BD-SPC-A&MIN 1994 BD-SPC-A&MIN OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE AGENDAS MINUTES 1994 Revised 2/7/94 ORK BROOK SAFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1994 Committee Members: Heidi Huizenga* Tom Richardson* John Hartmann* Cathy Giangrassi Steve McShane* Sue Walters Connie Craig* Ana Sisson Jill Fleishman Dale Durfey* Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk, Village of Oak Brook Jon Sommer* Oak Brook Park District Wes Pence* Resident * Present 1. Minutes of the November 18, 1993, meeting were approved. 2. Reporters from the Doings and the Press were present. 3. Reports: A. 22nd Street Pathway: Jon Sommer reported that the 22nd Street pathway under the tollway engineering study has been completed and appears to be on schedule. There will be a 3 foot barrier on the south side of the roadway. Jon Sommer and Benes Engineering have met with federal and state officials. Apparently there is a problem because the pathway goes across Northern Illinois Gas property, and since this is private property, this causes a problem with federal law. If this is in fact a serious problem, it may be necessary for the village or the park district to assume responsibility for part of the pathway cost. Assuming all goes well, contract letting will take place in the summer, and work will be completed in the fall of 1994. B. York Road Pathway: Dale Durfey reported that the consultant will be making a presentation on the York Road project at the village board meeting of Tuesday, January 25, 1994. The topographical study and survey have been completed. It includes pathway alternatives on both sides of the road, each 10 feet wide with 2 foot shoulders. Cost estimate is $180,000. One side requires 14 easements. The other side requires 10 easements. After this meeting, a phase 1 report will be made to IDOT, then a public hearing will be held in late February or early March. One side or the other will be picked by the village board. Members of the committee were encouraged by Tom Richardson to attend and participate in the meeting, C. Midwest Road Pathway: Dale Durfey reported that he met with county officials and the project is on hold as consultants are reassessing the situation. The earliest date for construction would be 1995.. D. Harger Road and York Bridge Pathways: Dale Durfey reported that there was no status report on the new grant applications for bridge pathways. Bruce Kapff of the village is trying to get answers. 4. Tom reported that village president Karen Bushy has reassigned him to represent the Northwest quadrant of the village, and that Steve McShane will be an at large member of the committee since he recently moved from Timber Trails to Fullersburg Woods. He suggested that members whose terms are ending in February (Steve McShane, Heidi Huizenga, and Jill Fleishman) notify president Bushy of their desire to continue to serve as members of the committee. He suggested to her that any new members make a commitment to be at every meeting. 5. At the next meeting we will discuss priorities. New priority suggestions should be proposed using the new project development sheet. A copy of the latest priority list is included with these minutes. Dale Durfey pointed out that if the current proposals are approved that village funding will be tied up for three years. Jon Sommer indicated that the park district may also be able to fund future projects. 6. An annual "state of the pathways" report will be given to the village board in June. 7. A motion was made by Steve McShane and seconded by Connie Craig tc recognize the village personnel who worked to improve the pathways through maintenance projects in the past year. Dale Durfey indicated that Doug Patchin oversaw construction and Ray Drager handled design and planning. Steve McShane will draft a letter for the committee chairmen recognizing the efforts of these men. 8. Tom Richardson presented the rules of procedure of the plan commission as a model for the development of rules of procedure for the pathway committee. A copy of these rules is included with these minutes for review at February's meeting. 9. Connie Craig presented a press release (copy enclosed) which included a report on maintenance projects completed, the development of the suspended pathway for bridges developed by Wes Pence, and the savings of money to the York Road pathway as a result of the county decision to rebuild the bridge over Salt Creek. MI, /kzjA,- ve McShane Secretary ORK BROOK SRFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, FEBRUARY 7, 1994 Committee Members: Heidi Huizenga Tom Richardson* John Hartmann Cathy Giangrassi* Steve McShane* Sue Walters* Connie Craig Ana Sisson* Jill Flei!3hman* Dale Durfey* Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk, Village of Oak Brook Jon Sommer, Oak Brook Park District Wes Pence, Resident * Present 1 . The engineering plans for the York Road pathway were presented at the January 25, 1994 village board meeting.,-- This (February 7) committee meeting was a special meeting called after the village board requested the committee's assistance in obtaining easements from the people whose property fronts on York Road, to make wary for the York Road pathway. 2. Minutes of the January, 1993, meeting were discussed but were tabled until the regular February meeting. 3. SUE: Walters indicated that Tom Hawk will not be able to make the regular schedule of committee meetings on the third Thursday of each month. In March, the meeting will be held on the third Wednesday (March 16). At the regular February meeting to be held on February 15, the committee will decide on possibly changing the regular schedule to the third Wednesday of each month. Sue Walters requested that Connie Craig notify the Civic Association of this change. 