Bath and Tennis Locker Room HVAC ReplacementVILLAGE OF OAK BROOK CONTRA'C'T FOR THE [SATE BROOK BATH ANDTENN1S MEN AND * ONIFNIS. LOCKER, ROOLM HVAC REPLACEMENT Full Narnc of Contractor, Controlled Environmental Systems, Inc. ("Contractor') principal Office Address: 16308 S. 107'' Avcnuc, Suite 12; Orland Park, Illinois 60467-887 Contact Person: Chris 0. Simadis Telephone plumber: (748)1160-6333 -TO-. Villag@ of Oaf: Brook 1200 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, Illinois Attention. Doug Patchin, Director of Public pVorks C'untracror ivarrrrnts and represents that Cntrlritcldr Iras caref"Ity earuntiit .d the Fmork Sire ti scribed below and It revietred and trnderstr c r! fill docunrerrts jncltided, referred lo, or: mentioned ht chis hound set of doc"Ma"Is. I, Work A, Contract and Work` Contidctor acknowledges. and agrees, that Cpntraclor shall, al im sole cost and expense, provide, perform, and complete, in the manner specified and described, and upon the terms and conditions sct forth, iit this Contract, tdl of the followin& all okvtilch is herein rotes ted to as th+: "Work". 5. 1+9isce111rieous. bo all G16er things required of Contractor by this Contract; and b. 0uhlit •. Provide, perform, aad complcic all of the foregoing. in a proper and workmanlike manner, consistent with timE standards Of recQrgnized pro.fessional firs in pet -forming Work of a similar nature, in full compliance with, and as required by or pursuant, to this Contract, and with the greatest economy, efficiency, and expedition consistent therewith, with c+nly new, undamaged, and first quality equipment, inaterials, and supplies. labor- Eouiiitnent_ Materials and ssuplilics. B. Performance Standards, Contractor acknowledges and Provide, fieefonmt, and cnritplete, in the mQnner agrcvs, that all Work sh,411 be fully provided, performed, > nd specified rind described in this Contract, all completed in accordance with rho specifications Aird description necessary work, labor, services, transportation, of Work attached hereto as Exhibit A. equipment, materials; supplies, inrorm9t an, data, and other ineaJts and items necessary for the Oak C. ltcs orisibilit for Kama t• or Loss. Contras ltar Brook Bath and Tennis Men mild Women's Locker proposes, and agrees; that Conimator shall be responsible and 1�oi m HVAC Rcplaccment, as is inure sully, liable for, and shall promptly'and vilhout charge to Village reptrlr specified in P-xhibit A attached herclo, at the Oak or replace, any damage done to, and tiny loss Of injury suffered Broi;k Hath and Tennis Club; 80010. k Brook Load, by, the Village, the Work, the Work Bite, or other property Qr Oak Book; Illinois 6052--3 ("WorkSite'); pefsoirs as aresult ofthc Work. 2-ernits- Procure and furnish All pernmits, licenses, and tither governmental approvals 1. and authorizations necessary in Connection thercF01; 3. Sone , and 1nsurapco.. Procure and fumisil all bonds a;d all insurance certificates and policies of insurance specified in this Contract, - 4. Taxes. Piry all applicable federal, state, incl local taffies; Approved . to Form Date: C.. i?. inspoctinnries[tngjF(eection Vitlage":5hall, have the riot to itis&ct all or €ury'part of the NVork an,d to reject all or any part of the Vl+oik that is, in Village`s .judgmcrtt. 41€feclive or damaged or that in any way fails to i;onform to 1.0 The regl6ireurcnis of (his Contract and tine Villagc'-without limiting its other ii�hfs or remedies, may require correction air replacemcni at 1. niracto-r'ost;s cperform 6r llave perf©rined all Work necessary to ectniptcic c,r 'correct all or any part of the Work that is. defective, damagcJ, ext' noncnnfomiing and charge Contractor with anycxccss cost incurred thereby, or cancel all or any pari Qf. tsny orier or (his oretract. Work su -rejected May be retumed.or h[:ld at C{7ntraetai's eYpetseniid risk. 2, 'Cosstratst Price. Contractor acknowledges, and agrees that Contractor shall lake in full patymerit for,all Work and other raatlt rs set forth tfnd4r Sca:iion I above;, including overhead and profit; taxesa contributions, and pmrniuln5; and COiPpensadon to all. suhcbxitractor9Ond suppliers, the ootnpensaiiExr sit too below A; _scBEDUL> OF e>xtCES t=orprov,idirii, performing, and