Purchase of Municipally Owned Water System Outside the Village Boundaries Final
August 2019
Village of Oak Brook
1200 Oak Brook Road
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Table of Contents
1. General Description ......................................................................................... 4
2. Request for Proposal ....................................................................................... 4
3. Water System Customers ............................................................................... 5
4. Fixed Asset Information ................................................................................... 6
5. Financial Information ....................................................................................... 6
6. Maintenance Records ...................................................................................... 6
7. Capital Improvements ...................................................................................... 6
8. Water Quality Records ..................................................................................... 6
9. Emergency Interconnects ................................................................................ 6
1. Qualifications of Purchasing Utility ................................................................... 7
2. Regulatory Approvals ..................................................................................... 7
3. Appraisals ........................................................................................................ 7
4. Warranties and Litigation ................................................................................. 7
5. Transfer of Real Property and Easements ....................................................... 8
6. Transfer of Personal Property .......................................................................... 8
7. Earnest Money ................................................................................................ 8
8. Source Water Supply Arrangement ................................................................. 8
1. Description and History of the Proposing Utility Organization or Municipality ... 9
2. Statement of Interest ....................................................................................... 9
3. Previous Utility Acquisition Experience ............................................................ 9
4. Financial Capacity for the Acquisition .............................................................. 9
5. Proposed Purchase Price ............................................................................... 9
6. Required Regulatory Approvals ....................................................................... 10
7. Public Notification and Communication Plan .................................................... 10
8. Purchase Agreement ....................................................................................... 10
9. Transition Plan ................................................................................................. 10
10. Timeline for the Purchase ................................................................................ 11
11. Proposed long term water supply .................................................................... 11
1. Evaluation Criteria ............................................................................................. 11
2. Standard Terms and Conditions……………………………………………………..11
SECTION 5 - Appendices
A - Area Maps
B - Fixed Asset Information
C - Financial Information
D - Maintenance Records
E - Capital Improvements
F - Water Quality Records
1. General Description
The Village of Oak Brook (Village) is in DuPage County, Illinois with a small portion in Cook
County, Illinois. The Village has a population of approximately 7,900 people.
The Village’s water system was initially established in the 1959 as an investor owned utility
company. The water utility served areas both inside and outside the Village’s boundaries. In
1971 the Village acquired the water system from the investor owned utility company.
Originally the water system source of water was groundwater wells. In the 1990’s Lake Michigan
water supply was introduced from the DuPage Water Commission (DWC). The wells have been
kept on standby. The water system operates with 3 connections to the DWC, combination of
ground and elevated storage and 3 booster pump stations. All of these facilities are located
inside the Village boundaries and are not part of the system available for purchase.
The Village does not own or operate any sanitary sewer collection facilities inside its water
service area. These services are provided by other agencies.
2. Request for Proposal (RFP)
The Village has decided to only serve the customers located within its corporate boundaries.
Therefore, the Village is issuing this request for proposal for the purchase of the water system
located outside the village boundaries. The system for purchase is divided in 5 zones.
Proposal are due on September 4, 2019 at 3:00 pm CST. All proposals shall be submitted in a
sealed envelope on or before the time stated and shall bear the name of the individual, firm, or
corporation submitting the proposal. Proposals will not be opened publically. Proposals
submitted after this time will not be opened. No oral, telephone, e-mail or facsimile proposals
will be considered.
Submit three (3) hard copy and one (1) electronic copy of the proposal to in a sealed envelope
Rania Serences
Senior Purchasing Assistant
1200 Oak Brook Rd.
Village of Oak Brook, IL 60523
Interested parties should contact Doug Patchin, dpatchin@oak-brook.org to schedule a site visit
of the water system before August 28, 2019.
Proposals shall be signed by authorized company officials. The proof of authority to sign the
proposal shall be included with the proposal. The Village will not be liable in any way for any
costs incurred by respondents in replying to this RFP.
Proposers are not allowed to contact any Village Personnel except the individual assigned by
the Village to manage the RFP process. This includes elected officials and employees of the
Village. Any questions should be submitted in writing to Doug Patchin, dpatchin@oak-brook.org .
Last date for submitting questions is August 26, 2019. All questions and responses will be
compiled and submitted to all Proposers electronically in one general response memorandum
by Wednesday, August 28, 2019. In order to enable the Village to equitably respond to
requestor questions, the Village requests that prospective Proposers register in advance with
the Village via e-mail at rserences@oak-brook.org.
3. Water System Customers
The water customer count (metered connections) of the Village’s system, broken down by
categories, is shown below:
Inside Village
2,875 319 3,194
Outside Village
1,949 172 2,121
The location of the service is shown in area maps in Appendix A. Map 1 shows the overall water
system and the 5 zones outside the Village boundary which are part of the proposal.
4. Fixed Asset Information
The assets for sale are listed in Appendix B. These figures are taken from the Village’s fixed
asset spreadsheets created for the GASB accounting system. Actual quantities may vary,
but the quantities being sold are those currently existing within the five zones. The fixed
assets are also shown on the Zone Maps for zone 1 thru 5 in Appendix A. The detailed
maps would be provided to the proposer after they sign a non-disclosure agreement.
5. Financial Information
Appendix C includes the following financial information:
a) Last 3 years water sales and revenues for the 5 zones
b) Last 3 years water rates
c) Water System Enterprise Fund Financial Audit
d) 2017 Water System Annual Budget
6. Maintenance Records
Maintenance records are listed in Appendix D.
7. Capital Improvements
Past and proposed Capital improvements to the system are listed in Appendix E.
8. Water Quality Records
Water quality records for last 3 years are listed in Appendix F.