3. Sue Walters suggested that the committee contact people along York Road on an informal basis regarding obtaining easements. She has been in touch with Randy Neufeld of the Illinois Bike Federation to get ideas on how to present the plans to people in the area. :She indicated that property values tend to go up. Sue will contact the people at Rails to Trails for further ideas. 4. According to Dale Durfey, the easement document has the effect of indemnifying people from any liability related to the pathway. 5. The standard pathway will be 10 feet wide, and both sides of York arE! proposed. Variations will be applied for as required. 6. Aria Sisson will contact Open Lands for other ideas for presenting the pathway ideas to residents. 7. The cost of easements will have to come from village budget. We need clarification on the issue of the cost of re-landscaping property as required. 8. The safety issue should be stressed. 9. Sue Walters suggested a coffee to be held at Ana Sisson's house, inviting all residents along York Road for the purpose of addressing their concerns. It was unclear whether this would come under the open meetings act. 10. According to Dale Durfey, York Road pathway plans have been sent in to IDOT. After informal meeting with residents, a public hearing will be held. Then an engineering study, and then IDOT approval. I Steve McShane Secretary ORK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE PATHWAY PRIORITIES (for review at February 17, 1994 meeting) A. Addition of pathway to York Road bridge over 1-88. B. Addition of pathway to Harger Road bridge over Salt Creek. C. Along Timber Edge Drive from Twin Oaks to forest preserve entrance. D. Completion of Harger Road trail to York Road. E. Along Frontage Road (Timber Edge) from north entrance to south entrance of forest preserve. F. Spring Road north from Hyatt Hotel, along Salt Creek (part may be in Oakbrook Terrace). G. Along Midwest Road from 1-88 to 31 st Street. H. Along south side of 1-88 from Route 83 to 22nd Street. I. Underpass under Route 88, connecting existing pathway on 22nd Street with Jorie pathway. J. 35th Street across Midwest Road. K. Along 31 st Street from Concord to Jorie Blvd. L. Correct new signage on York and 31 st for right turns while pedestrians are present. M. Trail connecting Woodside Estates to Forest Glen (Wood Glen Lane). N. Trail along 35th Street from Trinity Lane to St. Pascal's Drive. 0. Trail along St. Pascal Drive on forest preserve property from 35th Street to 31st Street. P. Safe crossing over Salt Creek bridge for existing 31st Street trail. Q Completion of York Road pathway between 31st and Salt Creek. February, 1994 ORK BROOK SRFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP LIST (and term expiration) (3 YEAR TERM) VILLAGE: OF OAK BROOK APPOINTMENTS: Northwest Quadrant Mrs. Heidi Huizenga (2-94) 44 Baybrook Lane 325-52115 Northeast Quadrant Dr. John Hartmann (8-95) Mr. Tom Richardson (8-95) 44 Meadowood Drive 21 Yorkshire Woods 941 -8660 832-3523 Southwest Quadrant Mrs. Connie Craig (8-95) 309 Trinity Lane 920-9640 Southeast Quadrant Mrs. Jill Fleishman (2-94) Mrs. Ana Sison (8-95) 3109 South York Road 10 Robin Hood Ranch 655-3671 655-0504 At Large Member Mr. Steve McShane (2-94) 3521 Madison Street 654-0216 OAK BROOK PARK DISTRICT APPOINTMENTS: Southwest Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Mrs. Cathy Giangrassi (2-94) Mrs. Sue Walters 33 Steeple Ridge Ct. 23 Ivy Lane 986-0391 655-8723 ORK BROOK SRFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE Dear Neighbors: Please attend an informal meeting of York Road residents to discuss the plans for the York Road Safety Pathway which is planned for construction from 31st Street south to Salt Creek. The preliminary plans from Civiltech Engineering will be available for your viewing. These plans have been presented to the village board and sent to the Illinois Department of Transportation. The purpose of the meeting is to share the plan, answer your questions, and receive and respond to your input. This is riot a public hearing. Village officials will not be attending. The gathering will be held at 7:30 PM on March 2, 1994 at the home of Ana Sisson, at 10 Robin Hood Ranch. Phone: 655-0504. Your response and attendance will be appreciated. Ct ORK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: February 17, 1994 Time: 7:30 PM Location:; Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1. Roll call. 2. Approval of minutes. 3 York Road pathway strategy 4. Update: A. 22nd Street - Jon Sommer B. York Road - Dale Durfey C. Midwest Road - Dale Durfey D. Status of recent grant application for extension of pathway over bridges. 5. Priority review Discussion of priority list and addition of new projects (Project Development Sheets) 6. New business ORK BROOK SRFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, FEBRUARY 17, 1994 Committee Members: Heidi Huizenga Tom Richardson* John Hartmann Cathy Giangrassi* Steve McShane* Sue Walters* Connie Craig* Ana Sisson* Jill Fleishman* Dale Durfey* Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk, Village of Oak Brook Jon Sommer* Oak Brook Park District * Present 1 . Minutes of the January 20, 1994, and special February 7, 1994 meetings were approved. 2. A reporter from the Oak Brook Press was present. 