R-1852 - 01/28/2020 - PUBLIC WORKS - Resolutions丁HE ViLLAGE OF OAK BR00K C00K AND DUPAGE COUNTIES,lLL:NO:S RESOLU丁 10N 2020…PllV―MSQ丁 0-ABAttE…AG¨R-1852 A RESOLU丁 10N APPROVING ttHE WAIVER COMPE丁 1丁 lVE BIDDING AND AUttHOR:ZING A SECOND AMENDMENttTO 丁HE CONttRACtt BY AND BETWEEN ttHE V!LLAGE OF OAK BR00K AND CLARKE ENVIRONMENttAL MOSQU!TO MANAGEMEN丁 ,INC.丁 O PROViDE MOSQUl丁 O ABAttEMENT SERVICES GOPAL G.LALMALANl,Village President CHARLOT‐「EK.PRUSS,Village Clerk JOHN BAAR PHILIP CUEVAS MICHAEL MANZO MOIN SAIYED EDWARD TIESENGA ASIF YUSUF Village Board Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of oak Brook on this the 28th daY of January 2020 Resolu」on 2020‐PW―MSOTO‐ABATEttC‐R‐1852 Se∞nd Amendmentto Contract Mosqu to Abatement Services Page 2 of3 RESOLUT10N 2020‐PW‐MSQTO‐ABATE‐AC‐R‐1852 A RESOLUT:ON APPROViNG THE WA:VER OF COMPET:T:VE B:DDING AND AUTHOR:ZING A SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE V:LLAGE OF OAK BR00K AND CLARKE ENV:RONMENTAL MOSQUITO MANAGEMENT,:NC. ■O PROViDE MOSQUITO ABATEMENT SERViCES VVHEREAS,StaffCOnductedbidprocessesin201l and2014formosquitoabatementservicesand Clarke Environmental MosquRo Management,:nc r℃:atte,was the sole responsive and responsible bidder:and VVHEREAS,the V∥lage Board awarded a three―year contract r“Confract,in 2014 to Clarke for mosquito abatement seⅣices r℃oMces,;and VVHEREAS,the V∥lage Board approved an amendmentto the 2014 contractin 2017:and WHEREAS,Clarke has provided salsfactory services to the V∥lage for many years:and WHEREAS,the term ofthe Vi∥age's current amendmentterminatesin Apnl,2020:and WHEREAS,Staff desires to waive compeluve bidding and amend the Contract a second ume to extend its term through Apr∥,2022:and WHEREAS,the President and BOard Of Trustees have determined thatitis in the bestinterests of the V∥lage to so waive competitive bidding and approve the Second Amendmentto the Contractin a inal forln as approved by the V∥lage Attorney NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESiDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BR00K,DU PAGE AND C00K COUNTIES,:LLINOIS as fo∥ows: 輛sR∝認識 t随 1駄 詩t謄 :な 棚 I:濡 ldSaЮ herewh∞叩Omわ “献Q md mttea“n∝ ,oard of Trustees ofthe Vi∥age of Oak Brook Secton 2 首性最1年 慧1113;lli:]∥fi:11lI帯 }f単1)」::干憎干」:,,wI樽 :d『lI:£棚cξ llh:[:11::requirements forthe Contractfor Services sha∥be,a] 1-7-4 ofthe Village Code Sedon 3 錦誤殺詰銭瀧器竜鵠計競壽罷器器器t Thel層 晰:ι :鳴 :電 =題 Trustees hereby approve the Second Amendmenttc 謄l階 珊据諸:軍 訊謄γ闘:温 悧曽』』孵ねЫeb heMm∞σ ttdthe Ⅷa"Ammtt wblect‐rustees of sufrcient funds for the performance ofthe Services in each iscal years X‰鳳 11:滉 綿 淋 認 鵬 i餞 TT猟 』if理 麗 観 IFt∫閥 1革 満 鐵 the V∥lage Attorney Section 5: Effective Date This Resolution sha∥be in fu∥force and effect upon passage and approvalin the manner provided bylaw Resolution 2020-PW-MSOTO-ABATE-AG-R-1 852 Second Amendment to Contract Mosquito Abatement SeNices Page 3 ot 3 APPROVED THIS 28th day of January, 2020 Village President PASSED THIS 28th day of January, 2020 Trustee Baar, Cuevas, Manzo, Saiyed, Tiesenga, Yusuf '4. A謳 調骸ル_Charlotte K Pmss Village Clerk3