9. Emergency Interconnects
Appendix A shows the emergency interconnects with adjoining water systems. It is Village’s
intent that the purchasing utility shall either be assigned the interconnect agreement if allowed
to do so by the adjoining utility or the purchasing utility will negotiate and enter into its own
emergency interconnect agreement. Village will not be responsible for or party to any
negotiations between the purchasing utility and the adjoining water system for the continued use
of the interconnects by the purchasing utility.
1. Qualifications of Purchasing Utility
a) The purchasing utility should be registered as a Water Utility with the Illinois Commerce
Commission (ICC) or be a municipal water utility operating a water supply registered
with the Illinois EPA. Proposer should provide proof of ownership and operation of water
systems as an investor owned or as a municipal water utility in the proposal.
b) The proposer must demonstrate Financial Capacity to pay for the purchase, future
improvements and operation of the water system. Required documents are listed in
Section 3.
c) The proposer should disclose experience with acquisitions or mergers of water systems
within their operations in the last 10 years.
2. Regulatory Approvals
The proposer shall obtain all required regulatory or contractual approvals at their own cost.
Following is a list of preliminary approvals anticipated with the purchase:
a) Illinois Commerce Commission
b) DuPage Water Commission (DWC)
c) Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
d) Emergency Interconnect Agreements
e) Other Required Approvals
3. Appraisals
Any appraisals of the water system required by the proposer to comply with ICC rules shall be
paid for by the proposer.
4. Warranties and Litigation
The system is being sold “as-is” with no warranties. The purchaser is responsible for conducting
due-diligence and any investigation prior to the proposal due date. The system shall include
both personal and real property outside the Village’s boundaries.
Village of Oak Brook will be responsible for any litigation arising from the time period the Village
owned the system. The purchasing utility shall be responsible for any claim, demand, or suit
relating to the system during or arising out of their period of ownership.
5. Transfer of Real Property and Easements
Zones 1 through 5 may have easements or any Village owned land for the water mains and
ancillary equipment. The Village shall have the real estate appraised at its own cost. The
appraised value will be made public when available. The proposals shall provide a breakdown
of the purchase price for the real property. Under Illinois law, although only reflecting a
mandated low offering price, the proposal for the purchase of the real property based upon the
appraisal method must be at least 80% of its appraised value.
6. Transfer of Personal Property
This shall take place after the Village has entered into an agreement for the system purchase
with the successful Proposer and all requirements of the purchase agreement have been met.
7. Earnest Money
An earnest money of $100,000 in the form of a Cashier’s Check payable to the Village of Oak
Brook shall be submitted with the Proposal. The Village will return the money to the
unsuccessful proposer(s). The earnest money for the successful proposal shall be held by the
Village. The earnest money will be credited towards the purchase price at the time of the
closing. If the successful proposer fails to close the transaction, the Village will forfeit the
earnest money.
8. Source of Water Supply
If the proposer chooses to purchase Lake Michigan Water Supply from the Village, the Village
will entertain entering into an agreement for the supply of Lake Michigan water on a whole-sale
basis and possibly providing a portion of storage for the systems. The water supply contract,
terms and conditions, water rate and the contract duration shall be agreed upon between the
Village and the Purchaser.
The following items are to be included in the proposal:
1. Description and History of the Proposing Utility Organization or Municipality
The proposer should describe the Utility or the municipality’s history, its service areas, number
of customers (not population), organizational structure, experience and qualifications to own and
operate the water system.
2. Statement of Interest
State how the merger of the service area with the rest of the proposer’s system will be beneficial
to the proposer and the customers.
3. Previous Utility Acquisition Experience
Indicate prior experience with water system acquisitions or mergers. Provide a list of the
acquisitions, its location and the number of customers involved. Provide reference list of
Municipal officials for the Village to contact regarding the acquisition. Provide details listed in
Section 2 of this RFP.
4. Financial Capacity for the Acquisition
The proposer should provide its audited financial statements for the past three years.
Provide its current debt ratings for outstanding debt issues, including general obligation debt
and utility revenue bond debt for municipalities, and long-term corporate debt obligations for
investor-owned utilities. Proposer may mark information it deems as confidential. Village will
make its best efforts to honor the request of the proposer consistent with the statutory
5. Proposed Purchase Price
Indicate the purchase price, broken down by real and personal property in the following format:
System Real Estate Water System
Total Purchase
Oak Brook Water
System located
Outside the Village
“Total Purchase
Price” in words
This will be a cash sale with the full purchase price due at the time of closing.
6. Required Regulatory Approvals
Indicate the Federal, State and Local approvals which would be required to be obtained by the
proposer to purchase the water system. Indicate the expected time frame for obtaining the
7. Public Notification and Communication Plan
Include the plan for public notification such as meetings with homeowner associations and
customers and other means of communications with the customers. List items to be covered
with the prospective customers.
8. Purchase Agreement
Include a sample purchase agreement in the proposal. The final agreement with the successful
proposer will be based on the sample agreement as modified by the Village’s attorney and
mutually agreeable to both parties.
9. Transition Plan
Provide a proposed transition plan for the acquisition. The plan should detail any capital
improvements needed to provide service to the area such as master metering stations and
customer and billing data switch over to the proposer’s system.
10. Timeline for Acquisition
Indicate proposed timetable for the completion of the acquisition. List major activities, approvals
and any construction projects required to provide service to the system such as master metering
11. Proposed water supply for the Acquisition- Improvements for water supply
Indicate the long-term source of water supply for the purchased water system. If Lake Michigan
Water supply from the Village is to be used, indicate the master metering locations and required
flow rate. Requirements for any storage should also be stated. Village will develop a charge for
use of its storage facilities if requested by the proposer and agreed to by the Village.