3. Oaf: Brook Plan Commissioner Tony Tappin and Village Grants Coordinator Bruce Kapff were present. Steve Plumb, Elmhurst Park District Manager was a guest. 4. Steve Plumb reported on plans to create a trail along Salt Creek which would ultimately connect the Prairie Path with Brookfield Zoo. A key link would be the Oak Brook pathway system. The plan is to go along the west bank of the creek in Elmhurst which is all public land. Mr. Plumb suggested that a cooperative grant application be made with the cooperation of DuPage County Forest Preserve, the Oak Brook Park District, the Village of Oak Brook, and the Elmhurst Park District to obtain funding to provide the link which would bring the pathways of DuPage County together. The grant application would be made with ISTEA. Tom Richardson, speaking for the committee indicated strong support for this concept. (Mr. Plumb's telephone number is 993-8900.) 6. New Business: Bruce Kapff recommended that additional grant money can be applied for, and he suggested that the major links should be top priority. Tom Richardson moved to make a 31st Street pathway between Concord and Jorie Blvd, across Route 83 our next priority. The motion was seconded by Sue Walters, and the motion carried. 7. Sieve McShane indicated ; that he had been reappointed to another term by President Bushy. Jill Fleishman has been asked to remain on the committee, and she agreed to do so for the time being. 8. A motion was made by Sue Walters to change the date of the next meeting to Wednesday, March 9. The motion was seconded by Tom Richardson and the motion carried. L Steve McShane Secretary ORK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: March 9, 1994 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1. Roll call. 2. Approval of minutes. 3 York Road pathway strategy. Preparation for informal resident meetings. 4. Update: A. 22nd Street - Jon Sommer B. York Road - Dale Durfey C. Midwest Road - Dale Durfey D. Status of recent grant application for extension of pathway over bridges. E. Potential grant application for 31st Street pathway. 5. Priority review Discussion of priority list and addition of new projects (Project Development Sheets) 6. New business ORK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, MARCH 9, 1994 Committee Members: Heidi Huizenga Tom Richardson* John Hartmann Cathy Giangrassi Steve I'IcShane* Sue Walters* Connie Craig* Ana Sisson* Jill Fleishman* Dale Durfey, Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk* Village of Oak Brook Jon Sommer* Oak Brook Park District * Present 1 . Minutes of the February 17, 199#were approved. 2. A reporter from the Chicago Tribune joined us at the end of the meeting. 3. Tom Hawk reported that the funding strategy letter from Bruce Kapff was approved by the village board. This does not mean that the village is agreeing to fund all of the grants which total as much as $700,000. What it does mean is that the village board approves of the strategy of applying for these grants. The concensus of the committee is to be pleased with the village board's commitment of such a bold strategy. There was also a motion by Sue Walters, with a second by Tom Richardson to write a letter commending Bruce Kapff's efforts on behalf of Safety Pathway development. 4. Reports: A. 22nd Street Pathway: Jon Sommer reported that they are working on permits with the state, and that a meeting is planned with NIGas. B. York Road Pathway: There was discussion of the safety advantages of a pathway, separating pedestrians and bicycles from cars. Also, there appears to be fewer burglaries etc., along pathways. Many people are asking when the York Road Pathway will be completed. The first resident meeting will be held on March 16, at the home of Ana Sisson. Preliminary drawings will be presented. Dale Durfey will be there to answer residents' questions. To prepare for questions which may be raised, Sue Walters summarized the research material on the subject, and wrote up a list of advice to committee members from the "Chicagoland Bicycle Federation" and "Rails to Trails", as well as information of the impact of safety pathways, including quotes from "Evaluation of the Burke-Gilman Trail's Effect on Property Values and Crime" by the Seattle Engineering Department Office for Planning. A copy of both of these are enclosed with these minutes. According to Tom Hawk, it is the intention of the Village to obtain voluntary easements. He will have a discussion with Dale Durfey regarding the technicalities of easement acquisitions. C. Midwest Road Pathway: Nothing to report. D. Harger Road and York Bridge Pathways: Nothing to report. E. 31st Street Pathway: The village board approved a request for funding of the pathway across Route 83. 5. Tom Hawk asked to be in the loop for any press releases which may go out from the committee. The recent press coverage of Pathway activity has been excellent. All press releases will be forwarded to Tom for appropriate approvals. 6. The next three meeting dates will be: April 13, May 18, June 15. 7. For the next meeting, priorities will be on the top of the list. A copy of Bruce Kapff's letter will be included with the agenda. Steve McShane Secretary OAK BROOK SRFETY PHTHWHY COMMITTEE Advice to committee members from the "Chicagoland Bicycle Federation" and "Rails to Trails": 1 . Always present project as pathway on both sides of York; even if it will be sometime in the future. In so doing, stress the safety issues: For example, children going to school or the sports core; senior citizens out for a walk. It makes it easier to understand why we need both sides. 