BD-SPC-A&MIN 1998 OFc. OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, JANUARY 8, 199T Committee Members Connie Craig * Rosetta Lombardi Steve McShane * Tom Doyle * Heidi Huizenga Sue Walters John Hartmann * Ana Sisson Tom Richardson Roy Cripe,* Oak Brook Park District Howard Trier,* Commissioner, Oak Brook Park District * Present 1. Minutes of November 13, 1997 were approved with the following corrections: A. Under 2A, Connie Craig has the map. B. Under 4A, "Intersection of York Road and 22nd. C. Under 4C, "a letter maj be written to Steve Vietch." D. Under 4E, delete "It is now on the B list." E. Under 4G, add "Tom Richardson filled out project report, to be forwarded to Mike Miranda by Connie Craig." 2. Map Update A. Add legend number for Graue Mill. Correct Brook Forest. (Add Mockingbird to connect Concord with Midwest Road and Regent Drive.) Add Glendale in green. Add "York Lakes" and "Old Oak Brook" subdivisions. Move "CC" on map so that it is visible. Add "Steeplecase" subdivision. Mark underpass on 22nd Street east of Salt Creek. Add "Oak Brook Club" subdivision. Add "Saddle Brook Chase" subdivision. Add 'Robin Hood Ranch" subdivision. Add "Post Office" to "Public Places of Interest." Add "The Lodge" under "Hotels." Move "4" and change "Mayslake" to Mayslake Forest Preserve/Peabody Mansion. Correct connector in Forest Glen. Addition corrections noted by Connie Craig; who will submit change requests to Village. PHONE 111--1- r_,_�=i r,�4 _-561 i _T. n. 0 1,+,?;_; =r=:: =HP9 F'1 OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MEETING Committee Members: Please call Connie Craig (920-9640) or Steve McShane (654-0216) if you cannot attend! .Date: January 8, 1998 Time: 7:30 PM _ Location:_ Oak Brook Village Hall _. -- .. .. _.....- . 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1. Roll call 2. Approval of minutes 3. Map update 4. Project update: A. 22nd Street B. York Road C. Midwest Road D. Harger/York Road bridges E. Spring Road F. Regional Trail G. Maintenance issues 5. Old business 6. New business In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at a public meeting of the Village of Oak Brook should contact Michael Crotty, the Village's ADA coordinator at (630) 990-5738 as soon as possible before the meeting date. T vl� C 1t� B. Discussion of backside of map. Committee reviewed list in November minutes. Connie Craig will submit list of recommended topics/items to Village. 3. Project updates A. 22nd Street(underpass) -Progress being made. B. York Road- Moving ahead. C. Midwest Road - question of whether project has been postponed to 1999. Discussion of paths on both sides of Midwest Road. D. Harger/York Road bridges -Not resolved. E. Spring Road -nothing F. Regional Trail -Nothing G. Maintenance Issues -Nothing 4. Old Business -None 5. New Business A. Motion: Write Village and Park District to recommend to Village the continuance of the committee. Approved. Steve McShance to write letter. B. Sue Walters to inquire about east side of York Road. C. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Next meeting March 12. OAC OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MEETING Committee Members: Please call Connie Craig (920-9640) or Steve McShane (654-0216) if you cannot attend! Date: March 12, 1998 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1. Roll call 2. Approval of minutes 3. Map review 4. Project update: A. 22nd Street B. York Road C. Midwest Road D. Harger/York Road bridges E. Spring Road F. Regional Trail G. Maintenance issues 5. Old business 6. New business In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at a public meeting of the Village of Oak Brook should contact Michael Crotty, the Village's ADA coordinator at (630) 990-5738 as soon as possible before the meeting date. OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, MAY 14, 1998 Committee Members Connie Craig * Rosetta Lombardi Steve McShane Tom Doyle * Heidi Huizenga Sue Walters John Hartmann Ana Sisson Tom Richardson Roy Cripe, Oak Brook Park District Howard Trier,* Commissioner, Oak Brook Park District * Present 1. Lacking a quorum, there were no minutes to approve for the previous meeting. 2. Map Review The committee discussed sites for map availability and for the availability to purchase maps in quantity. A. The committee recommended the following distribution for the Safety Pathway map: • Residents • Park District Recreation Center • Village Hall • Racket Club • Oak Brook Library • Grove Mill • Visitors Center— Fullersburg • South Center • Shelter • Golf Course B. The committee also recommended that the map be available for purchase in quantity to the following: • Hotels • OBACI • Churches • Stores selling bikes, etc. C. Minor changes to the map and to the editorial copy for the map were taken by Connie Craig. A motion was made by committee member Doyle and seconded by committee member Richardson to have the revised map and copy for the back of map that the committee recommends to the village that the map and copy as corrected be printed and distributed. Unanimously approved. 4. Project updates. The committee reviewed the various projects on the agenda. A motion was made by committee member Richardson and seconded by committee member Doyle that a letter be sent to the Village president requesting that the Harger/York extension project be moved forward less funding be lost. The committee also requests an update on the project and offers its support to move this key project forward. Motion unanimously approved. With regard to project updates, the committee recommends to the Village that the side of York Road be landscaped to match the quality of the existing Pathway. With regard to maintenance, the committee recommends to the Village that McDonalds be approached with regard to repairing the pathway on its property along the lake. 5. Old Business. Committee discussed its continuation. Five members have terms expiring in August and it is necessary to know who wishes to continue on the committee. Connie Craig will contact members whose terms are expiring. There being no additional business, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Oak Brook Safety Pathway Committee June 22, 1998 Margaret Rimbo Village of Oak Brook 1200 Oak Brook Oak Brook, IL 60521 Dear Margaret: My Co-Chairman, Connie Craig advised me that the recent village board resolution to continue the Safety Pathway Committee for another five years will not take effect until July 14, 1998, which is after our scheduled July meeting. For this reason, we need to cancel this meeting. The next scheduled meeting will be held on September 10, 1998. , By copy of this letter, I am advising the other committee members of this required cancellation. Very truly yours, Y teve McShane Co-Chairman \f OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE AGENDA - REGULAR OPEN MEETING Committee Members: Please call Connie Craig (920-9640) or Steve McShane (654-0216) if you cannot attend! Date: September 10, 1998 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1. Roll call 2. Approval of minutes 3. Map review 4. Project update: A. 22nd Street B. York Road C. Midwest Road D. Harger/York Road bridges E. Spring Road F. Regional Trail G. Maintenance issues 5. Old business 6. New business In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at a public meeting of the Village of Oak Brook should contact Michael Crotty, the Village's ADA coordinator at (630) 990-5738 as soon as possible before the meeting date. OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 Committee Members Steve McShane* Rosetta Lombardi* Heidi Huizenga Tom Doyle * John Hartmann* Sue Walters Tom Richardson* Roy Cripe*, Oak Brook Park District Howard Trier, Commissioner, Oak Brook Park District * Present 1. Election of officers. With the Village Board continuation of the committee and the reappointment of those members who wish to remain on the committee, committee member Richardson nominated Steve McShane and John Hartmann as co-chairpersons and Tom Doyle as secretary. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. 2. Minutes of the May 14, 1998 meeting were approved unanimously. . 3. The Safety Pathway trail map having been published and distributed to the Village, there was no discussion of map update. 4. Project Updates. Chairman McShane presented a status report on bikeway projects from the DuPage County Regional Planning Commission and asked that the secretary distribute copies to committee members. The secretary will distribute them at the November 12, 1998 meeting. A. 22"d Street -- Papers are to go to IDOT next week to approve technical corrections. B. York Road — The pathway is being staked, with tree trimming scheduled for next week. This project is scheduled for Fall completion. C. Midwest Road --- Nothing to report. D. HargerNork Road bridges — There is some discussion with the Tollway Authority regarding this project. Richardson had requested at the May meeting that a letter be sent to the Village president recommending that the Village attempt to move this project forward. It is uncertain whether or not the letter was sent and Chairman Shane-agreed to send a letter. E. Spring Road -- New pavement has been added and stripped from Adams Road to the main entrance of the Forest Preserve. A letter dated June 29 received from Bob Vick of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County relates to this project. Committee members Richardson and McShane will discuss with Village engineer Dale Durfey the possibility of the Village requesting an off-road trail be added to the Forest Preserve budget process. Design and rationale will be needed. Roy Cripe indicated that the Oak Brook Park District will consider participating. F. 315`Street — The Committee reviewed Dale Durfey's letter. G. Meyers Road --- Plan offered by the Village was rejected by homeowners, according to Mr. Joe Kaverik. Committee member Richardson requested that a letter or other communication clarifying reasons for the rejection be provided to the committee. The original plan was intended for the convenience of the home- owners and the committee felt that, if rejected by homeowners, there would be no need to include it in Safety Pathway Planning. H. Regional Trail ---The status report of the DuPage Regional Planning Commission was reviewed earlier in the meeting. 5. Old Business — Chairman McShane reviewed correspondence received since the last meeting. 