completing all Work, the iotai Contract Price of $14,200-00 TOTAL tolrMACr PRICE (in writing); T,.venty Four l'bouland Two Nudclred Dollars t3. BASIS F0X,D�TE KfiN`IfN( 'PRICEIS 1t is cxpresgly understood and agmred that! 1. ;AIH pticci stater! in. !lis Schedule of Prices are hrm and shat] neat be subject to we ilation or ehtatge; ?. The Village. is not subjcwt 10 state or local sales, and ,'Cxcise taxes, that nu such taxes .:ire included in. the Schedule of Prices, and that all claim or righl to elairim any additional ecompcnsatidit by"reison,of lite payment _of any such tax is hereby Waived .and released; 3 All other applicable federal, sfivie, and Iocal trlxcs of cYcry kind unci filature appiicshla' tei the Work are included in the Schedule of Prices. C. TIME bh P.AINiENT It is expressly understtrod and agreed dw ail paymi:nts Shall be made upon t:onapletion' of the work and final appjoi al by the Village_ All pajPICntc Clay !x subject to dcdUciiUil or sctoff by reason of any, failure of.Contratitor lu Perform under ibis t'ontracf: Faclt; payment shall ine"ludx Contractors s� r!itIFation iif 1.110 v4iuC,6 F and p:ir.ia1 ar'fInitl 3vaiv rs ,or lien covecittg, all Work for -which payment is then requested :arid Contrat7s"certticatitan .that all pries payments nava been pruperly,applitA to ;b. payment or, reiintiitrscment or the cost;; with r, spect to which they wcm laid. VJ 3. �otrtracE'I'itao Contractor acknowledges. itrtd agrees that .Contractor. S311211 commence the Wart: ;�qlhln 15 iirn5 fallowing the Villa-90s of. this Contract provided Contractor shall Itairb furnished to the Village all bunds -and all imurance certificates spei hied in this Contract ("C'uhimer?G'ement Date" j. t^crntractor 6rthcr;icknowled�cs and'ogrees:thai Conn UOi-shall ptrinrnl the Wort: diligently nerd corainu❑usly attd shall complete the 'Work not7alar than30 daps fvllowi4 Nle Cnnriwncwment Aute. ("Time of Perfnaniattrt"). The Villa goe may modify the Time cif ver nuance at any time upon l5 days .priett written notice to the C'oattractoe. Delays rntv5('!d by the VillaSimi[ extend tile Time of per proiRded, hoWCe�Cr, that Contractor .07111 be rgsparasible for completion 'of tall Work within the Time cif Pcrfornmttcc, notwiihstr=nding any strike or, other wgrk stoppage by employees of either Contractor or of the Village d, -F al Assurarrce A. Bonds. Contractor acknowledges and "agms that Coniraetor shall provide a.,perfbrrrnanc"e 1?oild and a babor and Material Payment Bond, ' on farms provided 4y., or othertvise ,uceptahle to, the Village,'from a Surety Cotnpan}r acceptable "to toe Village, each in the pen4l sum of the Con'. act t'ricc; viithin 14 days following the Village's acceptance of this:Contraci.. i3. htsitrancc. ContrS, for acknowledges and agrcts that C omractoi: shall provide ccrtilicates of insurance eVidcncing the minimuin ,insurance coverages and limits.'set forth.m Exhibit R within lei days fol loliring the Pillage's trcccptlmv,� of this Contract• Such policies, shall he in form, and !tont compnies, acteptable to the Villab@, The inwrinrGe cover ag es and limits Set forth Exhibit'e shall .be deemed to 4e rttinintuni coveg&es'and limit^; "and shall not be con$truad in sny Way as a limitation on Contrmooes duty to carry adequate insurance" ar on Contractor`s. liability for losses or damages'bndcr this Contract. The minimum insuraiaa:t: covcraLes'and luittis thin shall be .maintnaned of ill] times %vhile providing, performing, or orpPleting the WWI( are as set forth in- E.Chlbit B; c. Indeninitication. Contractor acknowledges_ and agr"s ihtat Contractor shall lndenmifv, save harmlm, and defend the viilage agautst all daiiragcs liability, claims, losses, and cxlrensN (including altomeys'' fee) that may arise, or be alleged to hravc arisen; out'df or in connection with Contractor's performautce of, ar tinwrc tsr pt rfomt, the Wt)rk or any, part thereof, ar any failure to m&i tit€ r`cprrseniaiions and warranties set forth irk Section G or ibis Contra'd D. peualtres: Contractor ackntrwjO. grs and at,r s that CC»tractor .hall ire solely liable tpr:aity rincs or civil penalties that are imposed by any governmental "or "quasi-goYertiittental agency or Eiody ilial: may.,arise, or be al k:.0 to have arisen; out of or in conne ii6n with Contractor's peifbrmanct: of, or Fiilueb to perftjrnr, Ute Werk ortany p4i't thereof, 5. 