2. According to Randy Neufeld, "Land values almost always go up". 3. Stress non-monetary values of pathway: immediate access to trail if it's on your property; elderly can easily get out for a walk; decreased crime; less isolation. 4. Stress a management plan that will protect the homeowner; maintenance and clean-up. Let homeowners contribute their ideas on how to do this. 5. When homeowners express their concerns, ask them for possible solutions so that they will feel they are a part of the process. We should have a handful of options for the problems but let the homeowner have his input. 6. Committee members should take the time to jot down notes so they don't forget anything. 7. Give residents an address to write to the committee, through the village hall c/o Tom Hawk or Dale Durfey, and they can forward it to us. ORK BROOK SRFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE INFORMATION ON THE IMPACT OF SAFETY PATHWAYS Quotes from Evaluation of the Burke-Gilman Trail's Effect on Property Values and Crime by Seattle Engineering Department Office for Planning, May, 1987: "Property near but not immediately adjacent to the Burke-Gilman Trail its significantly easier to sell and, according to real estate agents, sells for an average of six percent more as a result of its proximity to the trail. Property immediately adjacent to the trail however is only slightly easier to sell, and sells for zero to 1/2 % more." "Homes immediately adjacent to the trail did not experience an increase in burglaries and vandalism as a result of the trail." Quote from The Impact of Rail-Trails: A study of the Users and Property Owners from Three Trails, by Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program, National Park Service, Washington, D.C., February, 1992: "The majority of owners reported that there had been no.- increase in problems Vince the trails had been established, that living near the trails was better than they had expected it to be." "Land owners along all three trails reported that their proximity to the trails had not adversely affected the desirability or values of theiir properties, and along the suburban Lafayette/Moraga Trail, the majority of owners felt the presence of a trail would make their properties sell more easily and at increased values." "Health and fitness and recreation opportunities were considered to be the most important benefits of the trails by the landowners. The trail users felt the trails were most important in providing health and fitness, aesthetic beauty and undeveloped open space." "Residents and visitors enjoy the benefit of trail use, aesthetic beauty, protected open space, and in some instances higher property resale values, while local communities enjoy bolstered economies and increased community pride among other benefits." ORK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: April 13, 1994 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1. Roll call. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. Priority review Discussion of priority list and addition of new projects Reference Bruce Kapff Feb. 18, 1994 memo, enclosed. 4. Update on resident meeting - Ana Sisson and Jill Fleishman. 5. Update: A. 22nd Street - Jon Sommer B. York Road - Dale Durfey C. Midwest Road - Dale Durfey D. Status of recent grant applications for extension of pathway over bridges. E. Potential grant application for 31st Street pathway. 5. By-law review - Tom Richardson. 6. New business. CC �C If ORK BROOK SRFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, APRIL 13, 1994 Committee Members: Heidi Huizenga Tom Richardson* John Hartmann` Cathy Giangrassi Steve McShane* Sue Walters* Connie Craig* Ana Sisson Jill Fleishman* Dale Durl"ey, Village of Oak Brook Tom HaArk* Village of Oak Brook Jon Sommer* Oak Brook Park District * Present 1 . Mir utes of the March 9, 1994 meeting were approved as submitted. 2. Rel::>orts: A. 22nd Street Pathway: Jon Sommer reported that NIGas has approved of the plan for the pathway to go over their property, but there still may be a need for the village or park district to obtain bids for this part of the pathway. IDOT will now do an internal review before preparation of final plans. Bid calendar will be set in Springfield for June, July or August. B. York Road Pathway: An informal resident meeting was held at the home of Ana Sisson. There were 15 residents in attendance. Several people were concerned with the way the pathway plan would cut into their property. The plan is based on the future expansion of York Road which will not take place for the next five years, so people expressed the feeling that the pathway should be built closer to the existing roadway. Tom Hawk suggested that we should take the position of gathering information, and that the village will try to accommodate residents' concerns. Dale Durfey ORK BROOK SHFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: May 18, 1994 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1 . Rol call. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. Priority review Discussion of priority list and addition of new projects Reference Bruce Kapff Feb. 18, 1994 memo. 4. New priorities 5. Update: A. 22nd Street - Jon Sommer B. York Road - Dale Durfey C. Midwest Road - Dale Durfey D. Status of recent grant applications for extension of pathway over bridges. E. Potential grant application for 31st Street pathway. 6. By-law review - Tom Richardson. 