1. Evaluation Criteria
The proposals will be evaluated on the following criterion:
a) Compliance with the Terms and Conditions of Purchase
b) Proposed Purchase Price
c) Qualifications and Financial Capacity of the proposer
2. Standard Terms and Conditions.
Proposals submitted are offers only. Issuance of this RFP does not obligate the Village to pay
any costs incurred by a Proposer.
A Proposer may withdraw its proposal, either personally or by written request, at any time prior
to the scheduled deadline for submittals. No proposal shall be withdrawn for 90 days after the
date set for opening proposals. Proposals shall be subject to acceptance during this period. The
Village reserves the right to accept the proposal that is, in its sole judgment, the best and most
favorable to the interests of the Village and to the public; to reject the low price proposal; to
accept any item of any proposal; to reject any and all proposals; and to waive irregularities and
informalities in any proposal submitted or in the RFP process; provided, however, that the
waiver of any prior defect or informality shall not be considered a waiver of any future or similar
def ect or informality. Proposers should not rely upon, or anticipate, such waivers in submitting
their proposal.
The Village reserves the right to negotiate specifications, terms, and conditions which may be
necessary or appropriate to the accomplishment of the purpose of the RFP. The Village may
require that a proposal be made as part of the resulting contract.
Zone: 1
1,329 Residential Accounts
46 Commerical Accounts
9,654,292 gallons per month
Zone: 5
490 Residential Accounts
0 Commerical Accounts
2,020,100 gallons per month
Zone: 4
130 Residential Accounts
0 Commerical Accounts
594,300 gallons per month
Zone: 3
0 Residential Accounts
13 Commerical Accounts
2,061,700 gallons per month
Zone: 2
0 Residential Accounts
12 Commerical Accounts
1,792,600 gallons per month
Water System Transfer Zones
0 0.25 0.50.125 Miles ±
Total Monthly Usage16,122,992gallons/month
Total Services1949 residential accounts71 commercial accounts1 tollway maintenance building
Date: 7/19/2019
Water System Transfer Zone
1 Tollway Maintenance Building
#*Emergency Interconnect to Outside System
Zone 1 Map with customer count, main layout and other information to be provided to the
Proposer after signing of non-disclosure agreement
Zone 2 Map with customer count, main layout and other information to be provided to the
Proposer after signing of non-disclosure agreement
Zone 3 Map with customer count, main layout and other information to be provided to the
Proposer after signing of non-disclosure agreement
Zone 4 Map with customer count, main layout and other information to be provided to the
Proposer after signing of non-disclosure agreement
Zone 5 Map with customer count, main layout and other information to be provided to the
Proposer after signing of non-disclosure agreement
Asset ID
Size Location Material Length
657 MAINS 10" berkshire dip 1870.43 1988
843 MAINS 10" butterfield loop dip 1052.26 1973
649 MAINS 10" butterfield loop dip 781.55 1981
900 MAINS 10" butterfield loop dip 1207.44 1981
941 MAINS 10" butterfield loop dip 913.21 1988
673 MAINS 10" summit n of 22nd cast iron 41.41 1961
674 MAINS 10" summit n of 22nd cast iron 331.66 1961
784 MAINS 10" summit n of 22nd cast iron 485.98 1961
1064 MAINS 10" summit n of 22nd cast iron 1648.18 1981
837 MAINS 10" summit n of 22nd cast iron 174.75 1999
651 MAINS 10" trans am tower dip 550.08 1986
652 MAINS 10" trans am tower dip 135.8 1986
653 MAINS 10" trans am tower dip 42.81 1986
654 MAINS 10" trans am tower dip 164.22 1986
655 MAINS 10" trans am tower dip 834.44 1986
656 MAINS 10" trans am tower dip 249.05 1986
788 MAINS 10" trans am tower dip 416.68 1986
903 MAINS 10" trans am tower dip 224.49 1986
904 MAINS 10" trans am tower dip 979.44 1986
905 MAINS 10" trans am tower dip 140.34 1986
659 MAINS 10" versiles cast iron 376.71 1973
660 MAINS 10" versiles cast iron 111.28 1973
661 MAINS 10" versiles cast iron 247.85 1973
662 MAINS 10" versiles cast iron 57.59 1973
663 MAINS 10" versiles cast iron 82.85 1973
664 MAINS 10" versiles cast iron 605.01 1973
775 MAINS 10" versiles cast iron 273.16 1973
942 MAINS 12" berkshire dip 2970.55 1970
779 MAINS 12" berkshire dip 433.29 1996
679 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 36.87 1965
742 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 603.68 1965
743 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 321.04 1965
746 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 282.38 1965
747 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 225.66 1965
748 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 91.46 1965
756 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 366.03 1965
757 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 237.77 1965
760 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 158.69 1965
761 MAINS 4"brandywine cast iron 247.11 1965
762 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 206.9 1965
This information is provided for the information of the Proposer. Village does not gaurantee the accuracy
of this information. Proposers should conduct their own assessment of the system.
