BD-SPC-A& MIN 1992-1993 l OAK BROOK PEDESTRIAN / BICYCLE PATH COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, NOVEMBER 18, 1992 Heidi Huizenga* Tom Richardson John Hartmann* Robert Robinson Steve McShane* Sue Walters* Connie Craig* Tom Hawk* Jill Fleishman* Jon Sommer* Ana Sisson* * Present 1 . Nominations and election of officers: Jill Fleishman and Sue Walters were nominated as Co- chairmen, and Steve McShane was elected Secretary. All three were elected. 2. Torn Hawk explained the Open Meetings Act. Meetings must be scheduled, minutes taken, and an agenda sent out before each meeting. A copy of minutes should be sent to Margaret Rimbo at the village (:)ffice. 3. SUE; Walters mentioned a Saturday 11 -21 -92 meeting of the Chicago Bicycle Foundation, to get our priorities on the table for the next year. Unfortunately, at this late date no one could attend. 4. Quadrant priorities were discussed, and are listed below: A. Addition of bike trail to York Road bridge over 1-88 (North). B. Addition of bike trail to Harger Road bridge over Salt Creek. C. Along Timber Edge Drive from Twin Oaks to forest preserve entrance. D. Completion of Harger Road trail to York Road. E Along Frontage Road (Timber Edge) from North entrance to South entrance of forest preserve. F. Spring Road north from Hyatt Hotel, along Salt Creek. O Along Midwest Road from 1-88 to 31st Street. H. Along south side of 1-88 from Route 83 to 22nd Street, and along 22nd Street to Jorie Blvd. I. Pedestrian / bicycle bridge across 1-88 east of Spring Road entrance. Jon Sommer agreed to spearhead this effort. J. 35th Street across Midwest Road. K. Along 31st Street from Concord to Jorie Blvd. L. "No Right Turn on Red" sign at 31st Street and York Road. M. Trail connecting Woodside Estates to Forest Glen. 5. Bike path funding will be brought up in the Village Board meeting scheduled for November 24. Jill Fleishman and Sue Walters will attend. Others were urged to attend. Jon Sommer indicated that the Oak Brook Park District is willing to participate in the funding of bike paths. 6. Next meeting will be held Thursday January 21st at 7:30 P.M. Steve M(;Shane Secreta,y cc. Margaret Rimbo `� BD-SPC-A&MIN OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE AGENDAS MINUTES 1993 OAK BROOK PEDESTRIAN BICYCLE PATH COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, JANUARY 21 , 1993 Heidi HuiZenga Tom Richardson* John Hartmann* Robert Robinson Steve McShane* Sue Walters* Connie Craig* Tom Hawk Jill Fleishman* Jon Sommer* Ana Sisson* Dale Durfey* * Present 1 . Minutes of the November 18, 1992 meeting were approved. 2. Sue Walters proposed a monthly agenda format, and it was approved by the committee. A copy is enclosed. 3. Federal grant money will be made available for the York Road path. Village money is still available for the engineering study. 4. How can we be sure that we know whe bicycle trail issues will be discussed in village board meetings? Tom Richardson will discuss with Lexi Payovich. 5. Jon Sommer and Dale Durfey expained grant possibilities from the Dupage Mayors and Managers Group, clearing house for IDOT grants. Other groups: Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), Chicago Area Transportation Study (CATS). Transportation Control Measure (TCM) is a method of funding. 6. Errol Jay Kirsch, from the Covington Court Group made a presentation about the Whitehall development. He offered to provide land for a pathway along 35th Street. This would offer the possibility of a pathway loop through Trinity Lakes. 7. The committee decided to support the objective of developing a bicycle I�ath connecting to the current Trinity Lakes path along 35th Street; through the Covington Court property adjacent to 35th, and continuing east through Trinity Lakes again to its easternmost border. WE:;! would hope to link this path in the future with the forest 17. According to Sue, a maintenance budget is needed to maintain current trails. 18. According to Ana Sisson, a bike clinic will be held in April at Brook Forest School for the entire village. 19. A short paragraph will be placed in the Civic Association newsletter regarding our committee's activities, by John Hartmann. 