'Eirrn P'rd&sal All prices and ",other tens stated in this Contract nz firm, arSd shrill not be subject to tvillldrawal, m -elation, or Gha ftge, 6. Cnntrncti�Y's lie rc;;l;rststiotis and Wstsritnties In order to. induce the : Village to accept this ;Contract, Contractor hereby represents and wilMutls as follows: A- The VdorkThe Wci'rlr, and all of its iitntponcnts, shtilt str[ctly cont'orm.td the require,mcuts of this Contraut, including, without limttatiori, the- perfurtnancc, standards set forth lit 5ubscction ]ll or this Contrary and Shall lie ft, 51, icit.nt, and suitable for lila' purposes expressed in, or reasonably Inferred front, this Contract and the warranties expressed herein "shall be in addition to any other %varranttes e9lsregsed or iattplied by law, w iicli arc hcreby re-,etved unto:tlte V.[Itage, Ii. t otnplkancc wikLaws. The. Work, and a]I of kts ctiai��iancnts, chalk be proiieled, performed' and completed in cotnplitutce wIthi and Contractor agrees to be bound #ty, all applicable federal,, state,_ and focal laws, order;, ruleq, :And rt i ulatittits, as the}, rosy be mortified or amended from time to tirati, neludinpwitherit limitation the Prev ail' W$ge Act, 15 0 ILCS 13t3fo:61et ate, tin furiherdnce .or which, a, copy. . of ng the prevailing talc of t, u es, in 'Village's ardinalice ascertair effeef .as of the date of this Contract, has been attached as, an Appendix to, this COntrtct; if the 111innis 'Qclxartment of labor revises the PN -11a iling tate of hourly wages to be paid, the revised rate shall apply to this Contract}; any outer prs:vailing tivkPe laws; .any statutes rettuiring prelerencb to "lxborets of spe6. if classes; any statutes prahibitmp discrimination Muse of, or teyuiriug aCSrmitive action biased on, trice, creed, color, national orit int, age, sex, or other prohibited cliissificatkon; and any statutes regarding satcty or the pi 0brinance of the Wort:. Further, Conlractor shall Noe a writien sczual Harassment policy in compliance `vith Section ?-A,65 of the Illinois Human Rights Act during the catrje of the work. C. Not Furred_. Contractor is not liarrcd by lain from contracting with the Village or with any other unit or state or local govehntetil as -a FeMot of (i)•a deliriquencv in the papiIcrit Of any ti,x administered by the Illinois Dgartritcnt of lievcnue unless Contractor is contestit>,n,, in accordance with the procedures establishcd:by the appropriate Revenue tact: i s lialt."tlitY for the taxi or the amount of tax, as set north in 65 ILCS 5/11-42,1-1; or (ii) a violation of either Stiction 33110 or Section 33E-4 of Article J� 4f the (,rililin,11 Code of 1961, 7201LCs, 5,133.-1 t t SGS. D.uafifcd_ Contractee has the requisite 'experience, ability, oaipital, facilities, plant, orbanizatian, and staff to c6ble C,VCttl:7C:t[]T Lia perrtiCrlt oic Work `tzeet �fully.nnd pr9niptly and to ctiriittiett4c ant] eornpleic the Work: within the Coiitraat Pike and Contract Time set forth above. '�,_ �CLStr1UW11_ed�t.tnent5 in subrtiirting this Crintraci, 0ontraclor actcnatvtedges °and agrees that: Reliauice. The Villnbt' is relying tin nil warritnties, repris+~ntations; vrill stateineTttS made -W Contractor in this. l'ontract: B , alcceptarice. (f 4liis Contract Is accepted, Ccitttractor slt:tll be inqund by each turd egetY iCtiii, condition. 0r pravisitiir r.tiniaincd in this ConLnaet. Each of ilte rights. lutd remedies reterved to the Village an this: Contract shall be cumulative and additional tp -any oilier or furth4r remedies provided in lave OT.c tuity,or In 01"; Contract. E_ Time. Time is of the essence in the performance ofall t tt rrns` ltd provisions of his Contract and, cxeegt where sorted otltefv isc rr-Rrences in this Contract.to days skull be cuiistrtied 14 caret to calendar days and timc. F. No Waiver_.Nd izaanittatiott inlet Coon, invesliL!tion, test, measure» lent, review, determination, dmis[on, ccriifieale, :ot approval by the. Village, whetber before or alter the `riltar4'ti acceptance of ihis.Contract; nor any infornsupplied. or data slied by the Village, whether