764 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 237.27 1965
765 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 670.05 1965
766 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 299.46 1965
847 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 286.7 1965
848 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 387.64 1965
850 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 188.8 1965
852 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 97.16 1965
853 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 98.28 1965
854 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 204.98 1965
855 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 154.59 1965
856 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 585.79 1965
857 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 606.45 1965
858 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 297.62 1965
859 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 362.54 1965
4"brandywine cast iron 625.2 1965
861 MAINS 4"brandywine cast iron 746.28 1965
4"brandywine cast iron 313.15 1965
4"brandywine cast iron 252.06 1965
4"brandywine cast iron 229.99 1965
4"brandywine cast iron 642.39 1965
4"brandywine cast iron 266.91 1970
4"brandywine cast iron 91.32 1970
4"brandywine cast iron 321.01 1970
4"brandywine cast iron 116.75 1970
4"brandywine cast iron 221.33 1970
4"brandywine cast iron 393.53 1970
4"brandywine cast iron 231.29 1970
4"brandywine cast iron 58.87 1970
721 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 235.21 1970
722 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 29.78 1970
723 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 116.79 1970
724 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 176.63 1970
725 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 196.49 1970
726 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 197.38 1970
727 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 39.74 1970
728 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 131.71 1970
729 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 189.08 1970
730 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 422.74 1970
731 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 240.53 1970
862 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 258.01 1970
863 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 261.39 1970
864 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 157.74 1970
869 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 349.14 1970
870 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 232.2 1970
871 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 294.22 1970
872 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 297.35 1970
873 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 109.99 1970
874 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 217.83 1970
875 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 185.6 1970
876 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 904.46 1970
878 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 787.48 1970
879 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 213.08 1970
880 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 239.45 1970
890 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 241.18 1970
891 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 138.34 1970
893 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 218.37 1970
895 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 282.14 1970
896 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 312.13 1970
897 MAINS 4" brandywine cast iron 271.95 1970
943 MAINS 6" berkshire dip 490.5 1996
678 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 642.51 1965
707 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 125.45 1965
708 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 164.19 1965
709 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 53.9 1965
710 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 403.13 1965
713 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 57.67 1965
744 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 281.12 1965
745 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 336.09 1965
767 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 187.99 1965
849 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 299.51 1965
884 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 285.37 1965
886 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 409.82 1965
889 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 310 1965
687 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 312.65 1970
690 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 22.97 1970
691 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 115.73 1970
692 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 98.99 1970
693 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 71.17 1970
698 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 335.16 1970
699 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 242.41 1970
700 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 326.21 1970
701 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 260.96 1970
702 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 65.82 1970
703 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 282.88 1970
714 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 337.58 1970
715 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 239.66 1970
716 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 300.21 1970
717 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 320.09 1970
718 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 477.44 1970
732 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 238.77 1970
733 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 262.65 1970
734 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 78.07 1970
781 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 185.38 1970
782 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 44.74 1970
783 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 91.02 1970
877 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 279.93 1970
881 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 65.7 1970
882 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 51.14 1970
892 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 157.61 1970
894 MAINS 6" brandywine cast iron 303.1 1970
907 MAINS 6" trans am tower dip 164.32 1969
908 MAINS 6" trans am tower dip 468.3 1969
902 MAINS 6" trans am tower dip 125.44 1986
658 MAINS 8"berkshire dip 159.09 1996
780 MAINS 8"berkshire dip 2487.77 1996
676 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 130.29 1965
681 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 546 1965
682 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 67.57 1965
694 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 25.76 1965
695 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 286.58 1965
696 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 294.98 1965
697 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 393.4 1965
735 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 153.68 1965
736 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 228.88 1965
737 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 280.56 1965
738 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 121.7 1965
739 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 154.72 1965
740 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 277.07 1965
741 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 366.54 1965
749 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 204.65 1965
750 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 362.99 1965
751 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 293.05 1965
752 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 157.45 1965
753 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 269.68 1965
754 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 66.63 1965
755 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 267.94 1965
758 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 211.47 1965
759 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 237.02 1965
763 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 95.44 1965
768 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 42.49 1965
769 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 412.44 1965
770 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 368.94 1965
771 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 194.52 1965
785 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 515.19 1965
868 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 167.78 1965
885 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 117.26 1965
888 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 385.24 1965
683 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 424.32 1970
684 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 265.01 1970
685 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 249.16 1970
686 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 724.48 1970
898 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 324.87 1970
899 MAINS 8" brandywine cast iron 184.85 1970
646 MAINS 8" butterfield loop dip 326.73 1981
647 MAINS 8" butterfield loop dip 558.96 1981
671 MAINS 8" butterfield loop dip 204.14 1981
672 MAINS 8" butterfield loop cast iron 43.74 1981
836 MAINS 8" butterfield loop dip 235.29 1981
840 MAINS 8" butterfield loop dip 213.91 1981
841 MAINS 8" butterfield loop dip 84.86 1981
772 MAINS 8" summit n of 22nd cast iron 558 1961
787 MAINS 8" trans am tower dip 285.32 1969
998 MAINS 8" trans am tower dip 568.43 1969
999 MAINS 8" trans am tower dip 166.56 1969
1000 MAINS 8" trans am tower dip 303.12 1969
650 MAINS 8" trans am tower dip 38.12 1986
774 MAINS 8" trans am tower dip 130.48 1986
901 MAINS 8" trans am tower dip 96.46 1986
906 MAINS 8" trans am tower dip 598.09 1986
997 MAINS 8" trans am tower dip 338.45 1986
665 MAINS 8"versiles cast iron 47.1 1973
666 MAINS 8"versiles cast iron 126.56 1973