20. A copy of the existing bicycle path map is enclosed with these minutes, 21 . The next meeting will be held on February 18, 1993 at 7:30 PM, and will be planned for the third Thursday of each month. Steve McShane Secretary cc. Margaret Rimbo V preserve property and continue north with the path along Pasquinelli Drive, and eventually complete the loop to Trinity Lakes on Oak Brook Road. 8. Connie Craig agreed to contact Linda Podzamsky from the Trinity Lakes Homeowners Association to get their input and support on the new pathway loop. 9. The committee (Sue and Jill) will send a letter to the Plan Commission with copies to the village board of trustees supporting the overall objective of developing the new loop. 10. Regarding the York Road pathway, Dale Durfey reported on his conversation with Grace Dysico who is administering grants for IDOT. The pathway must be complete, with no breaks. She has sent a contractual agreement. 11 . Jill Fleishman indicated that we could proceed now even with missing easements by going south to Robinhood Ranch, through to the creek, along the creek, and back to York Road. It was decided to go ahead along York Road, with a cross-hatching across York Road: 12. Dale Durfey will check into the possibility of getting a "No Turn on Red" sign at 31st Street and York Road. 13. Jill will try to get an updated trail map from Tom Hawk prior to the Plan Commission meeting. 14. The need to connect the northern subdivisions of the village to the pathways in the south were discussed. Jon Sommer proposed a tunnel alongside of 22nd Street under the Tollway. Jill, Sue, Jon and Dale will meet to discuss the tollway crossing. Jon explained that this idea joins the northern part of the village with the pathway, and it also has economic impact because it joins the shopping center with various offices and hotels. 15. The 3 major priorities are: York Road, New 35th Street pathway along Covington Court, Tollway crossing. 16. Sue to follow up on easement needed along Midwest Road, from a privatE! party and the Homeowners Association. 11 OAK BROOK 11 k:CSFVELT ED flowr T.. �&r R f' BICYCLE PATHS =- f°PRESERVE `T 1 /�-- / �2 MILE r Sr \ / O BROOK l CENTER 22 I i l y'fl7N D/ 6 SLY D. .. 2• L o PARK 6 m o a QD `"�� DISTRICT ' \ /SPORTS CORE N O K e)POOK u \\ FOREST $ d f ori PRESERV i 0 ciI n: C Q � f 5A0DLL15a — Z • t I p Avo. � ( Z I 00O�� PJG• i ORK BROOK PEDESTR 1 RN BICYCLE PATH COMMITTEE Agenda - February 18, 1993 Meeting 7:30 PM, Oak Brook Village Hall 1 . Attendance 2. Minutes of last meeting 3. Old business - Committee member reports 4. Citizen input 5. Maintenance 6. Priority list 7. New business - Plan for the year 8. Next meeting date ORK BROOK PEOESTR 1 RN BICYCLE PRTH COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, FEBRUARY 18, 1993 Heidi Huizenga Tom Richardson* John Hartmann* Robert Robinson* Steve McShane* Sue Walters* Connie Craig* Tom Hawk* Jill Fleishman* Jon Sommer* Ana Sisson* Dale Durfey* * Present 1 . Minutes of the January 21 , 1991 meeting were approved with minor modifications. A copy of revised minutes was sent to Margare- Rimbo at the Village office. 2. Guests at meeting included Christie Hart from the Daily Herald, and resident Joe Rush. 3. How can we be sure that we know when bicycle trail issues will be discussed in village board meetings? Tom Richardson will discuss strategies with village trustee Lexi Payovich and report at next meeting. 4. Funds will be escrowed by the developer of Covington Court for a pathway along the north side of 35th Street. Trinity Lakes Homeowner's Association will discuss in their next meeting. Connie Craig will report. 5. New pathway loop will go through new Forest Preserve land. Dale Durfey and Jon Sommer suggested a letter to Forest Preserve District. Jon to get name for Steve McShane to draft letter. 6.. RE!garding York Road pathway, Dale Durfey is reviewing qualification statements from 3 engineering firms. 7. Regarding "No Turn on Red" 31st and York Road, Ana Sisson spoke tc Chuck Tokarski of Dupage County Division of Transportation. Suggested getting the school involved to stress safety of students. c 8. RE�garding updated map of pathways, Dale is trying to get a new Autocad system approved which will facilitate. Tom Hawk suggestEyd a simple manual up-dating of the current map. 9. Village budget plan is up for review. Bicycle path issues: $10,000 for normal screening of gravel paths, $60,000 for capital improvement of asphalt paths, $60,000 for York Road pathway, $40,000 (previously approved) for Midwest and 35th Street, and 22nd Street and Salt Creek. A letter from Sue Walters and Jill Fleishman will be placed in the meeting package for the village budget meeting on Saturday, February 20, 1993. Sue Walters and Bob Robinson will try to attend. 