2012 Golf Cars 2012 GOLF CAR BID TABULATION ITEM #ITEM EZ-GO TEXTRON INC.HARRIS GOLF CARS NADLER GOLF CAR SALES 1 Total purchase price of seventy-seven (77) model year 2012 golf cars (70 - 2 passenger, 48 volt cars, 1 - gas powered beverage car, 1 - gas powered car with driving range picker cage, 1 - 48 volt utility car, 2 - gas powered utility cars, 2 - gas powered 4 passenger shuttle cars $307,997.00 $349,425.00 $361,390.00 2 Total trade-in of seventy-six (76) golf cars (68 - 2005 E-Z-Go TXT 36 volt 2 passenger golf cars, 1 - 2005 E-Z-Go TXT 36 volt 4 passenger shuttle car, 1 - 2005 E-Z-Go TXTG gas powered 4 passenger shuttle car, 1 - 2005 E-Z-Go MPT 1000E electric powered utility car, 3 - 2004 Yamaha G23A gas powered utility cars, 1 - 2004 Yamaha G22 gas powered golf car, 1 - 1991 E-Z-Go GXT 804 gas powered golf car $62,800.00 $61,700.00 $39,400.00 3 Total cost for a four year lease/purchase of item 1 and trade in of item 2 $261,864.00 $313,953.60 $339,732.24 4 Total purchase price of item 1 and trade-in of item 2 $245,197.00 $287,725.00 $321,990.00