667 MAINS 8"versiles cast iron 312.59 1973
668 MAINS 8"versiles cast iron 399.06 1973
669 MAINS 8"versiles cast iron 180.82 1973
670 MAINS 8"versiles cast iron 344.93 1973
677 MAINS 8"versiles cast iron 808.58 1973
838 MAINS 8"versiles cast iron 115.27 1973
839 MAINS 8"versiles cast iron 273.98 1973
887 MAINS 8"versiles cast iron 886.98 1973
Asset ID
Size Section Location
925 VALVE 10" Northwest berkshire 1988
926 VALVE 10" Northwest berkshire 1988
927 VALVE 10" Northwest berkshire 1988
929 VALVE 10" Northwest versiles 1973
930 VALVE 10" Northwest versiles 1973
931 VALVE 10" Northwest versiles 1973
937 VALVE 10" Northwest summit n of 22nd 1961
1018 VALVE 10" Northwest versiles 1973
1030 VALVE 10" Northwest trans am tower 1986
1067 VALVE 10" Northwest summit n of 22nd 1999
1068 VALVE 10" Northwest summit n of 22nd 1999
1069 VALVE 10" Northwest summit n of 22nd 1999
1074 VALVE 10" Northwest butterfield loop 1973
1075 VALVE 10" Northwest butterfield loop 1973
1155 VALVE 10" Northwest butterfield loop 1981
1156 VALVE 10" Northwest butterfield loop 1981
1157 VALVE 10" Northwest butterfield loop 1981
1158 VALVE 10" Northwest butterfield loop 1981
1161 VALVE 10" Northwest trans am tower 1986
1162 VALVE 10" Northwest trans am tower 1986
1163 VALVE 10" Northwest trans am tower 1986
1164 VALVE 10" Northwest trans am tower 1986
1211 VALVE 10" Northwest butterfield loop 1988
1212 VALVE 10" Northwest butterfield loop 1988
1213 VALVE 10" Northwest butterfield loop 1988
1214 VALVE 10" Northwest butterfield loop 1988
1019 VALVE 12" Northwest berkshire 1996
1215 VALVE 12" Northwest berkshire 1970
1216 VALVE 12" Northwest berkshire 1970
1217 VALVE 12" Northwest berkshire 1970
1218 VALVE 12" Northwest berkshire 1970
1219 VALVE 12" Northwest berkshire 1970
940 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
941 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
953 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
954 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
955 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
963 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
964 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
965 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
974 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
975 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
976 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
977 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
978 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
979 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
980 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
981 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
982 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
983 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
984 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
985 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
986 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
993 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
994 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
995 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
996 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
997 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
998 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1002 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1004 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1005 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1007 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1008 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1009 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1010 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1011 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1078 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1079 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1081 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1082 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1083 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1084 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1085 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1086 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1087 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1088 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1089 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1090 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1091 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1092 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1093 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1094 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1095 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1096 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1097 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1098 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1099 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1100 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1101 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1102 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1103 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1104 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1105 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1106 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1107 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1108 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1109 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1110 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1111 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1112 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1113 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1114 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1115 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1116 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1117 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1118 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1121 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1122 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1123 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1124 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1125 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1127 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1128 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1129 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1139 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1140 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1142 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1143 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1146 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1147 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1148 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1149 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1150 VALVE 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
938 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
939 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
952 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
956 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
959 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
960 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
961 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
962 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
966 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
967 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
968 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
969 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
970 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
971 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
972 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
973 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
987 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1012 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1025 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1026 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1080 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1119 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1120 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1126 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1130 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1132 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1133 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1134 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1141 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1144 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1145 VALVE 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1160 VALVE 6" Northwest trans am tower 1986
1169 VALVE 6" Northwest trans am tower 1969
1170 VALVE 6" Northwest trans am tower 1969
1171 VALVE 6" Northwest trans am tower 1969
1172 VALVE 6" Northwest trans am tower 1969
918 VALVE 8" Northwest trans am tower 1986
928 VALVE 8" Northwest berkshire 1996
932 VALVE 8" Northwest versiles 1973
933 VALVE 8" Northwest versiles 1973
934 VALVE 8" Northwest versiles 1973
935 VALVE 8" Northwest versiles 1973
942 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
943 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
944 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
945 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
946 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
947 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
948 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
949 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
950 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
951 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
957 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
958 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
988 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