before or t)itt r tlru Village's ace+ prance of this Contract; nor any.ordc(- by the Vlllagc ti)r the pay. meni of marry; nor any paymcni tbr, or use, possession, or acceptance of, the Ahole or any part of the Rork by the Village; nor.any extension of Virile granted by the Village, nor any dGiay by the Village in C{4r4lSin�, any right under this Contrairt; norriny Other tacj err otmssidn of the V"silage sltial1,cciiistitutc or be deemed to be an acceptance. of any defective, damaged, or nontolifc,miing ix.iorl,,,nor operate to waive or otheMise diminishthe effect of any representation or warriulty made by C:ondracto_r. .pir of any tcquirement or provision of this Control;!; c!r of any comedy, power, or right of the Village. Cs_ Severability, 1t -is hereby expressed (o tie, the intent cif the parties to. chis r ont kt that should any, provision, cciveriant, . *rrenieat,'9rpclition of this Contract or its application to 811Yperson or property be held invalid by a tzturt of comtiet'611 iurisd coon, the rcma-Ming provisions of. this Contract and theI validity, enfpretrability, and application to any person or property shall.f1pt tie kmpaired thereby, but the reiltaining lirovtsrons shut[ be interprt:ted; applied, and enfoiccd sn ani io achleve, as near as maybe, the..purpose and intent of this Contract 'to th4 greatest extent permitted by applkal le law. fl, ;Arriendmet —,Ind R, 4odificatittri4_ No amendment or niodiricalilo'n to this.'Coritract shall be eRctiyc anti[ it is reduced to .vritimQ and approved and exrxiatt d by lite corporate authorities ref the parties in acgoidwo With till applicabic statutory proccdum. 1, Assi,n�mgtt. Neither this -Contract, nor tiny interest herein, shall be assigned or sttbcotitractcd, in tahole nr in ptit [iy Contracfo.r cxeept upon the prior writien consent of the VI]la-ve. I. Ci4verning Latiy: Venue. This Contract siall tic gj.)Verned by, censured ,ind enrorced in accoritance. with Ilio intefnal laws, but lint the conflicts of laws rules, of the Slate;of Illinois, Ventre for any action arising ,out of or due -..to this cbntr ctshall born the ('ireuitCouri far C Uunty, Illinois: 'k. Payrblls: Contractor shall m sccoi-daiice mith Section S of tthe 111[riois prevailing Alase Act, 824 11;C-9 130.15, eubh i.I to the VI]Isve, on a monthly basis, a certified payroll_ The eerrificd payroll shall consist or, complete copy QJ_1110s6 records required to be ade anti kcpi by the PNvailirig 'l4.agc Act_ Tlie m certified payroll stroll ki+ ac wrtipnnicd by a statcmcnt signed by the Contractor ur subuontfactor which cert[ft4s ►hat. ilk such TcGUrdS are true and riccuraict (�_) the. humly rate pard is nbt 1--q than the gAmeral prevailing Titre of hourly ww e.s rcquircd by the Prmiling Wage Act`, .and (3) Contractor or subconlydeior is aNVare that filing it certified payroll that he or slit kROWS to be false is a Class'a misdemeanor. A gcnerHl contractor may rely upon the certification of a lower tier s0conlractor, provided that The general .contractor Mes nol knowingly rely upon a sub4atttractors false. certification. Upon two business days' notiC,a:, Contractor and each subcontractor Shall mnkC rtvailabid for insp�tioit the rccords required it# be "lade and kept by the Act:. (i) to the vlillage, its officers and agents, and to the Ditectorofthe Illinois Dcpat'tment of Labor. and his or hers deputies and agents; and (ii) rpt all reasonable hours at a location within this Statc. L. Conflicts Of li ttrest. Co tttactor represent, and certi ties that, to the best of its knowledge, (1) Ila etected of appointed IN WITNESS 'VHEREOF the panics hereto have A $y Village official, employee or agent has n personal financial interest his the busirtcsS of the Contractor or in this Agreement, Or has personally received payment or other fir this Agreement; (2) asOf the date of this Agreement, o0her Cotitractor noc �tiy pci5of, employed or associated .with Contractor has any iiaterest that would conflict in any Manner or dcgrvv with 'the perfiirniancc of the obliv-Ations tinder this Agreement; and (3) neither Contractor nor any person entptayed by or assuCiated with Contractor shall ai any time during the term of this Agrceinznt obtain or acquire any interest