10. Jon Sommer explained the committee's plan for a tunnel along 22nd Street under the Tollway. Jon thanked Sue Walters for input and Bruce Kapff from the village for support. Likely timing: 1994- 95 year. Joe Rush indicated concern from Fullersburg Woods for the cost, and security issue. Other committee comments pointed our the serious safety issue regarding the present danger of riding along 22nd Street, and the need to bring the northern part of the village together with the rest of the village, the economic value of a -link-up to the shopping center, and the clean air impact of reduced use of automobiles. Jon said that the cost of an overpass would be cost prohibitive. 11 . Dale Durfey indicated that priorities for the village board should be put together for the village board April meeting. 12. The plan for the year will be discussed in the March meeting per Sue Walters. 13. The next meeting only will be held on the second Thursday because of a meeting conflict. Please note: March 11 , 1993 at 7:30 PM. Normally meetings will be planned for the third Thursday of each month. Steve McShane Secretary cc. Margaret Rimbo ORK BROOK PEDESTR 1 RN BICYCLE PATH COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, MARCH 10, 194 Heidi Huizenga Tom Richardson John Hartmann* Robert Robinson* Steve McShane* Sue Walters Connie Craig* Tom Hawk* Jill Fleishman* Jon Sommer* Ana Sisson Dale Durfey * Present 1 . Minutes of the February 18, 1993 meeting were approved. 2. Village Trustee Payovich and Village President Bushy attended the meeting. An Oak Brook Press reporter was present. 2. 35th and Midwest - Changes need to be made to the roadway by the county. Possibly a warning, flashing light can be added by the village to identify a pathway crossing, along with cross-hatching. Tom Hawk will check with Dale Durfey. 3. Tcm Hawk will assure that committee co-charimen receive copies of village board meeting agendas so that the committee will know when relevant issure are to be discussed. 4. Connie Craig reported on 35th Street pathway discussion at Trinity Lakes homeowner's meeting. Trinity Lakes supports 35th Street pathway, to be tied into Covington Court, then to St. Stephen's Green, then into forest preserve property. 5. Jon Sommer reported that there is no official word yet on the underpass funding proposal. 6. RE!garding the York Road pathway, Dale Durfey has chosen an engineering firm to provide a quotation on a plan. 7. A new Autocad system has been approved by the village board. This will allow the pathway system (asphalt and gravel) and plan to be entered into computer in a few weeks according to Tom Hawk. 8. A bicycle pathway tour is being planned for May. Sue Walters is heading it up. Will start at the gazebo. It will introduce community to the pathway, and stress safety such as helmet use, etc. 9. The proposal for connecting the northern subdivisions of the village to rest of the pathway system by means of a Tollway underpass. President Bushy indicated that the village board had not discussed the pathway underpass under the Tollway. She indicated that as an individual she does not support the plan as she understands it. She indicated a concern for the cost as well as the safety of an underpass, and felt that an overpass may be less costly. Steve Mc;Shane Secretary cc. Maroaret Rimbo +� Cir Rpm a V. OAK BROOK ED PEDESTRIAN BICYCLE PATH COMMITTEE MAY 2 5 1993 Minutes of Meeting, April 15, 1993 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, IL. Heidi Hu i zenga Tom Richardson ADMINISTRATION John Hartmann Robert Robinson Steve MacShane Sue Walters ConnieCraig * Tom Hawk Jill Fleishman Jon Sommer Ana Sisson Dale Durfey * * Present 1 . Minutes of March meeting were unavailable for approval . 2. Guests at the meeting included Wes Peirce of Timber Trails and Lexi Payovich . 3. Discussion of I-88 underpass - Committee requested that Jon Sommer put together a short description of project and get copies to Tom Richardson , Sue Walters and Jill . Fleishman . Cr4t1 � 4 . Midwest Road nd �5th Street Easements - Construction of Pathway to com ete missing link is in the budget . Midwest Club has grantpVtprivate lot easement leaving only �W V Qaa easementsneeded. Bob Robinson will look into this. 5. Midwest-Butterfield Expansion Project - Construction has been scheduled. Committee agrees we should request pathway be included. Will request Steve McShane to get further specifics from Tom Hawk and draft a letter to President Bushy , with a copy to Lexi Payovich , indicating committee support . 6 . Draft second letter to Village Board requesting a policy be set for construction of pathway along any major arterial when road project or private construction is done . 7. ` 0 PWh`Ca(nge name of the " Oak Brook Pedestrian Bicycle Path Committee" to the " Oak Brook Safety Pathway Committee" . 8. Lexi Payovich said she believed that businesses at York and 22nd Street would be willing to grant easements and perhaps supply funding for path construction . 9. Committee believes we should redo our Civic Association newsletter brief and we should request that Pathway Committee meetings be listed on the Civic Association calendar . John Hartmann to do this. 10 . Dale Durfey said that a $60 ,000 budget for maintenance around Midwest Club has been approved and it is being put out to bid. 11 . Committee members are requested to contact their Homeowners Associations and let them know they are their area representative and available for comments. 12. Next meeting is set for May 20th at 7:30 in the upper level Board room. ORK BROOK PEOESTR I RN BICYCLE PRTH COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, MAY 20, 1993 Heidi Huizenga Tom Richardson John Hartmann* Robert Robinson* Steve McShane* Sue Walters Connie Craig* Tom Hawk Jill Fleishman* Jon Sommer* Ana Sisson* Dale Durfey* * Present 1 . Vnutes of the March 10, 1993, and April 15, 1993 meetings were approved. 2. Wes and Barbara Pence from Timber Trails participated in the meeting, A Doings reporter was present. 3. Dale Durfey brought the group up to date on progress on the York Road pathway. Original cost estimate for engineering study was $71K. Was brought down to $51K, but is now at $57K based on state requirements. The scope of the project is approved by IDOT, and is scheduled for village board approval on May 25. Phase one engineering will take 120 days according to Dale. Phase two may then take another 2 to 3 months. Dale agreed to give the committee a monthly report on progress. Since the engineering phases will take until the end of the year, the committee voiced concern that the construction phase be started as soon as possible in 1994. 4. Jon Sommer reported on the Tollway underpass project. The grant request was approved on May 10. Preliminary engineering has begun. I DOT briefing took place on May 12. Two alternatives have been proposed, one parallel to 22nd Street, and one which is perpendicular to the Tollway (a shorter span). Grant includes the pathway to Jorie Blvd. Wes Pence suggested that it may be possible to fit a pathway under the existing bridge if the median can be i + I reduced from 3 feet to one foot, and a barrier erected. The grant is for $566K, and the other 20% has been budgeted by the Park District. Other possible funding sources include the Village, the Hotel, Visitors Convention Committee, and corporate contributions. Jon will update the group on a monthly basis. 5. Jill Fleishman presented a letter received from the Forest Preserve District, in which they indicate a willingness to factor in pathways in to plans for the Mayslake property. Sue Walters will provide liaison with the Forest Preserve District. Jon Sommer will also work with Director Vick. 6. Wes Pence suggested a simple method of constructing a cantilever bridge to be added to bridges to allow pedestrians and bicycles to pass. 7. Jill handed out maps with notations indicating all priorities under discussion. 8. A letter from Bruce Kapff was reviewed in which he suggested that the committee detail any grant requests which the committee may desire, for discussion at the June 8, 1993 village board meeting. The committee decided to include the following priorities: Add pathway crossings to the following bridges which currently prevent the pathway system to be completed: Harger Road bridge across Salt Creek, York Road bridge across the Tollway (North branch), York Road bridge across the Tollway (South branch), and 31st Street bridge across Route 83. A letter will be sent to the village board with the committee's suggestions. 