989 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
990 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
991 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
992 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
999 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1000 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1001 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1003 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1006 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1013 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1014 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1015 VALVE 8" Northwest summit n of 22nd 1961
1020 VALVE 8" Northwest berkshire 1996
1021 VALVE 8" Northwest berkshire 1996
1022 VALVE 8" Northwest berkshire 1996
1023 VALVE 8" Northwest berkshire 1996
1024 VALVE 8" Northwest berkshire 1996
1027 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1028 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1029 VALVE 8" Northwest trans am tower 1969
1066 VALVE 8" Northwest butterfield loop 1981
1070 VALVE 8" Northwest versiles 1973
1071 VALVE 8" Northwest versiles 1973
1072 VALVE 8" Northwest butterfield loop 1981
1131 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1135 VALVE 8" Northwest versiles 1973
1136 VALVE 8" Northwest versiles 1973
1137 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1138 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1151 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
1152 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
1153 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
1154 VALVE 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
1159 VALVE 8" Northwest trans am tower 1986
1167 VALVE 8" Northwest trans am tower 1986
1168 VALVE 8" Northwest trans am tower 1986
1255 VALVE 8" Northwest trans am tower 1986
1256 VALVE 8" Northwest trans am tower 1969
1257 VALVE 8" Northwest trans am tower 1969
1258 VALVE 8" Northwest trans am tower 1969
1259 VALVE 8" Northwest trans am tower 1969
Asset ID
Size Section Location
768 HYDRANT 10" Northwest berkshire 1988
769 HYDRANT 10" Northwest berkshire 1988
770 HYDRANT 10" Northwest berkshire 1988
827 HYDRANT 10" Northwest butterfield loop 1981
828 HYDRANT 10" Northwest butterfield loop 1981
829 HYDRANT 10" Northwest butterfield loop 1981
830 HYDRANT 10" Northwest butterfield loop 1981
1211 HYDRANT 10" Northwest butterfield loop 1988
1212 HYDRANT 10" Northwest butterfield loop 1988
765 HYDRANT 10" Northwest trans am tower 1986
766 HYDRANT 10" Northwest trans am tower 1986
767 HYDRANT 10" Northwest trans am tower 1986
781 HYDRANT 10" Northwest trans am tower 1996
832 HYDRANT 10" Northwest trans am tower 1986
1116 HYDRANT 10" Northwest versiles 1973
1117 HYDRANT 10" Northwest versiles 1973
869 HYDRANT 12" Northwest berkshire 1970
870 HYDRANT 12" Northwest berkshire 1970
871 HYDRANT 12" Northwest berkshire 1970
872 HYDRANT 12" Northwest berkshire 1970
873 HYDRANT 12" Northwest berkshire 1970
874 HYDRANT 12" Northwest berkshire 1970
875 HYDRANT 12" Northwest berkshire 1970
876 HYDRANT 12" Northwest berkshire 1970
877 HYDRANT 12" Northwest berkshire 1970
878 HYDRANT 12" Northwest berkshire 1970
1152 HYDRANT 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1162 HYDRANT 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1165 HYDRANT 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1193 HYDRANT 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1194 HYDRANT 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1195 HYDRANT 4" Northwest brandywine 1965
1197 HYDRANT 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1203 HYDRANT 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1205 HYDRANT 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
1206 HYDRANT 4" Northwest brandywine 1970
879 HYDRANT 6" Northwest berkshire 1996
880 HYDRANT 6" Northwest berkshire 1996
881 HYDRANT 6" Northwest berkshire 1996
1126 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1127 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1128 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1133 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1134 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1137 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1138 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1139 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1140 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1141 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1142 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1143 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1144 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1145 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1146 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1147 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1148 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1149 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1150 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1151 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1153 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1157 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1158 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1168 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1169 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1196 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1198 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1199 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1202 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1965
1204 HYDRANT 6" Northwest brandywine 1970
1192 HYDRANT 6" Northwest roosevelt rd loop 1970
831 HYDRANT 6" Northwest trans am tower 1986
834 HYDRANT 6" Northwest trans am tower 1969
835 HYDRANT 6" Northwest trans am tower 1969
771 HYDRANT 8" Northwest berkshire 1996
772 HYDRANT 8" Northwest berkshire 1996
773 HYDRANT 8" Northwest berkshire 1996
774 HYDRANT 8" Northwest berkshire 1996
775 HYDRANT 8" Northwest berkshire 1996
776 HYDRANT 8" Northwest berkshire 1996
777 HYDRANT 8" Northwest berkshire 1996
778 HYDRANT 8" Northwest berkshire 1996
779 HYDRANT 8" Northwest berkshire 1996
1122 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1129 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1130 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
1131 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
1132 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
1135 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1136 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1154 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1155 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1156 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1159 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1160 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1161 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1163 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1164 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1166 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1167 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1170 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1201 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1965
1207 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
1208 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
1209 HYDRANT 8" Northwest brandywine 1970
780 HYDRANT 8" Northwest trans am tower 1969
833 HYDRANT 8" Northwest trans am tower 1986
947 HYDRANT 8" Northwest trans am tower 1969
948 HYDRANT 8" Northwest trans am tower 1969
1118 HYDRANT 8" Northwest versiles 1973
1119 HYDRANT 8" Northwest versiles 1973
1120 HYDRANT 8" Northwest versiles 1973
1121 HYDRANT 8" Northwest versiles 1973
1123 HYDRANT 8" Northwest versiles 1973
1124 HYDRANT 8" Northwest versiles 1973
1125 HYDRANT 8" Northwest versiles 1973
1200 HYDRANT 8" Northwest versiles 1973
HYDRANT 10"summit n of 22nd 1961
HYDRANT 10"summit n of 22nd 1961
HYDRANT 10"summit n of 22nd 1961
HYDRANT 10"summit n of 22nd 1961
Asset ID
Size Location Material Length
632 MAINS 10" 22nd w of 83 n side cast iron 143.60 1960
844 MAINS 10" 22nd w of 83 n side cast iron 52.45 1960
1068 MAINS 10" 22nd w of 83 n side cast iron 346.64 1982
1069 MAINS 10" 22nd w of 83 n side cast iron 1,444.23 1982
1065 MAINS 10" 22nd w of 83 n side cast iron 1,591.59 1983
1066 MAINS 10" 22nd w of 83 n side cast iron 166.80 1983
1067 MAINS 10" 22nd w of 83 n side cast iron 150.78 1983
1071 MAINS 10" 22nd w of 83 n side cast iron 124.30 1984
1070 MAINS 10" rt 83 n of 22nd dip 1,233.17 1984
1072 MAINS 10" rt 83 n of 22nd dip 483.55 1993
845 MAINS 12" 22nd w of 83 n side cast iron 117.18 1960
Asset ID
Size Section Location
915 VALVE 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1984
916 VALVE 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1983
917 VALVE 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1982
919 VALVE 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1982
920 VALVE 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1960
921 VALVE 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1983
922 VALVE 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1983
923 VALVE 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1982
924 VALVE 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1983
925 VALVE 10"22nd w of 83 n s 1960
926 VALVE 10" East rt 83 n of 22nd 1984
927 VALVE 10" East rt 83 n of 22nd 1984
930 VALVE 10" East rt 83 n of 22nd 1993
931 VALVE 10" East rt 83 n of 22nd 1993
937 VALVE 10" East rt 83 n of 22nd 1993
Asset ID
Size Section Location
768 HYDRANT 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1982
769 HYDRANT 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1982
770 HYDRANT 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1982
This information is provided for the information of the Proposer. Village does not gaurantee the accuracy
of this information. Proposers should conduct their own assessment of the system.