7. Nev/ business. OAK BROOK SAFETY PATIIWAY COMMITTEE Date: June 14, 1994 To: Margaret Rimbo Village of Oak Brook FAX: 990-0876 From: Steve McShane Enclosed is the agenda for this month's Safety Pathway Committee meeting. Since last month's meeting was canceled due to lack of quarum, the agenda is the same as last month's. Tom Hawk advised me that you still need a copy to notify the press. Please :all me if you have any questions (654-0216 or 323-2800). AtevecShane TC=t,:1 t=1H�'tr:: b66T r T ''-n 1 nr,;=a=i Thr, ;=u=ice ='Fd �f li=iH,� _•_,I I JO�l I l l 1 �'�'_' �� 6fG ORK BROOK SAFETY PATht lfly COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: June 15, 1994 Time- 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1. Roll call. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. Priority review Discussion of priority list and addition of new projects Reference Bruce Kapff Feb. 18, 1994 memo. 4. New priorities 5. lJpdate: A. 22nd Street - Jon Sommer B. York Road - Dale Durfey C. Midwest Road - Dale Durfey D. Status of recent grant applications for extension of pathway over bridges. F. Potential grant application for 31st Street pathway. G. By-law review - Tom Richardson. 7. New business. TOcl Ht_!6G:= r66T rT ''-,r'l 6680 T NE. ;=a-ir '-'H 31 IOHd __I I ILldil]I l.J o"--Ad ORK BROOK SRFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE Date: June 16, 1994 To: All committee members From: Steve McShane Subject;; June meeting The regular May and June meetings had to be canceled because we lacked a quarum. The June meeting has been rescheduled for next Monday night, June 20, at 7:30 PM. The village is holding its hearing on the York Road pathway next Thursday, June 23. It is important that we meet to prepare for that hearing. Please try to make the Monday meeting. Steve 06/16/94 09: 5 1 U708 313 1844 311DTI?ONICs Z001 ORK BROOK SAFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE Date: June 16, 1994 To: Margaret Rimbo Village of Oak Brook FAX: 990-0876 From: Steve McShane Again, we were unable to assemble a quarum at last night's meeting. Because of critical issues to discuss, we have decided to reschedule the meeting for Monday June 20. Enclosed is the revised 2gen6a for Monday's meeting. Please notify the press. Please call me if you have any questions (654-0216 or 323-2800). Steve McShane uo; Ib/J4 uy: .)I 'a!06 323 2544 MIL)TRONICS 2002 OflK BROOK SHFETY PHTHWRY COMMITTEE REVISED AGENDA RESCHEDULED JUNE OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Da te: June 20, 1994 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1. Roll call. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. York Road Pathway - Preparation for public hearing Jure 23. Discussion of York bridge over Creek 4. Project Development Sheets - Each committee member bring sheets on existing and proposed pathways. 5. Future meeting schedule. Problem achieving quarum. ORK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, JUNE 20, 1994 CommittE:e Members: Heidi Huizenga Tom Richardson* John Hartmann Cathy Giangrassi* Steve McShane* Sue Walters* Connie Craig* Ana Sisson Jill Fleishman* Dale Durfey, Village of Oak Brook Tom HaA,,k, Village of Oak Brook Jon Sommer, Oak Brook Park District * Present 1 . Minutes of the April 13, 199Y meeting were approved as submitted. 2. York Road Pathway: The public meeting planned for June 23, 1994 was discussed. The committee decided to take positions on the York Road pathway and the York Road pathway across Salt Creek. Enclosed is a copy of that position statement. 3. New projects for consideration: All members were requested to review pathway maintenance requirements, and new project proposal:,. Jill Fleishman and Steve McShane had surveyed the possibility of a safety lane along Madison Street, and the possibiliti 's for the Spring Road pathway to connect with the Forest Preserve trail at Madison Street. This proposal will be sent to Bruce Kapff for his input. 4. Melting notices: Future meetings planned: Wednesday July 20, Wednesday August 17, and Thursday September 15. a-44--- Steve McShane Secretary POSITION STATEMENT YORK ROAD PATH SOUTH OF 31ST STREET The Oak Brook Safety Pathway Committee members chose to live in Oak Brook because of its special amenities, including the beautifully landscaped large lots, the excellent homes, the open lands, the variety of shopping, and the ease of access to expressways. We wish to add another special amenity, a p e d e s t r i a n l b i k e path linking all parts of the Village and connecting to other communities. We believe this would enrich the community, providing non-motorized transportation corridors for recreation, commuting, and safe travel of schoolchildren. This would help Oak Brook improve its already impressive reputation, and become a leader in the Western Suburbs in an area that is increasingly impacting people's decisions in housing purchases. With this amenity in mind, and in view of both the opportunity to get State funding support for the project and the considerable expenditures already made by the Village, the Committee strongly supports t h e construction of a path along York road south of 31st street. The Committee has a general goal of suggesting and supporting ways to link existing portions of the path system within Oak Brook, so they can better connect subdivisions, facilities, and other communities. The area that would be served by this path currently has no path and therefore no safe access to the rest of the Oak Brook paths. The Committee has a specific duty from its authorizing ordinance: "To assist in obtaining required easements from private and corporate property owners for routing and building