t of crcditors, EnEryris€ moy
occumulaE sales proceeds from 0rc solc of all Vehicles and dcduct seller fces, ouclioo fees,
Scrvicc Res, towilt cGG, title servicE fccs, cnhoncemenl fecs and any erprcnses incunrd by
Enterprisr whih s€lling Vehiclc from said funds. Enterprise will lhEre ter remit lo CUSTOMER
rhe net proceeds of ssid 0ccumul0t€d soles proceeds, if any,
Complisncc with [.aws: Enterprise gholl comply with all federol, slate, and locol lows, rcgulntions,
ordinances, ard strtutes, lncluding those of any slll€ morcr vehicle depanmens, deponm€nt of
imumnce, and the Federal Odomeler Act.
Insurance: CUSTOMER shall obtain and mainmin in forcc at rll timcs during thc tcrm of this
Agr!€ment and keep in place until cach Vchicle is sold and fitle is trsnsferred on cmh Vehicle,
oulomobile rhird pany liobility of $ I,000.000 per occunence and physical domage covcngE on all
Vehicles. This insumnce shall te written as a primnry polisy and not contributing with ony
insursncc covcmge or sslf-iosursnc€ opplicsble to Enlcrprisc.
Tcrm: This agrEcrrcnt is €f[ective on the Eresu]ion Drte lnd shsll continue uotil such llme os
either party shdl rcrify ih€ other pany with thidy (3o) dsys prior writlen nolice to terminde the
AErrcmrnt wiih or without cause.
Modification: No modification, onrcrdrncri or wuiver of this Agrcement or ony of its provisions
shall be binding unlcss in writing and duly sigrcd by fie partics hrrtto.
Entirc Aglecm€nr: This Agreement conslitules the cnlire Agr€emenl between the ponies and
supersedes all previous lrgrecmenls, promirs, rcprescntaaio[s, undcrstrndiflgs, snd negotislions,
wheiher wdtrcrl or orsl, {,ith respccr b dE subjcct mrtcr hcrclo.
Liabilitv Limit: In the event Enterpriso is rcsponsible for my dlmagc Io a Vehiclc, EnGrprise's
liability for damage to r Vehicle in iu possession shdl be limited ro the lesser oi (l) the octual
cost lo repair the damoge to such vehicle suffered while in Entcrprise's possessiol; or (2) dE912
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negative impact to the salvage value of such vehicle. Enterprise shdl not bc liable for ony othcr
danrages to a Vehicle of ony kind, including but noi limitld to sP€cial, incidenlal, conscqucntial or
othcr damages.
Attornev's Fees: In re event lhot a pany hcrclo institules [ny oclion or procding m enforce the
pmvisions ofthis Agreement, fic prcvailing pany shdl bc entitled to receive from thc losilg pany
r€osonoble attomcy's fees and cosls for letal scrvic€s rcndered to the prcvailing pany.
Aurhorizdion: Eoch pony represents and woronls to the other Psrty thnl thc Frson signing this
Agrcernent on behalfo[such parry is duly outhorized to bind such pony.
Exlliblt A
Vehicles To Be Sold By Enterpise Pursuantto Consignrlent Agleettnt
Vin NunlbeF Yellr Make/Model
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