Asset ID
Size Location Material Length
609 MAINS 10" ob center castle ob clu cast iron 377.65 1971
612 MAINS 10" ob center castle ob clu cast iron 381.64 1971
798 MAINS 8" mc'd harger n spring cast iron 484.07 1970
1073 MAINS 8" mc'd harger n spring cast iron 355.59 1970
1001 MAINS 8" mc'd harger n spring cast iron 936.06 1986
949 MAINS 8" mc'd harger n spring cast iron 609.85 1987
948 MAINS 8" ob center castle ob clu cast iron 784.34 1978
Asset ID
Size Section Location
590 VALVE 10" Northeast mc'd harger n spring 1968
938 VALVE 10" Northeast mc'd harger n spring 1968
963 VALVE 8" Northeast mc'd harger n spring 1968
963 VALVE 8" Northeast mc'd harger n spring 1968
951 VALVE 8" Northeast ob center castle ob clu 1978
950 VALVE 8" Northeast ob center castle ob clu 1978
798 VALVE 8" Northeast mc'd harger n spring 1970
798 VALVE 8" added to match GIS qty 1970
610 VALVE 8" Northeast mc'd harger n spring 1970
Asset ID
Size Section Location
768 HYDRANT 10" Northeast ob center castle ob clu 1971
769 HYDRANT 10" Northeast ob center castle ob clu 1971
770 HYDRANT 10" Northeast ob center castle ob clu 1971
827 HYDRANT 10" Northeast ob center castle ob clu 1971
828 HYDRANT 10" Northeast ob center castle ob clu 1971
829 HYDRANT 10" Northeast ob center castle ob clu 1978
HYDRANT 10" Added to match GIS qty 1978
HYDRANT 10" Added to match GIS qty 1978
HYDRANT 10" Added to match GIS qty 1978
This information is provided for the information of the Proposer. Village does not gaurantee the accuracy of this
information. Proposers should conduct their own assessment of the system.
Zone 4 Fixed Assets
Brookfield Gardens – Water main was replaced in 2007
Asset ID
Size Location Material Length
214 MAINS 8" chambord cast iron 422 1986
215 MAINS 8" chambord cast iron 519 1986
216 MAINS 8" chambord cast iron 645 1986
217 MAINS 8" chambord cast iron 275 1986
218 MAINS 6" chambord cast iron 267 1986
219 MAINS 6" chambord cast iron 211 1986
220 MAINS 6" chambord cast iron 497 1986
221 MAINS 8" chambord cast iron 210 1986
222 MAINS 8" chambord cast iron 135 1986
223 MAINS 4" chambord cast iron 310 1986
224 MAINS 4" chambord cast iron 149 1986
225 MAINS 4" chambord cast iron 101 1986
226 MAINS 6" chambord cast iron 171 1986
227 MAINS 6" chambord cast iron 508 1986
228 MAINS 6" chambord cast iron 418 1986
229 MAINS 8" chambord cast iron 443 1986
230 MAINS 8" chambord cast iron 365 1986
231 MAINS 8" chambord cast iron 832 1986
232 MAINS 8" chambord cast iron 267 1986
233 MAINS 8" chambord cast iron 354 1986
234 MAINS 6" chambord cast iron 802 1986
256 MAINS 8" chambord cast iron 304 1986
257 MAINS 6" chambord cast iron 397 1986
258 MAINS 6" chambord cast iron 825 1986
342 MAINS 6" chambord cast iron 154 1986
343 MAINS 6" chambord cast iron 214 1986
344 MAINS 6" chambord cast iron 97 1986
353 MAINS 6" chambord cast iron 1,516 1986
355 MAINS 4" chambord cast iron 50 1986
356 MAINS 4" chambord cast iron 83 1986
357 MAINS 4" chambord cast iron 40 1986
358 MAINS 8" chambord cast iron 135 1986
359 MAINS 6" chambord cast iron 109 1986
360 MAINS 6" chambord cast iron 1,444 1986
361 MAINS 8" chambord cast iron 636 1986
362 MAINS 8" chambord cast iron 187 1986
363 MAINS 6" chambord cast iron 195 1986
Asset ID
Size Location
527 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
This information is provided for the information of the Proposer. Village does not gaurantee
the accuracy of this information. Proposers should conduct their own assessment of the
619 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
621 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
622 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
623 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
624 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
625 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
626 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
627 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
628 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
629 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
630 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
631 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
632 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
633 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
634 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
635 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
645 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
646 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
647 VALVE 4" chambord 1986
648 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
649 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
650 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
651 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
652 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
653 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
654 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
655 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
656 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
657 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
658 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
685 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
686 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
687 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
688 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
689 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
690 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
691 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
692 VALVE 8" chambord 1986
693 VALVE 6" chambord 1986
706 VALVE 4" chambord 1986
707 VALVE 4" chambord 1986
708 VALVE 4" chambord 1986
709 VALVE 4" chambord 1986
Asset ID
Size Location
748 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
750 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
751 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
752 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
753 HYDRANT 8" chambord 1986
754 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
755 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
756 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