that would conflict in ;!sty manner or degree Fvilh the performance of the obligations under this Agreement, VILLAGE OF OAX BRUOKi aai 11611018 inunicip.il 'COIN] OLLXED ' ' Cr roI �m.c s 1 iCS/ t7 �'{Yff1Bf! (PROPOSAL )))TED NOVEMBER S, 7015) left Irk TRO LED I(308 S. 107tn�4,��entte, Shite 12 ' Orland Park, lflinois 60467-8987 ENVIRONMENTAL Telephone-_ (708) 460-6333 * R x: (708) 460-637.7 SYSTEMS5INC. PROPOSAL caiSTOM)~R: Oak Brook Bath and Tennis EST. NO: 6031 -15 800 Oak Brook Drive Oak Brook, 1160521 November 5, ?015 Attn: 'Prey Van Dyke REGARDING. Men and Women's Lockeroom Idea` Mr. Van Dyke Controlled Environmental Systems, Inc. NAA provide AP equipment and. trained peispnuel regiiircd to complete me the following project: 1. Furnish crane to remove 2 existing rooftop units. C.E.S. to remove units from jobsite. 2. Fumish and Install 2 new Lennox 5 ton package ro©I[Qp units MIN: KGA060S4DJ4 complete with single enthalpy economizers and curb adapter s. 3. Furnish and Install neer 250 wilt 100 amp 3l, rated outdoor service disconnect switches for each unit. 4. Furnish and Install new gas piping to new units from exisxing service. 5. Furnish and fnstall 2 new Honeywell Vision -Pro M/N TH83-2181001 programmable thermostats. S. Furnish and Install new duct mounted smoke detectors. 7. Start up and test neiv units. 8. Proyide I year parts and labor warrantee. 9. NOT INCLUDED RoofFatchhig'and sealing. ISNOT INCLUDED', Patching, Paint 9, Permits and Asbestos removal if required. "is work is to be comnpleed for the sum of $,)4,24D0.00: Twenty Figur Thousand TWO Hundred DOLLARS. Full payment is due upon completion. A4, alteration or deviation. rTOM the abON' : speciticat'ons irivolv�ng c�►'tr 'cost of mater a] c7r lab OT Will only he excepted upon written orders for the satire, and will l=iecoixie an extra charge over the suin mentioned In this c_intract. Respectfully submitted. C.b.iis G. Sirimadis vice President (IN.S'uk,4XCE- REQUIREMENTS) Certific ates of Insurance shall be presented to vendor shall not commence work until it provides from the Village as required by this exhibit the Village upon execution of this contract and and receives acceptance. of insurance certificates Each contractor performing any work pur$-Pani to a contract with the Village of flak Brook and each permittee working under a permit as required pursuant to the provisions of Title t of Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of Oak_ Brack (Hereinafter referred to as "Insured") shall be required to carry such insurance as specified herein. Such contractor and permittee sball procure and maintain forthe duration of the contract or permit insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work under the contract or permit, either by the contractor, permittee, or their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A contractor or permittee shall maintain insurance with limits no less than: A. General Liability - $2,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence far bodily injury, personal injury and property damage, B. Automobile Liability (if applicable) - $i. 000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage; c. 1iWorkees compensation and Employees Liability - Worker's Compensation limits as required by the Labor Code_ of the State of Illinois and Employees Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident. Arty deductibles or self-insured retention must be declared to and approved by the Village.- At the option of the Village, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibie or self-insured retention as respects the Tillage, its_. officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Insured shall procure. a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses to the extent of such deductible or self-insured retention. The policies shall contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: D. Gene-ral Liability and Automobile Liability Coverage - (I} The, Village, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as addi#[onal insureds as respects_liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the insured; premises owned, occupied :or used by the insured. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the Village, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers, or agents. (2} The Insureds insuranoR coverage §hall he primary. i 15uranw as respects the Village, its officers, oFficiais; employees, volunteers and agents. Any insurance or self- insurance maintained by the pillage, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers or agents shall be in excess of the Insured's insurance and shall not contribute with it. (3) Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the Village, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers or agents. (4) The Insured's insurance shall apply separately to each covered party against whom dloini is made or suit is brought except with respect to the lirnits of the insurer's liability. E. Workers Compensation and Employees Liability Coverage The policy shall waive ail rights of suhragaiion against the pillage, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers and agents for losses arising from work performed by the insured for the Vllage, Each insurance policy shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either parry, reducers in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) dogs prior written notice by certified mail has been given to the pillage. Each insurance policy shall name the Village, its officers, officials and employees, volunteers and agents as additional insureds. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Best's rating of no less than A=1111_ Each Insured shall furnish the Village with certificates of insurance and with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this provision. The certificate and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements are to be on forms approved by the Village and shall be subject to approval by the Village Attorney before work commences. The Village reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. Each insured shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish .separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for Subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENTO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Amendment") is made as of thi r -F aay of February, 2016, by and between MARQUARDT & BELMONTE, P.C. ("Consultant"), and the VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS ("Village"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Consultant and the Village entered into a certain Professional Services Agreement dated March 26, 2013 ("Agreement"), pursuant to which Consultant agreed to provide to the Village Administrative Hearing Officer services ("Services"), as that term is defined in the Agreement. WHEREAS, the term of the Agreement is set to expire on May 9, 2016. WHEREAS, the parties desire to extend the Agreement by three years. NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the recitals set forth above and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereto agree ns follows: A. Construction. Capitalized terms used herein but not otherwise defined shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms in the Agreement. B. Amendment of Section 2 of the Agreement. Consultant and the Village acknowledge and agree that Section 2 of the Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: "SECTION 2. TERM. The Consultant shall perform the Services for a term beginning on May 10, 2016 and ending on May 9. 2.11.12, unless this Agreement is earlier terminated pursuant to the terns of this Agreement ("InitialTerin")." C. Effect of Amendment. The Parties acknowledge and agree that this Amendment modifies and amends the Agreement and the terms and provisions hereof shall supersede and control over any contrary or conflicting terms and provisions set forth in tate Agreement. The Agreement, as amended by this Amendment, is hereby ratified and remains in full force and effect. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS) Approved as to Fo Date: 0 y "— IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Consultant and the Village have respectively executed this Amendment to be effective as of the date first above written. Al LIM ATTEST By: N"4WV6 6�P,4 Village Clerk #38605362 vl Date: of o�:7� VILL OF OAK BRO K By. " Village Manager Date: z , I,1(e