BD-SPC-A&MIN 1996 BD-SPC-A&MIN OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE AGENDAS MINUTES 1996 OF Oqk eqo r� 9C�'COU Nt�'�y VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521 -2255 . PHONE: 708 990-3000 FAX: 708 990-0876 NOTICE OF CANCELLED MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Regularly Scheduled Oak Brook Safety Pathway Committee Meeting of Thursday, January 11, 1996 has been CANCELLED. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK mr:botnot January 3, 1996 Margaret Rimbo Oak Brook Village Administration 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 Dear Margaret , This is to notify you that the meeting of the Safety Pathway Committee - scheduled for Thursday, January 11 , 1996 has been canceled. Please make appropriate notification. Thank you . Sincerely, Connie Craig Co-Chairman, Safety Pathyay Committee OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING - FEBRUARY 8, 1996 Committee Members Connie Craig, Co-Chairman* Steve McShane Tom Doyle Tom Richardson, Co-Chairman* John Hartmann* Ana Sisson* Heidi Huizenga Sue Walters* Rosetta Lombardi* Dale Durfey, Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk, Village of Oak Brook Bruce Kapff, Village of Oak Brook Roy Cripe, Oak Brook Park District* *Present 1. Minutes of December 14, 1995 were corrected as follows: Item#8 under New Business - 93 -The need for a pedestrian button at 22nd and Windsor was approved by the committee. Item#8 under New Business - #4 - The committee recommended exploring the possibility of installing parabolic mirrors at both the York Road and Rt. 83 underpasses. It should be noted that the Rt. 83 underpass is McDonald's property. 2. Map of Pathways: Bruce Kapff is working on an updated map of the Oak Brook pathways. Target is to complete and send it out in the spring with the Civic Association newsletter. 3. Priority Review: Per recommendation by Bruce Kapff, this will be tabled until spring when there is more activity and change going on. 4. 22"d Street: On both sides of the Tollway there is a wedge of property that is not owned by the Tollway but is under long term lease to be maintained by them. Tollway cannot grant the easement needed for the pathway as it was Butler's property. Our Park District legal counsel advised that the Tollway does have the authority to grant the easement;everyone else has to sign off. 5. York Road: Proposal to go before the Board on Tuesday, Feb. 13. The Forest Preserve District wrote a letter to the village stating their feeling that the area connecting from the southern edge of Christ Church property is frequently subject to flooding and therefore not suitable for the pathway connection. We are awaiting a letter from Christ Church regarding their position on this matter. The County Highway Dept. (IDOT) has approved the request to move the pathway closer to York Road just near the entrance to RobinHood Ranch so as to move it further away from the Andersen and Birkhahn properties. This will reduce the amount of bushes and trees that will need to be removed. The original proposal was further back from York Road to accommodate future widening of York; the proposed pathway north of the Birkhahn property will remain further back from York Road. 6. 31' Street Bridge: This is on hold because of highway work at Rt. 83 and 3 l"relative to McDonald's expansion. Per Dale Durfey, the bike path is to be blended into the McDonald changes. Grant is available. 31' Street east of Rt. 83 is to be widened in 2-3 years. 7. Harger/York Road: Concrete sidewalks between 5 and 6 feet wide are to be installed at 22"d and York. This is the size of an average sidewalk. Question: Can bikes ride on a"sidewalk"? 8. Regional Trail: Nothing new. 9. Old Business: 1. The two projects recommended in December meeting- parabolic mirrors under York and Rt. 83 and the pedestrian button at 22"a and Windsor-were sent to the village. 2. John Hartmann received a letter from Richard Fleming, Asst. Vice President and General Manager at Oak Brook Center, regarding bike accommodations at the Center(see copy attached). Connie will send a letter to Karen Bushy requesting direction in this regard. 3. 35`h Street/Covington Court is obligated to do a pathway down their segment of 35 h per plans. ComEd needs to do something about the power lines along 35`h. 10. New Business: 1. Park District to asphalt most, if not all, of the pathways in the spring. 2. Item 13 on Priority List concerns 35 h and Midwest Road. This is a very dangerous intersection. Easement from the property owner involved has been denied. 3. Tentative date for a Safety Pathway Committee bike ride has been set for the first Saturday in May(May 4) at 3:00 p.m. 11. Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 14 at 7:30 p.m. Connie Craig for Steve McShane Secretary ORK BROOK SRFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE r r. AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: Thursday, March 14, 1996 Time: 7:30 PM , 3 Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 �� J 1. Roll call. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. Map of pathways 4. Priority review 5. Project update: A. 22nd Street B. York Road C. 31st Street bridge across Route 83 D. Harger / York Road bridges E Regional Trail 7. Old business 8. New business In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at a public meeting of the Village of Oak Brook should contact Michael Crotty, the Village's ADA Coordinator at (708) 990-5738 as soon as possible before the meeting date. - PGE pF O 9,4 r G d 9C�COUNt'�'`� VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521 -2255 PHONE: 708 990-3000 FAX: 708 990-0876 NOTICE OF CANCELLED MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Regularly Scheduled Oak Brook Safety Pathway Committee Meeting of Thursday, March 14, 1996 has been CANCELLED. OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK mr:botnot ORK BROOK SRFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: Thursday, April 11, 1996 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1 . Roll call. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. Map of pathways 4. Priority review 5. Project update: A. 22nd Street B. York Road C. 31st Street bridge across Route 83 D. Harger / York Road bridges E Regional Trail 7. Old business 8. New business In accordance with * the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at a public meeting of the Village of Oak Brook should contact Michael Crotty, the Village's ADA Coordinator at (708) 990-5738 as soon as possible before the meeting date. ORK BROOK SAFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: Thursday, May 9, 1996 , Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1 . Roll call. 2. Approval of minutes. 3. Map of pathways 4. Priority review 5. Project update: A. 22nd Street B. York Road C. 31st Street bridge across Route 83 D. Harger / York Road bridges E Regional Trail 7. Old business 8. New business In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at a public meeting of the Village of Oak Brook should contact Michael Crotty, the Village's ADA Coordinator at (708) 990-5738 as soon as possible before the meeting date. 309 Trinity Lane Oak Brook, IL 6052 June 4, 1996 Margaret Rimbo Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 Dear Margaret, The Safety Pathway Committee has canceled its meetings for the summer. This would include the dates previously set for June, July, and August. We have decided to meet bi-monthly beginning with our September meeting. Our future meeting dates will be: September 12, 1996 November 14, 1996 January 9, 1997 ' March 13, 1997 May 8, 1997 If you have any questions regarding these changes, please call me at 920-9640. Thank you very much for making these adjustments to our schedule. Sincerely, Connie Craig Co-Chairman, Safety Pathway Committee UUi IUi :10 IU:1:0 -L]-/UO OZ.) 4044 !1I1)IKU.\11,.) WJ`yl)Ui. - 7 Midtronics Fax Cover Sheet / Date: June 10, 1996 To: Margaret Rimbo Village of Oak Brook Fax: 708-990-0876 From: Steve McShane Subject: Safety Pathway Committee The June, July and August meetings have been canceled. The next meeting will be September 12, 1996. St v cShane Midtronics, Inc. 8230 S. Madison Street Burr Ridge, IL 60521 Ph: 708-323-2800 Fax: 708-323-2844 _ F oA'�6,400 b C. o FCouN-V ' VI LLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521 -2255 PHONE: 708 990-3000 FAX: 708 990-0876 NOTICE OF CANCELLED MEETINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Regularly Scheduled Oak Brook Safety Pathway Committee Meetings for the months of June, July and August have been CANCELLED. Bi-Monthly Meetings will begin with the September 12, 1996 meeting. OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE ORK BROOK SAFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: September 12, 1996 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1. Roll call 2. Approval of minutes 3. Map of pathways 4. Project update: A. 22nd Street B. York Road C. Midwest Road D. Harger/York Road bridges E. Regional Trail F. Maintenance issues 5. Old business 6. New business In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at a public meeting of the Village of Oak Brook should contact Michael Crotty, the Village's ADA Coordinator at (630) 990-5738 as soon as possible before the meeting date. ORK BROOK SRFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1996 Committee Members: Heidi Huizenga Tom Richardson* John Hartmann* Tom Doyle* Steve McShane* Sue Walters* Connie Craig* Ana Sisson* Rosetta Lombardi* Dale Durfey* Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk, Village of Oak Brook Bruce Kapff, Village of Oak Brook Roy Cripe, Oak Brook Park District * Present 1 . Minutes of the May 9, 1996 meeting were approved. 2. Pathway map: Dale Durfey reported that the map had been entered on AutoCad. Bruce Kapff is looking at a means of printing. Several members will stop and see Bruce to review the map. Bruce will have it printed in an 11" x 17" format, for mailing out to residents in the spring. The committee discussed the ideas of getting tourism funds and getting a centerfold in a Civic Association newsletter. The committee requested that Steve McShane draft a letter to the village board suggesting wide distribution including the village newsletter, the Civic Association calendar, availability at the recreation center, and to consider making one side available for printing for use by local hotels. 3. 22nd Street Pathway: No report. Sue will contact Roy Cripe. 4. York Road Pathway: Dale Durfey reviewed a copy of a letter sent by Bob Vick, Director of Planning and Development for the Forest Preserve District to Executive Director Utt. The letter suggested reopening various options which have already been considered and rejected by the committee. Connie Craig agreed to call Steve Veich and suggest that the village recommend that Mr. Vick review the April 19 report from Bruce Kapff which discussed the various options. Phase 1 is completed. IDOT should let contracts by mid-1997. It was suggested that "Bicycle Crossing" signs be placed on either side of York Road at Canteberry Lane. Tom Doyle noted that a pathway has been completed in front of Oak Brook Lakes now. Pathways south of Oak Brook Lakes are now possible since easements have been granted. North from Oak Brook Lakes, only two easements are available for extension of the pathway to Canterbury Lane. Tom Doyle moved that the money set aside by the new York Lake subdivision be used to complete a pathway in front of York Lake, with the goal of continuing all the way down to the Salt Creek bridge with the same design as the Oak Brook Lakes pathway. Steve McShane was asked to write a letter to Karen Bushy and the village board. 5. Midwest Road: Steve McShane moved that a letter be 'written to Karen Bushy with a copy to Steve Veitch acknowledging the efforts of the village board to support the integrity of the safety pathway system against pressures to eliminate this vital link. Connie Craig will write the letter. 6. Harger bridge: The Harger bridge is owned by the Tollway Authority and they want to transfer ownership to the village. According to Dale Durfey this issue may be worked out in the next couple of months. 6. Regional Trail: Dale will be , meeting with all participants. Will include discussion about Canterbury Lane connection under the Tollway and the underpass under Roosevelt Road at Salt Creek. 7. Election of officers: Connie and Tom will continue at co- chairmen and Steve will continue as Secretary. 8. Spring Road between Adams and Madison: Steve McShane contacted Dan Griffen and Bob Vick from the Forest Preserve District about developing a pathway through the forest preserve. Mr. Vick indicated that funds were not available but that he would discuss the environment impact with his people. After discussion the committee suggested that a letter be written to Karen Bushy suggesting that Spring Road be widened by 3 to 4 feet on both sides to allow on-road pathways. This letter will be sent after the first of the year. Spring Road will be added to the agenda for future meetings. 9. The next meeting will be on November 14. S eve McShane Secretary ORK BROOK SAFETY PRTHWRY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MONTHLY MEETING Date: November 14, 1996 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1 . Roll call 2. Approval of minutes 3. Map of pathways 4. Project update: A. 22nd Street ; B. York Road C. Midwest Road D. Harger/York Road bridges E Spring Road F. Regional Trail G Pathway Map H. Maintenance issues 5. Old business 6. New business In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at a public meeting of the Village of Oak Brook should contact Michael Crotty, the Village's ADA Coordinator at (630) 990-5738 as soon as possible before the meeting date. i� OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, NOVEMBER 14, 1996 Committee Members: Heidi Huizenga* Tom Richardson* John Hartmann* Tom Doyle Steve McShane* Sue Walters* Connie Craig* Ana Sisson* Rosetta Lombardi Dale Durfey, Village of Oak Brook Tom Hawk, Village of Oak Brook Bruce Kapff, Village of Oak Brook Roy Cripe* Oak Brook Park District * Present ' 1. Minutes of the October meeting were approved, with the exception of item 4, which states "...only two easements are available for the extension .of the pathway to Cantebury Lane." It should say "...only two easements are needed...". 2. Pathway map: According to the Village Newsletter, it has gone to print. It will be taken off the list of agenda items. 3. 22nd Street Pathway: There are still problems with the NiGas easement which create a conflict with IDOT policies. No resolution yet. 4. Roy Cripe reported that the McDonald's land deal has resulted in $250,000 earmarked for the Conservation Department of Dupage County for the benefit of the village. It may be used to acquire easements. Possibly could be used for an underpass under 31 st Street, or connecting Dean's Farm to Graue Mill. 5. York Road Pathway. Nothing new to report. 6. Midwest Road Pathway. A motion by Heidi Huizenga that reiterated that Midwest Road pathway is essential to the whole pathway system plan passed. 7. Harger Road Bridge. This is still held up unless the Village agrees to take ownership of the bridge from the Tollway Authority. 8. Spring Road between Adams and Madison: Tom Richardson suggested that Steve McShane contact Dan Griffen again regarding the Forest Preserve District participation. 9. Meyers Road: A letter from Village Manager Steve Veitch along with a letter from the Ginger Creek Community Association were reviewed, regarding the proposed construction of a pathway between Butterfield Road and the entrance to Ginger Creek. A motion by Tom Richardson and seconded by Sue Walters to support the Ginger Creek Community Association's desire for support in this project. This will be added to our priority list. A letter from Steve McShane will be sent to the village board supporting the residents of Ginger Creek. 10. Bicycle Friendly Community: Sue Walters will write a letter to the Village President suggesting that Oak Brook apply to be a "Bicycle Friendly Community". 11. Next Meeting: January 9, 1997 at 7:30 PM. Tom Richardson will talk with Bruce Kapff about getting an updated priority list out to all committee members, and all committee members should review priorities for discussion at the January meeting. Steve cShane Secretary