757 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
758 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
759 HYDRANT 8" chambord 1986
760 HYDRANT 8" chambord 1986
761 HYDRANT 8" chambord 1986
762 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
763 HYDRANT 8" chambord 1986
764 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
765 HYDRANT 8" chambord 1986
766 HYDRANT 8" chambord 1986
767 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
768 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
769 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
770 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
771 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
772 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
773 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
774 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
776 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
777 HYDRANT 8" chambord 1986
778 HYDRANT 8" chambord 1986
779 HYDRANT 8" chambord 1986
780 HYDRANT 8" chambord 1986
781 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
782 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
783 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
784 HYDRANT 6" chambord 1986
827 HYDRANT 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1982
828 HYDRANT 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1982
829 HYDRANT 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1982
830 HYDRANT 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1983
1211 HYDRANT 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1983
1212 HYDRANT 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1960
765 HYDRANT 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1983
766 HYDRANT 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1983
767 HYDRANT 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1983
781 HYDRANT 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1983
832 HYDRANT 10"22nd w of 83 n sid 1983
1116 HYDRANT 10" East rt 83 n of 22nd 1984
1117 HYDRANT 10" East rt 83 n of 22nd 1984
869 HYDRANT 10" East rt 83 n of 22nd 1984
HYDRANT 10"1984
HYDRANT 10"1984
HYDRANT 10"1984
HYDRANT 10"1984
Zone Type CustomersBilled Usage (1,000 gallons)Monthly Service Fee Water Charged Total RevenueCustomersBilled Usage (1,000 gallons)Monthly Service Fee Water Charged Total RevenueCustomersBilled Usage (1,000 gallons)Monthly Service Fee Water Charged Total Revenue1 Residential 1,317 60,314 $ 158,060 $ 586,831 $ 744,891 1,326 58,555 159,060$ 633,643$ $ 792,703 1,330 58,005 159,560$ 674,318$ $ 833,878 1 Commercial69 83,207 $ 8,280 $ 831,468 $ 839,748 112 80,673 13,440$ 879,359$ $ 892,799 116 75,893 13,920$ 886,529$ $ 900,449 2 Commercial12 24,099 $ 1,440 $ 240,546 $ 241,986 12 23,229 1,440$ 254,885$ $ 256,325 12 22,293 1,440$ 262,184$ $ 263,624 3 Commercial 10 30,827 $ 1,200 $ 307,259 $ 308,459 10 29,442 1,200$ 322,902$ $ 324,102 10 30,011 1,200$ 352,838$ $ 354,038 4 Residential 483 21,867 $ 57,960 $ 212,769 $ 270,729 494 22,508 59,300$ 243,616$ $ 302,916 495 21,164 59,360$ 245,987$ $ 305,347 4 Commercial6 2,143 $ 720 $ 21,354 $ 22,074 13 2,147 1,560$ 23,553$ $ 25,113 13 1,526 1,560$ 17,946$ $ 19,506 5 Residential127 6,081 $ 15,220 $ 59,246 $ 74,466 128 6,448 15,340$ 69,888$ $ 85,228 132 5,984 15,820$ 69,280$ $ 85,100 5 Commercial5 1,303 $ 600 $ 12,977 $ 13,577 5 1,016 600$ 11,123$ $ 11,723 5 1,191 600$ 14,003$ $ 14,603 Zone 1 ‐ Brandywine, 22nd st, Summit, TowerZone 2 ‐ Oak Brook Terrace 22nd St.Zone 3 ‐ Area north of Oak Brook ClubZone 4 ‐ Chambord, Gingerbrook, and Oak Brook ColonyZone 5 ‐ Westdale Gardens201620182017
Year Fixed Charge Water Rate
2016 $10 per month $10.04 per 1,000 gallons
2017 $10 per month $11.04 per 1,000 gallons
2018 $10 per month $11.81 per 1,000 gallons
2019 $10 per month $12.40 per 1,000 gallons
For the Year Ended December 31, 2017
With Comparative Actual Amounts for the Year Ended December 31, 2016
Budgeted Amounts
Original Final Actual
Variance with
Final Budget
Charges for services
Water sales $9,143,000 $9,143,000 $9,477,096 $334,096 $8,543,371
Unmetered sales 25,000 25,000 50,422 25,422 41,794
Water tap on charges 30,000 30,000 187,680 157,680 69,573
Meter fees and special
services 66,000 66,000 53,551 (12,449)63,634
Miscellaneous 71,500 71,500 103,252 31,752 93,756
Total Operating
Revenues 9,335,500 9,335,500 9,872,001 536,501 8,812,128
Operation of facilities 11,090,115 11,090,115 7,325,897 (3,764,218)7,369,401
Depreciation and
amortization --551,415 551,415 590,178
Total Operating
Expenses 11,090,115 11,090,115 7,877,312 (3,212,803)7,959,579
Operating income (1,754,615)(1,754,615)1,994,689 3,749,304 852,549
Investment income 10,000 10,000 41,152 31,152 12,631
Grants --3,386 3,386 -
Total Non-Operating
(Expenses)10,000 10,000 44,538 34,538 12,631
Change in net
position $(1,744,615)$(1,744,615)2,039,227 $3,783,842 865,180
Beginning of Year 21,427,033 20,561,853
END OF YEAR $23,466,260 $21,427,033
Page 113
Page 114
For the Year Ended December 31, 2017
With Comparative Actual Amounts for the Year Ended December 31, 2016
Variance With 2016
Original Final Actual Final Budget Actual
Operating expenses excluding depreciation
and pension expense
Operation of facilities
Public works - water operations
Personnel 835,110$ 843,750$ 767,512$ 76,238$ 845,108$
Materials and supplies 70,660 492,350 487,637 4,713 150,572
Operation and contractual 6,547,735 6,532,350 5,566,987 965,363 5,888,340
Reimbursements for general fund services 401,600 401,600 401,600 - 423,720
Total public works - water operations 7,855,105 8,270,050 7,223,736 1,046,314 7,307,740
Capital improvements
Capital outlay 3,235,010 2,820,065 57,700 2,762,365 -
Total capital improvements 3,235,010 2,820,065 57,700 2,762,365 -
Total operating expenses excluding
depreciation and pension expense -
Budgetary basis 11,090,115$ 11,090,115$ 7,281,436 3,808,679$ 7,307,740
Adjustments to GAAP Basis
Capital expenditures (57,700) -
Pension expense - IMRF 84,684 51,492
OPEB expense 17,477 10,169
Depreciation and amortization 551,415 590,178
Total adjustments to GAAP basis 595,876 651,839
Total operating expenses 7,877,312$ 7,959,579$
Budgeted Amounts