new pedestrian/bicycle paths." It is through this duty that the Committee has pursued contacts with the neighbors along York Road to obtain their support for the York Road Path. The Oak Brook Safety Pathway Committee has no objection to revising the plans for the York Road Path to help meet some of the concerns of the adjacent residents as they expressed them in an informal meeting on March 16th. I hese revisions may include: 1) relocating the paths as close as possible to the existing road, therefore reducing the esthetic and landscaping impact of the paths, and 2) relocating paths for the least impact on existing trees and bushes. However, there are guidelines from the Guide for the De_velo )ment of Bicycle Facilities published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials which impact on the design of the Path. From page 24 of the Guide " A wide separation between a bicycle path and adjacent highway is desirable to confirm to both the bicyclist and the motorist that the bicycle path functions as an independent highway for bicycles. When this is not possible, and the distance between the edge of the roadway and the bicycle path is less than S feet, a suitable physical divider may be considered. Such dividers serve both to prevent bicyclists from making unwanted movements between the path and highway shoulder and to reinforce the concept that the bicycle path is an independent facility. Where used, the divider should be a minimum of 4.5 feet high, to prevent bicyclists from toppling over it, and should be designed so that it does not become an obstruction itself. " This would appear to preclude putting the path immediately adjacent to the road without providing a barrier. Other bicycle authorities from Chicago indicate the possibility of putting the path closer, if it is one-way. This would require measures to enforce one- way use. In conclusion, we believe the path along York Road will be an excellent asset to Oak Brook. It should be completed with design revisions which minimize the impact on the residents, while maintaining safety considerations. POSITION STATEMENT YORK ROAD BRIDGE The Oak Brook Safety Pathway Committee supports the . minimum necessary width of five (S) feet each for two single (one-way) paths on the York Road Bridge. This width meets the guidelines listed in the Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials in August 1991 . This width would allow the paths to be constructed with the least impact on the surrounding area while permitting safe access for pedestrians and bicyclists traveling both North and South. This recommendation is based on the assumption that effective measures can be taken to assure one-way operation. OFc- ORK BROOK SAFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: July 20, 1994 Time : 7:30 PM Location :Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1 . Roll call. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. Priority review 4. Required maintenance and new priorities. All members are requested to prepare project development sheets 5. Update: A. 22nd Street - Jon Sommer B. York Road - Dale Durfey C. Midwest Road - Dale Durfey D. Status of recent grant applications for extension of pathway over bridges. E Potential grant application for 31st Street pathway. 6. New business. o C- ORK ORK BROOK SAFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, JULY 20, 1994 Committee Members: Heidi Huizenga Tom Richardson* John Hartmann* Cathy Giangrassi* Steve McShane* Sue Walters* Connie Craig* Ana Sisson* Jill Fleishman Dale Durfey, Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk*, Village of Oak Brook Jon Somrner*, Oak Brook Park District * Present 1. Minutes of the June 20, 1994 meeting were approved as submitted. 2. Required maintenance and new priorities: A number of subjects were discussed, and will be submitted on project development sheets, which will be submitted to Mike Miranda. Discussion included the following subjects: Need for drain tile in tunnel under Route 83 The village has done a beautiful job of plowing and bulldozing the limestone pathways in the SE and SW quadrants. Rouoh areas at 31st Street and Meyers Dips in pavement on 31st Street pathway east of Midwest Litter and debris on 31st pathway Drainage problem in Trinity Lakes Drainage problem on pathway around Midwest Club Use of paved shoulders as an alternative to extensive pathways 3. 22nd Street Pathway: Jon Sommer reported on the pathway under the tollway. The village has agreed to maintain the pathway. Recommendations have been received from the state for clarification. 4. Resident Survey: As a result of a suggestion at the recent open hearing, a sub-committee was appointed to develop a survey of residents on who uses the pathways and who would use the pathways if they were available in their areas. Ana Sisson and Connie Craig were appointed to this sub-committee. 5. Report on Public Hearing on the York Road Pathway: Tom Richardson reported on the meeting. Tom, Jill Fleishman and Steve McShane were there representing the committee. Based on the resident reaction to the York Road Pathway plan, the committee decided to propose that the pathway be placed on the West side of York Road from 31st Street to Robinhood Ranch, and then on the East side of York Road from a flashing light at Robinhood Ranch, down to Graue Mill. A letter will be sent to Bruce Kapff, with copies to Dale Durfey, Steve Veitch, and Tom Hawk. 6. Future Meetings: The August meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 17. After that we will revert back to the third Thursday of each month, starting with September 15. e C's)hane SecretarI ORK BROOK SRFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: August 17, 1994 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 I. Roll call. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. Priority review 4. Required maintenance and new priorities. 5. Project update: A. 22nd Street - Jon Sommer B. York Road - Dale Durfey C. Midwest Road - Dale Durfey D. Status of recent grant applications for extension of pathway over bridges. E. Potential grant application for 31st Street pathway. 6. By-law update - Tom Richardson 7. Olc business 8. New business OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING AUGUST 17, 1994 CONMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Richardson John Hartman Heidi Huizenga Cathy Ginagrasse Sue Walters 1. Minutes of the July 20, 1994 meeting were approved as submitted. 2. The committee reviewed the Oak Brook Village Pathway Priorities list and made changes and adjustments. The new list of priorities is attached (See Schedule A). 3. The letter to Mr. Bruce Kapff of the Village was discussed and amended as follows: (See Schedule B). 4. C}..anges to the Ordinance Creating a Pedestrian/Bicycle Pathway Committee were submitted and approved. (See Attachment C) Meeting was adjourned at 9 P.M. Cathy Giangrasse j J�' Pathway Priorities A Description Status Prioity Location From To 1. Pathway and bridge Village TCM grant;location& over Salt Creek Ph.1 engineering being finalized; I York Road 31st St Spring Rd. County future plans for bridge ` 2. Pathway in conjunction with On approved M&M 3 yr. 2 22nd York Rd intersection roadway guaranteed list through FY95; Intersection construction when State funding level resolved,Ph. 1 engineering will be sent to MOT 3 22nd E.of McDonald Dr. lone Blvd. 3. Pathway under 1-88 Pk.Dist.Enhancement grant, overpass. Itlocation being finalized 4. Harger Road W.of Salt Creek York Road 4. Pathway and bridge 1993 Enhancement app.denied; 5. York Road Harger Road Wood Glen over Salt Creek 1994 M&M TCM app.pending Lane 5. Pathway and bridge over 1993 Enhancement app.denied, 6. York Road Wood Glen 1-88 York 1-294 N.tollway connector 1994 M&M TCM app.pending Lane off-ramp 6. Pathway and bridge over 1993 Enhancement app.denied, 7. 31st Street Trinity Lane )orie Blvd. 1-294 S.tollway connector 1994 M&M TCM app.pending 8. St.Paschal Dr. 35th Street 31st Street 7. Pathway and bridge Plan to apply through CMAQ rossing of Rt.83 &Enhancement in 1994 9. 35th Street Trinity Lane St.Paschal Drive 8. Pathway County For.Pres.may include in their future development of the property 10. Timber Edge Twin Oaks N.York Park F.P. Path 9. Pathway 10. Pathway Il. Timber Edge N.York Park York Rd, H. Pathway F.P.Path 12. Pathway 12. Wood Glen Ln. York Road Forest Glen Lane 13. I` Pathway behind corporate area along Kensington& 13. S Of 1-88 Rt 83 Tunnel 22nd Street Jorie Under 1-88 14. Pathway and bridge over 1-88 County future plans; 14. Midwest Road 31st St. 22nd St. approx 1996 15. Midwest/35th 15. Pathway crossing of Midwest at 35th 16. 31st St. Salt Creek 16. Improved bridge crossing of County future plans when Salt Creek replaced 17. Spring Road Colby's 17. Pathway McDonald's may do as part of 18. Spring Rd./Timber Edge Spring/16th Twin Oaks site work on the property 19. Wood Glen Lane Woodside Existing Bike I8. Pathway and maybe bridge; Path in Forest includes construciton in OB Glen Terrace 19. Pathway Added 8/94 C Proposed addition to Ordinances Creating a Safety Pathway Committee Changes in Bold 1. Substitute Safety Pathway wherever Pedestrian/Bicycle Pathway occurs. 2. Revise section 3. B ....elect a chairperson and co-chairperson each September. 3. Acrid to Section 3. D. Officers and Duties. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Committee, with the Co-chair presiding when the Chair is absent. The Chairperson may appoint a subcommittee when necessary. The Chair and Co-chair s will develop the agenda and submit it to the secretary. The Secretary shall take minutes and distribute copies to the Village, along with the agenda for the Village to distribute. The Chair shall be responsible to report to the Board of Trustees as necessary; and represent the Committee at Board meetings when requested. Three months prior to the expiration of a member's term, the chair will notify the appointing authority of the expiration and request a replacement, noting whether the current member is interested in being reappointed. OrG ORK BROOK SRFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: September 15, 1994 NOTE: THURSDAY Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1. Roll call. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. Priority review 4. Required maintenance and new priorities. 5. Project update: A. 22nd Street - Jon Sommer B. York Road - Dale Durfey C. Midwest Road - Dale Durfey D. Status of recent grant applications for extension of pathway over bridges. E. Potential grant application for 31 st Street pathway. 6. By-law update - Tom Richardson 7. Old business 8. New business n =C OHK BROOK SHI=ETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1994 Committee Members: Heidi Huizenga* Tom Richardson* John Hartmann* Cathy Giangrasse Steve McShane* Sue Walters* Connie Craig* Ana Sisson* Dale Durfey, Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk, Village of Oak Brook Bruce Kapff* Village of Oak Brook Jon Sommer* Oak Brook Park District * Present 1 . Minutes of the August 17, 1994 meeting were approved. 