6. New Business — There being no new business, meeting adjourned at 9.15 P.M. OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE AGENDA—REGULAR OPEN MEETING Committee Members: Please call Steve McShane (654-0216) or John Hartmann (941-8660) if you cannot attend! Date: November 12, 1998 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of minutes 3. Project update: A. 22nd Street B. York Road C. Midwest Road D. Harger/York Road bridges E. Spring Road F. 315' Street G. Meyers Road H. Regional Trail 4. Old Business New Business In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at a public meeting of the Village of Oak Brook should contact Michael Crotty, the Village's ADA coordinator at (630) 990-5738 as soon as possible before the meeting date. 17:U:5 'a,�47 439 1.1111 IN5C:A 10iiQ3 Q(.14 OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING, NOVEMBER 12, 1998 Committee Members Steve McShane* Rosetta Lombardi' Heidi Huizenga Tom Doyle John Hartmann* Sue Walters " Tom Richardson* Roy Cripe, Oak Brook Park District Howard Trier ', Commissioner, Oak Brook Park District Dale Durfey`, Village of Oak Brook '" Present 1. Minutes of September 10, 1998 were approved unanimously. 2. Project Updates A. York Road - the path from 313t Street to Robin Hood Ranch (RHR) has been completed. A suggestion was made to plan an opening dedication ceremony in the spring of 1999. It was also suggested that a request to K. Bushy's office be made to send out a press release announcing that the path is now open. Steve M. will send memo to Village. McShane wrote a letter to the Village regarding continuation of the path south of RHR. Durfey stated that there has been money allocated in the 1999 budget to do this. B. Midwest Road - Durfey says that we are waiting on the county. It should be in next year. C. Harger & York Road Bridges -This is being held up by the Tollway. Durfey states that the Village may proceed with this project even if the Tollway does not agree to do the trade as previously discussed. D. Spring Road -The shoulders were widened by one foot to a total of three feet on each side and is now much easier to ride. McShane suggested a request to the Forest Preserve asking for a path from Adams Street to the point where the Salt Creek meets Spring Road and then crossing the creek with a bridge to tie into an existing Forest Preserve path. McShane to write letter. Cc' `9 \6a�v !11• !17• : ;1 11 UJ 0041 -!JN 11111 A-.)k.A X11114:1,1o4 E. 315t Street- Durfey says it is currently on hold due to McDonalds pulling back on their plans to proceed. Richardson suggested the committee send a letter to the Village requesting that we utilize the existing approved grant for a path on the south side of 315 Street across Route 83. This is in view of the McDonalds failure to pursue the project and the already two-year delay. McShane to write fetter. F. Meyers Road - Postponed due to the residents not wanting it in the location it was planned for. Richardson motioned that the project be deleted from our priority list and regular agenda since there is resident resistance and it is not a connection for an exising link. G. Regional Trail - Durfey reports that the project is moving ahead. Engineering Phase 1 is scheduled to begin. H. 22nd Street - All the revisions are in for the engineering plans. They are awaiting [DOT review and are planned for early 1999 bid letting. I. Durfey reports three more sections of paths were completed in 1998. i) In front of York Lake Subdivision ii) In front of Gateway Subdivision iii) 35'h Street from Trinity Lane to Covington Court. There are plans and money in the 1999 budget for a path along Wood Glen Lane in Forest Glen/Woodside Subdivision and also for 3151 Street south of RHRas far as possible. 3. Old Business A. Richardson noted that all committee members appointments are scheduled to expire in 2001. He suggested that the appointments should be staggered so that they don't all end at the same time. B. Richardson moved that we delete the York Road-22nd Street intersection from our priority list due to its completion. It was decided that we should review our priority list at the January 1999 meeting. C. It was requested that the secretary should update the list of the committee members' addresses & phone numbers by the next meeting. Next meeting date January 14, 1999 at 7:30 P.M. Move to adjourn at 9:00 P.M. ill. i.. . as l i :UJ V,7d i +.),i llll •�,1 pU I11i4 OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE AGENDA— REGULAR OPEN MEETING Committee Members: Please call Steve McShane (654-0216) or John Hartmann (941-8660) if you cannot attend! Date: January 14, 1999 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Oak Brook Village Hall 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of minutes 3. Project update: A. 22"d Street B. York Road C. Midwest Road D. Harger/York Road bridges E. Spring Road F. 31St Street G. Regional Trail 4. Old Business New Business In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at a public meeting of the Village of Oak Brook should contact Michael Crotty, the Village's ADA coordinator at (630) 990-5738 as soon as possible before the meeting date.