Minutes - 09/25/2019- Sports Core Advisory Committee Y PGE OF 0AK890
WRITTEN ON 12/9/19
Call to Order
The meeting of the Sports Core Advisory Committee of the Village of Oak Brook was held at the Butler
Government center in the Upper Level Conference Room on September 25, 2019 at 6:30 and was called to
order by Angie Lopez at 6:35
PRESENT: Angie Lopez,John Anos, Lara Barber, Kathy Miller,Melissa Martin, Frank Scarpiniti and
Mike Stevens.
ABSENT: Erin Converse
IN ATTENDANCE: Village Manager, Rick Ginex, Executive Assistant, Connie Reid, Tennis Pro, Jim
Lezatte, Golf Pro, Jeff Kawucha, Park District employees,Allegra Wozinak and Rob Bond and Trustees,
Michael Manzo (6:45 Arrival), John Baar and Moin Saiyed and Village President, Gopal Lalmalani (late
Approval of Minutes
John Anos motioned to approve the minutes from the June 25, 2019 meeting, Frank Scarpiniti seconded.
Voice vote. Motion carried.
Public Comments
No Public Comments
Season End Summary
Golf—Jeff Kawucha
Jeff gave an account of the decline in golf memberships, explaining that it is not necessarily an
indication that business is declining. Explained that more members are not necessarily a good
thing, it depends on the member's usage. The club is now at a comfortable balance. Spoke about
the Junior memberships and the utilization of the club by children,there is a substantial presence by
youth—high school golf teams practice and play, Jr. Golf Lessons and Jr. League. The course has
been at capacity as of late. Talked about the increase in food and beverage sales due to the patio.
The kitchen and bar area renovations were spoken about,plans and pricing. The surcharge fund
will be used for the updates. A conversation started regarding Green Fee pricing and how it is not
necessary to discount any fees. The course is full and does well charging regular prices, the goal is
to increase the quality of play and discounting fees compromises the integrity of the course. Talked
about the patio party—people not receiving emails—suggested getting a marketing intern who
would create emails and handle marketing etc. and the need to have a structured position that could
help all areas. Spoke about issues regarding course parking lot and the need for lights and why that
is not being funded. A suggestion for golf, tennis, and swim camps for next summer.
Pool -Allegra Wozniak and Rob Bond
Rob went over the survey results, members still wanting extended pool hours, and wanting the pool
to stay open all day in August. Members want the Club to be open on Labor Day. The Park District
plans to look at the hours and staffing issues for next year. Extended conversation ensued regarding
Labor Day. Rob spoke on the need for equipment for next season, and that may cut into the staffing
budget. The minimum wage hikes will have an effect on staffing costs also. 2019 hours were
extended from 2018 and they will look into additional hours for 2020 after analyzing their budget.
Rob was asked if he could put a dollar amount on the additional hour hours for adding Labor Day
so that Sports Core would adjust the membership pricing. Allegra went over the recruitment
process for lifeguards and the schools she went to. Conversation shifted to member behavior
regarding outside alcohol and drinking in the pool and it being less of an issue this season but still
exists, what should the repercussions be; calling the police, suspended membership? The question
of coolers, outside food, outside beverage being allowed was brought up, should there be a food
and beverage minimum?There was an issue this season regarding music, which has been addressed
by making a quiet area on the pool deck. Conversation shifted to the pool improvements being
done over the winter and the desire to have more member events. Suggestion for the pool
operations was better communication regarding pool closures and events. Rick Ginex went through
the renovations that will be done and the costs involved.
Tennis - Jim Lezatte
Tennis memberships were down this season. Jim, spoke of special deals for memberships that were
available in past seasons and his inability to honor them, causing a drop in memberships. Jim spoke
on the need to increase the non-member pricing to entice people to become members. Tennis being
part of a full membership, for"free", was also part of the reason for tennis only membership to be
down. Drills/Lessons did included new groups that had full memberships. Spoke of the need to
better market the clay courts, which are a draw for most tennis players and that the price for a
tennis membership is very low. The condition of the courts were better this year than in the past.
Food and beverage for players after dark doesn't exist, could tennis use the beverage cart from the
golf course? Can the pro shop stock and sell alcohol?Jim mentioned using Groupon or doing a free
class to get people out and is willing to go to the local schools to do a tennis day to try to draw
more business. Jim would like to have more social events next season.
Post Season Marketing
Already touched upon, need to find a way to market to Elmhurst. Rick went through the marketing
that Point B does for Oak Brook. Can we add to the Civic Association newsletter, or the PTO at the
New Committee Member Recommendations
The terms for some members expire in November. Consensus is that the current members will be
reappointed and will Lynna Smith will be replaced.Names and the process were discussed.
Other Business
Rick presented drawings/pictures of the Sports Core enhancements, he explained the grant funding.
The sled hill is being moved for the salt storage building. He went through the 2020 budgeted
improvements, including pavers for the parking lot, additional soccer field and soccer parking and
tennis pro shop. Rick asked for opinions regarding roofing options for the B&T clubhouse. Again,
it was asked why more money is being put into the B&T parking lot when the Golf lot is falling
apart, especially since Golf is making money. The Oslad grant was explained along with the other
grant money.
Oak Brook Park District Contract
Discussed adding the hour extensions to the contract, and the pay rate increases.
Adiourn Meeting
Melissa Martin motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Lara Barber. Meeting adjourned at
Connie Reid Date
Executive Assistant
Village of Oak Brook