9. The following letters will be drafted and sent to the village board of trustees: Request the village board to consider pathways in Butterfie d - Midwest expansion. Request village board policy to consider pathways in all roadway construction. Official request of a name change to "OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE". Steve McShane Secretary cc. Margaret Rimbo ORK BROOK SAFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE Bicycle Safety Pathway Committee Minutes June 3 , 1993 Committee Members attending: Jill Fleishman John Hartmann Ana Sisson Tom Richardson Robert Robinson Tom Suhs attended in Jon Sommer's absence Tom Hawk This extra. meeting was held to expand the planned requests for pathway improvements to include path sections with the requests for bridge crossings on Harger Road, York Road, and 31st Street. It was de(::ided that the improvements would not be beneficial without paths connecting them to the existing system. The following two projects were itemized for the village ' s consideration: 1) Extension of the path running north from the planned village- state improvement on York Road over the 294 spur bridge , continuing north and crossing the I-88 bridge to the intersection. Continuing west on Harger, crossing Salt Creek and linking with the existing path on the west of the creek. 2)Along Oai, Brook Road from Concord and Trinity Lane intersection to Jorie Bcaulevard. i 0 ORK BROOK SAFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, AUGUST 19, 1993 Heidi Huizenga* Tom Richardson* John Hartmann Robert Robinson* Steve McShane* Sue Walters Connie Craig* Tom Hawk* Jill Fleishman* Jon Sommer Ana Sisson Dale Durfey* * Present 1. Minutes of the June 17, 1993, meeting were approved. 2. Woes Pence participated in the meeting. A reporter from the Daily Herald was present. 3. Tom Hawk indicated that Margaret in the village office will mail out: agenda and minutes of meetings. The secretary will get them to her one week in advance. 4. Tom Richardson and Bob Robinson did not have enough input to present priorities to the village board for September meeting. Will try to get together more concrete objectives for presentation at a future meeting, perhaps January or February. 5. Election for chairman of the committee was postponed to the next meeting. 6. Dale Durfey reported that the consultant is moving forward on the York Road pathway project. IDOT design approval is expected for 12/20/93. 7. An application has been made for funding of the various pathway, bridges. One application with three phases. �l 8. According to Dale, the Park District has hired an engineering firm and is proceeding with the grant for the pathway along 22nd Street. 9. Dale indicated that the bid received for maintenance was high and not approved. He has gone back out for bids with certain reductions. 10. The pathway at 35th Street and Midwest Road ends with no warning., Tom Hawk will call Mike Miranda to get a warning sign. 11 . Tom Hawk indicated that some village board members were concerned about the new name for the committee. A motion was passed to stick with the name "Oak Brook Safety Pathway Committee", unless there is good reason to change-it. 12. Jill Fleishman reported that the Brook Forest Association requested that lighting be included in the underpass. The committee moved to support this concept. 13. Bob Robinson suggested that a Saturday meeting at some time may give us an opportunity to consider long term plans. 14. Because a quorum was not available for a September meeting, the next meeting will be October 21 , 1993 t Steve McShane Secretary cc. Margaret Rimbo OAK BROOK SAFETY PHTHWHY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: October 21 , 1993 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1 . Roll call. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. Welcome and introduce new committee member, Cathy Giangrasse. 4. Elect new co-chairs for term ending July, 1994. 5. Update: A. 22nd Street - Jon Sommer B. York Road - Dale Durfey C. Midwest Road - Dale Durfey D. Status of repairs done over the summer F. Status of recent grant application for extension of pathway over bridges. 6. Committee organization: A. Attendance Notification of intended absence Permanent alternate B. Project development guidelines C. Bi-annual maintenance report D. Review scope and objectives 7. Review November agenda 8. Adjourn CC'. l+fig F G ORK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, OCTOBER 21 , 1993 Heidi Huizenga Tom Richardson* John Hartmann* Cathy Giangrassi* Steve McShane* Sue Walters* Connie Craig* Tom Hawk* Jill Fleishman* Jon Sommer Ana Sisson* Dale Durfey * Present 1. Minutes of the August 19, 1993, meeting were approved, with one modification. Tom Hawk requested that minutes and agendas be submitted to Margaret Rimbo in the village office, and she will distribute to the press. She will pass them on to Gail Polanek, who will distribute to members of the committee. 2. Sue. Walters introduced Cathy Giangrassi, the new park district appointed committee member who replaces Bob Robinson. 3. A motion was passed to request the village to amend Article 488, Section 3, Item B to call for a change to the date of committee chair elections from July to September, since it is difficult to obtain quorums in July. 4. The election for co-chairs was held, and Sue Walters was re- elected, and Tom Richardson was elected. 5. Reports; A. The 22nd Street pathway under the tollway engineering study has been completed and appears to be on schedule. B. In Dale Durfey's absence, Tom Hawk indicated that the York Road project is proceeding forward, and will be completed in 1995. C. Midwest Road easements still not obtained per Tom Hawk. D. For the first time ever, repairs and maintenance is being taken care of. Contractors are currently working in the Midwest Club area. E. There was no status report on the new grant applications for bridge pathways. 6. A pathway connecting the existing pathway along Spring Road from Oak Brook Road to Adams, to the forest preserve pathway entrance at Madison was proposed. This pathway would effectively complete the loop around Oak Brook Road, York Road, Forest Preserve, Spring Road, back to Oak Brook Road. This will be added as a new priority, as other priorities are taken care of. 7. Sue asked all committee members to let one of the chairs know if you cannot make a meeting. 8. Sue suggested that the committee may need a permanent alternate. A letter will be drafted to the village suggesting this. 9. Sue suggested that we utilize project development guidelines, including the following steps for each new project or maintenance project request: A. A project is proposed to the committee. B. A committee member from the Quadrant will survey the site and and make observations, take photographs, etc., to assure that all committee members understand the situation. C. A report will be made to the committee. D. The committee will decide whether or not proceed with the project as a priority. 10. A project development sheet will be formatted. 11 . All pathways will be inspected by committee members each year in April. 12. In June of each year the committee will request time on the village board meeting to make an annual report on pathway progress. 13. Letters of appreciation will be written to the various village and park district elected officials and staff recognizing the work they do as accomplishments are achieved. We will also strive to obtain publicity in the press as accomplishments are achieved. 14. The question was raised regarding the terms of committee members. Cathy will call Karen Bushy to try to clarify this. Steve McShane Secretary ORK BROOK SRFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: November 18, 1993 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1. Roll call. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. Update: A. 22nd Street - Jon Sommer B. York Road - Dale Durfey C. Midwest Road - Dale Durfey D. Status of repairs done over the summer F. Status of recent grant application for extension of pathway over bridges. 4. Alignment of committee terms. A. Expiration dates B. Appointments to committee C. Appointments to office Change election date Representative to village board- presentation of committee work 5. Yearly schedule A. July elections B. Funding applications C. Maintenance D. Projects worksheet 6. New business t� i►'