2. Tom Richardson suggested that the agenda be changed--to show that the priority discussion has been completed, and the by-law discussion has also been completed. Grants discussion was added to the agE,,nda. 3. Required maintenance: Tom left the various project development sheets with Mike Miranda. Nothing has been done yet on the Route 83 underpass. Sue Walters will submit a new sheet on road grates in Brook Forest. These need to be made bicycle friendly. 4. Spring Road/Madison Street: Bruce Kapff indicated that this subject has been handed off to Dale Durfey in engineering for response. 5. York Road: The committee agreed that transfer of this project to the County would be beneficial, and a letter will be sent to Karen Bushy and the village board taking this position. Cc r r 6. 22nd Street Pathway: According to Jon Sommer, final plans will be approved by IDOT and NIGas by mid December. Contracts will be let for Spring work. 7. Midwest Road: No progress report. 8. Harger/York Road bridges: This proposal is going to Mayors and Managers transportation committee. It could be approved next week. Bruce I<apff will call Tom or Sue with report. The project value is $1 .1 million, with the village's share: 25%. 9. 31st Street across Route 83: Federal grant has been applied Ac through CP"AQ, according to Bruce. We may yet an answer this X all. 10. Regional Trail: This fall we may hear about the regional trail Z undingi. 11 . The committee recognized the tremendous contributions of Bruce Kapff in developing these funding proposals. 12. Heidi Huizenga has been reappointed by :ares� Bushy for another three year term. Jill Fleishman's resignation has been accepted, so there is a vacancy on the committee. 13. The election of officers was held. Tom and Sue were reelected co-chairmen, and Steve McShane was reelected Secretary. 14. Old business: Connie Craig and Ana Sisson presented a draft of the questiol naire they have been working on. 15. The next meeting will be on October 20. The November meeting will be on the 17th. There will be no December meeting. Steve ""cShane Secretary D � ORK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: October 20, 1994 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1. Roll call. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. Required maintenance and new priorities. 5. Project update: A. 22nd Street - Jon Sommer B. York Road - Dale Durfey C. Midwest Road - Dale Durfey 6. Grants discussion: A. Extension of pathway over Harger and two York Road bridges. B. 31st Street pathway over Route 83. C. Regional trail. 7. Old business 8. New business � I OAK BROCK SAFETY PATHWAY COP.",MITTEE Minutes of Veeting October 20 , 1994 Committee Members: Heidi Huienga Tom Richardson John Hartmann Cathy Giangrasse Steve McShane Sue Walters* Connie Craig'* Ana Sisson* Dale Durfey, Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk, Village of Oak Brook Bruce Kapff, Village of Oak Brook Jon Sommer* Oak Brook Park District * Present 1 . minutes of the September 15, 1994 meeting were approved . 2 . Connie Craig will call Mike Miranda regarding a serrious safety situation at 35th and Midwest Road . 3. Route 83 Underpass: Jon Summer reported on delays in cor- recting the drainage problem in the tunnel under Route 83 connec- ting Brook Forest with the Park District property . The 'committee expressed concern about the delay as it was hoped this situation would be corrected before winter. 4 . 22ne' Street Pathway: Jon 'Jommer reported that both-IDOT and NIGas have approved plans . The project is moving forward slowly; Soil borings need to be done . 5 . York Road: Some residents are concerned about the proposed width of the bridge . Discussion of on-road bike lane vs . off-road bike path. Sue Walters will call Druce L'apff regarding status of this project with T-"ayors and P'anagers Committee and whether ap- proved grant money can be transferred to T'ul-ap;e County if they take over the project . 6 . Harger/York Road bridges: Moving ahead . Bruce Kapff con- firmed with Tom that Mayors and N anagers have approved the pro- posal. Upcoming meetings with federal and state officials to confirm and approve details of grant . It was the concensus of the committee to publicize the approval of the grant; Tom to check with Bruce as to whether or not this is appropriate . 7 . 31st Street : No progress report 8 . Regional Trail: Jon Sommer will call Steve Plum, Supt . of Elmhurst Parks, for an update on this project . 9 . Old Business/Committee Vacancy: Per Ana Sisson , William Bristol was interested in the committee but unable to serve at this time . No other names presented . PTIF 1�A PJOV 1 6 1994 ORK BROOK L0,1d 0F001 1L. SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: November 17, 1994 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1. Roll call. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. Required maintenance and new priorities. A. 35th and Midwest Road B. Route 83 Underpass 4. Project update: A. 22nd Street B. York Road C. Midwest Road 5. Grants discussion: A. Extension of pathway over Harger and two York Road bridges. B. 31st Street pathway over Route 83. C. Regional trail. 6. Resident Survey 7. Old business 8. New business OE Of GAAr 1 d o w G C ' °FCOUN-114, VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521 -2255 PHONE: 708 990.3000 FAX: 708 990-087'6 NOTICE OF CANCELLED MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Oak Brook Safety Pathway Committee of November 17, 1994 is hereby CANCELLED due to lack of quorum. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK